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  Its all Wormholes Now

  Copyright 2015 Paul Edwards

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  It's all Wormholes now

  I was reading news articles on the internet a few months ago when I ran across a science story that stated that scientists think wormholes are now responsible for some elements of particle theory. Soooo it's wormholes now, I guess they ran out of gas on the whole string thing. Whatever gets your funding I guess.

  The thing is this wormhole stuff bears an eerie resemblance to the magic system I invented for the books that I've written, anyway I did actually put a little bit of thought into making particles over the past few years, I never used it for anything so I thought I might share them now.

  If the following stuff is all wrong it really wouldn't surprise me, but if it's right... well you saw it here first.

  My first thought experiment:

  Think of a hamster wheel floating in space spinning, then think of a wormhole as two beer coasters, one is the wormhole entrance, the other the exit.

  Put the entrance beer coaster on the inside of the hamster wheel so you have it kept in place by the wheels rotational force.

  Now think about the exit coaster floating twenty feet away, you see the hamster wheel floor through it, it isn't spinning because the entrance coaster is following the wheels spin. If you put a pebble on the hamster wheel through the exit coaster it would be held in place by the rotational force being created twenty feet away.

  This is the first principle, wormholes can be used to transfer rotational force, and hide its spin.

  Now think of two hamster wheels spinning side by side put entrance coasters on the interior of the first and exit coasters on the exterior of the other, so the rotational force is being transferred from the inside of the first wheel to the exterior of the second, now this is the tricky part, since the second wheel is spinning as well, it is also in effect spinning the interior of hamster wheel one and creating an outward rotational force which counters the inward force so the net sum of force is zero.

  This is the second principle, the hamster wheels have to be spinning in the opposite directions.

  If the wheels spin in the opposite direction the second wheel counters the spin of the first, the interior floor of hamster wheel one will appear stationary on the exterior of hamster wheel two, even though it is spinning on wheel one.

  So now make both hamster wheels the same, putting entrance coasters on two's interior and exit coasters on ones exterior. Now you have two hamster wheels spinning in opposite directions transferring the rotational inward force from their interiors to the others exterior.

  This is the third principle, the hamster wheels are entangled, and entanglement creates the two fundamental forces attractive and repulsive (the repulsive force can be created by a different arrangement of the entrances and exits). Now just make the hamster wheels disappear, you have two spinning wormholes sharing their interiors and exteriors.

  Entanglement is just wormholes swapping surfaces.

  The second problem,

  Particles of like charges repel and opposite charges attract, we have created two forces, repulsive and attractive, if each is equal to one then a repulsive and an attractive equals zero force, two of the same equals a force of two attractive or repulsive which is wrong.

  The solution:

  Tool number one: take two coasters, one entrance one exit, like a cartoon characters portable hole you go in one and come out the other, so here is another tricky part, put the two coasters together so the exit of the wormhole is put into the entrance of the wormhole, something weird happens, you get a wormhole where you meet yourself coming through. This creates an absolutely impenetrable shield, a sort of wormhole mirror that reflects everything.

  (There is a small problem with this, you need to slice one of the wormholes into very thin strips and then arrange them in the opposite direction in order to get a true mirror reflection, or use calculus.)

  Tool number two: Wormholes are wave fronts, think of a light house beam rotating across the sky, at a large enough distance it will sweep faster than light, the photons are the still going at light speed but it's the appearance and disappearance of the photons that are moving faster than light.

  Since wormholes have no mass and are wave fronts, they can not only go faster than light they can go as fast as you want.

  Our repulsive force will equal one, our attractive will be three quarters. The secret is that using the blocking tool configuration of the wormholes they will not be active at the same times.

  Think of a tug of war with four men and a rope. The one side has two men that are seventy five percent strong the other side, two men that are one hundred percent strong. The weaker men hold both ropes and always pull together, the stronger men hold a rope apiece and can only pull at different times.

  The smaller men will always win with a force sum of fifty percent.

  Now let the strong men pull together, they will overpower the weaker men with a force sum of fifty percent.

  The sum force of both combinations is always the same.

  An electron and a protons attractive force will activate at the same time, the repulsive forces will be at different times so the net result is an attraction of one half. When an electron meets another electron (or proton another proton) both forces activate at the same time so the net repulsive force is one half repulsive.

  Since wormholes can move faster than light this on/off force switching can go faster than a particles inertia (which moves at the speed of light).

  One last thing.

  Wormholes are not flat they are spheres, but they are still two dimensional, think of the two coasters having no thickness and then put them together, they will both occupy the exact same space. Two wormholes can occupy the same space. I am not sure what this means, my conjecture is that they may occupy the same space but there may still be a priority of order.

  Some other observations if the above is true:

  Inertia is caused by the precision of spinning space time.

  Particles are not things but mechanisms created by the entanglement of wormholes, a form of cellular automaton.

  Radioactive decay is probably caused by a brief entanglement of another particle wandering to close.

  Because a wormhole can move faster than light it would be very easy to have a particle that is everywhere at once, an easy way to get around wave particle duality.

  There are only two fundamental forces.

  And lastly, everything is made up of essentially nothing, matter is just a cosmic magic trick.


  It would be very easy to create gravity by just off setting the timing of the proton and electrons attractive force a tiny bit. If this is true then there should be a tiny amount of difference in the amount of force caused by a single quantum positive force compared to the negative.

  No need to build a fifteen billion dollar collider.


  I just had a small revelation, I was reading an article on the next big thing, quantum computers. They consist of something called qubits and quantum gates as opposed to the classical computers bits and regular logic gates.

  Well here's the thing, a qubit is described as a Bloch sphere, a two dimensional sphere, well... surprise surprise... so is a wormhole. Not only that entanglement is a form of quantum gate.

  So, what if particles are actually just two or three qubit quantum computers and when they join together they make larger and larger quantum algorithms.

  This would explain a lot, maybe all the problems the eggheads have had applying classical mathematics to particles is because they're not mathematical they're quantum algorithms.

  Just saying.

  A few more thoughts

  If you pick up a ball off the floor and put it on a shelf it now has potential energy. The thing is it only has potential energy relative to the floor. Energy is relative.

  The photon

  Think of a sphere, except this sphere is made of the