Read Infection Page 8


  “How do you know my name?”

  “I overheard Medusa mentioning it.”

  “Whatever you do, do not die, Maleena.”

  “Be careful.”

  “If I’m not back in an hour, you get the Hell out of here.”


  Jake left the cabin. He ran through the woods, heading for the saw mill. The growling became louder. He looked back and Maleena was headed in the same direction. A tentacle slammed on the ground, in front of Jake.

  “Where do you think you’re going?!”

  Maleena lashed out “OUT OF HIS WAY, MEDUSA!!!” as she sprinted toward Jake and stood next to him.

  “You foolish weaklings will die.”

  “Get to the saw mill, Jake. I’ll cover you.”

  She stepped in front of him and fired the weapon. An aura-like plasma was shot out of it. It hit their enemy, freezing one of her tentacles.

  Jake said “I’m going in.” as he ran to the ocean and jumped in it.

  Maleena fired the weapon at Medusa, once again, freezing another one of her eight tentacles. Jake continued swimming around, looking for an alternate way inside of the saw mill.

  Maleena hollered “Die, you manipulative motherfucker!” as she continued firing at the monster in front of her.

  Medusa let out “YOU TRAITOR!!!” her high-pitched tone, shattering the ice that covered her two frozen tentacles.

  Ice shards shot at Maleena, cutting her, deeply. She dropped the weapon and blood trailed down from her wounds. Medusa slammed her tentacle on the ground, crushing the weapon. Maleena stepped back, gasping, and breathing heavily.

  “Why are you doing this?!”

  “The human race needs to cease to exist, so a new life form can take charge.”

  “How are you supposed to do that, if you’re going to wipe out the entire human race?”

  Medusa started foaming at the mouth. Gargling sounds occurred, before she hacked, and spat something out. Maleena dove out of the way, before it crashed on top of her. she looked at the gigantic, egg-shaped boulder. The shell cracked and octopuses popped out of it.

  She shrieked “Now, what are you planning to do?!” as her eyes grew large, from the fear in her tone.

  “My babies will grow to be my size and they’ll keep multiplying.”

  “You sick, fucking monster!”

  Medusa warned “WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!!” as she wrapped her target up, in one of her tentacles.

  Jake finally reached the Weapons Storage. He searched for the hidden door, but had no luck finding it.

  “Wait a minute…”

  He ran to the corner Connor was in. He patted on the walls, hoping to find something. With the time running out, he continued searching for the hidden door.

  “Here goes nothing…”

  Jake pushed on the wall and a door shape moved backward. He stepped inside of the secret room. The glass shelf in the corner, caught his attention. He jogged to it and looked for a numeric panel. He entered the combination Maleena gave him and the shelf unlocked. Jake opened the door and grabbed the mysterious weapon inside of the glass shelf.

  “These weapons… They look like they’ll do some serious damage.”

  There was a weapon leaning against the desk. Jake grabbed it and observed it. There was a slot on it, which was empty. He put the weapon from the glass shelf in the empty slot. A clicking sound occurred. The two combined weapons became a mysterious rifle. Boxes of special rifle bullets crammed the top of the desk. He ran to the window and jumped out of it, diving into the water, down below.

  Medusa lashed out, at Maleena “YOU PUNY WEAKLING!!!” from afar.

  Jake swam to where Medusa’s yelling was coming from. In the distance, he could see Maleena being slammed on the ground. He swam to land and hid behind the trees.

  He mumbled “Eat this, you mutated piece of shit.” before firing a bullet from the mysterious rifle.

  The bullet, travelling at a high speed, pierced Medusa’s neck. Blue blood squirted from the hole in her neck. Jake ran over to Maleena, as Medusa was collapsing into the ocean. Water was splashed on top of them.

  “Maleena, are you alright?”

  “I’m alright. Just banged up.”

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  “She’s really trying to wipe out the entire human race.”

  Medusa rose to the top of the water. The octopuses from the egg started attaching to her. She slammed her tentacles on the ground, slicing it in half, and causing it to split apart.

  “She’s trying to separate us.”

  “Be careful, Jake.”

  “Head back to the cabin.”

  Maleena nodded her head, before sprinting to the cabin. Medusa spat blue slime at Jake. He dove out of the way, in the nick-of-time. The blue slime hit a tree and turned it into ice.

  Medusa hollered “You and that other weakling will perish!” spitting more blue slime at her target.

  Jake shouted “Not if I can help it!” as he dodged the blue slime, once again.

