Read Iron & Wine Page 42

  I paced in front of the iron gates that lead to Celadine’s huge house. The sun was setting to my left, casting a purple-orange shadow over the old mansion. I sighed and leaned against the stone fence.

  I didn’t know why I was so nervous about going in. I really wanted to see them; I ached to have Jack’s arms around me. But it felt like I was in trouble or something. For what, I didn’t know, maybe for taking off to save Max from a creature that had once drowned me? And then not checking in with them afterward but just running off to Tess’s house in the country.

  I took in a deep breath, worked up the courage, and opened the iron gates that lead to the front door. I raised my hand to knock the old knocker but Celadine flung open the door before I could.

  "You, young lady, are in trouble," she said angrily.

  "Celadine...I...I’m sorry! I didn't mean to worry you." I quickly began to defend myself. But she started to smile a coy smile, much like the one Jack used, and I realized she was kidding.

  "Don't do that to me! I was so scared that you guys were mad at me."

  "Well, we were more concerned than mad, but Julie called to assure us that you were fine," she explained. We were standing in the foyer now. Celadine took my jacket and hung it on the coat rack. "Now, come, you look hungry." She put her arm around me and squeezed my shoulder with her cool hand. I felt so safe here, with her and Jack. This house was like an iron cage, built to protect me.

  I sat with Celadine in the kitchen, eating a sandwich she had fixed for me and told her all about my adventure. She was amazed and proud that I would face the kelpie after what it had done to me.

  "So, where's your brother?" I asked as coolly as I could.

  Celadine just smirked. "You mean your boyfriend?" she asked. I blushed and looked down at my hands in my lap. "He's upstairs, waiting for you. But I told him that I wanted some time with you first. He monopolizes you far too much."

  "Sorry, it's partially my fault, though," I admitted. "Let's make a note to spend more time with each other, okay?"

  "Sounds good to me, darling," she agreed and smiled. "Now, go. Find Jack, I’m sure he's pacing back and forth in his room waiting for you."

  "Thanks for the sandwich, Celadine." I kissed her on the cheek and ran toward the stairs.

  I wasn't quite sure exactly where Jack’s room was, it was always so hard to find and we usually came in through the roof patio. I wandered up the stairs that brought me to a long hallway filled with old Victorian antiques, large paintings and a lot of doors. I stopped and sighed.

  We were bonded. I should be able to tell which room he was in, or at least a general direction. I closed my eyes and thought of Jack, the way his stunning blue eyes shimmered when he smiled at me, the way his iron grip made me feel safe, and the way I melted when his soft pink lips kissed mine. I opened my eyes, sure that I would lead myself to him, but was startled to see him standing right in front of me, instead.

  "Hi," he greeted and smiled, his eyes glittering just like I’d imagined.

  "Hi. How did you know I was here?"

  "I always know when you are here," he replied matter-of-factly.

  Funny, Celadine once told me something like that. Maybe it was part of the bond. I wondered if I’d have found him if he didn't show up.

  "Did you have fun on your little adventure?"

  "Well, I wouldn't quite call it an adventure. More like a suicide mission," I kidded. "But I had to save Max. I couldn't live with myself if I just stood by and let something happen to her." I shuddered at the thought of the kelpie. I couldn’t imagine ever forgetting the cold, slimy and gritty feel of its unnatural scales.

  Jack moved in toward me then, embracing me in his grip. I cuddled my face into his chest, taking in his scent that I loved so much. He always smelled like fresh night air. After cuddling him for a few moments, I slowly moved my face up toward his throat and gently kissed his neck. I could feel Jack’s cool lips through my hair as he kissed my head and smoothed my cheek. He placed his hand under my chin and raised my face to meet his.

  "I have a surprise for you," he said.

  It took a second for me to gather myself. Being around Jack was like being intoxicated or something. "For me? What is it?" I asked.

  "Close your eyes."

  "Jack, don't be silly. I’m not five," I insisted impatiently.

  "Now, now, that attitude will get you nowhere.” He replied. I opened my mouth to disagree but he shushed me with a finger to my lips. "Now, let’s try this again. Close your eyes."

  I sighed and slowly shut my eyes and crossed my arms. With his one hand on the small of my back, he slid his other under my legs and swept me up into his arms.

  "Keep them closed."

  "Yeah, yeah."

  I sensed us move slightly, but couldn't tell where we were going. A few seconds later, I felt my hair brush my face from the cool night air as Jack set me down.

  "Okay, can I open them now?"


  I slowly opened my eyes and glanced around. We were on the roof patio. I looked at Jack’s face for some sign or hint of what I should be looking for; he just motioned with his eyes at something behind me.

