Read Incubus Chocolatier PG-13 Version Page 6

  Chapter 4: Sinfully Dark

  Tristan stood behind the display case at Dark Heaven checking out the female patrons that were currently inside of his shop. His gaze landed upon a sophisticated young woman with a bob of platinum blonde hair, and sharp gray-blue eyes. She was wearing a dark blue jacket, a white blouse, a pencil skirt, and a string of pearls around her neck. She also wore a pair of devilish stilettos. Tristan worried his thumb and forefinger over his jaw as he mused about what she could be. She appeared to be a lawyer, a librarian or perhaps even a female doctor.

  Tristan’s gaze was attracted to a fiery redhead next. She had pale skin and the most adorable smattering of freckles along the bridge of her nose. The redhead was dressed in a trendy outfit and appeared to be very fashionable. In fact, she was surrounded by a group of girls that seemed to be emulating her style. Tristan deduced that she was probably a model, socialite or even a celebrity.

  The trendy girl was cute but perhaps high-maintenance, and for Tristan’s very first wooing conquest he wanted a more ‘harmless’ young woman to start with. That’s when Tristan noticed a young woman with a preppy, sporty look. She was wearing a polo shirt, sweatpants, and tennis shoes. Her brown hair was pulled up into a high ponytail and she had cute bangs. The woman’s skin was a nice, healthy, peachy-tan color - probably from jogging. A slow smile formed on Tristan’s lips as he continued to gaze at her. She’s perfect. She’s a bit of a Plain Jane. A Cinderella-type perhaps. I’m usually really good with this kind of woman.

  Tristan figured that if he had to court a woman for an entire week before he could sleep with her, and that he was then going to break up with her - that a girl like this Cinderella-type was less likely to stab or shoot him afterwards.

  The chocolatier had already made plans for his conquest, and now he just had to put those plans into action. Tristan moved in front of the display case and strolled over to the woman’s table. She was currently enjoying a cup of coffee and a plate with three different kinds of chocolate bonbons on it. Tristan stopped when he was directly in front of her table and cleared his throat to get her attention. “Ahem.”

  The sporty woman looked up and gasped at the sight of Tristan standing right in front of her. “T-Tristan Savant.” She breathed.

  Tristan smiled charmingly at her and his teeth sparkled. “That’s my name. Don’t wear it out. Unless you want to.” He winked. “By the way, I have some important news just for you.”

  “Y-You do?” The young woman stuttered.

  “Congratulations!” Tristan spread his arms wide. “You’re Dark Heaven’s ten-thousandth customer!” The chocolatier whipped out a handheld confetti cannon, aimed it up over the woman’s head and pulled the pin out so that a shower of rainbow-colored confetti rained down upon her. “Whoo! Can we get a round of applause?” Tristan asked the patrons of his shop as he began to clap.

  The other patrons inside of Dark Heaven began to applaud the woman with gusto and great enthusiasm.

  “Being our ten-thousandth customer also means that you receive a very special prize.” Tristan whipped out two opera tickets and handed them to the woman. “Two opera tickets to see Don Giovanni at the Majestic Opera House! You and your boyfriend can go together. May I add, he’s a very lucky guy.” Tristan winked at her before he turned to go. He turned as slowly as possible and started to walk away even slower.

  The woman reached out and grabbed Tristan’s sleeve to stop him. “W-Wait, I…uh…I’d like to go with you.”

  A dramatic silence fell over the chocolate shop as everyone held his or her breath to await Tristan’s response.

  Gotcha, Cinderella. Tristan hid a smile behind his hand before he spun back around to face her. “I’d be honored to accompany you to the opera, Miss…?”

  “I’m Laura Angeles. It’s nice to finally meet you.” Laura put out her hand for Tristan to shake.

  “Laura. What a beautiful name.” Tristan clasped her hand and shook it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  All of the female customers inside of the chocolate shop were in shock. Tristan Savant was actually going to go on a date with one of his customers. This was unheard of.

  Laura blushed as she shook Tristan’s hand. She could hear the frantic whispers of the other customers all around her: “Oh my God…Tristan is actually going to go on a date with a customer? Unreal.” “That’s never happened before.” “Sure, he does one-night stands occasionally, but he never sleeps with the same girl twice.” “But an actual date? That’s unheard of!” “She’s so lucky!” “I wish I were her!” “Eeee!”

  The Don Giovanni opera was scheduled conveniently for Saturday night. Tristan looked over Laura’s casual clothes. “Do you have suitable attire for the opera?”

  “I…uh…maybe?” Laura squeaked nervously.

  Tristan put out his hands and shook his head. “No, no, my dear, ‘maybe’ isn’t good enough. Are you free tonight? Say, around seven?”

  “Yes?” Laura blinked up at Tristan feeling bewildered. She was a regular at the chocolate shop but this was the first time Tristan had ever given her the time of day.

  “Good. How about after work I take you shopping? A beautiful woman like you needs to have clothes that suit her beauty.” The chocolatier said as he reached out and fingered a lock of Laura’s brown hair. Brown is my favorite color.

  She shivered in response as if she could feel his touch through her hair. “I, uh, sure.”

  “Then…it’s a date.” Tristan winked before he strolled off to stand behind the display counter once more.

  A-A date? Laura thought. She felt like the room was spinning. Eeee! With Tristan Savant! I think I just died and went to heaven! A dark and sensuous heaven.

  “Oh my God, did you just hear that? He said it’s a date!” “We need to eat more chocolate so that we can become the twenty-thousandth customer!” “Yeah! Bring us more chocolate, Tristan!” The female customers called out as they began to eat chocolate at a rapid pace. Tristan smirked to himself. Today was going to be a good day for business.

  The chocolatier was amused by all of the hullabaloo the young women were making just because he was going out on what appeared to be a normal date. Tristan also had the feeling that going on a date with Laura wasn’t going to be so bad. He glanced behind him at the kitchen, which was visible through the sheet of glass and spotted Issy.

  Issy Sweet, Dark Heaven’s new patissiere was currently baking more of those wonderful angel-themed cupcakes of hers. They’d been delicious and cute, and Tristan was certain that they would end up being a huge hit. It wouldn’t take long before they became a top seller in his shop. Tristan didn’t see Michael in the kitchen, and didn’t know where the angel was.

  This meant that Issy was alone in the kitchen. Today, she was dressed up like a doll again. Today’s outfit consisted of a white, silk, Victorian-style dress that was knee-length and had lots of ruffles. She wore a white, lace choker around her neck that had a cameo portrait dangling from it, black and white striped stockings, and a pair of black, patent leather, platform shoes. Her wig was long, brown and curly that day and she had in blue circle contact lenses.

  Oh, look Issy’s alone. Chance! Instead of her making the wings out of fondant icing she should really make them out of chocolate since this is a chocolate shop. Yeah, I should go in and tell her my suggestion. Tristan made his way into the kitchen and greeted Issy casually. “Hey there, china doll.”

  Issy looked up in surprise. She was wearing an apron over her dolly dress and there was some frosting on it. There was also a streak of batter across her cheek. It made her look adorable in Tristan’s humble opinion. “Oh, hey…what’s up?”

  “I…just wanted to suggest that instead of using fondant icing for the wings you should really use chocolate. We are a chocolatier after all.” Tristan didn’t know why he was suddenly feeling a little tongue-tied around Issy.

  A pink tinge came to Issy’s cheeks. “Ah…well…that is…I don’t
really know how to make homemade chocolate, actually. I’m just good at baking and icing.”

