Read Into the Triangle (Harmony) Page 7

  “Ahh ...” A slight pain surged though his hand.

  Jack retrieved his hand from the water and wiped away the remnants of the water using the small piece of cloth that he used to cover his head during the snow fall.

  “Ahh ...” Again pain surged through his nervous system as he touched the wound.

  Jack tore the hem of his shirt like Clare had done after the attack of the wolf, and he wrapped the small piece of cloth around the wounded part. He needs to apply some medicine or he might catch infection, especially since it is a bite wound. That wolf may have carried diseases.

  Jack stood up and walked along the edges of the stream. His stomach began to growl. Jack massaged his stomach using his hand and thought about food. He needs to find something to eat now. In the distance Jack could see a herd of deer grazing through the grass.

  Jack thought about how delicious would be the deer meat. Jack looked inside his bag and took the last water bottle in his hand. Jack drank some and put the bottle back in the bag. Now he needs to devise a plan to capture one deer to extinguish his hunger.

  Jack looked around for anything that can be used as a weapon. Then the brightest idea came to his mind.

  I could make a spear!

  Jack walked towards a tree with long straight branches and he spotted just what he wanted - a long straight thick branch. Jack chop down the branch using his knife and he spent the next several valuable minutes polishing the branch into a spear. After some time, the one end sharpened spear is now ready. Now what he need to do is test it.

  Jack stood up and peered at the long grass land. Jack stood in formation to throw the spear and after a moment he threw the spear. The spear cut through the air at high speed like a javelin and it hit the ground hard. The spear’s head pierced the ground and rest of its body projected out of the ground. A successful test.

  Jack walked towards the spear and he retrieved it from the ground. Jack then stared at a small deer. Like he had done before, Jack stood in formation and threw the spear at the deer. The spear propelled forward and hit the ground, just missing the target. The target deer quickly ran away.

  Jack again retrieved the spear and looked around for a deer. Then he found one near a tree. Jack threw the spear at the deer and this time the spear found its mark. The deer on hitting the ground screamed helplessly at high pitch sound. Jack quickly ran toward the fallen deer, and when he reached near the deer, he took out his knife and shoved it deeper in to the deer’s neck. A clean kill!

  Jack quickly set up a fire near a tree using the dry stick he have collected after the kill and the match box he had found inside the ship Harmony. Jack then put the body of the small deer on top of the fire. After sometime the pleasant smell of cooked meat hit his nose. Jack after removing the skin cut out a piece of meat and ate it.

  Jack finally filled his stomach and he also threw some cooked meat inside his bag for later use. Jack stood up, and after extinguishing the fire he started towards the long grass land. After about an hour of walk he spotted it. A tower, like the one he had encountered in the mountain! It is about a mile away but Jack could clearly see it.

  Jack hoped for the good and started towards the tower.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 28

  2026 July 28, Unknown Grass Lands

  Based on the position of the sun it is noon now. Even though sun is highest in the sky, its heat is tolerable. The pink sky is filled with silver clouds. The sky is clearly visible now, clear as water, apart from the clouds.

  Jack looked carefully at a cloud which is in the form of a horse. Jack stared at the cloud for some time during walking. There is nothing in front of him which blocks his way so no need to worry about walking when watching the sky. Suddenly the horse galloped into another cloud and the cloud exploded creating two horses. A mesmerising event. Jack looked at the tower and increased his pace.

  Jack had seen clouds in various shapes when he is back on earth, but not like this.

  The grass land is in fact is in the form of a very large field, of course there are depressions and elevations. The edges of the grass land are marked by large tress filled with green leaves. Trees are home to hundreds of birds all chirping happily, at least that’s what Jack thought. Jack don’t know what kind of tree it is because he couldn’t remember seeing one of those back on earth. The leaves are big and one leaf is larger than the palm of his hand.

