Read Infinite Fate Page 23

tingly from my spine to my toes. “It’s okay, I check you out too.”

  “Oh my god!” I breathe as his breath sends tingles up and down my spine once again. “I… um… yeah… um…”

  “Savannah it’s okay. We have all the time in the world. I have waited four hundred and sixty six years for you what’s another few weeks?”

  “Weeks hey?” I say coyly, grateful he let me off the hook. “That confident are you?”

  “Sav baby,” Dominic grins at me like I just issued him a challenge. “I promise you that within two weeks you will want us to be together without my even trying.”

  “Yeah okay.” I say getting all up in his face so our lips are only millimetres apart. “We will see who breaks first.” I promise in my most seductive voice – please let it actually be seductive and not some corny thing where I am making a fool of myself – as I stare him down. He gulps and blinks rapidly a few times. I mentally fist pump the air. Yes! No stupid moments for me! I win!

  We stare at each other in a charged moment before he pulls away first looking at the amulet still in his hands. “I wonder what it’s for?” He flips it over back and forth as if he is hoping something will pop out and tell us.

  “Sam seemed to recognise it.” I say as Dominic hands it back to me.

  “Yeah he did didn’t he? What did he call it again?”

  “The Amulet of Eternity.” I supply.

  “That’s right.” He nods. “I wonder who it belonged to.”

  “Is there any way we can find out?” I ask. I'm curious to know why Adam would give me something so rare that even a Pure Vampire didn’t know about it actually existing.

  “I don’t know.” Dominic answers honestly again. “I’m starting to wonder about many things. Like if there is like something going on that is preventing my power from working on certain people.”

  “What you mean?” I ask confused.

  “I used to be able see everyone’s future. Everyone but Abraham, all I had to do was look at them once and no matter where they were I could still see it whenever I wanted to. That’s why I used to be the one to go and terminate all the rouges.”

  “Okay?” I prompt as he seems to stare off into space. I gesture at him continue when he stares at me blankly.

  “But now, these days more and more people are somehow invading it. Zeke, you, Adam today, even though I think it’s because of you. I never saw him being an angel from up above though…”

  “Yeah what’s with that?” I cut in. We are still walking human speed up the hill and I feel I am starting to get the hang of the slow motions. “I didn’t even know angel’s existed – what am I talking about? I didn’t even know vampires existed!”

  “Baby I didn’t even know angels existed.”

  “So you thought vampires were the only super natural creature on this earth?” I ask.

  “Um…” He pauses, standing still on the path. “Not exactly.” He answers finally when I just stand there, waiting. He doesn’t make eye contact with me.

  “Okay…” I ask nervously. “So what else is there?”


  “Dominic seriously?” I put my hands on my hips and pin him with my ice queen stare. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Okay fine.” He sighs. “I guess only need to know basis has gone well and truly out the window now so I might as well come clean.” He walks over to me and grabs my hands. Bringing them up to his lips he kisses the tops of both. Goosebumps shoot up and down my body in the most awesome spine tingling moment I have ever had yet.


  “Okay!” He sighs again. “But please don’t panic.”

  “Tell me.”

  “There are werewolves and demons too.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “It’s gonna get a whole lot more complicated sweetheart.” Dominic looks at me sadly. “But planet Earth is a whole lot more complicated then what humans think.”

  “Is there really a heaven and hell then?” I gasp. He looks away from me. “You mean to tell me that after all this time humans got actually something right?”

  “Not exactly.”

  “What then?”

  “I should have known there were angels. Because where’s there’s yin there’s yang.”

  “Dominic what are you on about.”

  “The laws.”

  “What laws?”

  “The laws of the universe.”

  “Dude if you don’t start talking sense instead of this mumbo jumbo I'm gonna punch you.” I raise my hand and he shies away instinctively.

  “There are four laws. They are our utmost laws. For every creature”

  “That’s all good and dandy but that’s not what I asked.”


  “Werewolves. Demons. Vampires – and apparently angels too – all co-exist together with this planet.” I say, daydreaming about what this means. A lot.

