Read John Looples' Revenge Page 2

  “My name is Kyle but around the ship I'm called Sea Short.”

  “Nice to meet you Sea Short. My name is John Looples.” John told Sea Short.

  “John Looples, eh?” Sea Short thought for a moment and then spoke. “Well nice to meet you. We will have to think of a nickname for ya. Most of the guys here already have one.” Sea short smiled and then continued to mop the deck.


  “Why are you called Sea Short?” John asked curiously.

  “Well, when I first joined about seven months ago. When we had about 30 members and a Sloop. We were attacking this Navy merchant ship. It wasn't much bigger than the Sloop and we had more cannons than they did. We eventually boarded the ship and started fighting but they had a massive crew of about 80. The ship was overcrowded to the extremes but it sure did surprise us. We started to flee but I got shot in the back while trying to cross the plank back over. I fell over and almost drowned.

  That's when Tod jumped in after me and carried me back aboard all by himself. I was so close to dying they paid to have a doctor look at me. The doctor said that I was a Sea Short. It's what he calls a person who just barely escapes from the waters but should have died and that has been my name ever since.” Sea Short told John.

  “That's incredible Tod seems like an amazing Captain.” John said.

  “Aye, one of the best. That's why most people stay here after they have accomplished their goals. I assume Tod already mentioned how everyone here is here for their own reasons. Well a lot of men leave after they accomplish what they came here to do.” Sea Short explained to John.

  “Well, Tod saved my life. So the only way I can repay him is


  by staying by him until I return the favor. I guess that's my goal.” John thought to himself for a couple minutes. Then Sea Short broke the silence.

  “I hope that's a promise.” Sea short smiled.

  “Sea Short!” Tod yelled from the bottom deck. “Your on rigging!”

  “Yes Captain!” Sea short shouted back and immediately put away his mop and bucket and went to help out with rigging. Captain Tod nodded to Sea Short and walked up to the top deck.

  Chapter 6

  “I see you met Sea Short.” Tod said. John didn't notice Tod was there and looked up to him with a smile.

  “Yea. He is a really nice guy. Not what I expected from a Pirate.” John answered.

  “He is a good man. He has been my first mate since the beginning and hasn't left my side yet.” Tod looked down towards the ground and thought about the first time he met Sea Short.

  “It looks like this deck is squeaky clean. Anything else you want me to do?” John asked breaking the strange silence between the two.

  “Why don't you talk to Rocket. Learn a little about navigation. I think you'll be a good one.” Tod smiled and then


  walked off without another word. John didn't know a thing about navigating and was even more clueless on why Tod thought he would be good at it. Despite his reasoning he followed orders and approached Rocket.

  “Captain Tod told you to come over ere' right?” Rocket asked before John could even open his mouth.

  “Yea. He said he thinks I'll be good at it.” John answered him. Rocket was a strange looking guy. He was probably the most pirate looking man there. He had an eye patch over his right eye and a lot of scars on his neck and arms. He was slim but looked a lot stronger than John was. He wore a very dirty white coat

  and puffy blue pants.

  “Aye. He said the same thing to me when I started out. Captain Tod is right about the strangest things.” Rocket thought to himself for a moment then laughed a spoke again.

  “Well, I guess we should start with some tips!”

  “Okay, sounds good.” John answered eager to hear what Rocket had to say.

  “First things first! Never, and I mean never leave the wheel unattended. Doing just that could doom the entire crew and of course The Redeemer.” Rocket started talking more strictly.

  “Okay. I got it what else?” John asked.

  “The only other thing I have for you is no rum. Your not


  allowed to get drunk especially when we're about to go into battle. Being a trustworthy navigator plays a huge part in surviving.” Rocket explained seriously.

  “No drinking? I guess I can do that.” John answered.

  “Good. Now the best way to learn how to maneuver a ship is to try it for yourself.” Rocket steps away from the wheel. “Grab the wheel and start. We aren't going in any one direction right now so I'll keep track of where we are you just get used to The Redeemer.” Rocket explained again. John grabbed the wheel having no clue what to do. First he turned the wheel to the right and then just back to the left.

