Read Infinite Fate Page 24

at her. Talk about a change of subject.

  “I need something to take notes on.” She grins at me and I get she is joking.

  “Oh sav.” I laugh. “You have all the time in the world. It will all make sense one day.”

  “Yeah in the very long distant future by the sounds of it!”

  “Hey look!” She exclaims point up to the darkening sky. “It’s getting dark now! Look at those colours!” She stares upwards for a few minutes oohing and ahhing at how clear the moon is and how she can see so much more detail now.

  “Dominic!” Sam hisses at me coming out of nowhere. I really lose myself when this girl is around. I think, frowning at just how vulnerable that makes us both. Pull your shit together man!

  “Yeah?” I ask as he comes flying at me. He stops directly in front of me and mouths the words “Zeke is coming up the path.” It is a special thing he, Tyson and I do to try and avoid other vampires or creatures of the night hearing us when we don’t want them to.

  “Oh shit!” I say sprinting into action, I grab Savannah by the arm and yank her forward. “Savannah we have to get you out of here.”

  “Why?” She demands, struggling against me. Sam grabs her other side and I let go, he can move faster than I can. Zeke won’t be able to catch him. “Sam let me go!” She gets angry instantly but Sam holds strong, the mature vampire finally overpowering the reborn.


  “Sam you will let me go now and tell me what’s going on or so help me god I will rip your head off Kapeesh?”

  “I can’t.” He says as he flings me onto his back, not letting go as he runs faster than I have seen anyone yet move.

  “I am a big girl.” I say yanking on his hair. “Put me down.”

  “We are almost at the cabin. You will be safe there.” He says and a moment later he stops suddenly.

  “Put me down!” I order as I yank at his head. I scramble off his back, glad to have feet on the ground again. “What the hell is going on?!”

  “Zeke.” Sam utters the one word that sends the bad kind of chills up my spine.


  “Yes. Zeke.” He walks quickly to the cabin assessing. “He has found out you aren’t dead.”


  “There has been no news of a human death reported but talk amongst the students of a bugged out party.”

  “So?” I say hoping they are wrong. “That could mean the punch was spiked.”

  “It’s been said by our kind.”

  “There were vampires at the party?!” I exclaim as Sam moves at speed around the cabin. He seems agitated. “Everything alright there Sam?”

  “No.” He says instantly as he tries to attach the door back on, stumbling in the process. “We have to hide you.”


  “Because he will try to kill you again.”

  “But I’m like him now.”

  “You’re still a reborn. You have to wait at least another five days before you will be the same strength as him.”

  “Oh right.” I agree, nodding. With the amount of information I have taken in in the last two days I am surprised I remember my own name. “Anything I can do to help?”

  “I got it.” He says as he carries a giant log around the cabin, hacking at it with a saw and then coming back around and patching up holes.

  I stand there watching him, wondering. The amulet in my hand heats up and I look down at it. It doesn’t seem any different and as I turn it over the heat goes. Maybe I imagined that. I look at it for a moment. Wondering.

  “You have powers use them” echoes through my head.

  “Who was that?” I ask panicked.

  “You have powers. Use Them.” The voice repeats. I cannot work out if it is male or female.

  “My powers?” I ask out loud, confused. “I only just learnt to move objects. How can I fix a cabin?”

  “Your second gift Savannah.” The voice echoes.

  “What the hell is my second gift?” I look around everywhere, trying to find the source of the voice. “Where are you? Who are you?”

  “I am here to protect you… you… you… You need to put the amulet on Savannah… annah… annah... Use your powers!”

  “I’m crazy!” I cry as I realise I can see no one but Sam, and Sam has stopped working and is staring at me. “I’m crazy!” I call to him. “I am hearing voices!”

  “What did the voices say?” He doesn’t even bat an eyelid. Okay then? He’s crazy to!

  “To use my powers to fix this.”

  “But you only just learnt them?” He even seems perplexed by that.

  “That’s what I said!”

  “Sam!” Dominic calls from up the mountain. It’s a whisper but we hear it. “Sam get her out of here!” He sounds like he’s struggling.

  “Dominic!” I scream as I hear him let out a roar. I break through the cabin, not even flinching as I race back down the mountain faster then I knew possible with Sam screaming after me to stop.

