Read Incubus Chocolatier PG-13 Version Page 15


  After going to a few more of the chocolate shops on Becca’s list, the blogger announced to Tristan that the next chocolate shop they went to would be a surprise. Tristan obligingly followed her directions, and parked a few blocks away from where the shop supposedly was. Tristan grabbed Becca’s hand and held it as they approached the shop.

  The shop looked modern. Its exterior was painted white and it had a huge front window with an impressive display of stacked silver boxes of chocolates that had been tied with black and silver bows. The boxes of chocolate were arranged on big, fluffy pieces of cotton-like material that were obviously supposed to represent clouds. Over the front door was an old-fashioned, white and silver striped awning. A white wooden sign that was shaped like cloud had the shop’s name on it in black and silver, swirly letters, and swung back and forth as a light breeze blew.

  Cloud 9? Tristan skidded to a halt as he read the sign. Raphael’s chocolate shop? Oh hell no. There was no way he was going in there!

  Becca nearly ran into Tristan’s back since he’d stopped right outside the door to the chocolate shop. “Hey, what’s wrong, Tristan? Don’t you want to go inside and check out your rival’s shop?”

  The blood was draining from Tristan’s face and he began to shiver with dread. Of course Tristan didn’t want to go in there and see Raphael - the guy was a sadistic, psycho freak angel! Tristan turned, laughed nervously at Becca, and tried to smile at her, but it turned out as more of a grimace. “Of course I do. Ladies first.” Tristan opened the door for Becca with a shaky hand and let her inside. Tristan took a deep breath before following Becca into the chocolate shop.

  Tristan had to shield his eyes as he walked inside of Cloud 9. “B-Bright!” The chocolate shop’s color theme was white with silver and black accents. The walls and ceiling had been painted with the mural of a blue sky and white fluffy clouds similar to Dark Heaven’s except that the female angels were dressed in conservative white robes. There were also several cute, rosy-cheeked, innocent looking cherubs sitting amongst the clouds enjoying chocolate too.

  A gigantic silver chandelier with clear crystals hung from the center of the ceiling. White-painted tables were surrounded by matching chairs with black velvet cushions. The floor was white and black checkered marble, and was gleaming it was so clean. The entire place was so clean in fact that it was literally sparkling. There wasn’t a single speck of visible dust to be seen. Tristan figured one could eat off the floor. He noticed a toothbrush on the floor and realized that someone had actually scrubbed the grout between the black and white tiles in order to get it completely white. Anal retentive, much?

  A large display case sat towards the back of the shop, and Tristan’s inquisitiveness got the better of him. He approached the case, curious to see what Archangel Raphael had come up with. Inside the case were dozens of white chocolate bonbons and truffles, and a few dark chocolate creations. There were bonbons shaped like clouds, angels and wings. The chocolates were either made out of white chocolate and had dark chocolate accents, or dark chocolate patterns had been drizzled on top of the chocolates.

  Tristan was intrigued to see a white chocolate cake and some white chocolate cupcakes also for sale, which meant that Raphael was also learning how to bake. The chocolates were simple, but super elegant. The incubus was impressed since he’d expected Raphael’s chocolates to appear amateurish and they were anything but. Tristan looked around for any sign of Raphael, and noted the huge sheet of glass between the kitchen and the chocolate shop. A muscle ticked below Tristan’s eye. Raphael had totally copied his store’s layout! What a hack.

  Raphael was currently inside of the kitchen making chocolate, Tristan blinked and quirked his head, or doing chemistry? The angel was meticulously weighing ingredients using a brass scale and weights. Tristan felt a trickle of sweat form on the side of his head. O-kay. Had the guy never heard of a measuring cup? Sure, the way he was doing it was probably going to be more accurate, but it was incredibly time consuming and unnecessary.

  Becca poked Tristan’s arm. “Hey, let’s go get a table.”

  Tristan nodded dazedly and allowed himself to be led to one of the tables towards the back. The incubus continued to admire the shop. He hated to admit it but it was nice. He makes a worthy rival after all.