  The tower is far away and is inside a tree filled place. That much is clearer from his position but what might be lurking in those woods is unclear. There may be monsters like Smith there. Did survivors of Harmony took this path? He is dying to see a human now. Jack wished Clare was with him.

  That bastard Smith.

  Jack is also dying to see Jan. Although it was a few days, Jack felt it like an eternity.

  Jack stopped couple of times to drink water and few times he ate the deer meat. Jack then walked towards the tower. The tower is completely visible now, of course its base is hidden due to the forest. Apart from the previous tower this tower seemed to have glass windows since some part of the tower shined in the sunlight. This tower is also in the form of a cone. Who would be the architect of these amazing structures? It’s still a mystery.

  Jack hope there won’t be any monsters. Jack finally reached near the forest. He carefully entered inside the forest and moved forward. In the distance through the woods Jack could see the base of the tower. The canopy of the trees completely hid the skies. It seems that evening is near.

  Jack pushed back the thick jungle shrubs and moved forward. The tower is couple of feet away now. Then he saw the unthinkable. There are creatures walking through the yard of the tower and these creatures are like the aliens in the movie Indiana Johns and the Kingdom of Crystal Skull, only that these creatures have elongated ears projecting above head level like horns. Then Jack also see the unimaginable thing. There are also humans in clothes walking through the yard there and there. Jack felt his world spinning around him.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 29

  2026 July 28, the Tower, Unknown Grass Lands

  Jack walked a little farther into the forest so that he could see the whole yard of the tower clearly. Jack carefully stared at the humans and the aliens. They all are discussing things one another. Jack of course can’t hear them.

  Then Jack saw two platforms made of bricks at the centre of the yard. There is some kind of glass thing on both of the platforms. Light is continuously coming out of the glass things. The glass thing is like a circular thing. Jack watched carefully at the glass things.

  Then he saw that in one platform aliens are entering into the thin glass thing from one end and humans are exiting the glass thing from the other end. It is like aliens have vanished into thin air and humans had appeared exactly the same way. Jack couldn’t believe all this.

  Jack looked at the other platform. In this platform humans are entering and nothing is coming out of the other side. It’s like humans are vanishing into thin air. Then Jack saw that there is a picture of Earth on top of the glass thing. That must be a portal to Earth and the first platform must be for converting aliens to humans. They may be thinking about a hostile takeover on planet Earth. That thought send a fresh wave of panic into Jack’s head. Jack’s leg began to tremble.

  Jack decides to enter the yard and run for the portal but then he is stopped by a scream of a woman. Jack looked carefully at the entrance of the tower from where the scream is coming. It looks like a human thing is dragging a woman to the yard. When they reached the yard, the man threw her in to the yard. She fell hard and she pleaded to let her go.

  Then another man went near the woman and he lifted her in his hand by her neck. Then the man opened his mouth and bit on her neck. He didn’t released her for some time. It seems that he is feeding on her blood like Smith had done back at the tower. Panic began to surge through all over Jack’s body. He don’t know what to do. He wanted to run away from the place but what will he gain in doing so? Jan is
waiting for him back on Earth. He needs to get back to Earth.

  The man released the woman and she fell on the ground unconscious. Her skin had become pale due to excessive loss of blood.

  Jack thought hard for a way to enter the portal even though he don’t know where it will take him. Then he decides to test his luck. Jack discarded his bag and exited the forest. Jack then walked directly to where the portal is situated. Suddenly a human thing stopped Jack.

  “Where have you gone to?” The man asked.

  Jack don’t know what to say. It seems that these things can’t detect human presence.

  “I went to pee.” Jack finally said.

  “Oh, that human body begun to work, right?” The man asked smiling.

  “I guess so.” Jack hardly smiled.

  The man wandered away smiling. Jack sighed deeply. He tried his best to not to give them a chance to suspect. Jack walked towards the portal. There is a long line of human things who are going to Earth in front of the portal. Jack stood last in the line.

