Read John Looples' Revenge Page 3

  a swig of rum which seemed to be the most appetizing thing on the ship. Another crew member came into the room and sat on his bed. He looked over at John and smiled.

  “Ello! You should really try pouring rum on ye bread. It is help ye eat it.” The man advised.

  “Thanks!” John smiled. He poured a little Rum on the end of his bread and took a bite. It was still very hard but had a nice taste to it.


  “There ye go.” The man smiled.

  “Thank you. I haven’t seen you around what's your name?” John asked taking another bite out of his rum-soaked bread.

  “My name isn't really important as ye won't see me anymore.” The man answered.

  “Why not?” John asked again.

  “I'm not fit for this world anymore. I have served on this ship for awhile and decided that once we finally get rid of The Blood Moon Crew I won't have purpose.” The man said solemnly.

  “No purpose?” John asked confused.

  “Aye. The Blood Moon Crew took everything from me. So once I return the favor I'll have nothing.” The man responded.

  “I've lost everything too. The Blood Moon Crew killed the last of my family, my brother, and destroyed my home. That's why I'm here because Tod saved my life.” John explained.

  “We have similar stories you and I. You see my family livedin a fairly large village called Angelos. I was helping the Navy as a carpenter nearby but The Blood Moon Crew killed everyone. I also had a fiance who lived in Gohl but she was murdered.” The man explained.

  “Gohl? I lived in Gohl. Was she killed when The Blood Moon Crew attacked?” John asked.

  “No. When Captain Tod was there for information I asked him


  to give her a letter. The next time I saw him he said she was murdered by a deranged man in town. He was sent to prison but I had lost my future wife.” The man started crying.

  “Wait. What her name Mary?” John asked. The man looked up in awe.

  “Ya, yes it was. How did you know?” The man asked.

  “Captain Tod told me that a women in Gohl named Mary with a fiance in Angelos gave him information about The Blood Moon Crew. He said her fiance was killed there.” John explained.

  Horror grew in The man's eyes and he lashed out in anger at John. John pushed back at him trying to hold him back.

  “Help!” John yelled.

  “How dare you lie to my face! I'll kill you!” The man yelled out in anger. Captain Tod came running into the room sword drawn.

  “I order you to stop Theodore!” Tod yelled. Theodore didn't

  stop and continued to try and strangle John. John was still holding him off but just barely.

  “Theodore!” Tod yelled as he lightly cut the back of Theodore's neck. Theodore stopped and put his hand over the cut.

  “Calm yourself and tell me what John did!” Tod ordered. Theodore tried to calm down but was still furious.

  “He lied to my face about my wives death!” he accused. Tod got a worried expression on his face.


  “If you know he is lying then he's lying!” Tod yelled.

  “You told me you got information from a women named Mary in Gohl who had a dead fiance in Angelos!” John yelled. Tod went to talk but was speechless. Theodore noticed his expression and started crying again.

  “It's true! I can see it on your face! Why did you lie to me?” Theodore cried out. Tod thought for a moment and gathered a sentence.

  “I needed a man with nothing.”

  “What?” Theodore asked confused.

  “I needed a man who would be willing to sacrifice himself to take down The Blood Moon Crew. No one would do it because they had something to look forward to after this. You were the only one who had almost nothing.” Tod explained.

  “No one else here has lost their family?” John asked.

  “Most have lost a lot of their family or part of it but all of them still have something.” Tod answered.

  “You are a sick man!” Theodore proclaimed.

  “I did what was needed for the crew.” Tod said softly.

  “Well I'm not doing the mission anymore.” Theodore answered.

  “You must! It's our only hope!” Tod ordered

  “What mission?” John asked.

  “The scouts we sent out are going to the nearest town to


  steal gunpowder and a sloop. Then they would fill the sloop with gunpowder and Theodore and few others would light the gunpowder and sail it into The Blood Moon Crew's ship. However, most of the crew would use rowboats to escape but one man needs to stay behind to make sure it hits.” Tod explained.