  A glint came to Tristan’s eyes. “A patissiere should really have this skill in her repertoire. Well, you’re in luck. I’ll teach you how to make chocolate.”

  Issy blinked. “Really?”

  “Really. Okay, let’s start simple. We’re going to cheat a little bit. First, let’s get some pre-made chocolate that we’ll put into a bowl and microwave in order to melt it. Just so you know, the most common way of melting chocolate is to use a hot water bath or double boiler to melt it gently. After we’ve melted the chocolate, I’ll teach you how to temper.”

  “Okay.” Issy readily agreed.

  Tristan got out a large square of dark chocolate, and cut the chocolate into smaller pieces with a knife so that they would melt faster and more evenly. He placed the chocolate pieces into a microwave-safe bowl, microwaved the chocolate for 40 seconds, removed the bowl, and stirred the chocolate. It needed more time, and so he placed the bowl back inside, and continued to microwave the chocolate in intervals of 10-20 seconds. Once the chocolate was completely melted, velvety smooth and shiny, he carried the bowl over to the counter.

  He then poured the chocolate out onto the marble slab that was sitting on the kitchen counter. “Okay, Issy, I want you to grab a pastry scraper and angled spatula.”

  “Right.” Issy grabbed the scraper and spatula, and stood in front of the chocolate. “What now?”

  “Now I want you to spread the chocolate, move it to the center, and then clean your scraper with the spatula. Spread continuously. I want you to continue spreading and scraping until the chocolate cools to…82 degrees Fahrenheit. We’ll check the temperature with this.” Tristan held up an infrared digital thermometer.

  “Understood.” Issy said nervously as she began to smooth the chocolate over the marble slab, and then tried to scoop it up with jerky, awkward movements. She ended up splattering a little bit of chocolate onto her apron by accident. “Whoopsies.”

  “Here. Let me help you.” Tristan moved behind Issy and grabbed her hands. He then began to guide her movements as she spread the chocolate over the marble slab, scooped it up and then cleaned it off of the scraper. Soon Issy’s movements became less jerky and more fluid and elegant.

  Tristan breathed in and caught a whiff of Issy’s scent - vanilla and sugar cookies. No way. The chocolatier lowered his head and breathed in deep at the crook of Issy’s neck. Yes, sugar cookies and vanilla. A sweet, delectable scent. She had the same scent as his chocolate angel, Coco. An image of Coco in his arms at the wedding reception filled his mind. It had felt so good having her in his arms. So right.

  As he pictured Coco in his mind his body began to react and he became aroused. Mmm. He unconsciously pressed himself up against Issy seeking relief.

  Issy gasped in surprise when she felt Tristan sniff her and then rub against her. What the? “Tristan…?”

  “You smell so darned good.” Tristan rumbled in a deep voice as he licked Issy’s collarbone.

  Issy jumped and dropped her spatula with a clatter. “Oh my God…Tristan…are you…?” She shivered while she was trapped between his arms. Her heart began to beat faster within her chest.

  “Just what the hell is going on here?” Came a snarky female voice.

  “Oh crap.” Tristan muttered, instantly recognizing the voice.

  Tristan and Issy both turned to see a young woman standing in the kitchen doorway with a furious look on her face and her hands on her hips. The young woman looked an awful lot like Tristan. She was five-five, had long, black hair, and sapphire-colored eyes. Her skin was like white marble. She was wearing a strapless, dark purple and silver, Gucci dress and a pair of black knee boots. Her luxurious clothes screamed ‘money’.

  “M-Mina!” Tristan burst out and immediately seemed to realize what the hell he was doing with Issy. He let go of her before jumping backwards three feet away to put some distance between them.

  Mina tapped her booted foot on the floor, still looking pissed. “I asked you…what the hell is going on here, Tristan?”

  “I…uh, nothing.” Tristan scratched the back of his neck nervously before waving his hand towards Issy. “Mina, this is Issy Sweet. She’s my new patissiere. I was just teaching her how to temper chocolate.” The chocolatier swiftly explained. “Issy, this is Mina Savant. My sister.”

  “Your sister…?” Issy looked at Tristan’s sister with renewed curiosity. As a stalker getting to know something new about the guy one stalked was a grand event. Issy made her way over to Mina and stuck her hand out. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you, Mina.”

  Mina looked down at Issy’s hand with a superior look on her face. “Hmph!” She slapped Issy’s hand away.

  Issy looked surprised and hurt by the unexpected action.

  Tristan instantly looked angry. “Mina!”

  “You’re lying.” Mina’s blue eyes flashed. “You’re not happy to meet me. You just want Tristan all for yourself, don’t you? You’re just like all the other girls. I can see right through you.”

  Tristan began to laugh causing Mina to shoot Tristan a startled look. “What? What’s so funny?”

  “Issy is not out to get me like the other girls, Mina. She may be a fan but she’s only fifteen. She’s just a kid. And you know I don’t have sex with anyone under eighteen. Issy is my friend…definitely in the ‘friend zone’.” Tristan said casually but he almost sounded as if he were trying to convince himself of this fact. Issy…before his sister had arrived he’d been aroused by her. Or had he? She smelled like vanilla and sugar cookies…the same scent as Coco. But he supposed all girls who baked probably smelled the same. And so that would mean that he wasn’t attracted to Issy but Coco. Issy had just temporarily reminded him of Coco, and so he’d been aroused by her. His head was spinning.

  That had to be it, because if it weren’t then Tristan was a big fat pervert! A Lolicon. A pedo. He felt guilty and ashamed for rubbing himself against Issy. Tristan put his face in his hands as he remembered what he’d been doing just seconds before. My God, what the hell was I doing before Mina arrived? I could have frightened poor Issy or…corrupted her.

  “Fifteen?” Mina gave Issy a curious look and looked her over from head to toe. “I see. Hey…are you one of those Living Dolls? I saw a special on TV about them: My Strange Addiction: I’m a Living Doll.”

  Issy nodded. “Yes, I’m a Living Doll - just like Luna Lovely and Venus Angelic. Although those girls are famous cosplayers and celebrities, and I just do this for fun. It’s a fashion statement. I love fashion, art, cute things, and creating things. Just like how I enjoy dressing up a cake with fondant icing, and making it cute and beautiful. I try to do the same to myself and make myself cute and beautiful.” The Living Doll explained passionately.

  “Well, you are pretty darned cute.” Mina reluctantly admitted. “You look like a little china doll. I guess I don’t hate you.” She patted Issy on the head. “Besides, Tristan’s right you’re just a kid, so…” Mina leaned in to whisper in Issy’s ear. “You won’t get in the way between Tristan and I, will you?”

  Issy shook her head sending her brown curls swishing back and forth. “No, not at all. Like Tristan said I’m in the friend zone.” She laughed nervously. “I’m just a harmless little girl, really. It’s not like I’m in disguise or anything like that. And it’s not like I’m trying to hide something.”

  Mina raised her eyebrows at Issy’s nervous laughter.

  Issy blushed at the other girl’s expression. “I’m just going to shut up now.”

  At that moment, Michael entered the kitchen. He’d heard raised voices and having become concerned decided to check things out. “Hey, what’s going on in here?” He questioned as he entered the kitchen, spotted Tristan, Issy and a mysterious new girl. Time seemed to slow down for Michael when he noticed the girl who bore a strong resemblance to Tristan.

