Read John Looples' Revenge Page 1

  John Looples' Revenge

  Copyright by Shane Dismal 2011


  Chapter 1

  Boom! The cannons roared as they were shot upon the lonely village of Dresda. Women and children tried to flee away while the Men grabbed any weapons they could and headed for the docks. The magnificent brigantine stood true and strong as its crew shot cannonball after cannonball onto the surprised citizens. As the ship got closer to the shore the Men awaiting them could see the devastating symbol that all people fear. A tattered, blood red flag with the picture of a dark and eerie crescent moon that shined at the top of the massive ship. Some of the townspeople started firing off guns just hoping that they would be left alone. But to their dismay the terrifying brigantine didn't stop until it touched the white-sanded shore of Dresda. There was a short moment of silence. Then slowly but surely rope laddersdescended from the sides of the ships and a glorious roar filled the night. The townspeople panicked and jolted for safety back towards the women and children. In what seemed like an instant a crew of 70 blood thirsty pirates stampeded towards the fleeing Men. With just cutlasses at their sides the pirates stormed through the town slaughtering all the cowering Men. They broke down doors and windows and plundered whatever they could carry. Houses were torched to the ground as the pirates moved through


  the town closer and closer to where the other citizens were hiding out. After just less than an hour they had destroyed the

  town and started surrounding the shelter where all the women and children had fled to. A single man opened the hatch to the lower safe house. He climbed out and stood his ground.

  “I refuse to let you brutes hurt these people!” He yelled out. His only answer was a crowd of laughs and taunts from the pirate crew. However, their fun was cut short as the crowd shifted in two and only mumbles were heard. As the last of the crew shifted and opened a path a large crooked figure appeared. He had a blue tricorne hat and a matching jacket with what looked like golden buttons. His pants were white slacks and he wore large black boots with gold buckles. His soot black, curly beard came down over to just above his chest.

  “What do we have here?” He chuckled. “A hero? Don't you know heroes only end up dead!” He smirked at the man.

  “W-well, I am not gonna let you hurt these people!” The Man boasted.

  “Is that so? How do you plan on stopping 70 men by yourself? “ The Large Pirate asked.

  “Like This!” The man pulled out two flintlock pistols and shot them off straight ahead of him. One of the shots just

  barely whizzed by the Large Pirate and struck a crew member in


  the forehead. The other bullet hit a crew member to the left of the Large Pirate in the arm. For a moment the crew members

  blankly stared at him. Then all at once they took out their swords and charged at the man. He was completely slaughtered and torn limb from limb for taking the life of one of their members. The Large Pirate stood in the same place and just showed off an evil grin.

  “Now boys! Lets get the rest of them! Shawny go and set up the fuses!” The Large Pirate shouted.

  “Aye Captain!” Shawny and several other crew members yelled back. Shawny took out a long fuse out of his pants and attached it to a large box that another member carried that was filled with gunpowder. They placed the box a few feet away from the opening of the shelter and then lit it with a torch.

  “After it goes off! Kill them all!” The Captain yelled. The crew roared in excitement and readied themselves for more. A huge explosion went off followed by high pitched screams and the crew members' howls. They climbed down into the shelter from the open hatch and the hole the explosion made. All awhile the Captain stood calm above ground listening to the sounds of the raid. From his facial expressions it seemed like it soothed him in a way that couldn't be described.

  “That's all of them Captain!” Shawny yelled up after just a


  few minutes.

  “Good! Now take what ye can and lets head back to the ship!”

  The captain ordered.

  “Aye!” The crew members answered. They went to work searching the pockets of the deceased taking whatever they find of value. With a blistering holler the crew walked back to the ship through the newly created ruins of Dresda.

  Chapter 2

  “Hey did you hear about Dresda?” Simon asked. He had short blonde hair and was very well built for a bartender.

  “No. What happened?” One of his customers asked. He had long dark hair and a sharp goatee. His hands were rough and his shoulders broad.

  “The Blood Moon Crew left it in ruins. They didn't leave a single soul behind.” Simon answered.

  “Well then how do you know about it?” The customer asked. Simon poured a drink for another customer and continued.

  “The Navy just found it on one of their merchant runs. They were in complete shock when they saw that almost nothing was left.” Simon responded.

  “Yea. Well how did they know it's the Blood Moon Crew?” The customer asked again.


  “Well the other day was a Blood Moon wasn't it? The Navy even said it looked like it was done by them. What other Pirate crew is as merciless as them?” Simon told him.

  “There was a Blood Moon the other day? I didn't see it.” The

  customer answered.

  “You didn't see that Crescent Moon in the night sky? It gives me the shivers every time I see it.” Simon shivered just thinking about it. A man with a brown tattered shirt and tan ripped pants stood up.

  “I saw it. It's the scariest night of the month. You never know if your town will be the next. At least they only ever attack on Blood Moons. Otherwise we would be in trouble.” Theman said.

  “What do you think they do until their next pillage?” The customer asked.

  “Well, they go around sinking Navy ships and whoever else is unlucky enough to sail too close.” The man answered. The customer put down a few silver coins, nodded to Simon and walked out. There was a short silence.

