Read Infection Page 7

the Hell out of here.”

  Medusa laughed “That’s what you think.” before barging into the Communications Tower.

  “I see you’ve tricked Connor into becoming your  pet.”

  “He was such a fool.”

  Medusa help up a remote. She pressed the red button on it. In the distance, Jake, and Jade could hear a faint explosion.

  Stepping forward, Jade demanded “What did you do?!”

  “Let’s say that that helicopter didn’t make it to its destination.”

  Jade snapped “You bitch!” while charging at their enemy.

  Medusa uppercut Jade, sending her backward. She smacked the glass see-through platform, cracking it more. The mutated sharks swam to the top, ramming the platform.

  “I’d love to stay and kill you weaklings, myself, but I’ll let my pet sharks do that.”

  She laughed, before stomping out of the Communications Tower.

  Jake knelt down and held Jade up.

  “Come on, Jade. Wake up. Snap out of it.”

  The mutated sharks rammed the platform, shattering the glass. Jake, holding on to Jade, fell into the water. The communications room collapsed into the water, shortly afterward. The doors on a shelf opened and something fell out of it.

  Jake whispered “A shotgun.” swimming toward the deadly weapon.

  Jade continued to sink to the bottom. A mutated shark started swimming toward her. Jake grabbed the shotgun and swam toward his target, as fast as he could. As the shark was about to clamp down on the unconscious Jade, a bullet was fired. It pierced the shark’s top fin. It squealed, as it swam directly at Jake. It wagged its tail back and forth, viciously.

  “Hang on, Jade. I’m coming for you.”

  He swam downward, trying to reach his partner, before he needed air. He could see a silhouette coming into view. He swam as fast as he could and finally reached Jade. Jake grabbed her and held on to her, tightly, before swimming to the top.

  “Hang in there, partner.”

  Reaching the top of the water, Jake, holding on to Jade, swam to the window Connor jumped out of. She started coughing and spitting out water.

  Jade stuttered “Ja-Jake?” wiping her face, still coughing, and spitting out water.

  “I’m here, partner.”

  “What happened?”

  “You charged at Medusa, but she knocked you unconscious.”

  “What are we going to do?”

  “I’ll give you a boost, up to the window.”


  Jake said “Let me know if you see anything.” while giving her a boost, up to the window.

  Jade grabbed on to the window ledge and pulled herself up. She looked down and there was more water below.

  “There’s more water below.”

  “Great… It’s like this place is floating on an island.”

  Medusa burst out of the water. She pushed Jade out of the window, before pulling Jake under the water. She tightened her grip on his leg and dragged him to the bottom. She reached the Infection Chamber and threw him in it, slamming the door shut, afterward. A blue light flashed, before a yellow, liquid substance started leaking into the chamber.

  “Got to find a way out of here, before I’m infected.”

  Medusa swam to the top of the water. She jumped out of the window, into the water, down below.

  Jade demanded “What did you do with Jake?!” while aiming the Silencer at the mutated human.

  “He’s as good as dead.” Medusa laughed.

  “WHERE IS HE?!!”

  Medusa swam toward Jade. Jumping out of the water, she landed in front of her target. Jade’s nervousness turned into fear. She shook, uncontrollably, as her enemy approached her.

  Medusa laughed, hysterically “You poor, little weakling.” as she pushed her target to the ground.

  She charged at Jade and sliced her body, with her razor-sharp claws, continuously, preventing her from protecting herself. Medusa raised her mutated arm into the air, before driving it through Jade’s stomach. She kept her eyes on her attacker, as she choked on her blood. She breathed her last breath, before her head fell, to the side. Medusa turned around and faced the water. It started vibrating, before Jake burst out of it.

  “You’re going to pay!”

  “Don’t make me laugh, you pathetic weakling.”

  Jake warned “You shouldn’t underestimate me…” readying a massive weapon and aiming it at Medusa.

  He fired the weapon. The mutated human dodged the bullet, easily.

  “Is that all?!” she laughed, hysterically.

  A smirk on Jake’s face, turned into laughter.

  “What’s so funny?!”

  The bullet Medusa dodged, came back around and hit her, melting her arm. She fell to one knee. Blue blood ran down her side and dripped on the ground.


  Jake explained, thoroughly “This is a heat-seeking Plasma Bazooka, with incendiary bullets, using my blood.” stepping forward. “I rigged it up, myself. And by the way, your arm won’t grow back.” as he charged up the Plasma Bazooka.

