Read Incubus Chocolatier PG-13 Version Page 21

  Chapter 12: Ambrosial Cherry

  Levi, Ambrose and Tristan exited the locker room together. Issy was waiting for Tristan in the lobby and already dressed in a cute chocolatier dress. The top half of the dress was made to resemble a chocolatier’s jacket, but had a round, brown collar and brown buttons going down the front. The bottom half of the dress was a knee-length, chocolate-brown colored skirt that had ruffles at the bottom. A round, white, frilly apron was tied around her waist with a big bow in the back. That day, Issy was wearing a long, blonde wig and blue contacts. She looked like a - well, Living Doll. The ruffled bonnet that she’d been wearing earlier was still on her head and actually went with the dress she was wearing since it was brown and white.

  Issy spotted Tristan and headed over towards him. She noted that he wasn’t alone - two chocolatiers were with him and they looked oddly familiar. As she got closer she recognized them as Levi Devlin the ‘Brawler Chef’ and Ambrose Rune the ‘Patissier Prince’. They had both been at the Epic Taste Gourmet Party.

  “Hey, Tristan.” Issy greeted him with a shy wave. The new chocolatier jacket he was wearing looked incredibly good on him.

  “Issy, I’d like to introduce patissier and chocolatier, Ambrose Rune, and his assistant chocolatier, Levi Devlin.” Tristan said with a wave of his hand in the men’s direction.

  Issy blinked at the two men. “I know who they are.”

  Levi and Ambrose gave her surprised and somewhat suspicious looks.

  “I mean…I was at the Epic Taste Party and you guys were there too. I saw you both…but it wasn’t like I was spying on you guys from the balcony with my binoculars or anything creepy like that!” She laughed nervously as she began to dig herself into a hole.

  Ambrose offered Issy his hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Issy.” He gave her one of his charming smiles, which seemed to sparkle.

  Bright! Issy took Ambrose’s hand and shook it, temporarily blinded by his bright prince-like smile. He really is like a prince.

  Ambrose brought Issy’s hand up to his lips and kissed it. “Has anyone ever told you that you look just like a doll?”

  Tristan cleared his throat loudly. “Dude…don’t be a perv. She’s a high school student.”

  Ambrose raised an eyebrow at Issy. “Oh really?” He said but didn’t sound too convinced. He let go of Issy’s hand. “Ah, my apologies, my dear.”

  “Naw, it’s okay.” Issy smiled tremulously. She shook hands with Levi next. He had a painful grip. “Ow.” Issy murmured when he let go.

  Levi’s eyebrows rose. “Ah, sorry.” He apologized in a gruff voice looking down at his hand angrily. Sometimes he didn’t know his own strength.

  “Naw, it’s okay…by the way, Levi, I thought you were a famous seafood chef, not a chocolatier.” Issy pointed out. “Everyone was talking about you guys at the party…and I was totally eavesdropping.”

  Levi nodded and jerked his head in Ambrose’s direction. “This jerk dragged me into this competition. I owed him one. That’s why I’m here.”

  Tristan looked bemused at that. “Ambrose has a lot of people owing him one.”

  “You have no idea.” Levi said grimly.

  “I love getting people to ‘owe me one’. It’s my thing. And I love getting them to pay up even more.” An impish smile curled Ambrose’s lips.

  Issy had the feeling she was catching a glimpse of the real Ambrose. Eeee! Dark Prince! “I see.”

  At that moment, a pretty, petite Asian woman dressed in a chocolatier dress approached them. She had long, thick, straight, black hair and straight bangs. Her brown eyes were cat-shaped. “Um, excuse me, have you kids seen Dominik Savant by any chance?” Her demeanor was polite.

  Ambrose shook his head and smiled at her charmingly. “Nope, maybe he already went inside, Madam.”

  The woman blushed slightly at Ambrose’s good looks. “Ah, thank you, young man.”

  Issy looked at the woman curiously. She seemed oddly familiar. There was something about her. However-

  “Ay Dios mio, Issy, Tristan - is that you guys?” Came an excited sounding female voice that somehow managed to remain husky. The group turned to see chocolatier, Raphael Cloude, and Carmen Rodriguez approaching them.

  “Carmen!” Tristan greeted her in a friendly manner before he turned and scowled at Raphael. “And Raphael. I heard you were entering the competition, bastard.”

  Raphael looked down at Tristan’s ankle, scowled, and his brow furrowed. “You’re hurt.”

  Tristan shrugged. “It’s just a sprained ankle.”

  “Let me take a look.” Raphael bent down and touched Tristan’s ankle.

  “Hey, what the hell do you think you’re doing, creep?” Tristan grumbled, not trusting the angel in the slightest. However, a comforting warmth spread through Raphael’s touch and Tristan’s ankle healed. Raphael stood, looking smug.

  Tristan looked down at his ankle in shock. “Whoa, you…uh…thanks, man.” He gave Raphael a suspicious look before turning his attention back to Carmen. “Anyways, Carmen, are you here to cheer me on?”

  Carmen giggled. “Actually, I’ll be competing against you.”

  “No way!” Tristan exclaimed.

  “Raphael taught me how to make chocolate. I’m here as his assistant chocolatier.” Carmen informed them all proudly.

  “Who’s the babe? I mean, lovely lady?” Ambrose asked as he eyed Carmen with interest. “Wait, didn’t I hit on you at the Epic Taste Party? Yeah, that’s right, I remember you.” A glint came to Ambrose’s eyes.

  Raphael unconsciously moved closer to Carmen’s side.

  “Ah, guys, this is Carmen Rodriguez.” Tristan began the introductions. “Carmen, this is Ambrose Rune and Levi Devlin.”

  “Pleasure to meet you again,” Carmen said pleasantly.

  “No, the pleasure is all mine, mon ami.” Ambrose said as he kissed Carmen’s hand and boldly began to place kisses up her arm as if he were Gomez Addams kissing his way up Morticia’s arm.

  Carmen blushed at his bold attentions. But Raphael pulled Carmen into his side protectively and narrowed his stormy eyes at Ambrose.

  “Ah, that scary looking guy is chocolatier, Raphael Cloude.” Tristan introduced.