  Michael’s gaze lingered on her
skin that was as pale as the moon, her cascade of black hair that was almost blue, and those deep blue eyes of hers that glittered like sapphires. Her lips were plump and kissable. She had a nice figure and was wearing expensive looking clothes. “Who is this?” Michael’s golden eyes narrowed at the black and white Chanel rolling suitcase that the girl had with her.

  Tristan ran a hand back through his hair. “She’s my sister, man. Her name is Mina.”

  “Your sister?” Michael staggered backwards at the startling revelation. “Mina.” He repeated her name slowly, almost wistfully. Tristan’s sister was stunning. She could easily be a model or a celebrity.

  “And she was just leaving. Weren’t you, Mina?” Tristan grabbed Mina by her shoulders and began to steer her towards the exit of the kitchen.

  “Huh? What are you saying Tristan? I dropped out of college, and ran away from home too! I’m here to live with you!” Mina burst out as she tried to dig her heels into the floor.

  “Live with me? You can’t live here! No way!” Tristan was horrified by the very idea - his sister Mina was in love with him! And not in the way that siblings loved each other. What Mina felt for Tristan was romantic love. Ever since Tristan had hit puberty, Mina had the unhealthy habit of sneaking into Tristan’s bathroom while he was showering or trying to go to the bathroom, so that she could catch a peek of him naked. No way…no way…no way. “You’re going back home, Mina. Or back to college. One of the two, but you’re not staying here.” The chocolatier said firmly.

  Mina pouted innocently. “But I don’t want to. I’m as unhappy back home as you were. Father is so controlling. And mother completely ignores me. She’s always busy with her own hobbies…if you can call them that. She doesn’t have time to care or even worry about me. The mansion is even worse without you there now. I can’t stand it there. It’s so suffocating and no one will talk about you. They’re all acting like you’re dead or something. Or like you never existed. It’s pretty creepy. I hate it!”

  No one will talk about you. They’re all acting like you’re dead. Mina’s words were like daggers to his heart. His father truly hated him.

  Issy noticed the flash of hurt that crossed Tristan’s face, but it was gone in seconds.

  “I don’t care. You can’t stay here, Mina.” Tristan insisted and his tone brooked no argument.

  “Actually, Mina, I think it’s a great idea if you stayed here. Tristan should have his family close to him. It would be good for him.” Especially due to the situation with his soul. Having his sister around could help to humanize Tristan more.

  Tristan shot Michael a betrayed look. “Michael, you don’t know what you’re saying, dude. Mina is not normal. She-”

  “She’s your family, Tristan.” Michael cut him off. “You need to stop being so coldhearted. Besides, there’s plenty of room upstairs. She can have the spare bedroom.”

  “Eeee! Really?” Mina looked at Michael as if he were her guardian angel, which perhaps he was. “Oh, thank you so much Michael. You’re the best! I’m Mina, by the way, Mina Savant. It’s nice to meet you.” She stuck her hand out for Michael to take.

  “You’re making a huge mistake.” Tristan muttered darkly to himself. She acts like an angel but she’s really a devil.

  Michael took Mina’s hand and shook it. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “So…” Mina looked over Michael’s chocolatier uniform. “Are you a chocolatier too?”

  “Assistant chocolatier. Tristan is showing me the ropes. What about you? Do you know how to bake? Make chocolate? Cook?” The angel asked with interest.

  “Who me? Moi?” Mina laughed and waved her hand through the air. “I’ve never cooked or baked anything before in my life! That’s what the servants are for, you know.”

  Michael’s expression fell. “Oh, I see…I was hoping you could somehow help out with the store.”

  “Oh.” Mina bopped her hand with her fist as she had an idea. “I know. I could help sell the chocolates. If there’s anything I’m good at it’s retail. Well, shopping, but selling people stuff can’t be all that different! Do you guys already have a cashier?”

  “No-” Michael started.

  “Then it’s settled. I’m your new sexy, super-stylish cashier!” Mina declared, flipping her long hair over her shoulder.

  Tristan looked Mina’s outfit over with obvious disgust. Her dress was short and skintight. “I’m not letting you out on the floor looking like that. You look like you’re about to go clubbing. We’ll have to get a uniform made for you.”

  “Huh? I don’t want to wear a uniform! That’s like putting a stop to my freedom of expression. And besides, Issy here isn’t wearing a uniform so why do I have to?” Mina argued.

  Tristan glanced over at Issy briefly before returning his gaze to Mina, “Because Issy is a cute little Living Doll and fits this store’s image of angels flitting around a dark heaven perfectly, whereas you’re just a spoiled, rich girl. I don’t need a Paris Hilton look-alike or Kim Kardashian working here.”

  Issy blushed. Had Tristan just given her a compliment?

  “We can probably get Alan to make your sister a uniform.” Michael suggested. Alan Dullahan, the owner of Dullahan’s Irish Pub was good at designing and making clothes. And no he wasn’t gay. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that). “He’ll make something really cute.” A dopey look formed on Michael’s face as he pictured Mina in various cute, angelic outfits.

  “That’s a great idea, Michael.” Tristan agreed slyly since he knew that Mina hated looking ‘cute’ and was all about looking ‘sexy’. “We want Mina to look cute.”

  “Nooo.” Mina moaned. “I don’t want to look cute! I want to look sexy!”

  Tristan ignored her. “Now that that’s settled…why don’t you go help those two customers out on the floor, Mina?” Tristan motioned towards the front of the shop with a nod of his head. Through the glass two customers could be seen browsing around the shop.

  “Hmph! Fine!” Mina left the kitchen and went to help the two female customers. Tristan, Issy, and Michael watched through the glass curiously as Mina suggested that they buy some pre-packed boxes of chocolate and then rang them up effortlessly at the cash register.

  Michael grinned feeling proud of Mina for some reason. “I think this could actually work.”

  “Just remember you’re the one who wanted her here.” Tristan said cryptically.

  Michael gave Tristan an irritated look. “Why do you treat your sweet, innocent sister so coldly?” He chided.

  “Sweet? Innocent? Ha! That’s a good one. Well, you’ll see her true colors soon enough.” Tristan said before he sauntered off to take some chocolates out of the refrigerator so that he could add them to the display case.

  Michael’s brow furrowed in confusion. “I think she’s marvelous.”

  Issy elbowed Michael teasingly in his side. “Do you now? Maybe she can be your new love?” She said softly so that Tristan wouldn’t overhear.

  Michael reddened at the suggestion. “What? I don’t…I barely know her. It’s too soon…I…” The angel became flustered.

  “Uh huh.” Issy said, not at all convinced and looking amused.

  “Get back to your cupcakes, Issy.” Michael snapped, sternly.

  “Okie-dokie, Michael.” Issy agreed in a singsong voice as she gave Michael a salute and skipped off to make more cupcakes.

  “I’ll go take Miss Mina’s luggage upstairs for her.” Michael declared loudly as he picked up the black and white suitcase and headed for the back staircase.

  “Miss Mina!” Issy giggled.

  The rest of the workday at Dark Heaven passed by uneventfully until closing time. Michael, Issy and Mina cleaned up the shop and the kitchen together. Just when they’d finished storing the chocolate back in the refrigerator for the night, there was a knock on the front door.

  Tristan reentered the kitchen at that moment and everyone noted that he was no longer dr
essed in his chocolatier uniform. Tristan was now wearing a yellow polo shirt, dark blue blazer, white pants, and black dress shoes. His clothes looked expensive giving him a socialite or billionaire boy look. “Ah, that must be my date.” The chocolatier informed the others as he arranged a gray scarf around his neck in a stylish manner and undid the first button of the two-button blazer. “Well, I’ll see you guys later.” He gave them a casual wave goodbye.

