Read Into the Triangle (Harmony) Page 8

  Rooney opened his mouth showing the shining teeth.

  “God speed, man.” Rooney said.

  But before Rooney have a chance to bite him, Jack drew his knife from his waist line and he drove it through Rooney’s heart.

  “Ahh ...” Within seconds blood oozed through Rooney’s mouth, and his hands on Jack’s shoulders eased.

  “You guys always underestimate me. How do you feel now, bitch?” Jack twisted his knife and immediately drew it back.

  Rooney dropped dead.

  Jack lost in thoughts for a moment. He is on Earth now and he killed a person. Who would believe his story? He have no proof against these creatures. He is surely going to Jail but Jail is better than this place.

  Run, Jack. Run.

  Jack bolted up and ran away from the seen. He haven’t ran like this before. After about half an hour of running Jack reached the next town. He was welcomed by the glowing city in the night. Vehicles rushed through the roads, people are walking through the streets, normal again. Jack sighed deeply.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 33

  2026 July 28, Boston

  Jack quickly got inside a cab.

  “Hai. Where do you want to go?” The cab driver asked.

  “Well, where am I now?” Jack asked.

  “You’re in Boston, man.” The cab driver said.

  “I need to go to Green Valley in New York.” Jack said.

  “That’s a long way, man. Do you have money for that journey? You surely looks like some beggar.” The cab driver said.

  “I will give you the money when we get there. Now can we leave please?” Jack asked.

  “Whatever you say, man.” Cab driver switched on the meter and started the cab.

  Within seconds the cab rushed through the dark road. Jack sit back and sighed deeply. Driver looked at Jack through the rear view mirror and then returned his gaze back on the road.

  “You look like running away from someone. Tough day, ha?” Driver asked.

  “You could say that.” Jack said.

  The cab passed gigantic buildings and entered into a lonely road. Jack looked at the passed town through the back window and thought about all the things happened. Then he thought about Jan who is home alone looking for Jack’s arrival.

  Suddenly the cab stopped in the middle of nowhere.

  “Why are we stopped?” Jack asked.

  Driver didn’t answer Jack, instead said “You know, there is only one nightmare in these lands, and you’re surely running away from it. I guess you’re from Gamorphia.”

  “Didn’t ring a bell.” Jack’s right hand felt the knife on his waist line.

  Panic clearly is surging through Jack. The cab driver turned toward Jack putting him arms towards Jack.

  “Anyway, you can’t escape from me.” Driver grinned and jumped at Jack, who is in the back seat, from the front seat opening his mouth wide.

  But instead of landing on top of Jack the driver landed on Jack’s knife. Blood poured out of the driver’s stomach.

  “You can’t guess what a man in panic do. Also why are you guys always running into my knife?” Jack asked.

  Jack pushed back the driver’s body and somehow got outside. He then pulled the driver’s body outside on the road and closed the back doors. Jack got inside the front and pressed his leg on the accelerator. The cab rushed forward.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 34

  2026 July 28, Boston

  GPS screen showed that Jack is about fifty miles away from New York. Jack accelerated the cab and the cab rushed through the road. Outside a rain started to fall. Jack switched on the wipers and they moved to and fro through the front glass.

  Jack thought about Bermuda triangle and his journey through the land named Gamorphia. What an odd name? Is Bermuda triangle natural? And where will be this Gamorphia? Is it on Earth or is it on another planet? Jack went to Bermuda triangle for answers and instead of that he now got loads of mysterious questions.

  Jack still couldn’t believe that he escaped from the harsh place where Bermuda triangle dumped him. He still haven’t found the survivors of the ship Harmony. Chances are they must had captured by those alien scums because the girl he saw on the tower who was killed by them must be a survivor.

  Jack then thought about Clare. That poor girl deserved to live. She must had many dreams about her future, all of which are destroyed by that bitch Smith. Jack grind his teeth when thinking about Smith.

  Cab entered into a wooden landscape. Pine trees are on both sides of the road and the clock on the cab showed that it is 8:30 PM.

  Time flowed quickly. Jack’s eyelids got heavy. Jack pulled over the car to the side of the road and cut off the engine. Silence greeted him. Only sound of rain can be heard. Jack checked whether all the doors are locked. Once satisfied Jack looked at the clock. It is well past 11:00 PM. Jack slowly closed his eyes. Now what he need is some sleep if he do want to reach his home alive.

  * * *

  Jack looked nervously around him. He is in a pure white room and Jack could see a wooden door on the far side of the wall. Suddenly the door opened and a dark misty thing entered inside the room. Jack tried to move but he is paralysed and only his eyes are moving. The dark thing caught Jack by his leg and dragged him through the floor.

