Read Incubus Chocolatier PG-13 Version Page 5


  Michael returned to the wedding reception only to discover that Tristan had already left with the supermodels. “TRISTAN!” The angel roared in outrage before reaching out his senses to locate Tristan’s presence.

  Michael discovered that Tristan was still somewhere inside of the hotel. He looked up at the ceiling, and realized Tristan was apparently inside of one of the hotel rooms. Hellfire and damnation! Michael exited the hotel, remaining invisible, and looked up. With a flap of his enormous, white wings he shot up into the air and headed to the balcony of the room Tristan was in. Michael landed on the balcony and strode over to the sliding glass door.

  He tried to open it but the door was locked. Michael put more strength into his grip and forced the door to slide open. The Archangel stomped his way inside the bedroom and stopped in his tracks at the sight that met him. Tristan along with five supermodel bridesmaids were all passed out upon the bed and naked.

  At first Michael thought the women were injured when he saw a strange dark substance covering their bodies but then realized that it was chocolate syrup. His nose scrunched up at the smell of sex and chocolate. “Wake the hell up, Tristan.”

  “Huh? What the?” Tristan sat up in bed groggily and turned to see Michael standing in the balcony doorway. His jaw dropped. Oh crap. “Michael…I can explain.” He assured quickly as he put his hands up in a surrendering gesture.

  Michael’s golden eyes were glowing with anger. “Get these skanks out of here, Tristan. We need to talk.” He crossed his hands over his chest. Tristan had obviously just had sex with all five women and this was a grave sin.

  Tristan narrowed his bi-colored eyes at Michael. “Don’t you dare call them that, Michael. They’re not skanks. I seduced them here. It’s my fault they’re acting this way. They let me have sex with them, and let me feed from their sexual energy. They saved me. All of these girls are precious.” I’m unworthy of them…

  Michael gave Tristan a startled look - surprised that he was actually defending the women he would never want to see again. Michael had assumed Tristan didn’t give a flip about the women he mated with. The angel scrubbed a hand down his face, feeling confused, frustrated and disappointed. “Okay, fine. I understand. I’m sorry I insulted them, but…we really need to talk. Now.”

  “Reveal yourself to them.” Tristan said and then added. “Without the wings of course.”

  “Smart Aleck incubus.” Michael undid his invisibility but kept his wings invisible. “There. What do we do now?”

  “Oh my God, Michael? What are you doing here?” Tristan burst out loudly, and tried to act surprised.

  “Huh?” “What’s going on?” “What’s all the commotion?” The supermodels began to stir awake and one by one they began to catch sight of Michael.

  “Oh crap. My friend looks pissed! I better talk to him alone, ladies!” Tristan quickly explained.

  The supermodels glanced over at Michael and their eyes widened at his furious expression. They swallowed and did a double take. “Epp! Your friend looks scary.” “Oh my God, we’re like so out of here.” “Come on, girls. Let’s let these boys ‘talk’.” “You don’t think they’re ‘together’ do you?” “Shhh! What if he hears you?”

  A muscle ticked beneath Michael’s eye in irritation at the girl’s comment. He didn’t need to ‘pretend’ to be angry because now he was. The girls quickly dressed and fled the room leaving Tristan and Michael alone.

  Tristan leaned back against the headboard casually and pulled the sheet up to cover the lower half of his body. He raised an eyebrow at the angel. “So what did you want to talk to me about, Michael?”

  Michael’s eyes glinted. “This.” He waved a hand around the bedroom. “This is completely unacceptable. I’ve been charged with saving your soul…and then you go off and sleep with multiple women. I can only imagine what the state of your soul is now.”

  “Pfft.” Tristan snorted. “You can’t be serious. Dude…you’re overreacting. It’s just sex.”

  Michael growled low in his throat before pouncing on Tristan, straddling him, and grabbing Tristan’s throat with his one hand. “You need to take this more seriously. It’s not ‘just sex’! Don’t you know what sex really is, incubus?”

  Tristan blinked. “Uh, it’s when a man shoves his-”

  Michael tightened his grip around Tristan’s neck, cutting off his air. “Shut up! It’s more than that! Most humans today have forgotten the truth, but…sex is a union of souls. When a man and a woman come together and have sex, not only their bodies unite, but their souls unite too. Two bodies, two souls, temporarily become one.”

  “What about when two men-?” Tristan managed to wheeze out.