  “Dominic!” I scream again. “Where are you? I’m coming!” I race into a small clearing we have not yet been to following the direction the voices are coming from before freezing to a complete halt as I see Zeke with Dominic pinned up against a tree. Dominic is holding his own but they are at a stalemate. For every hit one does the other counteracts it with his own.

  “Savannah!” He cries, his concentration dipping enough that Zeke takes the advantage landing a swipe at his face. Blood oozes from a huge gash on the side of Dominic’s head.

  “Dominic!” I cry, anger, fear and desperation at not wanting to lose him propelling me forward. “Zeke you sick fu…”

  “Now now Savannah.” He says cutting me off and grinning at me. “That’s no way for a lady to speak.” He shakes his finger at me like he is disciplining a child.

  “Let him go you sick fu…” I repeat.

  “Savannah really?” Zeke drops Dominic onto the floor just as a shadow behind the trees starts moving towards him.

  “What's that?” I ask distracted. Zeke is still coming towards me but the black shadow has me mesmerized. Bright, glowing black dots appear as the shadow starts to take shape. “What the hell is that?” I ask no one in particular again. It looks almost human.

  “It’s a demon.” Sam mouths at me as he flies past, taking charge at Zeke who, so intent on me does not see Sam coming.

  Sam tackles him to the ground and Zeke lets out a cry of surprise as Sam literally starts jumping on his body, digging him into the dirt.

  “Get off me you mutt!” I hear Dominic cry just as he gets the demon in a headlock. Tyson appears out of nowhere with a rather large sword and swings downwards, chopping it in half. There is a shrill cry as black liquid pours from the wound. Dominic drops the body and flies to me.

  “You need to get out of here now.” He orders and I just look at him.

  “This is what happens when you keep things from me.” I huff at him just as I see more shadows appear in the trees. “Is that…”

  “More?” He finishes just as dozens of pairs of black glowing eyes start surfacing from the trees. “Yes. We need to leave.”

  “Tyson! Sam!” I cry as Zeke manages to get out from under Sam by making a tree fly through the air and smack Sam in the head. “Oh my god no!” I scream again as Sam goes flying a hundred metres down the mountain.

  “Use your powers Savannah.” The voice echoes in my head again.

  “Did you hear that?” I ask Dominic.

  “Hear what?”

  “Use your powers.” The voice repeats and I suck in a much needed breath to calm myself. I have been acting very human female like. Time to show these idiots whose boss. I nod in agreement somehow knowing the voice will get the message. Um sav? One catch? How on earth you gonna do that?

  I don’t know. I don’t know my second power. But I do know that I can move objects with my mind so let’s start with that. I look around and find a dead bush with thorny branches sticking out of it.

  “Here goes n
othing.” I mumble, concentrating on the bush. “Move.” I order it as I visualise it ripping apart and stabbing all the demons right in their creepy black eyes. Shrill cries ringing out snap my eyes open.

  “Oh my god I did it!” I exclaim as six or so demons lay rolling around on the floor. I grin at them as they cry out like babies.

  “Savannah watch out!” Dominic screams as Zeke launches himself at me. I panic and drop to the ground, curling into the foetal position. I let out a scream, loud and long as bits of dirt and trees fall on me, landing gently but with a heavy weight.

  “What the hell?” I hear Zeke say over the top of my scream. “What on earth?”

  “Savannah on earth you dipshit.” Sam laughs as if he knows something I don’t. “Savannah get up! Open your eyes!”

  “I’m still alive?” I ask wiggling everything to make sure it’s all working. It is. “Oh my god I’m still alive.” I open my eyes and sit up simultaneously. “What the hell?” I exclaim as I see the tops of the trees. I look down to see that I am sitting on top of a small hill that was not here before.

  “Dominic?” I question.

  “Little busy honey.” He coughs and I look up to see him and a demon in a choke hold of each other. Zeke is charging at Dominic again.

  “Not happening Zeke.” I murmur at him, eyes narrowing to slits. “Enough is enough.” I stand up tall and straight and figure I will just drop the tree behind Dominic on to Zeke. I concentrate and the tree cracks as it falls down. Zeke dodges it easily and I stomp my foot. It is enough to stop Zeke for a few moments but. “Stay away from him!” I scream.

