Read Incubus Chocolatier PG-13 Version Page 16

  Chapter 10: Hard Toffee

  The next morning Becca awoke and reached her arms out to hug Tristan closer to her body, however, her arms embraced thin air. Huh? What the? Becca sat up, rubbed the sleep from her eyes, and blinked as she looked around the room. Still no Tristan to be seen. Tristan was gone and in his wake he’d left Becca a single red rose on the pillow next to her, and a tiny gold box that could only fit one chocolate inside. Curious, Becca picked up the box and opened it.

  Inside was a square-shaped, milk chocolate bonbon drizzled with red icing and with a black butterfly on top that was also made of icing. The butterfly resembled the trendy earrings she oftentimes wore. She was surprised that Tristan had seemed to notice her butterfly earrings. Most men didn’t usually notice a woman’s jewelry. At least not men that were straight.

  Becca picked up the chocolate and bit into it only to discover that inside of the chocolate was a hard piece of toffee. As she sucked on the toffee she noticed that there was a small card that had been sitting beneath the box. She reached out, picked up the card, opened it and read:

  Dear Becca,

  Last night was unforgettable. You are a truly amazing woman and I am grateful for the time we spent together. I will keep my memories of you fondly within my heart. I hope you find happiness because you deserve it. You also deserve to find love - true love. Unfortunately, love is something that I’m not willing to offer anyone at this time…I’m truly sorry.

  Tristan Savant

  PS- You inspired my latest chocolate design. I call it ‘The Butterfly’

  Mind-boggled, Becca read and re-read the card Tristan had left her. Had he just broken up with her…with a goodbye letter? Becca couldn’t decide if being broken up with through a handwritten letter was worse than being broken up with through a ‘text’. They both left a sick, twisting feeling in her stomach. What the hell? What is this? Is Tristan breaking up with me? After last night…but why?

  That’s when Becca remembered how in the heat of passion she’d almost said that she loved Tristan: ‘Tristan…I think I lo-’

  Had he heard that? Crap. And now he decided to break up with her with this ‘breakup letter’ disguised as a ‘love letter’. How dare he break up with me…and with a letter! He couldn’t even break up with me face-to-face! That jerk! Oh…he’ll pay for this! Tristan Savant! You’ll pay! I’ll make you regret this! Becca threw the chocolate across the room and when it hit her wall it broke in two. She grabbed her laptop and quickly connected to the Internet. After she’d brought up her blog she began to type away.