  I was at a total loss for words at what I found. Jack had lined the entire perimeter of the rooftop veranda in hundreds of candles of every size imaginable. To the left, he had a small table for two decorated with white linens and pretty white dishes.

  "Jack, this is beautiful. I can't believe you did this for me. Why?" I asked.

  "Because I love you, and you've had a pretty rough few days." He moved in close and kissed me softly. My head started to spin and bliss washed over me. I could have stayed there forever with him.

  For a second, I caught a glimpse of something above us, and that did it. I was at a loss for words again as my eyes glossed over. Hundreds of tiny fireflies filled the air above us, creating a star-like atmosphere and illuminating the perfect scene that Jack had prepared. I had been so overwhelmed the past few days with horror, fear, and danger. Now I was overwhelmed with love and magic, the beautiful night air and the magnificent person standing in front of me.

  "Thank you," I whispered. I knew he could hear me, though.

  "Avery, I want you to know something," he began.

  "Hmm," I hummed contently.

  "I know you ran to your aunt’s house because you were scared. I want you to know that you don't ever have to be afraid, that I’m here for you to run to."

  "Jack, I don't think I was scared, really," I admitted.

  "Oh, Really?” he replied sarcastically.

  "I wasn't scared," I insisted. "I just needed some time away from all the magic and chaos to figure out what I thought of all this."

  "And?" Jack asked. "What was your conclusion?"

  "I think...that I like having this bizarre life. I can’t really imagine not knowing what I know now. I have some pretty cool people in my life, minus a few homicidal fairies and a very confused classmate."

  "So what are you planning to do about those two particular problems?" he asked.

  "I haven’t exactly figured it out yet. But I think dealing with Max will be the easiest for now, since I have to see her tomorrow at school. I'll handle the Evaine issue when the time comes."

  "That could be any time, Avery," Jack reminded me.

  "Yes, I know!" I sort of snapped. "I just...I just can't think about her right now."

  "Sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up."

  "It's just, it's like I’m just starting to make sense of everything, you know? I don't want to think about a problem that I don't have a solution for yet. Not now, not here," I said. Evaine would probably kill me if she got the chance, and I didn’t want to think about it. Nearly dying once this weekend was enough.

  "You know Avery, there are some solutions to your particular quandary," Jack suggested.

  "What do you mean? I won't have you or Celadine going after Evaine or Mabry yourselves, so don't even mention it," I ordered.

p; "No, no, although, that's not a bad idea. You know fairies don't stand a chance against vampires?" he lightly added.

  "Jack! Please!" I cried. "I couldn't handle that."

  "Okay. But you do have options. For protecting yourself, when I or my sister cannot."

  I was so confused at this point. I was as mundane as you could get. "Jack, I know zero magic, I have no fighting skills and I’m not even remotely strong. So what are you talking about?"

  "Well, you don't have to be so mundane, if you choose otherwise," he hinted. Jack seemed to be struggling with his idea like he wasn't so sure himself if it was a good one. "You could be more...attuned to the night, so to speak. Or you could choose to be more of the shimmery and fluttery nature..." he trailed off when he saw the realization on my face.

  "You want me to change myself? Like, become a vampire or a fairy?" I asked. This was crazy. "Jack, what would I do with strength and power like that?"

  "Protect yourself," he suggested. "Avery, you of all people right now need to be weighing your options. You cannot even grasp the idea of how dangerous Evaine is. I've heard stories about her, how she thrives on death and destruction. She has tortured and massacred thousands of creatures, even her own kind, with her bare hands! No wonder the Queen has her by her side. She'd be crazy not to!"

  "Jack, I am very aware of the extent Evaine can, and will, go through to get me. But I can't become immortal. What would I tell Tess or my father? Wouldn’t they notice when they are like sixty and I’m still eighteen?"

  "That's something you have to consider in your choice."

  "What do you mean?"

  "Well, you could become a child of the night, like Celi and I. Or you could choose to be like your other friends and become a magical child of the Fey. Either choice has its own consequences as well as benefits. You would have to take some time and choose wisely. But, as a fairy, you could use glamor to mask your age."

  "You're talking as if I only have two choices."

  "Well, you do have another but I wouldn't recommend it," he snorted. "I mean, who would actually choose to be a mangy werewolf? Filthy things," he spat.

  "What, werewolves? Like real wolves? You're kidding right?" I exclaimed. He had to be joking. I mean, I know practically every magical being, if werewolves existed wouldn't I know by now?

  "Yes, they tend to keep to themselves, though. They have a high opinion of what they are." Jack spoke of them as if they were the scum of the earth.