  “Huh?” Mina gaped after him. “D-Date? What date? What does he mean he has a date?”

  Tristan ignored Mina as he made his way to the front door of the shop. Sure enough it was Laura. She could be seen through the entry door’s latticed window. Tristan was about to open the door to let Laura in, however, he was suddenly tackled to the floor from behind.

  “What the?” Tristan struggled beneath his sister until he managed to roll onto his back so that his sister was now straddling him. “Mina? Just what do you think you’re doing!”

  Mina had a hurt look on her face. “Brother! You know why I’m really here. It’s because I want to be with you. I love you!” She declared before she leaned over Tristan and tried to kiss him.

  Michael and Issy stood a few feet away, gaping at what was happening in disbelief.

  “Mmm!” Mina pursed her lips as she moved in for the kiss.

  “Oh crap!” Tristan grabbed Mina’s shoulders and pushed her back in order to stop her from kissing him. “Mina! Stop! You don’t know what you’re doing. You’re my sister!”

  “I’m also nineteen now. I’m not a little kid anymore. I’m a woman now, in case you haven’t noticed. And I want you!” Mina continued fervently.

  “Uh…that kind of ‘love’ between siblings isn’t normal, is it?” Issy asked Michael.

  “No, it most definitely is not.” Michael growled. He was furious and disappointed at the sudden revelation of Mina’s true feelings. The image he’d had of Mina inside of his head of her being a kind, sweet, innocent young girl crumbled to pieces. Mina Savant was in love with her own brother. If they ever got together that would be incest. That was a grave sin! Sure to give anyone a one-way ticked straight to Hell.

  “It’s not normal for siblings to kiss on the lips, is it?” Issy continued dryly.

  “Most certainly not.” Michael stalked towards Mina, grabbed the back of her dress, and hoisted her off of Tristan as if he were grabbing a naughty kitten by the back of her neck. And just like a kitten Mina hissed at Michael.

  “Hey! Michael! What are you doing? Let go!” Mina ordered as she struggled against Michael’s grasp. She couldn’t believe that he had her dangling from his hand like an animal.

  “I should be asking you the same thing, Mina. Just what were you about to do exactly? Were you actually going to kiss your brother on the lips?” Michael demanded, with a fierce expression on his face.

  “So what if I was!” Mina shot back, defiantly. Her entire attitude was reckless.

  “That is a grave sin!” The angel gave her a little shake.

  Mina glared at Michael over her shoulder. “I don’t care…I love him! Besides, you can’t tell me what to do. You’re not my father!”

  Father? A muscle in Michael’s jaw ticked in irritation. I don’t look that old. Tristan stood up and brushed his hands over his clothes as he tried to smooth out the wrinkles in his new outfit. Tristan’s blasé attitude angered Michael. “Mina…do you know what your brother truly is?”

  “Michael.” Tristan’s voice held a note of warning since he had a bad feeling about where this conversation was going suddenly.

  “What are you talking about?” Mina snapped, clearly irritated.

  “Your half-brother Tristan is…an incubus. He’s a sex demon. His real mother was a succubus. Human beings experience uncontrollable lust around them and sometimes they have no control over their emotions. They think they’re in love but it’s just a bodily reaction to an incubus’ pheromones. Mina, I can assure you that you’re not in love with your brother, Tristan. You just think you are. You’re just being affected by Tristan’s pheromones.” Michael explained in a serious tone.

  Tristan let out a groan and scrubbed a hand down his face. He couldn’t believe that Michael had just told his sister that he was an incubus. “Dude, she’s never going to believe that.”

  Mina went still in Michael’s grasp, however, and so he gently set her down. She collapsed to her knees, looking shell-shocked. “My brother is a demon?” She looked thoughtful for a moment before she started nodding her head. “Now it all makes sense.”

  Tristan took a step back from Mina, surprised that she’d actually believed Michael’s words. He didn’t even want to look at Issy to see if she believed Michael’s surprising claim or what her reaction would be. He felt betrayed by Michael and used his hair to shield the flash of hurt that crossed his eyes. “Thanks a lot, Michael.” His voice was dripping with sarcasm. “Now I can go on my date.” Issy probably doesn’t believe the crap that Michael is spouting anyways. I’ll worry about her later.

  “Not at all.” Michael said in a cutting manner.

  Issy was looking back and forth between Michael and Tristan worriedly.

  Tristan opened the door and greeted Laura. “Hello Laura.”

  “H-Hi are you ready to go?” She questioned nervously as she peeked over Tristan’s shoulder to see Michael, Issy, and Mina who was still kneeling on the floor. She’d heard them all arguing just moments before.

  “Yes, let’s go.” Tristan put his arm around Laura’s shoulders and shut the door behind him with his foot.


  “Tristan…” Issy watched Tristan leave the shop worriedly. She’d noticed the flash of hurt that had crossed Tristan’s face, but he’d quickly masked the emotion. What must Tristan be thinking or feeling now that his sister knew that he was a demon? Now that Michael had in a sense betrayed his trust? Issy wondered. Her heart went out to the lonely demon chocolatier.

  Tristan had quickly donned a mask that everything was alright and continued on with his date. But this wasn’t the first time Issy had seen Tristan conceal his true emotions. “I…I’ve got something to do, so…see ya!” Issy said before she grabbed her shoulder bag and left the chocolate shop in a hurry. She snuck into the alley next to Dark Heaven and pulled out her stalking outfit, which she put on over what she was wearing. The oversized, black trench coat, fedora, and dark sunglasses (that had night vision capabilities) concealed her Living Doll outfit perfectly.

  After she was done dressing, Issy exited the alley, mounted her bike, and followed Tristan, who was driving Laura into the city in his sexy blue Corvette. Issy could hardly believe Tristan was going on an actual date. It didn’t seem like his usual one-night stand either. Maybe he likes this ‘Laura’ person.

  There was a pang of pain in her chest at the thought. Issy discovered she had mixed feelings about this. She was happy for Tristan and that he was out on a date, enjoying himself. Lately, he tended to be all work and no play. But at the same time she couldn’t help but feel jealous that Tristan was going on a date with someone other than her.

  Tristan pulled right in front of the Gucci clothing store that was on 5th Avenue. Some of the other stores that were on 5th Avenue included the Armani store, Prada store, and the Louis Vuitton store. Tristan exited his Corvette, opened the door for Laura and escorted her inside of the store with his hand on the small of her back. Issy parked her bike a block away and waited three minutes before following them inside of the store. She browsed around and tried to look as inconspicuous as possible.

  Well, as inconspicuous as someone wearing a trench coat and dark sunglasses could look! Issy ducked down behind a rack of clothes and began to roll it towards Tristan and Laura so she could hear what they were saying. She was dying of curiosity.

  Tristan pulled a red, floor-length, halter-style evening gown off one of the racks and held it up before Laura. “What do you think of this one?”

  “It’s lovely.” Laura nibb
led on her lower lip. “Look, Tristan. You don’t have to pretend.”

  “Excuse me?” He frowned.

  “I heard you and your sister arguing.” Laura explained as she gave him a sympathetic look.

  Tristan’s expression grew troubled though, not really understanding where Laura was going with this.