  A human thing wearing a hat came near the portal and he walked along the human line looking at everyone’s face. He stopped exactly beside Jack. He looked carefully at Jack.

  “I didn’t see you in the class. Did you finish your training class?” The man asked.

  Jack don’t know what to say. Jack stood there motionless, silently.

  “Why are you not speaking? Are you a kid?” The man asked.

  Jack thought for a moment then nodded.

  “Damn kids. Come with me. You need to finish your class.” The man led Jack inside the tower.

  The man stopped inside a room and he ordered Jack to sit on the floor. Jack obeyed. Jack sat among a few other human things. A big old man is taking a class. The man who led Jack left the scene.

  Jack tried his best to be courageous.

  “Okay class. As I said before you must never ever wander off from your lair. Also when you bite your victim for the first time, make it quick. Remember all your teeth must sink directly in to the neck. Rest happens naturally. Suck hard and never allow your victim to regain their feet. Once you caught your victim you must never ever free them.” The teacher said.

  The teacher taught a few other special techniques to become a human. After about an hour of survival class he dismissed the class. Students immediately exited the class room and went towards the portal.

  Evening is here now. Jack followed the students to the portal and all stood in line to enter the portal. Jack waited about half an hour and then his turn came. Jack walked inside the portal thinking about Jan.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 30

  2026 July 28, Unknown Location, Earth

  Jack stepped into the transparent glassy portal. He felt the portal wall all over his body. Entering the portal is like submerging in water. Jack closed his eyes due to the high intensity of the light. Suddenly the red colour in his eye due to the light disappeared and darkness crept in. Jack slowly opened his eyes. To his surprise he is now standing inside a dark room. The portal is nowhere to be seen. Jack moved forward and tried his best to not to stumble.

  Jack saw light seeping in from a partially opened doorway. Jack can also see silhouettes of men and women in the room. Jack walked toward the door. A little fear is in him but he tried not to express it. When he reached the door, Jack widened the door and stepped into a room lighted by electric bulbs.

  Jack suddenly felt his energy draining away. He stumbled backward. Quickly a pair of hands broke his fall and helped Jack to stand firm.

  “Hey, buddy, are you all right?” The unknown voice asked. “The portal is like that. It drains your energy. Here drink this.” The man gave Jack a glass full of red liquid.

  Jack’s eye adjusted to the light and Jack slowly sipped in the liquid. It tastes like copper.

  “What is this?” Jack asked.

  “Can’t you guess? It’s for we are here in the first place. Did you forget that?” The man asked.

  Jack suddenly have an urge to spit it out but in doing so will blow his cover. Jack gulped the liquid which Jack recognised as blood - human blood.

  “I think I am good. And by the way I will find it myself. There must be millions of humans outside.” Jack said hiding his fear and gave the rest of the blood to the man.

  The man smiled and walked away. Jack moved forward through the crowd in search for an exit door. Then he found it in a corner. Jack walked towards the exit door. People watched Jack’s movement but said nothing. Jack finally reached the exit door and he stepped outside.

  Jack was welcomed by what is left of the daylight. Evening sun can be seen in the horizon and it appeared that Jack is near a river. Jack walked along the dark road. Now Jack don’t know who to trust. There must be thousands of creatures on earth all here to drink human blood. Where will he go? Where exactly is he? Jack found a hotel and walked towards it. Then Jack realized that the human things didn’t ask about the wound in his hand. They must have seen his palm wrapped in cloth. He need to go somewhere fast before they realize their mistake.

  * * * * *

  Part 6: Back Home

  Chapter 31

  2026 July 28, Unknown Location, Earth

  Jack gave all the money in his pocket to the hotel staff for a single room. As far as he know he is in United States because the money they are using is United States’ dollar. The hotel staffs thought that he is a tourist. So no bad things happened for now.