  I couldn’t comprehend the idea of a whole other mythical existence right now. "Well, anyway. That's not what I was talking about. I do have another choice, Jack." I searched his face to see if he understood. He didn’t seem to like the direction this was going. "I could choose to be me, stay human."

  "Not an option."

  "What? It isn’t your decision!" I cried angrily. I’d never had anyone tell me what I could or couldn’t do, and I wasn't about to let Jack.

  "Avery, please! You can't possibly think that you will survive very long as a human when you have so many dangers facing you! It's a miracle you’ve even lived this long!" he argued. We stood on the rooftop flailing our arms about like crazy people, yelling back and forth.

  "No Jack, it's not a miracle! I knew the dangers of going after Max and that kelpie, but I had to do it! And I survived because I had friends to help me! Without them, I would have died for sure, I know, but I have them. And I thought I had you too."

  "You do have me! But it kills me to know that I can't always be there to protect you!"

  "So your only solution is to take my humanity? Come on Jack." I huffed and crossed my arms tightly across my chest. “I don't need full-time protection! What I need is for you to just be there, to help me. I don't want to be sheltered like a baby, I won't hide from Evaine." I paused to breathe. “Besides, how can you be sure I’d turn out like you guys? With my luck, I’ll end up a raging monster like every other vampire.”

  I could tell from his face that he already thought of that. “You won’t,” Jack insisted, but his tone was unsure.

  “Jack, I’m sorry, but I won’t take that risk. I value my humanity, it means something to me.”

  "What if I could find a way?" he asked desperately.

  "There is no way, Jack, you and I both know it," I told him. As tempting as the idea of spending an eternity with Jack was, the risk was just too much. No one knew why he and his sister had the world's greatest will power, but I wouldn’t spend an endless existence as a murderous monster while the man I loved stood by and watched. "I'm sorry if that's not enough for you. I know that you were perfectly okay before I came along..."

  He looked offended by that last comment. "Avery, you are more than enough for me," he said and held my face gently. "I would rather be tragically, heartbreakingly and hopelessly in love for just one short lifetime than to be 'just okay' for an eternity. I would choose to be in love, take the good with the bad and spend a lifetime with you. Only then, could I happily die the most privileged being that ever existed, all because I loved you and you loved me back."

  A lump began to form in the middle of my throat. You only heard this sort of stuff in the movies. It wasn’t fair that only I got to experience it. "Geez, you sure have a way with words," I kidded to lighten the moment.

  He grinned. "You'd be equally as good if you lived as long as I have."

  I narrowed my eyes at him. "It's not up for discussion, period."

  Jack pursed his lips and closed his eyes tightly. "I'm sorry; you’re right, it is your decision. I just want you to be safe. Whatever you choose, be sure that I’ll be there to help, in any way that I can."

  "It's okay,” I said and kissed him. “I know that I have options. Julie once told me how I could become like her. But I never gave it much thought afterward. I mean, that's a huge and scary choice. It's irreversible, forever. And, to be honest, I never really considered it because I figure I’m lucky enough to have these magical people in my life at all; I would never expect them to want me around forever."

  Jack then took me by the waist to pull me closer. There was barely breathing space between us now and he glared seriously into my eyes. "Avery, I will always want you, forever, period. When will you see that?"

  "But why? I don't understand what it is that made you and Celadine choose me."

  "We didn't choose you. The bonds of love are always there, waiting to be awakened. When you walked into that gallery, there was no turning back. Celadine felt your presence before you two even met."

  "Do you regret it? I mean, what she and I share have nothing to do with the bond that you developed for me. But, do you ever wish that it didn't happen? If anything were to ever happen to me, you would have to go through what Celadine did with Derek."

  "At first, I was furious. I hated not having control over myself. But, the moment I met you, I knew. There was no denying that I was meant to love you," he admitted. We were swaying back and forth now, in a slow dancing motion. Holding me in his arms, Jack slowly rose off of the ground so that we hovered a few feet in the air. I could reach out and touch the fireflies that dimly lit the air around us. He gently caressed the small part of my stomach above my belt line, grabbing hold of the hem of my shirt. I raised my arms, signaling him to proceed. A sweet smile curved his mouth and my shirt quickly disappeared over my head. Low moans of pleasure hummed in his chest as he removed my pants and I wrapped my legs around his naked waist. This was it.

  "Forever?" I asked quietly, implying so much more than just a single word. I knew he understood. I wanted to become immortal just like the people I love, but I needed time, time to think it through and make the right choice for me. The fireflies moved aside, forming an illuminating circle around us as we slowly twirled up in the air.

  Jack smiled happily and kissed my lips.