  Michael shook Tristan angrily causing Tristan’s head to snap back and forth. “If you go around having sex and uniting your soul with just anyone or with multiple women, and there’s no emotion or meaning behind it…your soul will be damaged. Eventually, you will lose your capacity for love. Your soul will become corrupted…and shatter. You’re hurting your God-given soul with your careless actions, Tristan. Your lack of respect for yourself and for the Temple of your Soul will lead to your destruction.” And your condemnation.

  “God-given soul? I’m a demon…does any of this really even apply to me? I’m already cursed anyways.” Tristan sneered.

  “Half-demon.” Michael corrected. “And yes these cosmic laws still apply to you. You may be half-incubus but you do have a soul, Tristan.”

  “What if I don’t care about what happens to my soul?” Tristan shot back in a snarky manner. What if I want it to be cursed to Hell…so I can see her?

  A thrill of fear traveled down the angel’s spine and Michael let go of Tristan’s throat so that he could punch Tristan hard across the face.

  “Ow! You jerk!” Tristan rubbed his jaw. “You punched me! That hurt! Screw you! You don’t understand anything…maybe I want to curse my soul to Hell, huh? What do you think about that?”

  Michael reached out and gripped Tristan’s shoulders with a sad, tortured look on his face. “So you can reunite with Hazel?”

  Tristan sucked in a breath. “How do you know about Hazel?”

  “I had a little chat with your stalker. Anyways, Hazel killed herself. She had a foul lack of respect for the God-given gift of life, and the Temple of her Soul. Her soul was cursed to Hell for it…and she deserved it. She-”

  Tristan brought his leg up and kicked Michael square in the chest, sending Michael flying back and off the bed. “Shut up! What the hell do you know? Don’t you dare talk bad about Hazel! Hazel was…wonderful. Kind. Beautiful. Smart. Funny!”

  Michael quickly stood up and launched himself at the bed once more. He tackled Tristan and punched him across the face again. Tristan rolled out from under Michael and landed on the bedroom floor. Michael jumped off the bed and attacked, but now Tristan’s legs were free and he instantly brought his leg up to block the punch from Michael with his foot. The half-incubus and the angel continued to fight viciously, exchanging kicks and punches, blocks and blows.

  “She spit on God’s gift of life…her immortal soul! She deserves to burn in Hell for all eternity!” Michael argued as he swung a punch at Tristan’s face.

  Tristan blocked the blow with his leg and retaliated, aiming his foot at Michael’s head with a spinning kick. “No she doesn’t! I do! It was my fault she killed herself! I broke up with her!”

  Michael ducked the attack and then paused in shock at Tristan’s words. He hadn’t expected this revelation. “You what? But why? Didn’t you love her…?”

  Tristan scrubbed a hand down his face. “Of course I loved her. But I…I could tell my nature was corrupting her. She was becoming jealous…violent. I wanted to free her from myself. Save her from me. So I broke up with her. And then…she killed herself. It’s all my fault. Darn it!” Tears began to stream down Tristan’s face and he felt ashamed at the unmanly display.

  Michael lowered his
fists, frowned, and looked thoughtful. “If she became jealous and violent this was merely her true nature. Your demonic nature as an incubus can’t influence a person to change who they fundamentally are. You only induce lust in women, nothing more.”

  “You’re wrong.” Tristan shook his head. “I’m a monster. I can seduce any woman I want with my pheromones. Even if they’re happily married or already have a boyfriend - I can seduce them into my bed. I could convince a virgin to give it up to me in one night. I can control them. Corrupt them. Just like I did to Hazel…” Haunting shadows flickered in his bi-colored eyes.

  Michael’s expression softened at Tristan’s tears and at the chocolatier calling himself a monster. “You’re not a monster.” The angel said softly.

  Tristan laughed brokenly as he looked back at Michael with his bruised and battered face. “I know you don’t believe that. You’re one of God’s angels…you were probably sent here to exterminate me. Am I right? Well, hurry up. Go ahead and kill me! End my misery! Send me to Hazel!” Tristan put his arms out at his sides.

  Crap. He was going about this all wrong, Michael realized. And Tristan had no idea just how close he’d come to the truth. God did indeed want Michael to kill Tristan…before he ‘fell’ and became a threat. But Michael saw the good in Tristan and felt that he was still redeemable. That Tristan could still be saved.

  Michael had seen the way Tristan looked at Issy Sweet. She was his only hope.

  “I know you don’t really like me…you were forced to watch over me, weren’t you? You’re not really my friend…” Tristan trailed off sadly.

  Michael sighed. “No, you’re wrong. I am your friend. And that’s why I’m trying to help you. Tristan, please, you can’t keep doing things like this. It’s as serious as you say. If you continue down this dark path I may be ordered to kill you.”