  “That's perfect get a feel for her you're gonna need it when you're up here during a battle.” Rocket told him.

  “How do I know if I'm doing this right?” John asked.

  “There isn't a way of explaining it but when you are you'll feel it. But for now you're just practicing and getting a feel for it.” Rocket answered back. John continued to sway right to left for what seemed like hours. His hands had splinters from the wooden wheel and he still didn't feel anything. Meanwhile, Rocket is just below at a table looking at a map.

  “How are ye doing there?” Rocket asked surprising John.

  “Good I guess. I'm really not sure.” John answered.

  “Hmm. How long have you been at it?” Rocket asked.


  “About two hours I think.” John answered.

  “Give me a minute.” Rocket climbed back down to the room below and came back up with a map and a pencil. He set it on the ground and started writing on it while continuously looking up at the sky.

  “Incredible.” Rocket eventually said.

  “What?” John asked nervously.

  “You stayed on the exact course the entire time. Your sway from right to left were exactly equal in distance. I guess Captain Tod was right. It looks like your cut out for this whether you know it or not.” Rocket said with a smile.

  “Really? That's strange. I didn't even feel like I was doing anything.” John responded.

  “Well obviously you have the knack for it but you can take a break that's all for today. Report to Captain Tod in his quarters.” Rocket ordered.

  “Yes sir.” John answered obediently. John walked down to the lower deck and then walked towards the Captain's Quarters. He went to knock on the door when it flew open.

  “John! I wasn't expecting you come in, please1” Tod said with great enthusiasm. Tod held the door open and gestured John into the room. Tod shut the door behind them and sat behind his desk in the corner of the room.


  “So. How did you do with steering the ship?” Tod asked with a big smile.

  “Rocket said I stayed on course the entire time and that my movements from right to left were the same distance. He said I had a knack for it.” John answered.

  “I knew you would! I have get some strange feelings about things like that and they usually turn out to be right.” Tod smiled again.

  “Rocket said the same thing.” John added.

  “Well, anyways tomorrow we start trailing the Blood Moon Crew. So I hope you're ready. Once we catch up to them it's

  going to be an intense battle. Tomorrow you will start your sword fighting training with Ricky. Until then you may do whatever ye like. Dinner is whenever you're hungry.” Tod told him.

  “Okay, thank you.” John smiled and then walked out of the room and down to his bed. He laid down and fell asleep within a few minutes exhausted from his first day.

  Chapter 7

  “Rise and shine!” Ricky said as he poured a bucket of freezing water over John. John burst from his slumber with a loud cry.


  “Good morning.” Ricky laughed. John, now soaked and cold, rubbed his eyes and opened them. Ricky looked just as expected. He had a rugged look to h
im and was one of the most muscular person he had seen. He had one cutlas at each of his sides and wore a dark brown vest with lighter brown shorts.

  “Morning.” John answered angrily.

  “Oh don't be mad. It was just a joke now go change into some dry clothes and I'll change your bed.” Ricky said with a smirk. John walked off to the small room nearby and changed into new clothes. He came back into the room and Ricky was sitting on John's, now dry, bed.

  “Today you're going to learn to how sword fight.” Ricky said.

  “Well I am a blacksmith so I should be fine.” John told him.

  “Is that so? Then let's not waste time.” Ricky handed John one of his swords.

  “Let's see what you got. Attack me!” Ricky urged John.

  “Whatever you say.” John said as he took a swing and Ricky. Ricky sliced back at the handle of John's sword and knocked it out of his hand.

  “What that an attack?” Ricky asked with a big grin. John picked up his sword and swung again. This time Ricky just simply moved to the side and dodged it. John continued his attack and


  Ricky continued to dodge every single one of them.

  “Are you done yet?” Ricky asked after about two dozen attempts.

  “I guess I'm rusty.” John said with a heavy breath.