  “Dude snap out of it.” Savannah shoves at me and my head finally clears, the feisty little lady is ready to deck me again. I raise my hands in surrender. “Okay okay. You win.”

  “Damn straight punk,” She grabs me by the shirt and yanks me with her to a rock just off the path. She throws me onto it and I grin at her as she straddles my hips, effectively pinning me against it. “No ideas.” She says as if she can read my mind.

  “What?” I say innocently. Damn right ideas! This is hot!

  “You know what.” She puts her hands on her hips and pins me with her famous Savannah stare. “Talk or I punch.”

  “No need for violence sweet one. I will tell you anything you want to know.” She raises an eyebrow and I almost buckle under her glare. Well everything you need to know. I concede silently. “I will! Anyways demons and vampires have had an uneasy alliance for hundreds of years now. We stay out of their business and they stay out of ours.”

  “And werewolves?”

  “Again same thing. If we stay out of their way they will stay away from us too.”

  “So all those people who claim they are possessed?”

  “Most in fact are yes. Only the really mentally ill aren’t. You can usually tell the difference.”

  “Why?” She demands yanking on my shirt for affect. I hear the material ripping. “How?”

  “It’s all in the eyes honey.” She looks at me waiting for me to elaborate. “You really are a ball breaker aren’t you?” I grin at her and she slaps the back of my head.

  “Tell me.” Savannah demands. This time she isn’t playing. She is on the verge of another rage.

  “Alright alright!” I raise my hands in surrender.

  “Why?” She demands again.

  “Why are humans here? Why is our planet full of life? Why am I a vampire who is in love with a reborn who doesn’t love me back?”

  “Don’t you dare.” She hisses, getting off me real fast. “Don’t you frickin dear try and change the subject. Don’t you dare make this about me.”

  “You caught that hey?” I grin at her. “I’m only trying to get you to smile!”

  She growls and then sighs as if something in her has stopped fighting. “I know.” She says flopping down on the ground next to me. “That is why I will say to you that I never said I don’t like you…”

  “I said love…”

  “…Love you back.” She sighs, the fight completely leaving her now. “It’s just I have so much going on right now I want to take one thing at a time.”

  “I know.” I nod. “I get it.”

  “Then why do I feel guilty?” She looks sad. So I feel bad.

  “I’m sorry Savannah.” I say getting up and standing in front of her. “I have just waited so long sometimes I forget that you haven’t.” I pull her to her feet and loosely wrap my arms around her.

  She looks at me for a moment, searching for something. She must get her answer because she lets out a big sigh. “What do demons do on earth?”

  “Years ago when human technology was not as advanced as it is now they would often terror
ise those with tainted souls into suicide.”


  “Because tainted souls cause havoc in a place we are trying to keep peaceful.”

  “I thought demons are the be all and end all of evil?”

  “Generally speaking to humans and anyone who does wrong by them absolutely they are.” I smile at her knowing full well what the brunt of a demon anger can do to someone. “You may as well kill yourself there and then because it will be a lot more pleasant.”

  “But if you don’t?”

  “They look after their own, defend them to their own death if need be – and they are hard to kill – plus any they make a connection with too.”

  “You mean like become friends with?”

  “No a demon connection is an infinite bond that you and the demon share. It’s kind of like declaring your undying love forever to a husband or wife. Basically it means you got their back and they got yours only difference is it is for eternity.”

  “You mean like it can never be broken?”

  “There are two exceptions but otherwise yes.”

  “And they are?”

  “If one or the other of the bond breaks the infinite oath of protection to the other or if they save a life.”

  “Infinite oath of protection?”

  “When a demon swears his loyalty to you, it is unspoken but it is there, you enter an agreement that your souls will forever be entwined no matter what happens to either of you, no matter how many times you are reincarnated you will have the others back.”

  “Reincarnation exists?”

  “Yes sweetheart.” Dominic smiles. “You were reincarnated.”


  “Human to vampire.” I supply. “You died as a human to be reborn as a vampire.”

  “Oh my god Dominic we need to go to the stationary shop back at the college.”

  “Why?” I laugh