  Tristan stared back at Michael with a broken expression on his face. “Then there’s no hope. I can’t stop this, Michael. It’s who I am…I need sex in order to survive. And I won’t let myself fall in love again either. Not after what happened to Hazel. I don’t deserve to fall in love again. I don’t deserve to be happy…when she’s down there burning.”

  Michael was filled with the overwhelming desire to help Tristan somehow and began to pace across the room as the wheels in his keen mind began to turn. “How much sex do you actually need in order to survive? Let’s start there.”

  “I…I need to have sex at least once a week or else I begin to waste away.” Tristan murmured softly.

  Michael nodded, and rubbed his chin, “Then it’s settled. From now on I want you to only have one conquest per week and I also want you to woo that female for the entire week leading up until the day you have sex with her.”

  Tristan blinked at the odd suggestion. Woo a girl for an entire week? Only to sleep with her and then ultimately ditch her in the end anyways. “That makes no sense. And that would only complicate things. The entire point of a one-night stand is so they won’t develop feelings for me and so I won’t hurt them.”

  “But you hurt them anyways.” Michael interjected. “Women think they can act like men and have promiscuous sex, but that’s not the case. Women become attached to the men they sleep with even if they try to deny it. It’s actually a chemical and biological reaction to the mating process. Women want to ‘nest’ with the men they sleep with, and settle down, but we won’t get into that. Dealing with their hurt feelings will be your punishment, Tristan. The price you will have to pay. It will help you to retain your humanity. And if you don’t want to do this then you have only one other option.”

  “And what’s that?” Tristan arched an eyebrow.

  “You can try to fall in love with one of your conquests and become exclusive with her. This would save your soul. I’ll admit that I’m keeping my fingers crossed that you’ll end up falling in love with one of them...hence the reason why you have to date them for an entire week.” Michael was looking pretty proud at his idea.

  Tristan shook his head. “That will never happen but…alright, fine. I’ll do as you ask - one conquest per week and I have to woo her first.” The chocolatier strode closer to Michael and offered him his hand.

  Michael shook it. “Now that that’s settled…hurry up and put some clothes on. I’m sick and tired of looking at your junk. No one wants to look at that.”

  A roguish expression crossed Tristan’s face, and he waggled his eyebrows at the prudish angel. “I don’t know if I believe that. When we were wrestling on the bed I noticed that you were turned on. It looked like you were getting pretty excited.”

  Michael reddened. “That wasn’t because of you…I saw all of those naked women.” He coughed into his hand. “Anyways, we were fighting. I was enraged with you.”

  “Uh huh.” Tristan made sure not to sound convinced. “Could have been foreplay-”

  “Why are you covered in chocolate anyways?” Michael snapped irritably.

  Tristan raised an eyebrow at the innocent question. Michael could be kind of cute. “The girls like to lick it off of my body.”

  “Lick it off…?” Michael grimaced. “That sounds disgusting.” He shook his head.

  “I can assure you it’s not. The taste of my skin combined with chocolate is…irresistible. Want to try it?” Tristan teased as he held out his arm obligingly.

  Michael began to back away from Tristan in horror. “No way, get away from me, you perverted incubus! Keep up this kind of sinful behavior and I may have to change my mind about not killing you!”

  Tristan laughed as he chased Michael around the bedroom, just to be annoying. Is this really what it’s like to have a friend? I suppose Michael truly is my friend. And…it’s also so strange that I can be naked with another man in the same room and not throw up. Well, who is trustworthier than an angel? I don’t deserve a friend like Michael.


  A day in the life of a Living Doll…

  Being a Living Doll meant having to get up at the crack of dawn in order to have the time needed to transform into a doll, so that Issy could start her day. First, Issy would shower, blow-dry her hair, and tie her hair up into a bun. She’d wash her face, and brush her teeth. Then she’d go into her huge walk-in closet to select her outfit for the day from a wide selection of pretty Victorian style dresses.

  That day, Issy decided on a frilly, pink, floral print blouse, and a pair of bloomers or dolly pantaloons that resembled shorts that had lace decorating the hems. She sat down in front of her dressing table, and pulled a pair of pink and white striped knee socks that had bows at the tops up her legs, and put on a pair of platform, patent leather shoes. From her wig collection she chose a curly, blonde, longhaired wig with pink tips. She attached a large pink bow to the top of her head and while still seated at her dressing table began her dolly make-up.

  First, she selected a pair of circle lenses. Circle lenses were contact lenses that made the eye appear bigger than it really was. She decided to wear her green ones that day. Issy applied foundation, lots of sparkly eye shadow, Dolly Wink, black, liquid eyeliner, and lastly a pale pink gloss to her lips. Her face now resembled the face of a porcelain doll with its huge eyes and tiny lips perfectly. She grabbed a black choker that had a small, cameo portrait on it and tied it around her neck.