  “I remember seeing you at the Epic Taste Party too. You’re the one that stole the lovely Carmen away.” Ambrose said, noting the way Raphael was acting possessive of Carmen. Tristan noted this too with surprise. Ambrose put out his hands and shook his head in a defeated gesture. “Ah, all the beauties are taken.” Carmen and Issy blushed, and did not dispute his claim.

  At that moment, the competition’s two judges entered the lobby - Albain Laurent and Capucine Mercier. Albain was a famous French patissier while Capucine was a famous French food critic. Albain was a handsome, rugged man in his late thirties with short platinum-blonde hair and gray eyes. He was dressed in a chocolatier jacket, black pants, and shiny dress shoes. Capucine was an attractive French woman with her elegant high cheekbones, short bob of dirty-blonde hair, and gray-green eyes.

  “Contestants, we’re ready for you now.” Albain informed them in a heavy French accent.

  “Please follow us to the main studio everyone. Filming will be starting soon so please hurry.” Capucine added in a friendly manner.

  Tristan and the others followed the judges to the studio. The studio consisted of a large stage on one side with four cooking stations, and on the other side were several seats that had been filled with an audience who looked eager and excited for the competition to start. The cooking stations were composed of a long counter that had a built-in sink, stove with oven, and a marble slab for tempering. The counters were also piled high with ingredients. Off to the side were a series of refrigerators to be used when the chocolatiers needed to cool down their finished chocolate products. An entire film crew was present and had multiple cameras pointed towards the stage and others towards the audience.

  There was a sign attached to
the front of each station, which had team numbers on them, as follows: ‘Team 1’, ‘Team 2’, ‘Team 3’, and ‘Team 4’. On the front of the contestants’ jackets was a number that designated which team they were in. Tristan and Issy were in Team 3. Levi and Ambrose were in Team 1. Raphael and Carmen were in Team 2. The Asian patissiere was in Team 4 and her assistant chocolatier was strangely absent.

  Team 1 and Team 2’s stations were positioned on the front of the stage next to each other, and Team 3 and Team 4’s stations were positioned directly behind. The contestants made their way to their stations, and Issy noticed that the Asian woman was looking around the studio with a worried expression on her face. Probably wondering where her assistant was.

  “Everyone, we’re about to start filming. Where is Dominik Savant?” Albain asked loudly as he looked around the auditorium with a frown on his face.

  Ambrose hid a smile behind his hand and Tristan tried to look as innocent as possible as he twiddled his thumbs.

  “I’m right here.” Came a snarky voice.

  All eyes turned to see a pissed off looking Dominik Savant entering the studio. He had a white band-aid across his nose. “Sorry about that. I tripped down some steps and busted my nose.” Dominik explained when Albain eyed Dominik’s injuries suspiciously, taking in the bruises on his face. Albain’s gaze shot over to look at Tristan, who was also sporting similar injuries on his face.

  Albain sighed and shook his head, disappointedly. “May I remind everyone that fighting is not permitted and will get you immediately disqualified if discovered. Also, sabotage of ingredients will be met with the same penalty. The ingredients have been provided for you, but if there’s an ingredient you absolutely must have and that has not been provided for you - you are allowed to go to the supermarket, which is ten minutes away from here. Hurry up and take your place, Dominik.” Albain waved his hand impatiently at Dominik.

  “Yes, Sir.” Dominik nodded and swaggered over to Team 4’s station and stood behind it. The Asian patissiere gave him a questioning look, which Dominik pointedly ignored.

  “We are filming in three…two…one!” Albain counted down before the judges turned to face one of the cameras with wide smiles on their faces. “Hello and welcome to the New York City Chocolate Expert Competition!”

  “Sponsored by La Boulangerie Savant!” Capucine enthusiastically added.

  Tristan’s jaw dropped at this startling revelation. La Boulangerie Savant had sponsored the competition? That would mean that even if he won he’d be winning his father’s money? What the hell?

  “The theme of this competition is a little cliché perhaps, but classic all the same.” Albain paused for dramatic effect. “Love. Our contestants have been told to consider the question: ‘What do you think love tastes like?’ and to express their vision of what ‘love’ is to them with the taste and form of their chocolates.”

  “Our contestants will be making chocolate that captures the very essence of love. They will be challenged to make a chocolate that awakens our memories of love or past feelings of love. A chocolate that is love personified.” Capucine explained with a twinkle in her gray-green eyes.

  “This competition is also to determine who out of our contestants is the true chocolate expert. Being able to taste a chocolatier’s emotions in their chocolate is what makes a culinary genius.” Albain explained gruffly.

  “Now, let’s get to know our contestants!” Capucine declared as she approached the cooking stations. “We have a lot of good looking guys participating, rwar!” She pawed the air with her hand comically. “In Team 1 we have the chocolatier and patissiere, Ambrose Rune, who has gained quite the reputation for himself back in California for his baked goods. He hasn’t been able to open his own shop yet, however, he has his very own mobile bakery truck! And ladies, he makes house calls, rwar! Visit his website at! In San Francisco, he’s been nicknamed the ‘Patissier Prince’! His chocolatier assistant is the famous seafood chef, Levi Devlin. His nickname is the ‘Brawler Chef’! Levi owns his own seafood restaurant in San Francisco called Poseidon’s Trident! If you guys are even in Cali I suggest visiting it since rumor has it - it’s filled with hot guys!” Capucine announced fervidly.

  Albain rolled his eyes at Capucine’s antics and tried not to smile as his lip twitched.

  “In Team 2 we have chocolatier, Raphael Cloude. He’s the owner of Cloud 9 chocolate shop and his assistant Carmen Rodriguez! Raphael’s nickname is the ‘Chocolate Angel’. More of an Archangel I’d say! Rumor has it that Raphael’s chocolates can brighten anyone’s day and make them feel hopeful. I can’t wait to see if that’s true. In Team 3 we have chocolatier Tristan Savant, the owner of Dark Heaven. His nickname is the ‘Chocolate Sex God’. There are some interesting urban legends circulating around about him on the Internet that say he’s in fact a real sex god! I can’t wait to try his aphrodisiac chocolates! His chocolatier assistant is Issy Sweet, and if you haven’t figured it out already - she’s a Living Doll. You can visit her facebook page: ‘Living Doll Isolde Sweet’ and ‘like’ her!”

