Read Jonathan Rush and the Star Academy Page 6

  Chapter Five

  A few weeks had gone by at the Star Academy; and Johnny was receiving lessons from his Star Knight mentor, Davan Dacaco.

  Star Knight Davan was the person that they had assigned to Johnny. He was a thin middle-aged man with a buzz cut. Quite an imposing figure, Johnny was still unsure what to make of his new mentor. He had a strong character, sharp witted, and intense; yet gentle and protective when it came to his student.

  Johnny had hoped for Kenzel to be his teacher and mentor, but was told that was not possible. Kenzel was too important to the Star Academy. Too important to look after a child.

  He still wanted Kenzel to come back into his life. The first person Johnny met in his new surroundings, Kenzel had played a major part in Johnny’s new life, and was the closest thing to a friend Johnny now had. It took Johnny a long time to get used to new people in his life, and Kenzel had made it surprisingly easy.

  Still, Davan was a good man, and someone Johnny thought he could look up to.

  “You attack with recklessness, little man,” Davan said with a smirk. Johnny lunged at Davan, hoping to catch him off guard. Davan stepped to his side, and Johnny hit the floor. Johnny let out a frustrated moan and smacked his fists on the ground. Davan sighed, but understood his frustration. At fourteen years old, he was simply too young to hope to learn many of the techniques Davan hoped to teach.

  “I see fear and panic in you,” said Davan, as he reached out to help his student up.

  Grabbing his hand, Johnny couldn’t help but wonder, how did he know that? Was he so transparent?

  “Let me help you manage that fear you have, buried deep inside you,” said Davan, as he dusted the young student off. “Stop, now close your eyes. I want you to breathe deeply, in through your nose, and out through your mouth. Count to ten, and then open your eyes.”

  “You are always in control,” continued Davan, waiting for Johnny to complete his assignment. “You may not be able to control other people’s perception of you, but they cannot influence your own opinion of yourself. You are your own worst enemy.”

  “It’s not like I don’t want to change, but it’s hard,” Johnny complained. He didn’t like talking about his problems; it only reminded him that he had problems.

  “That is never the same for everyone,” Davan replied. “Some grow out of it; others need to face their fears. In you I see a wonderful moment in time. A defining moment, where you will stand up for yourself and everything you believe in.”

  “How will I know when this defining moment happens?” asked Johnny.

  “You just will,” answered Davan, motioning for them to end the lesson for the day. “Alright, we have had enough training for today, let us sit.”

  He missed his mother. Unable to speak to her on board, he had not seen her since the day he arrived. The people at the Star Academy did not seem to have any bad intentions, so why could he not contact his own mother? Did she even know he was safe?

  “Your mother, Deborah Rush, is fine. She misses you, and we promise you will see her soon,” Davan said without any mention from Johnny. He looked up at Davan in amazement. How could he have known that too?

  Simply smirking back at the boy, Davan said, “One of the many gifts I have been fortunate to learn, I can read the mind of anyone of lesser mental fortitude than myself.”

  That was incredible Johnny thought; he couldn’t wait to learn that one.

  “Unfortunately, the body and mind do not work like that, little man. The abilities I have learned come from my own mind, and life experiences,” Davan said. Your mother always told you that you are special. She was right, and the abilities that you come to learn will be a reflection of your mind and soul. Unfortunately, the rest will have to wait for tomorrow, today’s lesson is over.”

  Johnny had yet to have any real breakthroughs in his training; maybe the next day would yield better results. He already had hours of Quantum Math and Interstellar Geography homework waiting for him. Johnny grabbed his textbooks, and left. As Johnny walked out, he waved and said goodbye to Davan for the day.

  Johnny was walking home down the Grand Hall; the same route he always took. He always kept to himself, never getting to know his new peers.

  That was not entirely true. He would listen to them having fun, while he sat apart, too afraid to introduce himself. He was two years younger than everyone else. They were bigger than he was, and they all were learning the techniques of the Star Academy. Too intimidated, he just kept to himself.

  That’s when he saw her again, the girl of his dreams. She was walking with a few friends in the opposite direction. As they passed, Johnny’s head drifted in her direction. He couldn’t explain why this girl was in his dreams, and it intrigued him. That’s when it happened; he had met his first reptilian.

