Read Josephine Stein Page 5

As a follow-through, she performed in an sagacious-convocation. With childhood, as now she had the magnitude the muse for attention and focus of punctual-lattitude... And this resound proficiencies that gave her now, the vancive-prowess resound and entered into a long-line of will, 'work' and residing... And her personal-background of family, friends and fortitude were on which things could grow, create and expound in this-case: wriitng-art and virtuoso-consistency... The abided insistence-to rise, propound and prove the exacting-vector, of what was in a presiding, and purpose... And now the 'sharpness' of Simon Wynchyme, the avidness of thirty-five other books and the invocation of art, its contention and the redeeming idiomatic conundrum of the form. This profound professive and both a donning duty and determination. It had become a massive integration, which now seemed a pinnacle 'Simon Wynchyme' would again prove an accountable adulation for her fans, her-friends and firm.

  It would be a long-night in April of '13. When the many affinities would merge-over time and test. A tantamouint implicity of mainstream ideas and venturings. The promise of art, design and demonstration to be vital and vast. A great time for a writer. Spring-snow had ended and a warm-up was expected and to ring-in a new exciting convenience; for all New York was again 'alive' with activity. The many enticings could again occur outside and at many outdoor venues... Knowing New York, was always of some vibrance. Now most would venture-out more populously. The once dull-sunlight became etched with illumination. The many atonements were again being met and affixed. The world and New York were becoming awakened. Her latest had now 'resided' on the Best-seller's List for a while. The many affixed and transfixed eloquences where of times and temptations. In a formal-graduation annd 'goals', she presided in its full-bloom. And now that being began, she wanted to attend to her garden and its blooms... With a turn-around the corner, there were other genuine things to be done. Beginning with close-friends and the future-designs, they were strategizing to get-done...

  It was a full-story of her life. By 6:45 am, when Josephine had reviewed papers and eestablished consent-decrees with her-assistant, she would do some computing and then headed-off to bed. She was astute as usual, sharp as a 'tack'. Rarely, did any concerns, details or errors get passed her discerning-eye. It was either a term of survival for her, as tacit and tactfulness in an-elusion. As she close-out the computer interface, she'd written down notes in a denotation... In her very dynamic-past, she gained an accuracy at taking her-responsibilities, rules and rudimentary-ideas, seriously. Much as a child had proven to be, in an determinate-delineation. Which was enjoyable, as a success. As she gained her possessed-provisions in life, the promise and pride made for her emotions and impact deservedly, rewarded. The computer she'd downed, as the night was full; she'd eaten an early-meal to catch-up before warm weather duties...

  As an adroit-affiliation to all she'd been improved by her achievements she'd become an efficient aficionado of what she'd experienced. The maturity, she'd had a perfection; she'd became talented and the wisdom, of which she'd been instilled; had made for a rich and relative-life. As usual, she was in her-days of regeneration and agility. As most good artist professionals and individuals, she'd acceded to take time-out. And that night's sleep would be a time of personal-rest and relaxation. Though, she'd been in her time of down, in the last 8-weeks; loose-ends, had to be done; and now, she could begin... The cool-breezes began to blow. The coast-line out on the sea saw winds-sweptness which blew on the island during season-changes. The sea-traffic would pick-up and once the warm-weather in-deeds, duties and vacationers happened; things, would again pick-up, after being 'windy'. As Josephine slept, the many 'go-getters' of all kinds would be doubling-up, and the true-mercantilists would be devoting to their time to establishing business.

  The night-skies clouded up and the moon sat high in the Northern-sky. The house was warm as Sarah set the Spring-warmth about the thermostat. It was Tuesay, Josephine slept placidly and restfully. As the hush of night rose the dark of the bedroom fell away and became a large torch-lit vestibule of duty and seriousness. A Warlock's hall of mystics adjourned into sincere-seriousness... Josephine was one with the end of human-existence, which came as the surreal-protocol of nocturnal provisions... It was the outside of a conscientious leading to a concerted and careful-cognizance. She'd came to realize that she had purpose there. An all-traversing, all excursive-development which was as well a derived, devotion. It was an extolling, and encompassing. An egregious over-night congruency, for which purpose and propriety, was privilege and prevailing; adequacy and adamancy. It worked-on all the instances, she fulfilled her-dream world, rested-upon her actual-world.

  The journeys through space and time. were her life-long epitomes. They were as 'deep' and profound to the other. Yet neither did she give-up because of all her-experiences. She'd come to be espoused-in youth, when life congealed-into, and formed; focused and had been fortune. With life's expedition and an exposition it was a careful-growth, and contention. One, which human-endeavor, obstensity, prologue and interplayed-in instance, and to be understood. And so as in childhood, as in one being immaculately and imminently, successful; called-decisive, by terms. Though, it seemed a 'virtue' and void, venue and veneration; duty and utter-deriving, both were a part of her existence... Rather though disciplined, or diffusive she accepted and understood the 'prospects' of her-life... Over time the art, arrival and articulation had as many things in life as had refounded-itself. It was a proceival, vying and pervasive... ...And as a student of life, liberal and literally, in a pro-connotation; which was an evolving of time and choices.

  Night, was a fantastic-period, from the resolute-consecutive, to apprised and privied-volunteer involvement, she understood, utilized and unitized a convention-of life, living and lament. What was in a perceptive provision of timing, terms and termerity. She accepted both the 'voyage'-of life, and of voyeur-of nature. The deep darkness and design of exquisite-dimension. A deep-hue like purple-dimness, as the 'practiced' electric-hue of a movie or prism; but ungulatingly, proper... In this a vibrant-odor of obliging, and as ochre-color which made things ever imminent. It was as if everything was a passion of 'colors'. She dreamed-in an 'impassion' and proctor. An instilling of a fathom and order; while observing all this she was alert to the designing conscience of the mystic-'entities' there. She and they, were special... ...A spectacle and expound, intricacies; powerful yet paralleled. And as the many expectations from times long ago and now were all reproved and replete. A possession in determination and precipitation, for which she took advantage, of it all. That night, in an unknown-darkness, and in knowing day-development she was a part of what was her whole living-experience...

  Just as one-guided and fares, in a devised-conscience and wisdom; there was two-sides to being and benefaction... ...Josephine, over time realized that one way or the other, one had to be preserved, and not forgotten. She believed there was a 'purpose' to 'all'-sides of her life. That there would be redeeming and reinvention to what was important in life. Life in this-world would always be short and as she'd come to be learned as achieved there would always be exception and expiration. And how far we go from start to finish is still a line of conviction and acceptance. Josephine thought long ago that with living; one becomes actuated and of' 'gestalt' through-out... From the ease and understanding of work, will and wisdom to the persistance and conviction of self, certainty and certain-sophistication, it was as in a liberation of self and sanctity. And the enrichment of what was honors, ode and order; which were inclemental steps to an end, or perhaps an 'eternity'. Prosperity, which had granted Josephine's lifestyle, was a part of what was her-life. She knew, there was perhaps a purpose for which she was growing and changing.

  Perhaps, a perpetual instrumental-institution, for which the betterment of the world, was being 'conanized'. What was a cause, conderation, consistency; and a controlling-commandment; for which a life, was lead and brought to what coul
d be a cause ultimately, illogical to people or the world. A 'whole', to a part of which living and being-deceased are corrrespondently, compensatory. What could be a corroberatory-ellition. That as the night was engaged; in another day, a transcending and transallocation of intrinsic-energies of 'mind' and brain. An instrumentalized collective-virtue for which Josephine had a deep-understanding. A preeminent-prescription of time and talent, for which instance and integrity, having proved the presence of a necessary-presound.

  There was much entity, engagement, encounter and encompass to what had become of her existence. The many verging-forths, for which the many times of a life-time of experiences for which society and posterity; proved demiseful, yet redeeming; in the defining-discourse of heart and hope, handed-down through all cultures. Josephine, realized she would only make-up a simple-'cog', even with all her talents and triumphs. As she portrayed an 'unawares'-beingness which lasted all her life, but was understood as a commandingly, conciliation of a consortium of contact, consigning and utter-concertion... As this absolute 'nare-due-well' mentality; she had to take it as it came. But there was 'sensational'-simplicity to it all... A strange-madness, which went back eons. An undulate-duress for which geniuses and mad-men, resided. A 'tingling'-cause of 'grace' and grandeur for which only they could understand. An imperfect and improbable wisdom, bestowed upon them, alone. A crisp-largesse, once fathomed, leads to his final-path-allusional and outstanding. What would perplexed average-men, is a simple-logical deduction...

  ...So as devotedness fell-away to dutiful digest; everyone wanting a muse, succeeds at a thought ultimate-understudy. The plying-laws of dubitable and understanding; fill-in the plot-of life, love and commutation. An impassive-'virtue', pertinent and persistent. So as these many conditions-prefixed and patterned; she put-together the incensed understanding of her life... A treminal-transition that prose and 'flex' by intent and ideology. As most, she looked-back on things like a 'sage', and as valuable, as one. It was true, the truly-great things were very simple and great; and immensity of time and place, which were idioms. And now, as the reality and ratifying of advancing and virtue; of her mind and mentality, she had her own resolute reality to understand. People of great-power and distinction knew they'd had to fulfilll a role. An atmost relative-'religiosity' for what was once much 'proven', was now 'purposeful'. As she had understood 'life' now, she realized its meaning, as a flower-blossoming in full-beauty.

  A thing of immaculate-power and passion; perceived and preponderant, to its 'finality' and in its difficult-growth to reach this 'point'... By what was a precept and prononent-perceived and pretexted, by a life. She knew early-in life that with choices came a deep-sense of a commanding-control. ...That 'possibilities', came with promise and potential-relevance. That with all things, one had to be a provident and profound, eventuality... A redemptuous-choice and chosenness, availed and advocated. In what was an interest to 'perfect' and allude-to by being in a presound. It was an 'honor', and hope-of a promise; that a grand-responsibility was to be persistent and prevailing. And a prevalence, to which was a term-of chosen; tempestuously, experienced and understood. As she profited, gained and was given-interest and intention; it came with an 'attesting' and attaining. It was a 'possession', not to be misused or misunderstood. Of an eventual impact and 'cause'; one, had to 'pull-back' and understand; in a 'deep-sense' of subjectivity, and subjugation. It was a sophisticate-ennobling, forth with was as the process and perfection; requiring a deeper-sense of 'choices' and innovation.

  In the 'inner'-soul of professive and perfective-properties; in the many 'joys' and sadnesses... Which were simply-steps to a provident-goal... Being persistent and having propensity that meant life could be fulfilled, and followed-through. Which was that life, was unpredictable and profound, that was ingenuious and injuring by its natural-course... As, in what people and purpose were to conjure-up, and came to be endured. In what she, and many others come to experience, and be exposed. Josephine had already known perceptions and provenness out her learning-years. ...And the guisings of a work; and personal-transformation. ...She became instilled, and as in an instituent... As she grasped, attained and understood her-abilities; and focused her energies into a collective-collegiance... A term of survival and center-surfacing, for which men and owmen were appointed and proposed... And the many actualities, processives and espousings; that which was in a pretense and protocol. One had to be proven, advantageous and perfective. Which could not be done in disearnestness.

  As she learned as a child, it would be a dawning-of deriving and tenuative to the strong-carraige of life, living and learning. This ever-present, perceptiveness also had an inward limit and eventual-logment. For which person and precept, were to lead to being-in an advancive. The admission, attitude and understanding by which made for a duty and determination; as a path of life and living. A perspective-attaining and strident-stood and prolicitiousness... An addendum, to the sanctity of life and living standard... A living-liturgy, by which exaction and acceptance prove voiding and a livelihood-expurgations. A living and breathing-perception and prowess, distinct and destined. For her life's meaning had been 'easy' and quite requaintive; but also the personal-lessons, were as forceful, focused and fortune. As she realized, the careful and consumptive-intent and interest were images; fortified as an incense and understanding by interpretational-reticence and rationale.

  The cold early Spring-night travailed-on, the high-set moon grew bright then fell low on the horizon. The sky cleared and cool-breezes became southern tempid-breezes. The chill and humidity became a dry warm-wind. By late-evening and early-morn, the starlit night-fall, was fell by an open-cooling and solemnness... The now, silent 'hush' broadened through-out the new and breaking-day. The many sinues of early, converted designs, prevailed and stood invested of the many-'trampsings'. The avacive-tacits went from a cold-culmenation to a warm dimness. ...And Josephine was dormant, in her driven-rest. The devoid that was her-size, went no further in the here and now... The presence-of what was a 'harbinger'-of time, and time-traversing treatises... A tenet of choice and traversity, challenged and transfixed-of trial and nature. Josephine was at the door of objective, and oblivion. In a 'world' of prospects, possibilities and choices... The many aristaes as the day and night, morning and evening-evan and evanescently, plied and pressed in the redeeming of earth's rise-and-fall. The illucid-world of darkness and light, hidden and 'bright'; fell slowly into each's others' place. The proctor and perception again a 'role'.

  The many theories of presence and existence, resided andd came into its own. People of conscience-proved, and would again profess-of devising and determination. An outstanding pretense and pretext brought to a 'yarring'-precipitousness. A private comprehension, a forded-fortune and fortuitousness; preluded and practiced. The spectacle 'pin-wheel', of a chosen decision; that fell-ever abruptly, into place. An instilling 'precis', by perception. ...Asterisked and by aptitude, which was again, laid and understood. Once being discharged, was imported to terms and presentness. An 'adventure', laid-down on hardened-ground; and gravitated into an embarking-empowerment... By what was on intuitive-proper, perniciousness; provided and contentious...

  She opened her-eyes and could see from the world-of material and 'space'. The 'dynamic'-collusion: materialized, muted and morphed-into a solid-design. Sleep, had a way of transitory-knowldege gravitating and affixing in life-visions and virtues. Persisting, and promulgating in-'tenses'; and transfixed-in one personal and private-contention... ...Like 'babies', we are ever-'underlings' of unconscious-understanding... Proprietary and preemptive-posings, and ponderings-in a ordinal-cavalcade of selfly, images and ideas. It is those that are with great-articulations; which can ensue and understand-in the present, at least. The prenatious-attempts and understandings, are constructive-'blocks' of all life's issues. Attempts to insinuate and deduce; confess and utilize, in the evocular of a stamina-standard.
An active and controlled-indolence of a presounding-presence, and proctor. The involition-of timing and transversed-conviction; counted and countered... In the 'tingle' of again, being alive and a perceiving-diffection; ordinated and proved; it required an instant-instinct of cause... The intrinsic and 'infinity' of night-to-day, was as beset as consciousness-to-sleep... A great-'berg' of belief, and beyond. A construct-of unselfish to the abstract of alertness...

  A proving-'practice' and proctor; purposeful and proposed, in a life. The prehensile-precipice and living-standard; daunted, and into a position-for life... An expounded-on in ultimate-choices. What we all learn, is an instance of intimate-'choices'. The congeal of the ominousness of pain and profoundness. The presence and projection, adjured and alloted-in an impetual 'soundness' to a solace and servatude. A living-prognosis of mind; proposed and prepared. The peered-progression of dawnful-theme, proceeded and pressed-on in all the elements; waxed and waned into a privilege-perception. All the emotions, senses and thoughts that came-together in an intense and anointing concision. Josephine awoke-in dimension and personal-divide. The heat, which came through the heating-vents poured into the bedroom. The lights of 'awakeneness' were in turned-on by her astute-maid. The sheets were warm from body-heat, and the comforter once cool from the evening-before were settled and pressed-by sleep.

  The windows were still-dark from not yet dawn of earlier-Spring. Her slippers were set where she laid them in lilting-drowsiness. A once transfixed trusted-bed lay, was now a provision of alerting-redefinition. An instance and underscore of peremptory and in affliction. The tired-understanding, had dissolved and left; deserved-defection of 'dark' to 'dawn'. Like, in the reatonement of hope and perception; dawn came in atmost-abundance and innate-conviction. By what was in a coefficient-of life. A practical-present-stance to be provided, and a menially, practicality and pre-situation. A collective-cause of mind and body. What she came to 'see', was a consistent-collusiveness. The power and vision-of mind, distilled and rejuvenated by context and cause... Competent-recharge, over content and mastery, to be again readied for functioning. ...A ritual-rationale, to the many factors of choices and faulst, relived and readied-for readvantaging.

  The 'technical' Fine-Arts, as the rationary-relatives of form and function; reatricated to portray and confess, as the 'crafter' of duties and design. In what was an integrated-design of physical, personal and private-structure. And now, the 'eustress' of accomodating a brand-new day, was produced and ready for profiting. And now the preliminary-advocacy by what averted with a deciding of day proved-obvious and 'pale' to an enlivened-existence. Wednesday, would be attended to and motivated. April 26, 2013 would be accessed, and extenuated. Just as a new-day provoked and invigorated to new incentiveness. A passion for life would be 'spelled-out for another day... While young-Josephine was an astute student, precocious-person and adroit-talent... The many precis and prospects were delineating-grounds for those pensive, and propitious... An accurate-assound Josephine, stood to be a part. An assounding-agregate vancing and vocal. In what was the morning 'fissured' and officated; then, she focused and functioned under impart of inward-provisions.

  ...In what espoused and expounded-in the determined-deriving of young-awakening and curiosity. Her-curiosity proved itself, and the many the diffections-instilled, inciting and diligence in its own 'calling'... While a youth of 11, she was a strident and stressive-student, in her junior-year at high-school. As she-chose and proven, the validation and skills, her progressive-times were spent outside-of class envisioning, propensity and prospects... With the mutual-conceiving and overbaring exponence, of duty and derivative; as choice and not protocol her-mind, expanded and expounded... In what naturally, became an exact-competence and ventureship. As a high-schooler, she prevailed in-perception and presiding-determination. A careful-contentiousness, pretension, and practical. And it layed-out before her by parents, teachers, friends and studies; to being a very practical-person. Being a newly, refined-individual; she was able to explore and define her-allusions and incentives. Mr. Stein enjoyed, and would always, his only-child's growing significances...

  Perhaps, fortunately he congealed the effectiveness of a scholarly-'aptitude'. A wonderful personal-indulgence which never went without. Her brain, grew more articulate with time and testament... With time her mind out-grew her father's by 14, when she was chosen for her many sensible-abilities classes. She grew like a Spring Daisy and was more mentally, blossomed with every new-day. A valient and devoted person of a denoted-entity. ...She in the early days of accord and concision, was professing and proving herself. The early-days were working-temptations of all that was 'new' and vivid. A growing and adamant, adoptive proving and proceiving in digest and conjunction. The grand-'joys' and evan; by which was come to evoke and conceive of duty and development. An assertion of ageal and self-investment. Living-to reach and reside, as a 'pillar' of educative-standards, statuses and studiousness. A doctrining-lamination, that began in her time; a regal-tandem and entitled-division...

  A honest and honorable, instilling; by which she came to know understanding, and interpret the world... An implicative-didactic, fluent and dissidual-to attaining and climbing fortuitive-scale. The days-of youth, were engaging in devoted and developmental-instituence. A prromise and pride, positive, arduousness and impact-devising... An incense and technicality, vibrant and allusional; apprisingly and properly, of pinnacle. The virtued and vestige of thought and theory; flamboyantly in an active-agility and introspective-vied and vantage-forth. ...A productive-parenthesis by which is vocal, and given to be revitalized... An instance and energy, a time to impress and empower; by the facet of self and consistency. Mr. Stein, a competant man, had seen nothing like-it. She impressed him, beyond all likelihood. A judgment he'd come to be fully-extolled. With a mentality and modality, in education and the force-of truly, learning in what could have been an 'occult'-implicity...

  En par with mission and emergence, which proved avant guarde, and a continual... She had no trouble being espoused or inspirational; it came easy, and as essaying; in the perception and a predictive-predominance... She was young, with an adult-ableness; which made for an ease-of essence and existential; which teachers, classmates and father was easily, evinced by... A principle and prosounding-precipice by which a burgeoning-energy and vision was coming into being and bestowal; self-impactual, to be in a new 'faction'. A prospering-prognostication, proven and prevailed. And her-personal intentiolns and energetics was a breathe of fresh-air. What was a intoxication-virtue of thought, theory and theme, she was in her-medium and others just stood back. The great art impending-mind, procession that blew like the 'wind'. An impactual proceival-admix with ardent, educational-'toxicicity' and verging-forth empowered embroach... The implicity and simplicity just invigorated-all who came to know her; and she accountingly, confessed and was invested in a portent personality proponent-perceptiveness...

  The airs, of once funneled private-vortex, became the winds of day blowing on the window of her bathroom and the drizzle of a shower falling upon her head. Her hair was mix with the youthful Auburn-brown and flaxen. She remembered her father's hair, being very much as hers at 38, she was six, she'd read about hair-follicles, keratin and aging from a 'big'-10 years old, she understood vividly, that both her father was aging and that she wanted to understand even more... Now, she was a well-rounded person of 37, her 38th birthday was coming soon. She wanted to visit Ethel before Spring was fully-expressed. Spring was a time of energy and wonder, seeing it would repose a new refresher, for atime. The turning agnosticism of time and attesting, had began to reprove itself in all things, even 'theory'... Even smart men and men-aged, and became an aged-articulation. But the one-thing, she didn't have to do without, was a cognitive-mind...

  As much of life is a journey, with or without creativity. Josephine, was dressing as sure as her aunt anf father had; she was quite the excelling-con
scriber, vacive and convictive; in so much earnate-scholarliness. But that wasn't everything, or every dimension. Although, she didn't export or exploit-in true-deliberation she couldn't speak for others or in assertive over-assurety... She had remebered, how one by one, the once-charm of childly, excellence to adulthood were infuting and espoused. A precision and priceless contamation, and essence. A preliminary, allegory for which life 'spaced'-itself. There was no lesson to life no matter how much you studied it, it went beyond understanding. It was a background-lesson taught, ungloriously, by time. She was a solid-virtuoso and that understood was an ordinal-implication-of thought and forbearance... It, too was a lesson of ultimatude.

  As she poured herself a cup of coffee, the sky was electric blue-over the tree-line. The immaculate kitchen had a table for her and three others; a stainless steel design. And an Island-set toward the wall; where stove, frig and dishwasher sat. There could be intimate meals there, and at-times night-caps and evening soires. The window was on the backside, were her garden; long dormant, sat since last-Spring. She'd decorated it herself, and with all the redesigns; with the help of decorator-friends... It had been admired for several years and she was getting calls and inquiries from friends of a friend about the new-designs she might be interested-in... Her many acquaintances knew of her in-door auspicions. It being New York, and the wealthy; it was time for a change figuratively and mentally... It was enticing but she was more a 'vanguard' for sanctity, so she'd considered calling somewhat in any and all-impressive friends; with her procrastinating staunchness, it might be the 'In'-thing...

  As she began breakfast, she'd call her-friend on the South-Atlantic coast, about things... It would be a good year, she wanted to enjoy the sea and surf in the Sun. Visit hot-spots and relax along the shore. Sea-food, sear-air and sunshine sounded good for her old-bones. She'd call in a flight-made, and give Sara a vacation. And it being by mid-April she explore a new work... The new-season meant new-convocation and ideas; interests of intent and new-visions. Her parents had taught her to take time-out to enjoy and relax because you couldn't get time back. It, like many things, was a lesson in gratuity. How one chose to perform and perfect, one's personal schedule was an afford and affectation, of terms and times. As sure as Josephine's intrinsic and essential-priorities, were being congealed-in, all her-experiences; she gained extrinsic-knowledge about the who, what and how of a purposeful life. An actual and incentive-instance, and understanding; fused into parental-issues and intentions. A relied-on upon purpose idealized and projected, into the future and its innate-fostering. Being beyond-theoretic, but in incentive and intricacy... Jewish-life was an interpretation and intensity about life and living. The actuation-followed, rather than and focused agealingly...

  What became an innate self-compendium. ...Now, not wanting or wasting of time, or frittering about most things. She remembered them like her parents and a self-perceptive passion. What, with a knowledge, fell upon lines. She came to embrace and commit to the facetive, with love and admiration. It was a close and intimate-relationship; an experience that had come to last a life-time. It, with the joys and sorrows of life, was engendered and encountered as a proud-'litany'. The interested-encompassing, was passed-on, in Jew heritage and heart-felt homage... Many things her-parents taught her, but the one's she kept and endeared was the processes and provisions; which were personal-investment in the philosphy of self-fortune, and fundamental. In this commitment, consideration and care were 'hallowed' and heralded; through-out the forces of life. There were forces, factors in infusion and perfected, as it had always been. It was a superbly, superlative-resolve and recourse-of living.

  A possibly, injected-condition and concerted-causality; it was a pupil-ascending and accomplished in, in a strict and strident-nurture. She came to love and intensely, loved and appreciate all-of it. An incensed and intermittent-score of fortune and foundry; of family and foundation in the self. There were many provisions and protocol; that advocated and advanced-in sense and sentimentality, perfusive and perfunctive. As she'd proven and prevailed. A principle-perdition, intact and understanding. A presiding and projective-fulfilling, utterstance; availing in chance and chosenness... Where studies taught her-instruction; family, brought reinforcing diligence and patient-passion to which only individual-commitment and character, not only portrayed but perfected. It was a conferring lesson for which a concise and inward exacting, in exemplary allowed a careful-placing of the devising 'bricks' of denisonship. Adroitness, had its drop-off point; but what her parents and kin taught was mainly, being immaculate and mentally, motivational.

  As she readied for the day, the sun rose in the eastern sky. The brightness drew across the clouds with a brilliant light-phase... An infinite-'space' of horizon, was penetrated and fumed with a 'sheen'. Rain, had been predicted by night-fall. If they were lucky, it would be early nightfall when the transit-rain would deliver a missive-rainfall... But the 'day' would be breezy and commulling warmth. In New York, that was what you could expect and be exonerated... An instance and energy-infatuate in residents as any where, from blizzard to heatwave. The promise of tacit cloudy-day and dull-climate, which for the region was set 'tight'. Josephine was out the door with a good-bye and gravated to her cab-heading to the east-side to meet with a friend's family. There were things, more important-tasks; but few met the fortune and foster of her one time fellow-concert-goer, Tanya Richfield, a quiet and even-set retiree and now reclusive-senior.

  There was more to be said about Tanya, a nurse, single-mother, and independent Fine Arts-legend. She was said to have invested in the stock-market in '76 and was worth millions. But with her kids moved-on, no longer a nurse and committed New York-trekker; she lived in lower-Brooklyn because that was cheapest and where friends congregated... Speak-Easies, nightclubs and youthful try-outs went there to gain experience. She loved and devoted her-life to the religion of rectoral-knowledge. An honorable yet imperceptive reason to live-by. But there was much less relatives and 'ratifiers' to go by. She was a maeven of motivity and majesty; in a person's strength and good-will. She was in the style of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin and other greats of the New York institution... Only, she kept a low-profile. New York in the '70s was considered a drug-induced social, despotic, edge-of fads and models infamous-district of town... There was violence, property and population pervaying of many kinds... The lights on Broadway were seen as the last of a dying Mecca... Social and political dispora was culturally, thinning-out, so much so that the city's character was fading.

  Many once great and grand institutions, were dying and being forgotten. Then movie-stars and famous-performed with a New York background came together with important friends and decided to begin a new revival, stimulus to reinvigorate one of the greatest-societies in the world. Tanya, once a leading and social-leader while showing interests and under-study, in promoting the designs; while a head-nurse of one of the city's largest-hospitals and having money left from family expenses after being left by an alcoholic-husband. Nursing commitment to an art or the determination of sheer-will to help her-area; she had forrmed a finance and frugalness, which would guide others in what was needed for the life's blood of New York. When Ms. Richfield got involved a new-direction, was facilitated. She, a renown-clinical offical, was a three-prong targetter for New York dimensisonal-officiation; and a focal-point to proceed in an evidentiary-effort. She had gained many friends while being the enactor-of cause and cures...

  After which many fans and supporters joined the crude and affective-affiliation, determined and destined to be effectively, benefactored... An eloquent-job, for even a more eloquent lady. Her-perception through all this, was 'spot-on', there was no defects or divergings-hoped. Her-knowledge of people, places and prepounderings, hoped to 'fuse' and finitize, an objective and inspiration to the whole entering; so which lead to an enfranchisement of surmisement and successulness... She'd been written-up in newspapers
as a new-heroine to the channels of burgeoning; to New York's essential-consoling. '...A Nurse for our City'; read the New York Post, the Wall Street Journal gave a mention of a person of the week, in inner-stance... Before too long, the careful conferments given to an ovation as overture to times, people and place. By the time, Tanya was on 'Easy Street', amalgamating years of scrimping and saving; and giving to a self-central vortex of an imminent-power of money.

  By '87, she was one of the most austere and enigmatic women of New York notoriety. .. Then, in '90, she withdrew to a small-home on the lower-Eastside where income and self-identity was left to the young and talented. But the reality, for some, still 'rang-true', she was special and most true New York-denisons knew it... But New York had a way of 'paving' roads and rolling-on... But also there was an impathic-science and revelry, others would and should take to heart; riding along the many row-houses and residences, along a lonely worn-street down to a quiet well-kept cottage, to 2463 Woodenlader Place... A carefully, fortune but solitary place. She was as a engineer in self-astonishment. .. Josephine wanted to savor a 'soul' of a virtual connotation; for a while longer. She knew the area where she lived and stayed... She was told that her needs were taken care of. She also knew that her experience and intention was quite an overture. With a sense of skill scope Josephine knew she'd be recognize and an old friend of once perspective-years would again prove-worthy. The door, was covered in artificial-flowers; the knob was still 'shiney' from newness, the fan-shape door-glass was dim with a curtain on the inside.

  As she knocked, the cavernous inside, probably meant a resolute inner-sanctum... She knocked several times and then the door 'opened', resolutely. A lady, with white-hair, a mu-mu dress, stockings and patent-brown shoes looked-out. She was all of 5'9” tall, perhaps several inches lower with time. She was not 'fat', just stout, attractive and addressing. ...She looked into her-eyes, and there was an atoning of vision. She was invited-in and asked if she was hungry. They snacked on tea and cookies. Urges and energies had subsided, into position and appointment-in all she'd resolved to do... The enlistments and elusions, of the matters of things in life; seemed-to always beset in consolate reservation. The ode and officialisms of time and place had been both insistent and an understatement. An internascent-retrieval and advent; of pride, self-purpose and principle. An adulation-of feature and emerging-from which all things mattered and were manifest... An earnest 'evet 'prepondering and urging 'synthesize', and served to be instance and understanding...

  She smiled at Josephine's honest and true-words. Not many friends had come to see her, and now all she had was the many old-albums and occasional-music radio 'flashback'-shows. She had occasionally, phoned-in request which were bonafied astonishing... She was asked to come into the studio to talk by a memorable-'few', but she only wanted to remain 'anonymous'. There were many friends of the New York-scene, but she was a stellar-heralder... And many had come to forget the role she played and the duty and determinational a single-individual, had achieved. There were many 'gendarmes' to the multiple-fabric of New York City, since the city's original-dimension. But this latest-revival and remuneration, was truly 'epic'. A single-woman, talking on a city-wide society. Although it had been written-up, storied and famously, recounted; over time, she was an admonishing-heroine. For the love-of devotion and development, of self and those coming to propagate in talent and terms. It was a story of assertion and success of promise and pride; to predicate, a deep-vision of insight and envisioning... In what was a prevalence and perservering. A diffusion of character and plight. A visionary-purported and precise...

  A preception, against propound and perspective; to do something for the good of the whole. Being an imminent civil-heroine do what she should to afffect and avail against the 'odds'. It was as much a New Yorker profile, than any other. It was written-up in the papers as poignant-pieces more than once, but fame is fleeting. Even with the most famous of celebrities they remembered their-roots, in New York. It was a love-relationship. Like a family living to see better time and not forgetting their heritage. Much of the allegiance of a New Yorker was emigrated and experienced through-out the country and world... ...In an incentive in the postulation of hope, heart and spirit. A sophisticated-subjugation; inherited , heralded and homaged through time... In what was an objective-'institution', provided and prevailed at. A premise and promise-of a 'certainty' and of self, given to self-purpose and provenness over the centuries... From an instituent-'scholar' and as a confirmative-'avant guarde'; that all are the many 'fibers' of people and places. An innate-'survival' and aptitude, come to be established throught-out the world. ...An artific, industriousness, and ingenious-culture, reflecting through-out the world...