  The Asian patissiere shot Issy a startled look upon hearing Issy’s full name, but she lowered her head to hide her expression with her long bangs.

  “In Team 4 we have the famous patissiere and chocolatier, Hanako Sweet! She just flew in from France for this competition under La Boulangerie Savant’s invitation. Next to her is Dominik Savant, who will be her assistant chocolatier. Many of you probably recognize Dominik from his professional kickboxing career and UFC fights! Let’s see if he kicks as much butt in this competition as he can in the ring! Dominik and Tristan are brothers…so we’ve got a little sibling rivalry going on here in this competition today! Sexy brothers…fighting…preferably covered in chocolate.” Capucine rubbed her hands together. “Could it get any better than this, ladies?” Capucine asked the audience.

  “No!” The women in the audience all cried out. And then a series of random exclamations could be heard: “Kick his butt, Tristan!” “No, Dominik will win for sure!” “I love you, Tristan!” “Dominik, you look hot in that jacket!”

  At the mention of the name ‘Hanako Sweet’ Issy turned to gape at the Asian patissiere. “Goodness gracious.” Issy murmured in wonder.

  Tristan noticed Issy’s sudden stupefied expression and placed a hand on her arm out of concern. “What is it, Issy?”

  “That woman, Hanako Sweet. She’s…my mother.” Issy revealed breathlessly. “I haven’t seen her since I was seven!” She explained in a hushed voice. “She’s divorced my father so…I don’t know why she’s still using the last name ‘Sweet’ but…it’s definitely her.”

  Tristan looked at Hanako Sweet curiously. So…that’s Issy’s mother. He couldn’t stop the smile that formed on his lips. “Your mother is quite the beauty.”

  Issy shot Tristan an irritated look. “Don’t go hitting on my mother, Tristan.”

  Tristan put his hands up in a surrendering gesture. “Whoa…don’t worry I won’t. Even if she’s a total babe.” He winked.

  Issy whacked his arm. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “I know.” Tristan’s playful expression then turned serious. “Issy, are you alright with competing against your mother?”

  Issy nodded. “More than okay actually. Let’s show her what we’re capable of Tristan. I plan to make my mother proud. I became a patissiere in the hopes of one day gaining my mother’s acknowledgement. This opportunity couldn’t be more Heaven-sent. Thank you, Tristan, for bringing me here and giving me this opportunity.” Issy nibbled on her bottom lip. “But what about you? You just found out that La Boulangerie Savant sponsored this competition.”

  Tristan worried his thumb and forefinger over his jaw. “It did bother me - a lot actually - but now that I know your long lost mother is participating and you want to show her what you can do. We have no choice but to show her. Together, we’ll win this thing!” He gave her a thumb’s up.

p; Issy grinned back at the handsome chocolatier. “Tristan, thank you.”

  Inwardly, Tristan was unsettled as a sudden thought occurred to him: had his family investigated Issy Sweet and discovered that Hanako Sweet was her mother? Is that why her mother had suddenly turned up at this competition? Just what was his family planning? Or more importantly just what was his brother up to now?

  “Our contestants will have two hours to produce their chocolate creations.” Albain announced. “That will give them plenty of time to temper their chocolate and refrigerate it with enough time for it to harden. All necessary ingredients have been provided for our contestants during this competition, however, if there is an ingredient they must have and that we haven not provided, or if they run out of an ingredient because of a misstep then contestants are allowed to go to the supermarket that is ten minutes away. Let’s set the clock!” Albain waved his hand towards a gigantic digital clock that was hanging on the back wall of the studio. The digital clock began its countdown from two hours.

  “Contestants, you may begin making chocolate!” Capucine declared.

  All four teams immediately got started with the preparations to make their chocolates. The judges approached Team 1’s cooking station first. “Team 1, what will you be making?” Albain asked.

  “We’ll be making heart-shaped, dark chocolate, caramel-filled bonbons with crushed macadamia nuts inside.” Ambrose said as he greased an 8 x 8 square pan. Levi was already crushing macadamia nuts using his bare hands.

  Capucine couldn’t help but gawk at Levi when she saw him grab a handful of macadamia nuts in one hand, close his hand into a fist, and then open it to reveal tiny little pieces of nuts. “Ooo, looks like we’ve got a tough guy here in our competition today.”

  “Ambrose, what do you think love tastes like?” Albain asked curiously.

  “Love is dark, mysterious, adventurous, passionate and full of surprises.” Ambrose replied. “Hence the dark chocolate exterior and sweet caramel filling with the surprise of small pieces of macadamia nuts. There are always rocky paths to tread or bumps in the road of love. But getting through though obstacles and tough times together is what really brings a couple together.”

  Levi resisted rolling his eyes at his companion. Love for Ambrose…was just sex. Love was lust. He used women, broke their hearts, and had strange fetishes.

  Capucine fanned herself with her hand. “Oh my. Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me? I can’t wait to sample your chocolates, boys.”

  The judges made their way over to Raphael and Carmen’s cooking station next. “And what kind of chocolates are you both going to be making today?” Albain asked them.

  “We’re going to be making swan-shaped, white and dark chocolates.” Carmen answered for Raphael as he ignored the judges and concentrated on weighing the ingredients he was going to need to make both white and dark chocolate from scratch.

  “What do you think love tastes like, Carmen?” Albain asked her, having the feeling that Raphael was just going to ignore him.

  “Love…isn’t always easy. There can be hardships to overcome like family, friends, distance, cultural differences, or financial problems. Just like Romeo and Juliet, or even Bella and Edward from Twilight. Those couples both had a star-crossed love where the dark was in love with the light.” Carmen let out a wistful sigh that had Raphael rolling his eyes. “Anyways, that’s why we decided to use white and dark chocolate - to represent star-crossed love.”

  Capucine sighed right along with Carmen. “Star-crossed love. I like the theme you both have chosen. I can’t wait to taste your chocolates. Keep up the good work!”

  “Good luck.” Albain nodded at them.

