Read Incubus Chocolatier PG-13 Version Page 8


  Saturday night had finally arrived, the night of Tristan and Laura’s opera date. Issy, Tristan’s stalker, was excited. It wasn’t every day that Issy got to stalk Tristan to such a luxurious, elegant place. She was thrilled, but also a little worried. Issy had stalked Tristan’s dates with Laura throughout the week, and had noticed that instead of Tristan looking rejuvenated…the chocolatier was steadily looking more pallid and weak.

  Like a vampire who hadn’t feed in a while…

  Which could only mean that Tristan hadn’t slept with Laura yet. Issy had no idea why, but she had the feeling that Tristan meant to seal the deal tonight. That’s why Issy had to make sure that Tristan’s date went off without a hitch because if Tristan weren’t fed…he’d be screwed. Oh my God, I feel like Tristan’s pimp. This is so messed up…but I have to look out for him!

  That day at Dark Heaven Tristan had looked especially pallid. He needed sex…

  Issy had selected a gorgeous brown and burgundy ball gown to wear to the opera. She was also wearing her usual velvet choker, stockings and doll shoes, but had chosen not to wear a wig. She’d be going as ‘herself’ with her brown hair styled into an updo, and a domino mask upon her face in case Tristan spotted her out of the corner of his eye. She didn’t want to risk him recognizing her.

  Once Issy was finished getting ready, she took a taxi to the Lincoln Center. Less than half an hour later, Issy was ascending the front steps and chose a spot close to the fountain to wait for Tristan and Laura to arrive. She received a few strange looks because of her mask but she ignored them. The couple arrived a few minutes later and Issy ducked behind the fountain, watching them through the arcing spray.

  The couple walked towards the entrance to the opera house hand in hand, and Issy noticed how all eyes seemed to be drawn towards Tristan, hers included. He looked like a fairytale prince. His black hair looking almost blue in the low, golden light that was coming from the inside of the building. Tristan’s hair had been pulled back into a ponytail by a dark blue ribbon. There were very few men who could pull off having a bow in their hair and still look masculine.

  Issy counted to one hundred before following them inside of the opera house. She made sure to stay about ten feet away from them at all times. The Living Doll grabbed a program and continued to follow them. The couple entered their box first and Issy waited for a minute before entering after them. Issy had previously investigated which box Tristan and Laura would be in, and had purchased her ticket accordingly. She took a seat right behind the couple, close enough to spy on Tristan, but far enough away that she probably wouldn’t be recognized as ‘Coco’ in the dark. She could watch him all night. Although she knew she should probably try to enjoy some of the opera while she was there. But would it be a better show than Tristan? I think not.

  Tristan couldn’t seem to pull his eyes away from Laura and Issy felt a stab of jealousy. Issy noticed Laura glance back at her curiously until Tristan called her name. Issy held her breath when finally the lights dimmed inside of the opera house until it was pitch black, and the velvet curtain rose as the opera Don Giovanni began.

  According to the program Issy had read, Don Giovanni was the tale of a nobleman who continually got himself into trouble because of his philandering ways. He ends up having a duel with one of his lover’s protective father and ends up killing the man. Elvira, one of Giovanni’s scorned ex-lovers confronts him about being unfaithful to her, but Giovanni’s servant, Leporello, shows her a book that has the names of all of Giovanni’s conquests inside of it in order to scare her off from Giovanni.

  Despite his continued philandering, Elvira still loves Giovanni and tries to get him to change his ways, but he only laughs at her attempts. The ghost of the murdered father appears and Giovanni’s past finally catches up to him. When he fails to repent of his immoral ways the ghost kills him. A tragic end for the handsome rake.

  Issy whipped out her night vision binoculars and watched Tristan (yes, she should have been watching the opera, but whatever). Thirty minutes into the performance someone entered their box and Issy focused her binoculars on this person instead. Her eyes widened when she recognized Mina.

  Mina was wearing a sleek, modern, backless evening gown that was covered in black sequins, and that had two daring slits up the sides. A pair of sexy stilettos were on her feet. Her hair was down and framed her face in soft layers. It was obviously a designer dress.

  What the hell is Mina doing here? Issy wondered, beginning to panic. Maybe she’s just here to be close to Tristan. Maybe she won’t try anything…yeah. Issy nibbled on her bottom lip.

  A box seat attendant entered the box to see if anyone needed anything. Mina ordered a bottle of red wine. A few minutes later, the attendant arrived with the bottle of wine, a wine bucket stand filled with ice, and a single wine glass. He opened the bottle of wine for Mina, poured her a glass before sticking the bottle into the wine bucket, and left as silently as he’d arrived.

  Mina picked up the wine glass, swirled it, and took a small sip as she watched not the opera, but Laura and Tristan whispering to each other in low tones. Mina chewed on her thumbnail angrily and she ground her teeth in irritation. How dare they act all lovey-dovey in front of me! She’d put up with them all week but this ended today! Today she’d screw up Tristan’s date. Mina stood up and cleared her throat to get Tristan and Laura’s attention. “Ahem.”

  Tristan and Laura turned to see who was trying to get their attention and easily recognized Mina. “Mina! What are you doing here?” Tristan hissed in a low voice.

  “Ruining your romantic date - that’s what!” Mina declared as she raised her glass and aimed it at Laura.

  Oh no! “No! Don’t!” Issy cried as she lunged for Mina and spun her around. Mina ended up spilling the glass of wine onto Issy’s face and the front of her dress with a splash. Issy looked down at her stained dress, which she’d spent almost the remainder of her savings on. It was a tragedy, but at least Laura was okay.

  Everyone had been stunned into silence by what had just happened. Issy forced herself to smile at Laura. “I’m glad you’re okay.” That said Issy fled the opera box and made her way to the bathroom.


  Tristan gawked at the mysterious young woman who’d just stepped in front of Laura to shield her from getting wine splashed on her. A Good Samaritan? She looked awfully familiar with that brown hair. Could she be…Coco?

  The chocolatier watched intently as Coco addressed Laura. “I’m glad you’re okay.” As soon as she’d uttered those words she fled from the opera box. Tristan had to resist the urge to run after her, but first he needed to reprimand Mina. The chocolatier’s hard gaze fell upon a stunned looking Mina. “Mina!”

  Mina flinched at the harsh tone of voice. “What?” She snapped.