  “No. You're just not very good. You see you come at me with random swings hoping to hit me. You have to plan each strike and always look one step ahead. We may be pirates but we aren't idiots.” Ricky explained.

  “Okay, so why don't you attack me now. I want to see what you got.” John said confidently. Ricky immediately jabbed at John with his sword. John struck back but Ricky circled around John's sword and jabbed again. Right before he was about to stab John he stopped and smiled at him.

  “I guess I have a lot to learn.” John said with a frown.

  “Don't worry. A couple of lessons with me and you'll get better.” Ricky told him.

  “Alright. Well I'm ready let's start!.” John enthusiastically said.

  “First we will start with your stance. I noticed that yours is sloppy and needs some work. You have the right idea but you don't keep to it you continuously change. You need to spread your feet apart and always be on your toes ready to pounce towards or away from your opponent. Watch me” Ricky positioned


  his feet about shoulder width apart and slightly arched up on his toes. He then moved forward and backward very quickly showing John how to move.

  “You see you don't just jump back and forth you either lightly glide or you shuffle. Also, you should never have your back or front directly pointed at your opponent. Your body should always be angled so you can easily dodge any incoming jabs or slashes.” Ricky explained.

  “Okay. Like this?” John asked as he took position like Ricky did and started shuffling backwards while having his body turned slightly away from Ricky.

  “That's pretty good but the only way you can improve is by adapting to different attacks. So I will swing at you and you

  have to dodge my attack. That means no weapon.” Ricky told John. John handed his sword to Ricky and Ricky put it aside. John got back in the stance and readied himself.

  “Here we go.” Ricky said. First he dashed forward and tried to surprise John but John simply side stepped and then shuffled backwards avoiding Ricky's second attack.

  “That was very good!” Ricky applauded John. “You dodged the first attack and then thought a step ahead of me and dodged my incoming second attack.”

  “Yeah. It's incredible how much of a difference just the


  stance is.” John smiled thankfully.

  “Every little part of sword fighting is important as you will soon learn. But next you will learn how to parry.” Ricky said.

  “Parry?” John questioned.

  “You're a blacksmith who has prior knowledge of sword fighting and doesn't know what a parry is?” Ricky asked.

  “No. I don't have a clue.” John answered.

  “Well. A parry is when your opponent attacks you and you use your sword, or whatever else you may be using to block the attack. Attack me and I will show you.” Ricky readied himself. John slashed at Ricky and Ricky used his sword to uppercut John's attack. John's arm was pushed upward and Ricky put his

  sword to John's throat.

  “A parry.” Ricky smiled. “Now get in your stance and ready yourself. You will be trying to do the same.”

  John took his stance and held out his sword in front of him. Ricky then stabbed towards John's waist and John slashed down at his sword.

  “That was good but easily avoided. Here let me show you a few examples. Attack me again.” Ricky said. John tried to attack Ricky by bringing his sword down toward Ricky's head and Ricky put one hand on each end of his sword and put it in front of


  John's attack.

  “That block may get one of your hands cut but it can be a life saver.” Ricky said. “Now stab at my chest.”

  John nodded and took a jab at Ricky. Ricky took one big swipe at John's sword from below.

  “That one, if effective, will make your opponent's arm go up in the air making him open for an attack. Now it's your turn.” Ricky smiled.

  “Gotcha.” John said as he got ready. Without a second thought Ricky tried to stab John in the chest. John did as instructed and cut upwards at Ricky's sword. Ricky slashed back down towards John's neck and John moved to the side and stabbed back at Ricky. Ricky smiled at this and shuffled backwards and

  then pounced forward with another jab. John, once again, blocked it and tried to slash at Ricky's shoulder. Ricky cut up at his sword but John attacked again with a stab to Ricky's chest. When Ricky tried to parry it John did the same thing Ricky did when he tried to attack him and circled around Ricky's sword. John went to finish his strike and stopped right before the middle of his chest. Ricky got a very big smile and John grew a grin.

  “Very good work!” Ricky laughed.

