Read Into the Triangle (Harmony) Page 6

  Jack and Clare entered inside the yard through a narrow path built between the walls. They slowly passed the yard and stepped on top of the stairs which will lead them to the first level of the tower.

  “Are you sure about this?” Clare asked.

  “I am dead sure. Besides we don’t have a place to stay for the night. This place is perfect for the night.” Jack said. “Also we have to search inside for any new information and for your friends.”

  “Okay then. Let’s move forward.” Clare moved ahead.

  Jack followed Clare and they both entered inside the first level. From where they are standing, they could see two paths each on both of their sides. It seems that tower entirely lacks door. Upper levels may have doors. They looked in both direction, left and right, and decides to take the path on the right. The narrow corridor have small window attached to the wall which too lack doors. Jack could see that darkness is slowly conquering the land.

  Jack checked each of the door less rooms they have passed. They all are empty. There is not even a small table in there. Even the walls are empty. It’s like this tower had abandoned just after it is built. Jack and Clare finally reached the end of the corridor and they could see that there is a staircase in the corner which would lead them to the second level. In fact both end of the corridor have stairs to upper levels.

  Jack and Clare entered inside second level through the stairs and they stared at the long dark corridor in front of them. Of course, there is a window and what left of the day light is seeping through the window shimmering the parts of the corridor, but soon darkness will conquer everything.

  It seems that number of rooms in second level is one or two less than that in the first level. The tower is in fact is in the form of a cone. There is no sign of living beings inside these rooms. The real question is who made this tower and for what? These lands are not compatible to humans and the humans in these lands are Bermuda triangle survivors from Earth.

  Or did humans once thrived here? If they did, how did they perished? Or are they living somewhere away from this place? It seems that this tower entirely is made of burned brick and concrete. This land is surely full of mystery. Jack wished for his camera which could have used to take hundreds of mesmerising pictures of these lands. Jack had prepared many things especially for an event such as this, all ended in vain.

  Jack and Clare after finishing with second level entered in to the third level. Like the previous level, third level is also empty.

  After about an hour of search they entered in to the twentieth and the final level. This level have only one room and Jack and Clare slowly entered in to the door less room. Suddenly they froze. In front of them in the corner lay a man. There is a small fire going on in the corner near the man.

  Excitement surged through Jack’s and Clare’s body. Jack slowly moved beside the man and shook him.

  “Hello, are you alone? Hello ...” Jack said.

  The man turned toward Jack and he slowly opened his eyes. Suddenly Jack stumbled backward due to fear. The man’s eyes are vacant just like night.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 23

  2026 July 27, the Tower, Unknown Mountains

  The man wriggled himself on the floor. Jack and Clare stared at the man in horror. The man’s eyes are clearly vacant, black as night.

  “Hello, can you hear me?” Jack slowly asked.

  The man seemed to have heard Jack, because after Jack said, the man began to wriggle violently like he is trying to say something, but no words came out of his mouth.

  Suddenly sound of footsteps came from outside. Jack and Clare quickly hid behind the walls on the right and left sides of the doorway. It seems like it is a pair of footsteps and is coming closer. Jack took the knife in his hands and braced for whatever thing that is coming at them. Clare don’t know what to do, so she stayed hidden from the doorway.

  A moment later a tall man with cream skin entered the room. He paced towards the man lying on the floor. After a moment he immediately became alerted by the presence of Jack and Clare. He turned towards them and smiled.

  ”I didn’t expect you guys would return.” The tall man said.

  “You don’t know us to expect us.” Jack said.

  “Well, I was with the survivors of the ship Harmony?” The tall man said.

  “Didn’t ring a bell. I didn’t saw you with them yesterday.” Clare said.

  “Well, I came before Harmony and I was living here all alone fighting against the natural predators. That’s when I met the survivors of Harmony, your friends, I guess.” The tall man paused. “Your friends left him all alone in the morning before we woke up.” The man said pointing to the man lying on the floor.