  “Mina, how could you do something so cruel? Were you really going to splash that wine on Laura? She’s done nothing to you!” Tristan reached out and shook Mina by her shoulders.

  Mina shoved Tristan’s hands off of her. “Yeah, nothing except steal you away! Tristan, I love-”

  “No!” Tristan roared and then realized how loud he was being in the middle of the opera. Several people in nearby boxes went: “Shhh!” “No.” He continued in a softer voice. “Don’t, Mina. You’re acting like a spoiled little brat that’s fighting over a toy. I’m not your toy, so stop playing with me. Just stop. I can’t even bear to look at you right now, Mina. In fact, I’m disgusted with you.” He sneered.

  Mina gasped, horrified by Tristan’s cutting words. “Tristan, I…” Tears filled her lovely sapphire eyes and she became choked up. “Tristan…you idiot!” Mina sobbed as she too fled the opera box.

  Tristan sighed as he watched her go. But…he couldn’t keep putting up with Mina’s antics. Someone could end up getting seriously hurt because of her obsession with him. It had happened with Tristan’s admirers before when they’d started to fight each other. A girl had even been
killed by one of Tristan’s jealous admirers. He shook his head to shake the remembrance from his mind. He drove girls to a dark place. She had to get over her obsession with him before it destroyed her.

  Tristan hated hurting Mina though. Seeing her cry, a woman’s tears - those were his weakness. The incubus ran a trembling hand back through his hair. “I didn’t mean to hurt her but…she has to stop acting this way.”

  Laura reached out and squeezed Tristan’s hand in an understanding manner. “You did the right thing, Tristan. Mina needs to be punished for her mistakes and learn from them. You’re hard on her because you love her. I see that. And hopefully she will too.”

  “Thanks Laura that means a lot to me. I…there’s something I have to go do. I’ll be right back, okay?” Tristan said while giving her an urgent look.

  Laura nodded. “Hurry back.”


  Issy entered the bathroom and made her way over to the sink. She grabbed several paper towels, ran the cold water, wet the paper towels and then used them to dab at the wine on the front of her dress. Tears welled up in her eyes because it appeared the red wine was going to stain and this dress had cost her a hell of a lot of money. But she forced her tears away because she didn’t regret her actions. She’d protected Tristan’s date and that’s all that mattered. What mattered to Tristan…mattered to her.

  At that moment the bathroom door opened and Tristan strolled inside with a bottle of club soda in his hand. “T-Tristan!” Issy exclaimed at the unexpected sight of the chocolatier.

  “Hello Coco.” Tristan grinned at her roguishly.

  “Coco?” She repeated in a daze.

  “It’s my nickname for you. I’ve been calling you that in my head ever since the wedding reception because I don’t know your real name yet and I don’t suppose you’re going to give it to me. Are you stalking me, Coco? First, the wedding reception and now here…?” Tristan teased as he approached her.

  “Yes.” Issy admitted.

  Tristan’s eyes widened. “So then…you’re my mysterious stalker? Heh…I have a pretty cute stalker. Lucky.” He said as he ran his eyes over her form lustfully and then his expression softened. “I also have a very brave stalker. You protected Laura from Mina tonight.”

  Issy waved her hand dismissively through the air. “That was nothing…it’s just some spilled wine. It’s not like I took a bullet for her or anything cool like that.”

  Tristan raised an eyebrow at her blasé attitude. “For a woman her clothes are very important to her. Here, let me help you. We don’t want that lovely dress of yours to stain.” Tristan removed his scarf, doused it with club soda, and began to clean the front of Issy’s dress.

  “But Tristan your scarf.” Issy objected.

  “Shhh…your dress is more important. It’s the dress of a beautiful, selfless woman. A Good Samaritan. There aren’t many people like you in this city…not anymore.” Tristan recalled how Coco had saved him at the hotel from behind raped by that perverted old man. Tristan began to dab his scarf at her chest.

  Issy blushed. “Uh, that’s my chest.”

  Tristan looked up and met Issy’s eyes with a heated gaze. “I know.”

  Issy swallowed. “O-Oh…I mean…hey! You…pervert…you better stop that?”

  Tristan chuckled and his voice sounded throaty. “You really sound like you want me to stop.” He rubbed her chest with his scarf through her dress.

  Issy gasped. “Holy- no, no, no…Tristan!” Issy batted Tristan’s hands away from her, summoning all of her willpower to do so. “You’re here with Laura. Remember your date. It’s important.”

  “Yeah…Laura.” Tristan replied distantly. “You really are my stalker, aren’t you? You even know my date’s name.”

  Issy nodded. “You need to go back to her. Not to mention this is the girl’s bathroom.”

  Tristan let out a sigh and looked sheepish. “I suppose I do.” But even though he said this he hesitated upon leaving Issy.

  “So hurry up.” Issy made little shooing motions with her hands at him.

  “I don’t want to leave you.” Tristan admitted softly and gave her an urgent look. “Will I see you again, Coco?” Hope swam in his bi-colored eyes.

  “What are you saying? Of course you won’t see me again.” Issy began and Tristan’s expression fell until she continued. “I’ll be in the shadows watching you wherever you go.”

  Tristan grinned. “That should really freak me out but…I’m glad. Right, well, thanks again, Coco. You’re always saving me…one day I’ll return the favor.” He leaned over and kissed Issy on her cheek causing her to blush prettily.

  Tristan left the bathroom and Issy watched him go. Her knees gave out as soon as he was gone, and she sunk to the bathroom floor. She raised a hand and touched her tingling cheek. “I’m never washing my cheek again…although I may end up getting a zit there. It sure wouldn’t be very hygienic…but maybe I just don’t care. And yep, I’m totally talking to myself aren’t I? I’m just going to shut up now.”

  Issy could hardly believe that Tristan had come to the bathroom to help her, and he hadn’t wanted to leave her for Laura. Her heart thudded madly inside of her chest at the thought. She really needed to be more careful though. Stalkers weren’t supposed to be seen. Shadow Stalker Association Rule Number Two: A Shadow Stalker can never be seen by his/her target (and this is to be prevented by any means necessary: grappling hooks, smoke bombs etc.)


  At the end of the opera Tristan’s feeling of unease concerning his sister Mina had increased to the point that it could no longer be ignored. As Tristan and Laura were leaving the opera house he stopped and gave Laura an apologetic look. “I’m sorry, but I need to make a quick phone call.”

  Laura gave Tristan an understanding look in return. “There’s no rush. The night is young.” She winked.

  Tristan swallowed thickly before dialing Michael’s cell phone number. Yes, the Archangel had his own cell phone now. After a few rings Michael picked up.

  “HELLO?” Michael’s bellow came over the phone.

  Tristan held his throbbing ear away from the phone and frowned. He shook his head at Michael’s antics before putting his cell phone back to his ear. “Michael, dude, you don’t have to yell into the phone. I can hear you just fine.”

  “Oh…sorry. What is it?”

  “It’s…Mina. She showed up at the opera house and tried to sabotage my date.”


  “Luckily Coco was here to stop her.”


  “My stalker. That’s what I call her. Anyways, it’s a long story…but I may have been a little harsh on Mina. She left…and I think she may have been crying. Could you go look for her and make sure she’s okay?”

  “Consider it done.”

  “Thanks man, I owe you one.”

  “And I plan to collect.” Michael rumbled over the phone, sounding smug.

  “Doh.” Tristan ended the call and felt loads better. He trusted Michael to find Mina and watch over her. In fact…if he could get Mina and Michael together that would be ideal. But a nineteen-year-old billionaire heiress and socialite, and an ancient, stodgy Archangel would be an unbelievable couple.

  “Is everything alright?” Laura asked touching Tristan’s arm.

  Tristan grinned as he put his arm around Laura’s shoulders, “Yes…and it’s only going to get better.” The couple made their way to Tristan’s Corvette and got inside. “So…I have a room at the Empire Hotel if you’d care to join me for some champagne, strawberries and of course chocolate.” Tristan said casually but held his breath as he awaited Laura’s response.

  Laura looked over at Tristan and could see how still he was. She noticed that he was holding his breath and her heart warmed. It made him more endearing. Laura reached her hand out and squeezed Tristan’s that was on the shift. “I would love to.” Laura was equally nervous since she hadn’t had sex in over a
year - even though she was married! She was definitely out of practice and she was also lacking in confidence because of her husband’s apparent lack of desire towards her. But she wanted this.

  Tristan headed towards Columbus Avenue as he drove Laura to the Empire Hotel. The hotel was only minutes away and located on 44 West 63rd Street. They arrived, pulled up in front, and Tristan tossed his car keys to a waiting valet. The couple entered the hotel and they both gaped at the luxurious hotel lobby. The color theme was warm colors - beige, black, white, gold. There were opulent, golden, velvet couches, a black and beige marble floor, modern, bronze chandeliers, and draping gold curtains.

  Tristan and Laura made their way to the elevators, stepped inside one, and the doors closed. Tristan pushed the button for their floor. The tension between the two of them was thick and the air seemed to be electrically charged.

  Laura nibbled on her bottom lip, “Alone in an elevator with a handsome man. I’ve fantasized about this.” She admitted. Her husband Manuel would never have done something as wild as make out in an elevator.

  Tristan reached out and daringly pushed the emergency stop button. The elevator jarred to a halt. “Oh really?” Tristan questioned in a roughened voice.

  Laura turned to gawk at Tristan in surprise. “Oh no you didn’t.”

  “I did.” Tristan purred as he approached Laura predatorily. With a flick of his hand he turned the camera off that was inside of the elevator. Since he was half-demon he was able to perform simple spells at times by simply using his will. The operator would assume the elevator was simply malfunctioning and they would have a few minutes for some fun.

  Laura swallowed as she was backed up into the elevator wall. Tristan stood directly in front of her and placed his hands on either side of her head, caging her in with his body as if he feared she would escape. I don’t want to escape. I want to be captured.

  Tristan leaned down and brushed his lips gently against hers. She trembled at the light touch. “Tristan.” She said breathlessly and he pressed his lips harder into hers. She responded and moved her lips against his. Tristan ran his tongue along her bottom lip seeking entrance. She moaned and he slipped his tongue inside of her mouth.

  Tristan began to skillfully coat her tongue with his saliva and their tongues tangled. His saliva slid down Laura’s throat and she swallowed. Her pupils became blown with desire and her body trembled with need. Her knees weakened and almost gave way, but Tristan pressed his body into hers so that she remained standing.

  Tristan pulled back and leaned over to nibble on her ear. He licked and nibbled his way down her neck and collarbone. “You taste so good.” The chocolatier complimented. “Like mint chocolate.”

  “Tristan…I want you to make love to me here. In this elevator.” Laura breathed.

  Tristan gawked down at her in surprise. “Are you sure you don’t want to wait until we get back to the hotel room? You would be more comfortable there. I don’t want to hurt you.” Tristan’s brow furrowed as he tried to get himself under control.

  “Please…I’ve always wanted to do something like this. Something dangerous…forbidden.” Laura looked into Tristan’s bi-colored eyes beseechingly.

  “Very well. What my lady desires - she shall have.” Tristan nodded. He’d waited six days to have sex and was on the razor’s edge of control. “You’re amazing, Laura.” He breathed when their bodies were finally united and he began to feed from her sexual energies.

  “I am? Really?” Laura asked with tears in her eyes.

  “Yes.” Tristan assured her as he captured her lips with his own, kissing her deeply, desperately.

  Laura eagerly kissed him back. “You really are a sex god, aren’t you? I’ve heard the rumors…stories…you really are as good as they say.”

  Tristan smirked, amused by her suppositions. “I’m not a god. Just a horny young man.”

  Laura shook her head and brown curls escaped her do. “You’re more than that, Tristan.” You’re my savior.

  They both clung to each other, panting for breath, as they both came down from their high. They were both sated, and their bodies were still thrumming with pleasure. When Tristan set Laura down, she wobbled on her feet but Tristan reached out and grabbed her arm to steady her.

  Laura laughed. “Wow…I don’t think I’ll be able to walk normally for a while.”

  Tristan’s bi-colored eyes twinkled with mischief. He leaned over to whisper in her ear. “We’re not done yet.”

  Laura shivered with delight. “Oh my.”

  Tristan pressed the emergency stop button again, and the elevator began to ascend once more. He scooped Laura up into his arms when the elevator door opened and carried her out into the hall since she couldn’t walk. Teehee.


  As soon as Michael got off the phone with Tristan he went in search of Mina. He reached out his senses and searched for her presence. When he located her, he left Dark Heaven, willed himself invisible, and summoned his wings before taking off into the sky. He flew over the city and found himself on 27th and 10th, which was basically an area with a strip of clubs - Marquee, Mansion (M2), Cain, Guesthouse, Home, Suzie Wongs, and Bungalow.

  Michael landed outside of the Marquee Club. The club had been recently renovated and looked trendy. In purple, neon letters the name ‘MARQUEE’ was lit up over the entrance to the club. The angel remained invisible so he could bypass the line and simply make his way inside. Once inside the club he willed his wings to disappear, and released his invisibility.

  Michael was still dressed in his chocolatier jacket, black pants, and dress shoes, and as a result looked very out of place. Archangel Michael had never been to a human dance club before. The human he used to look after, Joan Simone aka the reincarnation of Joan of Arc, had been conservative. Nightclubs hadn’t been her scene. And as Michael’s golden-brown eyes scanned the crowd of dancing humans he could see why.

  The human females were almost all wearing either dresses or short skirts - very short skirts. Michael shook his head at 21st Century fashion. The women of today were dressed like whores of Satan. Pretty soon they’d be wearing nothing but fig leaves like Adam and Eve had done once they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden.

  Michael was thousands of years old, and had watched human civilization rise and fall, over and over again. He’d also observed radical changes in human fashion. From draping togas to ornate gowns to micro minis. Watching the changes in human fashion had been interesting to watch, but equally horrifying. Men seemed to have gotten the short end of the stick in fashion and throughout time basically wore a variation of shirts and pants. Women however…their fashion had changed tremendously over time. Michael saw animal prints, sparkly sequins that reflected the lazer lights, translucent fabrics, and even a plastic skirt.

  Blue and yellow spotlights moved back and forth across the dance floor. The floor beneath Michael’s feet vibrated from the techno beat of Enrique Iglesias’ I like it. As Michael crossed the dance floor the crowd seemed to part for him of its own accord - as if they sensed someone special was in their midst. Even though Michael was oddly dressed in his chocolatier jacket, his handsomeness could not be overlooked, and at six-five he towered over most of the human males there, making him stand out even if he didn’t want to. His golden-blonde hair gleamed in the lights of the club and his eyes glowed as he searched for Mina.

  Another thing Michael had noticed overtime was that ‘dancing’ had gotten stranger and stranger for the humans. Personally, he’d enjoyed watching the elegant dances such as waltz or even the tango, but this ‘freak dancing’ was disgusting, and wholly inappropriate behavior.

  Michael was scowling at the couples that were grinding their bodies together as if they were having sex on the dance floor but with their clothes still on. Get a room, humans. Suddenly, Michael’s eyes landed on a lone young woman dressed in a long, black evening gown that was covered in glittering sequins that caught the lights of the club. She was da
ncing alone, swaying her body to the music in a mesmerizing manner, and moving her arms sensually through the air.


  The dress was backless and Michael admired the smooth expanse of her skin. His eyes traveled down her spine to the curve of her lower back. Her long black hair was swishing back and forth, revealing teasing glimpses of her bare flesh.

  Michael swallowed thickly and ran a hand over his mouth. The sight of a human woman shouldn’t affect him. Just who is she?

  When the young woman spun around, Michael sucked in a breath - it was Mina! She seemed to be lost to the music as she made patterns in the air with her hands and hadn’t noticed Michael’s presence.

  Mina! That’s when Michael noticed that he wasn’t the only one watching her. Several human males were admiring Mina as she danced, and a few human males even tried to dance with Mina. She refused them, however, and unceremoniously shoved them away. This caused Michael’s lip to twitch. That’s my girl. Mina could handle herself apparently.

  Michael continued to watch her dance from afar. He found that he couldn’t move, could barely breathe. He wanted this moment to last forever. But then Mina was leaving the dance floor and heading towards the bar. Mina slid onto a barstool, and was slightly panting for breath. She raised her hand to get the bartender’s attention and ordered herself a drink. Her cheeks were flushed pink.

  Michael slid onto a barstool that was a few seats down from Mina. The bartender returned with Mina’s drink - a red-colored drink in a martini glass. Mina raised the drink to her lips and instead of taking a dainty sip as Michael had expected she began to chug it back. She didn’t stop drinking until she’d finished the entire cocktail and set it down on the bar in front of her. “Ah!” She raised her hand to get the bartender’s attention again and ordered yet another drink.

  Michael frowned. If he didn’t know any better - he’d suspect that Mina was trying to get drunk. But why? Humans only got needlessly drunk when they wanted to forget something. What did Mina want to forget? Ah, yes, of course…Tristan. Michael scowled. Mina had gone to sabotage Tristan’s date with Laura and had failed miserably. Apparently, Tristan’s stalker had saved the day. Way to go Issy.

  Tristan had said some harsh things to Mina, things he regretted apparently, but…Michael couldn’t exactly blame Tristan. Mina’s love obsession for him was wrong and had only been brought about because Tristan was an incubus. He watched as Mina got her second drink and began to chug it as well. Mina was a beautiful, sensual young woman. So young at nineteen. She had her entire life ahead of her. A bright future. She deserved better than to be pining away for her brother. She deserved to find happiness with a human male who could protect her, cherish her, and respect her. At that moment, Mina was approached by a group of three young men.

  “Hey there, babe.” One of them greeted her casually.

  “Get lost.” Mina slurred, “I want to be alone.”

  “So you’re here alone?” One of the others asked and shared a devious look with his friends.

  Mina nodded. “Yes…I’m here alone because my brother is a big fat jerk! I hate him!”

  “Your brother, huh? Why don’t you let us cheer you up? We’ll help you to forget all about your brother.” One of the young men put his hand on Mina’s arm.

  Mina swayed in her seat and looked down at the hand on her arm as if she couldn’t believe what she was seeing. “Don’t touch me!” Mina batted his hand away. She glared up at the three men and looked them over before laughing in their faces. “You guys are pretty ugly! Is that why you prey on drunken girls so you can get laid? Well, let me tell you something - I wouldn’t sleep with any of you guys if you were the last men on Earth! Ha! My brother is sooo much handsomer…than you losersss!”

  The young men instantly grew angry and dark looks crossed their faces. One of them grabbed Mina’s arm and roughly pulled her off her stool. “You’re coming with us.”

  “Hey! Let go!” Mina objected as she struggled weakly against the man’s hold, but as drunk as she was, she didn’t put up much of a fight. “Aw crap. Maybe I shouldn’t have drunk so much…”

  Michael had seen enough. He was about to summon his sword when he realized what he was about to do. These weren’t demons…they were just humans. He clenched and unclenched his hand as he got his temper under control. He stalked over to Mina and the three men. He reached out and grabbed the man’s wrist and began to squeeze.

  “Hey, buddy, just what do you think you’re-” The man complained before Michael’s grip grew painful, muscle rubbing against bone. “Ow! Hey! Stop!” He complained as he struggled against Michael’s hold. “I said stop!”

  Crack. Michael let go of the man once he realized he’d broken his wrist. The man howled in pain. “Darn it! That creep broke my wrist!”

  Mina was squinting at Michael as if she couldn’t believe he was there. “Michael…?”

  “Oh, he’s gonna pay for that.” The man’s friend said cracking his knuckles menacingly.

  Michael spun and punched the man in the face. Michael’s fist connected with the man’s nose, breaking it, cartilage snapping and blood pouring down the man’s face. The man howled in pain.

  By this time the club goers had taken notice of the fight, and had begun to point and murmur worriedly at the group. The security guards also noticed and began to push their way through the crowd towards them. Michael turned to glare at the remaining drunk frat boy but he put his hands up and backed away. Michael grinned savagely, showing his teeth. He looked at Mina and grabbed her hand. “We’re going.” He said in a low, rumbling voice.

  Mina just gaped at Michael as he took her hand and began to pull her through the crowd. However, the security guards stood in their path. They were two hulking guys dressed in black. “Out of my way!” Michael roared as he shoved one security guard and sent him literally flying across the dance floor.

  The second security guard whipped out a billy club and attacked Michael with it. Michael caught the billy club with his free hand and squeezed until it bent in half. The startled security guard dropped the now useless piece of metal to the floor. He didn’t try to stop Michael as they continued on their way. “Not possibly human….” He heard the security guard mutter darkly to himself.

  Michael pulled Mina out of the club and hailed a cab. They were getting into the backseat of a cab minutes later. That’s when Mina began to laugh. Michael shot her a startled, worried look.

  Mina put a hand to her throbbing head. “Ah, I really must be drunk. I thought I saw you beating the crap out of a couple of frat boys, Michael.”

  Michael remained silent.

  “Michael wouldn’t come to save me. I must be hallucinating or dreaming…” Mina said as she pinched her arm. “Ow!” Mina’s eyes widened, and she looked over at Michael, startled. “Oh my God…you’re really here. You really came to get me…why?”

  Michael crossed his arms over his broad chest, scowling. Because I was worried about you. “Because your brother Tristan told me to.”

  Surprisingly enough, Mina looked disappointed by his response. “Oh, I see.” She looked Michael over…and stared at the blood on his knuckles. So…it hadn’t been a delusion. “Are you…a demon too?” Mina asked softly so that the cabdriver wouldn’t overhear her. “Like Tristan?”

  Michael gave her a horrified look in response. “A lowly demon? I’m a-!” But then he stopped himself. Tristan didn’t want Mina knowing that he was a guardian angel in case it could end up putting Mina in danger.

  “What?” Mina gave Michael an expectant look.

  “I am your brother’s friend. As well as yours.” He said simply.

  Mina raised an eyebrow at Michael’s words. She rested her head against Michael’s shoulder, closed her eyes, and let out a tired sigh. “Take me home, Michael.”

  “As you wish, Miss Mina.” Michael rumbled, enjoying the feeling of Mina’s head against his shoulder. He liked how she appeared to be relyi
ng on his strength. She was so close he could smell her hair. She smelled like…roses. A decadent scent.


  Tristan entered the hotel room he’d rented with Laura still in his arms and closed the door behind him with his foot. He carried Laura to the bedroom, entered, and gently set her down on the bed. “Why don’t you take a shower while I get us some room service. Do you want anything besides champagne, Laura?” Tristan asked.

  “No. Champagne sounds divine.” She smiled up at him, looking coy.

  Tristan nodded and left the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Laura hopped off the bed and made her way to the bathroom. She entered and flipped on a light switch. “Ooo.” The bathroom was enormous with a marble sink, large mirror, tiled floor, and a luxurious shower that was big enough for two to fit inside. If she didn’t know better Laura would think Tristan had gotten her the honeymoon suite!

  Laura stripped off her clothes and stepped into the shower. She turned on the hot water and stepped under the warm spray. It was wonderful. She grabbed a loofa and squeezed some almond and vanilla scented body wash onto it. Laura lathered her body with delicious smelling soapsuds, and moaned in bliss. Her body was still supercharged from Tristan’s earlier ministrations. She’d never been so aroused in her life.

  Laura remembered how Tristan had complimented her body. He desired her. Maybe I’ve still got it after all. Laura thought with a goofy smile on her face. She was so lost in thought that she didn’t notice Tristan enter the bathroom, strip his clothes off, and enter the shower behind her until he placed his hands on her waist and said: “Let me wash you. Let me pamper you, Cinderella.”

  Laura gasped and relinquished the loofa. Tristan ran it over her body admiringly. She was in shape, and probably went to the gym a few times a week. She didn’t have an ounce of fat on her. Not that Tristan wasn’t attracted to chubby girls; they had their own charms too. “You are so beautiful.” He breathed causing Laura to tremble with anticipation.

  After Tristan was finished soaping up her entire body he ran his hands over it to remove the soap beneath the spray. “Tristan…I need you.” Laura breathed in a husky voice.

  “Ask and you shall receive.” Tristan murmured, as he pulled her close and kissed her passionately.

  “Take me to the bedroom.” Laura panted when Tristan had pulled away from her.

  “Your wish is my command, Laura.” Tristan said. They quickly got out of the shower, dried off with some fluffy, white hotel towels, and Tristan carried Laura to the bed in a princess-style hold. Once he set her down, Laura scooted back giving Tristan room to crawl onto the bed with her. “Come and take me, Sex God.”

  Tristan swallowed and slowly moved between her legs. Laura watched him with hooded eyes. Tristan was so handsome. His lithe torso was all tightly packed muscle, he had six-pack abs and his legs were so long and muscular. She’d never found a man’s legs that attractive before but Tristan had really sexy legs.

  Tristan leaned over her for a kiss. He kissed her languidly. Laura arched off the bed, looked up at him, and smiled. She peered into his bi-colored eyes. “I love your eyes. They’re so unusual. One is like a sapphire and the other is like gold.”

  A cocky smirk curled Tristan’s lips. “Then I’ll keep them open for you.” He said as he united their bodies.

  “So embarrassing.” Laura said but she couldn’t look away from Tristan’s piercing gaze. Right then he only saw her. She felt like the only woman in the universe. It was a beautiful dream.

  Right then she was Cinderella with her prince, but at midnight her carriage would turn back into a pumpkin. Her gown would turn back into jeans and a t-shirt that was covered with baby food stains. And she’d become ‘Mom’ and ‘Unwanted Wife’ once more. Tears filled her eyes, “Tristan.” I loved Manuel. Why did he stop loving me?

  “Laura.” Tristan gasped as he began to feed from her sexual energies.

  “I…thank you…for saving me…my prince.” Laura said as pleasure swept through her entire body.

  “My Cinderella!” Tristan cried out as he reached his peak of pleasure. He almost collapsed on top of her but somehow managed to roll over onto his back instead. Can’t crush her. “The room service arrived while you were showering. How about I go get us some champagne?”

  “What a splendid idea, my prince.” Laura turned onto her side to grin at him.

  Tristan hopped out of bed and fetched the champagne, strawberries and also held a box of chocolates. Laura looked at the box of chocolates curiously and recognized Dark Heaven’s packaging. “Are those chocolates from Dark Heaven?”

  Tristan nodded, “Yes…but I made these specially for you. You inspired these chocolates Laura.” He handed her the box.

  Laura took the box and removed the lid to find chocolate bonbons with the designs of glass slippers, princess crowns and pumpkin carriages on them in icing. “Cinderella fairytale chocolates.” Laura gasped. “Tristan…they’re so beautiful. I don’t want to eat them.”

  “These chocolates are to remind you that beneath your jeans and t-shirts - you are a true princess. Never forget that. Please share these chocolates with someone special in your life. They are my gift to you.” As he said these words Tristan had reached out to curl a lock of her brown hair around his fingers. He seemed fascinated by her boring brown hair.

  The way he was saying these sweet words to her, sounded like a goodbye, and at the suggestion of sharing the chocolates with someone special in her life she gasped. Did he know she was married? “Tristan…I…”

  “Let’s have some champagne, shall we?” Tristan held out two champagne glasses, dropped a strawberry inside of each glass, and poured the champagne. He handed Laura a glass and then raised his. “A toast - to a good woman.”

  I’m not so good. Tears sprung to Laura’s eyes. “And to a good man.”

  I’m not so good. Tristan thought as they clinked their glasses together. They both took a sip of the champagne at the same time.

  Tristan and Laura made love several times that night and in various different positions until finally Laura passed out from exhaustion. Tristan would be forever grateful to her. He could easily survive a week without sex, thanks to her.

  The incubus left Laura sometime after dawn, but before leaving he left a red rose and a piece of chocolate on her pillow. “Goodbye, my Cinderella.” Tristan said sadly.


  Tristan was leaving the hotel when suddenly someone stepped right in front of him. He almost ran straight into the man but managed to stop himself. Tristan took a step back and looked up. “Hey, watch where you’re- Raphael?” Tristan blinked as he recognized the man.

  Raphael was a towering man, at least six-five, with long, snow-white hair, and dark eyes that had flecks of silver in them like storm clouds flashing with lightning bolts. He was wearing a slick, gray Armani suit, white shirt, black and silver tie, and black dress shoes. His eyes were cold, merciless.

  Tristan’s friend, Carmen, had a huge crush on this guy, but apparently he was a total jerk. For Valentine’s Day Tristan had given Carmen some of his special chocolates to share with Raphael. Because of the powerful aphrodisiac in them, Raphael had had sex with Carmen. But afterwards he threw up and even dared to call Carmen ‘disgusting’! This of course was a load of bull because even though Tristan’s chocolates were an aphrodisiac - they couldn’t make someone sleep with someone they didn’t really want to sleep with. His chocolates weren’t the equivalent of a ‘love potion’. They induced lust, nothing more, nothing less.

  But Raphael blamed the chocolates because he was actually an Archangel in disguise…and hated demons. Carmen was half-succubus. Her father had been an incubus she’d never met, and so just because of her heritage Raphael hated her on principle.

  “What are you doing here?” Tristan frowned, wondering what an Archangel as important as Raphael could possibly have to do with him.

  Raphael reached out and placed his hand on Tristan’s
chest, and sent thousands of volts of electricity coursing through his body just like a taser. Tristan was knocked out cold. He didn’t even have the chance to cry out for help as he fell into unconsciousness.

  A bucket of cold water to the face had Tristan waking up less than an hour later. Raphael was standing in front of him with that same cold, emotionless look on his face. Tristan tried to move and that’s when he realized that he was attached to a gigantic wooden ‘X’ that was hanging from the ceiling. His wrists and ankles were shackled to the strange device. His shirt and jacket were missing. A thrill of fear traveled down Tristan’s spine. Is Raphael going to take advantage of me? Tristan glared at Raphael. “Let me go, you sick pervert.”

  Raphael’s eyes narrowed. “You call me a pervert? I’m not the one who just had an affair.”

  Tristan blinked. “What are you talking about?”

  “The female you just slept with. Laura. She is married to a man named Manuel and has two kids with him.” Raphael began to pull on a pair of white gloves.

  “Laura is…married.” Tristan breathed out in shock, feeling a stab of unexpected pain in his chest. He was the one who’d left her behind but…the revelation still hurt for some reason. She’d never been intending to stay with him or have something serious with him from the get-go. This should have been a good thing but…it wasn’t. Tristan’s head was spinning.

  “Having an affair is a grave sin, Tristan.” Raphael drawled as he walked around Tristan unnervingly. “What has Michael been doing? He’s supposed to be watching over you and making sure you don’t sin. Did you know that? And yet, you just had an affair. Pathetic.” The Archangel shook his head and his lip curled with disgust. “He isn’t doing his job properly. Again. And if he doesn’t do his job properly and you continue to sin Tristan…I will kill you. That’s why I’m here actually - I’m insurance. If Michael fails to save your soul I’ll kill you and curse your soul to Hell. I really should kill you now…but I think I’ll just punish you instead. Consider yourself lucky that I’m feeling merciful this morning.” Raphael willed a cat-o-nine whip to materialize in his right hand that he swung through the air a few times as if getting a feel for it.

  Tristan gawked at the leather whip that strangely enough seemed to be crackling with electric energy. “You can’t be serious…you’re going to whip me? Just because I had a little sex?” At least he’s not going to take advantage of me. Tristan shuddered at the thought and remembrance of that perverted old bakery owner.

  “Not just sex - an affair.” Raphael stressed and then his eyes narrowed at Tristan. “Michael hasn’t told you about the danger, the threat you pose, has he?”

  “Danger? Threat? Me? What are you talking about?” Tristan struggled to get free but it was no use.

  Raphael gave Tristan an almost pitying stare. “If Michael hasn’t told you yet he must still have hope. Only time will tell if his hope in you has been misplaced.” Raphael walked around Tristan until he was standing directly behind him. He raised his whip-

  “No, don’t! You can’t do this! I haven’t hurt anyone!” The chocolatier objected. “This isn’t right!”

  Raphael swung the whip and it hit Tristan’s back with an audible crack. “You have. You’ve hurt yourself…your God-given soul…and you’ve hurt Laura’s soul as well.”

  Crack. Raphael whipped Tristan’s back again. Tristan refused to cry out and bit down on his lower lip, drawing blood.

  “I don’t enjoy this disgusting punishment. It’s so unhygienic.” Raphael said blandly as he whipped Tristan again, causing his entire body to spasm violently. “But that’s why I made the necessary precautions so that you wouldn’t dirty my floor.” He nodded at the large sheet of tarp that was directly beneath Tristan.

  “You’re one sick angel. Stay away from my friend, Carmen! You hear me?” Tristan snarled.

  Lightning flashed in Raphael’s eyes. “I have no interest in the she-demon.”

  “Keep telling yourself that, you hypocrite!” Tristan snapped back.

  Crack. Raphael whipped Tristan harder and this time he finally broke through the skin. Tristan barely stifled a cry at the pain.

  “What do you mean?” Raphael asked conversationally as he whipped Tristan again.

  “…my chocolates are not a magic love spell and they’re not a drug. They just release a person’s inhibitions, which means that you desired Carmen whether you want to admit it to yourself or not.”

  “Lies! I do not and will never desire a demoness!” Crack.

  A whimper slid past Tristan’s lips, “I’m not lying…hypocrite…”

  Crack. Raphael flicked his wrist and the whip fell upon Tristan’s bleeding flesh once more. He figured about a hundred lashes would do to get his point across. Then maybe Tristan would think twice before sleeping with a married woman. “A real man wouldn’t cry out.”

  “Ha! This hurts like hell, jerk! It’s not like you would know how it feels. I’d like to see you remain silent as someone tries to whip the flesh off your back!” The chocolatier huffed.

  For several minutes Raphael just stood there silently as if lost in thought. “I do know what it’s like. And believe me - I remained silent.”

  Tristan looked back at Raphael and gawked. Who the hell could have managed to capture Archangel Raphael…and torture him like this? Tristan laughed.

  Raphael arched an eyebrow at him. “What’s so funny, incubus?”

  “I was just thinking that whoever did this to you…must be dead.”

  “They will be.” Raphael acknowledged with a nod.

  “If I could move my legs - I’d kick your butt. That will have to wait until another day, I suppose.”

  “You would not stand a chance against me, incubus.” Raphael scoffed, before whipping Tristan again and again. Blood poured down Tristan’s ravaged back and he wondered how much longer he could remain conscious…

  Raphael had claimed that he wasn’t going to kill Tristan, but the chocolatier wondered if he could really survive something like this. No one would be coming to his rescue. No one even knew he was in trouble. Everyone thought he was with Laura having a good time. A very good time.

  He couldn’t help but wonder where his stalker was at a time like this. Coco…

  Or Michael, his guardian angel, for that mater, but he wouldn’t call out for help in his mind because he knew in his heart no one was coming for him. And maybe Raphael was right, and he deserved this.


  Issy, Tristan’s stalker, had followed Tristan to the Empire Hotel. She wanted to make sure Tristan and Laura got inside of the hotel without incident aka Mina showing up. That’s why Issy had snuck inside of the hotel, and had pretty much camped out in the lobby on one of their comfy, gold, velvet couches. At some point she’d fallen asleep and hours later someone was shaking her shoulder in order to rouse her that following morning. “Miss? Miss! You can’t sleep here.”

  “Mmm.” Issy opened her eyes and lazily stretched her arms over her head. She looked up at the frowning hotel employee. “Oh…sorry.” She said as something behind him caught her attention.

  It was Tristan and he was leaving the hotel without Laura. That was strange. Issy wondered what could have happened and decided to follow Tristan out of the hotel. As she exited the hotel she was just in time to witness a scary, white haired man with eerie eyes zap Tristan with a taser and kidnap him!

  The man had an intense, dangerous air about him. Issy slapped a hand over her mouth to stifle her scream and watched wide-eyed as this man carried Tristan over to a silver Mercedes Benz with black tinted windows. The kidnapper set Tristan down in the passenger’s seat and closed the door behind him. Oh my God…Tristan’s been kidnapped!

  Issy whipped out her cell phone and took a picture of the license plate number as the Benz sped away. Now what should I do? Call the cops? But then Issy remembered about how Michael was supposed to be Tristan’s guardian angel. And boy was he doing a lousy job! Issy scrolled
through her phone book and found Michael’s cell phone number. She dialed it.

  “Hello?” Came Michael’s gruff voice after just two rings.

  “Michael, it’s me, Issy. We have an emergency. Tristan’s been kidnapped. I’m at the Empire Hotel. What should we do? Should I call the police? I got the guy’s license plate number.” Issy nibbled on her lower lip as she awaited his response.

  “Kidnapped? Wait right there. I’ll come get you.”

  “Okay.” Michael ended the call. Issy waited for Michael to show up and about twenty minutes later he suddenly materialized beside her.

  “Hey.” He greeted casually.

  “Ack!” Issy jumped and put a hand over her pounding heart. “Like, oh my God, don’t do that!”

  “Sorry.” Michael gave her a sheepish look. “What did the man who kidnapped Tristan look like?” He got down to business.

  “He had white hair and eyes that looked like thunderclouds.” Issy quickly explained.

  Michael’s eyes widened, and the blood slowly drained from his face. “Raphael? Hellfire! You’re coming with me.” Michael swooped Issy up into his arms and held her bridal-style.

  “Wait. What? Do you know where Tristan is?” She blinked up at him.

  “I just have to reach out my senses in order to find him.” Michael revealed.

  Issy let out a frustrated huff. “Then why did you waste time coming to get me? You should have gone straight to Tristan on your own.”

  Anything to get the two of you together. “He may need you. I’ll fly us to his current location.” Michael concentrated on making them both invisible with his power and then summoned his wings. They spread behind him majestically.

  “Whoa, wait a sec, fly? We can’t. I’m afraid of heights!” Issy objected.

  “Hold on tight.” Michael said before with a flap of his wings he took off into the sky.

  Issy screamed as she and Michael shot up into the sky and began soaring over buildings. She shut her eyes tight and wrapped her arms around Michael’s neck, holding on for dear life. “Are we there yet?”

  Michael smirked and picked up his speed. “Not yet.” Finally, he reached the apartment building where he could sense Tristan and Raphael’s presences coming from. Michael swooped up the building and landed on the balcony of Raphael’s apartment. “We’re here.” Michael rumbled as he set Issy on her feet.

  “Ugh…I feel sick.” Issy moaned as she moved to the railing of the balcony and threw up over the side.

  “Hey!” A passing pedestrian shouted and waved an angry fist up at her.

  “Sorry!” Issy called down to the poor soul.

  “Thanks for waiting to do that when we landed.” Michael said dryly.

  Issy groaned and wiped her mouth with a handkerchief she had in her purse. “No problem.”

  “Follow me. And be silent.” Michael opened the sliding glass door and they made their way inside of Raphael’s apartment. The early morning sun illuminated the apartment through its many windows. The place was incredibly neat and organized. There wasn’t a single speck of dust to be seen. There were a lot of black, white and gray furnishings. The overall effect was very cold and stark. Not one ounce of color. It was like Raphael lived his life in black and white.

  At that moment, they heard Tristan yell out in pain and start to beg. “No…please…stop…no more…please!”

  Issy’s heart plummeted inside of her chest. Just what was that man doing to poor Tristan!

  Michael and Issy shared a dark look before they took off running in the direction that Tristan’s scream had come from. They reached a door and Michael simply kicked it open.

  There in front of them was Tristan, hanging from a strange contraption that resembled a wooden X. His wrists and ankles had been shackled to the device causing his limbs to be splayed. He was shirtless…and his back! Issy gasped when she caught sight of Tristan’s back and raised a hand in front of her mouth. It was a bloody mess. Raphael stood behind Tristan with his whip raised as if he’d been interrupted mid-swing by their sudden entrance.

  “No!” Issy cried out as she ran over to Tristan and stood between Raphael and Tristan. “Don’t hurt him!”

  Raphael’s eyebrows rose as he looked at Issy and took in her ball gown and opera mask. “What are you supposed to be…a vigilante?”

  “No, I’m Tristan’s stalker!” Issy said proudly.

  “Stalker?” Raphael murmured confusedly.

  “Raphael!” Came Michael’s furious sounding voice.

  Raphael turned to see Michael approaching him with swift strides. “Just what is the meaning of this?”

  “I was punishing your charge since you allowed him to commit a grave sin.” Raphael’s tone was matter-of-fact.

  “What sin?” Michael demanded, his hand twitched as he resisted the urge to summon his sword.

  “He had an affair.” Raphael stated simply.

  “You mean…Laura is married?” Michael ground out. Crap.

  “Not only that, she has two children.” Raphael gave Michael an expectant look.

  Michael let out a defeated sigh and put his face into his hand. “I didn’t know…I thought she was single.”

  “Well, she is not. I should kill him for this transgression. You’re lucky I decided to only punish him instead.” Raphael’s lip twitched.

  Issy gave Raphael a horrified look. “You jerk…he didn’t know. Tristan didn’t know that Laura was married.” She shifted her attention to Tristan. “Tristan.” She called his name to get his attention.

  Tristan’s eyes fluttered open and he stared at Issy. “Coco…wow…Raphael look who it is. My stalker…isn’t she beautiful?” His voice held a wistful note to it. He sounded kind of out of it, as if he thought he was hallucinating.

  Tears filled Issy’s caramel brown eyes, “Oh Tristan…don’t worry, we’re going to get you out of here. I won’t let that psycho hurt you anymore. I promise.”

  “Thank you, my chocolate angel.” Tristan breathed. “So brave.”

  Raphael watched the interaction between Tristan and Issy curiously. A spark came to his eyes. “Is she your ‘hope’?” Raphael asked in a low voice only Michael could hear.

  Michael nodded once. “Yes.”

  “You think she is a Judge, don’t you?” Raphael said more to himself than to Michael as he lowered the whip and willed it to disappear. “Very well, you may take him.” Raphael waved his hand at the device and it along with the shackles disappeared.

  As soon as the contraption was gone Tristan collapsed to his knees in a pool of his own blood. “Thank you.” Tristan rasped, looking up at Raphael.

  Raphael gave Tristan a surprised look. “I didn’t do it for you…I did it for her.” His gaze fixed on Issy.

  “My beautiful stalker.” Tristan murmured before he passed out.

  “Tristan!” Issy called out concernedly and reached out to support him.

  Michael made his way over to Tristan and scooped him up into his arms. “I need to get him home first then I’ll come back for you.”

  Issy shook her head. “No, you take him home, and stay with him. I’ll take a taxi. I don’t think I could handle flying right now anyways.” She rubbed her sore stomach.

  “Very well.” Michael agreed.

  Issy watched as Michael left the bedroom before spinning around to face Raphael. “If you ever hurt him again…I won’t forgive you.” She warned Raphael fiercely.

  Raphael let out a heavy sigh. “You are brave, female. And out of respect for your bravery here today - I promise you that I won’t hurt Tristan again…physically. But I will still try and stop his promiscuous lifestyle by any means necessary.”

  Issy let out a breath of relief and nodded. “Understood.” Tristan needs to fall in love with someone and fast. It’s the only way he can be saved. I must find him someone. Someone who’s actually single this time.

  To be continued in…Chocolate 6: Creamy Peach