  Becca had her chin propped up on her hand as she observed Tristan’s strange reactions to the shop. “So what do you think of this place, sugar? For a minute there you looked like you were going to puke your guts out, but now it looks like you’ve recovered.”

  “I’m just surprised by how nice it looks in here. Even if it is a blatant copy of Dark Heaven. And everyone knows that the original is always better than the copy. But the true test is the taste of his chocolates.” Tristan said absentmindedly as he looked around the shop. That’s when his eyes landed on a shadowy figure seated at one of the back tables. Huh? The person was dressed in a black trench coat, fedora, and had a pair of large black sunglasses on their face even though they were inside.

  Tristan couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his face. I know who that is. “If you’ll excuse me for a moment, Becca. I’ll be right back.” Tristan said before he stood up and made his way over to the stalker’s table. He reached out and grabbed the fedora off her head. “Aha! I knew it was you, Coco-”

  “Who’s Coco?” A woman questioned as she shook out her long, black hair so that it cascaded around her shoulders in waves. She removed her sunglasses to reveal familiar chocolate brown eyes.

  Tristan’s jaw dropped. “Carmen! What the hell are you doing here? And what’s with that getup?”

  An impish smile curled Carmen’s red lips. “Stalking Raphael of course. I just had to check out his new store.” Since I only got to see the kitchen the last time I was here. “Isn’t it awesome? Increíble?”

  Tristan frowned. “Stalking…?” His expression shifted to concern. “Carmen, you can’t still be interested in that guy? Especially after what I told you about him…?” A.k.a the fact that Raphael was an Archangel with a deep hatred for demons.

  Carmen shrugged lackadaisically. “What does that really matter? Tristan…he’s the only man I’ve ever met that was able to resist my charms.”

  Tristan’s expression fell and he reached out to put a hand on Carmen’s shoulder. He could feel her pain as a fellow half-incubus. Finding someone immune to their charms was next to impossible…but Raphael was dangerous! “And what lovely charms they are. But…I can’t agree with you and Raphael.” He shook his head. “No, I won’t allow it. Carmen, you don’t even know him. The real him. Raphael is dangerous. The other day he kidnapped me and-”

  “Ahem.” A man cleared his throat loudly.

  Tristan and Carmen turned to see that Raphael had appeared at their table. “Mi amor! I mean, Raphael!” Carmen exclaimed with a blush.

  “Raphael.” Tristan said in a low, threatening voice.

  Raphael’s eyes narrowed on Tristan’s hand that was still on Carmen’s arm. “Tristan…Carmen.” He greeted them, sounding angry for some reason.

  Tristan turned to face the angel fully. “I want you to stay away from my friend, Carmen.”

  Raphael raised an eyebrow at the request. “And if I refuse?”

  A muscle ticked in Tristan’s jaw. “I’m warning you, buddy. If you refuse I’ll…!” Tristan clenched his fists as he tried to get his temper under control. It was unseemly to fight in front of ladies.

  “You’ll what? I’ve bested you easily before.” Raphael raised his chin and gave Tristan a superior look.

  A wave of rage crashed through Tristan as he remembered the humiliating position of being hung from someone’s ceiling and whipped until he screamed. “That was a cheap shot, you jerk!” Tristan exclaimed before he attacked Raphael - sending his foot flying towards Raphael’s head.

  Raphael merely leaned sideways to dodge the kick. However, he hadn’t been expecting Tristan’s other foot to go flying towards his h
ead so soon!

  Tristan’s kick connected with the side of Raphael’s face sending him flying sideways. Before Raphael could get himself under control he’d landed on the black and white marble floor and skidded quite a ways back. But the angel was quick to react and pushed himself back up to his feet. Raphael rubbed his aching jaw, and stared back at Tristan in disbelief. As if he couldn’t believe Tristan had actually managed to land a blow on him. No way.

  Tristan’s expression was smug as he lowered his leg and got into a fighting stance.

