Read Infinite Fate Page 5

green with envy and shock at how blazay he’s being. Oh my god it’s even worse than I thought! He’s gay! Oh that’s so bad I hit on a gay guy! I so suck at this, even my gay-dar has let me down! He has his eyes down cast and doesn’t speak to anyone else, instead shrugging them off as quickly as possible.

  “That is the stupid one?” I hear Sophie scoff and drool at practically the same time.

  “Yes.” I answer simply and if I am honest, a little jealously. She always gets the boys and for some reason I don’t want her anywhere near this one. Part of me wants to scream ‘back of he’s mine! I found him first’. But if he is gay and has any possibility of going straight Sophie will be the one to make that happen.

  “Oh my. Who knew you had such good taste in you.” Sophie’s eyes glow and I know that look well. She's found her next victim. “I’ll be right back.” She whispers and is up and out of her seat before I can even respond. She is up and out of her seat and moving so fast to the back row I don’t think I should blink.

  “It’s not fair.” I mumble to no one in particular, watching her stalk towards him. “I saw him first.” I watch her engage him in conversation and at first he seems hesitant to talk to her but then as she points up towards where I am sitting, he and I make eye contact. His face changes from complete disinterest to a look I do not know. I shudder in fear. Or is it Anticipation? Embarrassment? As he looks so intensely at me that I start to wonder whether or not he is boring holes right through me.

  I break the eye contact a moment later, unable to take it anymore. No, most definitely not gay! Thank god the gaydar is still working! I smile, then frown. But then that means I’m back to him being totally out of my league. He says something to Sophie as I feel a body sit next to me again. I jump, not expecting it and turn to face my neighbour.

  “Hey.” A deep voice murmurs right next to my ear. I jump again at how close he is while a guy with wild looking black eyes is grinning at me. They are almost as black as night. He gives me a creepy vibe instantly.

  “Uh hi.” I return uneasily, leaning back so we have some distance. “That’s my friend’s seat.”

  “Oh no that’s okay.” He says leaning in close again. “I’m not staying. I just want to introduce myself. I’m Zeke.”

  “Hi Zeke.”

  “And you are?”

  “Savannah.” I start looking for Sophie as she and the guy are staring at me now. She curious and if I am not mistaken he looks like he is furious.

  “Well Savannah, I must say you are absolutely stunning. I’m surprised you have been left here on your own.” I turn my attention back to the guy, feeling very uncomfortable. He clearly doesn’t know anything about personal boundaries or doesn’t care, as he starts playing with my hair.

  “Umm…” I pull back, trying to get him to release my hair. It doesn’t work. I fake a move that I want to twirl my hair, pulling it out of his grasp and as I touch his skin it feels ice cold. I gasp and look at him stunned when another body sits down on the other side of me.

  “Sav this is Dominic Lincoln.” Sophie says plonking him down, she eyes Zeke suspiciously. Dominic and Zeke both look at each other over my head and I almost feel the tension squash me. It’s like two cavemen arguing over who gets the last scrap of meat. I think someone growls. My head yo-yo’s back and forth between the two as they sit there silently eyeing the other off. “Dominic meet Savannah Mills.”

  “Hey.” He smiles at me sideways, his eyes never leaving Zeke’s.

  “Been a long time Dom hey?” Zeke grins at him finally those black eyes almost look like they are twinkling with delight.

  I look to Dominic who looks like he wants to kill Zeke. “Why don’t you and me step outside and get reacquainted.” Dominic all but spits at him confirming my thoughts that these two know each other well, and not on a friendly basis either. “I will show you just how long it’s been.”

  “Now why would I do that?” Zeke says placing his hand on mine. I suck in a breath again at the icy coldness of his hand. My skin feels like its burning under his touch. “I just met my new friend here, Savannah. She and I were just getting acquainted.”

  “We were?” I squawk at the same time Dominic and Sophie both say. “Doubt it.”

  “Aww come on little Sav,” Zeke grins at me and brushes some hair off my face. I jump at his cold touch. It’s the middle of summer, how can he be so cold? “We were just getting to know each other weren’t we?”

  “Yes.” I reply automatically feeling decidedly uncomfortable. I look to Sophie for help and even she seems a bit confused.

  “You and I can always meet up after class right Savannah?” He prompts when I say nothing further.