  He fired a bullet at Medusa, piercing her chest. The octopuses attached to her, healed her wound.

  “Your puny weapon is useless against me.”

  She slammed her tentacles on the ground, causing it to cave in some. Jake stumbled over, barely grabbing on to the edge of the parted, collapsing ground.

  Maleena shouted “Hold on, Jake!” while sprinting through the woods.

  Medusa spat blue slime at Maleena. It hit her arm, freezing it up.

  Jake gasped, Loudly “MALEENA!!!” pulling himself up, onto the collapsing ground.

  “I’m alright. Now, finish this, once and for all.”

  “Time to put an end to this.”

  “You’ll die trying.” Medusa laughed, uncontrollably.

  Maleena said “Jake, take this.” as she threw something to him.

  Jake caught it and looked at it. He pressed the button on it and a timer started.

  “Come and get some, you ugly motherfucker!”

  Medusa growled, as she slammed her tentacles on the collapsing ground. Jake jumped on top of them. She swung her tentacles, trying to get him to fall off of them. With the right timing, he threw himself into her face and held on to her scaly skin.

  He fired “This is for all of the lives that were lost!” before he implanted the device into Medusa’s forehead.

  She spazzed “YOU FIEND!!!” while tossing him into the ocean.

  Maleena noticed the mysterious rifle on the ground. She ran to it and picked it up. She looked up and a helicopter was hovering above her.

  She shrieked, excitedly “It’s about time!”

  “Are there any other survivors?”

  “Yes. He’s putting an end to that creature’s existence.”

  “Make it quick. We can’t stay here, any longer.”

  “Why? What’s going on, Ace?”

  Ace replied “A missile is headed straight toward that saw mill.” looking back, at the enemy.

  “We can’t leave Jake behind.”

  Ace sighed, showing his impatience.

  “Do you see him, comrade?”

  Jake rose to the top of the water.

  She replied “I see him.” waving her arms, hoping to get his attention.

  Jake swam toward the land. As Medusa was about to grab him, Maleena fired a bullet at her. It pierced the monster’s right eye. Blue blood trailed down from it. Jake finally reached the land. Medusa growled, as she swung her tentacles around, viciously.

  Ace commanded “HURRY!!! GET IN!!!” throwing the rope ladder down.


  “Hurry, Maleena.”

  She nodded her head, before climbing up the rope ladder. Jake grabbed the rope ladder and climbed up it, before Medusa slammed her tentacles on the ground. The ground caved in, completely. The device Jake implanted into Medusa’s forehead, detonated, turning her into a block of ice. The ocean froze up, along with the saw mill.

  “I see something.”<
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  “What do you see, Maleena?”

  She gasped “Ace--it’s the missile!”

  “Let’s get a move on!” Jake demanded.

  “Hang on--we’re out of here!”

  The pilot steered the helicopter, picking up as much as speed, as he possibly could. The missile inched closer to the saw mill, by the second.

  “Let’s hope that missile obliterates that monster’s existence.”

  Jake sighed, uncomfortably “We can only hope, Maleena.”

  “Here it comes.” Maleena warned.

  “Hang on!” Ace shouted.

  The missile reached the saw mill. It exploded on impact. A cloud of smoke blanketed the sky and flames ripped through the saw mill. Medusa’s body was blown to pieces, in the process. The aftershock hit the helicopter, shaking it, violently.

  The pilot shrieked “Hang on, everybody!”

  Jake grabbed Maleena’s arm, as she fell out of the helicopter.

  “I got you, partner. Hold on.”

  “Jake, I’m losing my grip…”

  Ace said, confidently “You’re not going to die, comrade.” reaching out of the helicopter and grabbing Maleena’s hand.

  Jake said “Hold on tight. We’ll pull you up.” his grip, tightening on his partner’s hand.

  The pilot cheered “We’re out of here!” gaining control of the helicopter.

  Jake and Ace pulled Maleena up, into the helicopter.

  Ace whispered “Your arm…” as he pulled his comrade closer to him.

  “I’ll be fine.”

  Jake questioned “Are you sure?” feeling a little guilty.

  “I’m sure, Jake. Now, let’s get out of here.”

  “Alright, then. We’re out of here.” the pilot reprimanded.

  The pilot steered the helicopter, straight into the clouds. Jake looked back at the black smoke that blanketed the sky. A face appeared in the smoke, which put him on edge. Faint laughter appeared, that only Jake could hear.

  Ace wondered, skeptically “Something wrong, comrade?” with a look of concern creeping upon his face.