  “Thanks” John responded.

  “I guess you were just rusty. You seem to be very good


  already you just needed some tweaking. Well that's all for today tomorrow we will work on combinations and more dodging. Report to Captain Tod in his Quarters.” Ricky ordered. John smiled but did what he was ordered and walked up to the deck and entered Tod's Quarters. Tod was sharpening his sword on some sort of belt.

  “Captain Tod, Ricky told me to report to you.” John said. Tod stopped what he was doing and looked up at John.

  “Well, what do you have to report to me?” Tod asked.

  “I finished training with him today.” John answered.

  “Oh good!” Tod said ecstatically. “How did you do?”

  “At first I was really rusty but I improved on my stance and learned how to parry. I've already improved greatly.” John

  explained with a smile.

  “Perfect! I hope you will be a valued fighter. We're going to need as many as we can once we find The Blood Moon Crew.” Tod said.

  “Are we going after them now?” John asked.

  “Aye. We started for them early this morning. We are hoping to catch up to them in just a few days. They may be feared everywhere but their ship isn't as fast as The Redeemer that's for sure.” Tod smiled.

  “Do you think we will be ready?” John asked.


  “Well, I'll give you all the details. The Blood Moon Crew now has an estimated 95 crew members. We have 73. They have a brigantine with 12 cannons. We have a schooner with 10 cannons. So the truth.” Tod paused. “We are outnumbered and out powered. However, we have been waiting for this moment for a long time. We have a fast and wonderful ship with 73 hard working men. We are ready!” Tod smiled.

  “Then let me know what you want me to do Captain!” John shouted.

  “You could go find Sea Short. I want you to help him with whatever he is working on up on deck.” Tod said.

Yes captain!” John smiled and walked out of Tod's Quarters to look for Sea Short.

  Chapter 8

  John walked around the bottom deck and couldn't seem to find Sea Short. He went up to the top deck and saw Rocket.

  “Hey Rocket!” John waved. Rocket answered with a smile.

  “Do you know where Sea Short is?” John asked him.

  “Sea Short and a few others took a rowboat out further ahead to get a glimpse of things. There doesn't seem to be much wind so Captain sent them out.” Rocket answered.

  “Oh, Captain Tod just told me to look for Sea Short.” John



  “Really? Well you should report back to him to remind him that he isn't here. Just to be sure.”

  “Okay, thanks.” John gave Rocket a quick smile and then returned to Captain Tod's Quarters. John went up to the door and knocked.

  “Come in!” Captain Tod ordered. John opened the door and walked in.

  “What are you doing here? Didn't I just tell you to go help Sea Short?” Tod asked with a raised voice.

  “Rocket told me Sea Short and a few others are out scouting ahead.” John answered.

  “Aye. I must have forgotten, my apologies. In that case, you can get something to eat in the galley and then give Rocket a break.” Tod ordered.

  “Give Rocket a break? Are you sure?” John asked.

  “Aye. We don't have much wind today so it won't be too demanding. It will give ye some practice so get to it!” Tod ordered again.

  “Yes, Captain!” John walked out of the room and went below the deck to the galley. The room was oddly large for the size of the ship however it was probably the neatest room on the ship. There were a few pots on a table in the middle but other than


  that the room was filled with barrels and shelves. Each barrel had a label of a different type of food like “Apples” and “Fish”. The shelves on the other side of the room were nailed to the floor and wall. They were filled with loaves of bread and rum, lots of rum. Theparts of the shelves filled with rum had another piece of wood along the middle the shelf to make sure nothing fell. John decided to grab a bottle of rum, a small loaf of bread, and a few apples. He didn't feel too hungry and wasn't sure how much he should eat because before now food had been brought to him. The top of the Apple barrel came off quite easily. John took the food to his bed and started eating.

  “Ow!” John cried out after he took a bite of the bread. It was extremely stale and was as hard as a rock. John set down the bread and started eating his apples. They were very old but edible and somewhat sweet. After devouring both apples John took