  Jack wanted to scream but his lips won’t move. The dark thing dragged Jack through the dark into a darker place. Jack is surrounded by darkness. The thing is still holding Jack tight. Within minutes Jack became submerged in the darkness.

  Suddenly Jack opened his eyes and found himself drenched in his sweat. A nightmare!

  Jack looked at the clock. It’s past 5:00 AM now. Jack sat up behind the wheel and started the engine. Within seconds he is back on the road rushing past the wooden landscape cutting through the rainy air.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 35

  2026 July 29, New York

  Jack reached New York at 9:30 AM. Vehicles are rushing through the roads in all directions. Jack felt happy after a very long time. Relief washed over him. Minutes later Jack pulled over the car near his house in Green Valley.

  Jack exited the car and ran for his house. Jack stood before his house with excitement that cannot be hidden. Jack slowly moved towards the front wall and he pressed the switch for the bell. The sound of bell reverberated through the house. A moment later Jan opened the door.

  “Jack? Oh my, god. Jack?” Jan jumped in to Jack’s hands and she wrapped her hands around him.

  Jack quickly claimed her lips and they both kissed for a long time like an eternity. Jan then stood up straightening her skirt.

  “Come on. Let’s get you inside.” Jan led Jack inside the house and she closed the door behind her.

  Tears fell out of Jan’s eyes but she wiped away the tears without showing it to Jack. Jack don’t know what to say. Seeing Jan, alone made him happy.

  “How did you get out of that hellish triangle? I have been mourning all day. Do you know that, there is no place I haven’t been in for help, to find you?” Jan asked.

  “I knew you wouldn’t give up on me. After all, I have made a promise to get back, haven’t I?" Jack asked.

  “I want to know everything, Jack.” Jan said.

  “I can’t trust no one. I only trust you. Our world is in grave danger, Jan. You don’t know what I had been through.” Jack said.

  “You know what? Save it. I don’t want to hear about any bullshit about the world. Sit here, I am making pizza. I will get you some.” Jan said and she went inside the kitchen.

  Jack took the water bottle from the table and drank some. Then he walked towards the TV.


  “Ahh …”

  Suddenly a pain shot up through Jack’s head. His eyes gone blank. Jack stumbled forward and fell down. Someone hit him using something.

  Jack massaged his head and tried to open his eyes. He felt someone lifting him by holding in his shoulders. Jack slowly opened his eyes and he couldn’t
believe what he is seeing. Jan had lifted him from the floor. It is Jan who had hit him.

  “Jan? Honey?” Jack said.

  Tears oozed down from his eyes.

  “Oh, honey, your honey had gone long ago. Sorry, honey.” Jan grinned.

  Then Jan opened her mouth showing the shiny teeth. Jack quickly kicked Jan thing’s stomach and fell down from her hands. Jan thing pressed her hands against the stomach to get relieve from pain. Jack somehow regained his footing and ran for the door. Jan thing suddenly jumped and caught Jack’s legs and he fell down. Jack kicked at Jan thing’s head several times and regained his footing. He opened the door and ran outside. Jan thing also regained her footing and screeched and ran for Jack.


  Suddenly a gunshot erupted and something fell down behind Jack with a loud thud. Jack stopped running and looked behind. Behind him lay Jan thing with a wide hole on her head. Tears fell down uncontrollably from his eyes.

  Then two black SUVs stopped near Jack’s house and men in black dress and with assault rifles came outside. Far away from the roof of a building a man with sniper rifle climbed down. Jack don’t know what to say or what to do. He stayed there motionless.

  A man in black dress came near Jack. Jack’s face got filled with fear.

  “You’re in good hands, Jack. No need to worry.” The man patted Jack’s shoulder.

  “My wife?” Jack began to cry.

  “Your wife is safe with us. What you just saw was an imposter. Come with us. We will fill you up with information.” The man said.

  Jack stopped crying and a little hope brightened up in Jack’s face. “But how did you knew?”

  “We have been watching you and your family for days, Jack.” The man said.

  * * * * *


  2026 July 29, NASA Headquarters

  The black SUV stopped in front of NASA headquarters. Jack and the men in black suits exited the SUV and walked towards the entrance. Jack got inside the facility and welcomed by Jan who was sitting in a chair. As soon as she saw Jack she ran towards him and she wrapped her hands around him. They both exchanged kisses like they haven’t seen each other for years.

  “Honey, you’re okay, right?” Jan asked.

  “I am fine, honey.” Jack said wiping away the tears of joy from his cheek.

