Read Infection Page 5

wasn’t very nice, Jacob Winthrop!” as her face healed before his eyes.

  “Looks like ordinary bullets have no effect.”

  “Which means, you’ll die, right where you stand.”

  Jake slowly stepped back from his enemy. She continued to laugh, as she approached him.

  “What do you plan to do?”

  “I plan to eliminate the entire fucked up human race and breed a new life form.” she cursed. “Starting with you.”

  Growling, loudly, Jade lunged at Jake, tackling him to the floor. The weight on top of him was slowly crushing his body. She opened her mouth and blue slime dripped from it. Jake remembered the pocket knife in his boot. He grabbed it and jammed it into Jade’s temple. She jumped off of him and dashed into the Isolation Chamber.

  “That must be her weak spot.”

  The tank Jade jumped in, closed, and slowly sealed up. Jake shook his head, before running down the hall. He turned the corner. Two mutated humans were guarding the door.

  Jake sighed “Great…”

  The two mutated humans locked their eyes onto him. They growled, fiercely, before barrelling down the hall, toward him. He darted around the corner. There was an air vent that caught his attention. He ripped the gate off of it and climbed inside of it. Jake watched the two beasts barrel down the hall, until they were out of sight. He crawled out of the air vent and ran up the hall, stopping in front of the door that was being guarded by the two mutated humans.

  “Weapons Storage. Maybe, I can find some useful weapons in here, to stop those creatures.”

  He pushed on the door. It squeaked, while it opened. He headed inside, shutting the door, quickly. A man stood in the corner, with his back facing Jake.

  “Um, excuse me?”

  The man slowly turned around and faced Jake.

  He gasped, heavily “Connor?!” his eyes growing large, from shock.

  Connor slowly hobbled to his partner. Jake readied his assault handgun. Blue slime dripped from his partner’s mouth, as he growled.

  “Stay where you’re at.” Jake ordered.

  Connor lunged at Jake. Closing his eyes, he pulled the trigger. There was a thud, on the floor, causing him to open his eyes. He stood over Connor’s supposedly, dead body. Blood ran down from the bullet hole in his forehead. Jake stepped over Connor’s body and looked around, for some weapons. He jogged over to the corner. A glass case rested on the shelf. A mysterious-looking handgun was inside of it. Jake picked it up and threw it on the floor, shattering the glass, and releasing the gun.

  Grabbing the gun, Jake murmured “This will hopefully, come in handy.”

  Notes on the table caught his attention.

  “This must be information on this handgun.”

  “This is the authentic model for Prototype X1Y0. A special type of bullet needs to be made for this handgun. This handgun will be sure to stop those monsters from lurking around. It also has a charging mechanism on it, for more damage. Be warned… The more force behind it can prove to be fatal. Sometimes, deadly. Last, but not least, I give you, the “Silencer”. Not only is it extremely powerful, but it also kills anything, and everyone, with one shot.”

  Jake grabbed the special bullets for the Silencer. He turned around and the door was open. A trail of blood lead out of the Weapons Storage. He readied the Silencer, as he exited the Weapons Storage, slowly.

  Connor was hobbling down the hall, to the elevator.

  Jake yelled “CONNOR!!! WAIT!!!” while sprinting after him.

  Connor stepped on the elevator. The door closed, before Jake reached it. He took the emergency exit and sprinted down the stairs. A door opened and closed. Jake looked over the railing. Growling appeared, along with heavy footsteps. He tiptoed down the stairs, keeping the Silencer readied.

  Jake called out “Is someone there?” breathing nervously.

  More growling appeared. A person’s screaming appeared. Jake sprinted down the stairs, reaching the bottom floor. Pushing the door open, a female ran past him, and crawled into an air vent, for safety. He turned around and a mutated human was charging at him. He pulled the trigger, shooting the beast in its forehead. It crashed to the floor, stopping near his feet. Jake nudged the beast with his foot. The female crawled out of the air vent and ran at Jake, grasping on to him, tightly.

  “You saved me.”

  “Who are you?”


  “That can’t be. I came across someone named Jade.”

  “You mean the manipulating monster?”

  Jake replied, quietly “Yes.”

  “That other “Jade” is a fake. She set this whole affair up.”

  “Why are you here?”

  She explained “I was here with my partner, investigating the Case file 967JD.” walking to the dead beast, on the floor, and observing it.

  “The Missing Persons case?”

  “Yes. How did you know that?!”