  “Missed!” He calls out to me, doing like a rain dance poking his tongue out at me. I glare back at him.

  “It would be really handy if only the earth would just swallow you whole.” I whisper under my breath. To my surprise the earth starts rumbling and as Zeke aims for Dominic again it opens up before him and he falls into a deep hole that appears out of nowhere.

  “What the hell?” I ask surprised. “Did I do that?”

  “Yes.” Tyson says as he starts stomping on a Demon, using the sword to cut its head off its body. More black ooze pouring out.

  Zeke climbs out of the hole looking a little less sure of himself but still grins at me as he reaches Dominic and the Demon with the choke hold on each other. “I’m invincible Savannah!” He mocks. “You can slow me but you won’t stop me from killing him!”

  “Wanna make a bet?”


  “You’re not going to win you bastard!” I hiss at the demon before me, both of us with a death grip around the others throat.

  “That’s where you’re wrong.” He laughs at me. “I got away with it last time I will get away with it this time too.”

  “Last time?” I question, stunned. “What are you talking about? What last time?”

  “Does the name Abraham ring a bell?” My eyes go wide and the demon just laughs at me. “His last words to me were the same thing.”

  “What are you talking about?” I roar. “How do you know about Abraham?”

  “Aww little Dominic. You think your some big shot. You got no clue. You never had any clue. They should have made Zeke carrier.”

  “They chose me.” I hiss. “Zeke wasn’t right for it.”

  “I don’t really care.” The demon laughs, squeezing a little tighter. I hear Savannah scream something random and that snaps me back to reality.

  I turn to see what’s going on just as a large hole swallows Zeke centimetres from where I stand.

  “What the hell?” I ask and the demon, surprised too loosens his grip enough for me to get a better grip on him. I quickly move us so I have the advantage.

  “Stay away from him!” Savannah screams at the top of her lungs then a second later a big cloud of dust envelopes Zeke. The trees start bending towards him and Savannah is concentrating as hard as she can in his direction.

  The dust clears quickly to reveal Savannah pinning Zeke with an ice cold stare. She is swirling one hand while the other is raised palm up. A tornado of dirt spins completely in her control. “Savannah is doing that?” I mumble out loud.

  “Let me go you bit…” Zeke hisses fighting against the vines. He should be able to break free of them instantly. I frown looking at Savannah in awe. What the hell is going on?

  “Uh uh Zeke.” Savannah grins at him. “That’s no way to talk in front of a lady.”

  “You’re no lady.” He spits just as I realise still have a demon’s neck in my hands he vanishes into thin air. “You’re a witch.”

  “No Zeke.” Savannah seems deathly calm as I forget about the demon and just watch. “I’m like you remember. Because you made me this.”

  “You were meant to die!” He barks. “It would have solved everything!”

  “Everything?” I whisper under my breathe frowning.

  “Helix!” Zeke screams and instantly a familiar looking demon appears next to him, slicing through the vines with a magic I haven’t seen in a long, long time. A very dark, very evil, very sick magic that is so dangerous it is hard to control.

  Helix? Why does that name ring a bell? Zeke drops back down to the ground with Helix flanking him and pins me with a stare.

  “This isn’t over.” He coos. “I will get her. You can try to stop me Dominic but you will lose.” And then they vanish. The vampire, the demons. All of them. Just like that. Gone.

  Tyson comes stand next to me and sighs. “Well that explains how Zeke has been able to disappear and not get caught.”

  “What?” I ask distracted. Then it clicks. “Oh my god your right. He's been consorting with demons. They can zap him in and out of places and I wouldn’t be able to catch him. But why does the name Helix sound familiar?” I am not really expecting an answer but I get one.

  “Because he’s the one that you fought in the great rage.”

  “I didn’t fight any demons in the great rage.” I frown. All those years ago when we put all the rouges down I only had major trouble with one of them. He was a pretty good match and put up enough fight that it caused me to use my brain. Abraham had later been that impressed he said I was the one. I asked him what that meant and he had said something about being the infinite one. That still didn’t really answer my question.

  “He wasn’t a demon then Dominic. He was a vampire. The vampire.”