  “And I'm not doing it! I'm doing nothing for you traitor!” Theodore yelled.

  “I'll do it.” John whispered.

  “What?” Tod and Theodore said.

  “I'll do it. Even if Tod lied to you he saved my life and I am here to repay you. So. I'll do it.”

  “Very well.” Tod said. “Report to my Quarters and we will discuss the plan. Theodore you can take the day off. We will talk later.”

  John nodded and Theodore walked off. Tod stood up and

  gestured John to follow. They walked up and into Tod's Quarters.

  Chapter 9

  “Take a seat.”

  “So what's the plan?” John asked.

  “The next few days you will be with Rocket learning how to steer a crew-less ship. Then once the scouts return you will board the sloop and sail into The Blood Moon Crew's ship. The


  other men will take care of the gunpowder.” Tod explained.

  “We will find The Blood Moon Crew by then?” John asked.

  “We have been trailing then for a few days now. We are behind them enough that they can't spot us. We have scouts posted on smaller ships farther ahead so we know their movements.” Tod answered.


  “You're a brave lad. The Redeemer thanks ye.” Tod empathized. John stood up and walked to the corner. He brushed his hand against the wall of the room and looked up with his eyes closed.

  “You understand her now don't ye?” Tod smiled.

  “Aye. I understand.”

  Chapter 10

  “They're here Captain Tod!” a crew member yelled from atop the Crow's Nest.

  John was in Tod's Quarters sitting silently across from each other. Everything had gone by so fast. He had lost his entire

  family and right when he thought he may have found,maybe not another family, but something close he has no choice but to leave them. He owed Tod his life and this was the only way he could repay him. Whether John wanted to be or not he was truly


  alone now.

  “We'll be sailing next to each other for the day. So ye can get a feel for her.” Tod finally said. John just shook his head in response.

  “Boy!” Tod growled. “You're the one who volunteered! Now go do your duty!”

  “I know. It's the only way I can think of to repay you for saving me. I was just hoping I could think of another.” John answered.

  “Aye. Yer time here was short but your impact on these men and The Redeemer will be huge.”

  “Aye.” John left the room and tried to put a smile on his face as we boarded the sloop.

  “Welcome aboard Captain John!” Sea Short greeted John with a smile.

  “Thanks.” John responded. A man handed John a red tricornehat with a gold colored trim.

  “It was my fathers. He was a great man just like you. I'm sorry John” John looked up and saw Theodore. He smiled, took the

  hat from Theodore and placed it on his head.

  “Let's set sail!” John ordered.

  “Aye Captain!” His crew responded. John and Theodore shared smiles and then separated. John took to the wheel and glanced


  back over to The Redeemer. He saw Rocket waving back at him.

  “Just follow me Capt'n Johnnie!” Rocket yelled. John gave
him a wave back and they were off.

  Chapter 11

  “Captain John!” Sea Short said.

  “Aye, Sea Short.”

  “Captain Tod would like to see you in his Quarters. We are very close to The Blood Moon Crew.”

  “Let's board!” John yelled out. When both ships slowed down John and Rocket moved close together.

  “Put down the planks!” John ordered. Several mates carried large wooden planks and laid them down connecting the two ships.

  John walked across and went right into Captain Tod's Quarters.

  “Ye wanted me?” John said.

  “I see ye have started to speak more like us. It catches on it does.” Tod smiled.

  “I guess so. What did you want from me?” John asked again.

  “It seems we are closer than I anticipated. So, sadly.” Tod paused. “We will have to do it tonight.” Tod finished. John

  didn't say anything for a moment.

  “Aye. I'll ready the ship”


  “Your crew has already done it. Now it's just about getting things done.” Tod said.

  “So what's the plan?” John asked.

  “I will take The Redeemer in first with your sloop trailing behind. We will start cannon fire from afar as a distraction. Then you move the sloop in using its speed and crash into them.” Tod explained.