  Becca and Carmen were also equally amazed and impressed by Tristan’s savage actions, and his powerful kick. Tristan was a lover not a fighter, but that didn’t mean Tristan was a pushover. Everyone knew he took Savate and Capoeira, but none of his fan girls had ever seen Tristan in action before.

  Until now.

  Tristan put his hands into his jacket pockets to protect them and a fierce look shone in his narrowed bi-colored eyes.

  Raphael dusted off his chocolatier jacket when he noticed that there was a speck of dust on it. “That had to have been a lucky shot.”

  A cocky expression formed on Tristan’s face. “Lucky shot, my butt. I’ll show you a lucky shot!” The incubus charged towards Raphael and delivered a barrage of lightning fast kicks his way.

  Raphael was ready for Tristan’s attack this time, and dodged and blocked the kicks with his forearms. The angel then concentrated on getting past Tristan’s defenses, but Tristan’s legs were incredibly long and deadly. Tristan’s reach with his legs was longer than Raphael’s fists.

  Blazes! If only Raphael could use his sword he’d be able to end this fight with Tristan in five seconds flat. But he just couldn’t whip out his lightning sword since there were humans present. Raphael shot an irritated look towards Becca and Carmen. If he displayed superhuman powers he would be breaking the rules.

  That’s when Raphael noticed Carmen’s expression. He’d expected her to look pleased that he was about to kick Tristan’s impetuous butt, but instead her eyes were focused on Tristan and there was obvious concern in her eyes. She was worriedly nibbling on her lower lip and wasn’t even looking at him. The Archangel realized in that moment that Carmen was worried about Tristan. And it threw him for a loop.

  “You shouldn’t let a beautiful woman distract you in the middle of a fight, Raphael. You’re wide open!” Tristan egged as he sent a ferocious side-kick into Raphael’s stomach.

  “Oof!” Raphael bent in half as the air was knocked out of his lungs from the force of the blow. “You foul demon!” Raphael reached down and grabbed Tristan’s ankle before he could pull his leg back.

  Using his incredible strength, the angel slammed Tristan down into the marble floor, so hard that the floor cracked from the impact. The way Tristan’s body had moved through the air had resembled a rag doll. The girls watched in horror as Tristan’s back and then his head hit the floor hard with an ominous cracking sound. Tristan coughed up blood.

  “Tristan!” Becca cried out in concern. She couldn’t believe the intense fight she was witnessing. It was like watching a fight between immortals or gods or something.

  “Amigo mio!” Carmen also cried out loudly, in fear and worry for her best friend.

  The two girls ran over to Tristan’s fallen form, and crouched beside him. Becca on one side of Tristan and Carmen on his other side.

  Tristan began to push himself up into a sitting position, “I’m okay…I can still take him.” The incubus said even as blood dribbled out of the corner of his mouth. Tristan looked up and glared hatefully at Raphael, fires burning in his bi-colored eyes.

  Raphael was caught off guard by how brave Tristan was suddenly acting, and all to protect Carmen from him. There was a twisting feeling in his gut and he rubbed his stomach confusedly. “Why do you care so much about Carmen? You two are only friends, correct?”

  “We’re more than just friends, we-” Tristan was saying when Carmen cut him off.

  “We’re best friends.” Carmen interjected, giving Raphael an angry look. “And we dated in college. It didn’t work out between us…but ever since then Tristan has been looking out for me.”

  “Dated…you mean…you and he…?” Raphael stammered as he looked between Tristan and Carmen.

  Tristan smiled evilly when he noticed Raphael’s unease. “Yes, Carmen and I had sex in case you’re wondering, creep.”

  Raphael snapped and punched Tristan hard across the face for his comment. Tristan was sent skidding sideways. “Don’t regret it.” Tristan muttered to himself from his prone position on the floor.

  Raphael stalked towards Tristan, however. “Raphael!” Carmen exclaimed as she placed herself between Tristan and Raphael, and spread her arms wide. “Don’t you dare get any closer to my friend. If you continue to hurt him…I’ll never forgive you.”

  “Ow. Darn it.” Tristan spit blood onto the once before immaculate white and black marble floor. Raphael flinched as his floor was dirtied. “Ever hear of holding back? Especially in front of the humans.”

