Read Incubus Chocolatier PG-13 Version Page 22

  Chapter 13: Sour Lemon

  Issy burst out of the door to the studio and made her way to the lobby. She looked around wildly and caught sight of Tristan heading for the front doors with purposeful steps. “Tristan, wait…you don’t understand!” Issy needed to tell Tristan the truth - about how old she really was (and maybe even about her identity as his stalker). She knew that now was the time. Although maybe she was already too late.

  Tristan stopped and hesitated before turning around to face Issy with a flushed, guilty expression on his face. Issy took a step forward but Tristan raised his hand to stop her. “No, wait, don’t get any closer to me, Issy.” Tristan ran a shaky hand through his hair. “I don’t trust myself around you.” The chocolatier looked into Issy’s eyes wondering what her real eye color was for like the hundredth time. “Issy, I like you.” I may even love you. “But…I know that I shouldn’t like you because you’re too young for me. God, you’re a teenager for Heaven’s sake. I’m such a perv.” Tristan slid a hand down his face.

  “Teenager?” Came an amused sounding male voice.

  Tristan and Issy turned to see a young man with chin-length, blonde hair that had been cut into a mushroom cut style, and sparkling blue eyes. The tall man had a tan making him look like a surfer. His clothes were casual and consisted of a blue dress shirt, khaki pants, and Italian leather shoes. An expensive watch could be seen on his wrist, and a pair of small diamond stud earrings glimmered in his ears. Issy’s eyes widened when she recognized the man - it was Tre Goldberg her ex-fiancé! What the hell is he doing here?

  “Issy is twenty-three, dude.” The young man had a bit of a California surfer accent.

  Tristan gawked at the stranger in shock. “Twenty-three?” He echoed.

  Tre nodded. “Yep.” His blue eyes flicked over to Issy and he looked her over. He snorted with mirth as he took in her lacy bonnet. “Issy, what are you wearing? Why are you dressed like a doll? It’s not Halloween!”

  Tristan turned to look at Issy once more, his expression now cold, “Issy…is what he’s saying true? You’re twenty-three? You’re not a teenager? We’re the same age? You lied to me…all this time?” You tortured me with my desire for you, which I thought was inappropriate and wrong.

  “Tristan, I wanted to tell you. I was going to tell you…” Issy stared beseechingly into Tristan’s bi-colored eyes.

  Tre tsked and shook his head. “Tough luck, man. She lied to you. That sucks.”

  Tristan glared at the stranger angrily. “Who is this guy?”

  “He’s no one.” Issy said brusquely.

  Tre puffed up his buff chest. “I’m her fiancé.”

  Tristan’s eyes widened dramatically at that exclamation.

  “Ex-fiancé.” Issy was quick to correct. “We broke up.” Actually, you broke up with me Tre…after I failed to get a loan to open my bakery. After I ran out of money to give you for fancy clothes, jewelry, or to go clubbing.

  “Your fiancé…you had a fiancé?” Tristan staggered backwards a step. “Are you…I thought you were a vir…” The chocolatier ran a hand over his mouth as he cut himself off.

  “Virgin?” Tre helpfully supplied. “Naw, I took her virginity, man. Sorry to tell you…I’ve hit that bong!”

  Tristan shook his head, not wanting to believe it as the truth slowly began to sink in. “Oh my God, you’re not even a…” He trailed off. “I trusted you. I thought I was a pervert. That I was sick, but we’re the same age. You tricked me. You made a fool out of me.” Feeling hurt and betrayed, Tristan ran through out the front door without looking back.

  “Tristan, wait!” Issy called after him desperately. “Fiddlesticks!” She took off running after Tristan, but as she passed Tre he reached out and grabbed her arm, jarring her to a stop.

  Tre was strong, a buff muscle-head that went to the gym seven times a week. “Issy, wait.”

  Issy turned to glare at Tre. He was still incredibly handsome…but also still a total jerk. “Let go! What do you want? Why are you even here?” She let out an exasperated huff.

  Tre let go of Issy and crossed his arms over his broad chest. “I want to know if you guys won the contest.”

  Issy blinked at him. “What? We did but-”

  A slow smile spread across Tre’s face. “That means you get one hundred thousand dollars, right?” The surfer’s blue eyes sparkled.