  Laura sensed his unease and waved her hands in front of her. “No, I wasn’t eavesdropping or anything, but I did hear the argument. If you don’t mind me asking - what were the two of you arguing about?” She gave Tristan a beseeching look.

  Tristan sighed and ran a hand back through his silky hair. “To make a lady worry - how ungentlemanly of me. I apologize. My sister…apparently dropped out of college and ran away from home. Now she wants to live with me. But I think she should go back home or back to college at least.”

  “I see. Your sister must love you very much since she came all this way to find you.” Laura said with a smile.

  “She does…but perhaps a little too much.” Tristan muttered darkly to himself. “Her fixation on me is…unhealthy.”

  “You think so? It’s nice for siblings to care so deeply for one another though. It’s a very special bond. But you’re right. Mina should go back to college. After all her future is at stake here.” Laura tapped her chin in thought. “However, you shouldn’t force her. You’ll only push her away…and she could end up falling in with the wrong crowd. It’s your responsibility as her older brother to look out for her. I think you should let Mina stay with you for a while. Maybe you could even let her work at Dark Heaven. That way she can get a taste of responsibility. It could help her to grow up a little. And when you see her changing then you can bring up the subject of her returning to college.” Laura advised, sagely. Oddly enough, she sounded as if she knew a lot about the subject.

  Tristan gave Laura an impressed look, “I…that’s very good advice, Laura. It’s not that I don’t love my sister. I love her very much. But I just don’t want to make the wrong decision about her. I worry about her future.”

  Laura patted Tristan’s arm and used the consoling gesture as an excuse to feel up his bicep while she was at it. “And that’s because you’re a good brother. It’s normal for a brother to worry about his sister and to want to protect her, Tristan. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

  Tristan nodded, feeling relieved, and as if a weight had been removed from his shoulders. “I…thank you, Laura. Because of your words I won’t stop looking after her then.” That’s when Tristan offered Laura a sincere smile.

  It was a smile that took Laura and Issy’s breath away to see it and they both let out wistful sighs at the same time. Laura looked around the shop wondering who had sighed at the exact same time she had but didn’t see anyone. That’s funny.

  “Now, let’s pick you out some dresses to try on.” Tristan declared.

  “Right.” Laura agreed, still looking around the shop and rubbing the back of her neck with her hand. She couldn’t get over the strange feeling she had that she was being watched.

  Tristan picked out several evening gowns for Laura to try on and handed them to her. She began to model each dress for Tristan one after the other. Laura pulled back the curtain of the dressing room to reveal a sky-blue, v-necked, spaghetti-strapped gown, but Tristan waved his hand in a dismissive gesture, basically signaling Laura to try on the next one. The dress had been pretty but showed too much cleavage for an opera.

  Laura closed the curtain and when she opened it again she was wearing a silvery, gray, conservative gown. Tristan waved his hand again. The dress was definitely classier but unfortunately boring. The one after that was a classic black evening gown that had a fishtail and was decorated with sparkly sequins. This dress also got the axe since Tristan thought it made Laura look a little like a ‘mom’.

  But when Laura stepped out wearing a strapless evening gown that was an incredible electric blue color, he smiled and nodded his head. The bodice of the dress was decorated with dark blue flowers that had been made out of silk. The long, floor-length skirt fishtailed at the end. “Perfect. You look absolutely gorgeous, Laura.”

  Laura fidgeted with her hands. “You really think so? I’m not used to dressing in something so feminine like this. I usually wear casual clothes: jeans, t-shirts, sweatpants. I’m more of a sporty girl, you know? Not a glamorous one. I’m not a princess.”

  “But that dress makes you look like a princess.” Tristan complimented as he strode forward and undid her ponytail so that her brown hair fell in ringlets around her face. “Like Cinderella. And you should really keep your hair down. It looks nice.” He fingered a lock of her soft hair appreciatively. “I like your hair.”

  “It’s just boring brown.” Laura pouted disbelievingly.

  “No, not boring brown…it’s like the deepest hazelnut chocolate.” He leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Delectable.” He pulled back and smirked at her. “You need to have more confidence in yourself, Laura. You are an incredibly feminine, attractive woman. You should really dress like this more often. It would be a real waste not to, Cinderella.”

  Laura mulled over Tristan’s words. She’d stopped worrying about her appearance ever since….she’d gotten married to Manuel and they had their first child. Then she didn’t have as much time for herself, and she’d just sort of let herself go. After her second child more and more of her time was devoted to her children and less ended up being for her husband. Perhaps, this was why they’d gown apart. They’d even stopped having sex. Laura wondered if that was because he no longer found her desirable, but now because of Tristan she felt like she was a woman again. Her confidence had returned thanks to him. Maybe Tristan was right and she should start worrying about her appearance again.

  Even though Laura knew it was wrong to be going out with another man when she was married she felt like she still deserved this. She needed this break away from a husband who no longer looked at her with desire in his eyes. She needed to be pampered, feel appreciated, and above all feel loved and desired. She was well aware of Tristan’s reputation and that this time with him was nothing more than a fleeting dream, but even so she was okay with that. She wasn’t ‘Mom’ or ‘Wife’ in that moment. She was just ‘Laura’.

  Tristan paid for the expensive evening gown, and then took Laura to a salon where they gave her a new haircut and added a few coppery highlights to accentuate her already lovely hair color. A makeup artist also gave Laura a full makeover using brand-name makeup. When the hairstylist and makeup artist were finally finished with her Laura could barely recognize herself in the mirror. “Wow…is that really me?” Laura breathed as she raised her hand out towards her reflection.

  Tristan nodded, standing behind her. He put his hands on her shoulders and whispered in her ear. “Yes…that beautiful woman is you.”

  Issy watched Laura getting a makeover from behind a potted fern. She smiled at Laura’s shocked expression. Laura did indeed look beautiful and she seemed so surprised that it was hard for Issy to feel jealous towards Laura whom Tristan was treating like a princess. Laura also seemed like a nice person. Maybe Laura would be the one to open Tristan’s heart to love again? Issy mused. Bittersweet happiness came with the idea.

  Tristan drove Laura home afterwards and Issy followed them on her bike. Issy watched as Tristan parked his Corvette in front of a suburban home and Laura got out of the car. Laura waved goodbye to Tristan and he left. Issy was about to leave too when she saw Laura put her hair back up into a ponytail, and her expression turned guilty. She looked to her left and right before she then crossed the street and continued on for two blocks before finally stopping in front of another suburban home. The blue house had a neatly manicured lawn, white-picket fence, and lots of flowers.

  Laura made her way to the front door and opened it. “Honey, kids, I’m home!” She called out loudly.

  Just before the door shut Issy heard a cry of: “Mom!” Issy’s heart fell. Laura had children and was probab
ly already married, which meant Tristan was having an affair. And Tristan didn’t seem to know. Oh Tristan. She thought sadly. When will he ever catch a break?


  Tristan groaned as he stirred awake the next morning. He flung his arm out and his hand landed on something soft. He gave it a squeeze and ‘it’ let out a moan. What the hell? Tristan’s eyes snapped open and he turned to see that Mina was snuggling up to his side. He lifted the cover and immediately put it back down once he’d confirmed his suspicions. Yep, his sister was naked and in his bed!

  Tristan was surprised to see her there though. He’d been certain that after she found out what he really was that she’d run away screaming. And now that he thought about it…Issy had been there too, but hadn’t reacted at all. Well, apparently his sister had accepted him. Tristan’s heart warmed at the realization. He was about to fall back to sleep when he remembered that Michael slept in a room just down the hall. Oh crap! Tristan shook Mina’s shoulder. “Mina! Wake up! You have to wake up!”

