Read Inevitable Page 6

  “Thank you.” She went to give him a quick kiss on his cheek, but he turned his mouth to hers and kissed her fully on her lips. He tasted minty, as if he’d just brushed his teeth during his trip to the restroom. She had no doubt that was exactly what he’d done. He deepened the kiss, pulling her against him like some hero in a romance novel and she braced her hands against his chest. Finally she broke away and drew in a shaky breath.

  Then Leo looked directly at Ryan and smirked, which totally ruined it for her. The kiss had only been to show up the man Leo perceived as competition.

  Not sexy.

  Ryan just watched them, his arms crossed in front of him. “Fantastic,” he said dryly. “I’ll give it a ten out of ten. Done now?”

  “For now,” Leo replied.

  “We have ghost business and you’re just a civilian. So, buh-bye.”

  Leo looked at her. “I can wait and drive you home.”

  Emma shook her head. “It’s all right. I’ll be fine.”

  “I’ll call you.”

  “Okay. Thanks.”

  Leo threw some money on the table and with a last glare sent in Ryan’s direction, he walked out of the restaurant.

  The ghost had watched this exchange with growing interest. “You seem to be very popular.”

  Emma looked at her. “I peaked late.”

  The ghost pursed her lips. “The man who just left seems to be the better choice for you. This one,” she eyed Ryan, “looks like trouble.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “And yet you desire him more.”

  Emma cringed. “Is it that obvious?”

  “To me it is.”

  Ghosts were typically extremely intuitive. Something about being dead gave them special insight into the hearts of humans.

  Leaving the dining room and the curious onlookers hanging on every word they spoke—apart from the ghost that none of them could see or hear except for Emma—they walked out toward the front doors. Emma tried desperately to focus on business rather than the close proximity of Ryan’s warm body to hers.

  “Can you leave this building?” Emma asked.

  “I can go outside, but I can only stray ten feet from the property. That’s it.”

  The home the restaurant was housed in had been around for more than a hundred years. The dress the ghost was wearing, though, placed her in the forties. That would have been when she’d died.

  Ryan opened the front door for Emma to exit through. During their few months as partners, he knew what to do when they were on a case involving ghosts. He’d stand back, keep watch, make sure nothing went wrong as Emma communicated with the spirit. A lot of ghosts weren’t all that open to conversations, but if they were, a lot of information could be gathered. Usually the point was to convince the spirit that they were dead, that it was time for them to move on. And that bright light they sometimes saw out of their peripheral vision was something they wanted to head toward in order to move on to the next plane of existence.

  It wasn’t a difficult process, but sometimes it got a bit tricky.

  Like when the ghost refused to leave. Sometimes the ghost decided to be a nuisance at best and a danger at worst to the living people inhabiting the haunted location. That was usually when an exorcism needed to be done.

  “You said it’s your anniversary,” Emma said.


  “What’s your name?”

  The ghost hesitated. “Lorraine.”

  “Lorraine…last name?”


  The name seemed familiar to Emma. “Do you know what year this is?”

  “Yes, of course. I know I’ve been dead a very long time and I know that I’m a ghost.”

  “Good to hear. So what’s the problem?”

  “The problem?” She sighed and it sounded weary. “The problem is that my husband is a fool.”

  “How so?”

  “Do you see that building over there…” She gazed off into the darkness and Emma followed her line of sight toward a five-storey hotel which was dark excerpt for a noticeable light flickering through the windows on the fourth floor.

  “Maison Duchamp,” Emma said and her eyes widened. She braced her hand against one of the posts flanking the stairs leading off the porch. “That’s you, Duchamp. Did you used to own that?”

  “With my husband, yes.”

  It was the cold case Emma had glanced at only that morning. The hotel with the ghost who couldn’t be exorcised, couldn’t be found at all. So many agents had investigated the location, but found no evidence of a haunting. However, anyone who’d bought the property insisted that it was haunted. Supposedly, the ghost was very unfriendly, driving away business so they couldn’t make enough money to stay open.

  “Is your husband the ghost that haunts Maison Duchamp?” Emma asked.

  “He is.” Lorraine nodded.

  “No one’s ever established that he’s really there. No one can locate him to even talk to him.”

  “Harold always enjoyed playing hide and seek.”

  “Why is he there and you’re here?”

  “I don’t know. But I can feel him. I know he’s there and I know he’s very unhappy. I can’t leave here or I’d go to him. It’s frustrating.” She looked beseechingly at Emma. “Can you help me?”

  “Of course we can,” Ryan said.

  Emma turned to him with a look of surprise. “What did you say?”

  “I said of course we can help her.”

  “How can you see or hear her? You’re not clairvoyant.” She looked at Lorraine.

  The ghost shrugged. “I can show myself to whomever I please, whether or not they have the sight. People like you are the ones who can see me no matter what, that’s all. Those who have come here before haven’t been as nice as you, so I’ve avoided them.”

  Emma blinked. “You think I can help you because I’m nice.”

  “I was talking about him, actually.”

  Emma glanced at Ryan, then back at the ghost. “I thought you said he was trouble.”