  Issy looked at Tre in astonishment. She’d suspected it…all this time but didn’t want to believe it. Tre Goldberg was a gold digger, a gigolo! “Oh my God, you’re just here because of the prize money, aren’t you? I can’t believe you! I thought that you loved me once…and because I loved you I used to buy you those expensive presents. But once you found out I didn’t have any more money you dropped me like a potato. Especially after I failed to get a loan to open up my bakery and I could no longer support your clubbing lifestyle. It’s always been about the money with you, hasn’t it? I was just too blinded by love to see it before! How could I be so stupid?” Issy gripped the sides of her head with her hands. Tre’s presence there was opening old wounds. She really had loved him. When he’d broken up with her with that text she’d been absolutely devastated.

  Tre smiled charmingly and shrugged in a careless manner. “So what if I was only with you for your money? I’m good-looking, right? I mean, look at this body?” Tre flexed his arms. “A gal’s got to pay a premium for premium goods. Come on, Issy…now that you have money I’ll take you back. What do you say? Come back to Cali, Issy.” Tre stretched his hand out for Issy to take.

  Issy stared back at Tre and down at his hand in disbelief. And then she raised her hand and slapped Tre hard across the face.

  Tre raised a hand to his red, throbbing cheek in shock. “Ow…you actually hit me, Issy.” There were even tears in his eyes.

  “That’s for breaking my heart.” Issy snapped before she ran out the building in pursuit of Tristan.

  “Whoo.” A man whistled behind Tre. Tre turned to see a handsome chocolatier with red hair and startling golden eyes. “What a woman. She’s got steel.” Ambrose approached Tre and slung his arm around Tre’s shoulders in a casual manner. “Now…how about you tell me everything that just happened here?” There was a sly glint in Ambrose’s eyes.


  Issy looked to her left and then to her right, trying to see where Tristan had gone. Then she spotted him across the street. The Living Doll quickly crossed the street while cars angrily honked at her for walking across when the light was still green. She ignored them and continued to run after Tristan. She couldn’t lose him. “Tristan, wait! I have to speak with you! Please!” Issy yelled out, her voice cracking.

  Tristan stonily continued to ignore her until Issy’s heel broke causing her to trip and fall flat on her face on the sidewalk with a cry. Tristan stopped speed walking away from Issy when he heard the sound of her fall. He let out a heavy sigh. Tristan couldn’t very well leave a damsel in distress, now could he? The chocolatier turned around and approached Issy. He held his hand out to her and cleared his throat to get her attention.

  Issy looked up at Tristan in surprise and took his hand, allowing him to help her up. “Tristan.” She gave him a hopeful look.

  Tristan coldly released Issy’s hand and slid his hands into his pants pockets. “What is it?”

  “I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lie to you. I just wanted to stay by your side and it was the only way I could think of to accomplish that.” Issy began to explain.

  Tristan raised an eyebrow at Issy’s explanation. “By pretending to be a teenager?”

  Issy nodded fervently. “Exactly. If you knew I was a woman and not a little girl…you would have hit on me. And I would have easily succumbed to your charms and we would have had a one-night stand. After that I would have been forced to quit my job at Dark Heaven. And then we probably never would have seen each other again.” She babbled.

  Issy’s words hurt, but Tristan realized that her supposi
tions were true enough. “I can’t argue with your warped logic…as much as it hurts me that that’s how you see me. But this time you’re the one who’s in the wrong, Issy. You lied to me. And you were the one person that I thought would never lie to me. The one person I was sure I could trust and always count on.” The one person that I may have been able to try having a serious relationship with. I thought I loved you, but now…? Tristan’s emotions were warring inside of his heart - love, hurt, lust, desire, and betrayal. In that moment, he no longer knew how he truly felt about Issy.

  Issy sucked in a surprised breath. I’ve broken his trust. “Tristan, I…I didn’t mean to hurt you. You must believe me. Look, the reason why I was so desperate to stay by your side is…” She took a deep breath to steel her nerves. “Because I love you. I’ve always loved you!”