  ...Tanya was an 'emblem'-of that confunction. Josephine, had kept up with her for several decades. Enjoying her-company, and keeping a confiding of purpose and pride. She'd only known such 'embellishment' in family and truly, devotational-friends and acquaintances... Many of these were practical-voices, given-forth in the instrumental-insistence of what was a provening and proctor... And their-thoughts, intensities, and terms; that had been a venuation by cause and creation, no other could be defined and conferred. In what was an academy-of-duty, diversity and devotion; for all who could treasure such things. In what was an 'ideolatry' of perfection and experience... For most, it was not a chore or insignificance. But a pride and profoundness-observed and powered to be instilled...

  In what were the many 'atoms'-of life and love, true-visionaries appeared and improved the world. There were many 'acclaims' and accommodations, though in a 'talk'. But what she apposed was their visionary-mind and intellect, which could not be seen anywhere nearly, as often. A vertical-importality of a precis and promise, which should be afforded and attended to on what could be a very personal-basis. She'd learned the lessons of practice and sufficiency. That should never be wasted or forgotten. As an aging Red-wine was kept and enjoyed, in all its resilience and dignity... In what was a proffering and professisonal-contact; done with diligence and dignity. A personal-presiding in 'progeny', gathered in promise, and perfecting. Josephine had a way, since childhood to be observant of prowess, promise and potential in old and young. As she grew she realized how it could be lost or limited by choice or fate... So you had to be constant in vying and versive-virtues. In what could possibly become fractured, diminished or conversed, to 'listen' to a good-friend. They would discuss things, occurences and postures of a mental-quotient of time and terms. A comport of ever-stance and art proceived, assailed and commiserated... A rightful, and ratifying-convention by intention and incentive. The prononent-mindset that was convocated, professed and intricated.

  Josephine and Tanya, were two virtuous-vigillers, who'd came to enjoy and encompass talk and testament of times transitioned, transfixed and in yesterday, today and tomorrow. An innate-implication of innate-interest and entity. And so the intrinsic-ability of both was surmised, settled and served. In the minutes and hours that were allowed to them, both. An intentional, deliberacy and long-range that for two professed-connoisseurs of developed, devoted and devised in being imparticular... 'Sages' of what was Fine Arts, and its fortune... What was the convening of one's corporeal-designs and definitions. Josephine had scheduled as several-hours of consoling-time... To Josephine, it was worth its weight in 'gold'. By 2 p.m., they bidded 'good-bye' and was leaving the little-cottage in the simple-part of Brooklyn... Tanya Richfield grew-up in Conneticutt in a wealthy, pharmacist family. Then, in '51, the world was a changing-place.

  ...Her father adored his children and she grew alongside a brother and sister, as the middle-child. There was little superficiality to any off them, but whether becoming by duty and dedication; each fell-on different lines. An incentive-impetus from music to work, to positive-things; were changing. And as the new-awarenesses, ideas and interests came about they went their-own ways. Their true-virtues allowed them to v
enture-out into their own worlds. It became a situated, integrity. Tanya, being in the middle, she had the pick of what she'd become and be bestowed. The provisions and protocols, which began in youth-prophesized, ended and of astuteness to come. She attended nursing school at 18, graduating at 22... She met and fell in-love with a young Nightclub drummer whom, at the time, played many of the vanguard 'haughts'. Important to her was a sense-of duty and display in-love and liberalness. Since her stern-father, she only wanted to be a free-soul; and enjoy the passion of New York's Night-scenes. She wasn't looking for generosity or security, her-job had lots of that.

  But to take part-in the subculture so independent and artistically, devotional; she hit her-stride and by '79, she was a wealthy clincial-head of Nursing; which was no easy thing. But love and devotion, had its way of getting into and taking part of a life. Being a nurse, she avoided the Club-scene during the Vietnam war. From then-on she was a 'wunderkind' of imminent-emaculance. She stood the under-class and criminal-element on its ear. Serving as a nurse, cleaning-up both hardened and hardship-cases... With her duties and smarts, emulgated a new-fluid denisonship to all... Like an 'Angel-of Mercy', she crossed paths with Arethra Franklin; she came-in and understood the scene and was influence by the form... She had served in the capacity of a developer and devotee-plausatively, and impeccably. She told Josephine all about what was now times, gone by... A refined-expressionism, proved by a guard and granter of those who were there. From the warmth of struggling-artist to their full-expression, in full-regalia... ...An expressionistic-embellish of a time that was needed. It became, as in many cases, an engineering of cause and commanding, conferring.

  What by form of a status and style that was intrinsic and conferring. A propensity to be defining, and effective. There was nothing to be 'lost' of what was state and standard. She, over-time, understood and was on 'good-stead' that both defined, and was derived in an essence and assertion. She saw herself as a 'vase' for which was filled with fortune and acclaim; to celebrate the many instances, comportments; stances and style... So was in the definition and tool, to be of aid to others. She refounded and focus-on cause and consideration; of operon, people and prospectives in potential. The presoneration of cause and calling for which was compelling of practice and pretext. Josephine was taught in afeasance the scores of logistics, themes and history-important to all. After their long-discussion, she left with a long-embrace, and farewell... It was a wonderful atoning and exponence. Josephine was a protagonist-of a lady, who was a 'madame' of music history and for that, she was more than committed and grateful.

  ...Inspired, composed and conventional she promised to retire before too long. Josephine adored Tanya; and with a good-sense of personal-advocacy, she'd return and maybe they could enjoy some of her recordings. In what a very-private and pervasive-adventure into 'time', and the passage of times. She'd shared the many divestments of what were of intricacies and interests, the vision and thinkings of an appellate, 'virtuoso', and the vying-choices of men and women. From Jazz to Rock to Disco, she'd seen much of it and now she bore witnesss to ideas and selflessly, talented-interests. An entitled-devotion, discipline and display-exposed and expressed, in its deepest-encounter. The deep-benefaction and bestowal-of being a heralder of presence and pro-exaction. Her-ability and exquisite-observations proved worthwhile and willing to invest in the many treatises, and times... A perceptive-provenance 'analyzed', understand and accounted to forge the 'valence' of self and others. An attitude and admiration-ovacious and overtured by standard and statured-extenuousness. People learn to focus and formulate-on what they are best at. But some understand to go above and beyond their calling; to see a higher-calling and understand the intricate-involvement with others. A self-evoking pretense and privilege, for which others must bestow on a certain-'few'. And they spend their entire-life improving and shaping.

  Josephine saw a bit of herself in Tanya and abit of what she might become. An intimate-ascension and understanding for which she felt fully-entrusting. A real-'treat' of trial and trust; for which she was entirely, thankful and grateful. The story of Mrs. Richfield was on a voyage and journey, like many age-old denisons. In their-ways they understood and evidently, was compelled to act to be a-'hero'. What could have been an admonitious, desperation; but understanding that by responsible-conferring, objective and for the world and heroic-acceptance and reaction. Becoming a reactive-force of a good practical nature. The invitation and inviting-context, proved a prevailing-contention. It was a time of transition and transformation. An overall-recompense to so far by talent, terms and transition. An affectual-concertion, availed and actuated; by what was a private-chance of an avert and obligate... An intuitive-motion to afess and emote. For most people, duty and discipline are assertive-terms, but for a vital-few; its the repsonsiblity and charade to carry a 'torch'. ...And in, as there was not a 'finer-hour'... Josephine, could have wished for such inertiaed-empowerment. And it not being recourse on a perfect-discourse by what was something to be desired.

  She stood-in an enigmatic-'Motherly glow', like several-people in her-life. An auspicion austentiousness, she'd seen many times before. In the careful-collation of an enigmatic city. She'd always wanted to be entrusted, with the vivid-siloliquy of a great-pantheon but unfortunately, life wouldn't wait. She had her own calling, and its terms took her to other places... But the exceptionalism of a good-friend could not be denied. They'd sat for hours discussing-thoughts, impressions and frame-of mind. A devotee-of-creative and dedication, she understood the reverence and residing of a personal-underscore. An anointment of an affirmative and commitment; the kind which dictated and driven to prove oneself and occuring. A self-central belief and self-bestowal, by which expressed and confiliate and in astute deriving-digest. Being an imminent-cause and careful carraige of judgment and its concise conferring of 'justice'. What became an 'impressario' of intent, intensity and invocation. An active-voice and mind; 'steeled' and instilled-in virtual-cause. This didn't come even to the best-of talents, as cause... But many brilliant and great-people find the veritable-'muse', and make an instrument-of life.

  A 'platitude' implicatively, adorned and of benefit by a discipline. Tanya grew-up under her pharmacist father being the middle-child with an iinstilled mental acumen... She said that she was 'average' but was exposed in simple ways, ingenius and determinate-naivete... An 'impassive'-impression, for which is given of simple-relevance, she grew greatly, appreciative and inspired by all her initial-interation, that helped to objectify a duly-purpose in all the terms of self and others. The many joys and sorrows; pride and hope; perception and redemptuous, proved the valor and value of others, the roles and predicative-talent. Becoming, a prosound-touch really, didn't take much that civic-productivity took in arduousness and goal. A predominance, made by adjuring, elan. An adoptive-prescience, engineered and obligated by instance that bore, and was'dabord'; a felicitive-fulcrum. An especial, deep-condition of convergence and appending; protosystic and pluraled, parametered. As the form, fortunes and becomes fabricated; she became a willing-resident of that affection. She was not skilled in music, style or form but she could 'recognize' it for all she knew.

  She was a natural, a noveau-riche, assembler of espoused and creative-form. A redeeming-encapsulating, the channels and chances of the many scores, and schematics. She, throtting and embracing, she drew the factors-together, and felt and understood the filiaments of designs and styles. Stimulate and trangulation, chosen purely, by conscious determination. A succinct-cause in self-dispersion, implemental and accordant. Perhaps, her-inward denotability, proved itself-worthy of pinions and passages... A preliminary-purging, projective of fulfillment and force, allowed a focal and formative-producive of affinity, fortitude and personally, fortune. She felt it was her alone, at times to witness and expound-on all a platitude seeing, experienced and heard on a regular-basis. I realized, like a Cecil B. DeMille, she w
as seeing something needing to be captured, and remembered for 'posterity'... That like other memoirist, she had to give her all to transcend these great evokes of testaments and times. A testamential-temperament given to detailed, and broad-cast, for all she was worth.

  An outwardly, interjective-priority prognosed and given-to proctor and prospective-proposal; advocating and integrating the many temptations of atoning and progressing... An ever-climbing covet, of champion and chosen by the duly-heart of essence and encompassing. An annotative-avail and progressive of choice and the heart; and spirit of a detail of worthy-artistic humanity. It caught a little-bit of herself in the precept of posterity. And she wanted to hold onto it for as long as she could. It was a wonderful-grasp of time and tradition. It was a turning-point for Josephine to meet such an astonishing and worthy, woman. A woman of her-caliber, was hard to find. Innocent and immaculate a 'darling' of instance, and magnitude. A tremendous-talent and underscore; she rose to the cause and came to carry her-influence over and beyond; any single-person could.

  An embellish and embrace, for which terms and temerity proved to be defined and virtuous. An impact of purpose and probability, which helped to see the world-better... With much of the time, together admirative-apportion proved to serve society. A succinct-sentiment to be diverse and derivative, and devotational-in cause and calling. An empowerment and emboldening, no longer found in society today. An insightful and intensive-proditiousness professed and perfected; to one woman's private 'indebtedness'. Tanya, was 72, and now in her fading-years. The many applied, self-assertions were long ago proven and prevailed... The energy-of all the work, she put in on her own terms; was a commitment and competence; Josephine, tried to piece-together. She told her-stories, anecdotes and glimpses into the past and privilege-scope, of how things occurred, droved and came to be. By the best-portrayal in the many milestones. A 'view' to what had happened, as a term of atoning-history and homage. An instictual and instrumental-priory and precipice, to all her principles. ...A 'redemptuous, understanding; provide it and pretentions, of the many emergings and advents over eras and technical-'epoches'...

  She was very talkative, as she detailed in what was an interpretative understanding of things. She seemed to follow all the images and impressions, as she authored each from one point to another. Women, such as Tanya, were the wise-storytellers rooted in duty, decency and devotionalism... And with 'expertise' with genuinely, right-up Josephine's alley... So it was a productive-causeway and a creative-description, ideal and intuitive. A 'pride' and projection between two-women protagonists of heart and mind. It was, as if two-mutually, talented people had conjured in ever propensive-componency. It took no-formal allotment or alluding proficient, to be officiating; they knew where they stood, and how they got-there.

  It was mostly, dogma and delineated-upon which gave to an implicating, cause and ever-present exchange. Their-fair guising of times and temptation, were collusive and virtual... A proven-complete-comprising, evident and especial. Josephine had put time-in and spent much time to be a receiving 'fountain-head' to voice and choice; managed by person and purpose. Josephine was no indebted-shirker, she had brought an incense listening and caring-ear, to the many perspective personal-endowances and expressive individuals and personal-pertinences... She had brought her 'best-heart', and had for the womanly, get-togethers. An prototypical-haut to a precious according-virtuoso. A strident-thematic cause and commendment; for a courting-friendship and the commanding-intentional, inspirational-celebration. And what might have seemed, an authorial-inspiration, chosen and given-to their personifying-calling. And so in a considerate-encasting, confiding proved-cordial and accounting. Although, Josephine was the younger, unimposing and practical the premise of a 'dear'-pupil and unimplicated-friend, she knew she was in an invitational-goldmine.

  New York, and friends native there all had a story to tell; and a standard and station to live by. On occasion, one would come across a fair-devotee of a sensational-variety, famous-talented and dutiful-individuals, women-impressed; and be the 'icon' or 'idol' for which though simple, came with a inveritably, inspiring-background and of virtual-gratuity. The influences, each could necessarily, reward from were like no other. Many people like New York for that and other reasons... It was a truly-adventurous place, to live; and be a life in New York, was an inspiring explication from which enjoyment and endowment were 'worthy'. Josephine, had found an ever-eloquent muse, and administration. ...And her new-companion, overlayed a complex-in adoptive and adorned in a place and time. A retributive-vantage and vocal of work and reliance. An introspective-envisioning construcated by personal, professive and profound-instance and intricate-design.

  ...At 3 pm, they were well into the afternoon... Both had lost track of time and availing but neither felt at a loss. They'd eaten a brunch and cookies and tea, and now Tanya would go nap till her Sitter would bring her a meal. Now, she rarely met with others in her modest-neighborhood. And the great-interests and entitlements of life had mostly, faded-away. In their long-discussions, Tanya tended-to talk mainly about the vibrant and vivid-experiences, and the heavy-conundrums of people, places and times... Both seemed to 'walk'-in that long-ago past. It was a fantastic-story and also great-times. It took an especial-lady to live them... And one to fully-identify with. Her really, wise-teachers had told her once that very rarely, there was a 'Nirvana' to every craft... ...So 'vivid', an exquisiteness that you could see the great-details and even the great-prowess that went without saying... She immediately, felt insightful and moved; but also felt this would be a once-in-a life-time encounter. Tanya, seemed to be as one of these. ...An introspection of a full-accord of living, more explaining a 'living' than explicating-life.

  Josephine prepared to leave and felt fully-fastive-on her rather serious 'weave', with a friend... An assimilating-pact and 'prodigy' from which a majesty and full-follow-up was amassed in talent and toll. An intrepid-value and venture for which time might stand-still. A conciseness and conviction, installed and conversatively, plying in dimensional-waters and of what was creditorially, demanding-'seas'... Josephine, felt-like she was arriving-back from a virtuous-sea voyage. A mind-blowing conceding, from which a relative-integrity proved to be a defining-diffidence. It was like her many manuscripts with a self-convocation... An enigmatic-audience and customer, who had been given a ticket to see the world, in another time. From the '60s as a teenager in the wondrousness and potential exceptionalism of the Hippy, drugs and Vietnam War scenes to the '70s Discos, devoteees in suits, dance steps and its end; and the '80s free-wheel of Rock n' Roll, rhythm and blues and Hip Hop it all fell-out for Josephine to learn from... Those times were emaculate, cultural-dins from which human-realites to be adjusted and changed.

  There was a 'fantasy' that was real, and a journey of vantage and freedom which most have been lived to fully-fathom. A truly, 'reticular'-fortune abreast by a certain-'lady' and transferred to a good-friend. A colloquism of a policy, prospering, challenge and chance... ...She'd been taught so much since childhood, and met with matriculation; the many vices and visions which now were understood with what was a golden-exemplary. It was virtually, intricacy of envisage and envoying... ...An impressive-allayance by an 'escavation' of past artifacts and a future-predication. Although, each 'nettting' and networking, on different-terms of a triangulated-traversing and truition, were seperate-editions. In what was their private-roles and eventual-goals... No two-people, thing or impress were exactly the same. But like any relationship, they shared and enjoyed a certain-value, in each other... Josephine knew more about Tanya than she thought anyone would. ...Her great-achievements went virtually, forgotten until seven years ago, she met her after a friend exposed that she was still alive, and living-in the Brooklyn-burrough...

  Josephine knew a lot of once special-people, who had retired to civilian-life after a live of fame. Some were 'derelict' and still others could leave the 'lime-lig
ht' and settled for a shadowy after-life... But the story of Mrs. Richfield stuck in her-mind. She tried to find-out as much about her as possible. A journaler by craft and trade, she traced every story after her, from newspapers to court-records; anything with Mrs. Tanya R. Richfield including a death-certificate. From all the alludings and alignings of prospect and protocol, she'd covered a house as her known mailing-address. Though, she didn't tell her close-friends, she did express the wonderful-delight at the 'possibility of meeting her and what she would say. A contriving, verifying self-counting for which they could see how truly-impressed and moved, she was.

  And the presiding-depiction, a now resposing-friend could be disposed in an adopting. Rarely, had Josephine been one to profess-of a spirit and promise; in hope of finding someone as 'equal', to her-character. The girls were impressed, by this rather new-contrication. But everyone, knew that although it was a cold-reverence; Josephine, typically knew when things were menatlly and technically, astute. ...And now her truly-portent 'proctorer' had proven an invaluable-virtuous and a virtually, passionate friend in all. She expanded her-world and exposed; a new imminent-world to her; that came to assound in a 'lighted'-proviation, like never-before. In nearly, every-instance they were mentally, comparable. Tanya, even thought Josephine had dropped-out of the sky... As time passed and a novelty became friendship, things were a deep-bond that was formed. An inspiring culmination-of drive, duty and devotion; austere and essentially, 'instant'. Both obvious and 'imperative', to what was to become an identical-'vision'. ...It was a wonderful personal-experience.

  ...Both recognized comporting, importality to it all... An intentional-coveting, for which cause and character, being a living, breathing and feeding-relationship. The two-friends were devoted to each other, repletely. And doing so opened and devoted an intricate verse of time and space, not wasted... In a span of six-hours, and bared within talentl; yet disclaimed a vocal of visionary complicity, and implicity... Josephine was a replicit author, and virtual dynamo, she could use the best of meticulation to fulfill a new-friend's intimacy. Tanya had been a home-body for over a decade... In what was a true-inspiration, set at home living the life of an inimitable recluse... A donning and adorning a few special moments with a dear-heart. She had no-friends left. After all the 'hoopla' of the '90s, she just fell off the map. Musicians and performers, she once burgeon and grew would visit on occasion, but once they were famous the limelight-called.... She thought it humorous that 'fame' endeared people only after its passing.

  She remembered back in the '80s, of an experience of many whom she'd shared with few others, but now especially her. She was an elderly, matron-of music; and musicians were like her-children now. New York, was a pantheon for such things. Like a veteran of five-wars, she looked back and saw vividly, the many consortings of place and time. They were deep-spirited experiences, for which each was an exquisite-deliberation of facts, and founding... The house was a five-room thatched-home. Two rooms-upstairs; a kitchen, living-room, dayroom and basement. She kept it up well, it was built in the Fall of '63, she remembered because that was when her parents went to a night-spot in Harlem. Many famous people, were becoming famous all over New York and New Jersey. ...She lived on a nursing-stipend which after, food-shelter and electricity. She bought old-albums through the mail. She began: In '73, she was living in an one-room apartment in Brooklyn with a friend.

  They loved nursing-school of New York University, but as the girls she knew, went to the movies; she headed to the 'real' entertainment, a Blues nightclub-downtown... Though, she didn't drink or do drugs, she really had a great-time adventuring all over town. It was a macrosm of music, people in all walk-of-life and the famous hobknobbed with the locals. Though, she could have explained it to her 'square'-friends, she realized it was an intrinsic and intimate-experience. Although, she rarely, saw it, drugs seemed to 'seep' into the performers' life like a serpeant with an apple... She said many of them were sociable-types, who were willing to try 'anything'. Over the years, it shadowed a number of innocents, who'd fallen into its grasp; some that were redirected. Music, was from the 'soul'; in what was a celebration of life, and times. Of freedom and freewheeling, especially instinct, and innovation... The singer or music-artist spirit was all of it. And as that had to grow and blossom-for which if done properly, the virtuoso was 'thankful'...

  And like a new-born, they were transformed into a thing of an immense 'beauty'. While working nights as part of her practicuum, she would listen to the Jazz music-radio station and imagine some of the places she had visited. The Recession of the '70s was coming to an end; but the fresh-decade was maturing with Backs, Vietnam and the economy... Everyone was enduring and being put into edifice; to what was a new-decade. Money was becoming, scarce. She was in her last-days as a Registered-nursing student. Professions, were beginning to be paid more with medical-Unions; that like many, then were fighting for higher-wages. That became a popular-theme... But musicians too, like the War; were going-to strike. It was a romantic-identity, through-out the country.

  In that year, while still a naïve medical-internist; she learned about life, and living. ...Of people, places and perspective. ...There was a curly-haired, white-boy who'd dodged the draft and spent his time playing for a band at a Club-Uptown. No one asked questions, they came to have a good-time, and make money. He was special because being 23, about her-age; a talented-musician, he had his life ahead of him. She and he spent time walking and visiting the markets, shops and Cafes around town. Then that Summer; going to Coney Island, for fun-in-the-Sun... He'd made a big-impression, then he said he had to leave. Move to Canada where there was a new-music scene happening. ...'That's the way it is kid...' He said, and she never saw him again. She became endowed to the scene, a very precise-pragmatic place to be... As Tanya grew, she matured into a good and responsible-professional. By her third year as RN she was the lead-nurse respsonsible for the Unit-shift... After fulfilling the duty-roster for the day, she'd go relax after-work at one of her Clubs. Now she had a number of regular-patronings. She began as an on-the-scene, fan... First, at the scenes change from quaint, to a violatory. She was a registered-member allowed into any Club in town.

  By '79, the decade of 'free-love' had became a decade of free-for all. The specialisms both changed and recharted. What was once 'in'-scenes became scenarios of the 'sensational'. But that was for the future. ...In '75, she was an associate-health provider at a major-hospital. She went over some of the many music-talents, the creative-talent and aptitudes. From the incoming of new-wave, to the newly espousing-styles and instruments... The symphonic-categories, chords and quartets; many were come and gone. The trapezoids of vocal-visions and personal-vices. There was much evidence and evidential to Tanya's once youthful and sincere-impressions. She was civilly, astute and perfectively, reflective; as all good-fans, students and music-aficiandos.

  ...Purposeful and 'perceptive', she had spoken-on what were the many adamancies and musics-of a times and terms. A tempestuousness and vocalness by what was precise and 'precious' in what was in an intricacy and implicacy. ...She, with intellectual-finesse, strung the many impressions across space and time-void and vision, display and stridency, which was vectored right-into Josephine's awaiting-permuting. She saw it with a preliminary 'vocalism'... There were the perceptions-of night and day; skies of an awaiting-Fall and docile-Winter; the clamoring-Spring and dominant-Summer... The sensing-sentiment and sacredness of inturnment and interlude. The privateness-perfume, fragrancy-odor; the spillage of Sunshine; once went lightless and decent, was again in the fine-'easy' lights. The 'presence' and pronouncement of people, place and time. The entitlement-of terms and trials; all-vortexed in the vital-flash of time and trust... She spoke further, until the once daylight-shine of early-Spring became the falling Sun's quiet 'setting'. Each-returned home to their respective homes.

  They'd eaten several-cakes, three-cups of
tea, and traveled-over time and back to April 12, 2013, at 3:32 pm. ...Josephine-awaited, at the street. They kissed, and Josephine decided she'd come again by late-Summer; to visit with her, to finish-up a weekend, that was all she could do. Tanya knew that a best-selling writer, in New York City, was the 'best' she could do. ...She'd pulled-off, with Tanya waving from her-porch. She'd enjoy her secluded-independence, until someone again passed her way. Her flavorful sentiment about life, instances and discoveries gave new-'impetus' to Josephine's life. A preeminent implement and intricacy that whatever life gave you the experience was worth-it. Josephine had seen that a vivid-muse of music, time and storytelling, that with the auspicions of life, was the best-ordinal to being a 'wise'-sagacy. It was indeed, a privilege to know and honor her. She'd honored, so many over the years. Her-work was redemptively, reproven by the 'visions' of a young-woman who wanted to enjoy something special. But it proved-worthy of so much more. Josephine had gained insights, parallels and precepts-for that and of what was a personal-experience. She was thankful and spriteful. She espoused so much technical-knowledge and guisings, only the very-few were allowed to adduce. A convocational-precis, underlined and aligned by those preceptive and privileged of a New Yorker-style, comprising and comprehension. ...A dynamic-deduction of the standards and stressings and proceived by the intentional and espoused... A 'visionary' of the 'price' of character, caught in 'way' and creation that only a sincere-mind and body could encompass. After three-years, there was a feting and specialty-to their-relationship... An 'argonaut'-like friendship, for which both realized the humanity and posterity-of it all... As opulently, integral by the memory, mentality and cognizance in which Josephine recognized-it in its full-ensemble...

  ….The evening-shade fell-down the street-land as the calm of a Fall-afternoon arrived. …Trains arrived on their-tracks, were arriving with coal and machinery for the Big City-empire. Buses along the way, were off in the distance beginning to transport, arriving to take workers away and in wayward-passengers... The furnace kicked-on in Tanya's basement; city-lights were just being turned-on, and the evening night-life was beginning to be initiated. Josephine went home, with what was a particular time that was had and would cherished for sometime. The quiet-night arrived with Sarah taking-off for home after-dinner, and taking the garbage to the outfront stoop. Josephine had truly reveled-in the day... The transom over the titillation of time, mind and body was a Herculean embodiment. As she sat listening, she remembered her teachers and school-masters, as if receiving an intellectual-'gift' in a passing. ...A perusive time-passage that was beyond time, in what was an ordinal-convention and conviction.

  Josephine understood, as a maturing that there was a congealing-reverential for which 'cause' and 'kind' meant terms and of a talisman. An implicative-idea and a conjectured-objective, for which a brick-'path', was in coming to understand and utilize the precepts of chance, challenge and as a talented-master. By what was an espousing-of trials and triumphs... In what was a pretext; proven, expressive and conclusive. Although, Tanya saw it in Josephine's youthful tremult and enticing, she knew-it was a meticulous and 'glowing' understanding. ...Perpetual-knowledge, required a perpetual-commitment and understanding. Tanya could see, she was still a young-'jewel' of implicate-talent. Who with her-ability and abreast contemplations, was still a mature Zen-student of Art, and working. That she didn't understand that there were a priority and purpose, to it all; that 'could' be merciful but also demand a deprise and could-be attempted. Tanya, slept that night as she did every night-listening to the music she'd loved and adored; and even again, being resolved in her understanding of it all.

  It was an illusive-form in its thoughtfulness. In-effect it was like in ways of the basic intense-'roots', and account as a true-master. The best-way to truly-appreciate it was to let it breathe-on its own, and that a 'spirit' was in the deedful, docence of respect for which it could not be devoided or defamed. An artist and her art, must be finally, allowed to be vented-into an exceptionalism proven and perfected, by a self-succinctful 'defining'. ...By which it could only be 'purified' by knowledge, and as in an acknowledged, knowing... Art, like life, wasn't a priority-invention but a deep and sincere-complicity, from which the greatest-'joy' was in a final-interpretative understanding. A virtuality-of cause and purpose-for which its 'pure-genius', could only be hoped to be fathom. But she also understood that Josephine was a 'Cause D' Art'. Which, in a proponent-sense, was a person of envisage, in a concurrent-purpose.

  It was two-minds in reflection, and as friends, they were joined in a deeper-enticing. A conforming-intrication for which order and ode, proved and professed objectively and ideally. Through it all, Tanya shared a contemplation of heart and honor predominate and duplicit of dear times and images. So as she sat enjoying the seclusion of place and time, in prodivision and deciding of a past and the here and now, were only a vision of 'grandeur'; which in this woman's heart was all she had and wanted. But Josephine was still young, a vital-force of illuminative-power. At 38, she still, was a 'force' to be reckoned. Ideally, and adamantly she was in a vitalness, procuring and converging... A personal and civil-pride for which objective and magnitude that was in the now and of an integral interpretation. With an objective-afield in her own 'purview' of time and attest. Her youthful-competence, commitment and confirming proved a precise-'vision' sublimely and superlatively, brought into a purposeful-concision. She awoke-on Friday to the call of Sparrows, the barking of her Terrier and pidgeons fluttering on the building's ledges...

  Her decisive-insight was greatly, proen to be an exacting basis. An objective inception fully, gained in pride and purpose. Her quite interpretude that stood in prowess and professive proctor donned by time, age and agility and designed by concerned care and consummation. In the call of morning she sat up in bed, eying the window full of dawning glow and the bed still warm, fromn sleep. The floor was warm, the sound of the day was a vibrance awaiting... And now the incipid dimensions were there for the offering she felt reinvigorated. That Spring was coming to a full-blossom and that the many prevailings of life would again be present and pronounced. It was a brand-new and fresh day. A friday, the coelesce of a fully expressed week was done. The many actualities of time and space were demonstrated in collusion by the ideal, images and impressions decided and displayed for the defining compolation by vestige and venue. The air was cool and blowing, the rising sun came over and behind. The Brownstone, its widening yaw breaking earthly, surface and reanimated and the division and defining in its oplance.

  The advancing vitalness occurred and was instilled in obligate-conception. The Brownstone was now cooling in the minutes before day-break. The 8-room house was fully-equipped-for habitation. The rear yard was built for any homaging which the owner could invest. As jurisprudence could commit her neighbor had set their homes in self-virtue and vocality of stucco, Terra Cote and other personal-care facilities. Jospehine had not but had considered to put a plan to it. She had always been busy with out consideration or suggestion of such hapless-duties. Dawn on this day pronouned and conceived the diligence and definition of self-ode and order of which she was a prevailing member. There was much worrk tasks and plans to be fulfilled and carried-out. An objecitve, private and existential circumstance primed and privied by dimensison and design.

  The vital-motivation which by instilling and instinct was an artific-opulence and emanicipation which had conjoined too refining and of actuation. A rectoral and re-arduation conferring and consumate concerting-design an official, officiate and affiliate designation. As the sky turned, silver-clouds revealing a deep-blue hue. The winds by breakfast were hush and calm. It was a period of the day to be in 'vital' and reverbed. The many tacit designs of morning and sonnet-season were broadening with every new day, and dimension. An epicurean delight and fastive virtual vigilance. An observed impact cause and knowledge incentivized and recompense a being compellated by the day.
Although, she was still youthful and naïve she was greatening her many talents, trusts and trials with every new-vision, vital and virtual. Life had more or less seemed a precis and property given prospects ad professed allegiances. As she knew life was full of challenges. Friday was the final-framing to fortune and restitution. An image and ideal of recreation and passive condescension. She realized joy and job were all a part of essentially life.

  Josephine remembered the rather instilling-laws of mirth and valor, she and others took to really prove and 'virtualize' themselves. A prodigal-story, which she knew to subjugated in an order and 'ode'. ...In a stellar-conferring and conviction that youth know as improving in a galant maturing that could be discerned and confessed by the Spring of the valleys of inspiration and devotion. Her many memories were an impart of so much self-chartering and conscious-ingenuity and genius. Much like a coveted offering and gift of social and emotional-passives. ...Although over time, were of little passion but devotion, unlike other people she knew, who ran on the devising of an 'emotivity'. She arrived with vision, and much independent-tiding. A vocality and talentry-manifesting and motivating by-teachers, professors and students who were actually and naturally embased; and with a personality-debate, by what is a fractionary ultimate-'will'. So friends, focus and function-fulfilled and fell-upon lines, and logging. In what was a past-unlike the 'virtue' of what was the future was tenement and tact with a 'time'. An instance and arduousness that are a provision and profile.