  After she was finished getting ready, Issy looked at her reflection in a full-length mirror and grinned. Too cute. Her smile dipped though when she remembered that the money her mother Hanako had left her before disappearing to France was dwindling. It was high time she got herself a job in New York City - ideally as a patissiere. Issy had several job interviews scheduled for that very day at various popular bakeries throughout the city.

  Issy left her apartment building, ignoring the strange looks she was receiving due to her doll-like appearance, and hopped on her bike. She took off, heading for Payard Bakery first. Payard Bakery was located at 116 West Houston Street. She arrived a few minutes later and pulled her bike up i
n front. The bakery was inside of a town house style building with a red awning that had the bakery’s name on it in white capital letter’s: FRANCOIS PAYARD BAKERY. Issy dismounted her bike and went inside.

  The bakery’s employees gave Issy funny looks while one of them went off to fetch the manager for her. While Issy waited she looked into the display case and drooled. There were Napoleons, Éclairs, a Lemon Tart, a Chocolate Chiboust Tart, and colorful Macaroons that were green, red, brown and yellow. The manager stepped out from the kitchen in the back, and into the main shop area behind the display case. The manager was a serious looking, middle-aged man that was dressed in a white chef jacket and black pants. He raised an eyebrow as he took in Issy’s appearance. “Isolde Sweet?”

  Issy stepped forward and nodded. “Yes.” She stuck her hand out for him to shake. “It’s nice to meet you-”

  The manager did not take Issy’s hand, however, and stared down at it with obvious disdain. “Miss Sweet, is this some kind of joke to you?”

  “Excuse me?” Issy blinked.

  “Coming here dressed like that for a job interview? It isn’t Halloween. I can’t help but think you’re not taking this job interview seriously. We here at Payard take things very seriously. Baking isn’t fun and games. It’s serious business.” He crossed his arms over his chest as he continued to stare down at her with a haughty expression on his face.

  “Not fun…serious business?” Issy frowned. “I’m surprised to find someone that is able to create such beautiful and delicious looking cakes to be so narrow-minded. I specialize in baking novelty cakes myself. And each cake is a work of art where I have freedom of expression. When I decorate a cake…I find it to be extremely fun. You know what? I don’t think I want to work at a place that takes baking so seriously. Baking is supposed to be fun! Hmph! Good day!” Issy stomped out of the bakery, fuming.

  Well, whatever, I’ll just have to try again. Issy made her way to Soutine Bakery next. The bakery was known for its delicious tarts in a variety of flavors - strawberry-rhubarb, apple, cherry, chocolate truffle, fresh berry, lemon, plum and pecan. She stepped inside, looking forward to getting to see their display case, but was disappointed when she found that it was empty and that there were no customers inside. Issy looked around the shop frowning and finally caught sight of a young man that was wiping down the tables. Issy approached. “Hi there, I’m Isolde Sweet. I have an interview scheduled with Manager Rob.”

  “That’s me.” The young man grinned and his blue eyes sparkled. Issy took a moment to take in his appearance. The young man had red hair, a few freckles sprinkled across his nose, and a lanky build. He looked like a college grad, like herself. Rob stuck his hand out for Issy to take and they shook hands.

  Rob looked her over too and his smile widened as he took in her dolly outfit, but he didn’t comment on what she was wearing. “Nice to meet you, Isolde.”

  “Just call me, Issy.” Issy said slightly embarrassed by her old-fashioned name. She hated her name.

  “Okay, Issy. Please follow me. We’ll have the interview in the back office.” Rob led Issy through the bakery, past the kitchen, and to the back of the building where there were several rooms. The place was completely deserted.

  “Uh…where is everyone?” Issy asked, beginning to feel slightly nervous. Rob seemed harmless enough but being alone with a man twice her size probably wasn’t a good idea.

  “Oh…we’re doing some renovations this week. That’s why there’s no one here. We’ll be officially open again for business next week.” Rob informed her genially.

  “Oh, I see.” Issy nodded as she kept her distance behind Rob.

  Rob led Issy to an office and ushered her inside. He took a seat behind the desk and motioned for Issy to take a seat in one of the two armchairs that sat in front of the desk. She did so and fished around in her handbag to get out a copy of her resume. Issy handed it to Rob. “Here’s a copy of my resume.”