  “Got it.” John answered.

  “Good luck matey.” Tod said as his final words.

  John gave a wimpy smile and then returned to the sloop. The two ships separated and The Redeemer started to pull ahead. The sloop was completely silent. The crew members were preparing the rowboats and waiting at their stations. John was at the helm waiting out his final moments. Sea Short approached him.

  “Captain. I think you should spare some last words.”

  “Aye. Gather the crew.” John ordered. Sea Short went back to the deck and individually rounded up the crew. They were silent.

  “I have only been here for a short time. Most of you know why I'm here but for those of you who don't Tod saved my life. As he may have done the same for many others. The difference between us? I have nothing. The Blood Moon Crew took that all

  away from me! Now I have a chance to redeem myself! It my cost my life but living with all this hate isn't worth it any longer.


  Many people would refer to my actions as heroic. I'm not the only one giving up their life though. The one person who, without them, we would surely fail. This ship.” John caressed the railings near the helm. “The Savior.”

  There was complete silence and then a pop. John fell to his knees in awe. He moved his hand and noticed it was over his chest. Blood was seeping onto his shirt. He fell to the ground silent.

  Chapter 12

  “What? Who shot him!” Sea Short yelled.

  “Shut up ye filthy blood rat!” A familiar voice yelled.

  “Cap-Captain Tod!?” Sea Short yelled.

  “Bring them over!” Tod ordered. The Redeemer stayed a lot closer than anyone thought. The ship slowed and met up with The Savior. Planks were put down and most of the crew members were hauled over by a few other members. All of the ones being forced over were tied up with rope.

  “Now, put up the flag!” Tod ordered.

  “After hauling over everyone the 12 pirates under Captain Tod took out pistols and tied up the rest of the crew. Then 4 of them walked back over to The Redeemer and started raising a flag. It was a dark, eerie red color with the picture of a


  crescent moon in the middle.

  “No!” Sea Short and several other cried out.

  “Oh, yes” Tod snickered. “Now light the fuses and send them afloat!” He grinned.

  “I knew you were a sinister man!” Theodore shouted. “I never trusted you!”

  “Well it's too late now.” Tod grinned again.

  “This was your plan then? Manipulate people you planned to hurt but use them for free labor!?” Sea Short yelled.

  “Close. You see The Blood Moon Crew's Captain is my beloved brother. He wanted to start a fleet of unstoppable pirates. His offer was tremendous so I and the men you see before me agreed. Everyone else, yes, was here so that we could easily expand our wealth.” Tod explained.

  “You're a monster!” Theodore yelled while everyone stared in complete disbelief.

  “Pirate!” Tod taunted. “Oh, speaking of my brother.” Tod smiled. The Blood Moon Crew's ship approached The Redeemer with blazing speed. It started to slow as it got near. They set planks to board The Redeemer and slowly made their way to The Savior.

  “Brother!” The Captain of The Blood Moon Crew said happily.

  “Gareth!” Tod responded.


  “I see everything went as planned” Gareth smiled.

  “Aye. Perfectly.” Tod said.

  “Good. Now mates!” Gareth paused. “Load the ship with the booty!” His crew roared with excitement.

  “Tod, I assume you can take care of the rest.”

  “Aye.” Tod responded.

  “Good.” Gareth turned and walked back to his ship as his crew finished loading the treasure. Then they started sailing to safety.

  “You won't get away with this!” Rocket yelled.

  “Too bad.” Tod smirked. “Light the fuses!” He ordered. Below the deck a few of the crew members lit the fuses and hurried back up.

  “All set let's go!” one of them said.

  “All aboard! Hurry now!” Tod ordered as he walked back to his ship.

  “So long.” He said the last plank was lifted and the began to sail away. The remainder of the crew now on the doomed ship sat in pure silence waiting for their demise. Still in shock from John's death and their captain's betrayal. The fuses got closer and closer to the barrels of gunpowder and The Redeemer got farther and farther away. Some men struggled to release their bonds but could not while most just sat there knowing the


  end was near.