  “That definitely sounded like them.” Clare said.

  “What happened to him?” Jack said while putting away the knife in his bag pointing to the man lying on the floor.

  “If my theory is right, darkness caught him!” The tall man said.

  “Darkness?” Jack asked.

  “Yeah. Didn’t you guys have the ugly dream about some dark thing dragging you to hell?” The tall man asked.

  “Yes, I do have those dreams when I sleep.” Clare agreed.

  “Believe it or not, I call it the Darkness. I saw this process several times. The darkness is very dangerous and it will wait until you weakens. After that, it just take your soul and go to hell to consume the soul.” The tall man said.

  “Bullshit.” Jack said.

  “Do you call this place bullshit? This place should have stayed in our dreams. The fact is, it didn’t. Everything in this place want to eat you up. This place is a nightmare, only that it isn’t in your head. You call this bullshit?” The tall man asked.

  “But, hell?” Jack asked.

  “If this place is real, hell too is real.” The man suddenly became angry.

  “Guys. Cut it out. So is there any way we can help him?” Clare asked.

  “Not that I know of. Once a soul is lost it cannot be retrieved.” Tall man said.

  “Okay ... I didn’t get your name.” Jack said.

  “Oh! I am Smith. John Smith. And you’re in my home.” The tall man said.

  “It’s nice to meet you Smith. I am Jack and this is Clare.” Jack said putting forward his hand.

  Smith accepted Jack’s hand and shook.

  “So who is this fellow lying on the floor?” Jack asked pointing to the man lying on the floor.

  Smith thought for a moment. “He is James I guess.” Smith said.

  That’s when Jack thought about what Smith had said earlier. Smith said survivors left in the morning, but they also left Clare in this morning. How is that possible? How can they be at two places at once?

  “So Smith, you said survivors left in the morning right?” Jack asked.

  “Yes.” Smith said.

  “But they left Clare too. In this morning.” Jack said.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 24

  2026 July 27, the Tower, Unknown Mountains

  Smith thought for a moment and then smiled. “This place is like that. Very mysterious. Sometimes time flows differently in different places. In this case time flowed faster here than from where you came this day. Don’t think too much on this. We don’t want a mad man strolling around in this pile of bullshit, right?”

  Jack and Clare smiled in astonishment and in disbelief.

  “So, where did you gone to when we came here?” Jack asked.

  “I went outside looking for some food. Found none. Do you have anything to eat?” Smith asked.

  “Nope. We were running empty for half a day now.” Jack said. Clare nodded.

  “Okay ...” Smith nodded and he went near the fire.

  Smith poked the fire and throw in some more firewood into the fire from a corner. He crouched down on the floor near the fire and warmed his hands. Jack and Clare stood there staring at Smith and James.

  “What are you waiting for? Gather around the fire. Night is almost upon us
. You don’t want to get cold.” Smith said looking at Jack and Clare.

  Jack and Clare immediately went near the fire and they crouched down on the floor. A relief washed over Jack and Clare as warmness rushed through their body.

  “So what’s your story? How did you ended up here?” Jack asked looking at James.

  “I was on a fishing boat when it happened. You see, I was a fisherman. And it was night. Ocean sucked in our boat. One minute we were on the boat, next we are in that godforsaken desert. We walked long distance and got here.” Smith said.

  “What happened to your friends? How many were you?” Jack asked.

  “We were four and all of my friends were killed by those dogs on the desert.” Smith said. “You can’t imagine what I had been through. This place is a hell. After I settled here I saw many survivors. I told them to stay here but they all wandered away, and as far as I know most were taken by the darkness.” Smith said.

  “We hope that there will be a portal that leads to Earth somewhere here. Do you know anything about that?” Jack asked. Clare stared at Smith for his answer.

  “I don’t think there is a portal to earth. I had been in most of the places here. First I also thought about such a portal but my searches ended in vain. My experience in this land says this is the most secure place among these lands.” Smith cleared his throat. “Apart from the occasional visit by wolves, this place is devoid of enemies. Your best bet for staying alive is this place. You can stay here if you want. This tower is very secure.”