  The judges then approached Team 3’s cooking station. “Hey guys, so what kind of chocolates are you making?” Capucine asked curiously as she watched Issy pitting fresh cherries.

  “We’re going to be making chocolate-covered cherries. Their appearance is pretty simple so I plan to decorate them with red icing and Issy will make some hearts out of fondant icing.” Tristan revealed with a smile as he started to make some milk chocolate from scratch.

  “Oh, I love chocolate-covered cherries.” Capucine clapped her hands together. “Though sometimes they can be too sweet…or too bland. What do you think love tastes like, Tristan?”

  Tristan looked at Issy out of the corner of his eye. “Love…is a bittersweet feeling because you can never truly own another’s heart. But there are moments when you’re by their side that are just so sweet. Therefore, a bittersweet milk chocolate exterior and sweet filling…creamy fondant and pitted cherries. Sometimes you can use maraschino cherries. But I chose to use fresh cherries to give the chocolates a more exotic taste.”

  Issy turned to look at Tristan and noticed that the chocolatier was looking at her and immediately blushed.

  Capucine looked at Albain out of the corner of her eye. “I know what you mean.”

  “Good luck to both of you.” Albain said with a nod.

  The judges made their way over to Team 4’s station after that. “Hey, guys, so what chocolates are you both going to be making?” Capucine asked the pair.

  “We’re going to be making pistachio bonbons. The exterior will be milk chocolate with a lovely green and yellow-gold colored candy shell. The inside will be a sweet pistachio filling with a vibrant green color.” Hanako explained as she stirred a bowl of milk chocolate.

  “Pistachio? That’s an interesting choice.” Capucine noted.

  “What do you think love tastes like, Hanako?” Albain asked.

  “I chose pistachio because…my own love story didn’t work out. My husband wanted me to choose between him and my dream. And I chose my dream. Some may think that’s selfish of me, but we only live life once. I wanted to live mine to the fullest and pursue my dream to the best of my abilities.” Hanako revealed in a passionate tone.

  Issy was holding her breath as she listened to every word her mother was saying.

  “I succeeded in my dream…but my life lacks love. I miss my husband…and my daughter. It’s a bittersweet feeling but my memories of them are still sweet, precious. Life is complex. And love is complex too. That’s the feeling I hope to embody in this chocolate. Regret in love, and hope that my daughter will find love in my place sometime in her future.” Hanako looked at Issy out of the corner of her eye before she returned her attention back to the judges and smiled sadly.

  “That’s a nice sentiment. I look forward to tasting your chocolates.” Albain said.

  “I’m sure your daughter will find true love.” Capucine put a hand on Hanako’s shoulder and squeezed it in a reassuring manner. “Good luck.”

  Thirty minutes had passed and at this point Tristan was tempering the milk chocolate that he’d made from scratch. Meanwhile Issy was working on the creamy fondant filling. She sifted confectioner’s sugar several times into a bowl to eliminate all lumps. After that she beat butter, corn syrup and salt with an electric mixer until the mixture was light and fluffy. Issy beat in the sifted confectioner’s sugar until it was thoroughly incorporated.

  Issy turned the fondant out on the counter that had been generously dusted with confectioner’s sugar. She kneaded the fondant until it was smooth and workable. Then she made little balls out of the fondant and pressed a pitted cherry inside each ball. After the fondant balls had been allowed to chill in the refrigerator for thirty minutes they would then be covered with the chocolate Tristan was working on.

  Around this same time, Dominik was working on the pistachio filling while Hanako was tempering the dark chocolate. Dominik added green food color, vanilla and almond extract to a fondant he’d already finished making. He molded the fondant into round balls, stuck a pistachio nut in the center, and covered the hole he’d created with the fondant. After that he placed a tray with the fondant covered pistachios in the nearby refrigerator. They would be ready to be dipped in thirty minutes.

  Raphael was tempering t
he white chocolate he’d made while Carmen was tempering the dark chocolate. As the audience watched the team, they couldn’t help but note that they looked completely in sync. After the tempering was done, they would simply pour the chocolate into the silicone swan molds, and wait for the chocolate to harden. Raphael and Carmen planned to use the rest of the time they had to decorate the swans with silver colored sprinkles and create intricate nests for the swans made of chocolate.

  Ambrose was tempering the dark chocolate while Levi was making the caramel. Levi melted butter over a medium heat, added brown sugar, corn syrup and milk. Stirring constantly he heated the mixture to 242-248 degrees Fahrenheit. He added the small pieces of macadamia nuts to the mixture and after that removed the caramel from the heat, stirred in some vanilla extract, and lastly poured the mixture into the greased pan. Levi put the pan into the refrigerator, and waited for it to cool and set. That’s when he’d be able to cut the caramel into heart shapes, and dip the caramel hearts into the chocolate Ambrose was working on.

  On Issy’s way to the refrigerator, Dominik suddenly dropped a bowl of pistachio shells on the floor with a muttered ‘Oops’. They skidded across the floor like marbles and rolled in Issy’s direction. Issy panicked and stepped back as she tried to avoid the shells but only managed to get them beneath her slippery dolly shoes. Issy ended up falling backwards. She lost her grip on the tray that she was carrying and it went flying up into the air. “Oh no, the fondant!” Issy cried as she tried to make a grab for it, even as she fell back and landed on her backside. The tray fell on top of her and covered her with pieces of squishy fondant.

  “Issy!” Tristan exclaimed when he saw what had happened and made his way over to her. “What happened?” He knelt by her side.

  “I slipped on some spilled pistachio shells. I’m so sorry. Fiddlesticks, the fondant…it’s ruined!” Issy murmured as she looked down at all of the round balls of fondant. “It will have to be remade…but we don’t have enough ingredients!”

  Tristan helped Issy to stand and glared over at Dominik. “Don’t apologize, Issy. It wasn’t your fault.”

  Dominik’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline. “Why are you looking at me like that, Brother? It was an accident. I mean, how would I know your little girlfriend wears such slippery doll shoes?”

  Hanako was giving Dominik a look of disbelief. Had he really just sabotaged their competition like that? If so, that was incredibly dishonorable. She clenched her fists at her sides.

  “Without the fondant we won’t be able to finish the chocolates.” Issy moaned.

