Read Iron & Wine Page 41

  I arrived back at the apartment around three o'clock. I knew that Jack and Celadine would still be resting, so I decided to check in with Julie and Lattie first. As I walked up the stairs to the front door, I began to feel excited. I’d only been away for a day, but I missed my friends so much. I ached to see them, so I quickened my pace and took the stairs two at a time.

  "Jules!" I cried and pushed open the door. "Lattie!" They weren’t there. I checked Julie’s room and found nothing. The apartment was quiet. Where could they have gone? Just then, I spotted a note left on the island.


  We're all at the park. You know the place.


  I smiled in relief, grabbed my purse and ran out the door. I had never tried to find the spot by the lake where the fey gathered on my own. I’d always had Julie or Lattie with me, but I was certain that I’d find it.

  I was trampling through the thick and winding forest in the park. It had been at least half an hour and I still hadn't found it. I began to wonder if maybe only magical beings could get there. But, if that were true, they wouldn't leave me to find it on my own.

  Just then, something dropped down from a branch overhead and sat on my shoulder. I didn't even need to look to see who it was.

  "Hi, Violet."

  "Hello, Avery Quinn. I heard that you ran away from us. Do you not like me anymore?" she asked innocently.

  "Oh, no, it’s not like that Violet. I just...needed some human time," I explained.

  "My feelings were hurt when I thought that you did not like me anymore."

  "Now, why wouldn't I like you, Violet?" I played along.

  "Well, after what happened with your friend, who is not really a friend, I thought that you would be mad at me."

  "No, it wasn't your fault. You and the others meant no harm, I’m sure. And we saved Max, so all is well," I assured her. The truth…I was worried as hell about Max. I mean, I know Oliver gave her a potion to make her forget. But, if I woke up in my own bed, after being missing for days, covered in cuts and bruises with no memory of what happened and no explanation for my family...well I would be freaked. Not even Max deserved that.

  "Do you know where Julie and your sister are, Violet?"

  "Yes! They sent me to come get you. Just in case you got lost," she said.

  "Would I have found it on my own?" I asked her. "I mean, with me being a human and all?"

  Violet left my shoulder and fluttered alongside my face as we walked, her neon red hair flying around in all directions. "A normal human wouldn’t, no, our special place is protected by magic to ward off unwelcome people," she informed me.

  "Oh, okay," I replied sadly. I stared at the ground as we continued to walk along.

  "But, you on the other hand, you are no normal human being, Avery Quinn. You are the Iron Worlder who is loved by all, desired by vampires, the enemy of Queen Mabry and who faced a kelpie, twice!" Violet listed off as she danced around in the air in front of me. I laughed at her. "You are most welcome in our special place."

  "Well, thank you, Miss Violet. I'm flattered that you think so highly of me."

  "Oh, it's not just me. The solitary fey adore you, Avery Quinn. You are a sign."

  "A sign of what?" I asked, confused. But we were interrupted by some familiar voices.

  "Avery! You made it!" Lattie cried and flew into my face. I could feel her tiny lips leaving little kisses on my cheek. "I missed you so much! Don't ever leave again!"

  "Okay, I promise," I laughed. She took her usual seat on my shoulder and played with my hair.

  "Hey Jules," I greeted. She embraced me without a word. "How’s Max?"

  "Good. She'll live. Oliver gave her the potion. But he was concerned with how you felt about Max not knowing anything, so he gave her a false memory," she explained.

  "What kind of memory?" I asked, intrigued.

  "It's just a thing that some fey can do. He made her think that she was out all weekend partying with some kids from school and she got a little too drunk, fell down a lot and ended up back in her bed."

  "Well, I guess that works," I said, unsure.

  "Yep, so, how’s Tess?" she asked. I loved how she didn't need to ask if I was okay. Julie knew I was okay all along; I just needed to realize it on my own.

  "She's good. Refuses to believe what she saw the other night was anything other than really good costumes, though."

  "That sounds like her. Remember when your cat died? She convinced herself that it just ran away," Julie reminded me.

  We headed over to the tables and I poured myself a glass of summer wine. It didn't affect me the way it used to. It still warmed my veins and made me feel like letting the world melt away, but I was more in control of myself now. I loved the way it made my insides all warm and tingly, and the sweet taste it left in my mouth.

  "Avery, sweetheart," I heard Moya’s voice call from behind as she quickly neared us. "It’s so very good to see you."

  "Thanks, Moya. It's good to see you, too," I replied. And it was. Moya gave me a warm sense of security when I was around her. It was kind of like the one I got from Celadine, and even Tess, but they all differed from one another. It was like all of the great things that a mother should possess resided in the three of them, love and friendship and protection. I was lucky enough to be blessed with all three in Moya, Tess, and Celadine.

  "Come! Let’s dance!" she insisted and took me by the hand to lead me where the other fey were dancing. I looked back for my friends to join. They were there already, dancing happily as they followed me into the sunlight.