Read Infection Page 4


  “What did you find?”

  “It’s blood. Must be from that intruder.”

  “Take a sample of that blood, Rider.”

  Rider complied “I’m on it.” before grabbing a Q-Tip and wiping up a dab of blood with it.

  Axel murmured “This tank has been sealed.” leaning forward and putting his ear to it.

  Grass cracking, caught Axel’s attention. Water started leaking from the sealed up tank.

  “D-Doctor… D-Doctor…”

  Jade hammered on the tank and the glass cracked some more. Axel stepped back from it, slowly.

  Turning around to face the tank, Rider wondered “What’s going on?”

  Axel, readying his semi-automatic shotgun, replied “There’s someone inside of this tank.” shaking, noticeably.

  Jade continued to hammer on the tank, shattering the glass, completely. A metal gate lowered, locking Axel, and Rider in the chamber room. The alarm sounded and the electronic lock sealing the gate, to the glass tank, was released. The clear, liquid substance, spilled on the floor.

  Rider shrieked “What is that thing?!” fearfully readying his machine gun.

  Jade spat “Doctor! Doctor!” jumping off of the platform of the shattered tank.

  She stomped up to Axel, and Rider. They stepped back, until they couldn’t step back any further.

  Axel ordered “Fire!” firing away, at the mutated Jade.

  The bullets ricocheted off of her. Not a scratch appeared on her mutated body.

  Rider, petrified, ordered “Keep shooting!” continuing to fire away, at the beast in front of them.

  Jade growled, before she charged at Axel. Her razor-sharp claws sliced through him, easily. His body fell apart and hit the floor. She leaned into Rider, cornering him, for no escape. Doctor Vernon ran down the hall. Rider’s painful screams appeared, before they vanished.

  Hammering on the gate, Jade yelled “DOCTOR!!! DOCTOR!!!”

  Doctor Vernon stepped back from the chamber. Jade continued to hammer on the gate. It suddenly flew over Doctor Vernon’s head. It crashed to the floor, with an exploding thud.

  She yelled, continuously “DOCTOR!!! DOCTOR!!!” slowly stomping toward her target.

  “Jade?! What happened to you?!”

  The smell from the chamber room made him cover his nose. He could see Axel and Rider’s mutilated body, scattered across the floor.

  “Look what I’ve become, Doctor!”

  “Who did this to you?”

  “This is your fault!”

  “What are you saying?!”

  Jade lashed out “YOU DID THIS TO ME!!!” at a high, sharp tone.

  Blood ran down his ears. Her yelling turned into high-pitched screaming. The sharp pitch penetrated his skull and sliced through his brain, killing him, instantly. Jake looked around the corner, to seeing Jade slouched over Doctor Vernon’s body, gnarling away at his flesh. Jake could smell the odor coming from the chamber.

  He ordered “Hold it, right there!” nervously readying his assault handgun.

  She shrieked “Look what you made me do!” slowly stomping toward Jake.

  “DON’T MOVE!!!”


  Jake bolted down the hall, as Jade growled, fiercely.


  A door came into view. Jake looked over his shoulder and his enemy was gaining on him.

  “Have to reach that door.” he murmured.

  He ran as fast as he could. Making it inside of the room, Jade reached the door, as Jake was slamming it shut. He barely closed it, before she could get inside.

  Jade lashed out “WHY DID YOU RUN FROM ME?!!” hammering on the door.

  Looking around the room, Jake replied “So you can do to me, what you’ve done to them? No, thank you.”

  Jade’s hammering on the door stopped, abruptly. Jake walked to the desk. There were folders scattered on top of it.

  “These folders contain information on these supposed, missing persons.

  Jake remembered back to when Jade, and Doctor Vernon were talking about Case file 967JD being a ploy. There was a VHS tape on the desk. He popped it into the VCR and waited for it to play.

  “Be careful with those materials, Oden.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”

  “Well, get a move on!”

  Oden complained “Get off my ass, Paul!” grunting and groaning.

  He loaded the materials onto the forklift. He got in it and drove it to the storage facility. Glass shattering, caught his attention.

  “Who’s in here?!”

  Faint growling appeared. A chill ran down Oden’s spine. He crept up to the boxes and looked behind them. Seeing nothing behind them, he breathed a sigh of relief. He turned around and the forklift ran him over. Oden’s painful screaming and flesh being ripped apart, could be heard.

  “What is that thing?!”

  “SHOOT IT!!!”