  “Stay away from her.” Dominic all but growls before I can answer. I frown at him.

  “I am a big girl crazy one.” I hiss at him. “I can answer for myself thank you.”

  “You shouldn’t hang out with this guy,” Dominic says completely ignoring me, his facial expression stone cold. “He’s bad news.”

  “Isn’t it up to the pretty lady to decide Dom?” Zeke says squeezing my hand and I yank it away. I get up and grab Sophie by the hand instead, hauling her behind me while trying to get past them.

  “You two can have these seats. Sophie and I will move.” I say trying to get past Zeke who has shifted in his seat to block our path. He grins at me. Before moving his leg after I stop.

  “That’s not necessary babe.” He says getting up. “I was just introducing myself. I will leave now, no need to be frightened of me. I’m a big teddy. Maybe you and I can go have a coffee some other time and you can see that for yourself?”


  “Don’t do it Savannah.” Dominic says, he looks like a tiger ready to pounce. The veins in his neck look like they are about to pop.

  “Don’t listen to ole Dominic here sweetheart.” Zeke goads, “He just gets a bit cranky when he doesn’t get his way is all.” He grins at Dominic who I know this time definitely growls loud.

  “Sure.” I smile at him. “I can see that your right.” I say just trying to get him away from me, willing to say anything to make that happen.

  “So we will have coffee soon then?”

  “Sure.” I repeat, pasting a smile on my face.

  “Great little one. Look forward to it. Enjoy your day ladies.” Zeke tips his head to Sophie and I, then stalks away without another word or backward glance. I watch him go all the way until he is out of sight just to make sure he leaves.

  “Well that was awkward hey?” Sophie says to no one in particular as she plonks back into the seat Zeke has vacated. “He's a creeper. You really can attract them can’t you Sav? So anyways, Dominic this is my favourite girl in the world Savannah, or Sav as I call her. Savannah this is Dominic our new best friend.”

  “Hi.” He says quietly giving me a wave. He is still watching the doors Zeke left from. I wonder what happened between them?

  “Ehh.” I reply with a shrug.

  “Savannah Mills don’t be rude.” Sophie scolds me.

  “He’s crazy,” I stage whisper to her, not at all caring he can hear me. “And look at that other thing he hung out with. Like hangs with like apparently.”

  Sophie stares at me speechless, something that is extremely rare.

  Dominic chuckles to himself. I think he mutters. “Little spitfire, you are aren’t you? Makes sense.” He adds under his breath which only helps the crazy theory.

  “Savannah don’t you dare judge.” Sophie snaps. “You’re better than that and you know it. Every girl in this damn class wants him and to kill us cos he’s here so the least you can do is say be nice before we’re killed by the hordes of horny jealous girls because Dominic wants to talk to you.”

  I look at her and blink. She has the don’t-mess-with-me look on and I know I have lost. “Fine.” I pout, turning towards him. “Hi.” I huff before deliberately showing him my back.

  “Sav?” Sophie pulls me back around. “Dominic’s new here. You can do better than th
at. I thought he might like some company.” She gestures with her head between he and I and gives me a thumbs up over his head.

  “That’s great of you Sophie.” I say deliberately looking around her to him. I give him a look of disgust and he just grins at me. Jerk. “Maybe you can show him all the great hang out spots.”

  “Or maybe you can instead.” Dominic says at the same time Sophie says “No you can.” They both look at each other and Sophie lets a triumphant grin spread across her face. Oh oh. That look is never good for me.

  “Well then.” She says gathering her stuff. “Two’s company and threes a crowd and all that so I’m gonna go sit with ma boy George over there.” She gestures to some random guy who keeps looking up here adoringly at her. “You two have fun. Yo George clear me a seat will you?” She calls over my head to him and he grins ear to ear, obediently moving stuff out of the way on the seat next to him.

  “Soph!” I gasp, grabbing her hand. I try to beg her not to leave with my eyes but she only pauses and turns back around to face Dominic.

  “Oh yeah and by the way,” She says as if the light bulb went on. She gets all up in his face. He seems a little flustered as a look of concern enters his eyes. He has no idea about Tornado Sophie. He’s just lucky it’s just his personal space that has been invaded and not physical body parts. She reminds me of something just short of the Crazy Cat Lady. “I am a black belt in karate. Mess with her and your testicles will end up on your head,