  To everyone’s surprise Raphael lowered his bloody fists that were in gloves, and stared at Carmen with this conflicted look on his face. He furrowed his brow and seemed unsure of what to do next.

  Becca took that opportunity to make her way back over to Tristan, and offered him a hand up. “Thanks, babe.” Tristan said as he took Becca’s hand and let her help him up.

  Carmen reached out and touched Raphael’s shoulders. “It’s over between Tristan and I. It was in the past…before I met you, but I don’t want to keep secrets from you Raphael that may hurt you, which is why I told you. I promised you that I would never hurt you.”

  Tristan looked at Raphael and Carmen’s interaction in a mixture of shock and disbelief. He couldn’t believe it, but it appeared as though Carmen had tamed the savage beast that was Raphael.

  “You guys should go. Vete de aqui.” Carmen said still looking into Raphael’s eyes. She had his complete attention.

  Tristan hesitated before he sighed. “Fine, but if you hurt her, Raphael - I’ll kill you.”

  Raphael’s lips twitched. “Understood, Tristan.”

  Becca grabbed Tristan’s arm and began to drag him out of the chocolate shop. “Come on…we should really get the hell out of here.” That guy is dangerous.

  “Right.” Tristan agreed.

  As soon as Tristan and Becca were standing outside of the shop on the sidewalk, the blogger looked over Tristan’s injuries and frowned. “We should get you to a hospital.”

  Tristan shook his head. “No need…but if you want to make me feel better how about we go back to your place?” If Becca had sex with him…her sexual energies would be more than enough to heal his current injuries.

  Becca gave Tristan an incredulous look. “Here you are all injured and bleeding, and you’re still thinking about sex. You are incorrigible!”

  “So I’ve been told.” He winked.


  Tristan didn’t know how he managed to drive Becca to her apartment building. But somehow he made it. He barely remembered parking and entering the building, but it wasn’t long before they were standing in front of Becca’s apartment door.

  Becca unlocked the door and ushered Tristan inside. “Come on in, sugar.” She opened the door wide. Tristan entered and Becca was quick to lock the door behind her. For a comic moment he understood the feeling of a young woman who goes to a man’s apartment alone, and gets a surprise when he locks her inside and has his naughty way with her. As Becca looked him over hungrily, he felt like a sheep about to be devoured by a sexy wolf.

  “Make yourself at home. Why don’t you go ahead and take a seat in the living room while I go and get the first-aid kit.” Becca offered.

  “Ah, there’s no need, really.” As long as I get laid, I’ll be fine. “I don’t want to impose.”

  “No, it’s nothing. Besides, I was really impressed when you stood up to protect your ex-girlfriend, Carmen.
You were really…dashing. And you’re also my guest and so I need to make sure you’re comfortable.” When Tristan looked like he would continue to object, Becca continued. “Oh come on, let me pamper you. Please?” She batted her long, dark lashes at him.

  She called me dashing. Tristan reddened and scratched the back of his neck, feeling embarrassed. “Well, if you ask so nicely, how can I not let myself be pampered by you?”

  “Good boy.” There was a triumphant gleam in Becca’s pale green eyes.

  “Woof.” Tristan made his way into her living room and admired the interesting, modern and art deco furniture. The furniture resembled something one might find in a futuristic space station and were all bright, trendy colors. There was a chair that looked like some kind of space pod and a couch without a back. Tristan took a seat on the couch and tried not to lean back out of habit while he waited for Becca.

  Becca returned a few minutes later, entering the living room with a first-aid kit in her hands. She approached the couch, sat besides Tristan, and placed the kit on the low coffee table that was sitting before them. Becca opened the kit, and pulled out a bag of cotton and bottle of rubbing alcohol. She turned to face Tristan and looked him over. “Take off your clothes, sugar.”

  Tristan blinked, unsure he’d heard her correctly. “Uh, pardon? I wasn’t really injured on my body…just my head.”