  Bullets ricocheted off of the beast’s impenetrable skin. It attacked the saw mill workers, ripping them apart. The tape went to a blue screen, before it stopped. Jake rewinded the VHS tape and paused it on the mutated human.


  Hammering on the door appeared.

  Jade shouted, angrily “Don’t hide from me!” continuing to hammer on the door.

  “So, you’re the cause of this outbreak!” Jake spat. “You’re a psycho!”

  Jade spazzed “OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR!!!”

  “You deliberately infected those saw mill workers and kept everything covered up.

  “You think I’m a monster?”

  Jake replied “I’d love to stay and chat, but I have to run.” as he exited the room, through the door in the back.

  She let out “Don’t run away from me!” barrelling through the door, into the room.

  The door in the back was wide open. Jade charged out of the room. Jake could hear faint stomping, in the distance. Her stomping was getting louder, and much closer.

  “You don’t give up, do you?”


  “What for?!”

  “So I can rip you to fucking pieces!” the mutated human laughed.

  Jake stated “Well, that’s not going to happen.” before taking off, down the hall.

  Jade peeked around the corner. Jake was running down a set of stairs.


  He reached the bottom of the stairs.

  “This must be the basement.”

  The floor shook, as Jade inched closer.

  The mutated human hollered “I can smell your blood, Jacob Winthrop!” violently stomping down the stairs.

  She tossed shelves around, hoping to expose her target’s hiding spot.

  She yelled “COME ON OUT!!!” as she tossed a shelf at the wall.

  The contents of the shelf scattered on the floor. A grenade rolled near Jake.

  Jake muttered “Alright. You found me.” standing up and stepping out from behind the untouched shelf.

  Jade spat “Why did you run from me?” slapping her target into the wall.

  Blood ran down the side of Jake’s face, dripping onto the floor. She charged at him and slammed him on the floor, with her scaly foot. She put pressure on his chest, slowly crushing him, beneath her foot.

  Jake asked, struggling “Wh-what do you want from me?” as the pain became unbearable.

  Jade grabbed Jake and held him in the air.

  She screeched “Why did you do this to me?!” squeezing his body, tightly.

  Struggling, Jake reached for the grenade, and grabbed it. He shoved it into Jade’s mouth and kicked himself out of her grip.

  Jake warned “Say your prayers.” before pulling the trigger.

  The assault handgun was fired and the bullet pierced the grenade, causing it to explode, on impact. Blue blood splattered on Jake. Jade’s headless body hit the floor.

  “Poor fool.”

  As he was leaving the basement, t
he beast’s body started twitching. Jake turned around and became frozen, stiff, when her head grew back.


  “This can’t be…”

  Jade charged at Jake, backhanding him into the wall.

  She lashed out “YOU WON’T LIVE TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY!!!” kicking him, repeatedly.

  A man let out “GET AWAY FROM HIM, YOU MONSTER!!!” tightly grasping onto a flamethrower.

  Jade jumped off of Jake and landed in front of the man, who was wielding the flamethrower. Shooting flames at her, she quickly ran out of the basement.

  “Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine, all thanks to you.”

  The man gestured “Let me help you up.” reaching for Jake and helping him up.

  “Thanks. I’m Jacob Winthrop.”

  “I’m Juan Irving.”

  Jake said “I was as good as dead, if it weren’t for you showing up, in the nick-of-time.” as he headed to the basement stairs and looked up them.

  “Where do you suppose that thing went?”

  “My guess is that that thing went to an isolation chamber, to recuperate.”

  “Let’s kill it. And then, get the heck out of here.”

  “Let’s hope we can stop it, Juan.”

  Juan followed Jake out of the basement. They walked to the Isolation Chamber. Juan stepped inside, while Jake stopped in front of the entrance.

  Turning around to face Jake, Juan wondered “What’s wrong?”

  Jake took a step forward. Three claws sliced through Juan. The flamethrower bounced off of the floor and landed in front of Jake.

  “You can’t run from me, you puny human!”

  Breathing, deeply, he squawked “Give it up, Jade. You won’t win.” picking up the flamethrower and aiming it at the mutated human.

  As he was about to shoot flames at her, she slapped the flamethrower out of his hands. She charged over to it and stomped on it, crushing it to pieces.

  “Did I crush your toy?!” Jade laughed.

  Jake grabbed his assault handgun and shot Jade, in her face. Blue blood ran down her face, from the hole in her forehead.

  She shrieked “That