  “That man who just walked out.” Simon paused. “His brother lived in Trent. They got attacked by The Blood Moon Crew four months ago. He still doesn't like talking about it but it's his right to know who they are attacking so I bring it up. I think


  it helps him sometimes.” Simon told the man.

  “Who is he anyways?” the man asked.

  “Well first of all who are you?” Simon asked pouring another drink.

  “I'm Tod Snare.” He answered

  “Well I'm Simon nice to meet you. What are you doing here in Gohl. I haven't seen you before.” Simon answered.

  “I'm just here for a some business for my little family owned shipping company.” Tod told him.

  “Oh that's nice. A lot of businesses here could use your help. The Navy over prices their shipping. By the way that guy there was John Looples. He is the best blacksmith around. He makes swords for the Navy when they come through to pick up supplies.” Simon explained.

  “Interesting. Well thanks.” Tod went up to the bar put down a dozen silver coins and walked out. Simon stared blankly at the coins but happily picked them up and put them into his pocket.

  Tod walked down the street until he noticed an old man resting on his porch. He walked up to the steps and asked politely.

  “Can you point me to the town's Blacksmith please.”

  “Why yes he is just six houses down that way” The old man smiles and points to the right of Tod.


  “Thank you very much.” Tod smiled and started walking towards the Blacksmith. He knew he was there when he saw a wooden sign that had a hammer carved into it. Tod knocke
d on the door and waited for a response.

  “I'm not done with the order yet come back in a few hours.” John answered.

  “I'm not here for an order I want to ask you something.” Tod told him. John stopped working and walked towards the door.

  “Who is it?” He asked

  “My name is Tod. I'm the man from the bar.” Tod said. John opened the door and look Tod up and down. Then he nodded and pointed him inside.

  “What do you need to ask Tod?” John asked.

  “Simon told me about your brother. I was just wondering if you ever planned to do anything about it.” Tod asked.

  “I wish I could The Blood Moon Crew are just so dangerous. There isn't even a point in trying.” John answered back.

  “Well what if there was a chance?” Tod asked.

  “If there was a chance.” John thought to himself for a second and finally said. “Definitely.”

  “Good. I am offering you the chance now.” Tod told him.

  “What?” John asked confused.

  “Join my Pirate crew and together lets bring down The Blood


  Moon Crew. You can supply the swords and a plus one addition to my crew.” Tod smiled.

  “Your joking right. Why would I want to become what I hate?” John told Tod.

  “Well if you change your mind I'll be here for about another month. I'm living with a nice old lady named Katherine just a few houses away.” Tod then nodded to John and set a bag full of silver coins on a table.

  “There is a lot more where that came from.” And at that

  Tod left.

  Chapter 3

  Cannonballs fell from the sky as the Blood Moon Crew moves toward the shore. The people of the town run frantically. Some trying to escape by Sloops or rowboats and some run towards the forest hoping they can hide and escape. The Crescent moon fills up the night sky with light as millions of stars glisten around it. Simon tries to gather all of his money in a bag before his bar is destroyed. John busts through the down and explosions erupt around him.

  “That was close! Simon what are you doing we need to escape! I have a Sloop just a few miles down the coast. We can escape.” John says while taking deep breaths of air.


  “I just wanted to get all of my money! Now we can go.” Simon answered back.

  “You greedy basta-” A cannonball came blistering through the roof and just crashed just next to John. He is flown across the room and hits the bar.

  “John!” Simon yells as he tries to get him to wake up. Simon

  drops his bag of coins and puts John over his shoulders.

  “Let's get out of here!” Simon yelled. He runs as fast as he can with John on his shoulders towards John's Sloop. A loud yell comes from the shore.

  “Go Get Them!” Someone yells and the crew rushes for the town.

  “You need to wake up! We need to run!” Simon yells. He puts down John and slaps him in the face a few times.

  “Come on! I know you won't quit on me like this!” He yells again. John opens his eyes a little and puts his hand to his head.

  “I don't feel so good” He smiles at Simon.

  “No Time! Lets go!” Simon roars. Simon helps John to his feet and they start running away.

  “I can see the Sloop!” John exclaims.

  “Me too! We are gonna make it!” Simon answered happily. Just as they thought they were going to escape from The Blood Moon


  Crew a loud pop went off. Simon stopped in his tracks and cried out.

  “No! Simon!” John yelled. He looks up to see that a pirate with a red bandana and a red ripped up shirt is running towards him with a sword.

  “How dare you!” John cries out. “I'll kill you!” The Pirate

  smirks as he draws his sword towards John. Another loud pop goes off and John shuts his eyes.

  “Hurry! Come with me! Grab his pistol and sword too.” A familiar voice says. John opens his eyes and looks over to Tod Snare. John sighs with relief but quickly does as he says. They run to the Sloop and John gets aboard.

  “No it's too big for two people!” Tod tells John.

  “Then what are we supposed to use?” John asked nervously. Tod runs down the coast for a few more minutes before he yells out.

  “This way hurry!” And John runs after him. Tod smiles and boards a small rowboat. He throws an oar at John.