  Becca raised an eyebrow at Tristan and repeated. “Take off your clothes so I can check you for injuries. You can leave your boxers on if you’re shy.” She teased.

  “Oh…Ohhh.” Tristan stood up and quickly stripped his clothes off until he was left in only his boxers. His boxers were black with the pattern of little cupids firing arrows into red hearts.

  Becca blinked at Tristan’s boxers before she snorted, and then started to laugh. “Leave it to the Chocolate Sex God to actually wear something like that! Man, you’re amusing.”

  Tristan found his cheeks heating up even though he’d picked out the boxers himself. He may have been a playboy, but…he still found himself getting embarrassed and even shy around women. Go figure. “Should I sit down?”

  Becca looked at Tristan wolfishly. “Yes, come sit beside me, Tristan. Let me tend to your wounds and kiss them better.” She patted the cushion beside her.

  Tristan sat next to her obediently and Becca began to see to the cuts on Tristan’s face where Raphael had punched him. The alcohol stung and Tristan hissed, but then Becca blew softly against his skin in a soothing manner. Tristan shuddered at the sensation.

  “I can’t believe he punched your handsome face. Oh well, at least he didn’t damage anything important.” Becca cast a meaningful glance towards Tristan’s crotch.

  “Yeah, thank God.” Tristan nodded in agreement.

  Becca’s fingers were gentle as they applied Neosporin to the tiny cuts on Tristan’s face. When she was finished the blogger put the cap back onto the tube of Neosporin and stood up. “Hey, are you hungry?”

  “No, not really-” Tristan started.

  Becca leaned over so that her face was directly in front of Tristan’s, and he also had a nice view of her cleavage. “Allow me to let you in on a little secret. You’re supposed to say: ‘Yes, Becca I’m hungry’.” Becca gave Tristan a meaningful look.

  He swallowed thickly at the lustful look in her lime-green eyes. “Oh…um, I’m pretty hungry, actually.”

  Becca clapped her hands together. “Great, because I’ve prepared a snack for when you would come over. It will take a few minutes to get everything ready, but I’ll be back soon, Sex God.” She winked.

  The girl has plans. Tristan licked his lips playfully. “I can’t wait. I’m suddenly ravenous.”

  Becca grinned triumphantly as she made her way to the kitchen and out of sight.

  Tristan tried to get comfortable on the strange backless couch, but his back and head were still throbbing from where they’d hit the marble floor. What Tristan really felt like doing was just lying down on a nice, soft bed. Ow. Curse that Raphael. But…I can’t help remembering the face Raphael was making when he looked at Carmen when she said she might not forgive him. He looked…almost distraught. Could that jerk be in love with her? Ha! An Archangel falling for a succubus…it would serve that creep right!

  “And what dirty thoughts are running through your mind for you to make such a pleased expression, I wonder?” Came Becca’s amused sounding voice as she reentered the living room.

  Tristan turned his head to see Becca and his jaw dropped open slightly. Becca had taken off her clothes, and now she was just in her bra and panties. Her lingerie was solid black and had the pattern of red roses on them. Tristan gulped. Wowzers.

  Tristan was easily affected by visual stimuli as in incubus, and he could feel himself getting turned on at the sight of her. The blogger was carrying two bowls - one filled with huge, fresh strawberries and the other with what must have been melted chocolate, judging from the smell that was now wafting through the air.

  “Mmm, you look good enough to eat, babe.” Tristan complimented.

  Becca sashayed her way over to the couch, looking pleased. “Why, thank you. It took a little while since I had to melt the chocolate in the microwave, but it should be the perfect temperature for dipping. Not too hot.” Becca set the two bowls down on the table in front of her, and took a seat next to Tristan.

  She reached out, picked up a strawberry, and dipped it into the melted chocolate, coating it thoroughly. The blogger brought the chocolate-covered strawberry up to her mouth, but instead of biting it she began to lick the chocolate off of the strawberry with her wet, pink tongue using long strokes.