  “Sorry. We are not planning to stay here. We will leave first thing in the morning. And we strongly believe in the existence of another portal.” Jack said.

  “Too bad for you. It is your decision, of course. Think again before proceeding. My door will be always open.” Smith said with a disappointment. “Okay then. Night is here. See you in the morning. I sleep early. So good night. Sleep tight.” Smith lie down on the floor beside the fire and closed his eyes.

  “Good night.” Clare whispered and she too lie down beside the fire.

  Jack looked outside through the small window. Outside is filled with pitch darkness. Jack lie down on the floor and thought about Jan.

  There must be a portal somewhere here. And Jack is determined to find it. Jack slowly closed his eyes.

  Time swiftly flowed.

  * * *

  “Ahh ... God ... Help me ...”

  Jack woke up hearing Clare’s scream. He looked at Clare. Suddenly he froze. Panic surged through him. Jack couldn’t believe what he is seeing.

  In front of Jack lay Smith and Clare. Smith is on top of Clare and smith’s mouth is on Clare’s neck. Smith is sucking the blood from Clare. Clare’s body wriggled.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 25

  2026 July 28, the Tower, Unknown Mountains

  Jack immediately took a firewood in his hands and smashed it on Smith’s head. Smith’s hand loosened from Clare’s neck and he stumbled to a side.

  “I underestimated your wounds.” Smith said while regaining his footing.

  “Die, you bitch!” Jack swung the firewood again.

  This time Smith blocked the attack using his hand. Jack swung again and this time Smith caught the firewood and stood up. Jack tried to pull back the piece of wood, but Smith wrapped his fingers firmly across it. Smith then went near Jack and launched a powerful fist on Jack’s stomach. Jack immediately let the wood fall from his hands but the wood didn’t drop because its one end is in Smith’s hand. Smith without wasting any time swung the wood and it hit Jack in his head. Jack fell on the floor a few feet away after a short flight in the air.

  Jack stood up and coughed blood. Clare is still screaming with pain but her legs and arms seemed to have paralysed. Jack swayed from where he stood. Smith smiled and went near Jack and kicked at Jack’s stomach. Jack screamed in pain and then Jack fell down. Jack crawled through the floor towards the fire. Smith followed him and when he reached near Jack, Smith crouched down and caught Jack by his neck. Smith lifted Jack in the air and hit Jack’s stomach using his free hand.

  “Ahh ...” Jack screamed.

  Smith then opened his mouth showing a newly arrived sharp teeth. Smith let Jack freely stood up and he caught firmly in his neck then he moved his mouth toward Jack’s bare skin on the neck but before Smith could lay his teeth on Jack’s skin, Jack took his knife from his waist band using the free hand and he drove the knife deep inside Smith’s chest. Blood immediately pour out of the wound.

  Smith stared at Jack’s face and fell on his knees. He took all his might and pull out the knife from his chest. Once he is done he dropped the knife and pressed his hand firmly on his chest to stop the bleeding but blood pour out like a stream of water.

  Jack didn’t look for Smith to regain his footing. He took a flaming firewood from the fire and swung at Smith’s head.


  Firewood hit directly at Smith’s head. Jack swung the flaming wood again and again until Smith’s head reduced to a pulp. Smith’s head broke and blood and brain matter flowed out uncontrollably. Finally Smith went down without making a sound for never to rise again.

  It seems that Clare stopped screaming. Jack panted heavily and then stood up. He went near Clare and examined her situation. It seems that Clare’s eye have become vacant just like James’. Jack didn’t become surprised at what might had really happened to James. Clare is still breathing steadily but blood is still pouring out of Clare’s neck. Jack took off his shirt and pressed it firmly across Clare’s neck but shirt immediately became drenched in blood.

  A moment later Clare’s head fell freely to the side and Clare stopped breathing. Jack looked for a pulse but found none. Jack stood up.