  “Thanks.” Rob stared down at it and scanned it quickly. He looked up a moment later with a look of surprise. “You’re twenty-three too! I thought you were like fifteen!” Rob chuckled. “I just graduated from college too. God, I miss it. The parties…”

  Issy’s cheeks turned pink. “Ah, yeah, I get that a lot.”

  Rob gave her an intent look. “You’re part Asian, right?”

  “Yeah. I’m half-Japanese.” Issy snapped, feeling defensive. She already knew she was short for her age and blamed it on her Asian genes.

  “Cute.” Rob smiled and his eyes twinkled. “So…I can tell you really want this job, huh?” His blue eyes were lingering on her dolly dress.

  “Excuse me?”

  “Well, coming here dressed like that…” Rob waved his hand at her. “It’s like you’re gift-wrapped and even have a bow on top. You’re lucky you’re my type. Alright, I accept your offer. We’ll hire you.” Rob stood up from his chair and approached Issy.

  “Wait? What? I think there’s been some sort of misunderstanding-” Issy tried to stand up-

  But Rob put his hands on Issy’s shoulders and pushed her back down into her chair. “No, there’s been no misunderstanding. It’s okay. I already said I’ll hire you so…” Rob leaned forward to kiss Issy.

  Issy’s eyes widened in shock and she turned her head away so that his chapped lips fell against her cheek instead of her mouth. “W-What do you think you’re doing? Get off of me!”

  Rob chuckled in amusement. “Trying to act all innocent? That’s cute. You’re not a kid and to be dressed up like that at twenty-three can only mean you’re into sexual fetishes or fantasies or something. But I’m game, little dolly.”

  Rob slid his hand up Issy’s thigh, heading for her crotch, and her fear spiked. Oh hell no! “I said…” Issy fished inside of her handbag for her mace. “GET OFF!” She sprayed mace into Rob’s eyes.

  “Ah…hell! Little witch!” Rob stumbled backwards blindly.

  Issy was able to stand and she wasted no time in kicking Rob right in the crotch. “Ow!” Rob bent over in pain and cupped himself. “I can’t believe you just did that, you little tease!”

  “I’m no tease, pervert!” Issy grabbed her resume off the desk, stuffed it inside of her bag, and fled from the office without looking back. She left the bakery and mounted her bike. Then she realized that she couldn’t put her foot on the bike petal properly because her entire body was trembling. Issy took a moment to calm herself down and took deep breaths. That pervert! How dare he? He’d completely misunderstood her. Was twenty-three really so old to like cosplay? Tears filled her eyes but she stubbornly blinked them away. I just want to escape from reality a little. Is that so bad?

  Issy finally managed to mount her bike properly and took off down the street. She continued to pedal hard as tears blurred her vision. She was lucky she didn’t get into an accident. Finally, she stopped, utterly exhausted and panting for breath. Issy realized she had no idea where she was.

  Issy looked up and saw that she’d subconsciously gone straight to Dark Heaven. Dark Heaven was a quaint, white, two-story building with Victorian architecture. The shop had an enormous front window and a nice window display. In the display fake, white fluffy clouds had gold boxes of chocolates sitting on them. The sign that hung above the door was made out of wood and shaped like a pair of angel wings. The wings had been painted gold and the shop’s name: ‘Dark Heaven’ had been painted on it in brown letters.

  Why had she come here? She wondered. But then shook her head. She’d probably just come there because her apartment building was right next store. Issy took more deep breaths and finally began to calm down. She wiped the tears from her eyes as her heartbeat returned to normal.

  Michael wanted Issy to work with Tristan at his shop. She knew she should stay away from the object of her affections but…for some reason she was dismounting from her bike and making her way towards the front door. She was no longer trembling, no longer afraid. Tristan and Michael were kind, dece
nt people who would never hurt her.

  Issy leaned her bike up against a tree and entered the chocolate shop. The bronze bell above the door jingled signaling her presence. Every time she entered Dark Heaven it was like stepping into a whimsical fantasy world, and she loved that.

  The interior of the shop had been decorated in white, gold, dark brown and pale blue colors. Hanging above her was a gigantic, antique, crystal chandelier that glittered and sent prisms of rainbows scattered across the walls and floor. Towards the back of the establishment was a long display case that contained hundreds of different types of chocolate bonbons and truffles.

  Issy was drawn towards the case and peered inside intently. The chocolates were all different flavors: caramel, pistachio, coconut, and cherry, to name a few. The chocolates also had angelic inspired shapes: angels, angel wings, halos, and clouds. Some of the simpler square and rectangular shaped chocolates had hand-piped images on them with angelic themes.