  “Jack, come on inside. We have lot to discuss.” A man Jack had seen days earlier, before he went to Bermuda triangle, said.

  The man led Jack inside a conference room. Jack and Jan sat beside each other holding their hands.

  The man straightened his black tie. “Jack, I don’t know where to begin this. So you may have lot of questions.”

  “Okay.” Jack said.

  “We had known about the aliens you have encountered for some time. As far as we know Bermuda triangle is a small part of the bigger puzzle. And the triangle is a natural portal to the planet Gamorphia.” The man said.

  “Planet?” Jack asked confused.

  “Yes. Planet. This is the part that gets interesting. It’s the one planet in our solar system nobody knows about. And the interesting thing is this planet is in our planet’s orbit.” The man said.

  “What?” Jack asked excited to know more.

  “Yes. Believe it or not this planet orbits around the sun in planet Earth’s orbit. We can’t see it because it is directly behind the sun. It have same speed of rotation as of Earth. It’s in every way similar to Earth, but it has no moons.” The man said.

  “That’s amazing. Then, how did you found it?” Jack asked.

  Jan stared at the man, who is telling all this stuffs, with her own excitement.

  “Last year we sent a special satellite. Note that it is not exactly a satellite. It is more like an artificial planet, but small. It orbit around sun between Earth and Venus. We worked two whole years on this project before sending it. We call this project as project Omega. Earlier this year, Omega satellite sent us amazing pictures of planet Gamorphia.” The man said.

  “So, how did you knew the planet’s name?” Jack asked.

  “We interrogated some aliens, of course.” The man said.

  “What puzzles me is how did you knew I encountered those aliens? You never been with me.” Jack asked.

  “Well, Jack, do you remember the thing we injected into your blood stream before you went to the triangle?” The man asked.

  “Yes.” Jack said.

  “It was part of project Omega. We call it the Eye of Omega. It is a biological camera which will take form in your brain once it is in your blood. It is completely biological so it will not be affected by electromagnetic waves. It link with your eye and send all you see and your location to us.” The man said.

  “So, how did you save Jan?” Jack asked.

  “As soon as you went to the triangle we had been watching your house. We saw those aliens kidnapping your wife and installing the imposter. We killed them and retrieved Jan on their way to Bermuda. We didn’t do anything to the imposter because we wanted to know everything it do.” The man paused and cleared his throat. “Thanks to you we saw everything we need to know about them. You see, Jack, we are on the verge of a war. They are planning something big and we can’t just sit around here doing nothing. Sooner or later they are going to invade us.”

  “So why did you kept this from me too?” A man with red tie asked.

  “Because it is a secret project!”

  * * *

  The man with red tie walked outside and got inside his small sedan. He immediately took out his phone and dialled a number.

  “They know everything about us. It’s time to begin our mission.” The man with red tie said.


  Suddenly men with assault rifles surrounded the car. The man with red tie dropped his phone.

  “Get out of the car slowly, arms on the back of your head.” One of the men shouted.

  The man with red tie got outside the car and screeched showing his shiny teeth.


  Suddenly he dropped to the ground with a bullet hole in his head.


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  This story will continue in my serial thriller Harmony.

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  About the Author

  C.O. Amal lives in a small house in Wayanad district of Kerala state of the country India with his father, mother and sister. He loves to read science fiction apocalyptic books. He writes a lot. His imaginations are all about extra-terrestrial life and colonizing across the galaxy. He believes human kind will soon reach its glory in space travel and soon everyone can travel to the deep space.

  He love scientists like Stephen Hawking a lot. He can be often found watching Discovery channel. He is living in harmony with nature. His best friends are the cows in his home.

  He is now chasing his dream of becoming a great writer.

  Contact author on [email protected] for any questions regarding the work.

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  Also by this Author

  Dying Planet

  Project Mars (Dying Planet Book Zero)

  When the Darkness Returns (Dying Planet Book One)

  Planet Dead (Dying planet Book Two)


  Into the Triangle (A Prelude to Harmony)

  Gamorphia (A Prelude to Harmony)

  Harmony Season 1

  Harmony Season 2

  Harmony Season 3

  Among the Stars

  After the World Ended (Among the Stars Volume Zero)

  The Andromedan Chronicles (Among the Stars Volume One)

  The Santoran Chronicles (Among the Stars Volume Two)

  The Fourth Dimension (Among the Stars Volume Three) (Coming Soon)

  From Heaven

rom Hell (From Heaven Book Zero)

  From Heaven (From Heaven Book One)

  Zero Gravity Zero Hour


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