Read Infinite Fate Page 10

wall of the dorm building.

  “No I guess you don’t. But I guess it doesn’t matter. You met Dominic.” He grins stalking towards me faster now. “That’s all you need to worry about. Because you met him you will ruin all my plans if I let you live.”

  “Let me live?” I squeak. I never thought I would die until this very moment. Here I am pinned up against a wall in a dark alley with nothing but a mini skirt and boob tube on. Great! When people find my body they will think I’m a hooker! “What do you mean let me live? What are you going to do?”

  “Kill you.” He says it so matter of factly that another cold chill covers me. “It’s a shame really.” He licks his lips and I want to hurl my shoe at him. “You would have been awesome fun.”

  “Don’t you touch me you sick bastard!” I yell at him and before I can blink he is next to me, his hand on my mouth his mouth next to my ear. What the hell?

  “Now now little one.” He whispers sickeningly close to my ear. “Quiet. We don’t want to make a scene and ruin it. It won’t hurt – much.”

  I bite his hand. Hard. His cold skin barely moves in my mouth.

  “Ow you bitch!” He screams, pulling his hand back and slapping me hard. I fall to the floor on my hands and knees seeing stars. God he's strong. The taste of blood in my mouth and the sting on my lip brings tears to my eyes.

  “What do you want with me?” I demand again. I am not going down with a fight. I try to stall him until I can come up with an idea. “I don’t even know you!”

  “Yes you do chicka-dee.”

  “No I don’t.” I retort back.

  “Savannah you don’t need to worry about anything other than I am going to kill you. I will do it slowly instead of quick I think. Can’t help myself, it will just be more fun. Draining every last drop of life out of you.” His eyes almost glow with excitement.

  “You won’t touch me.” I scream again, I start scrambling down the alley against the wall. No one can hear us because they are all at the party. I grab on to anything I can find to pull myself forward

  “You can run little girl.” He calls quietly. “But I will catch you every time, so why not just give in.”

  “Why don’t you just suck a…” I am cut short again as he appears next to me and slaps me again. “Quit doing that!” I hiss as I spit more blood onto the pavement.

  He takes a deep breath in. “Mm you do smell good.” I get to my feet and lean against the alley wall. “I can see why he has a hard time resisting you now.”

  “What are you on about?” I start shuffling again.

  “Dominic of course.” He grins at me as he lunges for me. I scream like a girl and curl into a ball. So much for being Miss Toughie Savannah! He pins me up against the wall and I grab a hold of his hand trying to pull it off my chest. I am gasping for air as he presses harder and harder against it.

  “What's Dominic got to do with this?” I gasp, confused, as Zeke relaxes his hold me while he moves my hair away from my neck.

  “Everything.” He licks his lips again and I shudder. “Now hold still.”

  “How about you eat a…” I retort but he lunges for my neck and bites hard. I scream as a sharp stabbing pain shoots through me. It starts at my neck and travels to my heart quickly, escalating in intensity every second that ticks past. “What are you doing to me?!” I scream as I struggle against him. He pins me effortlessly and I realise with a start what he's doing. He's sucking my blood. Why the hell is he sucking my blood? The only creature that sucks blood is a… a… That’s not possible is it? He can’t be? Can he?

  “You can’t be?” I sigh and with one last effort kick him in the leg as I feel my strength quickly draining. He jolts in shock and I feel him graze my skin near where he bit me with his fangs. Oh god he is. The move stinging like nothing I have felt before.

  “You really do have fight in you don’t you, you little minx.” He grins at me. “Your fight makes you taste so good so I’m gonna make sure there’s nothing left for your boyfriend to find.”

  “He will kill you.” I growl my eyes fluttering closed. I feel dizzy. My life is leaving me I can feel it. I am twenty years old! I’m not meant to die yet! But then again vampires aren’t meant to be real either and Zeke’s a vampire… wow.

  “I count on him coming after me.” He moves my hair again. “I need him distracted so I can kill him. Then the power is all mine! They will all have to listen to me!” He bites again and this time I don’t have the energy to fight back. I can’t believe I am going to die dressed as a hooker in an alley way where people are only metres away and all because I got bit by a mythical creature. Tears start to flow as everything goes blank.

  “Savannah! No!”