  “Mmm…?” Mina slowly awoke and blinked owlishly at Tristan with an innocent look on her face. “What is it, Brother?”

  “Mina! You have to get out of here before Michael gets up!” Tristan urged as he began to try and push her out of the bed.

  But Mina threw her arms around Tristan and hugged him tight, wide-awake now. “Why are you worried he’ll misunderstand something? Is there something to misunderstand, perhaps?” She trailed off teasingly.

  Tristan felt his sister’s chest pressed up against his bare flesh. Ew! “Mina! Get off!” He raised his voice as he tried to push her away.

  “No, I don’t want to. You’re nice and warm.” Mina whined childishly.

  At that moment, the bedroom door slammed open and Michael burst in through the door to see a naked Mina trying to snuggle up against a struggling Tristan. His jaw dropped, and his eyes bulged. He growled low in his throat, and clenched his fists at his sides. “Tristan.”

  “Michael!” Tristan exclaimed. “Oh crap…Michael, wait, this isn’t what it looks like! I swear!” He put his hands up in a surrendering gesture.

  Michael let out a roar of outrage as he lunged for the bed. Tristan rolled off of the bed with Mina in order to protect her and shield her with his body. He then stood up quickly and grabbed the bed sheet, which he quickly wrapped around Mina’s body in order to conceal her nudity.

  Tristan looked down and noted that he was wearing his boxers. Thank God, he hadn’t decided to sleep in the nude last night. He faced Michael who was crouched on the bed and looking like a furious, savage beast.

  “Come and get me, punk.” Tristan beckoned Michael with his hand.

  Michael snarled as he leapt off the bed towards Tristan. Tristan dodged out of the way and Michael landed besides him on the floor. The angel wasted no time in lunging at Tristan again, this time raising his fist and letting it fly towards Tristan’s face in a straight right punch.

  Tristan raised his leg and blocked the blow. “I kind of felt like working out this morning, so this is rather convenient for me, Michael. Thanks. I also have a lot of pent up sexual frustration since I didn’t get laid last night. And I wonder who I have to thank for that?” Tristan drawled as he sent a series of lightning fast kicks Michael’s way.

  Michael blinked at Tristan’s words while he dodged and blocked Tristan’s kicks with his forearms. “So you’re saying…?”

  Mina stood up and tucked the sheet more tightly around herself. “As much as I enjoy watching the two of you fight - I mean, two good looking guys fighting is hot - I didn’t sleep with my brother last night, Michael. At least not in a sexual sense. Unfortunately.”

  Tristan visibly relaxed at Mina’s confession. Michael also looked relieved but then his anger became directed towards Mina. “So you tried to seduce Tristan last night? It wasn’t the other way around?”

  Mina twirled a strand of her inky black hair around her finger. “It’s not like that. I just got into bed with him while he was sleeping and I just happened to be naked…” A devious smile curled Mina’s lips.

  Tristan slapped a hand to his forehead. Doh. “She shouldn’t have said that.”

  Michael strode towards Mina and gripped her shoulders with a stern expression on his face. “Mina…your love for your brother is wrong. It’s a grave sin. Your soul will be cursed to Hell for it. You can’t keep doing things like this.”

  Mina’s sapphire eyes flashed with anger and she pushed Michael’s hands off of her shoulders. “What the hell do you know? How could you possibly be so certain of something like that? And besides how could love be wrong? Love is beautiful. The love I feel for my brother is beautiful, darn it!”

  Michael let out an exasperated sigh. How could he get Mina to listen to him and take his warnings seriously? He realized that he could reveal that he was an Archangel and guardian angel because then Mina would have to believe him. “Mina,” Michael began in a serious tone, “I know because I’m actually a-”

  Tristan quickly aimed a spinning roundhouse kick at Michael’s head that the angel was forced to duck in order to avoid. “Shut up, jerk!”

  Michael stood up and sent a punch towards Tristan face. “What the hell?”

  “You’re going to put my sister in danger if she knows more!” Tristan snapped as he flipped onto his hands and spun his legs so that his feet were sent flying at Michael’s head.

  Michael dodged the first kick but the second got him in the side of his face. The angel rubbed his sore jaw and then finally put his hands up. “Alright, I agree. I’ll say no more.”

  Tristan flipped back over onto his feet and let out a relieved breath. He didn’t want Mina to know that Michael was actually an angel that had been sent to keep an eye on him nor did he want Mina getting involved in the supernatural side of his life because she could end up in danger. Demons oftentimes approached Tristan and demanded favors, in exchange for not killing him. Michael was there to protect him now of course, but he was used to counting on himself. Tristan had planned on never telling his sister the truth about how he was half-incubus. This reminded Tristan that Issy had also discovered the truth. Since she hadn’t reacted Tristan was hoping that this meant she’d either accepted it or didn’t believe it.

  Having Mina accept the truth had been a huge surprise. She was a bit of a spoiled rich girl, but he supposed her ‘love’ for him was just that strong. He loved his sister too, but would be sure to protect her from himself. And it looked like Michael was going to help with that. Maybe with Michael around keeping an eye on Mina’s antics, they really could live together as a family. The corner of Tristan’s mouth twitched at the thought.

  Tristan got ready to start his day at Dark Heaven. He showered, washed his face, shaved, brushed his teeth, and dressed in his chocolatier jacket, black pants, and apron. He checked his reflection in his full-length mirror as he straightened his dark blue neckerchief. He was chocolatier, Tristan Savant, and he was ready to start his day. “Alright, let’s get this show on the road. Sell some chocolates, win some hearts.”

  Tristan made his way down the steps that led to the first floor of Dark Heaven and made his way into the kitchen. Mina and Michael weren’t there yet…but Issy was.

  Just seeing the Living Doll brought a smile to his face. Issy was wearing a long, pink wig, a black, gothic Lolita style dress that went to her knees, black and pink striped stockings and a pair of patent leather shoes. She was currently making some batter for a cake.

  “Good morning, china doll.” Tristan greeted, already feeling in better spirits.

  Startled, Issy looked up, revealing that she’d chosen to wear blue contacts that day. She was blown away by Tristan’s charming smile that was strangely directed towards her. Like directly towards her. She resisted the urge to look over her shoulder and see whom he was really smiling like that to. She smiled tremulously back, not daring to accept her good fortune. “Good morning, Boss.”

  Tristan’s smile falt
ered. “Hey…just call me, Tristan, okay?”

  Issy nodded. “Sure thing…Bo-Tristan. You look well rested. Did you get lucky last night?” She teased but then she seemed to realize what she’d just said aloud and blushed. “I can’t believe I just said that out loud.”

  Tristan chuckled in response. “I haven’t gotten lucky yet.”

  “I see.” Issy sounded distracted and her expression fell as her mind became preoccupied by something.

  The chocolatier’s gaze narrowed on Issy and he could tell she wasn’t being her normal bubbly self. In fact she seemed somewhat depressed. “Are you okay?”

  Issy blinked. “Okay? Why wouldn’t I be okay? I’m great, actually.” She said quickly and began to appear nervous.

  Tristan scowled at her suspicious behavior. “By the way, about last night. What did you think of Michael’s revelation…of what I am? Did you believe it?” He held his breath as he awaited her response.