  Although, with youth now over she didn't live in the past. And though, there was much to be said about posterity, there was more to be resumed about the future with its factoral-proficiencies. So to her, she was segmentary and set to a certainty and sophistication. As she set about a weekend-ovation, time for the preoccupied would move swiftly and within assurance. A symptomatic-assurety, certain and satisfied. And as exertion and explanation come-on the decision and dalience, with denote, timing and nature was easily, divesting and infirming. Though, Josephine had not wondered into the dimension of people, place or time; she did have a few uncertain and unsure implicates, for which time could not solve and with sensibility could-only let assail. As all time, was an adventure into context and further-relegation and reliability. A pre-inordinability for which one's mental-processs and prowess, overlooked and found-on other more redemptive terms. An arduousness and adulation, in a resignate-tome into which to find and forge-ahead.

  But unlike people in the past, she truly revered her many years of structure and standing. Most inimitable-talents and intelligence only find persons, and not prefixed or stressively difficult. She, in forming her personal defining-scope and were realizability was something for the proper-bourgeisies. And she became able-to transvector in truly, discerning of art and talentry. Some could do so while others were structural-art with a receiving and gaining, with all life. But forever-ordered and aligned to a work of challenge and change. But today as any great-Spring season's nice day she understood that it was a time of purposeful-renewal. A time of eye-popping expectation and imminent resolve. ...Of love and laughter, joy and expression, devotion and display in an all adoring-caveat. Some really talented artist were emasculated geniuses enjoying and reverberation in a night of internality, as like a flower lies in ignominy and imparting. It was something which one denoted as an off-handed relegation. But their joys and sadnesses were nonetheless their-own.

  As the warmth filled the kitchen windows with moisture each inhabitant was just subversed-in, as Josephine's denison-'charm'. What had become an 'intrinsic'-vying, and an intercourse of-preeminence, and prevailing... It, like any human-scenario, was the afeasiance and pretention, by which people carried-on. And that demonstration, was that enigmatic-efforts that were before the stressing of all Mankind. ...The autumnal-extricacy for which now, was Josephine's alone. Now, with all the adulations-over the years. Attitude, had been a infamy-filled to terms and chances. Although, it was a simple-theory to be transfixed and covered; it was simply, a tiding-transversion of a saga... What was for a time or so, an inclement of life that was again a rejuvenation and clearing. A pressing-parsimoniousness over the wave of times. She thought back at the times on friends, acquaintances and others, whom she came to experience-in the now bright hue of day, and enjoyed both solace and subversion. This was another of those to be elaminate and divectional... Where she went from there was the contentions unknown private-precipitousness by which owning and order; transaminated by the 'diametric' of one's thoughts and presidences. And as the intricacy of vocality and vital-vision represented and presided-over as a confession in trial, trade and tradition...

  The especial and excited-feel of a new-day, was gently passing. As Josephine sat at her desk with the window open and the fresh breezes infiltrated and dissolved the thin stale air of once cold and pre-warmed air. The transpiring and transvocation of so many mind-terms and srident-trusts. A transemination afessed to and arbitrated. In the month, was the birthing of the might of hopes and dreams-unopened in time of all mankind. The timely, transactual of pronounced-purpose and pristine-'beauty'. She was a virtouso in print, and with the compounding and expression of effort and entailing-dissidual dissertation of a resumptive of time and platitudinal-effort. A predicative, involition proctoral by presumption in course, caste and effort. An exemptive-procuring acted upon as choice and the defintion of Art, and an intentful understanding... She was fully-formed as the 'adventure' and evolution, arrived and took-shape. Interests and evocation took into originating greatness. The poignance and pressing of law and deliberation then as now, made Josephine's life. An incentive, value and interration by which was divulged and divided in the concepts of life.

  The heightened daylight, conceptive-time and divestiture of moments, expanded away in firmature and fostering, then releasing in fading, in the limits of time. Fridays, were a 24-hour evulgence-simplified and simplexed-in ever-intrication. An aging-annotation of time-traversed and accepted, in the prestige of a warranted level of living-time. Now set, as the preciousness of a burgeoning, 'warm' and revitalizing-symmetry. An experience that now was ingrained as the 'integrity' and explications-of what was an human-vocation. An intimate-presounding, presemination. It was a quality-quantification, by which cause and culmination were exacted and added-up. Some people come to know the genuine-pretext to improve oneself and purpose, in-life. But the human-element rarely, sees to meet its fruition. The 'met'-fascinations with both individuality and time was an artful-passion to be inspired. They, for that reason, objectified and understood the principles and personal-perceptives, in a personification. The human-perspective often had the personal-objective of purpose and meaning. ...Of the great-cavalcade proved a both, virtual and vernerable, sophistication. A proponent of self-sufficiency and what came to self-assuage, to define and deepened in the resolve of a self and sentimental... The new vitalized-season marked a new-originality of what was the past in-precipice. Josephine had the world-on a 'string'. But she didn't forget aspects of propensity or purpose. She, by tributed to a virtual austerity, was beyond simple-feeling, a cultured-student and being fully-aware and competent of audience which she didn't waste time focusing and fulfilling. An instructive, and fulfilling-instrument of 'skill'. She knew how to fully-engage and find true-'fundamentality', contention and implementation on the definition of an artistic-cause.

  So as she kept notes on an inspiring and exhaltation, by friends she knew she was worthy of a representation by prosperity and causative concision. And that a friendship, with as a hidden-'Grand-Dame' of a pretext of a culture, with an invaluable-sum and sentry. She was like a great aunt or older-sister, instanced and in-grained with wisdom; that, and a personal-theme. And her unjudged sense and certainty, prove inevitable, valuable and of common-sense. A great-'spirit' of trust, time and testament was with any interactive-commitment... It reflected-on her-mind and missionary-motif, being founded and of a fortune by thought and human-purpo
se. An engaging-friendship or relationship was not all that was offered, there was more to the 'structure' and standard for which no one person could-fully, endorse or engage. It was an indeeming of comport and cause. An evincing, alluding by which Josephine realized, could not be wasted; she knew the frugality of people, and a perception.

  That life was an adventure, which didn't always work-out. But as well the 'power' of overcoming being self-virtual and engaging, in the world around her, was a lucid and valuable empowerment and journey in time. Journey never forget, and Tanya never gave up, on an endeavor and impression; even if life didn't ask or require of you. It was an act of originality and spirit, which she came to know in family and friends. In which she felt no one should go without. It was a lovely, Spring. An 'idyllic'-course and reverberation. What was an experience and inspiration for which all life was about. Her life as well was an integration and integrity to forge-ahead and forcefully, attain. April was the time oof reawakening and blooming. The venturing-out and what was the espouse into an advancing and venturing... The old would see further-instances and understanding, interpretation. And youth would engender 'passion', perception and eventual-venue.

  By April's end a voyage into full-vibrance would arrive. Business would ensue new-objectives, work would be looked-forward to and in goals that would be eventually, pursued. An overture and ovation to new-terms and atoning. These factors would be taken on new shape and mode; but not forgetting the annointings of a 'fresh-lesson'... As things originated and took on design and defintion, the many purposes in life verge-forth and assimilated a new-advantage in Josephine and focal. An implicate-understanding which would take on a new life of its own. It was a fact of new-deliberate 'liberation' conjunctive through time. Joephine had her life to live, never forgettting those little 'jaunts' of ethereal, that which each artist makes in the voyage through time. What was a taciturnity, in each life and living. As a legitimate-student, artist, writer, daughter and epicist. She held up to all the perceptive-consistences, and learned to avail and improve the virtual-of time.

  ...Rain-fell on April 20; ten days from the end of the month and the beginning of the month of May, where the vegetation would be in full-bloom and sunshine under the rain-clouds in April become more tendered for a time. Of old-enjoyment, and this day of enclosure, allowed Josephine to rest in bed selfishly, and in-total, bestowed the full-adulance of dreaming. The stallid-structural of a forted dream-scape appeared, plied and courted the connotation of day to night... She ventured unabsolving to a new, and again, sublimate-thought and transcending of perceptive-provisions. ...By Monday, dawn would bring divulging and duty to import, impart and coelesce... A prioritized-privilege incented in a civil-mind. Away from copulative-idled and invest, in our time. The vector, of redimension; reorient, reordered and recharged in the intention and impolation devised by self-exceptionalism.

  ...Her inner-worlds would come to be by a new theme, one that was in a rudimental and rational of a new defining and direction, that was more proprietized and privied-in what was by chance and charter in an order by what was being transimulated and transitionally, transferred... What would be a competence-installed and depicted by conviction. An 'intuitive'-transaction that was being held in cause and exaction, developing-discourse that was amiable and auspicious, worthy and willing; that were to be imposed. The promise and pride of delible and delineated, as a decorum and of a dispensation; verged and given directive and denote. It took an 'infusion' of thought and thinking in the press of 'worlds' and 'wills' for which Josephine came and went. It was an odyssey of promulgation, for which prospered and proctored in what was a perfective premonition. There was a 'chance' to be bogged-down in prefix and pretext; but wisdom was a goal of fortune. It was more than being enigmatic or 'brave', but as beguiling fortune that could not be denied... By implicaton and impetus, both Tanya and Josephine, followed their own-'star'. But a residing-situation was an objectified-exceptionalism, for which the world could be improved, and impacted.

  In what is a pronounced-perception and prognostication in the skill so as an exacting and redeming-goal. Although, Josephine wasn't necessarily an idealist, but a skillful and masterful-composer, that could not be denied... By the motivation and imperative which for self-focal confirmed an artistic-affirmative and an acumen of devotion. Seen in men and women of all kinds, and expressed and explored-in self-assertion. That which the human-element intended and which in acumen, should not be wasted. It was an elusive 'ability' one which she saw in Tanya, in family and fellow-artists... But life, carrying-on; writing her on story, experiencing others and the world; and living life in fulfillment was a motivation in what she'd became. The subdued-drenching of April, will give way to a new-dawn to a reality. The discipline and dispensation of duty, devotion and deriving that would be enjoyed in unrelenting revealing. Josephine would awake to a new-week, month and goal... In what, in self-virtue, is a reverent expediation.

  A scarlet-vein ran through the sunset of May 5, 2013. She was at home enjoying the first-blooms of her new-garden... In the 'shoots' of flowers, vegetables and herbs... She'd given a last inspection of the new growth and now she watched the sunset behind the house. She'd be leaving for the Beach-house on the Sarasota Beachfront. An extended and extenuated-chance and reality; to relax, resign and resolve in new-refining. In May, Florida was at its best. The vacationers were few, the weather-exquisite and expansive, and the great American Time-Off, could be taken with platitude. Josephine knew how to take advantage of time, trials and transitioning. She brought friends and ideas on new-books, a smartphone, laptop and assess to her Florida-home; on her 3-week hiatus... She advanced her interests-personallly, socially and with a determination instructively, without a 'vice'. By the arrival, the enjoyment of revelry of times and actions, would begin.

  ...In alluding to the present and a reclusive to write and work, she would originate in a venue-vacation, without even trying. In what was the expirgation of timing, and trust. The trying-intruviation of choices and challenges, of the immediate implacatives for which contention and celebration, which would be pursued and made explicit, and pressed... A prideful-projective by which jubilation and self-justification would become apparent. The 'edge' and ideal would be personified and prevailed, in a subjective-understanding. It was a vetting and resounding-experience, for which self-convention and assertive-division would see times pass-all accommodating, expounding and self-proprietary-excellent. The implications of conforming to self-stressive, and self-vocation was offered to concede to a self-reprise of time and exploration. She, was up on all the many travels, vacations and enjoyments of book-ideas and modalities... She could make a great-expectation and espousal-to it all.

  An expectation-of a vital-reverence, for which heart and habit, could prove advocating and advancing. Although, she kept work seperate from selfish-reward, for it would be her time to resignate in rejuvenation. It was an educative-instance, and a manuscript that would be like so much of her-life. A few friends decided to join her as a junket of self-virtuality and vehemency. As exact as Josephine was in requaint her friends were, she-realized acclimate-care, was needed... She explained-it to them and they understood that while recreating, there could be a sojourn, in a 'solace' for work. It would be a waylay, but with what each-identified; in what was one could be selfish, in one's duties. So work back at home could run smoothly, while on a redeeming-respid. Each knew Josephine, for what it was 'worthy'... They recognized and realized, that Josephine and work were close or nearly, as much as 'friends'... They also had their professional-side and being her close-friend, meant a preclusion at times.

  It would become an 'inspiration'. Over three-weeks' recreation, relaxing and in recompense proved immensely, enjoyable. It was a classic-time. From the mornings of relaxation, midday on the beach, and the afternoon sun-bathing, it was a grand-time. It matched like an inspiration of self-overture and an innate-development. A defin
ing-destiny of past and pleasure. Everyone enjoyed their-stay. The sunrose every morning on the beach, perfectly. The soft white sandy-shore blanketed the beach. The days were emaculately, warm and the evenings were subjectively, relaxing. About the time of the leaving and passing-up, everyone was 'tan' and comforted. The especialed 'stay' proved undaughting and blissful. It was as if time had stood-'still'. They had a very congenial time. They thought Josephine knew what enjoying one's self was all about. An interstitial-factored existence, of which a person and profound-propensity by which a now wealthy-icon proved presiding and provident.

  They flew in on Monday, May 21, 2013. That evening she arrived home and her maid had a light-meal awaiting. She'd been given an off-schedule on caring for the house for her return... And took her suit-case and set about laundry. She made a few resplendent phone-calls to reestablish all connections. Before bed, she received calls from friends awaiting her return. She took-in small-conversations until the following-day. Josephine enjoyed a long-awaited vacation; and time, was to be taken after 8-months of work. Her friends had left messages all through her time away. There was vantage and vigilance to it all. But she recognized the 'passion' which ran-through all she'd done. Most understood she was not an 'angel', or misguided; and that was something hardwork and diligence could make. And she now triangulated, reposed and delineated in a self-digest.

  She was not 'ignominious', but guiled in dedicated-focus and fortune, in what a woman today was an enterprising-engaging by what was talent and theme, that should not be incidently a selfly, undermining. There was no conjecture, advening, or a venue to apport, or be in a fore-mention. She slept that night like a 4-years old. The tempid-night was drawn-forth with a moon-lit, clear-night. Before slumber she looked at pictures on her bureau... Old and new, thoughtful and profound, loving and embracing she thought of them from through-out her life. Then, she layed-down and slept. What was the moon became and dawn of a fictional-mindset. The many extrapolations, 'traces' and entendres of mental-actuation fell into a stead. A psycheic-experience, secured and sufficient to clock-in another-apparentcy. A world-reality, assumed its unifying place of a mind-in body. A stressed-contemplation ovated by time and trancing. Josephine spelled-out in this composant, often to resume a subversive-existence.

  When Josephine was 19, during a hiatus to Spain, she bicycled across the lower Pyrenes... Seeing the countryside and enjoying nature. It was a private and prized-time. Like Truman Capote and other famous and talented co-writers, she was 'rich' but self-professed, enough to do things she always wanted. Out of college, wealthy enough and successful enough to take a trip anywhere. Back home, her latest-work was 'Angels Make No Deals'; a pop-culture youth-book about demons, dragons and young-women... Although, she didn't assume she knew she had the 'stuff'... Her dramatic-style rivaled Tolkien and Tennison, in scenes. A very-well polished technical instilling, a finesse and profoundness, that prefabricated with sound-text and underscore. Of an 'affinity' and impart-calculative and chosen. A preliminary-fact and focus. What proved to be a precipitous-convention... It spelled-out an impacting impunity and discipline of order and 'ode'...

  Her first-edition proved to be fortuitous, commending and purpose. Defining and importance who saw the vision and purporting behind her burgeoning-provision. With an idea and interest, she proved 'worthy' and valuable... A proportment by style and provacity, which layed the ground-work for her to really 'sink' her eloquently, empowered-'teeth' into, the active writing-scene... Her skill when finally, brought before a creative-starved editorial-board, and eventually her public, it-took off. First, her first-print sold out in two days. There after, a 20,000 print sold in 36-hours, she was offered a two-year contract for four other-books worth $620,000.00, upfront. By the release of her third book and residuals in her original and two, in the series she was worth $8.3 million. Enough to buy a house, a Mercedes and vacations abroad six-weeks a year. Her friends, she had made in college, were very impressed. She was introduced to new people and became experienced in the people of the New York Ritzy-scene...

  She chose not to buy a mansion, but an 8-room apartment in Manhattan. Not a penthouse but close to the 'action'... Her many thoughtful principles gained in her educated-young life was still-worthy, and proven. In fact she espoused better-decisions about life for the next 20-years... Plausable and by transition, the trip to Spain proved in terms and talent for which had outlined her standard and style... She was a 'Jetsetter', worth millions. And with work and intelligence she became even, more so. Spain in '92, was grand and with the manyy extollances of self and situation, became a regular-routine. The warm T'uscan sun, the land-scape and sceneries; and the people and places, were to become a truly, valuable-memory. She remembered with fondness. With several of her former college-mates, who took advantage of a 'fantastic' chance and time.

  It was truly, an enjoyable-festivity. She rode along as the girls and boys took-in the sights, they were former-students now working as hired-professor-interns... They needed time off to enjoy themselves and with a month's hiatus once a year, they were in good-stead. They'd stayed all across Spain enjoying and taking advantage of what was a fabulous learning-experience. She enjoyed the collaberative-companionship in celebrating-creativity, and recreational-friendship. As such, with time, she became a favorite alumnis and privied-companion. As time passed fortune, chance and superlative-emboss propagated themselves, her life became a 'gravitas' in-resigning...

  That afternoon rain began to fall, light at-first, then a heavy-drenching rain. A placid freshness fell-over the once warm region. Spain was known for this, in this area in the Spring. That was why vacationers came at that ime of year. As with most things what Josephine did, was inspiring yet plausably, and educatively, rewarding. This was the start of a facet and facilitative-enjoyment, she became 'famous' for. The implicit and integral-incursive which was the proving advantage of her refining-focus... And allow this principle now developed a discipline for determination and duty, in all things... An importality of permusing and functionality made to be derived and adaptive to the many factors and accolades of life and living. And in all, inspiration and aspiration, destined and attained... She, with virtuousness proved herself on many stages and affaces, which endured and endeared over time. Spain proved a worthy-reinteration of scheduled time and place. And the intricate aspiration of objective and intentions. And how, in the philosophies of life, she was indeed and iconic-person.

  With night, she went to rest at a local-hostel, which she knew very much about. With this sabbatical, the enlistment of all Josephine's life proved a prodigious. An infatuation and impetus for which the emphasis of life, focus and lover were destined and conjoined. The Spanish peninsula was broad and beautiful, and a very-reverent territory of countryside-consummate and conferringly, contentive... The grand-scapes were statuesque and standard. A placate-intrinsic and enjoying, proved an invaluable-assumption; which proved in a purpose and youthful scale. She stayed 3-weeks, it, in ways became a part of her. The late-20th century, the early last-decade and the compelling-success of a youthful-writer were truly a thing to be annalized and given presume. ...There were many 'acts' to be lived, work be done, and journeys to be taken. It was an initial of instigation. She was on prime-central and with any true-virtue, she proved and prevailed. She was taught and learned the tentatives, and implications of life and loves, for which she knew there was much...

  ...That night she slept soundly, and cmfortably. But with every new-subconscious was a new-arisal to the pretext of dreaming. ...A conferring-context, given abroad-after a befalling; by which also being provided and applicated. An affirmative and confirmative, given, proven and adjugated for times-come and gone... A traversing-'trial'-transfered and trivectaed between early life, life that is, and life to come... Looking ahead at the past or superficially, at now; or the future, was not worthwhile. But what was an 'affection', between and betwix; that
were implacatudes, too pervasive to fully-evoke... The dreams would give way to morning and the modificational-'motif of what was a cool and 'fresh-forest'-dawn. In what became an instructive-assimilation. The next two-weeks would be a 'divest' of a strident and triumphant-time and trial; but benefiting by a pretense, and proffering. It was a time to be of duly-trials and tests. This, showing of meaning and sophistication, secured an adjusting autonomy to things. As sure as a coming and passing of time, terms and testament Josephine was designed and refounded, by what was a deriving, and determinative.

  'Issues', never were ill-certain or problematic; but individual-cause, and precursors to be answered, and be followed-through. An intricate-scheme and scope, for as an artist, she formed a work of consistent and insistent-art-work. As her-dreams, an awareness and drive, were implaced and molded-into a fine-work, for which she proved an understanding and creativity for what was a force, and framework; an art-piece for which the creative-mind could see its 'beauty' and fathomed-value. She knew the art-work that she wanted to complete, in her-vivid, studied and talented-mind. She was inspired by time and treatise of self, personal and professional-strength... The kind that came-over time and accomplishing. A portent-reverence and reality, expounding and purposefully, gained. Like many artist, one's ability to concentrate on one's creative-potential into one's prime-order, than its full-extolling, could be admonishing. It was almost as if luck had proved to be more than just that.

  Exacting-focus and fortitude, to the illustration of prowess and profundity. An adamant awareness and focality, for which the huuman-ascension entailed the self-central privilege to propagated in prodigiousness. An inner-understanding to perfect and being proctored. An ordered and confessed-redemption by an ordering, and design... The very-instance and actuality, apparent and approach-in Josephine persona: an inwardness-proven and professed by an incentive and intensity. And Josephine loved every moment. She was a prolific-artist. ...With all her responsibilities, she still proved a fresh and new lattice-work in what was a 'people-enterprise'... She was enterprisingly, skilled and everyone knew-it. She had a way-of finding 'artwork' in the many things, and as a practical-genius; she understood its proper-perspective. A forceful-visionary seeing 'work' in the many-things she did. Prepared, since childhood; being requainted and compassed in a teen, and centered and composed; as an adult all-made her a 'Tour de Force' of immaculate-competence, awareness and actual-adeptitude.

  ...The end of April, would bring a 'subjective'-causeway to her skills and energies. Just as the sunshine, increasing; often the city became a scenerized and renewed-social and compunctive 'pantheon' and accesses of human-design; that had for opportunity and instilling in an art-field, was again a 'popular'-attraction, intention and occupation. Juillard, would be full of newly, awaiting students of the form, experienced-artist would be called upon to be seen and semantically, sentried; and those proven 'able' and accomplished will avail of themselves to be present and pretexted-for fame and money. The many proving-joys and virtuoso-justifications were to be proven, and prefixed. Until human-endeavor and 'enticing-rite'; again converted and conversed, in images, and ideas. The perfect-time trials for young and old. Those who will blossom and bloom, and the boon-outside pensive and perfection, entitled and attained. The many 'influences', and factors which make for a virtuoso, or true-artist, or both. She had little-trouble proving her-ability and competence, as a 'vanguard' or truly, implicate. Luckily, for her, and the art-world she was an authentic.

  Days, nights, and weeks would pass and she'd be again intending, in redemption the policy of predemptious strike-out into her form-founded, focused and festoon. Luckily, art and artist, was a congeal-prospectus. An advantage and venture-of trials and expectation, to be 'aired', and awaited. But it was a populous, and private-conundrum; which spoke for themselves. More artists, came along and was vaulted, and then allowed a placid-reclusion for a time. But most artist, had it in the 'blood'. In many cases, the traverse of the ravine of self-success; on a truly reproving-scale. Josephine tried not to be one of these because of the mentally, exhausting-trials and trepidations, which would ensued. Rather, she-worked like a fine-tuned machine. And the lightning and sparks of insense-energy came into its own, when the time came to really, to be prove energizing. That time was again to come into its own. There were a vantage-some, number of books under her-belt.

  She was experienced, renown, and a famous-celebrity; and now, like many in her-position she had to come up with new and greater-works; which came with her-intellectual-espousing and inspiration. ...She had little-trouble in composing. But each book was her-'baby', an infant of care and cause; birthed to 'shine'-on its own and with virtuous-authenticity; so much emotion, in so a ration and instilling; was to be defined and displayed in a innateness. That was one-thing about being an artist, author and adeptly, achieved you knew you had a definite-purpose and plurality. Ideas, incentives and instances were what you were: an artist ,fully-impactual, professed and productive. ...In a pronounced-'pride' and perfective, perched-upon artistic-intention... Josephine, was in full-control and commandment. As one incurred-to, as a division-in intensive and interpretative-collusion; by which you tended to consign to being an artist, prolific, and assertive-in a perfection.

  In oracle-'virtue' of might and immutability, for which the creative-'juices' ebbed and flowed with conscious-derivation in an understanding produced, prosounding and having a careful-commitment. By a provided-refining of a perfective, confiding, instilling and institution. So as an instituting becomes instrumental-awareness and availance become the purposeful proving for her as artist and in her engaging form. ...It was an imposing and infuting of actual-form, by which was in an empowered, compelling and implemental-form. ...Artists, authors and any source of authentism are worthy and rewarded-entities. Being a professed and perversed-creator, meant you were a rare-breed and that you were a person and entity-of form and factor; that could reach an imminent-protocol. And so laid-out in the technical-terms and talents, she was transposed and traversed as a strident and diffuse-effective. So as she enjoyed the main-stay of a magnitude it was virtually, made manifest and made 'majestic'.

  In what was the cause and concurring that was awaited, and warranted-in the prelaid precipitous to be pronounced, from the 'form' and function. An edict-of emerging and evocation in art-form and in true-artifact. The impactual-influences were great, from before ancient-times till the most modern of innovative-technical accomplishments, the 'gold'-standard of actuality and inspiration, has been a rewarding-esoterica... And as Josephine fully-complied, and what was compelled to intend and insist. It was a terminology of terms, for which individual insense and arrival, which proved versatile and worthy. A Spring convolation was a tandem of right, ritual, and resounding; for the expressive-artist and his/her audience. Like the times long ago, the worship of what was chosen as in denisonship and provality. The many intensities, expressions and emotions traced in a mind onto a surface, and made overture-surfacing, in an ultimate-protraction.

  Josephine and others enjoyed, and came to self-understand themselves in the objective of work, worthiness and by what was in an educative-'refracture'. By a compendium of compelling-artists, being brought to tune-in to a conjuring-admonition... A defining-division defacto and division-honed, honored and habituated by style and stamina; the privilege and perfective heroically, made plausible and impeccable... By what was a successive-predicate, in what was a preliminary-divesting and deferring, in what makes for an exonerate-predomination. The procured predominance of what was a reconfiguring-conferred, remitted, and committed. She, herself was a definitive-compulator of the Arts. Prefixed and prevalent, in what was self-redemption and convention. ...Being an incensed-'comporter' of talentry, in what is an inter-auspicion and conferring-discipline. ...At 38, she came to know with coefficient-involition, and earning-'energies'. By what was a pro-affiliate docent proven by 'touting' and design. She
was known as an author with a consummate-design, but also an advance-procurer of a focused-'acuity'. A resigning-excellor by age, times, and talents.

  Her future-work was expected to be reexonerated, for time to come... This installed, diligence was allowed to be prevailed and congealed-into an auspice, with two-sides: care and concertion that was a 'precept' and that was presided-in an complemental-austerity and conveying. In what was a deemed-duplicity, donning and decorum; affixed and affiliated, in an effective and divulgent-attempt and entitlement... What had been a devising and justifying-depictive, and a diffident-commission; that was of time and trial if only, as by a true-testament. ...And now, rather than by exquisite-'energies' and entitlements was by poise, point and privilege-donned; by a definitive, in a practical deeming-dimension. She-ascended and was telescoped in the many provision of the Arts and the 'culpable' Sciences... An emerging-predicate of what was precept-purpose, an adjunct-of scope and redemptively, by pretense... Being a women of capable-means, it just fell-into place. ...A redemption and actuation by a means, but every artistic-engineer operated and instilled-on many capacitive-terms, engagings and performing-instigates in a virtual-confirmation.

  ...So as the 'cold-air' gave way to tempid-breezes and cloudy-days gave way to comfortable refreshing-purpose; in what was a presumptive-of proctor and predication to instill an exponency-expression, and utter-empowering, to renew resounding-resumption... In what was the self-essence of an extricate-diffidence. A pro-liberation of careful-connuling and collaberation in the reemerging time of blossoming; a traverse invigorated ode and confliction that would be an eventual dawn, and with this the fertile-breath of life, creation and exquisiteness... A potency-provenness of the individual and propagate of a pretext and proficience. By what is an 'arc'-of contention and reverence... Many artists reveled in it, but a few tactfully, were imposed-on this very critical-time. Driven by time and creatively, fortuned 'zeal' that means she was to 'prove' their-vision and vociperation. In what is a 'talisman' time to confesss and be convocate.

  Some, like Josephine were in their-element. A defining-time of espousal and inspiration of an individuality. A time to open-up and present precious-prodigiousness, procured and procreated in this time. It was a earned-experience and open-festival, prevailed and deciminate by a professive and perfection; which should not be a 'chore' but a challenge to duty and routine. ...And that a would wind-around resound and reputation, inspired-in relevance and relegation... As the newly, expressed-time of resigning-commitment and rejuvenation were by presemination, which are a reason and resumption-congealing and carefully, confuting. As she awakened to these new-days of vibrance and newness, she became donned and deliberate. Like most good-artists they had to be on their-game. A time of proving and reproving itself. An artific-emulation, autocratic and investing-invitation by what became an entitled enterprise...

  But like most intended-incentives, which were comprising in vocation implication... What should be seen as what was an 'ideal'-complicity. An adequate-instigation by which Josephine came into full-play years ago. Being an 'entity' of enterprise she being one who carried creationary heavy-weight... A now, assailed-vitality for which she used and other-wise fully, enthused. And with this he proved an 'underscore' of a pragmatism seen and recognized; by a populous independently, publicly, and professionally, wise. So unlike others, she assent of artistic-amassing, which was always 'full' and funded. No artist would go without the exciting-impression of work, resource and resound, in which had never failed her. There was a 'worth' and wonder that which went-in as a running-'thread' although, by all she was in, was an 'impinging'-precis of, and perfective by which were a designate and definitive in an collaberation of state and 'style'; a predominant-'inviting' to both press and provide art-work in the usually, terms; out of which were to be a common-'stake' and provision being-entitled and engaged.

  In this imminent time, Josephine as an artist who was thinking and evincing to her next-piece. From many 'alcoves' of a perceptively, artful-peceiving in a company-collective and allusive-presiding, by which was as much being as a journey-man/observer. ...So as she was quailing-in what would be her own-form she was as an inquirer of most others. In an 'allegory' of personal-intending and careful-study of what was to be an aspiration, in what was an implication and articulation. For many creative and 'vanguarding', artistic 'loves' to view and intentfully, study; as-form of being both student and stoic. Most who were good-artists, 'reveled'-in incurring and encompassing by the ever-present new-artistics. In what was a 'vein' and edge for which more was gained from potential, rather than profit. Most wise-artists, critics, lovers and liberals-realize that others can teach, immensely. By what was a construsive, affectual-'place' which was in preliminal and predicative. But also, by what was an objective-imperative. That one can derive and devise, a both-devotion and development, in one's own 'cause'. But as any 'true'-constituent, one was to be in an emaculate-'providence'...

  So as the many-colors of Spring and Art, came to manifest themselves in brilliant and anthentic-terms, each author and artist came into his/her own... In what was a heightened-'apothecary' that would see the device and evocative being proven and procured, by a definition of experience and dimension. It was for the 'artful', a new-challenge and conferring. By what was to become an instituted-dimension of authentic and actuation proven-worthy of an act. Conspiring-to be taught and be by terms the new-season would prove to make or break a new emitting-'motif'. The emerging-magnitude of theory and thinking... As an emerging-implying that becomes aware and warding by assertions and insistencies; which were gained and granted. What was a new-motif in innovation. Josephine would begin in an intrinsicity and staving-of a precis, and inventive-'price'. What would become a display-of ideas and innate-intricacy.

  ...The many places of defining and choice, chosen and to challenge by new order of things. The self-vocation assigning, through impress, and in terms to empower componency and proctor-in a newly defusive-form... This according-landed and abased, as well as encouraged, encountered and engrasped. In the decisional-donning and accounting-of cause by ultimate-creation and truly, empathic-development. The book would be a constitution of faculty, and form. She was to perceive a precept that was the basic-paradyms of a mainly, fully-conceive and discover by what was a proffer in permuse of fundament and follow-through. As both professional and perfectionist of a form; she had to make accurate the best of her-skills. In the idiomatic-entendre and ideatific-conversion by which her skills would be preponderant. An innate-profundity beginning to be doctrined, documented and developmentally, given a devising. By what was a promising, promulgating and pursuing-in which there was 'involition' and investing by an compellate-exchange.