  Lorraine smiled. “Doesn’t mean I don’t like him.”

  “See, Em?” Ryan grinned. “My charm transcends death. Why can’t you admit it yourself?”

  “It’s incredible, actually,” Lorraine said. “I can feel such electricity between you. It’s so strong, it’s like a thread binding you together.”

  Emma felt it, but she wasn’t acknowledging it.

  Ryan crossed his arms over his chest. “It’s the lust potion. It must be noticeable on a celestial level.”

  Lorraine raised her eyebrows. “No wonder the other man was so jealous. Reminds me of my Harold.”

  “Leo reminds you of Harold?” Emma shifted her purse higher up on her shoulder.

  “No, this one does.” She nodded at Ryan.

  “Charming, funny and lovable?” he offered.

  “Self-loathing, secretive and a pain in the butt,” she said, but then smiled. “And worth every moment of the trouble.”

  “I am a pain in the butt,” Ryan agreed. “But I’m not self-loathing.”

  “If you say so.”

  “I love myself. Actually, I’ve been doing that a bit too often lately. I seriously need to date more.”

  Emma repressed a smile. “Listen, Lorraine, I do want to help, but I’m not sure if I can. People from our agency have been trying to talk to your husband for years, but couldn’t find him. That means he’s strong enough to stay hidden.”

  She shook her head. “They haven’t ever visited him on our anniversary.”

  “Which means?”

  “He’ll talk. If you mention me, he’ll talk.” Her smile faded. “Just be careful. His temper…it can get a little much. I was able to calm him, but I haven’t seen him for so long that he might be dangerous.” Lorraine’s eyes again shone with tears. “Tell Harold that I’m still waiting. That I’ll keep waiting, forever, if that’s what it takes. And…that I forgive him for what he did and I still love him, even after all
this time.”

  Without another word, she faded away.

  Ryan looked at her. “So do you really want to do this?”

  “Ghost hunting without the hunting?”

  He smiled and it was enough to weaken her knees. “Just like old times.”

  “Are you saying you want to come with me?”

  “Absolutely. If there’s a dangerous ghost then you’ll need a bodyguard. And you know I’m more than willing to guard your body.”

  He moved closer to her and she backed up until she was pressed against a pillar. “Ryan…”

  “Yes, Emma?” He was so close that the heat from his body sank deeply into hers.

  She couldn’t concentrate. The effects of the Desidero potion swirled between them. It took everything in her not to reach for him, pull him against her, and crush her mouth against his.

  It was a losing battle, because she’d already touched him, her hand pressed against his chest. His heartbeat felt fast beneath her touch.

  “Being close to each other—” she said in a husky voice.

  “Won’t be a problem. I swear to stay at least ten feet away from you at all times so you aren’t…distracted.”

  “I’m distracted right now.”

  “Yeah?” He leaned over a little so their gazes were on the same level.

  “Why did you come here, Ryan?”

  “To this restaurant or to Mystic Ridge?”


  His warm breath touched her cheek as he leaned closer to whisper in her ear. “Because the memory of your mouth on me drives me so crazy that I can’t stop thinking about you.”

  She knew she should pull away from him, but she couldn’t. She felt the hard ridge of his erection against her hip as he pressed her back against the pillar.

  She wanted him. Damn it, she wanted him more than anything. It was almost enough to make her push all of her convictions aside.


  If they hadn’t been interrupted by the knock at Xavier’s library door the other night, then there was no doubt in her mind she would have done more than just had oral sex with Ryan right then and there.

  Her desire for Ryan had needed release when they’d been partners—so she’d written it all down in her book. She’d thought that had been it, that she’d gotten it out forever so it wouldn’t stay with her. She’d decided one book was all it would take. But lately she’d been itching to write more. Her fantasies seemed to multiply the more she tried to hold them back.

  And they were all about Ryan. Even before she’d seen him again. Even before the potion had taken its hold on her.

  But the writing didn’t pay the bills. That was her real job, PARA. And she knew screwing things up with the potion bottle would be a negative mark on her career.

  She could make up for it, though. Tonight.

  Cracking a cold case would definitely earn her extra points when it came time for her review. She might even be promoted within the company and her future as an agent would be solidified.

  Emma did want to help Lorraine if she could. She liked using her ability to help spirits trapped on earth, especially those dealing with broken hearts. She was a sucker for a love story.

  “I’ll go. But this changes nothing between us,” she managed to say calmly. It took every ounce of strength inside her to push away from him. Her face felt hot and her body ached. Just a taste had only increased her appetite for Ryan.

  He nodded. “I get it. You still hate me. You don’t trust me. Et cetera.”

  “As long as we’re clear on that.”

  “Totally clear.”

  There was never any question about helping the ghost out. Emma was a romantic. She’d seen that pained look in Lorraine’s eyes. The woman missed her husband desperately. Even though the guy was self-loathing, secretive and a pain in the butt.

  He was like Ryan. Her former partner might deny the self-loathing, but she’d seen it in his expression at the party. There was a part of him that hated what he’d done. She knew that he missed his life as a PARA agent. If he regretted his past actions, maybe that would make a difference. Maybe he’d finally own up to it. And maybe then she could finally forgive him.