  “You mean the... the... the The Vampire? Like the first vampire? He’s that Helix?”

  “Yes.” Tyson nods.

  “Oh shit.” I scoff. Tyson nods in agreement. “How could I not know this?”

  “He was becoming weak with bitterness and anger.” Tyson supplies. “He was letting his rage rule him and that made him vulnerable.”

  “But I killed the first vampire.” I gasp. “Oh shit.”

  “Oh shit is right.” Savannah says coming to stand next to me. “I can make mountains out of nothing, Zeke knows I’m alive and you just saw a ghost. Sam looks like he needs a bath, Tyson looks like he needs a drink and if I didn’t know what I know the fact that your face has already healed completely over would petrify me.” She grins at us all. “So instead I would say life is really peachy with a side of awesome.” With that she puts her arm around me and kisses my cheek.

  “Oh shit.” I say again, this time for a totally different reason. “I think I’m in love.”

  Savannah grins at me. “No time for love, love, we have a huge crisis on our hands.”

  “There’s always time for love.” I wink at her and she blushes.

  “Savannah’s right.” Tyson nods, standing next to me and giving me a shove. “Save it for later, we have a major problem and no idea why we do.”

  “I might be able to help with that.” Sam says walking up behind us holding an old, ancient looking cloth. The edges are frayed and there is a writing on it that I have not seen before.

  “You can?” Tyson, Savannah and I all say in unison.

  “Yeah.” He holds up the cloth, stretching it out so we can all see.
“That thing Barton was rambling on about? About kings and queens and things and all those cryptic things about think before you talk and talk before you do lines?”

  “Yeah?” Savannah encourages.

  “It’s from a prophecy.”

  “A prophecy?” Savannah frowns.

  “Yeah. It says here a vampire of many years meets a mortal whose life was first taken years before but she was saved by the ultimate immortal predator. She is then six years later turned into an immortal herself by thee who is the enemy trying to kill her.”

  “What?” Savannah stares opened mouthed. “That’s impossible.” She looks really nervous.

  “How is that us?” I demand. “Savannah didn’t die before she was turned, that’s a bunch of rubbish.”

  “Um Dominic?” Savannah says softly, I turn to see her looking like she's about to faint.


  “There’s something I think I may need to confess now.”

  “What?” I say getting angry. Sam sucks in a breath as if he were hoping up to that point that he was wrong. “I didn’t think it mattered,” She says fidgeting with her amulet. “But I did die once before. I died in that car accident years ago, but was revived at the scene by a mysterious man who called the paramedics and fled before they got there.”

  “How do you know you died and just didn’t go unconscious?” Tyson asks, he too not ready to believe some silly bit of cloth and a few coincidences.

  “He told me that I had died but I wasn’t allowed to, he said I needed to stay alive because everything depended on it. He told me that he had healed me that time but he wouldn’t be able to do it again and I needed to be careful and protect myself because there were evil dark forces out there trying to get me to prevent the future from happening. He told me that one day it would all make sense.”

  “Oh my god.” Sam whispers as he drops the map.

  “What?” I demand, still reeling from Savannah’s confession.

  “It says when the king and queen finally unite the ultimate power of the universe becomes completely under their control. They will rule everything.”

  “Everything?” Tyson gasps.


  “What the hell are we meant to do then?” Savannah looks to me and we share a look.

  “I have no idea.” I admit honestly. “But it has to be something.”

  “Um guys?” Sam says again, cringing.

  “Do we want to know?” Savannah asks, looking nervous.

  “Everything that has happened is on this. Everything, right up to this moment actually reading it.”


  “It’s signed by Adam Barton.”


  “That girl Savannah? She’s a problem.” The vampire hisses to his companion as he paces back and forth, creating a dirt patch on the grass within seconds.

  “She is just a mere blip.” The demon replies, barely amused. He is watching his minions gather the supplies that he needs. The vampires have no clue how powerful he has become. None of them do. But they will. Dropping that cloth in the mix to cause a bit of a stir with them was a brilliant idea because the vampires won’t ever suspect him. That and the cloth had been a gigantic pain in his but for over four hundred years now.

  “That little reborn and her eternal mate stand no chance. None. He took something away from me that wasn’t his to take and so I will take everything