  “Savannah!” I call charging through the crowded hall, shoving people out of my way. “Savannah where are you?”

  “I will go look in the bleachers.” Tyson says zooming off.

  “I will go have another look on the dance floor.” Sam says heading in the other direction.

  “Zeke if you kill her you bastard I will tear you limb from limb.” I mutter under my breath as I see Sophie dancing by herself. I beeline for her and sweep her into my arms. “Sophie have you seen Savannah?” I ask harshly. I don’t have time for pleasantries.

  “Why would you wanna know?” She demands as she pulls away from me. She stomps on my foot for good measure. “She told me what you were doing with that skank you big giant…”

  “Okay.” I say interrupting, surprised that such a tiny girl has so much kick in her. But then I remember she did say she is a black belt in karate. “I deserved that, you can yell at me later I just need to find Savannah. She's in trouble!”

  Sophie freezes instantly. “Why?” She asks eyebrow raised.

  “She just is I don’t have time to explain. Do you know where she went?”

  “She said she was going home and some guy offered to walk her back.”

  “Guy?” I ask dumbly. Then it clicks. “Zeke.”

  I see a person in the distance watching us. “Do you know something?” I demand grabbing him by the collar.

  “The guy you’re looking for, about six foot, dark hair, eyes as black as night?”

  “Yes.” I hiss

  “Yeah.” Sophie nods, agreeing, she pulls a face. “He's so creepy. I don’t know what Sav was thinking.” She mutters more to herself then to us.

  “Savannah is with him?” I demand shaking the guy around.

  “I saw him talking to her.” He patiently lets me toss him around.

  “Sophie what did she say to you exactly?”

  “She said something about you and the girl and how could she be so stupid. He offered to keep her company.”

  “She actually went with him?” I ask in disbelief. Even after everything I said to her she still went with him.

  “I don’t know.” Sophie is starting to look worried.

  “Sophie where is she?” I ask shaking her a little harder than I anticipated.


  “That guy is bad.” I answer truthfully. “Really bad. I am worried he may hurt her.”

  “Like you did?” Sophie narrows her eyes at me and crosses her arms.

  “Sophie please!” I beg. “Please just tell me which way she went.”

  “Okay okay!” Sophie says raising her hands in surrender. “She went out the back stage doors.”

  “Thank you!” I sigh relieved. I kiss Sophie’s forehead in gratitude. “Oh my god thank you!”

  “If anything happens to her Dominic I am holding you responsible.” She calls after me.

  I nod at her and take off towards the back door. “If anything has happened to her I will hold myself responsible and terminate myself.” I mutter under my breath lifting people in the air to move them out of my way.

  “Savannah!” I call a moment before the smell of blood hits me. “No!” I squawk. Running in the direction of it. “Savannah!” I scream as I see Zeke leaning over Savannah’s still form. “Zeke.”
I scream charging at him. I shoulder barge him away and as I do Savannah’s still body falls limply to the floor.

  “Dominic!” Sam says from somewhere behind me. “She’s still breathing dude but its faint!”

  “Take care of her.” I order as I take off after Zeke who is laughing a hundred metres away from us. He is standing at the bottom of Mount Cookie, eyes glowing. He wipes blood off his face. “That’s Savannah’s blood.” I scream as I charge at him. “I am going to kill you.” I charge at him again this time tackling him to the ground before he can blink.

  “She tastes amazing Dominic.” Zeke whispers in my ear as I drive his head into the ground. “You should try her if there’s still a tiny bit left, I did bite her twice.”

  “You shut up about her!” I scream as I punch him in the head. He laughs at me.

  “She was a feisty little thing. Had fight in her ‘til the very end.”

  “I’m going to kill you.” I murmur in hushed tones, evil angry hushed tones.

  “She said you would. You too really were quite cute. Already knowing what the other would do so well.”

  “I am going to make your life miserable.” I say jumping on him. I only succeed in pushing him into the ground. “Then I am going to kill you slowly, ripping a limb off one at a time, waiting for that burn to fade before I do the next one.”

  “So sadistic Dominic. And to think you’re supposed to be a pure.” He laughs as I jump on him some more. Damn indestructible vampires! “I am counting on you trying.” Zeke laughs at me as he looks just past my shoulders. I follow his gaze to see a tree about to crash on us. He uses that