  Emma reminded herself that she shouldn’t care one way or the other, but she did. She couldn’t deny it. She cared about Ryan and she didn’t want him to be unhappy.

  Everyone made their own choices in life. Some were big ones, and others were small. The problem was, at the time you made a choice, you were never sure which category it fell into. A small choice might lead to large consequences that would haunt you for the rest of your life.

  Literal hauntings were a lot easier to deal with. Even when they involved potentially dangerous ghosts.

  Emma shifted her purse to her other shoulder and eyed the hotel which stood about two blocks away from the restaurant. She didn’t have to look to see that Ryan had moved closer to her side again. Her heart pounded faster when he pressed his hand against her back.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, a breathy quality to her voice.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “What for?”

  Ryan’s expression had become strained. “I said I’d keep ten feet between us, but it’s more difficult than I thought. I’m finding it nearly impossible not to touch you.”

  “A promise is a promise.”

  “Look at me, Em.”

  She didn’t want to, but she moved as if her body had a mind of its own.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Are you going to see Leo again after tonight?” He appeared very serious all of a sudden.

  She couldn’t help it, she had to laugh at that. “Why are you asking?”

  “I don’t like him. You can do better.”

  “He’s fairly perfect.”

  “That’s probably what I don’t like about him. If you’re going to date someone, then he should be a bit rough around the edges. He shouldn’t be perfect. Perfect is boring.”

  “I’ll definitely take your suggestion under advisement.” He was still touching her, and his touch burned into her skin through the thin material of her teal blouse. Desire twisted inside her and it was impossible to ignore. He had her encircled in his arms, his hands low on her back. She felt the urge to lean against him and feel his body press against hers again. He watched every move she made as if memorizing her actions for later reference. His gaze moved to her lips.

  “Do you have any idea how much I want to kiss you right now?” he asked. “And how crazy it made me to see him kiss you?”


  “This potion will wear off soon, I promise. Until then…”

  She struggled to breathe. She could feel his warm breath against her face, his lips only an inch from hers. “Until then what?”

  His hands slid lower, his fingers digging into the soft curve of her buttocks through her skirt. She felt herself grow damp between her legs and her body ached for him to touch her much more intimately.

  His mouth brushed against hers. Not a kiss, exactly. Just a touch. “Until then you’re going to have to be strong for both of us. I talk a good game, but I know you’d regret it. I don’t want you to hate me any more than you already do.”

  When he let go of her, she realized that she’d been gripping his sides. Her face felt flushed and there was an emptiness inside her that felt cold. She’d wanted him so much, she’d nearly forgotten herself. Again.

  This didn’t feel like just lust, this pull Ryan had on her. It felt much bigger and deeper and much more apt to tear her life completely apart if she gave into this growing need she had for the man who’d broken her heart six months ago.

  Now that was a scary thought.

  “Let’s go,” Ryan said, putting a little distance between them. “We need to have a chat with a ghost.”


  IN ITS TIME, Maison Duchamp had been a very popular hotel in Mystic Ridge. Emma racked her mind trying to remember everything she’d read about the place. It had been clos
ed for as long as she’d lived here—and that was going on five years now. That had been the last time it had been fully investigated. Without owners to request—and pay for—PARA’s services, the property remained untouched, its file put into the cold case pile.

  Still, Patrick would definitely appreciate a quick result. And if Emma could deliver that when so many others had failed, then she knew it would mean good things for her future.

  She sensed it without much concentration. Lorraine might be nice and friendly, but her husband wasn’t the type who looked forward to entertaining guests. That light flickering on the fourth floor was not the most welcome sight Emma had ever seen.

  “I don’t have any exorcism paraphernalia,” she whispered.

  Ryan glanced at her. “I didn’t know that was a possibility.”

  “I’d prefer not to have to go to those extremes, but if he’s too much to handle…”

  “If he’s too much to handle, we’ll just leave. All we’re doing is checking this out and letting Lorraine know what we find. She’s looking for peace of mind before she’ll move on. Her peace of mind seems to be entirely centered around this husband of hers.”

  He looked at the front door after following her up the five steps leading up to it. True to his word earlier, he was attempting to keep some space between them. He knew that if he got too close, she’d have a hard time keeping her mind on business. And with a case like this, she didn’t need any distractions.

  She turned the knob but failed. “It’s locked.”

  “Got a couple bobby pins?”

  She raised an eyebrow. “You’re kidding.”

  “Not at the moment.”

  Emma pulled the pins out of her hair that were keeping her long bangs back from her face. She’d spent an hour getting ready for her date tonight, but her hair hadn’t been co-operating. She handed the pins to Ryan and watched him skeptically as he stretched them out, then inserted them into the lock and began wiggling them around.

  “Picking locks,” she observed dryly. “What a huge surprise.”

  “I’m a man of many hidden skills.”

  “I have no doubt about that.”

  He looked at her as if realizing he’d admitted to something illegal. “This might not work. I haven’t done it in a long time.”