Read Infinite Fate Page 22

out of the bin before I open my eyes to see the apple hovering just above it. As my concentration waivers the apple drops in with the same thud as just moments before. “No reborn has ever had their powers before the first week!”

  “Really?” I ask spinning to face him. He looks mesmerised. Awed even.

  “Savannah you are special.” Adam walks forward and places a necklace with a bright red-stone heart pendant and diamond encrusted sparkles scattered throughout it into my hand.

  “What's this?” I ask feeling a warm tingling feeling shoot up my arm.

  “That’s the Amulet of Eternity!” Sam gasps stepping forward. “It is supposed to be a myth! How the hell do you have it Adam?!” He reaches out to touch it but Adam smacks his hand away. Sam yelps and jumps back.

  “What the hell is going on?” I demand looking at Sam’s frightened face.

  “All in good time my dear.” Adam says patting me on the back. “Know only this. Wear the necklace and never take it off… Ever.”

  “Um okay?” I look at him like he is fifty shades of crazy. “Why?”

  “Because I say so dear.” Adam rolls his eyes at me. “Come you must go now. I have some people visiting with me soon and I must clean up the water.” He starts ushering us towards to door.

  “Adam what am I meant to do now?” I panic. I’m not ready to leave yet. “Why do I need to wear the amulet?”

  “Go. Practice. Practice your mind control with your power. Practice your movements. Practice your human speed. You will learn more with practice.” He looks to Dominic, Tyson and Sam who haven’t said a word since Sam tried to touch the pendant. “It is you three on whom she will depend. You must help her become as strong as she can be. It is of the utmost importance.”

  “Does Savannah have something to do with my wanting to kill Zeke?” Dominic asks, stepping forward. “She doesn’t need to be involved. I know his weakness. I will take him out myself.”

  “Dominic you are of pure heart.” Adam says raising a hand to calm him. “You are the last remaining pure heart. Keep it that way.”

  “So what am I meant to do then?” He demands. “Just let him get away with killing Abraham, Brey and Censon? Trying to kill Savannah?”

  “Justice will be done.” Adam smiles at us all. He knows something we don’t. “Now out with you all. We are done for now.”

  We all walk out without another word. Adam promptly shuts the door and I get the distinct feeling all of us are at least somewhat confused and, if I am to be honest, I myself am a little frightened. All this talk of fights and powers and things is a lot to handle. I don’t really know what to think about it all.

  I just turned into a vampire for goodness sake. Something that isn’t meant to exist. Two days old and already my life is being pulled out from under me. If only I could go back in time. I would live more and sook less – hide less. I would go out and party like Sophie wanted me to and create chaos wherever I wanted. I would live. I would be fun. I would honour my family by not living when they had their choice taken away.

  The thought of my family sets of a fresh batch of emotions. So many I know I have to stop thinking, I let out a little sigh as the emotions threaten to overwhelm me.

  “Savannah?” Dominic asks catching up with me. “How are you coping?”

  “I thought we went there for answers.” I reply a little harshly. I can’t help it.

  “Yes we did.” He says not at all taken aback. Clearly my outbursts are growing on him – or he understands.

  “I ended up more confused than not?” I sigh, knowing my statement sounds more like a question, but that’s because I have absolutely no clue. “Am I really that clueless?”

  “No it is not just you.” Dominic laughs, assuring me and I breathe a sigh of relief

  “Oh thank god!” I say smiling. “I thought it may have just been me being dumb and so new to being a vampire so I couldn’t keep up.”

  “I have no idea what is going on.” Dominic laughs at me again, not in a mocking way but in a yeah-I-know-how-you-feel kind of way. “When he doesn’t have to play the awesome teacher he actually really is quite weird.”

  “I’ll say.” I agree. “Here I was thinking he was like the best teacher in the world cos he was so relaxed. Clearly that’s cos at home he’s got a pole up his butt.”

  “Savannah!” Dominic cries trying to keep a straight face.

  “What?” I ask innocently, batting my eyelashes. “He does!”

  Dominic just laughs but says nothing further. His laughter makes me feel better and knowing I am the cause of such joy on his face silently fills me with glee – not that I will tell him that!