  A flash of surprise crossed Tristan’s eyes but then he shook his head sadly. For a moment I thought that maybe with you I could fall in love again. But I was wrong. Tristan’s bi-colored eyes glistened with unshed tears. “You don’t love me. If you did…you wouldn’t have lied to me. How can someone look the person they care for in the eyes and lie to them? You don’t know how badly you hurt me, Issy. I thought I was a pervert. That I was wrong to have these feelings for you. I punished myself for being aroused by you. I beat those feelings down again and again…so that my feelings are no longer recognizable - because of you. I no longer know how I truly feel about you, but what I do know is that it hurts to even look at you right now. All this time I thought you were an innocent little princess…but you’re not even a virgin. You could be a slut for all I know.”

  “A slut?” Issy echoed and then she narrowed her eyes angrily at Tristan. “How could you even think that? Tristan, you know me.”

  Tristan shook his head helplessly. “I thought I did but…I’ve just now realized that I don’t really know anything about you, Issy. I don’t know anything about your past. I don’t even know what your true hair and eye color are. I don’t know you.” Tristan raised a hand to flag down a cab, which screeched to a stop in front of Tristan. “Goodbye Issy.” Tristan said before he opened the passenger door, got inside of the cab, and closed the door behind him.

  Issy clenched her fists in irriration and tried to kick the car as it sped away from her. Tristan hadn’t even looked back at her once. “Good riddance, jerk! How dare he call me a slut!”

  But as Issy watched the cab speed away, her heart was breaking inside of her chest. She’d broken one of the most important Shadow Stalker rules. Rule Number Three: A Shadow Stalker may never harm his/her target physically or mentally. She’d hurt Tristan. Issy sunk to her knees and put her face in her hands as she began to cry. What have I done?

  Several minutes later, after she’d expelled all of her tears, Issy stood up and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. In a daze, she made her way back towards the competition venue and to her bike. She spotted her bike and standing next to it was the patissier Ambrose Rune. Issy ignored him as she began to grab her bike.

  “Wow, I do believe this is the first time a beautiful lady has ignored me.” Ambrose said ruefully before sidling up to Issy. “Here, I have your check. Your half is one hundred thousand dollars. Congratulations.” Ambrose handed Issy the envelope. She took it, opened the envelope, and looked at the check. One-hundred thousand dollars. She felt like ripping the check in two. She even gripped the edges of the check as she considered doing it.

  You could be a slut for all I know. Tristan’s harsh words rang through her head, infuriating her. Sure, she wasn’t a virgin. But she most definitely wasn’t a slut! She’d only had sex with Tre one time too! And it hadn’t even been all that memorable…!

  Ambrose watched Issy curiously as she debated on whether or not to rip the check in two. “Ah, it’s a real shame I lost…I was going to use the money to open a bakery in San Francisco.”

  Issy’s ear twitched. “San Francisco? I used to live there. I also used to want to open a bakery there. Maybe one with a view of the ocean. Like on the boardwalk or something.”

  Ambrose nodded. “That sounds nice. Why don’t you go back and open one now? You have the money.”

  “I…” Issy was about to say ‘I can’t’, but…she realized in that moment that she had nothing keeping her in New York City anymore. She’d broken the Shadow Stalker Rules and had hurt Tristan. She couldn’t stalk him anymore…couldn’t stay by his side anymore. Issy didn’t want to hurt him anymore, so she had to get away from him…far away…to resist the urge to stalk him. What better way than to move back to California, and open her dream bakery! Tristan didn’t even want her around anyways, and he also thought she was a slut. “That’s actually a really good idea, Ambrose. I think I will.”

  Ambrose blinked back at Issy in surprise before he grinned. “Marvelous. Are you hiring an assistant patissier? Because I’ll give you my resume, if so.”

  Issy gave Ambrose an intrigued look. “You’d be interested in working for me? I thought you wanted to open your own bakery?”

  Ambrose shrugged in a lackadaisical manner. “As long as I get to bake and get to share my creations with the ladies - I don’t really care where I bake.”

  “You remind me of Tristan…making chocolates to attract women.” Issy commented ruefully, almost wistfully.

  “Should I be baking pastry treats in order to attract men then?” Ambrose asked teasingly.

  Issy blushed scarlet at the very idea. “N-No!” She sputtered.

  Ambrose chuckled. “A girl like you deserves someone who appreciates her by her side. I was very impressed with your fondant making skills. And I’ve heard good things about your cupcakes. I can’t wait to try one for myself.” He casually slung his arm around Issy’s shoulders.