  Jack slowly climbed the stairs to the second level where his room 204 awaits for him. Jack wasted about fifteen minutes looking for his room but finally he found it in the north east corner of the hotel. The hotel is actually in the form of an inverted U and it is three stories high. So lot of rooms to check.

  Jack opened the door to his room and got inside and he closed the door behind him. As soon as he is in the bedroom Jack ran for the phone but sadly it was out of service - dead for short.

  Jack paced to and fro several times through the room thinking for a way out of this mess. He don’t know what to do. This town may be mostly filled with those vampire creatures. How is he going to find his way home? How is he going to make sure that the people to whom he is going to ask for direction isn’t a vampire creature? How can he move under their radar? A headache pierced through Jack’s head because of over thinking.

  Did they realize that Jack was an imposter? If they did, their next meal will be him. The thought sent a chill through his legs. Tears of fear oozed down through Jack’s cheek.

  Suddenly a knock on the door shifted Jack’s attention. Jack went near the door and looked outside through the small glass covered peek hole on the door. Jack suddenly stumbled back. He saw eyes of someone outside. The person outside was also looking through the hole.

  Jack opened the door fearfully and peeked outside.

  “Hello. I am Rooney. I saw you leaving our complex a little while ago. Do you remember me? I was behind you in the line when you stepped inside the portal back at Gamorphia.” The man said.

  “Oh! I remember now.” Jack said after thinking.

  “Well, can I come in?” Rooney asked.

  “Oh, yes. Come on in.” Jack said.

  What are you thinking, Jack? He would know you’re an imposter.

  “So where did you get the money for a hotel room?” Rooney asked.

  “Oh! I stole someone’s wallet.” Jack said.

  “You’re a funny guy, did someone told you that? I watched all your movement. First I thought you’re going to capture someone. You disappointed me.” Rooney said.

  “I got here for a change. I hated life in Ga ... Morphia.” Jack said.

  Rooney for a moment stared at Jack.

  “You’re a completely weird guy.” Rooney said.

  “So why are you here again?” Jack asked.

  “I just thought we could be friends. May be make a pact together.” Rooney said.

  “Sorry, man, but I work alone. And you need to go away, my meal will be here in any seconds
.” Jack said desperately wanted Rooney out of here.

  “I guess it will be the waitress.” Rooney said.

  “Something like that.” Jack said.

  “Okay ... I will leave you then.” Rooney scratched the back of his head and walked outside the room.

  Jack quickly closed the door and sat on the floor with his back facing the door. Jack breathed heavily. He really need to get out of here.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 32

  2026 July 28, Unknown Location, Earth

  Jack didn’t thought twice. He broke the back window in the room and got outside. Jack stood on the edge of the roof and looked for a way to the ground, and then he just found it - a fire escape ladder. Jack climbed down through the ladder and landed on the ground.

  He heard the door of his room bursting open but Jack didn’t wait to see what it is. It must be that Rooney. Jack sprinted away from the hotel. A wall separated the back of the hotel from the road. Jack quickly scaled the wall and within seconds he is on the road running. The night is almost upon Earth. Darkness slowly crept through the land.

  It appear that this road leads to another town because Jack can see buildings far away. There is no buildings in this road and its sides are filled with trees. Jack can see a river flowing along his right side.

  Suddenly something hit Jack’s legs hard and Jack stumbled forward and fell down. A pain shot up through his legs.

  “Oh, hell.” Jack muttered.

  Jack peered at the road for the thing which hit his leg. Then he found it. It was a wooden piece. Then he saw him - Rooney, jumping to the road from the top of the side wall. Rooney walked toward Jack.

  “You’re a human, aren’t you? I knew something was off about you the moment I saw that wound on your hand, but by the time I came, you were gone through the portal. It took me a while to find you.” Rooney said.

  Jack didn’t said anything. He was too shocked to say anything.

  “I admit that you have some guts to enter inside our portal though our land, but not for long.” Rooney came near Jack and he lifted Jack from the ground by holding his shoulder cloth.