  “I take that to mean you agree with me but aren’t willing to say so then.” I say poking my tongue out at him. “Sam?” I say turning back to the boys behind me. “Tyson?”

  “I think I stopped listening to Barton properly after you made the water move like that.” Tyson grins at me. “That was pretty cool! Even though Sam has the same mind control power as you he has never been able to move water like that.”

  “Really?” I squawk looking to Sam in surprise.

  “Yes.” He says cautiously. “But I can only move solid objects not liquids.”

  “Oh.” I say dumbly. What am I meant to say to that? Sorry dude you got jipped, here let me splash some water on your face and rub it in a little more?

  “I’m the flirtiest one, not the one with the brains.” Sam grins, changing the subject completely as if the understands my awkwardness to the situation. “Maybe I just don’t try hard enough. I know I switched off in there that’s how confused I got and its pretty common for me to do that.”

  “What are we supposed to do then?” I ask.

  “We are going to go eat.” Tyson pulls on Sam’s shirt. Sam looks surprised at first but then seems to get some invisible message.

  “Yes we are.” He says nodding. “We will see you back at the cabin.”

  “Don’t forget to bring the wood.” Dominic says as they turn to leave.

  “The wood?” I ask. “Why do we need wood?”

  “It’s not for a fire Savannah.” Dominic chuckles, as if he could somehow read my mind. “It’s to fix all the holes you put in the walls and ceiling and floor of the cabin.”

  “We are staying in that cabin?” I cry in a girlish voice, my nose turned up.

  “It’s home.”

  “Really?!” I squeak, unable to hide my dismay.

  “It’s not as bad as you think.” Dominic says patiently. “It’s private, comfortable – when the furniture is in its right places and away from humans – It will become home soon enough.”

  “Can’t I go back to Sophie?”

  “Not until you have yourself under control and your eyes go back to blue.”

  “Oh.” I mumble absently playing with the amulet. I flip it over idly in my hands and see an inscription that looks to be in ancient letters. “Wait my eyes aren’t blue?”


  “Why not?”

  “Because as a reborn your eyes turn bloodlust.”


  “Bright red.”


  “It’s okay Sav.” Dominic smiles at me empathetically. “They will actually be brighter and hotter in a few weeks then they were when you were human.”

  “Really?” I say doing a happy dance.


  “Thank god!” I smile, finally feeling some hope. I play with the amulet in my hand, tossing it around observing it carefully. “What language is that?” I ask, showing Dominic. We lean in close together and I suddenly become aware of just how close he is. Panicking I snap my head back and move away, almost dropping the amulet in the process.

  “I don’t know.” He answers and I think I see hurt flash before his eyes.

  “I’m sorry.” I whisper.


  “Hurting you with my – uh less then spectacular response to your claims of us being Eternal Mates. For being a pain
in the butt with all my mood swings. Ruining the cabin…”

  “Oh that.” Dominic says. He holds no emotion in his voice, just more acceptance which makes me feel even worse. “It’s okay.” No it’s not.

  “Tell me more about how the eternal mates’ thing works?” I ask as I gesture for us to walk casually up the mountain – human speed. I do after all need the practice. That and it gives me an excuse to hang out with just Dominic. No one else but he and I.

  “Tell you about it?” He repeats sounding unsure.

  “Yeah, like what exactly is it and how does one find it and all that.”

  “To be honest Savannah I don’t think you want to know right now.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you may not like being told your fate was to always be with me. Like before you were even born fate. Like infinitely fated.”

  I open and close my mouth like a gold fish as I take what he said in. In the end I sigh in resignation. “Your right. I don’t want to know.” I pat him on the shoulder as the hope in his eyes fades. “But doesn’t mean I won’t be up to it later okay? Just right now I think I need a chance to catch up on all I have learnt up until now. Process all that before I add more?”

  “Okay.” He says nodding, appeased. “I can handle that.”

  I smile at him sweetly, for the first time really taking in his green eyes. They are very bright, stunning even, and the way his face is all chiselled and flawless is actually kind of sexy. My eyes move to his lips and full pouty lips are grinning at me. My head snaps back to his eyes and I realise I have been busted checking him out. I go all shy, turning my back to him.

  “Sav.” He says whispering in my ear, he is standing so close I get all