  Issy’s attention was drawn to the mural that was on the right wall. It was of a blue sky with puffy, white clouds and angels. The angels were gorgeous and buxom females wearing low-cut, white gowns and eating chocolate with rapturous expressions on their faces. Issy’s lip twitched at the sight of the slightly indecent, busty angels. Tristan, you dawg. I wonder what Michael thinks about this! One of those angels could be Michael’s sister or something!

  The entire shop had been furnished with antiques - round tables and plush chairs with soft, velvet cushions. White, feathery wings had been attached to the backs of the chairs to make the customers feel like they were ‘angels’ while visiting this dark piece of heaven. Issy had sat at one of those chairs before and had to admit that it worked. Spread wings that had been carved out of wood and painted gold had been stuck to the walls for added decoration.

  The ceiling had also been painted to resemble a blue sky with white clouds and a sun. The image of a stunning woman that was probably supposed to be the Sun Goddess was also painted onto the sun. Coming to Dark Heaven was like getting to escape reality…it was a secret, forbidden fantasy come to life.

  Issy felt at home there. At that exact moment, Tristan stepped out of the kitchen and behind the display case. He spotted Issy and looked her over before smiling warmly at her.

  Issy knew that look - it wasn’t the look Tristan gave women or potential conquests, but the look he gave to a kid. As Tristan’s stalker, Issy knew that Tristan had a ‘weakness’ or ‘soft spot’ for kids.

  “Hello there, little girl, how may I help you today?” Tristan asked in a friendly and professional manner.

  Issy approached Tristan, noticed the bruises on his face, and frowned. “You’re hurt. How did you get hurt?”

  Tristan blinked, surprised that Issy had even noticed. Most of the young women who came there were too distracted by Tristan’s pheromones to be thinking about anything except for sex. Well, she was just a little girl, so that had to be it. “Ah…” He put a hand behind his head, feeling abashed. “My friend Michael and I had a little disagreement.”

  “Michael? Michael did that to you?” Issy sounded surprised, disappointed and slightly angry.

  “It’s nothing.” Tristan waved her concern away and felt oddly touched by the girl’s continued worry. “It’s a man thing. Men fight all the time.”

  “Yeah, maybe, but you don’t.” She muttered softly to herself. Tristan was a lover, not a fighter. If he could avoid conflict, then he would. This wasn’t to say that Tristan was weak. He took Savate, Capoeira and kickboxing classes and was a good fighter. He’d only fight with his legs and not his hands though. This was because Tristan considered his hands to be precious tools for making chocolate and pleasuring women, and so went to great lengths to never damage them.

  “What was that?” Tristan asked with an intent expression on his face.

  “No, nothing. I, um, I heard you were looking for an assistant patissiere?” Issy asked.

  Tristan’s bi-colored eyes narrowed at her. “And who told you that? Michael?”

  “As a matter of fact he did.”

  Tristan looked Issy over again, this time with much more interest. “How old are you?”

  “I’m…” Issy bit her lip as she had a sudden devious idea. “I’m fifteen. I ran away from home because my dream is to be a patissiere. I just want to bake. It’s my passion.”

  “Fifteen…she’s just a kid.” Tristan muttered to himself before he continued on in a louder tone. “Why did you run away from home? I bet your parents are worried about you.”

  Issy shook her head. “My mother…abandoned me when I was seven-years-old. My father remarried and my stepmother doesn’t like me very much.” This is all actually true. And they weren’t happy that I wanted to become a patissiere either. But that didn’t matter. Tre was going to help me open up my own shop in California, but now…? “I don’t fit in there with them.”

  Tristan gave Issy a sympathetic look, and unexpected tears had sprung to his eyes. He reached out and patted Issy’s head. “You’re so brave to run away from home in order to pursue your dream. I’ll let you in on a little secret.” Tristan leaned forward and continued on in a hushed voice. “I ran away from home too.”

  “Really?” Issy tried to act surprised by this revelation. “Why did you run away?” She held her breath, awaiting his response with rapt attention.

  “My father and I…don’t exactly see eye to eye.” Tristan shrugged carelessly.

  “Well, they say ‘home’ is where the heart is anyways.” And my home is with you Tristan Savant.

  “Yeah.” He gave her an assessing look. “Do you have a resume?”

  “I…don’t. Sorry. I totally forgot to bring it.” And I’d have to change the age on it before I could show it to you anyways. “But…how about this. Why don’t you test my baking skills? I’ll bake you something and if you don’t like it then you don’t have to hire me.”

  Tristan mulled over the girl’s suggestion and finally nodded. “Alright…so what’s your name, little girl?”

