Read Infinite Fate Page 6

while your feet end up in your nostrils and hands up your…”

  “I get it!” Dominic says hurriedly, cutting her off and raising his hands in surrender. “I get it.” He repeats when she raises an eyebrow.

  “Good.” She Cheshire cat grins at him, then me before turning around sashaying off like the queen she thinks she is.

  I call her back but she walks away without a backwards glance, totally ignoring my almost whine like whisper of “Don’t leave me with the crazy!”

  I sit back into my chair and sigh. I hate it when she manipulates me like this. I refuse to look at Dominic who is just sitting there, still as statue. The lecturer, Mr Adam Barton, chooses this moment to walk into the room, he looks up in our direction and looking right at me. It feels like it’s right through me. I freeze, unsure, but he says nothing and a moment later is writing things on the board behind him. Grateful I slouch over in my seat, trying to be invisible.

  “Morning people.” He says loudly, placing all his notes and folders neatly on the desk in front of him. “Welcome to Chemistry 101 the only class this semester that you’re allowed to blow thi…”

  “I’m sorry about Zeke.” Dominic whispers to me, distracting me. He leans in and I feel his closeness send goose bumps up my arms. He seems oblivious but, so I stay statue still, hoping he won’t notice.

  “Oh it’s okay.” I respond politely. “He seems… intense but.” I’m being polite dude, the guys a whacko!

  “He’s not a nice guy.” Dominic says as if I am clueless to this fact. Ah der Fred! A girl has radars and mine is saying Zeke is psycho. Dominic on the other hand… is crazy okay?

  “Why not?” I ask curiosity getting the better of me. I just want him to keep talking to me to keep my mind off the fact that I feel eyes on us, knowing I am dying a slow painful death by eye dagger while they alternate between me and undressing Dominic with their eyes.

  “He’s a bad man.” Dominic answers. He looks so serious I almost laugh at him. “Very bad.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “He’s done some horrible things.” Dominic frowns at me then looks towards the door that Zeke exited from. “Things that he needs to be brought to justice for.”

  “Okay then?” I say, unsure again. “What’s that got to do with me but?”

  “Nothing.” Dominic says quickly. “But you shouldn’t hang out with him because he's dangerous.”

  “And you’re not?” I question with an eyebrow raised. “You hung out with him. You seem to know what he’s done. Does that mean you’re dangerous too?”

  “No of course not.”

  “So just Zeke is?” I raise an eyebrow.

  “Yeah,” Dominic concedes and I am surprised he admitted it. “He was part of my family, which is why you should believe me when I say he’s bad news.”

  “But you’re not?”

  “No.” He shakes his head forcefully. “I promise I’m not.”

  “And I’m meant to just believe you?” I ask, I know I’m looking at him like he’s fifty shades of crazy, but he is. “I don’t even know you.”


  But you will.

  I’m just a boy, who likes you… a lot… I will her to understand. Oh and I know it sounds crazy and everything but I’m a vampire and when you’re a vampire you have what’s called an Eternal Mate. It’s where we are meant to be forever. Oh and I have only been waiting four hundred and sixty six years old to meet you. No biggie. I look at her. Wait what?

  We don’t choose our Eternal Mates, fate sets it for us. Infinitely. Some life times we miss each other others we get it right but seeing as I am immortal I could wait without worrying. It all makes sense now why I reacted to her the way I did. My body knew who she was before my head caught up.

  But this isn’t how it’s meant to be. I really wanted to court her and treat her like a lady and woo her with flowers and chocolates and all things romantic. Take our time and go slow, let her get to know me as the human she thinks I am but the fact I cannot see past tomorrow night with her frightens me.

  I can’t even see where her life altering moment happens I only see the dance. I see her going to the dance no matter what I try to do to convince her not to go even when I tried to use Sophie as the deterrent she makes matters worse as she repeatedly reminds Savannah she should do more fun things more often. Then nothing. I can’t even make it happen. I’ve tried. What’s the point of being a vampire with super powers if they don’t even work when you need them to!

  “You’re a what?” She says frowning.

  Oh shit! Did I say that out loud? “What?” I ask innocently.