  Issy sucked in a breath. So this is what Tristan thought she was worrying about. After all he had no idea that Laura was married and that Tristan was basically having an affair! “Tristan, I…believe what Michael said about you. And I have to admit that I’m not really all that surprised either. You have this extraordinary allure to all women that is impossible to resist. Your scent can make a woman faint with longing. I’ve seen it before since I was a regular customer here at your shop. Though you never noticed me.”

  “You were a regular customer here?” Tristan’s brow furrowed as he tried to remember a time when he’d seen a girl dressed up like a Living Doll before. He shook his head feeling befuddled that he couldn’t remember her. “I’m still surprised you’d accept this so easily.” Tristan ran a hand over his mouth.

  “I’ve always been pretty open-minded. I also read a lot of paranormal romance novels like The Lords of the Underworld and the Immortals After Dark series so…I’m kind of used to the idea of a human female ending up with some supernatural being at this point. Demons, vampires, werewolves, elves, you name it! Not that what’s going on between us is like a romance novel or anything.”

  Tristan gave Issy an intent look. “So the idea that I may be a demon doesn’t bother you?”

  “Should it?” Issy challenged in a cheeky manner.

  Tristan smiled softly. “No, it shouldn’t. I would never hurt you.”

  “Good to know.”

  “Now that that’s settled, I wanted to teach you another method for melting and tempering chocolate. How ‘bout it?”

  Issy hesitated before nodding. “Oh, uh, sure.”

  “Today, I’m going to teach you how to melt chocolate using a double boiler.” Tristan said as he got out a metal pan and a heat resistant bowl. “First, fill the bottom of the double boiler with water and place it on the stove over a low heat.” Tristan explained as he filled the pan with water and put it on the stove. He went over to the kitchen island and chopped a large bar of chocolate into squares. “After the water is hot but not boiling you place the heat resistant bowl on top of the water and then place the chocolate into the bowl, allowing it to melt. When most of the chocolate is shiny, I want you to stir until the chocolate becomes smooth.”

  “You got it.” Issy said as she went over to stand in front of the double boiler and waited until she should begin stirring.

  “We’ll check the temperature of the chocolate. It should be 120 degrees Fahrenheit for dark chocolate, 115 degrees Fahrenheit for milk chocolate and 110 degrees Fahrenheit for white chocolate. After that we’ll pour two-thirds on the marble slab and temper it while keeping the remaining one-third at the same melting point, making sure not to let it harden. Once we’ve managed to temper the chocolate on the slab we’ll add it to the one-third remaining chocolate, and return the mixture to heat. Then we wait until the desired temperature is reached while stirring constantly. For dark chocolate it should register at 90 degrees Fahrenheit, 86 degrees Fahrenheit for milk chocolate and 82 degrees for white chocolate.” Tristan watched Issy stirring the chocolate and noted that she started to get distracted and morose once more. He frowned wondering if even though Issy claimed not to be bothered by the fact that he was a demon, she was in fact bothered.

  What Tristan didn’t know was that Issy was worried about Tristan dating Laura since she was married with two kids. Issy nibbled on her lower lip as she thought about whether or not she should tell Tristan or not. It’s really not any of my business. Issy became so distracted by her troubled thoughts that she accidentally burned her hand on the boiling water. “Ouch!” Issy exclaimed as she pulled her hand back.

  “Issy!” Tristan exclaimed concernedly and was at her side in seconds. He grabbed her hand and stuck it into his mouth.

  “W-What…are you doing?” Issy stammered as she watched Tristan begin to lick her hand slowly and then suck on it. She felt dizzy all of a sudden. Her heart rate began to speed up.

  Tristan pulled her hand out of his mouth and inspected Issy’s burn before he began to lick the wound again, making sure to lave his saliva onto it generously. His saliva had healing properties similar to a dog’s.

  Issy continued to watch Tristan licking her hand in a daze. The feeling of his hot wet tongue laving over her bare skin made her knees weak. She trembled as she felt herself become aroused by the action (Tristan’s saliva had begun seeping into her pores). “I like your wicked tongue…I mean, that feels better. Thank you.”

  Tristan looked up at Issy with hooded eyes. Once his tongue had touched Issy’s skin…he’d lost himself. She tasted so sweet - like her namesake. She tasted like vanilla and sugar. He couldn’t get enough of her delectable taste. He could feel himself getting turned on. The incubus couldn’t stop licking his prey and let out a husky groan of pleasure. Issy gasped. Tristan pulled her even closer and began to run his tongue up her arm. However-

  “Tristan, you pedo!” Came Mina’s shrill cry as she side-kicked Tristan away from Issy.

  Issy watched as Tristan was flung away from her in shock. That had been one hell of a kick! Like brother like sister, she supposed.

  Tristan landed on his butt but quickly pushed himself to his feet. He looked at the flushed Issy and guilt immediately stabbed him. Oh my God…what the hell is wrong with me? Since when have little girls turned me on? I’m a perverted freak…a beast…a monster…

  Tristan had been in control of himself until he’d tasted Issy’s skin, then he’d lost himself in her taste. The chocolatier looked past Issy and Mina, and saw Michael leaning against the doorframe of the open kitchen door. He expected Michael to look furious but…he was smiling and actually looking pleased for some reason. What the hell? Creepy angel.

  “Tristan! You perv!” Mina continued as she stalked towards her brother and proceeded to put him into a headlock. “What did you think you were doing to that little girl?”

  “Ow.” Tristan choked out. “I was just…Issy burned her hand and I was licking her wound. My saliva has healing properties. I swear.”

  Mina blinked at Tristan’s odd explanation. “Who does things like that?” But she let her brother go and a mischievous look formed on her face. “Maybe I should burn my hand too.” She reached her hand out towards the hot water.

  “No!” Tristan grabbed her hand and gave Mina a fierce look. “Don’t hurt yourself for something stupid like that Mina. Promise me…I can’t bear seeing you hurt.”

  “Tristan.” Mina blushed at her brother’s sudden attentiveness and then pouted. “Okay, fine, I won’t.”

  Tristan let out a relieved breath and placed a tender kiss on Mina’s hand. “Your hands are precious. You have to take care of them, okay?”

  Mina nodded dazedly. “Okay, Brother.”

  Issy was blushing as she watched the odd brother-sister interaction going on that was strangely romantic. “I didn’t get a kiss.” She muttered to herself. “He was supposed to kiss it and make it better. Oh well.” The Living Doll shrugged.

  “Ahem.” Michael cleared his
throat and shattered the moment. “Let’s start our day, shall we? Mina…you handle the register. You did a great job doing that yesterday.”

  “Sure thing, thanks Michael.” Mina agreed with a little wave as she left the kitchen and made her way into the shop and stood behind the display case.

  Another day at Dark Heaven passed by uneventfully while Mina handled the customers, and Tristan made chocolate while Michael watched and learned how to make whatever Tristan was making. Issy had decided to make an impressive chocolate Opera Cake. An opera cake was a layered dessert of a thin cake with ground almonds, filled with ganache and coffee butter cream, and topped with more ganache. Issy was already doing the finishing touches to the cake, icing the top layer with dark brown chocolate icing and drawing a treble clef with white icing and the word ‘opera’ in swirly letters. Apparently, she had ‘opera’ on the brain since Tristan was going to take Laura to the opera.