  But Issy shrugged his arm off. “I’m not into playboys.” Not anymore. “But I do admire your baking skills so consider yourself hired.” She stuck out her hand for Ambrose to shake. “Business partners?”

  “Absolutely.” Ambrose took Issy’s hand before trying to place a kiss on it. “And perhaps something more?”

  Issy snatched her hand back before the slick patissier could kiss it. “In your dreams, Ambrose.”

  “I guess I’ll be looking forward to tonight then.” Issy Sweet…there’s something about her. I’ll have fun corrupting her and getting her to live on the wild side.

  Issy just rolled her eyes at the Patissier Prince.


  Tristan was dropped off in front of Dark Heaven. He paid the cabbie and made his way to his front door. On the door was an Eviction Notice. What the hell? Tristan removed the notice. He’d call Susan Torres tomorrow and tell her that he had the money to pay the rent. Tristan just had to go back to the competition venue tomorrow, and collect his check. But he was too depressed, and too messed up inside to call Susan at that moment.

  Tristan pulled the notice off of the door, crumpled it into a ball and tossed it over his shoulder. He entered his chocolate shop, and suddenly the entire place reminded him of Issy. The chocolatier could picture Issy attending to customers, handling the register, and standing in the kitchen while baking her delicious cupcakes, cakes and pastries. He pictured Issy attempting to make chocolate and getting it all over her apron and face cutely. But the images faded like a mirage.

  Everywhere he looked he saw Issy.

  Tristan sunk to his knees and put his face in his hands. He felt like someone had ripped his heart out of his chest and stomped on it. But…how did he really feel about Issy? Now that she wasn’t forbidden, a teenager? Now that he wasn’t a pedophile? He could actually be with her…

  I loved her…before I found out she’d lied to me. She made a fool out of me and played with my emotions. She really hurt me and made me feel like a pedophile.

  …loved…or love? Still?

  Could he forgive her so easily for her lies? He wondered.

  Issy said she’d done everything in order to be close to him - to stay by his side. He?
??d ignored her words. She’d even claimed that she loved him. That she’d always loved him.

  Tristan’s heart sped up at the thought as he remembered her confession. Issy…she said she loved me didn’t she? I was so pissed off I barely heard her confession.

  Issy was right. If he’d known she was an adult he would have hit on her and tried to sleep with her. They never would have become friends. Issy was his first female friend, which he hadn’t slept with. He’d respected her. Tristan had been able to develop this strong connection with her and also develop strong feelings for her because of his friendship. His heart thudded loudly in his chest as he thought about forgiving Issy and kissing her…taking her…making love to her…

  Darn it…I still love her don’t I? I love Issy Sweet. Who was I kidding? I could never stop loving her over something petty like this but…I said such hurtful things to her. I even called her a slut. Will she forgive me? No…I’ve lost her…lost the woman I love…

  Tears began to stream down Tristan’s face. I love you, Issy. I love you…I’ve realized that you’re mine. He thought over and over again as he sobbed into his hands. I’m so pathetic. Real men don’t cry. Overcome with dizziness he passed out on the floor of his chocolate shop. He was still so weak from lack of sex that the emotional roller coaster he was on was just too much for him to handle.

  Late afternoon the following day, there was a pounding knock on the front door of Dark Heaven. The noise woke Tristan and he groaned as he pushed himself up off the floor. His head was throbbing due to his crying and he felt weak from lack of sex. At least his ankle no longer pained him because Raphael had healed it.

  Tristan made his way over to the front door, feeling grumpy while the knocking persisted. “I’m coming! I’m coming!” Tristan unlocked the front door and yanked it open. “What do you want?” The chocolatier demanded loudly of the person who dared disturb him when he was in such a foul mood.

  There standing in the doorway was none other than Dominik Savant. Tristan gawked at his brother. “Dominik…what the hell are you doing here, creep?”

  Dominik smiled evilly, “Good afternoon, Brother.” He elbowed his way inside the shop past Tristan. “What are you still doing here?”


  Dominik turned and held up a piece of paper in front of Tristan’s face. “This shop belongs to me now. Well, at least the lease on this building is now mine. You didn’t see the Eviction Notice? You’re already supposed to be out of here.” He crossed his arms over his chest and gave Tristan an expectant look.