  “Isolde. But you can call me Issy.” Issy offered her hand to Tristan.

  “Issy.” He took her hand and shook it. As soon as their hands touched there was an electric zap that passed between them causing their hands to tingle.

  Issy pulled her hand back and stared down at it quizzically while Tristan did the same. “Static electricity?” Issy murmured.

  “Yeah.” Tristan was quick to agree. “Static. Please, follow me, Issy. I’ll take you to the kitchen.” He motioned for Issy to come behind the display case.

  “Okay.” Issy made her way past the display case and followed Tristan to the door that led to the kitchen. The kitchen was visible through the large sheet of glass that separated the kitchen from the shop and earlier Issy had noticed Michael making chocolate. Michael was using a stainless steel funnel filled with chocolate he’d already tempered, and pouring the chocolate into a chocolate mold tray. As Issy and Tristan entered the kitchen, Michael looked up.

  “Hey Michael, this little girl says that you told her that we were hiring a patissiere. Is that true?” Tristan asked with an amused twinkle in his bi-colored eyes.

  Michael gazed at Issy, took in her doll-like appearance, and frowned. “No, I’ve never seen this girl be-”

  “Michael! What are you saying?” Issy quickly cut Michael off as she crossed the distance between her and Michael with surprisingly long strides. “It’s me - Issy.”

  “Issy?” Michael’s eyes widened, “Why are you dressed like-?”

  “Ah!” Issy exclaimed before grabbing Michael’s arm and tugging him aside. She then whispered to him in a low voice. “Shhh! You’re the one who wanted me to work here, remember? So, alright, I will, but I don’t want Tristan knowing the ‘real me’. I want him to think I’m a fifteen-year-old runaway who is also a Living Doll.”

  “Fifteen! And what the hell is a Living Doll?” Michael scratched his head feeling confused and befuddled. Human
women were so strange.

  “Yes, fifteen. That way I’ll stay off of Tristan’s radar as a woman. He has a soft spot for kids. And he’s never slept with anyone that wasn’t over eighteen.” Issy informed the angel.

  “It’s scary that you know that.” Michael shot back, dryly.

  Issy ignored that comment and continued. “A Living Doll is someone who dresses like a Victorian porcelain doll and wants to look like a doll that’s been brought to life. It’s a fashion statement. It’s perfectly normal.” She added to see what Michael’s reaction would be.

  “Fashion statement? Perfectly normal?” After a moment Michael shrugged. “Well, if you say so…I guess I have no right to complain. I’m glad you’re here, Issy.” You’re Tristan’s only hope. He silently added in his mind.

  “No prob.” Huh, so he readily believed me when I said being a Living Doll is normal. Since he’s really an Archangel he’s probably naïve about human society and human females in general. I could use this to my advantage.

  Meanwhile, Tristan was watching Michael and Issy speaking together in a conspiratorial manner and had a weird feeling about it. He couldn’t quite figure it out. What was he feeling exactly? It was almost like he felt like he was being left out. Like he was jealous? Of a little kid? Naw. He just wasn’t used to a female ignoring him…even a mini one.

  Issy pulled away from Michael when she realized how close their faces had gotten and blushed. She spun around to face Tristan, who had a strange look on his face. He looked constipated. “Anyways, let me get started with showing you my mad skills!” Issy rolled up her lacy sleeves and began to go around the kitchen, opening up the cupboards and taking out the ingredients she needed.

  Tristan watched her move around the kitchen as if she’d been there before. Michael noticed Issy’s familiarity with the kitchen as well and realized that Tristan might notice it. Thinking fast, Michael grabbed Tristan by the arm and began to lead him out of the kitchen. “Let’s give the little lady some room to do her thing.”

  “Uh, yeah, right, sure.” Tristan responded dazedly as he was pulled from the kitchen.

  Issy let out a breath of relief once Tristan was gone. She felt way less nervous. Issy decided to make something simple yet delicious - cupcakes. First, she made the batter for chocolate cupcakes and poured it into a twelve-hole cupcake tray. Then she made the batter for vanilla cupcakes and poured it into another cupcake tray. After that she placed the two trays in the 350 degree Fahrenheit preheated oven, and set her timer. The official recipe said that the cupcakes needed to be baked for 25 minutes, but Issy knew the cupcakes would be ready in 20. By taking them out a little earlier they would remain nice and moist. She’d let them sit in the tray to cool for 10 minutes before she would ice them.

  Issy cleaned up the mess she’d left behind on the counter while she waited for the cupcakes to bake, and got started on making some white vanilla frosting and chocolate frosting. After she finished her task, she made some fondant icing - half of which she dyed brown. With the fondant icing she created several tiny pairs of angel wings, some of which were white and some of which were brown. Working with fondant icing was a lot like using Play-Doh.

