Read Infection Page 1

“2007… A mysterious incident occurred at the old saw mill, in Southern Montana. Many reports of missing persons have been filed, to no avail. The case has been closed, due to the lack of evidence. No one has come forward, or has mentioned anything about the travesty that took place, nearly eight years ago. For now, the case remains unsolved. But, some civilians are hoping that a new light will be shed, upon this case, and bring it back to life.”


  Southern Montana. A quiet, deserted-looking town. The leaves swayed, in the wind. Vehicles barely swarmed the streets. Kids barely played outside. Acres and acres of land slowly dried up, due to the lack of water, and proper care. The time slowly passed by and nighttime fell. The wind picked up, whistling at a sharp pitch. Wolves, in the distance, howled, in the moonlight.

  Morning arrived. It was the usual morning, on base.

  “Jake--you and your partner’s lack of teamwork has cost us, YET AGAIN.”

  “Lack of teamwork?! You’re shitting me, aren’t you?!”

  “I want you and your partner out of here.”


  Connor interrupted his partner, and said “I heard everything.” gritting his teeth, in the process.

  They eyed their boss, until they were out of his sight. Jake jumped in the jeep, and flipped a folder open.

  “What do you have there?”

  “Some folder that was on the boss’s desk, with Case 967JD inside.”

  “Is that the case about that old saw mill?!”

  Jake replied, deviously “Let’s just say that I borrowed it.” as a smirk crept upon his face.

  Connor hopped in the jeep. His partner continued reading through the case file.

  “There isn’t much information in here.”

  Driving down the dirt road, Connor asked “What do you mean?”

  Jake cleared his throat, and replied “It only talks about the missing persons.” adjusting his position, on the seat.

  “Let’s drive there and see if we can dig something up.”

  Closing the folder, Jake said “I’m with you, partner.” showing his excitement.

  Connor turned around and headed for the old saw mill. There were no other vehicles on the road, which sent a chill down their spine.

  Looking left and right, Connor contorted “It’s a little too quiet here.” while parking the jeep a few feet away from the saw mill.

  The door to the saw mill slammed shut.

  “Hey--did you see that?!”

  Connor gasped “I saw that, Jake.” while grabbing his artillery, before hopping out of the jeep.

  Jake grabbed his artillery, before hopping out of the jeep. Connor lead the way, to the saw mill, with his partner at a distance behind him.

  “The door won’t open. It must be barred, from the inside.”

  “Looks like we’ll have to kick it in.” Jake implied.

  “Ready when you are, partner.”

  Connor and Jake used all of their might, and kicked the door in. A foul odor smacked them, in their face.

  Burying his nose in the crease of his arm, Jake spat “Jeez--what’s that smell?!” coughing, heavily.

  Connor stepped forward, and said “Smells like something died in here.” coughing, heavily.

  He grabbed his flashlight and turned it on. He walked in the saw mill, shining it around.

  Jake insisted, “I’ll look for a light switch.” as he stepped inside of the saw mill.

  “Alright. Be careful, partner. And watch your back.”

  Jake grabbed his flashlight and turned it on. He walked in the opposite direction of his partner. He shined it at the wall. The wall was covered in a brown substance.

  “Connor--I think I found something.”

  His partner asked “What did you find?” while heading over to him.

  Rubbing the brown substance, Jake replied “It’s some type of brown substance.”

  Connor and Jake could suddenly hear footsteps behind them, as well as growling.

  Jake spun around and let out “What was that?!” as he shined the flashlight over where Connor was previously at.

  The door to the saw mill slammed shut. Connor ran to it and pulled on it.

  Angry, he shouted “The door won’t budge!” still continuing to pull on it.

  “That’s impossible. We kicked that door in.”

  The growling grew louder. Connor drew his assault rifle. The lights in the saw mill suddenly came on. Jake put his flashlight away, before drawing his assault shotgun, and readying it.

  Connor inferred “There are two paths.” as he stepped forward.

  The growling became much louder, penetrating Connor and Jake’s ears.

  They dropped their weapon, before falling to the floor. Jake looked up and something was lunging at them.

  He yelled “LOOK OUT!!!” while pushing his partner out of the way.