  They collided with a thud. Johnny, not looking where he was going, had walked right into one of the Reptilian students. Johnny was knocked down, but the reptilian barely seemed to move. He was much larger then Johnny, and looked angry. He looked like a large lizard with arms and legs. Large and long teeth, Johnny couldn’t stop looking at the teeth.

  “Getting a good look, terran?” the reptilian barked at Johnny. Johnny realized he was staring and apologized. The reptilian did not accept the apology and pushed Johnny back on the ground. “You walked in to me, terran. You will not make that mistake again, I assure you.”

  As Johnny tried to get up a third time, again the reptilian pushed him back to the floor.

  “Stop it Jarren!” a girl screamed, running over to Johnny. He looked up, and saw the same red-headed girl, standing over him. He never thought this was how they were going to meet. She clenched her fists and stood between Johnny and Jarren.

  “Are you going to challenge me, tiny girl?” Jarren mocked. Both of them knew that Jarren was the stronger fighter. That didn’t keep her from standing her ground. She was trembling, but made it clear she wasn’t backing down.

  Paralyzed with fear, and unable to even get up to run away, Johnny lay on the ground. He was going to let the girl of his dreams get beaten up when all she was doing was trying to rescue him from a bully. He couldn’t feel any lower about himself.

  Suddenly, the ground started to shake, and shake. Deep, pounding stomps and they were getting closer. All three students looked behind them to see the large Golem, Kush; he stood there, looking down on them all.

  “What do we have here, children? I hope we aren’t planning on using violence to settle our disputes?” Kush asked the three young students. Crossing his arms, he gave the best frown his rocky face could manage. It was pretty good actually, and both the girl and Johnny apologized. “And you, Mister Jarren?”

  “Me? I am a Star Student; I am being trained as a weapon of the Star Alliance to protect you civilians,” responded Jarren, sarcastically.

  “True, while I may not be an honored member of the Star Academy, like you; I have lived among them on this station for over five hundred years. I believe I know them and their ways very well. Let me assure you that they are training you as the last line of defense for those that cannot defend themselves.” Kush stated. He was wise, and someone Johnny believed he should try and get to know. “You have been given a great blessing Mister Jarren, try not to waste it.”

  Jarren, embarrassed, knew this was a battle he could not win, walked away in a huff.

  The girl looked down at Johnny and smiled. She helped him up and they both returned their gaze to Kush.

  “You did well Miss Amy,” Kush said. “Who is the young Mister?”

  “Uh…I’m sorry, I’m Johnny,” Johnny said. Obviously, alien encounters were still not coming easy to him.

  “Mister Johnny it is! No need to be sorry lad. I remember seeing you a couple weeks back with Mister Kenzel, it is very nice to meet you,” said Kush.

  Johnny was reminded that he had not seen Kenzel since the ceremony. He missed Ken
zel, and hoped to see him again soon. Kush excused himself, and left Johnny and Amy to themselves.

  “Are you alright?” Amy asked. Johnny nodded his head and she dusted him off. “Jarren can be a real pain, you have to stand up to him or he will never stop harassing you. I’m Amy Dora, nice to meet you Johnny.”

  “Hi. Nice to meet you…my name is Jonathan Rush. Wait, sorry you already knew that. Nice to meet you…no, I…I said that before,” Johnny stuttered. He was never good at talking to girls, and this girl was unlike any other. They shared a connection, whether Amy realized it or not; even if Johnny himself didn’t understand it.

  “You’re cute,” Amy giggled. She turned around to walk back to her friends, waving goodbye to Johnny.

  Johnny was unsure what to make of everything. He met another new bully, but he also finally met the girl he’s been dreaming of talking to. Johnny picked up his books and continued back to his room.

  Having made his way back to his room, he threw himself on his bed, exhausted from the events of the day.

  “What a long day,” Johnny sighed. “Now I’ve only got two hours of homework. Great.”

  Johnny groaned, and sat up from bed. Who would have thought a galactic hero in training would have so much math and geography? He contemplated, whether or not Davan would be fooled by the old “dog ate my homework” routine; or if he even knew what a dog was.