  When her timer went off, Issy put on a pair of oven mitts before removing the two trays of cupcakes from the oven. She allowed the cupcakes to cool for ten minutes before she removed them from the trays. The scent of vanilla and chocolate wafted through the air temptingly. The smell of vanilla always reminded her of her mother and her eyes went a little glassy.

  Issy spooned white vanilla frosting into an icing bag and spooned chocolate frosting into another bag before she then began to decorate the cupcakes. She put a swirl of chocolate icing on top of the vanilla cupcakes and a swirl of vanilla icing on top of the chocolate cupcakes. For the finishing touch, she added the wings made out of fondant icing on top. She put the brown wings on top of the white icing and the white wings on top of the brown icing for a contrasting effect.

  When Issy was finally finished she wiped the sweat from her brow with the back of her hand. Phew. There. I’m done. And they look perfect. She gave herself a mental pat on the back for a job well done and grinned. Tristan was sure to love them.

  At that moment, Tristan and Michael walked back into the kitchen. “I see you’re done. So you decided to make cupcakes.” Tristan began conversationally as he breathed in deep. They smelled delicious.

  Issy nodded shyly.

  Tristan looked at the little angel wings on top of the cupcakes and smiled. “Nice presentation. Now, let’s see how they taste.” Tristan picked up one of the cupcakes and bit into it with a chomp.

  Issy held her breath and crossed her fingers behind her back.

  Tristan chewed and swallowed. His eyes glistened a little before he smiled. “These…are amazing. I can taste the emotion you put into these, Issy. You truly love baking. I can feel it.”

  Issy blushed. The emotion she’d put into those cupcakes was her love for Tristan. “Yeah, love it.” Almost as much as I love you.

  Michael reached his hand out to take a cupcake but Issy swatted at his hand. “Uh, uh, uh. I made a very special cupcake just for you, Michael.” Issy said sweetly as she handed Michael a cupcake.

  Michael blinked, and looked touched. “Oh, thanks.” He took the cupcake, bit into it, chewed and swallowed. Michael’s eyes also began to water, but then-

  His eyes widened in a combination of shock and surprise. “Ah! Hot…hot…hot!” Michael exclaimed before he stuck his tongue out and began to wipe his tongue off with his hands while desperately trying to remove the taste. “Water! Water!” Michael ran over to the sink, turned the water on, and put his head beneath the tap to drink.

  Issy giggled impishly. “Serves you right, Michael. That’s what you get for marring Tristan’s beautiful face!”

  Tristan shot Issy an astonished look. He was surprised that the sweet little girl would have done something like that and for him. She may have been a kid, but she was still a fan. It was cute. “What did you put in there, little girl?”

  A sinister smile curled Issy’s pink lips. “Wasabi.”

  It was Tristan’s turn to grin back at her. “You’re hired.”

  To be continued in Chocolate 4: Sinfully Dark

  Princess’ Vanilla Cupcake Recipe:

  1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour

  3/4 teaspoon baking soda

  1 pinch salt

  5 tablespoons butter, cut into

  2/3 cup milk

  1 cup white sugar

  2 eggs

  1 egg yolk

  1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  1. Preheat an oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Line a standard muffin tin with 12 paper cupcake liners. Combine flour, baking soda, and salt in a bowl; set aside.

  2. Heat the butter and milk in a small saucepan over low heat until the butter has melted. Beat the sugar, eggs, egg yolk, and vanilla with an electric mixer in a large bowl until it has thickened slightly and is lighter in color. Gradually beat in the flour mixture on low speed until just incorporated. Slowly pour in the hot milk, beating until just combined.

  3. Divide batter evenly between cupcake liners. Bake until toothpick inserted into center comes out clean, about 20 minutes. Cool cupcakes in pan for 10 minutes. Transfer cupcakes to a cooling rack to cool completely. ‘Cupcake Princess’ Vanilla cupcakes’

  Fondant Icing Recipe:

  8 tbs unsalted butter

  3/4 teaspoon vanilla

  1/4 teaspoon salt

  2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk

  5 cups sifted confectioner’s sugar

  1. Beat butter, vanilla, and salt together until soft.

  2. Add condensed milk slowly and beat until mixture is very light.

  3. Add the confectioners’ sugar cup-by-cup

  4. Dust your work surface with an extra cup of confectioners’ sugar.

  5. Turn your fondant mixture out onto the work surface
and work the powdered sugar in with your hands.