Read Infinite Fate Page 9

know my name? have we met?”

  “You don’t know me.” The girl grins wide and an evil glint forms in her eyes. “But I know all about you and your boyfriend.”

  “What's your name?” I demand politely.

  “Not for you to worry about sweetheart.” She chuckles as she gets the drinks for the next in line. “You go enjoy your night now.”

  “Listen,” I say barging my way back through the people. “You can’t just say that to me and then not say anything! Tell me who you are?!” She just grins at me and walks to the other side of the table.

  “Excuse me Savannah?” The hairs on the back of my neck stand up as I turn around.

  “Zeke.” I say shortly, not really interested in his crap right now.

  “You look stunning tonight.” He says running a hand up and down my upper arm. It takes everything I have not to shudder.

  “Uh thanks.” I say moving past him and back into the dance crowd, clearly I will have to catch the waitress after I ditch Zeke. “I gotta get back.”

  “To who?” Zeke asks innocently. “Dominic?”

  “Not that it’s any of your business but yes.”

  “Are you sure?” He says in a way that makes me pay attention. It’s like he knows something I don’t and a deep fear of doubt dumps itself in the pit of my stomach.

  “Of course. I was just getting water for us.” I wave the bottles around as if to prove my point.

  “It seems ungentlemanly of him to let his lady go to the bar.”

  “I made him stay there.” I retort back, annoyed, about to poor my whole life story out to him to prove I know what I’m talking about. I barely manage to stop myself.

  “That may have not been such a good idea.” Zeke smiles triumphantly at me like he knows something I don’t. A deep sinking feeling settles in my stomach again.

  “What’s not?”

  “You know leaving him alone with the hordes of horny jealous women.”

  “What are you talking about?” The dread increasing tenfold.

  “Look over there.” Zeke points to where I left Dominic in the middle of the dance floor. My eyes naturally follow his movement and I gasp and drop the water bottles as I see Dominic alright. In the arms of some blonde floosy while she dry humps him and devours his face.

  “No.” I mumble softly, backing up. “No. That’s not Dominic.” I stop moving backwards and blink. Sure enough he is standing there embraced and locking lips with her. “Why would he do that?”

  “He’s a player.” Zeke adds salt to my wound. “You are just a notch he wants on his belt.” He rubs it in well. Trying to be comforting but making me feel like crap at the same time.

  “No.” I hiss wildly, backing into a couple of party goers. “Sorry.” I say when they move out of my way, puzzled looks on their faces.

  “Savannah are you alright?” Zeke asks innocently.

  “I got to get out of here.” I say not really thinking and totally forgetting Zeke is there. I rip Dominic’s coat off and throw it on the floor. Stomping on it a few times for good measure. Not willing to let the tears fall down in front of our entire college I start shoving people out of my way to get out the doors not caring if Zeke is following me or not.

  “Savannah come with me.” Zeke grab’s my arm forcefully pulling me back. I panic, yanking my hand out of his grip.

  “You ever touch me like that again and your balls will be up your nose got it?” I bark at him and he raises his hands in surrender.

  “Sorry.” He says soothingly. “I just wanted to help you. I saw a back entrance that has hardly any people near it. I thought you might like to go that way inside of fighting the crowd. We can get out of here faster.”

  “I…” I almost refuse but then figure he has a point. Sophie is just a short distance away and I start heading for her. “Okay but first I’m just gonna tell Sophie I’m going.”

  “No worries.” Zeke says. “I’ll wait by the stage.”

  I nod as I run to Sophie.


  “Hey Dom.” A sweet sultry voice whispers to me. I hear it though. She's vampire. We can whisper and still hear what is said even with this loud monstrosity called music playing. I am instantly on alert. What is she doing here?

  “Nicole.” I say sharply. She’s a minion of Zeke’s and dread starts to fill me. This can’t be good.

  “Is that really any way to great an old friend?” She murmurs as she runs her hands over my arms and chest. It takes everything I have not to shudder. Instead I step away.

  “You’re not an old friend.”

  “True.” She agrees with a grin. “I am after all, all about Zeke. Something about being with a Pure just… does it for me. You know?” She gets up close, whispering in my ear. “No, wait you can’t know. You don’t like to mingle with the commoners. And I would have been so willing to do whatever you wanted for you.”