  Medusa lashed out “YOU FILTHY, ROTTEN CRETIN!!!” before charging at her target.

  He dove to the side, dodging her attack.

  “You’re getting weak.”

  “How the Hell did you get out of that chamber?!”

  Jake laughed “I’ll let that mystery haunt you.” before firing the Plasma Bazooka at Medusa.

  The heat-seeking plasma bullet pierced her chest. Jake watched her melt, slowly.

  Medusa shrieked “You’ll pay for this!” as her body melted to the ground.

  Jake turned around, to seeing Jade lying face up, on the ground. He approached her and knelt down, beside her.

  Jake whispered “Your death won’t be in vain, partner.” closing her eyes.

  He stepped back from her dead body. He fired the Plasma Bazooka and melted her body. A helicopter suddenly hovered over him.

  A man ordered “Get in!” as a rope ladder was dropped down.

  Jake looked back and something was rising out of the ocean. He jumped on the rope ladder, before the tentacle crushed him. The man helped him climb in the helicopter.

  “What’s going on?”

  “This saw mill is guarded by a ravenous creature.”

  “Who are you?”

  “Brad. You?”

  “Jacob Winthrop.”

  “We’ve been trying to reach Jade, our little sister of the team.”

  Jake lowered his head and whispered “She’s gone…”

  “I understand, comrade.”

  “I won’t let her death be in vain.” Jake compromised.

  Brad detested, sternly “Then, let’s put an end to this madness.” while handing Jake a rocket launcher.

  A loud growl shook the helicopter. A tentacle grabbed on to the tail of it and pulled it toward the ocean.

  “Hang on!” the pilot squawked.

  Jake stood his ground and aimed the rocket launcher at the creature.

  “Eat this, you son-of-a-bitch!”

  The rocket launcher was fired. The rocket exploded, on impact. The creature’s tentacle ripped apart and the helicopter was released from its grip.

  “Keep flying this thing. We’ll take care of that monster.”

  “Let’s give it all we’ve got, Brad.”

  Brad handed Jake another rocket and Jake loaded the launcher with it.

  “Die, you motherfuck--”

  Brad was interrupted by a tentacle slapping the helicopter, out of the air. It malfunctioned and the alarm sounded, before it hit some trees, and crashed in the woods.

  “B-Brad?! B-Brad?!” Jake stuttered, painfully.

  Brad crawled out from underneath the mangled up helicopter.

  He pleaded “Ja-Jake… H-help me…” leaving a trail of blood behind him, as he crawled to his comrade.

  The helicopter exploded. Brad got caught in the explosion. The flames burned his body, until he stopped squir
ming in pain. In pain, Jake rose to his feet. The ground shook and the leaves swayed. Growling appeared, as trees fell to the ground. Without hesitation, he started running through the woods.

  A woman shouted “Over here!”

  Jake looked over his shoulder and an unknown creature was gaining on him.

  The woman yelled “HURRY!!!” as fear overpowered her tone.

  Jake reached the cabin and sprinted inside of it. The woman slammed the door shut and the growling abruptly stopped. The stomping footsteps became faint, until they vanished.

  “What is that thing?!”

  “That thing is Medusa.” the woman replied. “She transformed because of the dead, infected bodies she gobbled up.”

  “Who are you and how do you know that?”

  “I’m Maleena. I’m Medusa’s partner.”

  “How do we stop her?”

  Maleena replied “By freezing her.” before walking into the bedroom.

  Faint growling appeared. Maleena walked out of the bedroom, holding an unusual weapon.

  “We have to get inside of that saw mill.”

  “Medusa is guarding it.”

  “I’ll create a diversion.” Maleena implied. “That way, you can sneak inside.” as she loaded the unusual weapon.

  Jake hesitated “What do I do?” not fully trusting Medusa’s partner.

  Maleena explained “You need to get to the Weapons Storage.” There’s a hidden door in there. When you find it, search for the weapon that’s encased in a glass shelf. The combination to unlock it is two, zero, zero, seven.” fidgeting in the process.

  Jake hesitated “How do I know it’s not a trap?”

  “Because Medusa manipulated my sister, Annabelle.”

  Jake stood silently. He watched Maleena tighten her grip on the unusual weapon. A sharp pain ran through his body.

  “How did you ever become that bitch’s partner?”

  She replied, quietly “She manipulated me. I turned against my own sister.” with tears in her eyes.

  “She also manipulated my partner. For wealth and power.”

  “You’d better get going,