  In what became an 'impetus' by a pro-generate design aversed and adapted, an intuition and officiation, was an empowering-intrication, made by a provisionary 'ideal'. An intentful 'illumination' by art and instilling; by a context in expressed and of divested alms and ideas, what was an incense and acception in affects and officialism that comparatively, was commiserated and idealized as a careful, experience. What had prevailed and shown recompense in art and productivity... As one's significant inspiration being set-upon in insight intricately, bestowed and portrayed by the many influences of natural-times, terms and neurotransmitting. An effective dynamism, instance and insistence in care, consideration and cause. It was a freeing-experience designed and 'dialed-up' by a displaying-diligence occuring over time in people and amidst one's self. In an impetuate and impactual-implication that is an incentived and infusively, granting and guised. A spirited-'specialty' form, by which a creative-edict is created-in discourse.

  An ever-greater resolve, a resolution and worthy 'skill'-in a revitalized-season, made for and magnified by an independent-'will' and an Art-public's self-worthiness... And with this introjection, Josephine was again objectified, in new-tenets by terms and sophistication, intended and understood. Just
as the new-time brought out new tentative-works so was others sensually, motivated to take-part... Josephine would, in exaction, go on to take part and write a new-work that was aspired in a resonant-diligence. As her cohorts came-forth, she would write with a new-espousal and definition. In an 'essence' by which the time of inspiration was forded, and ideal... In an 'emboss' of alludement and allot for a 'come-abreast', new times. Warmth, sunshine and renewal came to return invigorating and reverberating, in what were established and instilled to one's only-reprise... In what was a defining and diversity-empowered for all. And to those with creative-talent. And as a self-vocality, to be bestowed and privileged... And as the fans were assounding-anew, upon a pretense. In a precedent-allegory, for all who accessed and espoused by duty and determination, of a 'cause' and conferring...

  ...Denoted and developed, in a-derivingly, comply which was to be established and instilled. The sunshine would awake, then flowers would blossoms, and all flora and fauna would come into their own... A collective-'breath' of fresh-air and vibrance, which those at work would take-part in what was an interest, engage and enhance... By April's end May's beginning and what was the instituted vocal-resonant to rejoice... A deemed-purport, assized and a fully-interest of ideals and intricates. And Josephine would pursue the book, 'Chadwell's Cauldron', a mystic epic; conclusive, flairing and confounded-in intention and impact. What was an ongoing, light-season would see a passage into another world and its 'wunderkind'. A worthy, waylay of wordplay, wishfulness and willful-warding. The espousal and inspiration-conjunctive, ideal-pretexted and passaged. A burst of flight and veriatude, that was presounding and pronouncing. A perfuse-incentive and undertaking, asserted and of acumen and accomplish.

  It would be an instance and inspiration advanced in what was astutely, objectified... What for her-audience would be a 'Blockbuster', and she; a meniatude to her-subconscious-mentality. She'd prefixed what was apprised and pretext-in a guised-incentive and understanding. A presence and 'plurality', of incense and understanding for which its dynamic-terms proved worthy-reading, exciting-scenes and reverent-ideas that her fans would find astounding. In this precious-hold of words, was by an implicit of her-mind that would be un-stopped. ...They would be inspired and upon deep-terms by fragrant-statements and impressive-ideas, which would be in text and guided-by, in a theme and context. A promotive-recourse ideally, adducted and prevalently, compolated. As in her mystic-series, was completed seven years ago, with a hundred-thousand sold in six-days. Now, a re-sequeled, refantasize-'glory', was now in new-terms and tact.

  By what was to be a providential assertion and perception that was portrayed and affixed-in an all-new and refreshing-impolations of ideas and instigation. What had become by an instrument of mental and sensual-realities. ...A produced, procreation intuitive, yet as a quauffed-instance and instituency, in a prologue that was advanced to an intricate-understanding. She formed and produced in what was an article and a resigning-inspiration. In a precis that was prelaying, proctored and progressed. By an article of instilling for which, with facetive-constructed, being fulfilled and in delineation of story and stature. This, would be her-'finest'-hour, in what was a fourth-installment... She was inspired. The calm-winds of a delicate-Spring, was made by what was a jovial-incentive... A portrayal by what was a self-advent and interstitial being different in-purpose and pride. An evocular, in thought and display. As a focal-constitution, by what was a versatile-connection and connotation. The expanse of writerly, scheme in what was expressed and expounded in personal-devising and device.

  The comprehensive vehemency of an well-aspiring writer for which purpose and insight, centered-upon a regiment and convocation. The certain-citings, by recompense and careful-composing... The very-scope and scale, materialized and of cognitive, commendable-enlistment and illustration. It was all, then from 'night'-conscience to 'day'-prosing. A meaningful-contention, and prodigiousness which could ignite a new-extension, to a commense of propagation, and in what was a providence conferred as an atoning-proprietary, mastery and mission... An epithetical-allaying for which a 'skill' that was fully-evoked. From the mature-mastery and virtuosity of 10-years of professional-writing, the scope of writing-success and a life-time in scope of a mystic-subconscious; in an assonance-all contributed to a sprawling, Spring-time-enterprise. ...In an instance and Josephine's understanding fabricated and formulated by 'status' and stressing. She felt this 'newest'-book, was her 'baby'. In what was a new-pretense, preliminary-provocation and protocol. It instilled in what was a new conventional-standard for her.

  It was of an resounding-intensity, advocation and instilling pro-rated and inter-causatively, proven and provocating, for what was the 'tentative'-stance of her work. That the behest of challenge and charge became a channeling, and chance... A portal and portent-'vitality' idealized, and as at what was an attempting... A thorough promise and pride of being a writing-force to be reckoned with... Yet she held her own in adaptation, intricacy and exaction. In an inciting and explicate-excellence, in what was an apported, virtual-adamantcy... In an exposition by which would entail and extricate in the mental-creative-consistency, perfectively a proponent, accounted and composed by a deriving-dissertation and detail... What would become an 'item' of an ordinal and exposited-extension. She used the much realized-digest and definition, to having new-ideas and idiomatics... She, with the anointments-of-Spring, was darning the elements and full-terms that would lead to the many sensational-interactive engineerings...

  She had a doctorate in Fine Arts and now, was putting it into full-effects, this one would put the literary-fare of her newest-manuuscript into the 'stratosphere'. Where her-book such as the 'Wychyme'-series was eloquent and definitive, 'Cauldron' in what would be at a gauge and foster of a new-era of the line of her written-form. But from birth, she'd been awaiting a chance to further write-in, what would be about her many expanded-dreams... Although, she tended-to always include some of her-night's 'awares' in-symposium, she went 'all-out' in this-tome. Imagery, imagination and theoretic-themes all were to be factored-in at an integral and embrace. A self-engineered 'story', prelusion and presumptively, processed and projected-of what was over a time, and a mental-space. It became an intensive-ideological and motivational, self-encampment. As the ideas and images went-into their faring and fabrication, in what was an intended by implication, order and objectivity... Now, in what had become an engaged and conceptualized-offering, and an affecting-by endeavor and importality.

  And with a validating-inception that was for her a commanding-composition... What was a long-'store' of sophisticate-chance and adaption... In what was an incentivated and insensed productive-protocol. A personal-proctor in dissemination by self and a succinct self utter-sublimation. An 'ode' and order-of psyche by self and assigning. A premonition-turned into a proprietary and proponency. By what was an active-mind and perfective-agility, making for a set-supposed successful and sufficiency-in a manufacturing-time. She had a full-plan that had existed for years and now-was focused for this tome in her accomplishing-life. It was a 'doable'-action, and experience. ...What had come to be 'deep'-into her-life. ...As in one of her past-books, and in her-future ideas; she-wanted it to be in a technical and a new-literary realm... It would be a near, mia culpa in recent-terms... An interstitial-convocation, idyllic and of fantastically, fundament. That went from the 'square-one' resolve, to a constitutional-implementation... She was not going into this, 'unwise'. ...By what would be a practical-revision in times and trials. The re-finding foundation that is identifiable, consistent and a reverential...

  ...It was not like her-'past' and as interestingly, into the future... She wanted to make the continuation, in an aspect of definitive-affection. ...On what was an incursion and redemptive-public by what was a comprising. ...In what were many terminals and termperances of objective and influential-contingents. An operon-conjecture in a righteous-aptitude, by what was in a per
ogative-objective and entitling. In what was an obligative-deeming and predominance-to a properly, instigated decisiveness and admiration. A project and progressive, by which would be uncovered, in what had been on her-mind for some-time. In the many influences of a past and present were fore-shadowed in her-thoughts, thinking and many accomplishments. In the many contentions, and flights of what was a 'fancy', by the integral-terms and influences, in the doubtless-maturing, indubitable-strengths and stressors, for which she knew her-contending. In what was 'fought-for', and those being valiantly, understood. The many 'milestones' and standards, valued and affixed, by an interlocution-fixation and fostering, by what was being fulfilled and entertained.

  ...She was in her-'element' and of an essential-design. Perhaps, the Picasso-stage of her life. She understood and comprehended the many stages leading to this-point. A profound-precipitiousness to look-out at the descended-world, below. The instance and assertion, by which an epiphany could be launched. The flamboyant-familiarity and forcefulness sitting 'square'-upon her shoulders. Implementing and accurate-incentive to bring-forth a powerful literary-structure. One, which would transcend time and allow the power-welder to strike 'steel' with skill, talentry and mastery. A potent-reverential for all the days of her life. In what was an underscore of orchestrated demonstrative-'symphony', as composer and maestro. The duly-determinative concision for which nothing would be the same... A musical-movement to be given drama and emotion, the stamina and style to perform in lucidity, landed in dynamic form. It was a doable-challenge and concept, met.

  All those 'dreams' and dramatic-regalias, pitching and pinioned-in her nocturnal aggrandisement, infused and elaborative-in a transfactoring of thought and mind. She pin-pointed this inflexion into a word and passage; into what was an exactional-image to produce and converge-in one-dynamic consistency... She knew, as an artist, would be risking her skills and herself to transform, a rather-'fiction' into carrying a held-realm of intimate life-long emerging. She remembered that all her-life and in what was her-future would contract into creative-'mission'. In what was the 'orthogony', of enlightenment and enlistment that would be a parallel in thought and artful-majestry. The excursion into the unknown-perception and privilege. The protogonic-illustriousness and mystery, made 'whole' and illuminating... An inordinate-transversion and connulling-emission that would, with thought, reanimate by design and expediation. In what was a personal-transaction and focal-point to fully-credit a spiritual-form.

  She-understood many of those whom came before, and a critique upon those to come immediately, after... A precept and principle, put to 'prose' and adduce by position. The many actual and factoral-designs and dimensions, propagated and understood... What would 'collide' then, as an ethereal, and that can be fabricated. A confounded and started-truism, which would fortune and reveal, as a transfixing-scale of the many, and the few. By what was a propounded public-'outcry'. An assounding and expurgatious-generation for a onely, scale and perpetude... Like any humans, she believed her-work was frugal and with all the luminous-intrinsics and intentions, she believed all her-life, that for half was secret now she wanted to bring-forth and present the filiament of a 'wide' and tangled-refute... Her carefully, matured-life in all its 'tawndries' which was now, on the edge of a new focal-uncertainty.

  She couldn't be sure, if a man conceded in-requiems that could be girdered-across substantive-understanding and thought. Josephine, knew this could be the book of a life-time. A truly-obsequious, innovation carrying the field into a new-aura of Arts' altitude. An emotive-display, fortuned and formidable. ...An illuminary bona fides that would reveal a new 'terrace' in fiction, mystic-series and new-design. A fostered 'eloquence' accepted and placed on as a mantle. Could her serious-work be an adoption of a durable-'faith'. She'd watched amd reverenced, the sense and sensation of a respected- 'column' of master and her-works which reached a pinnacle and fell to earth in an aging-duplicity. Would she-'fell', as never before or would she still be 'by-the-book'? What could be seen as an 'infiltrator', in anew of design and craft. She had to be as true a Machievelli and astute as a Longfellow. It would have to be a long-fusion of thought and edited-plight. A 'sure-thing' of work and reliant-wording, the personal-virtuoso 'sown' and set-upon a new-ground. Of all her mastered-implicit derivatives, focused and formidable.

  A 'force' beyond any she'd known. An immense, impartial-understanding-pitted and reflective. A resigning and desiring-plexy by which could afford and prove, beyond a doubt. She was joined at a contact-point, to which she had to confront in a long-held reserve. Of all the conduced-contentions, by which were held-before her, in self-annulling thought and process, it would be a 'self' versus 'self', in the intellectual versus a mystic-Wizard, dawn versus dusk, imminent-power versus unlimited mental-endowments. An especial, certainty between two realms, to emerge with a gift of greatness, and ever-after. Supported and superimposed by the deliberative-transduction piercing the envelope of a seperate-dimension. A life-time to engender for purpose, and provacity. An instantaneous-effort to bring mental-states together to existences-untold and unadhered to... In her life's imaginative-'blood', were congealed into a process and purpose, writing creativity would become a work by finesse.

  Was it worth it? Was the perceptive-power of an unknown, 'sleep' become the finest-hour of work and life? She wasn't sure. With all she'd done in life, it couldn't be any better. But it was an unknowing, pressing-'anxiety'. She'd learned almost as 'early' as her-dreams that she would need courage and character. To impose as transpose, in a mental exactness. Strangely, she didn't feel-anxious it had been all like much of her life a 'sublime'-assertion to prove-herself. To act-in promulgation to prove understanding and learn in an intrinsic skillfulness. She'd thought it was all leading to this-point. A purpose to every ultimate-understanding. In a conjuring by which much of her-life would become an 'understanding'. A fundament-by exertion and undertaking fulfilling its course and function. A term by which she'd lived-all her life. A deliberation brought to its purposeful-fundamentality.

  And so in this confunction and independent-virtuality, that she could capture a profundate of intrinsic-depth. In a private-interstitial brought-together and realized. A near-birth of relevance reveled-in and given to an 'order'. ...And the 'moonscape' of her subconscious, would materialize and prove worthy. Although, she'd studied, learned by ratifying others in this compensity, it would be an independent-relegation. As on the many relegating and personal-objective thinkings, it would be as many times before, needing to be made 'real' and a selective. In the many-visions and versatilities which must be made relative and rational for which many before could not be proven. And with a true-rationale of reality that had to be release and forgotten, like a part of themselves left to die... It would be the 'real' and existent in which was for her, as them, were to be a true Tour de Force to self and a self-resolved, absolescence given-forth and left to a 'merciless'-world.

  Would she do any 'better' or would her-dream, as a truly fabulous writer prove-limited? She didn't want to 'duck' this now-flemish accord and not let-it 'die' on the vine. Could she be, all she could be? It was now, all uncertain. She wanted to be like Mr. Spock on the starship-'Enterprise'... To actually, understand some of her imagination-unlimited. She'd accomplished several-things that the vision, had not; an empowered and impacted superlative-writing in a productive-scheme. Things people all over the world and twice her age, could not fulfill. Or was she to grow old and retire in past-achievements. And unlike 'Spock', she was under self-incriminating terms, as many times over the past was a great and accomplished-writer, hero or heroine, who would be over-thrown by its own replication.. Making a life, an adventure with an uncertain-demise.

  And as seen in many of famous-people, being inwardly awe-struck by the limits, in-times and spaces. It wasn't exactly, disturbing but Josephine rarely, became emotional. She knew she could deliver a work like no-other. But to assume-
on compunction in-writing was personally, elaborate which was as much consistency and constitution, that could never be so inexorbinate... All the careful-rules she'd assigned to her-life. Which had been considerate and instrumental. Her wisdom taught her to be very astute, rational and relevant as all she'd came to understand. Her-purpose in life was all the lessons, logic and accomplishing which were now, an instilled diffusion. The many elements and entendres, evident to her life in the past, up till now. Completed incentives of the ordinal-earned and understood. From when as a child-learning from an old cousin who worked as a goldsmith the ideas of intention and the lessons of how his-customers that came to buy his 'jewelry', to a regimented friend, extolling the 'rules' of a living in France, and then Israel...

  And all those who came-after in a 'sweet-harmony' of an instituted-logic and life. The brandished-understanding of being. Jewish-artisanship, fellow-ship and talented-skill, and how to combine and conjoin them-in a relevant-focus and aptitude. A proper-portrayal of self and situation, provided for and proven. And her exemplary-understanding, influence, and willing-learning for which proved she was educatively, prepared for most things. And as the extrapolation to learn and grow 'wider' circumference which-proved objectifyingly, 'pivotal'... For all she came to know, was a pressing-for all who engage her. An opulent-competence, which was going beyond simple-learning; but an effective knowing, which proved quite-valuable and crucial. Now with a sincere-relegation she had to understand the one-entity which might prove the most mysterious. A self-focused centrality of the utmost-insight. A parallel and impose-engender for which terms and times had become inwardly, met.

  An inner-unveiling for which she was the subject with all her learning would be violated by a juxtaposition, she'd kept sacred and secret-in an innate-sanctum... To embark own a path ensuing a prevealing of a 'treasure', she didn't hide and unapprise. She knew, the dream-realm may 'collapse' under its own weight, and would never be the same, she feared slightly, but recognized that it had served its purpose and prosperings. A necessary-diligence presided-over and if pursue with any affectation would end the propounding-prelude to what had been a personal-predeliction. An obvious goal to be implicit about. There had to be an optimal-comprehension for which intent and initiative were in what was an occupational attempt. In what was an intense and sensitive-obliging for which personal and popular-awareness were both professively, atoned. An especial-sentiment, by being confessed and conceived. An expousal subjugated and influenced by the world outside of herself...

  What could be considered, a transfection to both revel and understand. In what was a true-'impressario' in one's own mind. ...By what was an intrinsic and open-relevance to undertake and portray. In an emerged due-prospective, provided and proven... She had been particularly, in what was the profess by an 'exposure' to what would become objective and insensitive-conviction. ...This, she never took-on without a reverence or ratification. An auspicion which had never been anything but 'bold', for her. So her signature-wit had to be intricate like her aunt Ethel's needlework which she'd always wished she had mastered. An analytical, self-portrait-amorpholized. A tacitly-reengineered work, self-lattice-work and integration. What woud be an infiltering of inward-convocation and utter-innovation. It would be something she would have to not 'invent' but devolve-into being divulged. In what is an objective-implicaton made ideal and reversionary. Josephine knew that what once was just impactual would uncover in intimate-contention...

  Josephine had never-thought about herself as a 'force' to be reckoned with. To look inward and unimposed by what had once been due-deliberation. Seeing how the inside of a master-universal which could be transcribed in a new-virtualism. To truly, perceive the 'six-senses' of an unreal-matter. She was no longer a 'youth'... A self-promulgated child of virtue, but also a mature woman of proven abilities. If she'd revealed and opened-up the virtues of her subconscience, were specifically all her own. It wasn't implausible. She had to emerge into a new 'flower-of-creativity'-pretense and profounding. An intent and inspiration-intricate and of private-conjecture. Could she prove perfective in the deductive-chance and challenge-to profit. In a composing in now new comprised-venture and vintage of self and assertion. She would have to enlist a new-provision and protocol to define and refine, by what would be her Magna Carte...

  It would be an 'opus' of operative-incentive and understanding. An official-simplicity and officiality-to provide and profess of the generate-terms. A promotive-'precis', precariousness, perception and a procured-progression. What would be a pretatorial-evolution to produce a necessary-exacting convocation, and residing as an impactual exaction. To possibly, use all her fathomed-emeritis, not being of the her deep-brain, and find the alloting of what was a self 'Muse'... As a venerate-collective to be profound and proven. The many originations and arrivals, provided and pretensed-of an arrival, and deriving. What could seem a new-ordinal. And she have to reprove the many gained adjulations now, actual. It was seriously, an in-depth power and pretension. It would be by, for what was of Will, became a self-method, ardent and objectified. To become a new-residing cultivist of scope and manifestation... In what was an convestiture of independent-dimension and adeptitude.

  She figured it would be 'best' began-on the surface of the other, by what would be set-in a dynamism in this-world. And a capture of careful-concerted, complement and control. She saw this as a 'wise'-sage needing to travel long trails back to her realm to visit a place long-held, in the heart and mind. To go back-pass old beautiful and awe-invoking lands, in realize what was important, self-valuable and treasurable... A place of 'rector' and treasures, from which upon she could fully-comprehend. With little-emotion, she decided to 'seize the day'. ...To purport and be perpetrating the true-invention by the mind. Registering in a 'morse', and matters overcome by the mind, cognitivity-thought and decision... She'd begin conceptualizing of her metrical-'mentality'. To project into perception of the pontificate-mind, at rest. As the Buddha, she'd need to transcend self, emotion and existence... To empower the precepts and impressions, and return. With the personal-release of the 'promitory'-of night...

  Night then, would come with an expressed-feeling of recognition and resound; to prove and impact the long-held articulations, conjured and justified. It would be sought with an inspiration and accounting. As she'd 'journey' into so much creativity and imaginative-spirit; she'd have to capture and 'rescue' her own. And now, with relaxing, she'd go-there and 'undeposit' the very-ritual of her subverted-mind. As she looked at the clock-on the 29th of April, the decision had been 'set'. Although, she breathe a little-timid, she felt that the subconscious-realm would-come.

  At exactly, 8:14 pm, when the dresser-clock ticked, the cooled-night was calm and sullen, it went sliding-away into a learned-world-appointed and imposed. The sleep, came as the mind went-into oblivion, and another-world. As she was transformed, the many spectrums began to strand and fold-into a place, she knew so well. Then, with one-full consummation, she was 'there'...

  Whether 'inter-stellar', 'galaxian' or completely, obturant-theater; a profaction-itself went into a necessary-affective... An amulate-defining and definitive that protracted and contracted-into a transitive-transom, now revivified and true-to form. A full-submersion of awareness and ambience-of the 'sanctity' of mind, and body. She'd reached the plateau of utter self-ensomberance to feel what all-existence had to offer... She remembered the intrinsic and cochetic of life, living and learning. Thoughts and images-of a novice and novel childhood, of aspirations and inspirations; of a new and innocent-mind. In an adult-inferrence, which was once a commulative-mind. And then the growing-attempts at understanding and will provided-for and having meaning... And in the 'recesses' of her-brain she could see the many essences, and 'not' of what was, and what she'd became...

  ...She-rescinded into an affiliated-affectation then with a deep-breath fell into her-grand and 'imaged-world'. All the 'pixels' fel
l exactly, into place the broad Godly-strokes of a genuinely, empowered-existence... An exact-act of imminent-energy, bestowed-on her, alone. And she wasted no-time in observing-it. She knew what she had to, and now to do-it. With the main-endowances of her devoted-past, it came down to her-'imagination'... Her great and valuable-competence, would now only be matched-by her 'mental-strength'. She assized, the many terms of life, living and growing. The many aptnesses and attitudes, which proved ever so 'worthy'. A pronounced and practical-enhancement, for which a 'line', was crossed... She gazed at the other-world, wanting to grasped every-essence. To give practical-thought to a virtual-existence. To over-power an essential-excellence and derivative, 'gravity'.

  ...Time would stand-still being in an anointed-consistency. To be a 'presence' of indomitable-experience if nothing else. She resided-there for a timeline ,and within hours, becomes a night's rest. It was more than an 'existence' but a necesssary-exaction, intention and incitefulness. She had to hold and grasp, this imposition, to portray an 'existence' and an utter critical-insistence. ...The sky was a terminal-blue, the air once potent and prevailing, was a portent and purging. The 'colors', once in the deepest of a complete-entitlement were 'fading' into an ungulated and disturbed-'spectracolor'. The features she and others had, became dull and raw... ...The cliffs and ledges, became stark-black, broken and rough. And what once was a grand-precipices, was a forlorn protraction. And her-age, and grand-features became sensitive and drained. She was astonished but now, understood that she was under an impositon of her mental-state... The others-there spoke and their-breath smelled 'horrendous'... A putridness, like a dead-seal. The language they spoked was a dirty broken-english; reticent with dispatch and ordinal.

  She was moved, that what for years was a 'grand'-form, became stale and under-embellished... It was a self-invoking, disappointing-experience. It was as if she'd been sent to Purgatory. But she knew her-mind and accepted this a 'void' or as an especially, serious sanctity. It was like a 'story' an old-Jewish relative had exposed her to, as a Grimm-like plot that had been told for hundreds of years... The thought about the once 'strange', but 'logical'-suffraging; that lesson, proved valuable but chaffed... It had all became an easy-understanding which had to be done, 'properly'. A proper-propensity to accent and understand. A self-couraged intent, to feel the human-reverence that was an assurety through-out time... A perceptive-embellish to be fully-interpreted and understood.

  Through-all her once 'intrepid'-accomplishments, she'd felt that now she was in the worst-place and unempowered to get herself out. Was it a truth or a truism, about her, or was it a tale for which she had to find the 'moral'? A proctored and pensive-consignment imputant to a suggestive-interpretation and understanding. As she stood there in her once warm cloak was now frayed and smelled-awful. She didn't want to experience any more to rescind into an 'Ovid', and return to where she had come. But something deep-down from the areas of birth, love and learning that she'd been through told her to remain. ...To prove 'exact', what life had meant. It would take this deep-'ancient' and archaic-understanding, once perhaps mystical and magical, to be able to fully-focus her creative-energies to hold-on to the effectives of this primitive-dreamscape. She once wonder with the 'intensity' of her creative-work that it was be more remote in a truly-earnest work like the Military, or on Armed-Forces duty. But now that was perhaps a role being entolled now.

  She was an ultimate-instrument as that just as beauty of Art being forged by an intimate-compelling. Then she remembered, the immense-energies, intensities and ultimate-availings skills not many could have. An inner-award of creative determination and understanding in their new-role. As she thought all this, the color of the realm grew earth-like. The once dark-skies of blue-grew the color of earth's... The language of her-fellow-beings grew into English, and the stark smell became natural-for men. The once strange and impossible, 'sunshine' became as a normal-galaxy. The once flying, strangely colored flying creatures became large-birds, then eagles. Then time was lived in this new-natural realm, as she explored this undaughted 'para-reality'. She spoke 'English' conversed with fellow-saged humans, and understood. It was a process-now, understood for what was an imaginative-time.

  As her fellow dream-companions left her, it was a gentle-obliviousness; she was happy. She awoke with a smile and felt invigorated. Instead of the world deprecating it caused her-eyes to feel the new-morning sun, before she awoke. The day was began and the once over-'octave' of life; dissipated and communed-in inward-understanding. It was a once realm of immense-spectacle for which it was a subconscious, in all its terms. Like a new-part to the scene to a play, that was some one, she decided that from then-on the scope which for her-mind created, was now a subjugated of a compunction, and code. It had became a principle in what was a possible inordinate self-assertive, predeliction... An ultimate-understanding of self and sincerety, of passive thought-attained and emulated. It was simply an arduate-understanding, proven and pretexted by ideal and implication-in what was a 'soundness' and skill. It was a time of in-pouring by insight that had probably changed her, forever.

  Somehow she felt 'free' and un-underwritten... Like some 'code' had been broken, she knew her skill was still 'intact'. Like so many Jewish-people, artisanship would be given-up easily. Her devotion to both talent and life was something not to be given-up easy. She had become what was in a virtual-emporium of 'Artism'... And the grand and great couldn't be taken away by some supelative 'dream-cycle'... Although, she realized that somethings was 'infinite', and could not be fully understandable, and others could be understood by telling a simple-tale for which one's deepest-instinct could prove-invaluable...

  Josephine spent the day just pondering about things, by the end of the day, she had the outline to the next-scale of her latest-manuscript... It was an intensely a vibrant and especially, refreshing-idealogue. She knew she had the adaptive-bases for the book. That evening, Brad came with Spring-flowers. Josephine, pulled him close and layed a wet-'kiss' on him. He looked startled but pleasantly, surprised. If her intuition was right they'd spend more time together. The once eight-room Brownstone became a nice place to be together and enjoy each other's company.

  Josephine had to decided to use her-energies with others and not alone commuting-ideas... She went on that year, to see her maid become a 'wife' and computer-specialist for Brad's company... No more was she stuck in dreams, or drawn-in to be a drawn-up friend, what had-since be an unequate and drawing-point, was now where she residingly, rested... Perhaps, the new-reality of a year, was too imposing. But there was more to life than vice-and-virtue. It became a series of events, which were Josephine's finest-hour. Josephine had never looked so deep into herself. She saw things in a greater-brilliance. The stalled, became ever so superficial. Her intellect, which had once stood-'tall', became second-nature. Her many talents became emotionally, enhanced. She'd gained a deeper understanding, sensation and alertness to the world around her...

  Her friends and companions had never seen a transformation like it. It was like a religious-requiem, one were she'd seen 'God'. It was truly an eye-opening experience. Where once she only, saw the imposing impressions of night, her senses were transpired. When she confronted her-dreams, those there, had spoken to her. It, a simple-revelation of time, mind and space. And thus, she realized something which had never been known before. An elapsing-confrontation which had explained-it all... What was as God, letting her know what had alluded her, all but her dreams. A self-reckoning that ended the imposing of life long-compulsion. She'd read that one had to confront 'fears' to go-on and live 'life'. What had been a dream of a life-time was nonetheless a fear-withheld. An implication and imposition, lived through her subconscience. And that portrayal had denied the fear of self-'joy'.

  Although, she enjoyed them, felt comfort in them, and was ever so empowered by their slight-existence. She knew she had to come to the realization tha
t even dreams were the blocking of a life, to be better lived with anxiety, and the unknown. With this-'release' this conundrum of power-over intellect, logic and superficially-endowed it that the certainty, was in where 'true understanding', and living came-from. With the dreams to come she didn't live-in some artific-world but about life in general. After 30 plus years, she knew what restful-sleep felt like. All the memorable-actions, factors and thought-conflagrations in an ingenius-life action, was now experienced. With her true-motif to life, she lived an exquisite-existence. She could see all the drab, inconsistent-'realities', to everything.

  With this, her true-experiences, became 'grand' and frank... She really, saw the excellence-in all things. The once incidents of her long-held dreams became outward, occular and in instance. As a result her-creative powers were freed and only given greater-endowing. It was like being born all-over again. ...An artistic unopening by God for the once humble. An enticing, intimate and engaging-ensomberance being entailed and expounded. What had become an integral self-vision, focus and release for her and the whole-world to see. As that final-dream, an unaware-compact was broken, she had even greater-understanding in a new-perfusion of art, design and endowment. She already knew her grasped ability, now she let it run a new-course of commandment in instillment and intention. Her personal-entitlement went ahead in leaps and bounds. Those once withheld-relatives were set-free and allowed to fleurish-on their own. An optimal-entreating to now, impliment and design. She now had a new-reverberation about herself that would not be extinguished.

  And a new-accord, fell-into place. A superior and superlative-concision took place, she knew it was hers to have. The instance and installing-of a new and broader-predeliction possessed and empowered itself in true-vying, and view. She saw it with a 'deeper' proficiency... And what had possibly, been a wisdom learned all her life was now released to allow her to grow and understand. Inspired by a self-certain sanctity. She rose to an impact and implication, to take her art further than it had been it all her-life. It was an instructionist's life, and she was the greatest-pupil. And as such she remembered all the lessons, thoughts and impressions gained and gleened, understood and fostered, focused and furthered, in the main-accumulated lesson of a Doctorate of Fine Arts, art-director and Jewish-child of intellectual-nature.

  Although, she had to learn all over again; she came with what was an intuition, perception and insight to be her most astute-person. Her intricate mind-set, musing and motivational proved to be a force of a stand-up, explicator. She had voyaged-far and wide in her-life, but nothing was as far as the inner-sanctum and personal sanctuary of the mind. It became the private-piety of professing, and provening... It was like a mental-propensity to be in a thorough self-collusion of thought and mind. An earnest-impressario, congealing the mind. She had excellent-guides, to produce in a definitive by the proper discharge of a mind. A both-installed, intricacy-deliberation and liberating of the conscience. She would get back what she herself had kept locked away for decades... The 'little-genius' who could not feel, or be of a fortune. She-breathed deeper, a saw with a dynamic-reverance, and implicit-reality.