  Oh my God. Tristan watched Becca’s dexterous tongue lick and lap the chocolate off of the strawberry. She moaned with delight at the taste of the chocolate and met Tristan’s eyes. Tease. Tristan sucked in a breath. Once Becca had licked all of the chocolate off the strawberry, she slowly bit into it, chewed and swallowed.

  Tristan’s heart rate had picked up as well as his breathing rate. He clenched his hands into fists at his sides in order to control himself and let Becca play her little ‘game’ - when really all he wanted to do was push Becca down onto the couch, and take her. He shuddered at the visual image in his perverted mind.

  Tristan watched Becca intently as she picked up another strawberry, and dipped it in chocolate. Becca gave him a mischievous smile. She could tell Tristan was totally turned on by this. He was a chocolatier. She just knew he was going to have a chocolate fetish. I knew it! Becca held the strawberry up to Tristan’s lips. “Eat it.”

  Tristan obeyed but not before he sucked on the tip of the strawberry suggestively. It was Becca’s turn to shiver with desire. Tristan licked and teased the strawberry before he finally ate it. “My turn.” Tristan rumbled as he reached out, selected a strawberry, and dipped it in chocolate. He held the chocolate up before Becca’s mouth. “For you, babe.”

  Becca smiled as she leaned forward and let Tristan feed her the strawberry. As he fed her their gazes locked and they didn’t look away from each other, making the moment just that more intense. Becca removed her bra. Tristan grunted in approval as he began to nibble on Becca’s collarbone in order to distract her as he slid her panties down her legs.

  Becca put her hands on Tristan’s chest to push him down on the couch.

  Tristan fell back against the couch easily. He was so weak he wouldn’t have been able to resist her even if he wanted to. Becca seemed to sense his weakness and frowned. “Are you alright? Should we stop?” The chocolatier look awfully pale.

  “No…please, don’t stop. That really would kill me.” Tristan said with a desperate edge to his voice.

  Becca rolled her eyes. “Overdramatic much? Drama queen alert.” But even as she teased him she straddled Tristan’s eager body. She then united their bodies.

  Tristan didn’t even have the strength to grip her hips. “Becca, please…more.”

  Becca laughed lightly. “I like
it when you beg, Sex God. It’s hot.” She proceeded to make love to him with vigor. They stared into each other’s eyes and leaned forward until their lips touched.

  Tristan kissed Becca deeply and delighted in her citrusy taste. Tristan could feel the tension coiling in his gut. Thank God he would be able to reach his peak soon. He was so weak and his back hurt like the Dickens. “Becca, you’re so beautiful.” Tristan looked up at her in awe. Tristan Savant may have been a playboy, but every woman he was with was truly precious to him. He owed them his very survival. His life.

  Becca stared down at Tristan and for some reason his words made her blush. This ‘thing’ between them was just ‘sex’, right? Sex and lust she could handle. Anything else…she wasn’t sure, but…maybe…maybe with Tristan Savant she…?

  “Ah…Tristan…I think I lo-!” Becca yelled out as a wave of intense pleasure crashed through her body.

  “Ah, Becca!” Tristan cried out as he reached his peak.

  “Wow!” Becca exclaimed when sparks flashed in front of her eyes again. Her blood was singing, and her body was trembling, “Ah…again? No way! Amazing! You really are a sex god!”

  Becca collapsed on top of Tristan, utterly spent, flushed, panting for breath, and her body was still tingling with pleasure.

  Tristan felt wonderful, invigorated, and energized. He could feel his body sucking in Becca’s sexual energies. Mmm. Delicious. Already the pain in his back and in the back of his head was lessening, and the wounds on his face were beginning to close. Ah, the power of sex. He would be fully healed by morning. “Thank you, Becca.”

  Becca was already sound asleep against his chest and snoring lightly. Too cute. He stroked her hair lovingly. It’s a shame I’ll have to break up with you so soon. But I can’t allow myself to have ‘love’ in my life. I don’t deserve it. And you deserve better than me, Becca Thorn.

  To be continued in…Chocolate 10: Hard Toffee

  Tristan: If you wish to read more about the top ten chocolate stores in New York City, please visit the following link.