  “Get in we don't have much time!” Tod orders him. “Start rowing!” Tod orders again after he pushes the rowboat off of the shore. Safely but surely they escape from the Blood Moon Crew's and start rowing into the vast Atlantic Ocean.

  Chapter 4


  “Where are we going?” John asked after about an hour.

  “You will see soon enough” Tod answered mysteriously. And soon enough John saw.

  “You know what. I think I've changed my mind.” John said after seeing the Schooner approach them.

  Tod smiled. “Good.” The Schooner was blazing fast and made it to their rowboat from the horizon in no time. Once the

  Schooner got close to the rowboat a rope ladder was dropped down to Tod.

  “Come Aboard Captain!” A man yelled from atop the vessel.

  “You can go first.” Tod said as he gestured John to climb the rope. John climbed up the rope and Tod followed. When they got aboard they all cheered and immediately were drinking rum and eating to their hearts desired.

  “Why are they all celebrating?” John asked.

  “Well, we have learned the Blood Moon Crews next victim.” Tod answered with a big grin.

  “What do you mean? How?” John asked confused.

  “My crew ported in Gohl about three months ago. People here tend to have a lot of information from outside sources. So we asked around about the Blood Moon Crew and got a lead. A woman by the name of Mary told us that her fiance was working a job out in Angelos as a carpenter when the town got attacked. After


  that we used the other information we gathered about them and predicted they would hit Cardel which is just a little ways away from Trent. We found out we were right and then predicted they were coming here, Gohl. When they didn't show we regrouped and decided to try to follow them because we knew they were in the area. I stayed behind to see what other information came up while they went out and searched. That's when I met you and

  Simon and he told me about Trent a few months ago and that's when I figured it out. The Blood Moon Crew attacks the most populated but weak places they can. All of those places have high population but are either very poor or not known for military.” Tod explained.

  “Well then why do you want me here?” John asked.

  “After I had heard that you lost someone in Trent I couldn't just leave you to the same demise. So I asked you to join me. Then when the attack came I went out looking for you. Luckily I found you when I did.” Tod explained again. John stared into Tod's eyes for a moment and said very sincerely.

  “Thank you.”

  “Don't worry about it. I just hope you know how to use those swords you make.

  “I'm around swords all day. What else am I supposed to do?” John smiled at Tod


  “Good. Your first assignment though is to celebrate!” Tod throws a bottle of rum at John. “Meet some of the crew and enjoy yourself.” Tod smiled and at that he turned cheered loudly and took a swig of his rum disappearing into the crowd. John looked around at the hysterical pirates and smiled. He immediately knew he was going to like being on this boat.

  One of the crew members climbed up about half way to the

  crow's nest and put his bottle of rum high in the air.

  “To Victory!” he yelled. The entire crew yelled out in return and started to sing some song.

  “Their singing about the ship. She has been through so much and has never let us down so we constantly thank her.” Tod came up from behind John.

  “What's her name?” John asked.

sp; “The Redeemer” Tod eyes glared with passion as he said it.

  “She's Beautiful” said John.

  “Aye, magnificent.” Tod responded. He looked up at the sky and closed his eyes. “Incredible.” He mumbled to himself. “Can you teach me the song?” John asked.

  “The Redeemer, The Redeemer! A savior in our eyes! The only women in our lives! Forever and always! The Redeemer, The Redeemer!” Tod answered.

  “That's all they're saying?” John asked again.


  “They're drunk.” Tod smiled. Then John and Tod chanted out over and over again.

  “The Redeemer, The Redeemer! A savior in our eyes! The only women in our lives! Forever and always! The Redeemer, The Redeemer!”

  The crew joined along and they celebrated until the moon fell out of the sky.

  Chapter 5

  “Good Morning” Tod greeted John with a splash of water. Surprised with anger John woke up.

  “What!?” John yelled out.

  “Just an induction to the crew.” Tod grinned at John.

  “What's the name of the crew anyways? I haven't seen a flag anywhere either.” John questioned.

  “Crews don't have names. The Blood Moon Crew got the name from random gossip and it caught on. And for our flag.” Tod paused. “Every single member of this crew joined for their own personal reasons. A lot are like you. They either didn't have anywhere else to go or wanted to get revenge against the pirates who wronged them in their life. So we don't sail under any one flag but under each of our own.” Tod explained.

  “This sure is a weird bunch of pirates.” John said.


  “Well your one of them now so get used to it. And to start off your on cleaning duty.” Tod hands John a dirt mop and a bucket of water. “Start cleaning the top deck.” Tod smiled and wandered back up to the deck. John changed into some clothes he found beside his bed. They were a bit tattered but he wore red slacks and a white and red striped shirt. He also got a nice pair of brown boots that had rusted buckles. After changing John grabbed the cleaning supplies and walked up to the deck. It was a very bright day and the ship was already moving fast. Everyone

  was at work either cleaning or tending to the abundance of knots and ropes around the ship. Enthusiastically John got right to work and started mopping the top deck near the wheel.

  “Hey matey!” another pirate said nearby who was mopping too. “Welcome aboard The Redeemer!”

  “Thanks. It sure is an adventure already.” John smiled at the pirate.