Read Jonathan Rush and the Star Academy Page 5

  Chapter Four

  It had been hours since Johnny arrived aboard the Star Academy, and he had still only met Kenzel and Ocelot. Just how big was this space station, anyway? Where was everyone? There were so many questions that he wished to ask.

  Yet just as quiet and timid as ever, Johnny kept them to himself, almost afraid of ruining this adventure, like he was most certain that he would do.

  “How do I look?” Johnny asked Kenzel as he came out of the changing room, dressed in the ceremonial Star Student attire. It consisted of quilted brown robes, much like the one Kenzel was wearing. However, while Kenzel appeared in the garb as a strong and confident leader; Johnny felt more like a kid on his first day of karate class.

  “Like a true student of the Star Academy. You will do great, I am sure of that.” Kenzel reassured him.

  As Kenzel adjusted the fit of Johnny’s clothing, Kenzel almost looked impressed, like the wise Star Knight was witnessing something of importance, Johnny thought. Yet Kenzel was a Star Knight, and had traveled the galaxy saving people, how could a boy impress him like that?

  Kenzel reached into one of his pockets, pulling out a gold colored pin. “I want you to have this,” Kenzel said, clipping the pin to his outfit. “There. It’s a great fit.”

  Johnny grabbed his robes, and pulled the pin closer to him. The pin seemed to be of the Star Academy. The three golden rings glistened in his eyes, hinting at the adventure he hoped to have.

  “Am I the only fourteen year-old at the Star Academy?” questioned Johnny, looking up at Kenzel.

  “There are many babies and children aboard, but yes, you are the only fourteen year-old that will be training as a Star Student,” Kenzel replied. Kenzel motioned for Johnny to follow, and led him out of the room.

  As they walked down the hallway, Johnny remembered that before they met Ocelot, Kenzel was explaining about the different races in The Milky Way. Johnny figured that he better hear about the others before entering a room containing other scary aliens. “Kenzel, you mentioned earlier about the other races, can you tell me about them?” Johnny asked.

  “Sure,” Kenzel started. “First, very few classes of planets are able to sustain life. This leads to similar developmental paths between each similarly-classed planet. Terrans, like us, reside on planets very much like Earth. The aquatic race, like Ocelot, is found on planets with little land mass, forcing evolution to remain under water. There is the reptilian species, usually ill tempered and always deadly. They are found on hotter planets with lush wildlife. The golem race is usually found on rocky planets with no wildlife. They are large creatures with skin as hard as stone. Actually quite friendly and good-humored, I believe you will like them very much. Would you like me to continue?”

  They continued down the hallway, until they reached another open area. In the center of the area was a large glowing blue ring. Kenzel walked them over to the strange ring.

  Johnny tugged on Kenzel’s sleeve as they walked directly in the center of the ring, “Where is everyone? I’ve been here all day, and yet I’ve only met Ocelot and yourself.”

  Kenzel smiled and replied, “Right here. Computer, transport to Grand Hall.” Suddenly the blue glow surrounded the two of them. Johnny started panicking again, but before he could think, a bright light blinded Johnny, and the next second it was over. He could hear people, and lots of them.

  “You can open your eyes now,” Kenzel told him. “There are hundreds of different sections at the Academy; your area, the student section, just happens to be mostly empty. That will all change after today though, young one. Thousands of students will be roaming the halls after today’s events.”

  Johnny felt foolish. He was shocked when he opened his eyes; there were hundreds of people, all hurrying about the station for their own personal reasons. Suddenly the Star Academy seemed much more alive, and welcoming. He saw them, some of the species Kenzel had mentioned.

  “Over there, a Golem!” Johnny exclaimed. He was even bigger then Johnny had imagined. He seemed to be playing a flute for some of the younger children. The Golem seemed to notice Johnny staring, and stuck out his large stone tongue. This startled Johnny, but was quickly eased when the Golem stopped and smiled at Johnny, as if to say he was only joking. He waved to Johnny, and Johnny awkwardly waved back.

  “His name is Kush, good fellow. He plays music for some of the children on board, and is here regularly.” Kenzel said. “Let’s continue on, we still have a bit to go.”

  “Where are we going, Kenzel?” Johnny asked.

  “You’re going to become a Star Student, and begin your training,” Kenzel told him. “At the ceremony you will meet all the other students who will begin their training with you. You will even receive your own personal mentor, your very own Star Knight.”

  “You mean you will not be training me?” Johnny asked, looking upset. Clearly he had an emotional attachment to the wise Star Knight; something Kenzel had realized as well.

  “I will be around, and check in on you frequently,” Kenzel explained. “However, I am the Star Master’s personal right hand. I never take a student as it would be too dangerous.”

  “Star Master?” Johnny asked. There was still much to learn, but this seemed like an important question to ask.

  “The leader of the Star Academy, he oversees all Star Knight Operations in the galaxy,” said Kenzel. “Alright young one, we are here. This is where I leave you.” Kenzel lead Johnny to the end of the Grand Hall, where several children waited in line. “I have to prepare for the ceremony, I will see you inside. Please go line up with the other children; you will be invited in shortly.”

  Johnny did as was told, and waited in line with some of the other children.

  “It’s you,” exclaimed Johnny, who was caught staring at the red-headed girl ahead of him in line. She was the literally the girl of his dreams.

  All the children turned back to look at Johnny, like he was crazy or something; for a moment Johnny started to believe it too.

  Luckily it didn’t last long, and with the sound of trumpets, the line started to move. The ceremony was beginning.

  Johnny followed the other children to a long row of seats. He looked to up and down; the rows were arranged like a theatre, descending until they reached a large stage area. There must have been thousands of other children here.

  Ceremonial trumpets rang out, startling Johnny. The stage lit up in a burst white light. There were three people standing on the stage; one in a white robe, the other two in brown. As Kenzel had explained it to Johnny earlier, all members of the Star Academy wore brown, while white was reserved only for the Star Master.

  Johnny recognized the figure in brown on the right; it was the Star Knight, Kenzel. He must have been a bigger deal than Johnny had originally thought.

  On the other side was a tall, slender woman with long dark purple hair. Johnny was reminded of the woman in his dreams, but this was clearly not one of the monsters from his nightmares.

  In the middle of the two of them was the man in white. He was taller than the other two, and had orange hair all over his face. It was difficult for Johnny to make out from this distance, but he seemed more Monkey than man. This must have been the Star Master that Kenzel had told him about early that day.

  The trumpets quieted down, and all the children took their seats, ready to begin the ceremony.

  “Welcome, young students,” the Star Master began, motioning to the entire stadium. “I am Master Vol Corvan, and I welcome you to the Star Academy. We are the protectors of the Star Alliance. I understand that many of you children were born in systems that are governed by the Star Alliance. However, there are some that have never heard of the Star Alliance before. Let me tell all of you, of our ways.”

  “The Star Alliance spans twelve galaxies, including the Milky Way. We have served the people for over fifty thousand years, and will continue to do so for many more. W
e teach honor and respect for all life in the galaxy. Yet when called upon to do so, we will fight to protect the rights of every civilian of the Star Alliance.”

  “Beside me are two of the highest ranking Star Council members in our galaxy, Star Knight’s Kenzel and Selene,” Master Vol said. “Now, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you children to the rest of your lives.”