  Issy had time to make a second cake - this one a novelty cake and worked on it for the rest of the day. Once she’d finished the cake she blinked. It was a two-tiered cake with a Phantom of the Opera theme. She was obviously still subconsciously thinking about Tristan and Laura’s opera date that Saturday night. The cake was covered in white fondant icing, and Issy had hand piped the design of a stave and musical notes encircling the cake’s exterior. On the top of the cake were a draped, black scarf, a long, red rose and a white half-mask just like the one worn by the Phantom of the Opera himself - all of which had been made out of colored fondant icing.

  At seven o’clock Laura showed up at Dark Heaven again, and she and Tristan left on another date. Tristan had decided to take her to Dullahan’s for a few drinks since she’d be invariably impressed by Dante’s wicked bartending skills. Tristan entered the Irish pub with his arm looped around Laura’s and noticed the surprised looks he was getting. He guided Laura over to the bar and they both took a seat on the tall barstools. Dante was mixing a few girls some drinks and doing it with some mind-boggling flair. The girls were ‘oohing’ and ‘ahhing’ and clapping at Dante’s feats as he juggled bottles and shaker tins.

  Laura looked equally impressed as she watched Dante flip and pour one of the bottles. “Wow…he’s good. Just who is he?”

  “That’s my friend, Dante. He’s married by the way, which means he’s off limits.” Tristan teased.

  Laura’s eyes widened at Tristan’s comment and a guilty pink tinge came to her cheeks. She nibbled on her bottom lip out of nervousness, wondering if Tristan suspected something. “Oh, I see…so how was your day, Tristan?” She said wanting to quickly change the subject.

  “It was good, thanks…a little crazy in the morning because of my sister.” Tristan shook his head as he remembered his sister’s fierce side-kick. His side still hurt. “She’s always pulling some crazy stunt to get attention. I don’t know what to do with her.”

  Laura gave Tristan an understanding look. “If she wants attention then just give it to her. She’s family. I think you should try spending more time with your sister…to better understand where she’s coming from.”

  “Why are you so wise, Laura?” Tristan breathed, a twinkle in his bi-colored eyes. “You’re amazing.”

  “Ahem.” Dante cleared his throat to get Tristan and Laura’s attention. “Tristan…do my eyes deceive me or are you on an actual date?”

  Tristan grinned roguishly. “You’re right. I’m on a date. May I introduce Laura. Laura this is Dante.”

  Dante offered Laura his hand and they shook hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Laura. You must be an incredible person for Tristan to break his no dating policy and actually go out on a date.”

  Laura snatched her hand back quickly and frowned, “I…I’m not so special. Tristan is the one who’s special.”

  Tristan gave Laura a perplexed look. “Laura-?” He began, however, he was cut off by-

  “Hey, it’s Tristan!” A scratchy male voice interrupted him.

  Tristan turned to see Alan Dullahan, the owner of Dullahan’s Irish Pub, approaching them. “Hey, Alan. Long time no see, bro.”

  “Yeah, where have you been?” Alan gave Tristan a quick hug that caught the chocolatier by surprise. “Don’t be a stranger, okay? It gets kind of quiet around here without all your crazy antics!”

  “Yeah. I’ll bet.” Tristan agreed.

  “So who’s this beautiful young lady?” Alan asked suavely.

  “My aren’t you the charming young man? I’m Laura. It’s nice to meet you.” She offered Alan her hand. He took it and placed a kiss on it.

  “I’m Alan Dullahan. Owner of this establishment. And Tristan taught me everything I know when it comes to charming the ladies. Not that he charms a lot of ladies or anything…doh…” Alan laughed nervously while scratching the back of his neck.

  Laura giggled at Alan’s antics. “Don’t worry. Tristan does indeed have quite the reputation but…I don’t care about that. I’m just happy to get to spend time with such an incredible person…for as long as I can.” She said her last words softly and more to herself than the others.

  Tristan noted Laura’s sad tone as if she knew that their ‘fling’ wasn’t permanent. “Laura.” He shook his head and turned to Alan. “Alan, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about a favor. My little sister Mina dropped out of college, tracked me down, and now she’s working at Dark Heaven.”

  Alan’s eyes went wide. “You have a sister? I didn’t know. Is she hot?”

  A beautiful, tall, blonde girl with amber-colored eyes slapped Alan on the back of his head in that exact instant with a resounding smack. “Who could be hotter than me, Alan, sweetie? Hmm?” She asked in a deadly tone.

  Alan turned to face Kim and was slowly paling. “No one…my princess. I was just curious, I swear!”

  Kim’s stern expression melted into amusement and she smiled. “I know, I was just messing with you. So Tristan is your sister hot?”

  Tristan frowned. “She’s attractive, I guess.”

  Alan snorted. “Tristan! You’re not supposed to find your sister attractive even if she is - you’re her brother. Duh.”

  “Ah, right, sorry…no, she’s a cow.” Tristan quickly amended, chagrined. “Anyways, Alan…I wanted to see if you could make her a uniform. She has the tendency to wear designer clothes while she’s working, but that’s not really appropriate attire for Dark Heaven.”

  “Make your sister a uniform?” Alan shrugged. “Sure, that sounds fun actually. I’d need her measurements though.”

  “Do you have a pen?” Tristan asked.

  “Uh, sure.” Alan handed Tristan a pen while giving the chocolatier a curious look.

  Tristan grabbed a paper napkin and began to write down Mina’s bust, waist and hip measurements. Once he’d finished he handed the napkin to Alan. Everyone was stunned into silence.

  “How do you know your sister’s three sizes?” Alan couldn’t help but ask the question everyone was wondering.

  Tristan smirked, “It’s one of my special skills. I can tell a woman’s three sizes just by looking at her.”

  “No way…that’s impossible, man.” Alan objected.

  Tristan looked over at Kim and raked his eyes over her. “Xx-yy-zz.”

  Kim slapped Tristan hard across the face out of reflex. “Oh, sorry, reflex…and you’re right.”

  “No worries.” Tristan rubbed his aching, red, throbbing cheek. Tristan looked Laura over next. “Xx-yy-zz.”

  Laura’s eyes widened and she wrapped her hands around her chest self-consciously, “You’re right. Oh my God…it’s like you have x-ray vision or something. I suddenly feel naked in front of you, Tristan. Like you’re undressing me with your eyes.”

  “I like to call it my Pervert Vision.” Tristan said proudly. “I bet Superman was a closet-pervert.”

  Laura slapped Tristan’s shoulder. “Oh behave.”

  “Oh and one more thing Alan…” Tristan wrote Issy’s measurements down on a napkin and
handed them to Alan. He also included her height. “I have a new patissiere working for me…and she likes to dress like a Living Doll. Her ‘look’ goes well with Dark Heaven but I’d still like to have an apron made for her. Maybe something with frills or lace. She likes feminine, cute things.” Tristan explained.

  “A patissiere?” Alan asked curiously as he looked down at her measurements. “She’s tiny…how old is she?”

  “Fifteen.” Tristan readily supplied. “And she’s just a friend - if that’s what you were wondering, Alan.”

  “Ah, yeah. Okay, I’ll make her something cute…very Lolita.” Alan said as he began to brainstorm ideas in his head.

  “Whatever ‘Lolita’ is, I’m sure it will be great. Thanks, Alan.” Tristan said.

  “Since when does Tristan have a female friend? He doesn’t seem like the type to have female friends.” Kim whispered into Alan’s ear conspiratorially.

  Alan shrugged. “Since now I guess.”

  Kim had a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “I wonder.”

  To be continued in…Chocolate 5: Frosty Mint

  Issy: So you wish to know how to make an Opera cake? Check out the following website: