Read Inevitable Page 5


  TALL, DARK AND HANDSOME. Yes, Leo Barker was definitely all that.

  Emma gazed past her glass of red wine and across the table at her date. Leo was new in town. Thirty-two, gorgeous, a local orthodontist. He drove a Mercedes. If Mystic Ridge had a list of eligible bachelors, there was no doubt Leo would be right at the top.

  They’d met last week at the grocery store when their carts had collided.

  A total small-town love story in the making, she thought.

  They were having dinner at a small but elegant Italian restaurant, newly opened in a converted Victorian house. It held fifteen tables at the most in a dimly lit dining area, red tablecloths and candles decorating each table. There was even violin music. It was all very romantic.

  Even though Emma was dealing with the affects of a potion that made her desperately lust after another man whenever he was close by, she really didn’t see any reason why she should cancel the date. After her confrontation with Ryan, she quickly delivered the bottle of Desidero potion to the PARA potions department, and then rushed home to get ready—hair, make-up, the works. She picked out a low-cut teal blouse that made her hair look even more vibrantly red, and a black pencil skirt that helped her legs look just a bit longer. Black stilettos, no hose. She was good to go.

  When she’d left the house with Leo, she could have sworn she’d seen Ryan again out of the corner of her eye. Only more proof he was haunting her.

  Now that she was in the middle of the date—despite the care she’d taken in trying to look as good as possible—she knew she wasn’t putting her best effort forward. Every time she closed her eyes she saw Ryan’s face.

  It was annoying as hell.

  “Having a good time?” Leo asked.

  She opened her eyes. “Fantastic.”

  “More wine?”

  She put her hand over her glass. “No, thanks. I think I’ve already drank most of that bottle.”

  “I’m driving, so it doesn’t matter.”

  “I don’t think you want to deal with a drunk woman tonight.”

  “Let me be the judge of that.” He smiled and every one of his teeth were like perfect little white rectangles. Flawless. She cocked her head to the side.

  “Your teeth are perfect,” she said, then pressed her lips together. She’d already had too much wine. She was speaking her thoughts aloud without much of a filter. It was more of a sign to shut things down as far as alcohol was concerned.

  Not that she was worried about sleeping with Leo on their first date. He was gorgeous and available, but the last thing she wanted to do was have sex with one man while fantasizing about another.

  Besides, now that she wasn’t anywhere close to Ryan, she felt totally in control of herself. No tingles. No uncontrollable desire. Nothing. Which led her to believe that despite Leo’s good looks and nice résumé, she just wasn’t attracted to him. It happened. It was disappointing, but it happened.

  Just like King Arthur and Guinevere.

  She grimaced at the thought.

  “They’re porcelain,” Leo said.

  She blinked at him. “Excuse me?”

  “My teeth. You commented on how perfect they are.”

  “Oh, right. Yes. Sorry.”

  He nodded. “They are perfect, thank you for noticing. Your teeth are lovely, but if you want to go that extra step and make them perfect as well, then I could certainly help you out. It’s a very simple process actually and I’ve never had a client who’s regretted their decision to get veneers.”

  Now she felt self-conscious about her slightly less than perfect teeth. “I’ll definitely keep that in mind.”

  “If you’ll excuse me for a moment.” He stood up from the table. “While I’m gone, why don’t you decide what you’d like for dessert?”


  “Yes, of course. Got to finish dinner with something sweet. Just make sure to brush and floss afterward.” He winked at her.

  She forced a smile. “Of course.”

  He left the table and she pressed back in her seat, closing her eyes. There was Ryan again, right on the other side of her eyelids. She didn’t particularly like that she was compelled to do this frequently, but just thinking about him made her feel better. In her imagination, he had the exact opposite effect he had on her when he was there in person. In person he excited her and drove her crazy—just like he’d always done. In her imagination he calmed her and made her wish things could be different.

  This time imagining Ryan did brush a flush to her skin and a pleasant shiver ran down her body and slid between her legs. The desire that had been lacking while speaking with Leo had suddenly returned in full force.

  Which meant only one thing.

  She forced herself to open her eyes.

  Ryan now sat across from her.

  “Evening, Em,” he said.

  She gripped the edge of the table. “Why are you here?”

  “I was out for a walk and saw you through the window.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “You’re lying. I thought I saw you by my house earlier. You followed me here, didn’t you?”

  He shrugged. “Think what you like. I’ll keep my secrets.”

  “Are you trying to ruin my evening?”

  “That’s not my intention. Really.”

  He looked particularly delicious tonight in a blue button-down shirt the same vivid color of his eyes. It was tight enough that it showed his broad shoulders off to their best advantage.

  She snapped her eyes back up to his face. “Go away.”

  “Does your date know about us?”

  She just looked at him. “Us?”

  “About our situation.”

  She sighed. “Ryan, why are tormenting me?”

  “Tormenting you. That doesn’t sound the least bit sexy, does it? And yet it feels so good.” He reached across the table to touch her hand. The contact sent a bolt of desire directly to her groin and she snatched her hand back.

  Emma wagged a finger at him. “Don’t do that.”

  “So strict.”

  She glanced over her shoulder at the restrooms. “My date will be back any minute.”

  “Then I suppose I should speed this along.”


  She heard the sound of something heavy hitting the table. She turned back around and her gaze closed on the object. It was a copy of Inevitable. Her eyes shot to Ryan and widened.

  “You left this behind along with the bottle,” he said casually. “I’ve got the rest of them in my car.”

  She grimaced, but decided to play it cool. She waited until the waiter walked past carrying two plates of Fettuccini Alfredo toward a neighboring table before she answered. “Okay, you caught me. I like to read sexy books every now and then. Big deal. I’m not embarrassed.”

  “You’re the author.”

  She felt herself pale. She wanted to keep her writing a secret. The last person she’d want to know about it was Ryan. “Am not.”

  The denial sounded weak, even to her own ears.

  “Don’t even attempt to deny it, Em. The picture is of you. The name isn’t even that much different from your regular name. If you’re trying to stay incognito, it’s not working very well. I think a little part of you wants to be exposed.” He raised an eyebrow. “In more ways than one.”

  She willed away the sudden panicky feeling she got in her gut. This was not the worst thing to happen. If people found out about her publishing career, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.

  Emma exhaled slowly and eyed the violin player as he slowly passed their table. The buzz of other diners’ conversations made it difficult to concentrate. “Big deal, Ryan. I wrote a sexy book in my spare time. And I’m damn good at it.”

  “I’ll say.”

  Again he surprised her. “Excuse me?”

  “You’re a good writer.”

  “You read it?”

  “Oh, yes.” He grabbed the book and thumbed through it. “I even dog-eared the pages I lik
ed best.”

  “Then consider that your copy.” She forced a smile and hoped that her cheeks didn’t appear as flushed as they felt. “My gift to you. Would you like it signed?”

  “Absolutely.” He smiled and his blue eyes locked with hers. “Interesting that the hero is named Bryan.”

  Her heart started pounding faster. “It’s a common name.”

  “And he’s also the heroine’s business partner. And they investigate paranormal phenomena.”


  He leaned back. “I guess you’re going to pretend that Bryan isn’t based on me.”

  “He isn’t.”

  “Looks like me, sounds like me, same role in your life—”

  “You’re not my partner anymore.”

  “—and your heroine, who frankly sounds a whole lot like you, can’t keep her hands off of him. Really, Em, I had no idea what a dirty little mind you have. A couple scenes in here even made me blush. They’re the scenes I dog-eared so I can read them again later.”

  She glared at him. “Do you have a purpose for barging into the middle of my date or was it just to embarrass me?”

  “Is there another option?”


  “Listen, what I want is a chance to talk to you. Just you and me without any negativity swirling around. Do you think that’s possible?”

  “If you wanted that, then you shouldn’t have waved this book in my face and tried to make me feel self-conscious about it.”

  Ryan looked a bit confused. “Why would you feel self-conscious? Em, you have to own what you like to do and to hell with anyone else’s opinion. It’s a great book. Quite honestly, I was going to tease you about it a bit, but then I read it and…I liked it.”

  She studied him to see if he was lying to her. It was hard to tell with Ryan. Her face warmed at the unexpected compliment. “You should join my Facebook page.”

  “Maybe I will. Now that I know your secret identity.”

  “It doesn’t matter anyway. This is the only one I’ll be writing.”

  He frowned. “Why?”

  “I want to focus on my career with PARA.”

  “I don’t see why you can’t do both. I think it would be a mistake for you to stop doing something you’re so good at.” The gazes locked and a warm emotion that went well beyond lust slid behind his blue eyes. “Hell, Em. You still don’t know how amazing you are, do you?”

  How she wanted him. Right here. Right now. Her body ached for his, every minute he was close to her. And it was moments like this that Emma remembered why she’d begun to fall for him before. Why she still cared about him even after everything that had happened. He could tease and turn on the charm when it suited him, but underneath that shiny layer was something else, something vulnerable that he’d allowed her to see when they’d been friends and partners. It was something she liked, was drawn to, and wanted to see more of. But he seemed hesitant to let that glossy exterior slip very often.

  She knew Charlotte had never seen that deeper side of Ryan. She’d been so happy with the exterior package, she didn’t bother to look too deeply inside.

  At this point, Emma was afraid what more she might find if she looked too closely and how much she’d like it.

  She knew Ryan had had a troubled youth that got him in hot water with the police. He’d confided this to her once when they’d been staked out in a car for six hours.

  Damn. If she hadn’t seen him steal with her own eyes, she never would have believed it. But it had happened. And the fact that he’d denied it to her face kept her from ever entertaining the possibility of something more with him.

  She could deal with a repentant criminal who wanted to change his ways, but a bold-faced liar was not someone she wanted in her life. Her father had been like that. His abandonment still crushed her. She didn’t want a repeat performance from another man she willingly gave her love and trust to.

  Maybe it was already too late. Maybe that was exactly why she’d been so heartbroken by his betrayal. Maybe she hadn’t just been falling for him—she’d already fallen.

  Leo approached the table and paused when he saw Ryan. He stretched out his hand.

  “Leo Barker,” he said. “And you are?”

  “Ryan Shephard.” Ryan shook his hand. “A friend of Emma’s. A very good friend.”

  “Not anymore,” Emma said tightly. “I believe I asked you to leave.”

  “Oh, come on, Em, don’t be like that.”

  She was feeling a multitude of emotions at the moment. A high level of exasperation, a lot of embarrassment, and there was still the unbidden desire that swirled within her being so near to Ryan. She’d never wanted to throttle someone and tear his clothes off and have sex with him at the same time. It was a strange combination.

  And damn if she didn’t find him amusing as well. Only Ryan would stroll in here, in the middle of her date, and claim that the character in her erotic novel was based on him.

  She’d feel much more freedom to laugh it off if it wasn’t one hundred percent true.

  Leo frowned. “Emma, are you saying that you asked him to leave and he didn’t?”

  “Yes,” she confirmed.

  “Is this an ex of yours?”

  “You could say that,” Emma said. “But not the way you think.”

  Ryan didn’t budge from his seat. “Emma and I have history. A lot of history. There was a time when we would practically finish each other’s sentences, we were that close. A relationship like that doesn’t just dissolve because of a few unfortunate misunderstandings.”

  Emma rolled her eyes. “We were only partners for a year. Let’s not get carried away.”

  “No, let’s.” Ryan grinned. “Look, Leo, no offense. You seem like a stand-up sort of fellow. But you’re just not Emma’s type.”

  “Oh?” Leo eyed him. “And what is Emma’s type?”

  “Me,” he said bluntly.

  She just stared across the table at him, temporarily speechless.

  “Is that right?” Leo retorted. “Then it’s odd that she’s out for dinner with me tonight and not you, isn’t it?”

  “Well, right now she thinks she hates me, but she doesn’t. I’ve come back to town to see if I can prove that. She doesn’t think she wants me here, but she really does. She just has to realize that.”

  “I see,” Leo said. “Pardon me for saying this, but that sounds like something a stalker would say. Someone who refuses to take no for an answer.”

  There wasn’t even a fraction of friendliness in his tone. Ryan gave him a stunned look.

  “A stalker?” There was now an edge of anger to Ryan’s voice. “You obviously don’t know me because I’d never harm a hair on Emma’s head.”

  “Then prove that and leave. You’re clearly not wanted here.”

  Ryan stood up and glared at him. “You think so, huh?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  Emma sighed. “Ryan, seriously. You need to go now.”

  He looked at her and frowned. Disappointment slid behind his gaze. “Fine. If that’s what you want. But I will see you later.”

  There was a woman standing right behind him. He turned to leave and Emma gasped as he slammed right into her.

  But, wait. He didn’t slam into her. He walked right through her as if he hadn’t even seen her. As if she wasn’t even there.

  Ryan turned at the sound of Emma’s gasp. “What’s wrong?”

  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I think she wants to tell us something.”


  “The ghost,” she said. “You’re standing right next to her.”


  THE GHOST, A PRETTY BLONDE woman who wore a blue dress with thick straps and a full skirt, her hair in a tight chignon, turned to Emma. “You can see me?”

  She nodded. “I can.”

  The woman’s gaze moved toward Leo and Ryan. “And these men are arguing over you?”

  Emma grimaced. “Seem to be.”

p; Ryan broke away from Leo and glared at him, before turning to Emma. “There’s a ghost here?”

  Leo looked around. “What are you talking about?”

  “I know the hotel close by is allegedly haunted, but I didn’t know about this location.” She looked at the woman. “Considering how many clairvoyants this town has in it, that surprises me.”

  “This restaurant only opened a few weeks ago,” the woman explained, patting her hair absently as if to keep it perfectly in place. “Before that, it was my home, unoccupied for years and years.”

  The woman looked upset. Her eyes were shiny with silvery tears, and her voice cracked on her words.

  “Are you all right?” Emma asked. It seemed a strange question to ask a dead person, but from her experience, they liked to be treated just like everybody else whenever possible.

  The woman nodded. “It’s my anniversary. I miss my husband so much that I wanted to try to see him, but I can’t. I never can. I’m stuck here just as I always have been.”

  Emma glanced around at the dining room. Everyone had stopped eating and were staring at her with varying degrees of disbelief and shock on their faces. Just because the town boasted a paranormal investigation agency in a shiny glass building downtown, didn’t mean that everyone believed in ghosts. Most of them would simply see a woman talking to herself.

  She knew Ryan had drawn closer because a shiver of desire slid through her that only increased when he pressed his hand to the small of her back.

  “Maybe we should take this discussion somewhere a bit more private,” he suggested.

  “Good idea,” she agreed.

  “Excuse me?” Leo said. “I believe we were in the middle of our date before we were rudely interrupted.”

  “You’re right. I’m so sorry.” She approached him and looked up at his incredulous expression. He wasn’t a bad guy. He didn’t deserve any of this. She wondered if the date would have gone better if Ryan hadn’t been a problem at the moment for her. She’d have to bet on…maybe.

  Just maybe.

  “Maybe we can try again another night,” she said. “Is that possible?”

  He frowned before his expression relaxed a little. He flicked an unfriendly look at Ryan and then back at her. “I think that’s possible.”