  Tristan’s brow furrowed in thought. “I could go to the supermarket.”

  Issy shook her head. “No, I’ll go. I have my bike with me, remember?”

  Tristan hesitated but in the end he nodded. He’d witnessed firsthand just how fast Issy could be on that bike of hers. “Alright, you go to the supermarket and I’ll finish tempering the chocolate. I just have to reheat it at this point. And while I’m waiting for your return I’ll pit some more cherries.”

  Issy saluted Tristan. “Right, I’ll be right back.”

  “Oh and Issy?” Tristan called out as she turned to go.

  “Yes?” She looked over her shoulder.

  “Please be careful.” Tristan had a bad feeling about all this. It was never a good thing when Dominik smiled.

  Dominik whipped out his cell phone as soon as he saw Issy leave the studio. He texted instructions to one of his security guards: ‘It’s the girl. At the supermarket cut the brakes so she won’t be able to leave.’

  Issy smiled and gave Tristan a thumbs-up. “Don’t worry, I will be.” Without further ado, Issy ran off, out of the studio, through the lobby, and out the front door.

  One of the valets noticed Issy leaving. “Hey, where are you going, girl? Aren’t you in the middle of the competition?”

  Issy turned to the young African-American man dressed in a red valet uniform. “Yes, but we’re out of the necessary ingredients to make fondant, so I need to go get more!”

  “That sucks.” The valet shook his head in understanding.

  Issy mounted her bike and nodded in agreement. “Tell me about it.” She looked at the young man’s nametag. “Clarence, I’ll be back soon!”

  “Good luck and be careful, girl!” Clarence called after her.

  Issy nodded and took off, pedaling down the street, and heading towards the supermarket. She pedaled hard and reached the supermarket seven minutes later. She entered, quickly found the ingredients she needed, paid for them, and exited. The Living Doll got on her bike, and started off, heading back towards the competition venue.

  Issy pedaled hard, but then she approached a yellow light. I’d better stop. Just to be on the safe side. Issy pressed on her handlebar brakes - no response - she pressed them again. Still no response. Her eyes widened. Oh my God! My brakes are shot! “Everyone get out of the way! NO BRAKES!” Issy cried as she made the yellow light - just as it turned red.

  That had just been a really close call! Issy tried to slow down but the street was downhill. Fiddlesticks! She approached the competition venue, and spotted Clarence standing outside the front door waiting for her.

  “Clarence! Open the door! I have no brakes!” Issy yelled out as she approached and turned the bike so that it was heading directly for the front door, which was still closed.

  Clarence’s eyes widened like saucers. “Holy-!” He quickly opened the door and Issy sped inside. She still didn’t have brakes so had no choice but to stop the bike the only way she knew how. She leaned sideways, causing it to tip and fall over. Issy flew off the bike, hit the floor hard, and rolled. Owowowow.

  “Issy!” Clarence rushed over to Issy and helped her up. “Are you alright, doll? Should I call an ambulance?”

  “Naw, I’m fine. I have a competition to win, Clarence.” Issy insisted. “And I have the ingredients!” She jabbed her thumb in the direction of the backpack over her shoulder.

  Clarence looked Issy over and noticed her skinned and bleeding knees, torn stockings, and torn dress. He frowned, “But you’re bleeding.”

  Issy waved off his concern. “I’m okay. It’s just a scratch. Thanks for opening that door for me, Clarence! You’re a real lifesaver. See you!” She ran off in the direction of the studio.

  Clarence picked up Issy’s fallen bike and his frown deepened when he saw that the brakes on Issy’s mountain bike had definitely been cut. This had been no accident. This was sabotage.


  Issy dramatically burst through the door of the studio and ran back to Team 3’s cooking station. The cameras focused on Issy and followed her - much like everyone’s curious gazes. The audience seemed to notice the awful state Issy was in as murmuring began to fill the studio. Issy was obviously hurt with her bleeding knees and torn dress. The Living Doll pulled her backpack off as she approached Tristan, and reached in to pull out the shopping bags filled with ingredients. “Look Tristan! I did it! I have the ingredients!”

  But Tristan wasn’t looking at the grocery bags. His bi-colored eyes had narrowed at the sight of her skinned and bleeding knees, and ripped dress. She was hurt. His Issy was hurt. Tristan approached Issy and stood directly in front of her, his expression concerned. “Issy, what happened?”

  “Nothing, I lost my brakes on the way back. But never mind that - I got the ingredients!” She held the bags higher and gave him an expectant look.

  “You…idiot!” Tristan said as he reached out and pulled Issy into his arms.

  Issy felt her cheeks heating up with surprise. “Ah, Tristan, be careful! The ingredients!”

  Tristan ignored her warning and wrapped his arms more tightly around Issy before putting a hand on her head, and stroking her hair. “I’m so glad you’re okay…you reckless Living Doll. What if you broke?”

  Issy wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that and found herself stammering. “Uh…?”

  “You’d break my heart.” Tr
istan said as he pulled back to give Issy a meaningful look.

  When Tristan looked at her like that, so intensely - it caused Issy’s heart rate to speed up.

  “Awww!” Carmen cooed as she watched them. “They’re so cute.”

  Capucine joined in too. “Aww, how sweet!”

  Tristan ignored the women, and reached out to cup Issy’s cheek. “Never do something so reckless again. Promise me.”

  Issy nodded, dazedly, but all she could really think about was how surprised she was that Tristan’s hand felt so soft. She figured it was because he took such great care of his hands. Issy had noticed Tristan putting lotion on his hands when he didn’t think anyone was watching. He also made sure to never use his hands in a fight, and only used his legs. To Tristan his hands were precious. “I promise.” I wonder what his hands would feel like…on my body.

  Tristan finally pulled back, and let Issy pass him to the other side of the counter so she could start making the creamy fondant again. They were going to be cutting it close. It would take almost thirty minutes to redo the fondant and then they’d have to wait thirty minutes before they could coat it in chocolate. That would give them roughly thirty minutes leftover for decorating. Issy decided to make enough fondant to have the fondant ready for the small red hearts she planned to make for decoration.