  She kisses my ear lobe and I yank her off me. She lets go of my ear but instantly starts pinning herself to me. She grins wickedly. “Must suck having your brothers gone hey? Being all alone with no one all the time. Could get very lonely. But then you go and make friends with that pretty little human. I suppose she may have been someone you could have hung with if only you could shield her from what’s happening right now, right here.”

  “Nothing’s happening but you getting off me.” I say realising my worst fears are coming true. I have a feeling Zeke has something to do with my not being able to see Savannah’s future anymore. I should have known that the moment he appeared it was going to be major trouble. I pull Nicole off me. “You need to get away from me. Now.”

  “But Dominic, you sure you really want that?” She practically mounts me and I feel violated.

  “Nicole what the hell do you think you’re doing?” I scream at her as she kisses my ear again and then my neck.

  “Getting reacquainted.”

  “Get off me.”

  “Dommy boy that’s not what you said last time, you sure that’s what you want?”

  “Get off me or so help me I will break you right here right now.” I toss her off me more forcefully then I intended. She flies backwards, landing on the drink table. Oh my god what have I done?! I panic, hoping I haven’t hurt any humans in the process. I see Sam sling an arm around a couple of girls who look a little startled but calm down once he starts whispering things into their ears. Girl in the table forgotten. He shoots me a sideways look as he discreetly walks them away.

  “Oh my god I could have hurt the humans.” I mumble to myself raising a hand to my forehead. I'm looking at the floor when a sudden sharp pain shoots through my neck and into my heart. “What the hell is that?” I ask out loud, looking around frantically realising savannah still hasn’t returned. I start hyperventilating, panicking. Something’s wrong! Very wrong!

  “Savannah!” I start moving towards the dance floor and see my jacket half stood on by people. “Off!” I order them to move immediately, and they practically run away. Angry vampire voice is scary. Picking it up. I smell it and it confirms my worst nightmare. Zeke.

  “Savannah!” I call again. “Savannah where are you?”

  Nicole laughs at me as she gets off the battered table. “It’s too late. You lose Dominic.” And with that she is gone.


  “I appreciate you walking me out Zeke but I got it from here.” I say wrapping my arms around myself. He has helped me escape through the back door and we are walking along the alley between the hall and the classrooms towards the dorms. Even though it’s a warmish summer’s night a cold chill shoots right through me.

  “You sure you don’t want me to walk you all the way home?” He asks and I shudder at the thought, unable to control it this time. I feel really uneasy, he almost frightens me.

  “No, I’m okay thanks.” I say instead. “You go back and enjoy the party. I’m just gonna go home and go to bed.”

  “That’s a shame.” Zeke says in a voice that has lost all its friendliness. I pause.
Not good.

  “What is?” I ask turning to him, pretending to be okay.

  He doesn’t’ answer me, just looks at me licking his lips.

  “Zeke?” I question as he stalks towards me.

  He just mumbles something incoherent but I think I pick up Dom in amongst it all.

  “Zeke are you okay?”

  He just laughs wickedly.

  “Zeke?” I panic, looking around.

  “There’s nowhere to go little one.” He gurgles. “If you don’t fight I promise to make it quick.”

  “Quick?” I repeat, dread filling me.

  “Yep.” He grins at me. “Come, let’s do this.”

  “Do what?” I demand, backing up. “What do you want?” He knows he’s frightening me.

  “You.” He grins, looking almost demonic.

  “Me?” I squeak. “Why would you want me? You don’t know me. I don’t even know you.”

  “Yeah you do.”

  “I only know your name.”

  “You’re lying to me.”

  “No I’m not!” I say. I back up. Where’s Dominic when I need him? Oh that’s right he has his lips on some other girl!

  “Yes you are.” He laughs as I start moving backwards away from him. “Surely you remember me? It hasn’t been that long has it? Six human years or something like that wasn’t it?”

  “Zeke what on earth are you on about?” I look at him puzzled. “Human years?”

  He pauses for a moment as a look of recognising hits him. “You really don’t know who I am do you? Wow. He did it well.”

  “I have no idea what you are talking about.” I say crashing into something hard behind me. I glance behind me to see I have hit the brick