  “What?” Tristan snatched the paper from Dominik and saw that Susan Torres had indeed switched the lease over to Dominik! What the hell? Tristan’s mind was spinning. “What the hell…how did you get Susan to switch the lease?”

  “I look a page out of your book.” Dominik leered.


  “I slept with her.” Dominik revealed smugly.

  Tristan gave his brother an astonished look. “You’re kidding.”

  Dominik shrugged. “Why do you look so surprised? Miss Susan Torres is a lonely woman…and women find me attractive even if I don’t have your demon pheromones. I also possess something you don’t.”

  “Oh and what’s that?” Tristan asked dryly. “Man-boobs?”

  A muscle ticked in Dominik’s jaw. “Sincerity.”

  Tristan ground his molars in response.

  “So why don’t you be a good little demon and go pack your things, Tristan, and get the hell out of my new shop. I plan to turn this place into a La Boulangerie Savant shop.” Dominik spread his arms wide. “Father has already given me permission.”

  “Over my dead body!” Tristan exclaimed before he sent his foot flying towards his brother’s face.

  Dominik raised his forearm and blocked Tristan’s attack. “That could easily be arranged, Brother. Guards!” He called out loudly.

  At that moment, a group of security guards entered Dark Heaven. They were all dressed in slick, black suits, fedoras, dark sunglasses, and fancy dress shoes. They were definitely overpaid security guards. They took out and aimed their 9mms at Tristan.

  Tristan lowered his leg and swore. “Crap! That’s not fighting fair, bro.”

  Dominik shrugged. “Since when did I ever fight fair?” A sinister smile curled his lips. “Did you know that Father has helped me to be an undefeated UFC champion by using his money to make sure those opponents I knew I couldn’t defeat, would throw the fight? People like us will always be winners. And people like you will always be losers. Guards…remove all of this tacky furniture from the premises immediately!”

  “Yes, Sir!” Several of the security guards began to haul furniture out of Dark Heaven and carry it out onto the sidewalk.

  “Hey! Don’t touch that! Careful with that! That’s an antique, you idiot!” Tristan complained and started for his furniture. He’d gone to several antique shops and auction houses in order to painstakingly gather the perfect furniture for his shop. His furniture had sentimental value to him and also represented the first steps he’d taken to gain freedom from his father.

  “Stop him.” Dominik ordered softly.

  One security guard took the safety off his gun. “Don’t move, Mr. Savant. I will shoot you.”

  “Crap.” Tristan swore as he watched the security guards carrying out his beloved furniture.

  “Be careful with my brother’s furniture. You wouldn’t want to break it…accidentally.” Dominik told his security guards with a cruel glint in his sky-blue eyes as he stressed the word ‘accidentally’.

  They smiled back, getting the hint. The security guards began to simply toss Tristan’s furniture out onto the sidewalk so that it shattered and broke as it hit the ground. Tristan flinched at the sound of his beautiful antique furniture being destroyed. He couldn’t just stand back and watch though, and let his brother get away with this!

  Tristan attacked the security guard who had his gun pointed in his direction. The guard actually shot at him. Tristan dodged the bullet, which grazed the side of his upper arm, and then he was in front of the guard. That jerk…if I didn’t have superior demon reflexes he could have killed me! Tristan grabbed the man’s head with both his hands and brought it down so that he could bring his knee up into the man’s face, knocking his teeth out in a brutal move.

  The other security guards reacted to what had happened and whipped out their guns again. They were about to shoot at Tristan when Dominik stopped them. “No! Don’t! My father wants him alive. He’s an asset.”

  The guards swiftly put their guns away, but several of them were frowning darkly.

  “Just…beat him up. But not too badly.” Dominik drawled with a careless wave of his hand.

  The security guards smiled and circled Tristan before closing in. “You punks!” Tristan flipped over onto his hands, doing a handstand, and then spun his legs like a deadly pinwheel - sending his feet crashing into the faces of the security guards one after the other.

  The security guards were all knocked backwards by Tristan’s harsh kicks. Tristan sprang back onto his feet agilely, and slipped his hands back into his jacket pockets. The security guards groaned in pain as they struggled to push themselves to their feet.

  Dominik gave his guards disgusted looks. “Get him! What the hell do you think I’m paying you losers for! Go!”