  At this time, Issy’s mother, Hanako Sweet, was looking at Issy and Tristan curiously, wondering if they were a couple. Tristan kept shooting dark looks towards Dominik and looked as though he were holding himself back from attacking his brother. Jerk…I know what you did. And you’ll pay for hurting the woman I lo-like. Tristan amended in his mind.

  Dominik just smiled innocently back at Tristan, I don’t know what you’re talking about, bro.

  Hanako looked back and forth between the brothers, and frowned. She also looked at Issy again and her gaze focused on her bleeding knees. The young girl seemed familiar somehow, and they had the same last name. Could Issy Sweet…really be her daughter Isolde Sweet? It was certainly possible.

  Tristan continued to re-heat the chocolate, which had already been tempered to perfection. If everything went smoothly the chocolate would have a nice shine to it. They were a little behind the other contestants who’d already finished their fillings at this stage. Issy and Tristan had to work fast!

  Issy quickly prepared the sweet creamy fondant filling, and put the finished product in the refrigerator. Now they had to wait thirty minutes before Tristan could begin dipping the fondant-covered cherries. Issy began to work on the red fondant hearts while Tristan made the red icing.

  Thirty minutes passed, and Issy removed the tray of fondant-covered cherries. Tristan began to dip the cherries into the tempered chocolate and once that was done they put the tray back into the freezer for quick hardening. The chocolate would be hard in twenty minutes. That would give them ten minutes to decorate the cherries. In twenty minutes, they removed the tray and Tristan began drizzling red icing on top of each bonbon creating a zigzag pattern. As soon as Tristan was done with his decorating Issy began to carefully place red hearts on top of each bonbon.

  Tristan looked over at Raphael’s cooking station curiously and was amazed that Carmen and Raphael were already decorating their dark and white chocolate swans. Carmen was adding silver sprinkles to the white chocolate swans, and gold sprinkles to the dark chocolate swans. Raphael was creating little nests for the swan couples that were made of a dark chocolate. The nests were impressive and very realistic looking. The swans, nest, and little eggs inside of the nests showed Raphael’s skill in making intricate chocolate creations. Tristan couldn’t help but notice that Raphael seemed to arrange the eggs inside of the nests in groups of three, and was arranging the chocolate twigs very slowly as if he wanted to make the nests perfect.

  Levi was cutting the caramel into heart-shapes and handing them to Ambrose who was dipping them into the chocolate he had perfectly tempered. After that they placed the hearts on a tray to put inside of the freezer for fast hardening. Ambrose put his hand up for Levi to give him a high-five once they were finished. Levi ignored him though, and crossed his arms over his chest. Ambrose pouted and lowered his hand.

  Dominik had taken the tray of pistachio fondant out of the refrigerator and was handing the balls to Hanako to dip in chocolate. She was dipping them carefully one by one. Hanako had also filled a silicone mold with chocolate and when she removed the chocolate from the mold it was to reveal two headless figurines. Tristan wondered just what Hanako was up to and watched as she put the chocolate-covered pistachio balls into the freezer. She had to wait for the chocolate to harden before she could do the final decorations. As Team 4 waited, Hanako began to make clothes for the headless chocolate figurines out of colored fondant icing while Damian watched.

  As Tristan observed Issy carefully placing tiny white and red hearts on top of each chocolate bonbon his heart thudded loudly inside of his chest. Issy was not only trying to win this competition to impress her mother, but also to help him. She’d gotten hurt because of him. He just knew that his brother’s security guards had sabotaged Issy’s bike. He’d almost lost her…and he was so glad that she was still here. That feeling made him realize the truth. The truth of his feelings for Issy Sweet.

  A single glowing tear rolled down Tristan’s cheek and hit two of the chocolate bonbons.

  He loved her.

  I love her.

  Tristan couldn’t help but think of that saying: ‘it takes almost losing someone to realize how much you care’.

  “Attention chocolatiers! You have one minute left! One minute! Hurry up with your finishing touches!” Albain called out.

  Tristan turned to see Dominik setting down the tray of chocolate-covered pistachio balls on the counter in front of him. Hanako reached out and took one of the pistachio balls and placed it right on top of the figurine she’d been working on. She grabbed another pistachio ball and placed it on the figurine that was standing next to it. Finally, Tristan was able to see what she’d decided to make - a chocolate bride and groom, wearing clothing made of fondant icing and with their heads pistachio chocolate bonbons. Hanako Sweet quickly added the finishing touches to the figurines, adding hair and a veil to the bride, and hair and a top hat to the groom that had been made of fondant icing.

  Raphael and Carmen were setting their white and dark swan couples inside of the nests and Tristan noted that as the swans were set right next to each other their arching necks created the shape of a heart. How romantic. He had to give them that.

  Levi and Ambrose’s chocolate hearts had been taken out of the freezer and Ambrose was applying a simple chocolate drizzle pattern on top of them.

  “Attention chocolatiers, your time is up! Stop confectioning!” Albain called out and the contestants stopped decorating their chocolates.

  “Now, it’s time for the sampling of the chocolates.” Albain announced as he walked over to Team 1’s station first. The judges looked down at the plate of chocolate-covered, heart-shaped caramels intently.

  “They look delicious and the dark chocolate has a nice, professional shine.” Albain complimented.

  “The design could have been a little more complex, given the time that was provided for everyone though.” Capucine pointed out. “But using ‘hearts’ to represent ‘love’ is pretty classic.”

  The judges each picked up a chocolate and bit into it. “Man…that’s good. The caramel is surprisingly chewy.” Albain noted. “And it almost tastes like there’s alcohol in here. It’s an intoxicating flavor. I like it. Is that bourbon? No, wine? Liquor?” I feel like I’m getting a buzz…and just from eating one of these chocolates. I also feel like doing something a little wild. Reckless. Albain found himself looking at Capucine longingly.

  Ambrose hid a smile behind his hand. That intoxicating flavor is my spit, Albain.

  “The caramel is sweet, intoxicating, and the macadamia chunks add a little something more. Some ‘spice’ to the rel
ationship as it were. Gives it a nice texture.” Capucine said as she looked over at Albain, and had the naughty thought of grabbing him by his tie and pulling him in for a kiss. She shook her head wondering what the hell was wrong with her. Her thought processes were like a teenager, who was drunk at a house party.