  She-donned all the integers of a living-intense and fathomed self-contention. Furthering thoughts, senses and expressions that once was felt with a certain-intensity enveloped in time, and temperance, and abject-tendency. An inferior-'infinity' placed-on time... Now, a vivid-projection, incensed and intuit, to the prize and pretense. The wonder-of the wisdom of once, warded now-conferred to the terms of inward-tentative. A strident determination understood and embarking upon intention for which a lost-providence had been found in fidelity... The things with which was construed the duty and deliberance of her mind, and advanced and infected her judgment and componency, had now been reenthused. ...Discharged and disconnected by the once 'willows' and 'wardings' designed and defected a hold-on the diligence of thought. All the minots and merits, of human-conception which idealized and was extenuation, of a decent-comprehension had now divorced and released from a defining, and imposing.

  What an academy once instilled and inframed, was now reanimated in this-world... In a deep-dimension of oracle, and effective. It was as if her-brain, talent and skill, had been revitalized. And the old-skin of a past over-usage and dispersion, had found a new-order and availance. An objective so high and meticulating, it repose a new-imminent digest. All the energy of once solemn sleep, had opened. An appellation and derivation-honored over time had over-flowed, into the here and now. She remembered her-dreams now, with a fond fineness. An aperture, which was now 'real'. A reverberattion, by what now allowed itself to come-into existence. It was an grand-power for which she knew all its intricacies. A power and presence-intimate and intense. A private-power and precipices that could only be permitted to do, its will.

  With all her learned skill, she realized this was an advanced part of herself. She knew she was in-control but also it was a greater dimension of her great many impressions, private and proponency, perceived. A predomination she knew as honor and humility, conspired and was affective. She knew, as she came to know learning as effective feasibility, did she drive its convoking-over. A projective self-derisional and ordinance which empowered, as impactual. An advocative-indulgence annotated by intact-intellect. Something she knew as a 'child'-inward. Her life had become a work of Art, and now in its full-bloom, she knew how it went and in all its intricacies. It was like her whole-self had come together. Like the zephyrs of mortality were released and joined-in one 'unison'-being. The thoughts, impressions, logic and conceptions, were fused-into 'one'...

  A light-trickle of saliva ran along the clift of her mouth, and now she was relieved... She knew she had mystic-experiences that were one like the many books and manuals, proved a higher-power and reality. A remonstrative-power, which was there to be accepted and adduced. It came at a self-admonishing, that she'd achieved a 'pinnacle' that was resolved and reconciled. A purified-exaction, arnate and understandable. An infliction-of 'duty' and determination. She knew there would be no more rules of technicity. That the failed-remunerations had all fallen to uncareful-antiquity. She realized there were greater-things than 'fear', fault and blame... Although, the eyes' focused on an ultimate-redeeming, were article and advancing by origination of a thicken-cote of inner-emancipation. There were more than allotment to thought, theory and theme that the moral-advocation went ever-deeper than the 'individual'...

  As all was alluded, there was a 'glow' of night to day. A vigil, bisecting, broke and made real and ratified. Like a move of, but the actual-presidence, in Liberal Arts. It was more than determined duty or skill, it was a deliverance of articulation; which formed and was festooned in a quarter, a segment of reverance, and reality. An inspiration and idyllic confirmation-ideal and gravitation. By what was an installation of cause and independent intensity. From which authority, exception and diffuse that took an honored-place... What had been an idealist-intricacy, aversed and inventive. It was an intention of the 'mind' in all its 'plexy'. In what was an 'emporium', predelictive and prodigiousness... What was careful-concertion, brought to a commanding-concision. The elements of the mind, in solid and instilling-junction brought into a formitive-diffusion. Of ideas, images, emotions perfuse and triangulated, into implicated confunction. There was more to the essence of life, body and instance a conversed-interpolation of vitality, and virtue.

  ...It was neither instance nor insistence that which oriented-around the world and of worthy-will; imparted and impacted by the definition and dispose of an order and science; engaged and encompassed by intention and of incentive. She was recognizing the 'focals' in the thinking-pretext of her mental-acuity for which 'humanity' expurged in existences and power... There was the will and worth-of life and living, 'protocastic' in a presence and preponderance. The many ledges, cliffs and valleys to perceive and take reverence. The common and briliant-essence and esteem prefixed and cogitated by pro
factor and perception. An all laminence-protracted across brains and bounds... As the last essence of magnitude and manifestation, eased-by into ominence and prevail, she awakened and withdrew-into professing. The 'light', which once indeemed the calling of subconscience, she continued into a new-morning. She knew the experience was proven and perfective, as much of life had been...

  ...She returned with a new-conscience, a new personality, and a new-spirit to portray in a presounding spirit-within. There was much to learn and much to know about the new-Josephine Stein. An imparting and impactual, being who'd understand the new realm for which she progressed and gained. An availance and adventure of time and place. An amalgamation -accessed, accounted for and understood. A new time to convoke and commit to caring and conferring-conviction. The ode and sacrificial-ploy and proffering. The many confirmations of forces, mind, body and spirit deliberated over a life-time. Complexed and inflexed in articulation and advantage. Dimensional-ovations, objective and obligatious, ensued-over time, which refined and molded thought and thinking to process, perfect and pre-emanate... The decision and defining-of person and place, for which being idealized incurred and obligated in newer-terms. Josephine had transitioned through it all, as affixed to the tangential-availances, propagated over time...

  An encumbering of person, and perception. Which proved the vitalness-of-thought and technical-terms. An advantage, taken to what was one's mental-proficiency... A prologue and preliminary, by intent and idea of sophistication and self-certainty. An impression and empowerment, deduced and convictedly, pronounced; in an order and utilized-investment. To pierce, the definition and dynamism, overcome by purpose and character... She herself was a work of Art for all the innate and intimately, innovative-potential, she was grateful for it. ...But as in most-lives, there were personal-struggles. As sure as she strived to fulfill a goal, so she was influenced by her innate-limits... Although, she'd stood-for all the logic, Art-beauty, and their-innate composites; she understood there would always be limits and laments. Over a life-time, it was both 'frail' and formidable. The power to reach an impeccable-prolition by means proved, valued and also, virtuous.

  But with assurances, she compounded in what was a living-skill. In what was an impolation of art, and self. There was more intuition to self and life, but what was with a purposeful-propriety... With the values and avowals, of thought and theory were in an alloting-commandment. Although, broad-in terms she'd became what was in a consummate-commandment and commitment... And now, as a defining-'oracle', origination and objectify; by precept and price, in potent ability and motivations... She was a Mona Lisa of proprietary-virtue... And now, properly prescient prevailing-perfective and protogonically, precocious; she'd reached a transformative-transfiguration. An appointed, self-vocal and now articular-epithesis, now changing into thought and a new selfhood. And now, as ever she realized a new-transitioning, ratification. A new and transformative enactioned on self-centered in, was both premises, and choices... And inwardly, appellation to self and assurety.

  But as a person of concoction was both proficient, and perfective. So as talented new-trajectary terms meant accounting, and accomplish. So the two-planes of conscious and subconscious could be redefined in an apparent-objectification... So as the personal-worlds of as genius, were as more or less, promotive and utterly, promised. But inner-conscience but as every personal factor, it came as surprise and mystery. With all her-talent and work, she could not claim neither objective, nor explicity. And this 'rich', mindful-mentality both was proving, and sometimes problematically, obstacle-set; with her enriched-inciting, she had availed this natural-duplicity. As the choices, by a deniant and thickening into a personal potential-prolapse; which became an ordinal-awareness and opportunity... It was as if her person and perspective was protracting-out of perfective and purpose, one thing she knew from childhood, it was meant to be accepted, understood and learned-from...

  Was it a 'joy' or adjoining, in a 'new'-way, or worthiness? She knew it was a time to comprehend and understanding in new-moves. But as all the novice, and as teacher, she began to make usage to what was occuring, and as all opportunity, she was more incense and interpretive to person, time and place... It was the study of the most understood, and worthy-individual, she'd ever-know 'herself'. ...As she'd seen it was the changing course of her life. But it was an astonishing-evolving of life, and living-litany. ...It was an instinctive-void that a judgment and justification, all its own... With the emotion of life's pathway and what was a prominent-prodition. Like many professionals especially, artists are innately, centered on self-impression and total-control. Now, she was into as work that would lead her into a new-virtuosity.

  And in a purporting, she both realized and understood. Perhaps she thought it would be a new-origination or revelation-of new times and terms... She'd been taught many personally, redeeming philosphies, on many terms and times, and new it would be no more contentive but retentive. ...The deep-adjustment, would be in an 'epiphany' of intrinsic and ideal of self and new-operative. Although, she'd changed and found what was a new-challenge that came to un-'new' things; about herself, she realized her dreams and her complied-competence, which were of a new-character... A charter and judgment, now residing and reasserting-in a new point-of-view, and subjection... What was inspiration and intelligence, reanimated and instilled, to new-vision and choice. It was a new-aspect of self and life. Perhaps it was a chance, to find a new realm of her self-world. ..Her life had always been a defacto deliberation and field, and now she had been given a second-chance...

  With all that happened she wanted to live through all its new-potential... A renewal of self and times, which should not go unremit. In what was precept, and provision... Perhaps, it was a preemptive respite to 'prove' her-life and legacy. ...But life had been altered in a way that was private, intimate and rewarding, and had become heralded in new-actualities... What was now an infinite, self-plausing. The energy and entity-of what lay inside of her that was for now expressing itself with full-exactness. ...As perhaps, she learned in wisdom that the greatest understanding is one's inner-self... And that oneself, is the greatest being anyone had come to understand. And with this, she both realized and was now aware-of the instance and open-reality, that was as she knew and needed; a new-ratification of an unopen-gate.

  ...And so she would be incentived and employed to a new-reality-ratifying, and ramifying of self-thought and many conditions of inner-theory. So in proctored-incentives and would be a journey and birth, perceived and allowed to 'progress'... What in thought and theory, would be an intensity of fortune and fact... An objective-ordinal and original, in a new purpose and perpunctual. In what would be an authentification and journey-over, through and upon deeper self-understanding. Before it became a new-resonate self-mission it was a journey of new self-'epic'. An aspired to, as well as inspiration of new-proclivities, it was almost as if self was anointing self-thought, and impressions; which had been in behavior, were necessary for this change... So there was a purpose to her 'advent'-prognostication. And now, adventure and cognitive, self-convention were now in a 'vortex' to what, when and where of her prodigious-life... Perhaps, it was flattering as well as fluent, in new-testaments and times.

  By what was an ardent-infiltration as well as exaction in new-reverent, self-terms. And as she now fleurish of new cognizant-expresssed, exonerated and prevailed. An intricate-allusion, to be focused as an 'idealism'. In what became instigate and instrumental. In a what became a new, renewed arduousness, which preserved and projected in intricate aand intimate, self-vision and virtue. The once premised-logic and comprehensive-conferrence there was still expression and expounding. It came with a venerable-instance that which with orientation were given to a redeeming-promulgation, examination and a prolicit-skill. It was an intrinsicality, worthy of conciting presemination, profound and professed. A positive instigation to which one's intimate virtues, are
allowed release... An incensed, allegory extenuated by priory and terms. In the 'voice' of times, and trials.

  What might have seemed 'prodigal'-terms in inward-fascination. In what was a proven pretention of thought, reason and personality. A consistent-feasability, aimed and targeted by innateness and intact-potential. What was to become presenced and proctored, she knew to understand. A contentious-awareness prefaced, in the deep-landscape of human-brain partition. A preeminent self-innate practicality allowed and permitted to release in understanding and openness, pried and pressed-in all the compunctive-precis and approximation-afess and avail; in all of human-perception. Josephine never stopped learning, and thus her many attributes, attainments and articulations-confessed and conceded in self-concertion, and committed. In what was a loyal deep-scope, and internal-priority exposed and expressed over time.

  What had become a demonstration of self-impetus and instinctive-power. A proving pronouncement of personal-passage and precious predominaton, which was a compendium of empower and soul; that was given to personal and common-times. What was a productive, precise and what was precociousness being rung-into self-intimacy and identifiable-implicity, given to inner-pertinence and what was once a child, coming into her intellectual-goal... By what was still a 'lesson' of education, expertise and experience. By what had become an avowal-of assurety, and overture motivation-tact. By an enterprise if what was the positive-potential, determinated over-time and striving. By an elicitive-covet and dulicitive-advantage and virtue... A predicate-redemptive provided, proved and complimental.

  ...A 'derivative', and devising-perceptive, and a pervaying-connection; an ideal-intentful and allocative by division provided by and of an accord in singled-associate assent. And thus, in a fleurish of time and terms, both embased in self and in a capacity; confessed and convened to a new-reflective vitally, given to a precept, contract and individual-entreat and redeemed by act, awareness and adaption, in the 'ports' of presence and exaction. An extensive-'potential', avying of extensive in intimate-comprising. This was her evident-design. One, which to perceive her 'finest-hour'... An inter-lacing and networking-complex by which was more than what she fully-perceived about herself... Her father had always taught her 'civility' and severance, and now she understood even further the wise-designs in life. From what was here a undiscerning, convolution of mind and body... She realized early that self and others had mysterious motifs and missions to life. That as much as you knew there was many times more unknown, elaborate and unnervingly, evidentials... But as a to that purpose and perception, were only subjugate and superficial to life and scheme.

  Just as she worked with 'skill' and talent, to prove and understand much of the universe was, up till the 'unknown'... But what was life if, not to question and learn. And that inspiration was a wonderful-'key' in total, ascent and aspiration... And this was as early as she could remember as the 'joys' of a wonderful-mind and life. She was excellent, and now with intentful-interest and trust, she'd achieved and accomplished... So with the wonder of ability, came the magnificence of honor, duty and control. An 'innovative'-institution proven, disciplined and a will to grow and achieve, as conceive. The power and precipice to travel 'oceans' of the mind, and be instilled in the order of an intelligence. A deliberation of choices and challenges, which she was allowed in this 'cusp' of self-concerting... An instrumental-enterprise and entitlety proven, professed and perfected.

  She thought-back as if entering a 'stock-pile' stellar of memories, dreams and devotions; which all held-treasures of purpose, promises and perfections; interests, intentions and engagments; assertions, orders and orginations-all to be confessed and confided in... A map, blueprint and placate to be envaluedly, possess and attain, in an official applied-implication, given-to in trust and allegory. Perhaps what seemed a 'holy-grail' of the plausatives in he-life... In a way, it was as if her converged-existence was intertwined in an omniescent, 'over-vision'. An integument-artifice above and below the surface. ...A vivid-path defined by the illustration of thought, mind and body. And the feelings and fortune of conception and exception, gross and determined... A scope and scale of arduous and implication born of thought and theory... A prominence or devoid discipline-epithis and oracled by price and purpose. What was a prosound and opulence, afessed of the will and worthiness amphitheatered and order by acclaim and acceptance. ...She reflected-in, was truly an 'inspirational life'.

  A careful and consistent-commited contention now a norm and nomative-testament. She felt it was still a 'journey' into a future which completed a path winding along a life-time. As an auspiciousness-condition and anointment, intentful and impetus; afforded and affirmed-portent and proven-intensive and idealized in-force and perspective. She knew she had a deliverance-proven and protracted over a life. She was able to realize with a certain-sense of perfection that things were in an accomodation. An elemental and instrumental-feasability opportune and obliged to the proctored-charge. What spread-out across time and testament to chance and choice, ordered and objectified to a structure in what was now an innate-wit of her existence... And so, in all the integrals of living, structure and espousing which were all-content, code and character; to be of accounting and understood. A course and recourse passed-through and refined by self, others and time. It was like a structured-people, place and time; brought-forth, enacted and understood. A quickened-life 'force' stood, infused and impacted in a living-intricacy and intactness.

  A 'spirit', spurred-on in impending and intrinsic, for which was spelled-out why, and who she was... A circumspection that both proved worthy and build, in a deciding-animation, all-incentived, installed and now, she was cued-in 'full-circle'. In her-life, she contributed to, but as well it happened-to her as well... An intrication she knew now, what it meant and how it came to structure her... A very 'wise-hand' had formed and focused her-life. And the many pages, had silohuetted-in fortune and 'fate'... As this foment, reactualized itself, she felt the weight of the 'hand' that molded itself around-her... Now the majestic-law of evidence and intention made her truly engulphed and have a deeper-understanding. As she'd learned the self-reflection and significability, she knew that both effort and emaculance, diffused and exacted in deciminal-terms and that it was a seminally, new-presence was again another-turn to relead the many limits of living logment.

  And with insight, she understood that what was intending all her-life was now in a deeper-release. A commulling-competence both annulled and objective, as a 'host' to what had been an inner-contention. Over time, the much energy-oppressions and odings were in implication with an act-of availing-courage was now unleashed and empowered. Spelled and incited, she knew it was the merging-of famous and emerging, of a life of retentioned-instances and edified by precious-strength and strident, pinpoint; to be concertedly, given to be atomized... A 'formation' of instinct and ideal, to become steeped-in... An illustration of that design, esteemed and intricate; to all the self-instances and factors, set-forth and fabricated-by and of, inward terminal and intimacy; potential and proseminated by choice and a 'compact'-writer proponent-estered and obligated by both vivid-mind and implicate-intention. ...A thriving-soul, mind and spirit, set within a vigilant-existence.

  She was a concept, as much as a 'vision'... Adamant and authentic to both the liturgy and terms of life, and living. A central-origin, from which existence, time and place where self and reordered in the very elements of her life. An interstitious and instinctual availance of presence and image. A price and preordinal that formed living. A pre-redemption of thought and testament. What was an arduance and imperative of a time-span. As she was transmuted from the limits of the past to the transcoordination of the release the here and now. The orifice of an oracle, prefixed and process by man and time. If there was a God, He stood at the gate of transition and transformation. And how Josephine was at an opening of rectored-reanimation... The many personal-aspect of Man and manifestation, seen
but helpless to be changed. As so many humans at this although, ineptly rendered and recognized; she could only try to understand and let it do its 'will'... From the age-of awakening, to the terms of relative-endearment, one could only helplessly, accept.

  A 'obelisk'-of influence and encounter spelling-out the new-terms of her life, which was as others; a sternly, selfish aspect... The implicacy and officience, that had all been a subtle-supernascent eternal, and incensed. A collusive-toil of Man and existing-'manifesto', proctored and divest; between energy-existence by man and his-power. She could no more 'control' what happen than fully be competent in this voice of imposed-perdition. So the super-fidelity now, existed before time and man; in this being of posit... The postulation done by infinite-presence and position, that would only now be accepted, and not accounted. In what was a theticated encompassing, passed into and actuated by what could have been an absorbed and advanced-obligation. The vivid and adjugate-time was being fulfilled, and she could only be aware and accept-in full ratification. By what was an objective and an 'aberration'; told and stood-extricated... In the areas and eras of time and place, subjugated and suited to many grand-minds, and time and space, was now yet proper and allowed, to be an emission which would be proven by time-trial.

  A predicated en-layed set-upon her mind and essence. She knew as, in being the explication that would allow her to endure and be exonerated. As the change of pace, projected and proved-in sight of a new, once caught between two-places; and inertiaed by exact, perception; perceiving, and conception; she was reaching for a new-transfigure and revelation, reverence and resolute-restitution in what was once Josephine Stein. The interred-'host' which had lived in her heart, mind, body and soul; through-out her life was now released and allowed to project and, conspound in the living order of her exploits, and cogent-connectivity. It was beginning to seem as 'pageantry' of majestic in a life, and logment-coming to prose itself, in a worthy, attained and condensation dominated by price, and preclusion. A perfuse-'flair' of dignity and dimensional-demand.

  She just allowed it to do its will. A seizing of kind and culmination-grasping her in a new resound and inordinating that had, into a pretense, of a finite-reviving. As she knew of by herself, the inclimate-energy that showed her more. A new-empower, charter and channel in an experience that felt like a 'warm bath', or an exquisite-shower. What was a dalience of self-evident, and inner-exertion... If she came to have thought to reach a final-tantamount, she realized 'tomorrow' would not be the same. It was as, if the power of self and succinct-certanty, were encircling in private-provocation. There was a sheen to the purpose, and point-of-view in life. That it was not 'lost', but given a protocol of pretense and pragmatics, a soothing-exception to people and terms. A 'digest' of determinants, preserved in want, and certain-deservancy. A possible-depiction of honor and thought. An inordination of what was now a feeling, reaching an 'opus'. What would possibly, see man in propensiation, enticing and effort.

  A new spirituality precept, by time and terms. In what was an enticing, condoning; atmost allowing, feeling and fostering; atmost, prevailing and prestigmatized by order and preeminence... The discharge and deeding, in what have, in its pre-telling, were redeeming in proliferation and intentional-understanding. And with this new-infliction a new 'defining', presoneration. She began to realize and reallocate in dynamic implication. An instance and understanding proficient to time and extrinsicity. In what was a 'voyage' and vetting of a now preticant of changes.. And now she knew what it meant to align and adorn the self and self-hote... ...That we are redemptuous 'beings' in are best mental-state, and the status of thought, theory and conjecture are instilled, understood and passed-on in what is a proditious-altering and change. A dimensional-plexy confirmed by what was personal-honor and world of composite-skill. ...What became an intrication of worthiness and worthwhile-reward.

  And with what had become proper and prothesis by what was time and effort... A thematic-allusion pretensed and practiced by a vivid and versatile-mind. And with that and proving, working-price, pedagogical and proud. But the incense and inceptive were by chance, commense and ally in what was a composing. The intact new-reverence was finally, installed and progressed prognosticated in a newly, vibrant way. It was as if coming home again. Many who go through existential-experiences admit ot life changing anomalies for which they swear that life would never be the same. Books, stories and lives are altered in this new extenuation. But all come to the understanding, that it was a limited insinuation. What was described as a panecea because an acceptance of inalterable and unaffirming life-tale... A renewed-purpose and perspective both vicive and visionary in terms, but not abiding. Perversed and prevailed, as undefinable self-arrival and intent.

  So Josephine realized she had read what was true. And that as them, no one but she would know fully the experience. A sure as she understand, she realized that her life would never be the same... And as the alighting of the 'aura', which glowed in mental-unison around herself she'd been given a 'new chance' to live, and be prosperous. The new pretension and preallocation; resourced and rescinding, by the 'pretense' of time. And within the essence of time either of resound. The once private-talent and now intense-logic, conveyed, and expursed-diligence which was now extrused and exonerated... The age-prevalence of once inordinate-objective and stance. ...What perfected, conversed and now, unveiled the independence and dependance, exception art, thought and passion of what became vision and voice. What with conviction became preordination and a faith, leading to purposeful-process and imposing.

  And the much counter-balance, perceptive and redemptions over the availing of her-life. The film of a deep-present and obtaining, conception and thought. From the childhood of 'newness' to the proven and perfect of what was a liberaton and afformative, by what each of us feel presenced in knowing. And a fundament-intent and exaction to know further-on. What remained a 'frontal-piece' to thought and action. What was now, proving her scope on a new-level. What once was an instrument of life, love and infatuism. And an egaged intensity and innate-enthusiasm. What had become a structure, focus and function-tolled and idealized. She wasn't sure of the new-reverence as reality for which she must now quarter. In what had been strong over the testament to a life... And as she started she'd come to this point of amorphed-elition. A triumph and contraction-full and without thought.

  The many prices and predelictions, which became lived, incent and understanding. In this privileged pretense, the arbitration of instillment and individual intactness had formed and was realized. An institution of fact and fruition promised, promulgate and progress in time and assurance. The infinite of skill and scheme-contented of self and person. Was the stipulation of 'force' and fortitude, to be fragmented, waylayed, or foresworn and forgotten. She recognized the presence and pretext of offering and affairs for a which she was responsible. A standard and stamina by what was a suspended, substance and substantiation she was both preeminent and premise but what was the true convergence pretensed and protracted, now. Though, it was an unknown with all her dreams and deriving definement; there was a 'factor' of empowering potentially, she would come to behold and come abreast.

  The once, bright-spectrum which once she knew as a welcoming-nights alter existence was now fusing into her cognizant-one. The color-hued and grew fastened to the aura of her living rational-mind. An intense mind had formented and transmold in matter and method. She was now ramifying-itself in contention and condition. With one side of intent and grasp and the other visions and vocals. A preliminary provision, a prospect and comprehension re-idealized and cemented in new thought, precision and convocation. What once was instance and instilling, had fell into a new ratification and realm. The active filiaments of lights and impressions, were dissolving and the new objective new reverence, new origination was falling into place and out of a deep-down intricacy from another transgression.

  She had never noticed th
e real world while in deep-sleep. The perception and presupposition traded and transfixed, were defining of a remote and an conceived seating. It was mere deduction of the brain, unseen and in actuality unforetold. But the pressure of its once weightlessnness, was reanimating as, if both acknowledge the latter-part of her-will and the exception of a firm and filtered-pass and pronouncement. An intentful and ignominious contact working for her 'better good'. This scared her, the new-essence of what would be a new-life was a new obstacle to be understood. And effectuated, she'd never feared what mind, body, time and place had to offer. But how significant was a new consentious-active to a prescient-paramore, to life and living. It was a 'magnus' of an apparent existence, proquotient in new-designation. She heard of 'spells' and specifications but rarely exploration. It was as her many teachers, who taught-one's own world was 'infinite'.

  ...And that and self-courage to look inward, required a world of understanding. She knew now, this was no understatement. ...Being precocious, thought was making for an idea; it could afform into a regious-discipline. And now, she was exposed reavying on new-terms and transpondence... A major-manifestation, out-spansed, and now dispersed and diversively, diagrammatical. ...In some ways, she was more than 'efficient'; she had carried a 'virtue' in all she did. In what was an elaborate-emboss that was formed and fostered. What had been a stressing and stipulation by festooning, and fidelity. ...A striated-allusion that now, 'protoplexed'; by a new-order and understanding. It was a privately, conveyed-contemplation; revealed, and with a conduit, in 'purpose' and plight. In what was a dimension and diffidence by which she realized she-alone, held the key.

  ...'Keys' in so many teachings, were in concurrent-images; which flowed as 'one' to open into new-planes, ideas and 'ideals'; in what might seem unimportant and unreal, became understood-components to what was an absolutely, other-world. These 'objectives'-by what was an 'entrance' that abducted-people to new mental-awarenesses and rationales; prelaying on new-scale and advent; in the 'new-realm' of virtue and meaning. This-being, a precariousness of understanding, and insense. ...It allowed-one to look-further inward, and in an objectivity, to a 'prescience' and projective-of what was one's unfathomed, mental-costing; and this 'key' to wonder, by what was as an well-exceptionalism, by what held the 'template' within human-mental connotivity... The many 'parsects' to life, living and legitimacy had been a 'scale' of the 'inner-reaches', that be came integrated-in design, demand and furtivity... What was much with a 'passion', practice and proficiency. A deliberate-defining, in her-scale and scope. The prodigious-characteristics, inferred and officiated-in, over the rule-of-time. The habit, 'homage', and heart passaged-in what was a personal-understanding, and 'imagery'. She had the intrinsics, interests and incentives-possessed and pursued.

  And this, 'portrayal' by-intent and observing, were resounded and assured-in 'heart' and mind, duty and discipline... A point-of-accentuation, brought upon a-plane, and projected. A perception and pretense, alluded to a contemplation, as a 'prefix'... A living-to transition of choice, and as sufficient-'maker' of the bold, brilliant and bright-'braced', in beholding and belief, of the whole-essence, insense and esoterica-'posed' and proven... ...The 'mechanic'-properties of her-thoughts, feelings and actions; set upon a level-of destiny and diffusion. An exacting-experience divided-over, space and scale. What was an individual-obligation-intacted and instilled. By what became across a 'void' of instance and extrapolation, of a gravity of mental-hold and gradation. What was not even by 'inspiration', or true intentions; that could fully-account... As a human-mind, edified; the definition and development; one's self, became an arbitation of 'choice', and transition.

  Contained and conferred-in an extraction and exponency of existing, and expansion. And the comfort-being an 'innocuous' provision in intimate-implicity of one's vocal and vision. A causeway-of thought and action, traversed-through 'time'. An intricacy to 'prefix' the dynamics-of choice and trajectary, no one knows for 'sure'. An instigation, befitting-'heart' and hopes, which were 'intersecting'. The paradyms and dimensions of the human-edict, and demands of interactive; and in the eminence-of moments, mentality and missions of self and asssertion. The implications and understandings of access and assimilation, defined and divested, in one's interests and imposings. And with time, a commitment to a modality of division of 'logic', litigation and allaying-proven and perfected-in an abode and graduation. In what was a virtue-of an intact-independence and contracted-dependence, upon others...

  She understood it was a prevision, by what she had began, and what had become of her. An extrinsic-supplanting or by which an order and availance-transited across the magnitudes, emergences and multiple-missions. In what she realized, and with a definitive of her-life. A living-immargin, set by a surmising, and subjectifying... In a life emoted and erected, by a resound, rectored and received, in a 40-year proctor. Although, she conceived of its bestowal; she could no more actuate, as assume its relevance, reliance or relegation to terms and times. ...As she looked-back on a precious 'few'-years. Of what was hope, honor and success, she could only 'glimpse' into what was 'love' and deliberateness... The posed and counterposed-exactions; for which humiliations, were impart, held 'dear' and of a homage; that proved, a 'provident'. An espoused and especially, proditiousness; given, in a clear-'path', present and perceptivity-personified.

  By what was a guarant-of all she'd been through, and a pretext-of what was projected, entailed and admitted-to. A program of instance and insituated, for refining and relevance. The many chapters and chosen-diffections, perceived and abided in. It was a principled-life, far from precision, perceiving and perfecting; all to bring her to an ultimate-'illucidation'. A redemption of cause and calling, purchased and presided over. A regarded-'prevalence' for which the very instances of living were now preludes to predomination of many interest and talents... ...By what was inceptive and virtually, incentive... A perceptive of heart, mind, body and spirit... And the many articulations had a gathering of spirit; that in days and nights, compassed in the heart. An introspection of 'price' and deliverance, one she'd done all alone, and with the 'gifts' of a promise. An apparent-engineering of stance and conviction ordinal, and understood.

  In a determination of implication, in what became an arduance of perfusion and proximation. The proactive-values had gradated and granted a price and empowering, pedantic, acted-on and understood. A propounding-postulation, of vocal and choice, devised in an ordinal and ordered-entrench. In what was the fascination and fulfilling 'fulcrum' of commanding-care and characteristic. And with an 'Electra' of finality and vital-fabric; she now, reallocated the knowing, of the past precis and preeminence... The ideas and efforts, discharged and channeled was now expressly, demonstrating its power in her-life... A true-'glow' an achieved perfection-obliged, and understood. ...What 'shined' and had a 'aura' of a possesssive-power of a redeemed-life. As the glow-reunited her two vivid-resolutions, she understood she was her coming-together, as one. More powerful than those ever, before.

  A genuine, self-intensity and vocalization, by what spanned her-life; and anointed her in her sleep... What leveled as the entities of growing, learning and experiencing in all its 'rangor'. An inspiration and implication, attained and defined; by a distinctive-discipline, that was ordinal. The 'ovation'-of withholding and honing, over what were terms and times. Which were profactored, and profiliated-in 'tenets'; and by interred-temperance... A bright and strong-'ignition' and flame, burning-into her body an enacted-exaction of a one-true center-body. Brave, and benounced to be operon and an eased, earnestness. And with this approved, devising-denison, a prefix expended to grow, allay and being of self compact. A corporeal-excitation, invoked and installed-in composed collusive-factoring... A settlement of Ovid and character-authentic and expoundingly, expressive... She knew it like an once vision; which was when young; or with the first-essence of some 'one-true', in mighty-insight; into shape and form, mea
ning and symbol, idea and definition... In what was the great-inklings of Art, and refining-justification...

  By what was an 'absolescence' newly, granted and grounded into to a sincere-self and self-control in an idealism, and talent. The grasp-of a 'gravity' to be proficient and of a fathomed-display. An allusion of efforting and enlisting, in which was to be able to espouse and speculate by deed and diffuse, in what was a friendly, 'elemental'-posssession... A concerted, affixing-cartography of the knowing-surfaces of the demanding-defection of an ordinal-alloting, by pretense, and privilege... A consistency of prospect and possession, she had a power of adjudgment by what terms, met its 'temerity'. A very pronounced-perception avenued and advantaged; in impending-process given to property and faith. A precise, 'formality', which exacted this civil-power of thought and reason, readapted by an innocent-mind pulled, forward as a muse... It was as of thought and had reverted over-time... A transcendental-void which engulphed the once innocence and fully-'bore', in a 'borne' by a legitimacy of perception, and price.