  It is better that she is dead. Better than James’ situation.

  Daylight starts to seep inside the small room through the small window. Jack sighed deeply. He needs to move on. No time to mourn for the dead. He needs to find his way out. Jack took the knife from the floor and cleared the blood stain from it using the hem of Smith’s shirt and he put it firmly in his waist line. Jack stood up.

  Poor Clare. Today another life lost to this mysterious place. How many more will be in the coming days? Jack left the room and slowly exited the tower. Jack paced forward through the snow covered landscape beyond the tower. He don’t know what he will find in the coming days but it can’t be anything good.

  Jack moved forward.

  * * * * *

  Part 5: Alone Again

  Chapter 26

  2026 July 28, Unknown Mountains

  Jack shuddered in the freezing wind. It’s been hours since he started from the tower. Today he lost a friend. Alone again, Jack paced towards nowhere. He don’t know where his feet will take him. There is lot of snow lands before him and Jack hope that there will be a sanctuary among this places.

  No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake off the image of Clare and Smith. What kind of thing is Smith? Smith actually sucked Clare’s blood, he was in fact feeding on her. Is he a vampire like in the tales? As far as he is concerned there is no surprise if he is actually a vampire, but the knife actually did the job well. He couldn’t imagine what would had happened if Smith actually healed from the wounds.

  Clare was a good friend. Jack couldn’t think if she actually become like James had. James is actually a dead body, only that he breaths. What good is a body if it couldn’t do normal human works?

  Smith must have kept James to feed on him in later time. What puzzles is Smith said he underestimated Jack’s wound. He must have picked poor Clare first because he hadn’t seen Jack as much of a threat. Thanks to that girl Jack now breaths.

  All Smith had said must be a lie to stop Jack and Clare from leaving his lair so that he could feed on them. Smith is dead, no need to worry about him, but what if there are more things like Smith in human form? Jack needs to be alerted now. No one in these land could be trusted even if they appear to be human. May be Smith was a devil in human form.

  The path in front of Jack is winding along a small hill and it assumed to be leading to a sanctuary. Jack walked along the hilly path and once he reached the edge he looked below. Below Jack could see a forest covered in snow. The land before him is in fact filled with trees. A chilling wind howled past Jack. Jack shivered and he rubbed his palms together to get heat.

  Jack climbed down the small hill and walked forward through the narrow path before him. Sunlight is very dim in these parts and a small layer of mist covered on top of the forest canopy. Fortunately snow isn’t falling but Jack couldn’t help from shivering in the cold wind.

  Jack wondered how this narrow path he is walking had formed. It must be formed due to the travel of animals or humans for a very long time. In the narrow path snow layer is very thin and small grasses projected out of the snow, marking the narrow path’s edges. Jack then wondered how come snow haven’t fallen in the path thickly.

  From a distance Jack heard pleasant chirping of birds. Then Jack saw the birds on the branches of the trees. There is a pack of birds, about hundreds, on the branches. All are chirping loudly at Jack like they are welcoming Jack to their home. The white coloured wings and red coloured underbelly of the birds are marvellous.

  Jack thought how come these birds survived this icy cold weather of the mountains. Then Jack found the reason for it.

  In a distance Jack saw what appeared to be green coloured grass lands with trees free of snow marking the entryway. Jack stepped into the green valley field entirely devoid of snow.

  In front of Jack lay miles and miles of grass, grass as far as his eyes could see.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 27

  2026 July 28, Unknown Grass Lands

  The green grass land is beyond what is explainable by words. It is actually marvellous. Jack stared at the land before him for some time. A stream flowed through the land in a distance. Jack walked toward the stream and watched the fishes energetically swimming in the water. The stream is very shallow and water level will be about the height of Jack’s waist line.

  Jack unwrapped the cloth from his right hand and crouched down on the grass. Jack put his right hand in the water and allowed the flowing water to wash away the blood stain.