  Ambrose looked pleased by the judges’ responses. Levi looked stoic. What the judges didn’t know was that Ambrose had spit into the caramel adding a bit of ‘ambrosia’ to the caramel, which gave it an intoxicating flavor. The judges would feel their inhibitions leaving them, and feel like doing something wild as a result.

  Feeling slightly lightheaded, the judges made their way to Team 2’s cooking station. The judges looked down at the plate of white and dark swans sitting in elaborate nests. Capucine clapped her hands delightedly. “Oh, how cute. The swans even form a heart once they’re sitting next to each other. And the nests are amazing…they look real.”

  “They look nice and very professional.” Albain agreed.

  “I like that you chose the swan for the chocolate’s shape. It’s a very classic and romantic symbol. I also like the idea of mixing up the white and dark swans…as you said before it’s reminiscent of star-crossed love.” Capucine continued.

  Carmen beamed. “It may be a star-crossed love…but there’s hope that in the end they’ll be together.” The singer clasped her hands before her with a dreamy look on her face. Raphael couldn’t help but flick the tip of Carmen’s nose with his thumb and index finger. “Hey!” Carmen snapped. Raphael cleared his throat and gave Carmen a warning look. She smiled sheepishly back at him.

  The judges each picked up a swan, bit into them, and chewed thoughtfully. Their glassy-eyed, hazy look vanished and dopey smiles formed on their faces. All of a sudden the judges were feeling very hopeful.

  “The flavor of the white chocolate is nice. Not too sweet as can sometimes happen with white chocolate.” Capucine began. “And I feel…hopeful. Hopeful for that star-crossed love you were talking about, Carmen.”

  “The dark chocolate is a little plain. I wanted to be surprised by a filling of some kind, but other than that - well done. I can also feel the hopefulness expressed in this chocolate.” Maybe I should ask Capucine out on a date. It might actually go well…you never know.

  Carmen pouted. She’d wanted to make a filling too, but with Raphael’s OCDness - she knew they wouldn’t have had enough time. It took Raphael twice as long to do anything because each move he made had to be perfect. The ingredients had to be effectively measured, the decorations had to be made with precision, and everything had to be arranged in groups of three or at right angles.

  The judges approached Team 3’s station next. The patissier and food critic looked down at the plate of chocolate-covered cherries with zigzags of red icing, tiny white and red hearts, and smiled.

  “Nice presentation.” Capucine complimented. “It reminds me of Valentine’s Day.”

  “I like the red color. It really makes me think of cherries.” Albain said.

  The judges picked up a bonbon each, and plopped it into their mouths. They began to chew, which released the sweet cream fondant into their mouths and cherry bits.

  “Mmm.” The two judges both groaned in delight. However, after the judges had finished the chocolates their eyes began to tear up.

  Issy began to panic when she noticed the tears filling the judges’ eyes. “Oh my God, what’s wrong? Did we accidentally add something weird? Wasabi? Pepper? I was really careful this time.”

  Tristan scowled, looking confused by their reactions. The chocolates should have tasted fine, normal even. He didn’t even spit in the chocolates because he felt like that would have been cheating.

  Dominik laughed openly as he watched what was going on with a highly amused expression on his face.

  “Is it…bad?” Tristan asked and held his breath as he awaited their response.

  Capucine shook her head and wiped the tears from her eyes. “I can’t believe I’m crying…it’s just these chocolates reminded me of my first love.”

  Albain shot Capucine a surprised look. “I was reminded of my first love too. From high school.”

  Capucine raised an eyebrow at Albain. “Is that so? We went to the same high school…so maybe I knew her. Who was she?”

  Albain frowned. “Well…I don’t actually know. I met her during our senior prom, which had a masquerade theme. Remember how everyone was wearing masks? The fact that some people didn’t even know each other gave me the courage to approach a pretty girl in a purple dress and ask her to dance. We danced all night and kissed at midnight. I’ll never forget that kiss.”

  Capucine’s eyes widened in shock. “Purple dress you say? And maybe two left feet?”

  Albain gave Capucine a piercing look. “How did you know that?”

  “I wore a purple dress to my senior prom…and I danced with some guy I didn’t know. I was so nervous that I stepped on his feet multiple times, but he gallantly didn’t seem to mind. At midnight we kissed…but I was so shy about it I ran away afterwards. Just like Cinderella.”

  “That was you?” Albain sucked in a surprised breath. “Capucine…”

  Capucine picked up a chocolate-covered cherry and stared at it thoughtfully. “Bittersweet on the outside and oh so sweet on the inside. First love is like that…the memory is bittersweet because it’s in the past, but when you remember it, the memory is sweet and unforgettable. Like that kiss.” Capucine brought her fingers up to touch her lips in a pensive manner.

  Albain was looking at Capucine as he spoke. “It hurts to remember a missed chance…but at the same time the memory is still precious.” The chocolatier said in his gruff voice as he coughed into his hand and looked away from Capucine, seemingly embarrassed. “I can see her in my mind’s eye so clearly now. Well done, Tristan, Issy, your chocolates have truly taken me down memory lane.”

  “These chocolates are really amazing.” Capucine eagerly agreed. “They are filled with true, sincere sentiment. Like how my feelings used to be so pure and innocent before I became an adult.”

  “Tch.” Dominik grunted in disappointment. He did not look pleased by the outcome of events.

  The judges seemed reluctant to leave Team 3’s station but made their way over to Team 4’s station next. The chocolate bride and groom with fondant clothing and with their heads made from a pistachio bonbon immediately captured the judges’ interest. The clothes were artfully done out of the fondant icing and the figurines were even holding hands making the chocolates extremely romantic.

  “Wow…you totally surprised me with this finished product. I thought you guys were just going to make pistachio bonbons, but instead you’ve made a chocolate bride and groom. They are really lovely.” Capucine praised.

  “The holding of their hands is a very nice, romantic touch. The figures look very professional. I’m curious to see what the pistachio bonbons taste like…though I feel bad for eating the groom’s head.” Albain chuckled as he reached out towards the groom.

  “Guess I’ll be eating the bride’s head.” Capucine smiled in amusement.