  ...A precious-projection of refined mental-referendum, now installed as a saving-grace. Where once inspiration felt as a safe-zone through time; it was perhaps as predicate to life and living. Her-vision; one-inhibited that became 'clear', her rather simple-facial features became beautiful, exquisite and magnified... The many 'Ovids' and adjulations of thought, became the very-essence of an Art. The glow and many nights of night-sleep now had fell away... She let the once 'aurora', fade and now, her true-self was there, for all to see. The fissures of brain and thought crossed so many times in conscious and of unconscience by which were now 'sealed' into one true-conception. She recongized all the adeptitudes for which she'd gained and now, it was in essential affliction. A donned and demand by what was a prevail-of skill and scope, ascended over time. A temptation-backed and originated, as 'out' of hand-composing...

  If it was to scale, it was an adorned-one. One, in all the lessons of life and living; she never came across or understood-one... It was perfectly, subjectified in her being and she felt it would never let go... It was like a dream, which came into 'reality'. With all its treasure and riches, one that knew its worth and like a 'Genie'; that gave a profound anointing to one, it realized it was 'worthy'... Her rather, once-told her of magical-beings granting unusual powers to those both serving and reclusing-others. In a perceptive-denotation unitl everything was put right. In what was an establishment of duty and transcendance. By what was an espousal and imagining, being a proven-predication. But her father, further explained; that one's perception in a possession, were spreaded-over an ordinal of order and spirit. What with passage, agealed and conjugated in conferring and commiseration.

  It was a tale of the village-storytellers, going back many generations-of Jews; in the old-countries. Yet each Jew knew there was truth to each one. Even, with all the transitions and avowals to human-achievement and absolve, there was little each could fully-control or do. One could only act as an instrument of God and His Gravity. That through the spirit of life's journey and justice one could only accept the value of elemental-subjectivity. But she knew, as any of God's creatures; she fell to the 'powers' of Yehwah and could only learn by law and liberty. She'd heard of the many failures, of a past and person, and the survival of certain-subjection... She now, was enveloped in her own-intrication. Already, realizing the scope was beyond an objective-one she'd never come into full-proximation and that as, in high-Art. ...One tended to never really, fully-ratify.

  ...Much of Art was limited-on time and transition. That the powerful and 'mad' effected all the best artisans. And that resign and reorder, raised and judged, even the best-artist. An author, at least, could see their work in-print in whole attention and age, came to take their innovation's toll... She did her best, as an instrument of applied and implied transfixation. As that, it was 'little' inspiration; but inspiration had its own commitment. Her life had been a choice of duty and recognition. The plausal course, to all reality. So in a way she'd gained more from life than she would ever pay... The like any other brain-of prowess there were more to achieve than overcome. Endowed with duty, and proficiency within artism and emboss; she understood the many essencies of living and life...

  Perhaps that was the case that no cost was made in incursion or act. That there was an especially, conflagration which spelled out the order and Odessa; to invocating and understanding. An imminence and imposition, flagrant in objective and implicit owing to the diligence of a higher-power in individual resolve. A resoluteness, practical and proven independent from any scope and scale. An avidness and instruction and advance and final avail. In what was a passion of cause and conferring... The many dynamics-structured, fathomed and convoked through a life, was always to be known. That the passion and perception, flowing would always be strung on an invisible line. One, intricate of designs determination and endeavors. And in it all was a plause and projection of resolve and oneliness. With this her ordinal was given to personal-proving, pondered and projected in an afforded enamored-approval. An immaculate-'conception' by all who could conceive.

  What seemed as a symposium was her life-prefix. The instance and understanding, she'd experienced and expounded. There was more commence and complexity, to the intent and engineering to her-'vortex', in which she lived and worked. As much as the promise and premise-existed, so much more was the enlightenment and evidence. She was very pretensed and practical, in the prevalence and presiding. The culture of a proceed, and the pretension by forte' and realized. And the ritual of life and place had revolved in a determinate circle. Expressive and in exploit of defacto diligent-terms. And therefore, an auspicious line primordial and progressive. Dispensation of elementatious survival, delved from childhood to obstinate perfective. With as the lines, prefixes and adornments allegoried to personal-idea and affective. The total-choices and instances injoined and affliction by retort and chance.

  But perhaps, in objective she'd grown and affirmed in a chosen and charter. What was now in childhood was a necessary confutation of belief and bestow. A neo-covetousness given to proving, and ideals. An eloquence, defined and necessarily deciduous. Confiding in the perception and provision of what was an authentic-autonomy. A decision of articulate-dimension but developmental and a dependability... A procured prenascence categoried by time and entreated-transamination. ...The 'explosion' of a brightening, dissolved into presence and conjuring... The vivicry, now settled-in flesh and skin, and when fully-vanished was, the empty existence of consumed self-impetus... And now, with a new instilled abase; she, in a new-vitality of powerful poise and a consolidation... It was as if the universe was in alignment, her senses were to bare in all her pretense. An entitlement was now fully, inter-locked with all of existence...

  She remembered, the once great-pillars of thought and mind; set into position and as she possessed them. The 'Catacombes', that were knowledge and thought were swept into a plasm of principles and perceptions... The many men, women and entities afforged in determinative duty, derivement and destiny; were now, reformed after a silohuette-emolting. She realized the aptitudes she tried to understand were 'stepping-stones' to a higher-envision... And she, in parodied transitive-conviction, adjusted in a quiet solemnity, to now transfer-thought. The higher-potence and delineated described by others were now, mixing with commiting to thought. A now, settled-predilection covaired and aptitude, to the new-conviction of self. What would be a continuity and conversion of her-experience.

  A strange 'wet'-feel was felt-on her lower-hand. As this, in reannotation fell-away and this utter-simplistic; assonance became the 'bedroom' and then the standard 'cold' of any-morning. A call-to demnation by a small-animal, a dog. It was 7 am, her dogs walking time. Sarah, must have set him out to come and awake her, being too busy herself. She rose up from her bed and was back into the present. It seemed night, which had been securedly, 'saged' was now 11 hours ago. She looked around
the room. A proto-conviction had passed... The bedroom-air smelled of oatmeal and Molasses; the street facing windows were glowing with the first ways of 'dawn'. Her bedroom-furniture was still with a 'synod'-less motion... She went to the 'mirror', and in origin; it was Josephine, as everyone knew her. She had put on her-glasses which everyone knew was used; Josephine concentrated-on work and wonderment... It was Tuesday, Feb. 21st, when the winter-snows were in their last-throes.

  A proctored-reality, had come and gone. What had happened, who had again, just perhaps; a 'vision' of sleep? She got ready for the day. The computer was on with her galley approved by the firms editor. Several emails were set in the memory and the comment on the book. With a notice, to be ready to come to work planning-group, that afternoon. It seemed an emboss of prodigious-confilia, had not stopped... She felt a 'ting' of joy at the reality, she'd always, known. Like an 'Ebenezer Scrooge' the reality of the long-short night had been a portrayal of a 'nonexistence'. Perhaps, in good and bad, she'd been given a grand-experience to ratify, what life really meant. She could had never felt so reclusion; as before, but knew life and people were truly beings of impeccable-duty and cause.

  She joined-forces with a rather 'stubborn', and stoic-evidential, of all she knew, and gave them the personality, condoned identification of to live a 'little'... Her friends were given a chance to hear from her more often... And no one was to be taken for 'granted'... It became an immense 'austerity' with her; which affected all she did. Eventually, her latest-aspired, was a 'Blockbuster', over the entire-world... The London Times read: 'Great-story, great Stein, 'Bird-beater' at Last'...

  Trips, once to All-American ports; went around the world and beyond. She was seen on all the talk-show circuits... And wide-Cameos on TV shows. She supported her dear-friend's Music-Mastery for all posterity with an endowment for experiences had personification in music, at NYU...

  Josephine came to realize stubbornness in forte or fortune was still missing-out and missing the boat... She became less-idealized, and more instrumental. After all, that's what people are meant for. What had, in sleep, or a deep-sense of relativity; was indeed all human value after all. It was to her an endearing-term and personfication after-all. And she fully, knew it. The once promise of a nonpossessive-'parallel-universe' was now conceptive and bonified. ...And she, many unconscious derivatives became the hallmarks of a vivid, vital, vocal and vibrantly, intricate-mind. And so it was espousal, as inspiration, which after all could be certainly, flamboyant in a deeded and developed-mind... She had finally, come down to earth. In all the dimensional-sights, senses and sentiments she came too explore more of herself. Which in any life, is for the best. All the perceptons, passions, precepts and opinioned-talents; each comes full-circle in any positions. Many of the wise and wonderful-mediums; she came across and understood brought her to this, reckoning-point.

  A pure-personification people of all kinds, pray and beg-for. And Josephine was not oding; to waste it on herself. The world had done great and wonderful-things for her, and she was not going to waste it. She knew to be 'wise' and reliant, to use what had been a wonderful-life for good. And she-knew to act as the many pillars of proactive and judgment to instill the many wise-exception she'd found 'helpful'. To assist of, in the passages through learning, and life. It become more than expression, or insight. It was a provision of technique, and talent. Which she could filfill with a mastery-all her own. An adamant proven-stance was able, and allowed to be had. An implemental and especial-art, one from deep-within... A true-exoneration of fact, and foundry. An allusion of tacitness, and terms. What would become a preeminent self-science, for which acted and exactuated-in diligence and assound.

  A 'profound' and perfusion, allotingly, given from an allaying of a 'true-artist' and inner-relationary. A correspondence-of ascent and excellent, proven and perfected. As the length of her learning, correlated to the decimination and determination of personal-will and might; so it was the closeness and immensity of understanding and interpretative, self-envisioning. What could be a dynamism and perfunctory-to be a willing-engage. It was now, the high-performance of self-center and intricate-perfection. She'd always been installant to the Arts and its understanding, now she knew it from the inside-out. With what had been a 'strict'-discipline and belief; had become a host of an articulation and ideal. She became a 'host' of the other, once distant-disciplines, fell into the 'purified'-prudence which others could never realize. With her new-transformation she could articulate on a higher-scale. A constitution-of diffidence and duty, par excellent in terms. She'd reached a valley and peek, to the implication of authenticity and availances of a convocation...

  An actual dimension and redeemed by interpretation and effective, concertion. An once understood-sensation by so many, was now a mantle-piece of assertive-'centrality'... Now, all the great-skills were on a 'new-plane'. In what was a commanding-commitment which was now a 'perfection' of deliverance, and ability. The once private had of interpretation and impressed-intellectualsim, spanned across a new-centrality of cause and purpose. She would 'listen' and comiseurate-on a real distinct-place and profession... Josephine was no 'run-of-the-mill' Art-consummate; but a relatively, new order of what an alter-gender; effective, had become in college, had made her into a devination of a kind and form. A practical and pretense-confirmation attained by temperance and utilitarian 'transmutation'. In what was a true-instruction of involvement and institution; a proof of pre-allegorical-prowess, in consideration.

  What had been a fundamental-parameter transactuated by what was a truly gifted and granted-mind. She'd attained, what the scholars called spontaneous exactional excellence... Being actually, empowered by the areas she studied like a 'genius'... The spurring conjunctive for which purpose and pride was gone beyond. A transitional-admirance, which formed the impetus to the 'stepping-stones' of a higher-form. This she came to realize and ratify... Though, she led from the heart, the mind didn't settle for desisting. The memory, which perhaps held it all together had grown fathomable and expediatious. So the self-assuring-hand, was placed-on the ground-work of the structure for the basis of learning, and all the personal-conjectures of one's collaberative-fate...

  Becoming an instrumental-ponderer of thoughts, meanings and lessons... And congruent-professed of impetus, and order. The deliberation-of factor and factoral previsioned in cantotropic-terms... A succinct-ascertaining and supervision, idealized and diffective. It was more than a perfective Art stand-point... Granted the framework of subconscious allusion, her impressions, skills and talents grew to a deliberate-maxim... By what was precipious convoking, conveyance. An innate-precept by callibration of knowledge and ability. An aspiration of one's focal-aspect and provisions, to reach a higher-plane and portence. The effective and choice, to pertain to self-goal; a concise-contrition, was the fundament by entities. Discipline and willingness, were all that were required to infuse and intricate the circuitry of the mind. What was an innocent-origination, perfusion and evident of the mind, which became the judgment and justicular-impetus of her way-of-life. An efficient-oracle of thought and thematic-confunction. It was a sincere-acknowledged, force and fortifying in human-logic.

  As each individual 'builds' logic, she understood the many affectations enlisted and made real by ideas, and fortune. An actuated-investment of time and techical. What was an effective engagement and expression. She was simply being proficient, but with the passage of time thinking became a perfusive-acknowledging and eluding; she was truly, 'blessed' by action and bestowal. It was more impacting, than empowering. ...The essential impugning for which came to represent her-life. It seemed to fall into place and perception. She never had to consider what was ideally, at stake. It being an impressio arrival and origination, affective and implicated. The centromere of an uncommon-explicit, derived and exponent. But with each root of knowledge, the perception and approval to be guided-on...

sp; Although, the structure of her life ran across the amphitheater of duty and complexity with the help and hope of those living and legitimate in the self-point of pondering and logical literateness. So with love came intention and ease of understanding. What became a 'prolific' and profound, personal and social-digest. As she looked-out onto the world as the world-reflected the common-logic and efficiency she became so well endowed to interpret and understand. It was truly an inspiration in innate-undertaking. A logical in Invernes postulic and beheld. It seemed the hand of, had endured and intervened to make a juxtapolation to the compelling, complicity of things... An authoritarianism and apparition of time and talent, she'd reached a pinnacle of the deep living of time and effort. The Spring, was coming 'fast'... It was as if the foment of time and space were becoming implicated to the 'justice' in her life. A passive-panacea to all that came before. And she knew she was at the helm. A consummate and grave-professional, she was embodied in innate and exceptional-impart. And with all this artistic-consistency there would be the command, by any contention.

  It was spelling of her world, out; in an insistence and implicity... An intensity of instrucation both being privacy, and pretension. But these were private and fairly accepted realities. Perhaps which would become an easily accomplished impart for now... As defined as the intricacy of alloting-division, so was the seminal-vision; she had became known for. She could have been her own best-representative of a law she both came to understand and deduce, by what was the evident logistic of her-time. A tenured tentative of 'why' and 'how' things happened to her, and her, alone. But she realized being your own lawyer, you had a fool for a client... But with all the virtues and facts, which came to formed a life, were the external facets come into and now-revered. ...That there was a clausative, to the individual; and a narcissistic-refining for which no one can fully understand or attain.

  As much as she knew, her world was like a 'galaxy'-full of enigmatic propitious planets. To draw-together every thing on a line, would be very-inspirational... An osmatic-turn of reinvention that would be tantamount to a dismal, self-charter. A teleological and incredible implausability, distant and unattainable in-foster and pretense. It would be just a universe, beyond-hold or harboring. Yet she knew in a distant-realm, there unique-advent and articulation was imposited and efficacious. Nothing seemed disturbed, or in disarray; through the entirety of her life. Everything to fell-in place. A full-'fabric' of existence, exertion and exoneration, or furled, and efficient. A deeming and redeeming, fortuned, forted and focused over a passage-of time. A triumphant-fulfillment instanced and insistence, from the burgeoning; to a bestowal. It had all been a fundament and filiament of choice and challenge...

  Her particular-purpose and presiding, had led to the formation of deliberate-essence and instilling protracting across time, terms and mentality... A refined-demonstration delibly, granted and given in a personal-scale, and scope. By what was a 'scheme' and scholastic formed and formented, in the mind of a Jewish-woman. The many 'ideas', and introspections; implicated and empowered by deduction, time and ultimate-elicitation... In what was a defining-'dream', or denotativity; she'd proven what it was worth to self and society. A 'zone', of sorts and assertions, in a version of avowal and adversity... A premise-of proportion edged, idled and forwarded. ...What was a personal-process of premise, and projection. In a recourse-devised and developed... A regional-recompense, followed and moved onward.

  It might have been a 'case' of self-eminent domain; of thought and 'theory', progressed and processed, chosen and channeled... A chiming-in of a deducing, personally-inward. ...In what was an exolled-tolerance, stood-on and brought-to a 'culmination'... In all, she'd been involved, and made aware. It was a confunction of self-division and social-'diatribe'; presented and piece-together to a primal-forging; in a selfish, personal-'bond'. ...Revealing a perceptive 'precis'-inception; and a professiveness-propagated. As a 'child'-of conviction and promulgation; taken to charter, and chiseled-out in an active-morphing; she was not an 'ordinary'-child; this, she knew inveritably. But she knew this, and made the most of it. The 'years' of accumulated-context, visualized and was virtually, conversative; and a 'promise', had been installed and instinctualized. The proper-plight of voice and vision, perfected and performed, in a preeminently, nurtured-resound and awareness.

  The precis and perfection, of what she had all-knew and understood. It was all an alluding-to times and 'chapters'... A transmission-of thought to 'existence' as polarity, proctored in essence and evidence... A 'primalcy' and prelaying, she knew-of, all along... ...What seemed a 'light'-insinuation, diverted-into utility and an ovation. An attaining-conviction of objectivity and ultimately, self-awareness... ...By change and choseness, of the process and provision highly, understood and actually, annalized... An intellectual-attempt-pridefully, and of a preliminary. It was a fascinating inter-network that could have been recognized, by any save but fulfilled by a Zeitgeist of chooldhood-imagination. .. A purely, confunction-definement, emulated and of utter-resounded in a pure-elition only she could judge and understand. If it were informed to her childhood-teacher, she'd be 'amazed' by her-results...

  An inter-duplicity of careful co-functionality, revered and relied upon by the fixative of things. And now she felt anointed and resolved by genuine-choice, and channeling.

  It was more than acceding and relevance, but the very private-penitance; private, and privied-on time and triumph. The day was going to be a time of awareness and asserting, condescension... A careful-alertness, intention and emulty, proceeded in-time and test. A triangulated-choice to what seemed a favored, cryogenic-like service and sustainment... The interstitial-elaboration of what was intricately, hers-alone. An art and intention-ascended upon choice, and understanding. A program of self and assizement; of procession and ultimate and properly, prospective. What she had always known as what was energy and a conceptual-enertia. As she ate breakfast installed the definition of a day and drew-together the instances and order, all of acts and 'proactive'-relegances...

  The terms and tasks-of perceptive and profilia expounded and intricately, imparted; in a defining and defective-illumination. In what was her-tenure and property-of a stranding, and stridency. She knew her-mission and resolve was to all things-of 'cognitivity'. It was as if the granting and gravity-of versativity, and an alter-confunction... In what she decided, was the world of an appointed-awareness. The dawning sun-rose and fell with full-conjunction... ...A perceptive diversity, presenced and conceived-in divesting. A depictional-of outward and inward-understanding... A divestitural begining-complication method and instillment, by an inevitable-instigation. An 'aberration' of an 'utter'-time, provided and proven by enamored-essentialization, and commote... Yet it was still very gratifying and enjoyable. A constituent-provocation of ever there was one.

  A preta-natural conveying, if she'd had even known one. The Spring-winds blew; the warmth of a renewing-season had again come, and a perfecting-conversing was come and followed-through. A commutation, was again, come and in order. A transformation, had come, transpired and was again, allowed to 'evaporate'. A definite-conspiring of time, terms; treatise and trial. ...To again, enforce the liberal-complicit; of one's illuminative-prospect and purpose. A carefully, constitution-administration of an ambient-day... The forecast and climate were-all, hospitable to an ease of terms. For the greater-area of New York City, it what was a most convoking-time. For morning, mid and into the evening-breezes, it motivated many to go-ahead and perceive. It had never come, to be a recourse. By a 'harmonic'-discourse of attainment, and assimile... A promulgation of assessing, assounding; syntheses proven and professed of an exacting, sufficing-amalgamated intensity...

  It was a 'compendium' of thought, and self... ...She had to draw together, the convening-strings together; in what was work, and find a true manifestation of self, and in all things. As sure as she found a profound-focus; through the
'vortex' of time, time had come to asset, a certain self-eminence; for which self-interests were 'ideal' and purposeful. To release and make referendum-imminent and ovacive; to allow an engineering of what had became her-life. In the very intimate-subjective, obligation; of which had for so long rested-on the delivering of outward-sources. In what was an embody and embellish; she was of fixture and fundamental-focus... In what was a fortune of providence come to be layed-out and measured. A placate of a measured-dynasty of today and a recent past. So it would become an invocation of self, life and times. To expand and reinforce self-redeeming and sufficing-declarative to juxtaposition in an exacting-cause.

  The parallel and plurality-of life and times, spelled out and instanced in its many integral-parts. She had been a truly-exemplary convocation over a time-span. An intense distinguished compellation proper and proctored, over time. She began to realize the duty-of self was in the reflection of thought and purpose. She was just as good of an intent and understanding. An 'idiomatic'-inferring of a life-long calculative, proceeded-in trial and utter-contraction. An institution of personal-incentive and installment, she'd had witnessed precipice and 'parallels'; through-out her life, in a prevaling-intensive and exaction-aware as will. An affirm of intention brought-forth, and accounting by imagery pre-lectural and interpretation... What arose, was of vision; if extent and certainty, she knew well-of and understood. And her mastery was ever the essence of adductive-contemplation... All the years of life, were transactuated; by pondering and purpose. This, in few terms was the common-directive of what had come to spell-out her life.

  Just as the merging 'manifest' became the proving ground of what was her 'essence. A regard of life and times, the interstitial-writer of what she had become. And now she'd have to reteach, retrain and confess; in the parameters, of self-existence. The mature-mind, body and spirit would avail and make conquest in the alluding of all that had come and gone, along the way of her life and living. She knew it like 'self'-roadmap. And the seeming illusionary affronts; both passive and aggressive controlling and extolling one's 'primal'-existence. The life she had lead was set-on the 'locus' of self and certainty... An objective-assuring, partaken and prefixed in a digest of dimension. An intricative transition understood and idealized. Through it all it had been an honest admiring, chosen and carefully, conversed. An enigmaed entitling that had been grasped and availed. Her father had done a good job of precariously, giving understanding and interests to see her through.

  The power of endeavor, engagement and essential esoteric was carefully, confirmed and conferred; that 'ease' intricate a young precocious advocate-intelligent child... It was for sure as he looked into her-eyes, he saw the conditional, contentions and perceiving which lied ahead. It had became a 'work' of personal pleasure, planning and pride to come into full-evincing to be an influence and portraying as an educational function. To base, bestow and be of benefit to her in a fully, prodigal-way... But as a Jewish-patriarch in his family, he realized she was fulfilling a role perhaps beyond his control... He had prepared and as best he could. Toembody and empower her with as much m;ental experience while evoking the strength of Jewish legions. That the careful concision of intellectual premise and plight must create a thoroughness of perspective-attainment, and attaining.

  An 'emphaticism', prograde and professional, as to an accord, and calling. Many worthy Jews were consistent and insistently, made to be inferred and conformed-in elicitive, affrim of their skills... More the social-science being commended for it. But with Jewish love comes Jewish discipline. An indubitable instigate of duty, dependability and tact... ...As sufficient interest and ideologue confirming and convincing, to a determination and derivation. As the assertive-terms of a focus and eventual fortune. For which drive and developed; inordinated a defining-deferring. Josephine was all this, and more, but sometimes logic and lament didn't follow hand-in hand. Like many young-girls, there was more to life and the 'literal'... The incipid-contention of artisan to artistic artifices, ancient in addendum... A prolicit-advent and adventure, conscribed and ascribed to a vocation, and vocalism. A prescient-intervention and obligation; a proactive preemanation. So over time, test and trial she was tranfixed and emanated...

  Perhaps, it was from God, the Jewish-history, or social network-convention; that extrapolate in the due-course of life... A enjamb of foster and nature, coordinated by chance and charter, in an emulation-focused in a child; over the deliberation of a time-span. A dyamicize of person and prospect, to align a traversing of personal-identity. A laminated, projected and extenuated by resound and pro-exactuation... That the careful-enlistment and alignments, presided and projected-over a living-continuum. The alloting-transfocal for which person and place expressed in a generation and congealing. The corporeal-conjugation, of a life-span and a deeding-of conventional-division; that had and was playing a part to what was now-convolution and conversion. The many ideas and idioms, which were stood-up, and confirmed. The articulation-of thought and mitigation, attained, attached and understood... The seminal-'motive' and knowledge, going-forth. ...The talent, and technical-triumph.

  A paragram-interred and engaged. An ancient-virtue and forging, pervading the ascension and retainment-proctored and habitational given to voice what was a veneration. The many actuals, and what was a factoring-afforging. What with the world, workmanship and utter-willingness, provision to the transience of a life in a liberal-logistic and liturgical-affirm. Yet, she was 'lucky'. But luck has a strange-force of being in a legitimacy. The 'ambient'-protologic, relocation told of times, which required new-transcordant affixing. What was a power of a focal-point, spiriting-transcoordination entrained and reamination. Of course and coventry, espoused apostolic by the images and ideas; passed-down from people to people, and affirming an allegory to the next. A price and profit-predicate by actual and chance. A professive and perfecting-dimension, denomination and diminion-propertized and projected as issue and understanding...

  A diaformatic-reasoning, and a reasoning-progressed and properly, conjoin to testament and time... In a reinterate contract-of values; and confessed-in diffective, and defined by order and chance. An inter-twining of price and vision, contracted and enacted-in the proving-grounds of a line. And the many 'sparks'' of a magic of milestones and style; procured and predominated in the many perfectives, being held-over people, places and processes... We venture-into channels and charters; transitioned and depicted-in the much energized-perspective; and empoweredly, prospecting for which enjoined people to the many astonishing, and powerful-prelays; which acted to be liberated, loved and lessoned. ...An actual and entailing-energy to be concisionally, proctored... An interstitial-causeway, ambient and refiningly, approached. The energy of a first, which had subsided, was as an affirmation of intrinsic-terms and talent.

  The preeminent-'consensure' by time and test, was unveiled in order and evolution. The streaming and stances of a 'universe', of an attaining and allocating; joined, junctured and justified. An 'oracle' of idea and implication, owed and annointed. It was now-cooling after a burning-'hot' allusion. A perspiring-flex, redeemed and resided-in treatment, trial and triumph. ...An allied-incense, proctored, proven and professed-in ordinal. A proquotient, vision-termed and entitled, by advance. In a resolute-quality, to be exacted and experienced. An eloquent-evocation, incensed and self-itinerate; provoking and prevailing with an order and choice. The elemental-context trasfixed and eventually, reposed in-effective. A rapture, reverberating through mind and body-exposure... With this new and grand-power reclimated; she was again, reaffirmed. The chiasm, to be carried-over and fulfilled. By the discrimination-of choice and chapter, commited and fully-compolated.

  ...A choice and chosen, transfix for which a warding-wonder proved innate and interpretative... An apothecary-tranfixing, and transposed-in the new-provision by intentful, and revealed. What for so long was an inspiration; for which had become a wondrous enve
loping, presence and understanding; done, by the talent of life and the unlet ancient-values... An exoneration resounded-over in a contingent-of 'faith' and motivation; through a trans-redemption, composed and established over a life... It was quite the personal-experience and feeling. ...With the new warming-days, Josephine was able to be pronounced and professed. The aspising-implications, helped to fold-in the duplicity of the past... The extent and pervaying, instance and attitude evinced and implicated by the deficits and dimensions being of mortal and mankind, in this one-person. A new-orient of accomplish, accomodation and utter-ascent... An instrucation expanded and played out to a new invitation and challenge. A controlling-interest and invite, to prelude and prove-through time's provident.

  A transcedant-inflexion now, layed onto inordinate-rest and resolve... A possessed-perfection, now given in full-command... A cooperative-conferring attained and fully-appended... For the 'risen', the breezes blew, the birds sang and the flower-blossoms bloomed. It became a resounding-resign of promise potential and prospering. It went through spans of a renewed mind, body and spirit. ...A preemanation of primal-fact and conferring... Now, out of ancient ire and strength came the soothing, voyerance of terms and tact. Her newest creation flowed, like Manna from Heaven... And the many spots of book-signings and sites, were convocations of joys and strengths. ...A preliminary and conjunction, seemed-in her, in whatever she did.

  Like every private-factor, she had a learning-curve to be 'endowed'. It was as many great-thinkers; a wondrous-journey to be beheld. She was certain now, she'd reached a new-plane of resolution. A consequency-reverence, giving exactual to further-proof and be profounding. A traversive-articulation, extenuated over once 'dusk'-wary presemination. A particularly, gravity and authenticity present and proceived over time. A travail-proctor and preceding, provided; and forever given to a provening. A redemptious-course and calling, aversed and instillingly and confessingly, arbitrational. It was a decent-exchange of feeling, and no-guilt. There was no doubt, she was a survivor and an eloquent-one. A superior objectionist and empirical-talent, and testifier. Her many friends, recognized this and were blessed by spirit, thought and embodier of a Divine Logic. Established by the force of talent, extolled to the vivid. As the world revolved and she again proved and prevailed in her successes and the accomplishment of the many worlds of a principle-warranting.

  Defined by impute, impression and utter-imperative, was in amending-infusive and made activated by challenge, and chance. A proving-proximation, essenced as endured. She saw the new-life, better then the old. An objective-obligation of verification, and incentive implication. An articulate-influence and intent-vivid and of eviteration... She both proved and in perfection in the deeper experience of forces and factors... A contention of life, transposed over trust, trial and triumph... A 'division' of diverse-contraction, developed and discoursed; determined, installed and intermined by trying testamental-trials and the many trusted treatises of advent and adverse; toward the tacits, transactives and transversives which were brought-forth in life, liberty and love... A determinate-focus and phase, she held the precepts and terms with a vital-precision.

  The spiritual-process had been the epithesis of her travels through life. An exquisite-deliverance of the many ideas and intents, focused and fulfilled-over time. An expressive-orthodoxy of principle and self; protracted and into a proving-profession... Many people come to encompass and taken in educative-instruction... A precious-productive, going far beyond self and certainty. An unprohibitive-promoting by conviction in the junctures and joys, by which she was placed in a provident-completion. And the many stars in the sky, meant the points of her-life learnt, self-accepted, accounted and fulfilled. An unspecific-birth and an overture-of life and existence, she realized the mentality by which grew and espoused, was the exponent exoneration equal provisioned. An occurence 'vividified' by events. An lamina pretexed with self-sensibility.

  In what was a discharge-of comprising-existing. The many dimensions solidified and made capable with arduousness prism-over the many vocals of a consistent-focus. An entrusted self-enamorance transconverged over time, training and transcordant. A transamination and transgression, secured and corresponded to be the primal-engage in intimate-ode and officiated. What the spirit and psyche of mankind commote into the actions of knowledge and pretext-of images, ideas and integral-understanding and much of Josephine's life was in an excelling ethereal-convention. Perhaps, in all worlds made for small words to be acquired... An intriguing and utterly, diffective-state of unions and 'nonplus', rectored and validified; by the basing of ardor of imminent-thought. An esterical-reconvention from thought, culture convened-down through an intrinsic personal-virtue in colluding. A profound-umbrage pressed and compacted, with personality and preeminence.

  One, she easily saw as a cavalcade-of time and mind. A masterful-conquest of only in mind and method. Now, the was a new-elation, evident by a presenced and essential-mind. With the ancient resolution of human-recall, recognition and reverence; the joys of an essentially, concentric-life; in what was a dimension of a professive and portent-life. A transitive-existence more living-in a renewed-ramification. As the delicate-air of a decent New York-scene, and atmost became a concerted and consummate-consention; and the assent-wise, as well the private-life of her glorious life-style was divected and converted into a ratified and principled very decent-life. She went expressively, on as purpose and policy; construcation by which was her-story, her stories and her-stances in the inflex of timing and terminal.

  A visualized-inspiring of conferring and diligent, seen with the properness and propensity of age and ability; in an aptness so 'orthophilic'... But like in any life, there had not been often about anything else. The plying of the waves-of fate, were most times inalterable-by enlisting, engaging and rather, in-towed. In what now was with 'vocal', virtue and feasibility; she was sure of compounding and comparative. There was a sure-'infusion', a definite-diligence prefixed, established and allowed; which acted as her 'crowning-glory' and discipline, for which an internetwork-flowed with a determined-infection. The many purposeful-divisions to be ardent and articulate... And she was not superstitious, supernatent or superlative; though, she came to function as that. A superlative-austentation or imminently, plausative and now in a credibility-culture; and creativity-confessed of what was in greater-deeds...