  Chapter 13

  “Ugh. What happened? This pain in my chest. I can't move and everything is black. What's going on?” John's vision started to clear but the pain in his chest worsened. His mobility slowly returned to him and he sat up right.

  “Ah!” John cried out in pain putting his had to his chest. He was still bleeding profusely and couldn't stop it.

  “John!? You're alive!” Rocket yelled. Everyone looked over and shouted out to him.

  “John! The ship is going to explode! You need to do something! Tod betrayed us!” Sea Short explained.

  John tried to stand up but fell back down. The second time he grabbed the railing and lifted himself up to his feet. Still pushing against the railing he walked down the stairs and stumbled to the group of tied up pirates.

  “Here.” John took out a knife but fell to the ground.

  “John!” Sea Short cried out.

  “I think I can reach the knife.” Rocket said. He stretched and after a few tries grabbed a hold of the knife and started to cut himself free.

  “Hurry! There can't be much time!” Theodore told him.


  “I got it!” Rocket yelled.

  “Quickly run downstairs and stop the the fuses!” Sea Short

  cried out. Rocket ran as fast as he could down below the deck and saw the fuses. They were just a few feet away from the gunpowder and moving fast. He dashed over and stomped on all three of the fuses until they went out.

  “Ya!” He yelled out to the heavens. The men above heard him and cried out with joy. Rocket went back up and untied the rest of the crew.

  “Now we have to help John.” Theodore said while rubbing his wrists from the rope burn.

  “Aye. We need to find some bandages and stop that bleeding.” Rocket said.

  “I'll go grab some rum and whatever bandages I can find. The rest of you should get the ship sailing so we can catch up to those bastards!” Sea Short told them. He ran downstairs and went into the galley to grab a bot
tle of rum then he checked the shelves all around the room and found two rolls of bandages next to the loaves of bread. He ran back upstairs and to his surprise the ship was already heading in the direction that Tod and Gareth sailed. Sea Short went over to John and popped open the rum bottle.

  “This is going to hurt. A lot.” Sea Short poured the rum


  over John's wound and he yelled out in pain. “Good your conscious. Now I'm gonna put some bandages on your wound so just

  stay still.” Sea Short explained. John's body eased from the relief of pain while Sea Short wrapped bandages around his chest. After he used up the rolls he tied it tight so that it wouldn't come undone.

  “Thanks.” John managed to say.

  “He'll be fine he just needs some rest.” Sea short reassured everyone.

  “They're coming our way!” Rocket pointed in their ships direction and just on the horizon was The Redeemer.

  Chapter 14

  “We need a plan!” Theodore said.

  “I have one.” John whispered.

  “John said he has one!” Sea Short told everyone. “What is it?”

  “Light the fuses and crash into them.” John advised.

  “Are you kidding?” Sea Short asked.

  “No. The pain in my chest is getting worse and I know I don't have much time. So...” John stopped for a moment and held his chest. “So carry me to the fuses and I'll let them while you escape. They are coming this way anyways we can trap them.” John



  “What? We just saved you! How would you even know when to light the fuses?” Sea Short asked.

  “Let off a hand grenade.” John gave a weak smile.

  “We don't have any other choice!” Rocket said.

  “But we can't just let him die!” Theodore added.

  “It's okay. I finally get to repay Captain Tod.” John gave a little smirk.

  “Aye. Its what he wants.” Sea Short finally agreed. “Theodore help me carry him down to the fuses. Rocket get me a torch. The rest of you get ready to sail in the opposite direction!” Sea Shore ordered. Theodore immediately ran over and helped Sea Short carry John. John tensed up in pain and held his chest tightly. Rocket followed and searched the kitchen for a torch. He found one but it wasn't lit. So he went to the sleeping quarters and looked under each bed. Luckily he found a tinderbox and brought it over to John who was laying on the floor near the three fuses.