  “I’m investigating that case, myself.”

  “That faker is going to infect the entire human race, if we don’t stop her.”

  “I don’t believe I introduced myself. I’m Jacob Winthrop.”

  Jade hinted “Looks like we’re going to need some weapons.” grabbing her Hunter’s dagger.

  “There’s a weapons storage, located on the fifth floor.”

  “Let’s hurry.”

  Jake nodded his head and followed Jade to the elevator. They stepped on it and the door closed.

  Feeling skeptical, Jake asked “So, where’s your partner, if you don’t mind my asking?”

  “He was killed by one of those mutated humans.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I’m going to avenge his death, somehow.”

  “I’m right behind you.”

  “What about you, Jake? Did you have a partner?”

  The elevator abruptly stopped. It shook, making Jake, and Jade stumble over.

  “What the Hell was that?!”

  Jade said “Something must be obstructing the elevator from moving.” pressing the “Open” button on the button panel.

  The elevator shook, again, dropping down a few inches.

  Jake warned “We need to get off of this thing, before it crashes to the bottom floor.” looking up at the ceiling.

  “Give me a boost.”

  “Alright. But, be careful.”

  Jake gave Jade a boost. She removed one of the ceiling boards and tossed it to the side. She climbed on top of the elevator.

  “Give me your hand.”

  Jake jumped up and grabbed Jade’s hand. Struggling, she managed to pull him up, on top of the elevator.

  Jake yelled “WATCH OUT!!!” while pushing her to the side.

  The mutated Jade crashed down, on top of the elevator. The cords snapped and the elevator dropped down, to the bottom floor. Jade hung on to one of the cords.

  She called, worriedly “Jake?!” looking down at the darkness, beneath her.

  Jake replied “Over here.” using the cords to swing over to her.

  Growling, with a sharp, piercing pitch, appeared. Rumbling thuds could also be heard.

  Jade gasped “She’s coming.” as she started climbing up the cord.

  “Whatever you do, don’t look down.”


  Jade climbed up the cord, as fast as she could. Jake looked down and the fake Jade was gaining on them.

  “Jake, I see an open elevator door.”

  “Alright. Keep climbing to it.”

  They continued climbing up the cord, to the open elevator door, as fast as they could.

  The mutated human spazzed “YOU WON’T ESCAPE ME!!!” climbing up the walls, quickly.

  Jake and Jade reached the open elevator door.

  He insisted “I’ll go first.”

  He swung back and forth, picking up speed. He timed his jump and threw himself through the open elevator door.

  “Come on, Jade. Jump!”

  Jade jumped and grabbed Jake’s hand. As he was pull
ing her up, the beast grabbed a hold of her legs.

  She yelled “YOU’RE GOING TO DIE!!!” as she tugged on Jade.

  Jake could feel Jade loosening her grip. She closed her eyes and tears ran down her cheeks.

  Jake hollered “Say your prayers!” before pulling the trigger and shooting the mutated human, in her forehead.

  Jade opened her eyes, to seeing herself being pulled up, through the open elevator door.

  “What’s her deal?”

  “She’s Medusa. She’s manipulative. She’s also the reason why those people went missing.”

  “How long has this been going on?”

  “Since 2007.”

  Resting his hand on her shoulder, he calmly said “Don’t worry, Jade. We’ll put an end to this.”

  Jade asked “You ready to put an end to this nightmare, partner?” winking at her new partner.

  “Ready when you are, partner.”

  They headed up the hall. Sharp-pitched growling appeared.

  “This can’t be.”

  “Come on, Jade. Let’s move.”


  A rumbling thud shook the floor, causing Jake, and his partner to fall over. They looked back and Medusa was standing at the elevator door.

  Medusa shrieked “You can’t kill me!” as blue slime dripped from her mouth.

  Jake shouted, fearfully “”Run!” while grabbing Jade’s hand, tightly.

  Medusa charged up the hall. Jake and Jade ran to the window. Using all of their might, they jumped out of it, and crashed down, to the dock, below.

  Jade cried, “ ankle.” wincing in pain.

  “I’m right here, partner. I won’t leave you behind.”

  Jade looked up at the window they jumped out of and Medusa was jumping out of it.

  “Hurry. Let’s get on that boat.”

  Jade held on to Jake, as they ran to the nearest boat.


  Jake hollered “Not if I can help it!” aiming the Silencer at Medusa and pulling the trigger.

  Medusa lunged through the air, dodging the