  It had been somewhat of a consolidating and compelling, intimate-factor. A broad-'manifesto', had grown up around her. And now, atop the precis-convocation of thought, purpose and design; she'd gained a coathe-relevance, and reverence. An essentially, elemental; which was purposeful, propagated and proceiving. An arduousness, are incurred and assimilated-in a choice, champion and chasteness. And now, the mind and impression had followed the accented-sense of percceptive-perfusion... A virtual-achievement of terms and transposing... She'd always lived in a 'spirit' of consolidation, in the zeal with which life-unfolded and furthered; the many technical-gains of astuteness, and austerity... And now that pluracity gained and jump-in plausative astound... Josephine had come to enjoy the many precises and advances-over time... And now fully, stationed-in a standard of focal-attrition.

  But she knew that in its full-plotting, repayed her-hardwork and pressing. She was devoted to her talent, by the potential of self and others; and the ramifying bountifulness of an inclusive-transaction. With this implication, an ardor artification-present and looming. But goals she'd done sat squarely, on her abundant-shoulders. An accomplishing-compounding that stood and self-energized, in forward-concision. She understood now, fortunate and forceful; she was and knew to let it do its 'will'. So now she was to express and expound-in the conclusion of an inversion. The reigning-maxim of congruency and pluracity, for which her renewed-energy which was on a full-forcing so her dutiful-conversion was both intricate and intimate to, with a determined-exaction.

  In purposeful-plurality she drove-on an
d empowered with the deliciate-definition assertion, attaining and essenced. Which after-all, were her strongest-ability. And she looked-on, in ascertained defacto; that prevaricated and espoused to a division of a certain duty. In a gifted, endowed and bestowed devising of empower and prosounding that was fully, able to be expound and ascend-in versatility... Now it seemed like a precious-gift to be given-out with a high-degree of immaculate-conciseness. Each new-interest, intention and intensity; which came and was release to the 'wanting'-world and expressed in its wonder to the world. It was a rare-individual man or woman to cede his or her best-deeds in the magnificent-spirit of competance and compelling. ...An concentric-instance and convention...

  An innate-inspiration to adopt and be adorned, by this condense of scope, scale and converging in the inspiration, to sit atop an 'accomplished' and accomodated promulgation. Through-out her life she thought about the presence and gained-property dynamic and dimensional, to all that come after and now, before. An installed new 'preamble', for which a fresh-reality and reverence was exposed and engendered by time and a temerity. The interned-gifts, rejuvenated and reenergized in-thought and innate-definement. Although, she was never married, enjoined or entitled; she realized that there was new admission to the idle-plan of inward-derision. But as anyone, when looked back upon in precious-confiding there were many points of transition; which marked the twists and turns, which she recognized as milestones of inner-presentation...

  The moments' lessons, instillings and instrumentality that the procured and pronounced moments of proving and confiding, for which life proved valued and inveritable. ...Proctor on the 'edges' of attainings; of then and now, she could see the virtue and veneration, giving the vocal and vision of self-pronouncement. What would in-theme because precision and vision; an apothecary to motive and mission for which only God and gratuity proved-projectional... Youth, were meant to grow and learn-in ultimate-motivation. A dimension which perhaps, only devotion and young development digest-over people, time and trial. A plausability, projected over time; a traversed transition, an esoteric elaboration only instilled and impacted by a presence of personal-mastery; deemed by perception and perfection.

  ...Education, encouragement and engagement which were the saint-like previsions; alloted-to Josephine and the implement of mind, both assessed and prevailed-in the instinct, depth and definition of opportunity, obligation and instruction-over the path of her life and living a culminated by trial, trust and truth. And for Josephine that had been actuated, accepted and was accomplished by the passage of time's continuum. Yet, some now, were perpetuated with a drive and duty, which coalesced in mind, skill and body. The great enigmatic-levels posed and transpired across time, people and juncture were new-dissolve and resolve. And now it allowed her to be fully-functional and instrumental. Those unconditional-days of Spring, and those delicate-strivings of near-Summer, were imposing as they were embarked-upon...

  A parallel-parable which had been absolved in pure-afformation, a just-undertsanding and division-oculant and objective. A furrowing force of judgment, and condoning. A fulfilled reverberation being state and astound... In what materialized into an astonishing , jaunt and journey-in self and surmising. An efforting of exaction and intricate-intention. With this 'air' of determination and definition, she'd established the prevail of her future-incentive. In the now, valley of self-center reconciliation, which was understood and of retinue. A place, and purpose to attain and adapt... ...She looked from inside her-soul and acted in a reflective-resolve. Everything had fell-into place. And the virtuous-convention. An 'ode' and ardor, that went-on and proved-itself. A pretaculture-provening and comprehension, done and arisen. A self-vintage and vantage, determinately, self-revealing, and definitve allowed to pretense and prelude.

  She was oddly, prepared and of a defined-proponent of this, new provocative-skill... As she breathed air, peered alertly and thought deeply, she fully-sensed and perceived, delineationally. A protophilic-attention and compliance, it was as a new-mission and mightiness. Allowed to progress and reanimate, in self-design. A proficient self-proactuation; next to ideal and utterly, effective. A dimension-assurety, of access and assertion, allowed to prove and prevail... A transcendental-privilege contained, train and acute. As sure as she 'cold' now, command a greater-sense of intellectual-power, she now fully-grasped and held new-calculative capability. Looking-back in mind, mentality and meticulation she realized in a deeper-ratification and reality. A resolution, regiment to her new and carefully designated-wisdom reflected by a 'noble' and devoted salience-purposefully, and adeptly pragmatic...

  As assured as an undivorcing predicate-of life, family history and people. She could look-ahead and was emoted ly, divulgent. And this personal-renaissance availing and avenue in her reminiscent-tolled as venturings. So she came to register a new-sophistication implemental, and initiative-in conferring and convocation. An instrumental-advanced and advocative, she'd legacied that in a new-sweep of intelligence and invocation, she'd been endowed with a dynamic encompassing-accountable and accomplished; in a renew-accomodation and she came to feel, perceive and know, this renewal and resounding-resource. A reexertive-implication of credibility and evoking, relevance. In what was the theme of derivation and development; so crucial and sophisticately, instruction...

  It was like the 'winds' of time making a force of personal-refabrication of instinctive and voyagin-accurate... And what was once 'pivotal', was how simple and captional. She realize she was able to now, recapitalized on thought, theory and selfly, technical; and technique able to prove convoking and expersive. In what was an embellish of sage-terminous and scouring, advancive-dimensions. An immense-charter ported in a new-realm able to venture with a new-replenishing and a simple precocious-convention. A provost-diligence, defined and reactuated; for what was a determinate-of advancing and diffectional. A self-exoneration, cultivated as initiative, and inspirational... A private-course and recourse, taken to a ramified-conjecture and in reflection come virtually, true.

  She was fully-capable to advance and exact. A plural, advantageous-promotion and comprising... Like a gift from God a strong-deliverance in regency and ramified-judgment, and justification. An object-instillment intimately, idea and instructional; it was as if it was personally, made for her and her-alone. And as if a gift, from the Almighty, had in an idea the 'best' for her, in all she did. As things were preeminent she was promoted and professed, of a retention-experienced and engaged through-out her life. Perhaps, an objective, involition which had been understood and endured. A predicative-convolution of life and what was a liturgal-learning and deliberation. Which prove and greater than anything, she imagined. As sure as she was a 'focus' and dutiful-writer, scholar, student and daughter; so was that assimilation, which was profound so now, she matriculated in a self-confirmative arnate-gifted and intelligently, contributed.

  She realized others, their role-in finding understanding and assertively, actualizer in definitive individual-interpreter. Finding with her the utilization-of thought and facilitation-implication; in what was sought in awareness was the fascinated of self and sophisticational-usefulness. A presence and 'poser' of independent will-suitedness in all aspects of life and love. A centered-virtue. A precis, self-concertion in origination, awareness and oracle that pronounced and possessed, articular-idealism and investment. Where once scope and scale, had adeptly, proven an insightful-evident. She had become a commandship of conversionary-theme. A well-built vessel, now given replenishing, and fortifying to be a higher-class sender, with the many ports giving a refreshing-'boot'; and supplies for its many honored, personal-passages. An essentially and especially, refill and reacumen presented to a fortunate-entity.

  The writer, in Josephine Stein, was more than in individuality and endowed-intention; the versionary-'words', were now in a 'full'-fleurish... The many 'denotations', phrases and designate-thoughts, were now backed and reviewed, all over the
world of literature. The people who enjoyed, interpreted and understood; in the veritable-theme, principled, triangulated and given-to the often, sanctioned-reader A 'precept' of literary-scheme were not given to an 'affront', and be affective. ...A poignant, proving-ground of Art and authentication. In outer-state New York, the call went-out to be an instigator of a veritable, 'first-read'; and the arena, and an 'aura' to a reputable-work. ...An official and imperative-adjunct in an construct-of network and a book's web-catalyst; which like many factors in New England were a 'parameter' of imposed-redemption. What in romantic-terms was the standard-affiliates of commercialism's judgment-by-'fire'.

  ...The auspicion and austentation-of authorial, sanctumned-assimile. ...It was 'why' business and artisitic-benefaction, that came to sail-on 'common-seas'... An inclemental-investment of terms, and transactions... Although her book had been an intricacy-of Art and initial-individual, divestment; the cause and core, that which it was confederated, were 'choices' and 'challenges' of an 'executive'-scope... As the many Spring-days proceeded the once cold and cool-air, the populous-vied and proved, in a worthy-relegation... A fundamental-alluding and alignment, integral to the art-form and its appellant-cause. As the cause and calling-of so many definitive-artists were attained, and contained to an independent-expression, the 'fodder' and fortitude which were advanced and appointedly, admitted-to a discourse of talent; commanded and was ascended-to; the work was in prose-contention... And thus, the elicited-principle by scope and margin, were being fulfilled.

  The many insistences, put upon writers of an immaculate-aptitude which were typically, a 'melodrama' of a self, assertion, and sophistication played-out, on the stage-of life. Shakespeare had said, that way down-through the ages each contributor, with attributes fell under that 'discourse'... And in this, divestiture of wholesome assurance, honor, duty and code, the contraction of the self-expression proved a valid and valuable-institution. A romanticism, now made up an authentic-'industry'. What has become an at most God-like fad; popular models; and a 'way'-like 'symbolisms'... An austerity gained, infinitized and objectively expanded and an independent-fulfillmenet. So it was on an infinite-design, and intricacy. As sure as the artists, were infinite so was the audiences self-impressions-on them. As Josephine followed claim-on artisanship, so was a 'consent' of individual-thought and convention. A 'positive'-proliferation of intent, and incentive. But each 'denison' and derivative-played it out over event and covet, to prove dynamic, higher-law as of self and creative-satisfaction.

  And like any inspiration-formed its own 'gravitas' of adventure. The retentive-spectators, consumers and patrons alone, together and 'swing' a 'mighty-sword' of diligence, delineation and deliberation... A docent also, of intent ad personal-issue; panned-out and ironed-out with devoted and delitant, over time. What, to Josephine, and all-like her, were an incense of terminal-professionals and skillful-intellects... The wonder-of words were again being made full and formitable. ...From lower-New York state to Manhattan, to the outer-eastern seaboard, and south and west; till there was a calling, for which true-exacting; proved, omniferant and ultimately, interstitial... The pages, literary-comport and essential-esoterica, were presented and primed to a 'hardy'-diametry. ...In what was for her, a discussion of assertive-resignment. A instituent-installment of 'sturdiness' and resolve, played-out over area, arena and time...

  ...And many theoretical-elantra and illumina, proofed and prove-there to last of literally, a workmanship... In what would became a resemblance-of resimulation. A re-emanation parceled and ported, to last and follow-through... Being an accomplished-author, expert and executive; cured-up the massive ingenues to being a reputable-artist. An 'infection' subjugator and resident, working retinue; obfiscated and officiated over-time and optimal-temerity. In the kinetic and versatility, of talent; transited and transposed, engaged and entitled... And what had become an effective-dimension and traversion. She knew many people who'd spent their lives embracing-work, and now with their eminent-assistance; they'd allured to the willing, and their expertise. It was as, if all the world was her learning ground, and for a succinct-verbitim she'd used that learning with accountive-innocence and innovation.

  It was an inspiration on all-accounts. And like many authors, she truly reveled in her many compositions of her-work. The rudiments, ramified in the 'rift' of its protocol and purpose, advanced and eventuated. This-contention were nothing as all she couldn't fully-encompass or couldn't be expect to experience. And this storied-accent proved a very dawning-take, indeed. The many designs and mosaic criss-crossing the literary, demeaning; were abregate and 'fail-safe' addendums pretexted, preambled and propped-up for now. And Josephine acted with an orchesstrated score of facilitations. From the points of light bridging careful scale, to the empathic interludes spelling out sensational charering and chance, she met the challenges. Choosing and channeling-cause and purpose, were instinctual-avenues fitting a reordered self-commendment to the perspective-job, quantified.

  Although, the world was full of infinite-possiblities, the cause and fate of works, often came and went, for not. That time-played a crucial-role in the impressive-perception. And, that rather 'block-buster', 'bestseller' or popular entity; it was all a matter of timing and passage. That through the will-of fame and fate, was that concerted and careful-conciliation were verified and veritable went innocuously, on. A contentious-complex, and conferred-on with self-assertion and sensational-satisfaction. Inspiration had a way of both, effecting and incentivizing the terms of life and living. ...As Josephine put-in her-time, facilitating the range of her-success that stemmed from hardwork, accomodation and self-provocation. But 'luckily', she recognized the very-imperative terms of writing, work and refining... Her-work went on meetings, scheduled-events, personal reverent-public accommendation; all to flesh-out the reliant terms of what was 'her-baby'. With all her lessons of literary scope she realized the individual-scheme; which went into her career, iconicism and ultimate self-perfection. Growing to this point, she understood the relative-ratification and recuperation...

  The 'plans', prolicit-perspective, and ever-redeeming personal-provisions were undertaken, partaken and preeminently, devising. An compilating-requiem for the purpose of a burgeoning-success. ...The winds blew, as Josephine showed up for a cocktail party in her publishing-author work, out that month. ...From 'How to's, by skilled-professionals to the celebrity-books full of personal-insight. The drinks, hor deouvres and meals, were all opulently prepared by Chefs of the New York area... Jack Curel was the coordinator, a self-espoused event-setter; former Conciege hotel-owner and public-affairs executive. He'd worked his 'in-lay', up to Josephine, from successes at deciding, less important processions... ...He'd once worked at 'Tiffany's' during the '00s when the city was recovering from 9/11... Those were dark-times, but New York was a 'Trooper'... He realized he was too, after the drama.

  ...And now, terms and possibilities allowed him to try new-things and Josephine fulfilled a personal success... Josephine knew him for her-reputation as a very success paperback-writer. He liked to see how good writers proved their-work. Watching as their 'babies' go-out into the world, and return monetary-reward. He'd provided for all his guest-speakers, and the guest who truly enjoyed the field, and future-realities. In what was 'hope' and ascension. His work too, was an art and he realized that. There were very few who'd didn't enamor or identify with New York-success... It was a community of compatriots engaging each other's vocal and virtues-prescient and precious, and the worthy commendation and revelry for which the world would come to see. An incensed-devising for which purportment and purpose predicated and prognosticate the valued and virtuous... And so the covenant discourse, went on. And the citing-went ovatiously, on. It was as if culture ws a very delightful-'music' of kind and purpose.

  ...As the new engineering went blissfully, on. A romantic-opera of all that was creative-New York. The preamble and purpose-of people an
d presence to affectuate in defining, and dimensional-terms. What was a triumph ad transaction of reverent terms and tidings... It was a spirit-of indulgence and enlightenment that reached back centuries and millenia. A forward-deliberation installed and perpetually, inciting. With much enigmaticism and emphasis, all were partakers f advantages, and interests; a local-story of ideas and innovations. What fully, was fulfilled as an astute off-shoot of vocal and associative-assigning. An ideal intriguing, advancing and of vital-vision. A venerate complicity, commited to and recompensing of intent and instilling.

  The full-fabrication of city-life and an individual articulate-emphasis; was and did, progress-forward in 'ode'-lauding and congealing-innovation. An instigation-collective invited and invented; by careful concision, to prove and pluralize; an availed-public convention. A advocated 'Arista', which tended and claimed-in the onward of the city... A revolving-edifice vitalized ad ventured-forth in. ...An optimal-implication of cultural deed amd time-forged and freed on all sides of the realm-of opportune and divisional-Art and style. It was both a 'duty' and creativity to each and every individual-aptitude and objective-principles... That in the metropolis, bode and fortune; were in coketic designs of the self and centrality. The winds-traveling the areas and vistas, blowing-over building and cavernous regions, the sun warmed structure, entity and individual-silencing; the once 'cold' and exerted, the normal warm-comfiting of assessing and self-surmising sentiment.

  ...An integral-allusion, private and 'proactive' as the sun and passing-period, developed into afternoon, instance and order... A fellowship, and following-of which was an owning impolate, was to be diligent, and drive-on... In this year of '13, the regence continue and carried-on in allegory and applying. ...As they carried-on, in destined-contention Josephine put in the last of her native-work and prepared for travels elsewhere... It was a time and treatise for which she relished and captionally, continuing and confirming-compensity. In the Spring of that year, she was to reunite with friends and family on a requaintive basis, as she retooled her-energies. It was a magnamity of fortune and sustained-'focal'. Her reconduced conviction and a fully, composured extensity now a hiding, compelling and condensing, for which disposed now, in the dawns and nights of uncovery; Josephine found her-wise, self-muse. In this time of acumen-conception and outlay, there was 'power' and feasibility to awaken in a new-order and role.

  ...The now, actuate and defined mental-precipice was being easily, commanded and complied. An super-engaged 'Titer' and testament, previsioned by Art and tact. A truer conduity, transformative and impacting the once-subsequent void of, and mind-activity. With only the parsects of her mind and the control of acuity; she was abundantly, given command of a grand-source of mind-agility. ...As she went-on into the longer-days of performance, fortitude and optimal-frugality all her-passions were in a new-'light'. Everyone was astonishingly, aware of Josephine's knew literal-compunction. The capacity and height to which her-personality, perception and provocation went, made those she knew sit-'passive', and impressed. It was as if she'd been to a different-world... Her closest friends were both excited and impressed by her new personal-perspective. And with a-little coordinated-patienc,e they were blessed by her ignited benefaction.

  By time she left to take on the reliances of her-job, she was 'glowing' with objective perfection. The communing-with others and her-tasks outside the city, were merely ovarient atonements, in time and test. She was in her highest-accolades, resolved-in her experiences. A proper and propagated innocence and retinue-proper and polished. It was more than obligatively, obviated to a 'sharp'-scheme; it was a devicing, alloting and allusion of a deriving, 'ordinal' and chance... By time the meetings and 'acute'-objectives were over, Josephine was thought to cast an enormous-nominal writer's shadow; she was asked to seminars from Maine, to Malta. She was the new 'It'-girl. A dispensary acknowledgement and accusation, all-across the world. She was present with an enormous-transitory of duties, from professorship at Harvard, to Emeritus at Rhodes College... The great accuracy-of focus and commandment; meant she was on the cover of the 'Arts' magazine...

  As in America, it was full of potential and opportunity so the wide-scheine of Josephine's talent went out proved a grand scale, indeed. It became a theoretic ensombering from 'passion' to portent, and Josephine's mind loved it. A profligated-profiting incentive, and understanding. Josephine knew what the endowed-possessions of what a creative-mind, could do. All the exact-'threads' and intricacies of an engendered-mind; poured-forth and were effective to a towering-determination. The degree to which learning and experience are engaged and intertwined with the many hallmarks of virtues and derivatives; for which an 'ideal', was fortuned and gained. Acting-to be an 'idealist' in the field-Art to prove your-articulate intelligence, to reach a necessary antipithis of vocal, and fruition. In a passage-way of time and growth, there was as progressive-perfusion in one's personal-perfecting.

  As one became accountable for talent and intellectual-basis, one understood the self-esteem of maturity of focus and vocal. A conscious-purporting, proven and proditious. In a redeeming-caveat adjusting, attitudinal and propounding; for which commitment and cultivation, by intent and ideas; became a duly-perspective. A devoted-development instilled and improving in conscience. The mental-steps which objectify and redeem one's personal-assimilation. Josephine's life, had continually been one of interpretive-judgment. A perfusion of incursive-cognitive factors and learning; stepping-stones to which was most granted and of a perfective-agility. Although she couldn't prove her justification; for all this, she did accept the operant-terms, deliberative and expounding; perhaps, it was a gift of love proctored and promotive of a child over 30-years' precise and preciously, provisional...

  Perhaps, like Jason in ancient Greek-tales, she had a journey to fulfill. An immature and indolent-comprisings taught and earned; as a life adventure, inwardly, hailed and exceptionally, inspired. With only her-wits and yearning of want to apply and improve, in and journey only she could come to be achieved and gain, in outcome. ...An enchanting-engagement not only to endure proficiency, but engender endearment of the mind... From the very basic-years of infancy, the interest and understanding incentive of a bridging-brain, and for Josephine was the conversional and encounter of growing improvement and fuller-encounter. The many passages' true vivid and finally, a virtue vivifying-contention, which came to express and empower.

  A story of poise, projection and proper-advanced and adventure, over time and trying dutiful-diffidence. A plural, prodigious and preeminence practiced, provened and projected. With the large-score of challenges, achievements and self-champion-choices, she was given an affective-vitality that she could now begin to originate, reach and propitiate by dramaed-dulicity, and having been defined. One's relegation of resolved and relevances, designed and dependable attended to and atoned by a treasure trained and traversed. It was in the pliary of Josephine's life, her direction and the completed-divisions of a proponent life-style. With her great perception componently, composed and completed in an idea, and reference of a vocal completion. Contemplation of all the vocation-conversions and attainments; interjected of ideas, pronounced and subsequent by proverbial, were convened and obtained in an enlist of an exponency...

  Now, the collusion of masters-facts pressed and predicated by the interrogative and essence that now was reaching and imposing a congeal for creativity and correspondence-conduced... An promulgation of all she'd done and been through. What was more than precis, and practicality, she'd reached an itinerant imposing impact, which was a coordinate digest of operative provisions. She was a wonder of mental-trekking, across great-spans of living-thought from science to the Arts, and beyond into the practiced of learned-provisional thought; she was able to profess and teach the ordinal of pontificated thought with a practicianer's mind, body and spirit... A 'toller' of an infinite amount of date and information began brought forth and commanded, in the symphonic dili
gence of time. A relative compunction relegate to a profound-inspiration now entitled and extowed as one's imminent price.

  Josephine, like most people, had reached a 'zenith' of exactuation, understood and extenuate in a competant-reprise and commoting conferring by subjunctive price. The vivid, expressive, extensive relevances were playing out over the last several months since her confessive-compact. An inner-capriciousness advantaged and availed. What once was fortitude found many was the an embellished flash of explicit 'flash'-illumination for which she was fully-fathomed out. An ideal-intricacy now call and all-held to premise, and a resound. She gave-forth intimate affects in the self-employed conciseness. She felt the power that had left her in all those nights. The anointing-behind all thos dreams and implications for which the dynamics had compacted into ruling-discipline.

  The course and dreams of all people are the night-and-day of living and as was the two-sides of God and man, good and bad, living and eternity. In what is an especial-vintage for which we go-on, in life. A precious-propagated in an unidyne-defining and dimension. But it is in this engagement in which adorn a needed and deeded-propagation divulged, devised and demanded upon thoughts... It was the closest provocation of innate and ideal in the human-mind. Josephine, told know one. She knew her story was one of careful and calculative design. One where the encumbered and iterstital came to expand and exact itself. What might be an interpretative-way of vastness, of all the great surmisers. ...From Socrates to Jesus, to Buddha to Mahammed to modern-day man.

  What for Josephine, as a human-discord and delineated-on a decorum, refininng in the grasp of an ultimate-other world... ...The bird-sang outside her hotel room window in Chicago. Outside, the trees nearby wre just getting full of leaves and the smell of buds filled the air. It was April 26, the mornings were growiing brighter and her tasks at hand were being invigorated by this. She had just showered and breakfast was on its way. By 10 am, she'd be on her way to the last stop before leaving for Detroit, Pittsburgh and then the West coast. She turned on the TV, and watched also NBC, which was talking about interesting entertainment she had just eaten when her book and story was mentioned by one of the guest-pundants. It was suggested as good-reading, and confirmed by nearly, everyone else there. She wrote down notes to rewind herself in the differing of opinion, for further quantifying...

  She was dressed and ready to go back to work as a celebrity book-signer. It was truly, an explicit-design. It was a true-vivacity to endure, and understand. As she enterprised and causatively, engendered both the working cause and delineate-enamoring for which she was to complete as well as eventfully prove comprehended. It was an alloted-time and testament originating and educated by duty and design. To deriving and development, in intent and instance... This, was one instance; by which one learned and enjoyed, being on-the-road. But for a great-part of being on expose, one had to be a face, body and voice to an awaiting-audience... And with an iconic groundwork and the contrition of schedulings, schemes, and schematic. There was work to the provision of proposal proclamated in intentions and investment... She knew all the original, officiation and now plans were growing-greater.

  As the weight of prolicitation, was growing in a 'wider' and risen; it was probably the arrival of Josephine to the height of her-popularity. As the many hopes dreams and duties expanded-across icons and worlds... She felt with a deeper-causeway, defined and unvented into the energies of exacting, and expertise... It was a destination-integral and truly, accented. It was obviously, an illustration of perspective for which she'd spent a long-time was accounting for. A profiting-preclusion by which a deep-mind could adequately, profess. She began to realize as a maturing-subjective of literature, labor and literal-terms, were growing aged. Artist, are only glamorous for so long...

  ...The administer of all the functional-fabric of creativity and artistic-incursion... She'd watched-in youth how people of once pertinent-preclusion going easefully, into faded-focal... Each chose their-own private-desisting; always paralleled in prowess and precis... Still, vivid-minds no longer holding its creased-proficiency. At 37, Josephine knew that the once hope of innocence, were growing, less so. She'd watch artists by small denude in a travailing-travesty of a human incursion... A once adulation, becoming less so. There was no science that could have made her more aware of this... In what is a depiction of the individual-extolled and expounded, and by time and temerity. It was simply, a waste of personal-confunction. She realized she still had her whole-life ahead. But the both 'limelight' and elicit in compounding by which had provided her with money for greater part of her life, she'd have need for most anything...

  She 'realized', she was becoming a stoic, a Dame of defacto and the young were her new-inspiration. And books were a less and less bounty, it had reach its limited-lassitude. There wasn't much energy or idealog, left to explore, or wanted to... She'd spent time more than a few-weeks at her summer/winter homes; perhaps, she'd move to a pent-house and a cabin in New York countryside, where she could visit with her friends and family. Perhaps, indulge deeper as an embrace of the regent themes. Life was too short not to seek one's next step in-life. After all she probably, had 40-years ahead, of healthy life... There was so many things to get to know. Many residents enjoyed old-age by being patrons, collaberators and teachers to be taken part.

  Perhaps, another life would be uncovered. So many things were still unseen by Josephine's commited-life. Industry and invention, gets old after awhile. She knew there was more to learn and be liberated... A preliminal-providence, prehensile and commendable. ...An appellant-instigation austentational and austerity of personal, private and adventurous-to the precimination of a self-vocal. In what could be an acclimate and conclusion, a relevance and address to confession and reliance... In what could become an achieved-past. There, like her past, was to be the preeminence of her future. An antiquate-accepting and eloquent; which allowed her to mature-late into a new-avail. Inspiration, for Josephine was 'appollonic', in virtue and vision. As a later-stage of her achieved life, with the 'fate' and feelings; the engineering of what was now a refinedly, constructed-past. The elaborate and careful constitution, and design formed and followed-through the main-spectrums of time... The very well felt virtuous-fulcrum of her mental and physical-structure built and functional.

  ...148 pounds, 5' 7”, mid-aged and extreme diligent and intelligent; she was admonishingly, at the pinnacle of her-life. On a possibly, finale of a latest-work, and increasingly, growing wearisome of the once-focals of her refining... Although, it was Spring, the calling of growing-Winter's coming was causing the exhaustion-of so much work... The plausability of the increasing-sitting of the Summer-sun. The mounting-myth of fame and fortune being so much work, pomp and circumstance. Her homebound aunt had told her of what a life-time of anything can wear on the 'bones'. She went into the details, anecdotes, and derivatives much like her-father, but more intense... A descriptive-covetousness more for a down-to-earth young-lady. Though, Josephine saw it many times, she'd come to identify with her aunt on a regular perceptive-basis. The fortune in exactness to which Ethel reflected Josephine could come to derive wisdom and destiny.

  An allegory, though Josephine was her own person she could begin easily to see herself in her aunt's shoes. Like an instituted-instrumental, causative and compellational. It was like being a ghost-traveling in her time; only the response, was different. Much like an espousing brought to a precipice; then withdrew, in renewed self-symbiotic. But Josephine realized all she did was still limited, even in a liberation... ...An official instilling-instigation, afforded and brought to the forefront and factualized... As an instruction of fault and blame-in conjugation. Something that wasn't of dispute, but appreciate by mental-design, and observations unforded; but not necessarily, true... It was one of the first deducive-points for which she knew the future held-for her...

  And so now in its intricate, both design and depiction;
she felt and recognized the growing burden of age and actuality. An ultimate instilling for a great and grand-artist recognized and ramified, once again. But with all Josephine Stein's ruminate talents. She could process more actively, than her aunts fashioned-career. And in that and the perceived-future there was facility to a future, and past... Being a wealthy, refined and reputable-remuneration; by which once made, the sky was the limit. And being the deliverance of work, art and inspiration; had all been colluded into an assertive-affirmation. As fundamental as figurative, Josephine acknowledged the once redemptive and fundamental issues of being focused and functional. The many causes and recourses subjugated in implement and instiling. The force of a conferred-foundation, instrumental and acute. The romantic-instances and ideas; focused, famed and refined-in composing.

  The life-long identity of self and securing from time, terms and trial, explicated and instigated-objective, and articulated with an insensed-skill. It had been a wonderful and winsome progression. An artific-aspiration which no other field could confess... Her force-of creativity, was the engagement to come into full-refining... A populous-instinctive skill and work advanced, atoned and idealized. Being an only child her energy were not waited. Now she could consider herself a distinguished-celebrity able to bare witness to a fortune and a former of famous-fabric and the articulate-author of intrinsic-understanding. With 'joys', sorrows and endearing being in a distinctive-field. One able to teach and become transitive in-ode and conviction... Perhaps, in what would be a spirit of specifics, and specialties...

  In what was an indolent-agnosticism, performed and allayed to interest and inventure-proving a prevail and perfect, by relevant self-virtual design... ...A defined-resolution and regiment to self-signification and advancive-availings... She'd conducted and affectively, employed her learned, literate and concise command-on artistics and authorialship-design; that which factorialized her relative-abilities and became an accountable-deliberation, it was both a decision and design; which the many aspirings of times-before and now, were as sufficiently, implicate. An 'intuitive-progress', authenticated and artfully, actualized... Perhaps, it seemed 'easier' for Josephine after such a impetant, plot-turned, life... ...It was a process which incurred vocal, virtue and little-'vice'. But mostly, the 'star-like'-power that was ignited over a life; that was ahead...

  Once, as Josephine was riding along the lines of the shore, as the waves lapped at the not-so-far off-banks, she remembered her father; when it was just before, her parents' split; he said that she should not take any 'guff'' off anyone, not even family. ...She didn't fully-understand, but her father was moving-into an apartment on the Westside of town. And that he'd not visit; that's why, with all she'd learned from him; he too, should and not be one to cause her-trouble. That 'life' was too short to do so; that one would be the 'better' for it... Josephine thought about this for several-years, but somehow it was an 'aphorism' for which she knew was 'advice', that was for the 'best'. She, in this statement, was 'free'; a freedom that was un-tolled in its far-reaching representation... It was a freeing-'constitution', which set the stage for the 'future'.

  And now, headed to dinner with her firm-agent, then to her-hotel for a final-night in Chicago. She was ready for an elegant-evening; that she knew would not be disappointing. The finish, a nice-restaurant on the lower-Eastside with an expensive-dinner and excellent white-wine... The night-eased, they would talk about the firms intricate-enterprises, the many people, and incentives to come. It would be a 'wonderful' and wistful-time. After a ratifying by Josephine's scheduler, she was to be at a conference on the Westside of Detroit, to meet fellow-publishing personnel. A chronicle of enlisting and illumination, which had made a constructive form-by incentive and initiative... What had executed by precious inward-impetus, design and deliberate; in the composing of what was a 'component'-mind... The 'automation' of a consigning-consistency by persona and perception, both in-allaying, articulation, arisal and arrival. As every new-day, preluded-in and new-acumen-of accomplishment. A delivery of a cause and commitment...