  She studies me a moment, frowning deeply and I want to kick myself. Talk about stupid Dominic! “I must be hearing things.” She mutters a moment later, shaking her head and I breathe a sigh of relief. “I thought I heard you say you’re a vampire who’s four hundred and sixty six years old, but that’s crazy right?”

  “Of course!” I laugh, panicking on the inside. “That’s not even possible.”

  “Good point.” She says, looking relieved. “That was a little awkward.”

  “All good.” I say, not willing to push it further.

  “Dominic can I ask you a question?”

  “Of course you can.” As long as it’s not about my age. Please don’t let it be about my age.

  “Why should I trust you and not Zeke?” She asks, catching me off guard. Not at all what I was expecting her to ask.

  I know how to give this answer! Thank you future visions! “I don’t have any proof for you that shows I am better then Zeke but I do know with my heart and soul that I won’t ever hurt you. Yeah I know we only just met but your special Savannah. I just get this awesome vibe from you and your super beautiful.” I see her aura going all soft and mushy. “But I promise you, that if you let me, I will prove to you every day until you believe me I am safe to be around.”

  I wait, saying nothing else while her aura changes from confused to suspicious and then finally to acceptance as I knew it would. I have seen the outcome of today. All two thumbs up. “Okay.” She says. That one simple word sealing our fate without her even realising it. I see her course for the next two days, the future that will become real. Relaxing knowing I can’t change anything until tomorrow night I decide to enjoy her company instead.

  “So what’s there to do around here?”

  “Not much to be honest.” She answers with a sigh. “We have Cookie Cove, but other than that it’s all school and families. Although the College does have a dance party tomorrow night that is the official welcome back to term thing. That might be fun.”

  “Are you going?” I ask a little too eagerly, she raises an eyebrow at me. “I mean, do you think you’re gonna go?”

  “Yeah Sophie is making me. She has every year.”

  “Every year? What year are you?”

  “Third Analytical Data, you?”

  “Third I.T Systems.” I smile at her. “You don’t strike me as the computer nerd type.”

  “Says the guy who looks more jock then not.”


  “So if you’re a third year how come I haven’t seen you around here before?” She says as Barton shoots another look up here. I frown. Why is he looking at us?

  “I got offered a place here by Barton who got the college to give me a scholarship. Thought why not, see what all the fuss is about. That and I didn’t really have anywhere else to go.”

  “You didn’t have anywhere else to go?”

  “My family died in a car crash when I was fourteen. I was put in foster care and once you hit 18 that’s it your out.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.’ She shrugs. “I had no other offers so I had to take this one.”

  “People would kill to get into this college and here you are all la-de-da about it.”

  “True.” I agree, knowing I will only make it worse if I say more. “Sorry.”

  “You must be good at
what you do to be allowed to transfer.”

  “I have my moments.” I grin at her. She laughs at me and I feel triumphant. “If it helps my friends Sam and Tyson go here.”

  “Your friends with Sam and Tyson?” She gasps. Both boys have been here a year. I didn’t know she knew them until I saw her future. I also knew they would be a way to help get me in with her.

  “They are my bros for life.”

  “They are really sweet.” She says with genuine warmth. “Tyson is so good at rebuilds he should be a lecturer not a student.” Her aura softens and I know I am winning her over, now all I need is tomorrow night to happen so I can finally figure out why I may lose her before I can get her.


  “Sophie do I really have to wear this?” I demand looking down at the barely there boob tube and mini skirt that I think has some of my ass cheek hanging out the bottom. My boobs feel a little breezy and I feel down right self-conscious.

  “Absolutely.” She says coming out of our shared bathroom with six inch pumps in her hands.

  “No.” I say raising a finger at her. “Forget it not happening. I look tramp enough without the shoes that will break my neck too. No.”

  “Relax babe these are mine.” She sighs dramatically while wandering to our shared closet too. Sophie is wearing a mini dress that would be just legal enough to go out in public with and as she bends over I see more then I care to.

  “Soph?” I shield my eyes. “Please. Honey I love you but only can handle so much.”

  “Oops sorry.” She says realising her butt is in my face. She spins around so it’s mooning the wall instead.