Read Infection Page 2

approached his partner, and said “You’re pale. You don’t look so good.”

  “I feel alive. More alive, than I’ve ever felt.” Connor rejoiced, strangely.

  Jake couldn’t get past Connor’s strange behaviour. Connor was sweating bullets. He paced back and forth, repeatedly.

  “What’s wrong with you, Connor?”

  Connor shoved Jake to the side and continued pacing, back and forth, repeatedly. Jake had a feeling that something happened to his partner.

  “Did somebody shove you?”

  “Connor--you don’t remember shoving me, just then?”

  Connor lashed out “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING?!!” before reaching for his assault handgun.

  Jake quietly said “Connor--put the gun down.” reasoning with him, as calmly, as possible.


  Connor’s skin was turning a yellowish complexion. That, to Jake, meant bad news. Connor scratched his face, causing blood to run down from the cuts, and drip onto the floor.

  “Connor?” Jake called, hesitantly.

  Connor said, quietly “I’m sorry--I don’t feel good. We need to get out of here.” as he dropped the assault handgun, on the floor.

  He continued to pace back and forth. He gnarled on his fingertips, until the bones showed. The assault handgun, on the floor, caught Jake’s attention. His partner still paced back and forth. He made his move when Connor turned his back to him. Reaching for the assault handgun, he grabbed it, and aimed it at his partner. Connor turned around to face Jake.

  “Jake? It’s me, Connor. What are you doing, partner?”

  “You’re not the Connor I once knew.”


  He began growling, loudly.

  Jake ordered “Don’t move!” keeping his index finger on the trigger.

  Connor’s growling grew louder, before he charged at Jake.

  Jake yelled “I SAID DON’T MOVE!!!” as he closed his eyes, before pulling the trigger.

  A loud thud appeared, shortly afterward. He opened his eyes and Connor was lying face down, on the floor. He walked over to him and rolled him onto his back. There was a bullet hole between Connor’s eyes. Blood ran down the side of his face, onto the floor. Jake was in shock. He couldn’t believe what he just did. He knelt down and closed his partner’s eyes.

  Jake tightened his grip on the assault handgun and continued his search for Doctor Vernon. He kept the gun readied, as he slowly walked down the hall.

  A faint voice cried out “H-help m-me!”

  Jake took a step forward and flesh was being gnarled into, and ripped apart. He ran to the nearest door and kicked it in.

  Jake, noticeably shaking, shouted “Freeze!” while aiming the assault handgun at the mutated human.

  The beast growled, loudly, as it continued gnarling away, at the dead man’s flesh. Jake sneaked behind it. He stabbed it with his survival knife, but the knife broke on its impenetrable skin. The beast jumped up and growled in Jake’s face, brushing him back. He fired away at it, but the bullets ricocheted off of it.

  Jake spat “”Damnit!” slowly stepping back from the beast. “It has to have a weak spot.”

  A female warned “Heads up!” as a grenade was thrown at the mutated human.

  Jake dove to safety, before the grenade detonated. A huge explosion occurred. The mutated human growled, loudly, amongst something hitting the floor. The beast charged at the female. She charged up the mysterious handgun she was wielding. A red bullet was fired from the gun. It hit the mutated human, between its eyes. A loud thud occurred when it smacked the floor.

  “Who are you?”

  The female replied “Jade.” introducing herself. “I’m here to get you out of here.” putting the mysterious handgun in its holster.

  “How do I know I can trust you?”

  “I saved your life.”

  Jake stood up and stepped in her face. The smirk on her face irritated him, highly.

  Jake murmured “I was quite fine, without you.” while rubbing the bristles on his chin.

  “I’m sure you were, tough guy.” Jade laughed.

  Jake shoved Jade into the wall, pinning her against it. She continued to smirk, irritating him, a lot more.

  “What’s with that damn smirk?!”

  “Let me guess… You’re angry because you killed your partner… Now, you seek revenge.”

  Jake tightened his grip on Jade’s neck, causing her smirk to leave her face.

  “How did you know that?”

  “Take your hands off of me!”

  He screamed, before reaching for the assault handgun. Jade grabbed a hold of the weapon, swinging Jake into the wall. She grabbed her machete and held it against his throat.

  Jade said, softly “Your anger is getting the best of you.” still holding the machete against Jake’s throat.

  “You bitch! Unhand me!”

  “I could kill you, right now.”

  The look on her face showed no fear. She lowered the machete from Jake’s throat and stepped back from him. She held up the assault handgun. He grabbed it and tightened his grip on it.

  Jade compromised “If you want to live, then I suggest you follow me. If not, I’ll leave.”

  “Fuck you. I was fine without you.”

  “Whatever you say. I guess you want your partner’s death to be in vain…”

  Jake stormed up to Jade. He slapped her, in her face, knocking her down, to the floor.