  The security guards attacked Tristan again but the chocolatier lithely dodged their attacks. Thank you Raphael. He quickly delivered attacks of his own - a roundhouse kick to a man’s jaw, a sidekick to a man’s gut that sent him skidding across the floor, and a sweeping kick to trip up one of the guards, sending him sprawling onto his back.

  Dominik bit his thumb as he watched his security guards getting beaten up one after the other. Darn it! It was time to fight dirty. Dominik reached into his pocket.

  Tristan was making quick work of the security guards when he sensed one last man directly behind him. He spun and came face to face with his
brother. “Dominik?” Dominik lunged his hand forward. Tristan looked down to see that his brother was holding a baton. The baton touched Tristan’s chest and then Dominik flipped a switch. “Bloody hell.” Tristan swore when he realized what was about to happen.

  “That’s exactly where I’m sending you.” Dominik cried as thousands of volts of electricity were sent into Tristan’s body. Tristan stifled a cry by biting down on his lower lip. Dominik pulled the baton back and Tristan sunk to his knees, dazed and struggling to remain conscious.

  “Guards, finish him.” Dominik commanded coolly.

  Tristan felt himself being hauled up off the floor, right before being punched hard across the face. He fell back to the floor, and then he was being punched and kicked while he was down. Tristan raised his arms to protect his face as blow after blow was rained down upon him. A hard kick to his stomach brought bile disgustingly rising up his throat and out of his mouth. A sickening crack was heard, as one of Tristan’s ribs was broken.

  Michael…where are you? Coco…I wonder where my stalker is. Issy…I don’t want you to see me like this…so pathetic…Tristan thought in his mind before he finally passed out.

  “Enough.” Dominik raised his hand to stop his security guards once they’d beaten Tristan into unconsciousness.

  That’s when Dominik noticed that his security guards were eyeing Tristan with something akin to lust in their eyes. Dominik frowned. Sick punks. “Toss him outside.”

  “But Boss why don’t we have a little fun with him first?” One security guard ventured to ask. “You hate this guy, right?”

  Dominik punched the man hard across his face. “Say that again and I’ll kill you. I may hate the pervert but he’s my brother. Now toss him outside.”

  “Yes, Sir!” The security guards picked Tristan up - a few stealing a grope or two - and carried him outside of the chocolate shop before throwing him on top of the pile of broken furniture.

  Hours later, Tristan awoke. His entire body was throbbing, aching with pain. It hurt to breathe. He looked around to see where the hell he was and noted that he was surrounded by all of Dark Heaven’s broken furniture. The chocolatier saw the white feathery wings that had once been attached to the backs of his antique chairs in pieces on the ground. Feathers were everywhere. His display case had been completely shattered and chocolate bonbons and glass shards were mixed together. Some of the chocolates looked like they had been stomped on, on purpose. There was an unmistakable boot print made of chocolate, right next to his head.

  Tristan’s dream of owning a chocolate shop to become independent from his asshole father had been destroyed. Tears burned his eyes. He clenched his hands into fists at his sides. His father would pay for this.

  My dream…my love...curse you, father. I will pay you back for this…I will have retribution!

  Tristan pushed himself to his feet and tried to take a step forward, but his body spasmed in pain and collapsed. Crap. He was a mess. The chocoaltier tried to keep his eyes open, tried to stay conscious, but was unable too. The pain dragged him into unconsciousness once more.


  Final note:

  Other works by the author:

  Rockstar Ghost PG-13 Ver

  Rockstar Ghost Resurrection PG-13 Ver

  His Heavy Metal Heart

  Wicked Bartender PG-13 Ver

  Wicked Bartender Redemption PG-13 Ver

  Bitch Heiress X Samurai Butler

  Bitch Heiress X2 Samurai Butler

  Samurai Superheroes Saga:

  Cowboy Samurai X Badass Android

  Geisha Assassin X Smartass Hacker

  Foxy Yokai X Punkass Cyborg

  Sir Genkaku Host Club

  (Books 1, 2, 3, and 4)

  Sanky Panky Pirate

  Sanky Panky Pirate Part II

  Incubus Chocolatier

  Incubus Chocolatier Retribution (coming 2015)

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  My Strange Addiction: I’m a Living Doll:

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