  Albain and Capucine looked at each other and their gazes locked for a meaningful moment.

  “Wait!” Came a frantic-sounding voice.

  All eyes turned to see Clarence in the entrance of the studio. “Dominik Savant and Hanako Sweet have been disqualified from this competition! It has been determined that Dominik Savant’s personal bodyguard cut the brakes of Miss Issy Sweet’s bike while she was in front of the supermarket and therefore caused her earlier accident!”

  A gasp went through the audience and several murmured: “Accident?”

  Hanako also gasped and turned to give Dominik a troubled look. “Dominik…is this true? If so, an innocent girl got hurt because of you. She could have been seriously injured.”

  Dominik snorted. “Hey, it’s not my fault he sent the girl to do his errand. I wanted to get back at Tristan, not the girl. He
’s the one who put her in harm’s way.”

  Hanako gave Dominik a disgusted look. “It doesn’t matter who got hurt…only that you intended to hurt someone. I’m disappointed in you, Dominik.” The patissiere took off her apron and threw it on the counter. Hanako then approached Tristan and Issy, took a deep breath and bowed. “I am so sorry! Please forgive me! I didn’t know what he was up to or else I would have stopped him. I feel so ashamed for not noticing anything.”

  Tristan reached out and patted Hanako’s shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. My brother is always up to no good. It’s not your fault.”

  “Yeah, no harm done. I wasn’t badly hurt either. Just a scratch.” Issy touched Hanako’s arm tentatively and looked like she wanted to say more.

  Hanako looked back at Issy intently. “Have we met before?”

  “Yes. My full name, it’s-” Issy started. However-

  “Tch.” In a fit of rage, Dominik swiped his hand over the countertop sending the chocolate bride and groom crashing to the floor.

  Hanako watched as the figurines broke and a shadow of sadness fell over her face. In a daze, she knelt down, and began to pick up the broken pieces of chocolate, putting them into the palm of her hand.

  When Issy saw the look of sadness and regret on Hanako’s face, she immediately understood her feelings, and her heart went out to her mother. Issy rushed over to help Hanako. “Hey, let me help.” She began to pick up the chocolate pieces as well.

  Hanako looked up and smiled at Issy with a grateful expression on her face. “Thank you, daughter.”

  Issy sucked in a breath. “You know?”

  “Yes.” Hanako nodded. “And Issy…I’m so proud of you.”

  Issy’s eyes glistened with tears. “Mom…”

  “Attention everyone, Dominik and Hanako have been disqualified, so we only have three teams left in this competition. Capucine and I will convene in private and decide upon the winner.” Albain explained as the camera focused in on him.

  “We’ll be back in a few minutes.” Capucine said with a wave before she began to walk out of the studio with Albain.

  A few minutes later, the judges reemerged into the studio. “We’ve decided upon the winner.” Albain began loudly. “After careful consideration, and it was really close, we’ve decided that the winner of the New York City Chocolate Expert Competition is…Team 3: Issy Sweet and Tristan Savant!”

  “For their chocolates reminiscent of first love.” Capucine added with a dreamy look in her eyes. “Congratulations!”

  Tristan and Issy turned to face each other, and both of them were shocked and wide-eyed at the result. Issy reached out to grab Tristan’s hands and squealed happily. “Eeee! We won! Tristan we really-!” She was jumping up and down with excitement, however-

  Tristan cupped Issy’s face with his two hands and captured her lips eagerly with his.

  Issy’s eyes widened in wonderment before she closed her eyes, and melted into the kiss like a piece of chocolate melting in his mouth.

  Tristan felt like everything was right with the world - a feeling of ‘I’m home’. He finally understood that saying ‘home is where the heart is’. Issy’s soft lips felt perfect against his. He eagerly moved his lips tenderly against hers, and ran his tongue gently over her bottom lip, craving more.

  Issy gasped at the feeling of Tristan’s hot, wet tongue running over her bottom lip.

  Tristan took full advantage of Issy’s open mouth to plunge his tongue into her mouth and feed from her sweetness. Issy had never been French kissed before and didn’t really know what to do. Sure, she and Tre had kissed…even had sex, but it had never been like this. With so much passion. Tre didn’t like to use his tongue kissing…so…

  But Tristan had no such qualms. He caressed Issy’s tongue with his own until she tentatively responded and moved her tongue against his in return. The friction between their wrestling tongues caused tingles to go up and down her arms, and sparks to go off behind her eyelids.

  Heat began to spread all through her entire body. Like lightning the pleasure and passion crashed through her, making her body come alive and respond with instant lust and desire, but also love.

  I’m actually kissing Tristan Savant! The man I love! Eeee! Issy wrapped her arms around Tristan tightly, and began to kiss him even more desperately. I’ll never let go. I never want this moment to end…!

  Tristan was having similar thoughts, but they were not as carefree. I’m kissing Issy! She’s the woman I love…and I’m actually kissing her, but…Issy Sweet is fifteen-years-old. She’s just a kid. And that makes me a pervert and a pedophile. This feels so right but it’s not. I have to stop…have to stop…! Tristan had to use all of his willpower to pull away from Issy and he placed his hands on her shoulders. They were both flushed and panting for breath by the time he managed to stop kissing her.

  “I…I’m sorry…” Tristan breathed.

  Issy blinked up at Tristan in a daze. “What…why?” She gave him a confused look and searched his bi-colored eyes for answers.

  “I’m so sorry, Issy.” Tristan said sadly once more before he turned to run out of the studio.

  Issy was thrown for a loop by Tristan’s actions, and just stood frozen for a moment, not knowing how to react. Out of the corner of her eyes Issy saw Capucine and

  Albain sneak another chocolate-covered cherry. They chewed, swallowed, and then looked at each other intensely. Next thing Issy knew, the two judges had leapt into each other’s arms and were kissing passionately like a scene from an old, black and white French movie. Issy’s face turned red when she saw Capucine leap up and wrap her legs around Albain’s waist so that she could deepen their kiss.

  They must really love each other. Just like how I love Tristan. “Tristan…wait!” Issy called out just as the door to the studio shut behind him.

  To be continued in…Chocolate 13: Sour Lemon