  Jake barely dodged the beast’s attack. He felt something run down the side of his face, and drip on his hand. The beast kept its eyes on him. Jake stepped to the side and watched his attacker step to the side, as well. Connor charged at the beast and jumped on its back. He stabbed it with his hunting knife, repeatedly, causing it to shriek, painfully.

  Connor hollered “Jake--shoot it!” as he continued stabbing the beast.

  Jake ran to his assault shotgun. Someone, or something, rammed into him, sending him into the wall. He got up, slowly. Connor was tossed off of the beast that he was stabbing. Jake faced the beast that rammed into him. Connor stepped over to his partner and stood by his side.

  “What are these things?”

  “I don’t know, Jake.”

  “The one that rammed into me, looks like a mutated human.

  Connor took a step forward. The mutated human stepped on the guns, crushing them, to pieces. It growled, before charging at Connor, and Jake. They dove out of the way, barely dodging it. It charged through the wall, easily.

  Breathing, deeply, Jake spat “What the Hell is that thing made of?!”

  His partner replied “Something impenetrable, it looks like.” as he dusted himself off.

  Jake squawked “We have that other one to worry about.” punching the floor, angrily.

  “Wait a minute--it’s not attacking us.”

  “Maybe, it can’t see, or sense us.”

  “Jake--I think it’s because our weapons were crushed.”

  “What do you mean, Connor?”

  Connor replied “I think it has to do with that cut on your face.” before pointing at his partner’s wound.

  “Come to think of it, that thing moved when I did.”

  “Maybe, it sensed your blood, and recognized it.”

  Jake stared at the beast. It was sniffing, trying to sense its target.

  Drawing his assault handgun, he said “It’s trying to sense where I’m at.”

  Something burst through the floor, landing in front of Connor, and Jake. Whatever it was, it growled, continuously. Blue slime dripped from it’s mouth.

  “Those are some razor-sharp teeth.”

  “Be careful, Connor. Stand your ground.”

  The beast charged at Connor, barrelling through him.

  Raising his assault handgun, Jake yelled “CONNOR!!!” and shot at the mutated human, in the process.

  No effect, the bullets just ricocheted off of its skin. Jake turned around and the other mutated human was charging at him. Barrelling into him, he was sent through the wall, and came crashing down, on a metal platform.

  Connor finally regained consciousness. He staggered to his feet. There was a pool of blood around his feet.

  He called “Ja-Jake?” while his energy depleted, in his search for his missing partner.

  Connor’s sides burned, with each and every step he took. He stumbled over, and vomit
ed brown slime, on the floor. Falling face first, on the floor, he blacked out…

  Regaining consciousness, Jake slowly opened his eyes. He tossed the wall boards, and debris, off of him.

  He called “Connor?” while grabbing his injured right arm.

  Spotlights shone, brightly. The heat from them, burned his skin. Mirrors surrounded him. A man suddenly appeared in them.

  “Nice to see that you’re finally conscious.”

  “Who are you?!”

  “I’m Doctor Blake Vernon. I’m here to transform you.”

  “What have you done with my partner?!”

  Doctor Vernon paused, before he burst out, in laughter. Jake reached for his knife.

  Doctor Vernon, warning, he said “I wouldn’t do that, if I were you.” as he waved his index finger, back and forth.

  Jake unpleasantly shouted “Let me out of here, you sick son-of-a-bitch!” showing his frustration.

  Doctor Vernon vanished from the mirrors. Jake screamed, as loud as he could, before using all of his might, to kick the mirror in front of him.The force shattered it. A path appeared, but it was too dark for Jake to see anything, in front of him. He reached for his flashlight and grabbed it, and turned it on.

  He mumbled to himself “Let’s see where this leads.” while shining the light in front of him.

  A staircase lead upward, and downward. Candles, in the shape of a burning human, aligned the walls. Jake reached the top of the stairs. He could hear growling, on the other side of the metal door. He pushed on it, and it creaked open. Connor was slouched against the wall, suspiciously.

  Jake called, nervously, “C-Connor?” as he shut the door.

  Connor stood up and focused his attention to his partner.

  “Jake? Is that you?”

  “It’s me, partner.”

  “You’re alive…”

  “Are you alright?”

  Connor replied “I’m fine, you.” fidgeting, rather noticeably, and suspiciously.

  Jake slowly