  A compelling-compolation, by which 'images' became an 'ideal'-completion. That was what it meant to be an 'author' and 'achiever' of a time, talent and of term. An apparent-investing in a commpelling and consummate-triumph; obtained and comprising in the applying of confidence, 'intent' and instilling. ...A concise-concertion of an implication, and by effectual; that was over many configured-intentions; carefully, in a divests of many enticings and energies; across time, in the 'essencies' and intricacies; which came to find, ad further her-success. The 'apposing'-diligences, that both 'rained', came and determined as magnitude; and commuting-in the faciltiation, by what was a scholastic-imperative-being 'vied'-for and vigiled.

  What for so long seemed imperative, by time and motive. The precis and 'price'-of owning, devotional-accomplishment. An 'individuality' of purportment and purpose, brought to elition-over her confessed-life... She-understood from chances to challenges that the objectives and ovations, were in overture-processed and attained. The many highs and lows-of conveyed-thought, and a precise-completion. ...An idea and understanding for which many terms come to be fulfilled. The eventual-commandments originated and conferred in-compounding and plot. Josephine, would enjoy the 'adulations' of her many events and intentions. They were an opulent and ideal-to project and be in production. The many 'ins' and 'outs' of art, asssertion, reprise and complimentation... A journey and voyage through time and inspiring, recompense of self-sophistication from precept to transpiring, advocated and ideal-propitiated; in the personified-devising and deriving, precipitous and procured in the fulfilling of a 'premise'. The idea and conjecture-of fathomable-thought. The hard-press and prodition by foster and fact.

  The weighed-focus of a practice, and proficiency. In what was the 'fabric' of collusion, time and space. ...An application-of refining the mind. An astute-conciliation to chose and be capitulate-in growing-understanding of work and duty. The embrace and implied-improvement of order and effort. As she-contended with the interests and engagements which were the officiate-orders of the day... She-exacted in what were the 'ways and means' of a popular-culture implicated in the many testaments and themes, it was the working stance to grasp the utilization of her once 'furtile'-opportunities, to be satisfied and fully-santualized, abridging and authenticating. A framework and 'folly', allured and what had become the function of a compunction. Josephine realized there was much 'pride' in stature and sanctimoniousness; almost as much as what she came to control and maturely, understanding...

  A post-affect and preliminary, which over time became the caste and edict of a professed-implying. A perspective, presumption actually and attitudinally, viscerate in a steady and consummate-term. A pride for which 'joy' and justification, came to be appealing and a simulate. The culture-of aptitude and acumen, which were evenly, diffident; in the priority of order, division and inordination. In an intricate-advent and conjuring. That the widening recourse of resolve, redemption and time, press and pertained to an 'infinity' of self and ardency... The lectural-precept and concept by which, with self-innovation, became the actual and understood... It was no-less instinctual, now. But in all the 'trilogy' of her-life, were putforth and pressed into, proceival of her 'present-day' life... ...Even as a contingent-professional, she realized a lot had been made by sheer-terms and the self-vocal of a skill-extent. The 'powers', which were internally, availed and transfixed; the 'duty' and drive, that produced and pronounced a deep-traversing adduced to the culminated, pretext; for which private code and honor perfected and preemanated...

  What was a transition of fact and fate, in what was an empowerment and concession. The transiting-accord by which to conduce adnd correctly, atone; for 'vision' and freedom. For which many milestones, passed were a selfish-design ad consistence; that one-traveled the 'accords' by a compact and freedom-alone, with an 'aid' and induction of 'better-judgers' and adjudicators; wh
om had let her 'see' beyond 'innocence'... And now, the complex-beauty of expression and competance were given a release; and its vocational-'endowal', and redemption... In what was a tentative-'circumspection', by which a implicator-itinerary, was set with in a decent-empowerment. ...And the many factors and fortuity by which as given-in an embark a wondrous-reward, into what was to be as a 'tomorrow'. ...The skill, achieved by what was a 'pogrom', endowance and inward, was a sophisticated-connotation. Being exactly, pointed to 'succeed' and accomplish... ...The suitable-'deeds' and devisings-in that, of an incisive reticence; by what was a 'heightened'-conclusion. That fortuned and fabricated by the compiled-transfered-explication of the proving of self and self-account. ...That was to be posed and callibrated-in what was a 'succinct', assertion...

  The inter-assimilation-attained and conscious, protracted over instance and ideals. The promise and proving-ground of what was her-epitome by profound-projection. A reverential-pivotal; by which all certainty, passed. In the omniescent-world of purpose and dedication in ideas... The proper-perception, attained and idealized... The operate and obligate-objective by which intensity and inner-guisings are forged, and founded... All the intricate-iniquities and inner-values, where were mere stepping-stones; the past's foundation of ideas, and intensity. The apprising-pretense and prevail, by which the accord of an adamancy, and exascerbation. ...Then, she was without 'fortune', and framing; of a lower-scale to the forte's of an ultimate-scheme. What became an objectivity. The many 'ordinals', that which coordinate-cointeration; by which objective exploration, was not 'materialized'. The private-victory of time and endearing-design tended to ask, demand and understanding of self-invoice principle and an attitrion of refined-ideas...

  She looked-back on the 'perils' and perceptions of what was her-result, and saw that a resonance of confliction and the incremental, private-acceptance and convening of an accounting by a proponent-actuality. Her-story had been the prolapse of vocal, division and actuation; that preceded with a redeeming-constancy, and conjecture; a provisional that became a prefixing and adjudging-competence. What was a collective-prospering of a holistic-account and confirmative-foundation preserved and exonerated; in a compendium of a personal affirmation; encircled and accentuated in careful sanctioned-sentiment. An exponent-pathway, experienced to a due-diligence of commulation; of a formulation as an abstract of a pedantic-recourse. Of the fulfilling of the constitution of many moments congealed by.

  An autogenic seminary by which mission became 'modality'. The brandish-dissemination of the 'coventry' of device became a conversive-contention. By what was a storied-pretension that conveyed and activated, a line of contingent-'logic'. ...Motivated-to a constituent, a mind and a gentle and fortunate little-girl; in an internal-'promise' and external-premise allowed a trek-through mind and focus, the many pontifics of this-life; were touched, known and made nascent... A 'polarity'-touched and revealed that was seen and allowed to be seen as a powerful-work, by others. It had all been an incentive and escape; bridging, what was an enamoring and enterprising... What had, over time, been prevailed and provisioned, by a inter-division what now, had been forged into a forebaring. ...It was a 'privileged-class' of people, those raising-the-bar over once honest, interwoven-convention... She was adored, and commanding in what was a demand...

  ...In what was a division of dedication and dimenson, in a successive-endowment and consistency which for now formed and structured the 'gift' of deliberation and an allay, by a determinative of deriving and devotion-objective and productive. Her-work, which reached a compending-defining, in a capacity; attained and accurately, produced; as invention does to a convention, pronounced and proven. The once ideas by an 'ideal', of people, precision and preciseness-visionary and devising; in what was a procured-conviction, once sitting high-upon the learned-scale; to a vintage and vivid-expertise and goal for which the world would come to be impressed, idealized and marvelled... The 'impression' for which maxim and knowledge would be moved and magnified. ...A reinterated-development and process, driven and displayed; that was a vocal and persona of a new-aspect and an 'ideology'. The depiction and deriving that was dependable. By what was inspired, matching and integrated... What was begun in childhood and the residual of plight and cause, proven and determined.

  A collective-'complexity' diverged and divided, in an objective and obligation... The rigorous-Art and society-predicate and preciously, proceeding. A veritable-piece and congeal by which idea, became definite and the instigate-of images, were made 'material' and masterful... An eluding by process and pronounce. The Art, alluding and illumination by which was being conceived of voice and affiliation; in a long-journey and saga; by which a trail, was taken and traveled. A 'target'-destiny to find order among the greater decidual of thoughts and perfectives... Josephine, became achieving as a vestige of her-own pervaying, in what to do. What was the coming-of a completion, decided and conduced. A private-order, by which all other things, come to be. Incipient-to contend and confess, in a condoned and confessed affirming. The many 'wills' and 'wants'-of 'theoretics', placed across a time and terms... ...Allowed to grow and become a composition from a young-mind; the parameters and precision-in an instance and what was an intentional-placate.

  An innovation-originated with purpose, perfective and producive; that professed and procured in a fidelity of progression and productive, of a 'virtue' and promise-perogative. The driven demand of mind and motivation, focused and fulfilled over intervening-years... An empathic-institution, engaged and expanded-to derive and find demerit; overtured-over the length of a comport and reticent-dignity and dogmatic-profession. In what became the amphitheater of an humanity, and honor. The many focal-points convened and made a caveat, in the pressing-avails of a duly-impetus. What became an 'emboss' of integrity and fortune, intimate, renown and profound. The many years which had came and gone were the 'trail-ways' of a discord of mounting and resound. The compensatory-admissive of a technical and training... The coming-into preclusive, sought, that generated accuracy of coinciding.

  The transactuation-of fulfilled intellectual-itinerary. Pronounce and place-upon the context of diversity allowed to breathe in a primal-prominence. Capturing a percept-reality of self and sensience. ...What was a very private-occupation deemed compilative and successive... A devoted-implication which earned and 'fed', the forging and fortitude of vestment and vocalized-'triumph'. And with the private self-mutual of premises dedications and promises were the coalition angled to a vocal personal-forging... For a most-part she eyed an objective in the very perceptive-path, almost passive. But this passive-reticence gave baring to a 'devout'-comprising. An 'impetus' that was comported and composed-of diligent facts. Became a promulgation-in form, void and primalstance of the 'wick' that could 'burn' with bequeath and bestowal... Which proved the beneficial of relegation and of interpretation. In what had become an innate-remuneration.

  The higher-Art of instance and instilling allowed to play-out in a prevailing-installment of the prothesis of person, practical and pragmatic... A second-hand vestige, virtualized in vocal. The private-chest for which those before, granted and kept the mental-'property' that a proponent-egress of mentality and form, burged and was evocative. The times and denotations-of verging and inferring; which acted to aid in the performance of what was to become actual and aimed-perfusion. In what begun a perpetuation, of a prosing-ground. The instant, allegorical-convention dominated-over, in a prowess-impact... As the winds of Detroit blew, and availed the next-morning was fully affirmed as her-duty, at hand. She'd filled all the precisionary-protocols and prodigious-accounts... As when the night-before the work, relay and being 'true' to her-reputation. The many attentives were performed, and contended. It was like an itinerary, helping to both come and affix her-mind... In what was a molten-admix in fidelity.

  Realizing that the adventure, had continued; and the ship, of well-stowed sentences; which had always been for he
r, as a true writer's Captain. The mind was always a pure-competent machine and entity. And now, the proving-taunts adjudged in an uniform-exaction... And the adoring-'fans', accentuated and made-profound by the exalted and activated theme of self, and self-skill. And the world of a concern-protrusion, were being ventive and in-program. In the concurred-laws of chance and challenge; overcome, confessed and overtured, were 'illuminates' by which one-condition into a convocation. And with a private-volition and a volume-of convergence, which were implicit and ideal. Like all the studies so provided and proven-before. A 'triest' of dominion and will, now-fully expanded-over duty, drive, determination and time. And perhaps, with an ordinal of the reprove of a dynamic-aspiration. And she was truly a commited-artist in writing for which all-signs pointed to admirative-arrival.

  Perhaps, her-passing was growing with an aged-balast and the fundaments by which once had been fresh and satisfying, were now becoming fragrant, and brash. There was as if what was once the empowered-devotion of innocence, were branded and borne. The process of learning and ability, were in the prevails of challenge and enaction of chance. The devouring-of aptitude, advancing a talent that tended to be light-weight and 'tender'-things... The hopes-of-life, are fleeting yet formidable; but we tend to look-back on them with promise. The once private-purdition of a seeded-past; that gets covered-over with in the 'sands'-of time and temerity gives our hearts a potent promise of tolling-tomorrow... But Josephine was a 'heavy-weight' of determination; but in her past understandings life would always be limited. But also, life was always full-of potential. The earned-wisdom of family, friends and people that taught her that. But the precise-examination of a predictive-future, that meant life woundn't always be that way.

  The road to the airport lay-back West of town. She'd seen that derelict part of the city. Where run-down, out-of-business properties lay in ruin... Every since the Recession of '08 hit it, it was growing more blunted; but the Newspaper had written that there were hopes of a gowing renewed business-'future'... The airport was still in relatively, good-shape... Not many business-professional came-in to the conference, just advertisers of new-entrepreneurs that were soon to pop-up. It was still a place of popular-reading, as some often active pallidins, went-on. The flight to San Francisco was warm and inviting. Josephine, thought on all the comprehension of what the principles which had came up before and to what had came eventually. ...She'd realized with popularity, it would become a regular-theme. But with the 'luck' and love of devotion, it would no-doubt prove self-effacing...

  She'd continued her program, enjoy the renewed warm-season and even exactuate the reprise-diligence which had made her life, grand and gravitas. A graduality of person, place and people which she had and would she never forgot. The power to which a 'homaset'-accord was a homaging-factor, so focal designation, a precise and preliminary for which account and culture, were made pervasive and objective-adapt. That a prize and price, were in a story of a life; congeal by a duplicate that came in promise and perfection. A 'light' which could had, just as easily, been 'age' was intelligence. She'd been provided with that long-before. A pronounce of perhaps, over birth, that would last her entire-life. ...A perceptive-conjugation, which left her life adoptively in refining, the forgent and figurative life that out-spanned simple-'time'. The comprehensive and devoted-convocation regenerative, forted and indulgent.

  ...Yet honor and homage, were to the prolicit-Arts and the energies, of convoking retentive to the finite-simplicity of Art and imagination, and oracled by full-drive and dynamic-virtual. In a preamulation that previewed a-life and legitimacy... Yet childhood, challenge and choices were timed to direction, wind and spirit. It was easy being an instrument but concurring by accession and recividifying. An afformation of intent and defacto which for time length, terms and transformation made an achieving demarcated and diffuse. The ardent-justification which had come to ordinate itself, was the self-virtue of talent and thought; for which personal-ode had proven a great-'digest' of complying. ...And that compliance denoted the prospering of vision, and assimilation that grew before, through ideas and invocation. Which had resolved into an individualized abd commanding consistency. ...A defying-demonstration of ordinal and understanding for which Josephine was conceived-into in determination. A once articulate-justification given to an operative, affectation.

  A deferring of prime-purpose, resounded-in apparent objectivity. From the pingent-officate and depending, and the obvious converging of impact and empowering. ...The intervention of code and compact, oracled by a renewing-dimension. She knew, what to do, and how to do it. ...An originating-intrication to further and fascimilate; be divest of time and toll, of what was passion and potency-renumeration... Of the interests and ideas by what became introverted-diligence, and demand. A conjured-reflection, in what was a compelling-convening. She breathe the cabin-air on the plane and thought about how wholely, engaged and resourced, she became, and could take-claim. It in a full-regalia for what was the actual-jurisprudence of an deserved opulent-life. A resounding and crucial-creditability, to which her concertive pretension amulately, vied-on in that still deeper-recourse and availing.

  A resolving, vancive-'voice' of work and willingness for which were set and concited-in the articular remenstrate, which was for today, and the profit of yesterday-being an overtness of continuous-vision and versatility. What at childhood, with the incursion, intellectual-perceptiveness and wonder, for which much was learned and gained... A life-long concerting, proliferated and prioritized by the definites of infinites, chosen and made vitalized. The depth and demonstration-implied and engendered, by a refining power-of-perception... The many preseminations, brought to become idealized and coveted. And the alloting and allaying, by postulate fact and intuitive-factor. What came before 'skill'-resigning in scope. The artisan-of-thought and regiment, were colluding and a 'calligraphy' of persona and rationalization. The 'figment' and ratification, that we come to realize and identify as 'logic' and literate. Josephine's asserting in life had been through an articulation-of idea, and understanding... By what was an importing-validity. The 'stamens' of a mother and father, relatives and friends, duty and work which materialized and instillment.

  The 'portal', through which time and trial, slowed the creation of ideas and scope. A precision-pragmatism, by which a person achieved and proved-ability and avail. A grasp and hold, of a proving, privilege and posing-prominence. In what was an implied command and diligence; that proved and aimed to be an agnosticism of passion and possessive-potential. An expound, precocious-baring for which people and propagated perniciousness, provided and eventually, prevailed. What was an objective-extenuated and allowed to competently, prosper. Josephine, had for the 'most' part couldn't know what would be her life's work... In what was the 'diaspora' of purpose and vision. What would become a perspective of professional-'perfective'. By what was an alloted-ballast of a chosen-life. And now the career and conferring, had existed and exacted with a perceptive-attainment. A refining-scope and aligning, predicated by exception, accountability and achievement.

  It all fell-into place. And now arrangement and arrival, were now completely, blossomed. In what was a wise-warding. A revering of one's utilized-control. A peremptory and passion for which was unveiled-in determined-talent. ...The evidence, as she landed-on an evening-flight and walking-out on an evening-day of April, now was lavished with honored-demand. There were few-issues that weren't aggrandising to s 'style' or scale. All this suited her-scope and objective-satisfaction. She'd never-fully considered-on conceptionalized-of what had come. And never being a 'extravert' if any extravagance the many opulant-apparitions, never were imagined or daunting; but merely passed a-factor to here fortune, and future. When people twice her-age, and 'half' her-intellect chose to weld-power over some personal-extrincity, only finding in actuality that her true-purpose had little-reward and remorse.

  In what was the wisdom and r
epresentation, was remarkable. She'd always, ruminated over all-factors and rudiments, which were all rudiments of one's personal-rule. Just as all the alter-sides to what she experience were related to a denisoned-devotion. Although, their weight to her success and accomplishing, her sentiment made forged and objective-impressiveness. And what was left, was the dear-inspiration; which most everyone learned to be virtuous. But just as her-mentality was advanced, her mind instituted; in a self-technical, implicity proven and compact. The preeminent-virtual of time and test, made for a lesson and reporte' in the devoted-demand in 'self-order'. As a elemental and devotional-inspiration for which she carried on her role to self and life... Luckily, intent and inspiration, are realms of resolve and retinue; for which mentality may prove empowered and virtual.

  The installment and instilling of time and teaching, as well as talent that were all an encircled-encompassing of what was to come, and which had been. And she come-through with vivid-'colors'... It was a masterful-provision that was learned, of all the living and thriving... A spansive-origination, by avante guarde and lucid. A tandem and tactical-extenuation, private and tactical-extenuation so-private and proving. An transitive conviction of state, style and art. An obvious New York-enterprise exerted and suitable to a liberal-cause and consistency. An exemptive-confirmative integrity of nearly life long-concertion... Now, as she went on a long journey of thought imagination and concepts; she was pretty much come to and proved herself-commitment. And all the commending-cummulative are the science and scholarly, perception of ardent and efficient-theme... There was little to leave to 'doubt'. It was a pingent-coeffective instrument, and accordant in decisive-detail.

  Promise and pride, were designatingly, recoursed in expanding and ensued in what was a manifesto of the nominal. A positive-projection, in which a time noted and nascent, was the apparent-consistence that would further objective and conjecture-impassioned and in personifying-particulate. There was loss and gain, purpose and conspounding, predicate and elaminate, to her promise and prestige. The necessary amenity and emerging for which engagement and encompassing which had seemed to reach a full-gratification... Life offered only so much and one's fascination and innocent-recision, comes to age. She'd seen age change era and civilization, people and places, perception and possibilities... As a Doctor of the Arts at 23, an extravagantly, famous but no less conjugate-author, and dominable-reaches fame and success. Yet with industry, becomes less inspiration. Great, good and infamous-icons have came and gone understanding or coming to do so by the elements of matured-interstition.

  ...The many loves, devotions and duties for which becomes ardent-dissatisfaction. And that new scope and rectification are aversion become contentive-realities. What may seem a perceiving which becomes an ascending, and exceeding. What like Josephine, were once set on a once romantic-residing. An affixed-allegory of a personal subjection for which time, terms or testament left behind. An 'end' of an immaculate-conception, arrived and eventual-deeding, divesting. A new-venue, and antipathy; for which one exception is no longer. Yet it read like so much arcane-derision... Of the many stories of life and love. From accomplish to acumen, to aversion in a strange-forming origination, which-comes to every life. The great-challenges meeting their residing, end. The grand and vantage-exaggeration; found, refined, focused and then transfixed... A chance and chosen-challenge come, gone and remembered. A self-devotion exemplary and acknowledge in role and simplicity.

  So the story goes; from trials, tests and travailing, in the ever limited inner-espousals-proud and prefixed. In what should, and have been an intimate-understanding. The fulfilling ego, passion and 'brand'; then, the illusion, occlusion and obstacle of life, place and time which comes and goes with defection. What was once told a story, now lay in the 'rain' for many, a 30ish fantastic-artist... Their life-story was once a tale of riches became a surreal-reality. An imposed and obligated aftermath pretense and problematic. The division and innocent divorce of a much vibrant life. And by the; times memory and a swan-song. She'd once came to be curious of her fellow-artist whose definitive had once been great and divine. But with each their presence expired like a wondrous-vapor. An expircation so unfiar and unavailingly, exponential. But no less traced and transitive. Whether in the emotion of pride or the potency of perfective ovation offensive of overture.

  What even the 'best' saw as a denoted obsequious-diversion... That with a 'rise and fall', comes the awareness of reversion. The 'diatonic'-disclosure which orignate around and duly, deed and determination; that is left behind as so much unneeded luggage. What was a passion becomes an inordinate 'dispassion'. A preeminent-potential that rose and receded-on what in life was an existence of once personal conjecture. A necessary 'impossiblity' that was pretext and was demolished by so much divergent-virtue... When one has to ensure in within duplicity, divection of a 'theme' and order of an opined for opportunities; that must come to be incomparatively, confessed. A careful but careless subjection for which one's terms divides and subsides in an anointed travail. Fortunately, Josephine had good-wisdom and accountability for sophistication and understanding were held to a perceptive and purposeful cause. If ever there was a self-evocation it was in the 'now', stamened-cause that was brought-forth by diligence and simplicity precise of an independent concurring.

  With the much held illuminative of choice and incentive; it was in the post-haste cause of inner-control and obligate-omniessence... A hold, against the void of life's experience and the 'disunity' of a fragile-cause. A perservering conferring and conjecture for which reason and resign proved esoteric and an over-taking. A presiding of potential commanding, carried forth in eluding-defining. What answered and have taken others in the collapsing-weight of better understanding, had never befallen Josephine. Her-lucid memory, granted interpretation and advent-refining mind; proved fully-diverse and commitedly, immaculate. The inclined-streets of San Francisco, allowed Josephine to reach the hotel in a zoning from the airport. The seagulls flew along the waterway, trolley-cars rang as Josephine entered the meeting-room. An immaculate red-and-black decor carpeting lead from the opening-vestibule to an auditorium.

  She was asked to meet at a pre-ceremony room with her-fellows. Everyone there were eating snacks and breakfast-entrees, awaiting their-time on-stage... She immediately, spoke with her firm's staff-agent. ...After 30-minutes Josephine was being awaited on-stage as the large-crowd awaited her. She was told that many had came to see her. Her speech went-on, longer-to answer questions and profess of her wonderful-talents. It was a spectacular-time. She was beginning to feel the 'iconic' call of her-fanatics. But the applause soon fell-away to hotel-room quiet. A call came in from her guide; the local-media wanted 5-minutes in preview, of her personal-interview, face to face. This was the privilege and task of a gratis-author.

  She thought on the image she projected and experiences which had came to her. The out-lay and plans which was befallen and followed her life. It had all been a disciplined advantage and original. From the early days of working articulation and the outstanding transition into popular-stardom. In this time, the stand-out interest and impetus which came to encircle and gradates, sophisticately driven and most, let go to her head. And the dedicated working terms of being a writer, its working intent and final illustriousness. She'd read in her spare-time the many statuses and parallels of other famous-people; how in each, was a lesson of daughting-traversion. The many outward and inward understandings, for which fame had made more than a few fall-into utter-demise... And the insistent-iconic and instance, which mocked self-empowerment. The many intricate incipid-obstacles that she felt deserved a logical-outlook.

  A refreshing-shower helped her unwind after a long-day. The once stallid-sleep manifest, was now just memory. And the 'fluid' now of mental-installing were only an articulation of conscience... ...That one's glorified-subconscious energy, was set in a new-demise of acuity and self-design... Her-fr
iends had came to see its convocation, in wonder; but its deepest-resolve was the extensive-predilection. The now, componence for which true-friend are grateful for. With all the energies, she put into caring and concern for others most were essentially, accedent... That vancive-force of purpose and expound were both innate and extricate-forces of heart and soul; which for her ultimate-proof and calling, would progressively and confessingly, prevail.

  What for Josephine, was once instinctual and an utter-fascination, was given abatement and with some unknown-power or sense; as a self-veritable and innately, poising-parable... Although, she realized it was as late in-life; it given, where a forte, and as many others, were a failure of character and conception. What for, in many people-proved a prodigal of treasure, than lost-potential... The implicate-nature of life's success and failure, in altruist of advantageous-fate. That typically, were a deep-seated, gains order, had scaled in Josephine an admiring succinct-conjugation. Josephine had what could only be called a supplicate-soul; rarely, misguided career still defined by inward-exception. Like long-lived sages their heart and soul lay-in the conviction and transition of what they gave devout-sophistication. This, for so few, meant approval and sublimated-confirmation.

  With all her-fellowships, fortitudes and fulfillments; she came to ratify her talent, duty and commitment. And now as an indolent-inferring she realized there was much to be impacted and going-forth to further simulate and surmise, recognized the device and definition of truly, great and grand-individuals was the intent, division and concentration of the matter of mind, mission and an ultimate-modality. In what came for so many was the 'best'-idea. After a final-dinner with California associates she'd take the night-flight back to New York. In what was the strata of an actual complicit-life. ...The motif-energies with which Josephine put-in the definites of her life was both a precipitate and proficient living-standard. In all colluding-impetus that person, purpose and projection come to interweave a life, she understood she'd did better and acted more accountably than most.

  The 'wonder' and wide-world of definites and derivatives, of guises and choices that were her distinctive and instinctive-comprisings. The elements and effectives, Josephine knew were eventual-expending for which self and commitment-ideally, incentive and advancive-equation. Perhaps, the world fell-into place by an act of God or through the propitiation of an idea, of held to a high-degree. The infinite-instance and augmentation by which people came the recourse and adjustment of the testament of time. The virtuous concession-of fortune and fulfillment; of the precept of the self and sustaining, which prove and improve one's life... Josephine knew from learning-observation and utter instilling of the ultimate-forces of then, life-span contingent. The biding-properties of thought and identities which plant and subdivide; the 'pinion' of purpose...

  There were convening-of plot. By which, come in and without understandings. Which resonate and come retribute, the serious causes-of life. The intentions and areas, which she came to fully, induce by-alertness and practical-inception. The self-assessive answers or new-issues, and understandings... What a small-bit of awareness, exonerate and precipitate; a better understanding, for all it was worth. The ever-heavy weight of presence and subjugate-pressure, condemning and retention-in a transe of living, and allot. The many demonstrations, factors and fixtures which create too great a problem or care; for which no one else within reach and depth; she understood that certain-shame and 'shadow'. But in every life a little rain must fall, and be felt. The accepting of the barren-of personal-contentive are perceptions, of problems and provcation; insistent and instituted. What is the proper-preordination for which life comes into full-pretense. The pre-vicive law of self and certainty-rotate and revolve...

  The instrumental-principle, which determines a life-transactuated and transduces; the pedagogic challenges are concerted simplify and assert-sublimate terms and challenges... In what is a superlatent choice but for which instance and order sometimes play, a less than significant role. She, as a thinker and surmiser could easily come to terms for her that rising was on a long-wavelength. Able to expand and origin patent and patent-progression. In what makes an intensive-intricate, for which was layed-down as a precious intimate-prosemination added, ordered and ideal. And an essence of focus and fortitude. In the pleasant-dimenison of logic and holistic, Josephine carefully developed and out-spanned out from the center of self-sophistication. The layers, which unfolded to her dependent-logic and independent-will. The flow of wise-waters, came in avail of a successive-rumination. The objective-wardings of a prime and prelimination; which came and built-in a traversing-triangulation of nourishing-thought.

  The many proctors and perceptiveness, arranged and oriented; around and a strong and powerful-soul. A defying-denomination trusted and proven, over time. As the filiament were hung and stranded-over a logical and expurgation, proven and private. A chosen-demnity bridged and imported to a chalice and challenge of an attaining inner-law of what became and attenuate and compressed over time. The developmental agentry and ascore for which adequate-'renewal' was aspised by a literal-force of youth, pertinence and experience; for which no one was eaxactly, the same... A composition, of which innovative-impact chosen and a fulfilled-practice; set in a devising and deferrent-cause. In this, what was a thorough-concision proven and eventually, paralleled by a substantiation. The collective-efficiency termed and tantamount, by fact and filling-foster. The consistency of transmute and infer, which depicted a solidify and 'solace'-solute.

  There were many salutations and actual supplicate-skills for which were fortune and founded; but for the exquisite-taste and perpetuation. Of a developed-cognitive compolation; arrived early in Josephine's encounter. The encouraged and esoteric enchanting-cognition, which became open-wide on the intelligence-plane... A securing anchor of sentiment which coursed through the waters of articles and antiquity... The private-courage to 'conceive'; in one's interpretation and as art. The especial-sense of what was a termity and adduction-transposed over what was relevance and an implied-relegation. In what was an identified-inspiration; exact and essential... The many fluency for which an interpretation or understanding came into its own, and as an incense. The very private-extent and exception of life's personal-passage is, at times, a reverence for the meaningful and magnitudinal... The very 'unlocking' of the self-involved 'mastery' and matriculation-proven by avant guarde-accountability. A choice and competence which entreat the very-'fabric' of self and sanctum.

  Over the many years of private-excellence and expounding which tend to prove or deny the promise, or premise of the sentiment of fate. The vision and virtue-of respite and restitution for which the sun's shines bright, or the clouds, roll-in. The life-scale of growth-understanding and nature-wisdom which as self-reflected on what lay behind and ahead, were for all the venture of ultimate-virtue or vice. And thus, the vehemence or vigilance for which one takes on life and the great-instilling for which purpose and ideas become stepping-stones to success and potential-passion. But now, was the beginning 'laterns' half of her life. The living impact of perception and promise continues to give feasibility, to hopes and dreams... And allow her and others to factor and facility promising opportunities. And with agility and aptitude, becomes premise and perfection.

  Josephine's many accomplishings were quite spectacular and special, the elongated and liberal-profession, and the many articulates-deined and donned, evident and empowered. The very autonomic solo-act to find and focus, in the chance and challenge expercation, and made nearly, profound-of impetus and instilling; self-provision and prologue... The many epithises for which Josephine now contemplated. Josephine was known for her ideas and postering-reflections. And how, it was no different than a maturing-conception of all that came before. The instance and infatic-sustaining for which children; girls, daughters, friends and famous-icons do, once, reacting turning-point. ...A promise and process, to what one's great-surmising occurs wh
en reaching the highest eschelon of inferrence. The final-voyage before entering tamer, less propagate, waters. ...What was once old because of a certain and common-place. The certainty, and and subsequent infinitely, causative and copesitic. The view, and vantage that carries to settle-on lapping-shores.

  The precipitous and proving-conjection, in a projection for which hope and heart, became elastic-tendrils of owning-subjection. All the many actuations still can not pay for the resounding-privilege of the intimacy and intensity of what was a predicate-annulling. The private and protected-intricacy and understanding, for which one's once 'goals' into obligate-excision... A yearning of an art's heart for lost-possession, for which she may have never-fully, owned. What may have seemed dutiful-durest for which was never brought into a fruition, over time... The third-week into being back at home, and the bright-sun welcomed her into an awakening. The New York skyline sat out in the Northern window. The intensity of light not far-off, an ocean electrified the air with vibrancy. The energies of her-daylight, activity and exertion made for a vibrate-morning... She got up and ate hungrily, the breakfast of Sarah's.

  ...A wide-wondering for which New Yorkers took greater-advantage... The privilege and preamble, chosen by each citizen, would be a vivid-enertia. The subway-system blew hush-winds and mechanical sound-threw its street-level open-entrance. ...The refuse-truck was on its third to last-junket and Cabbiers were up-town delivering patrons to their destinations. A louvre of honesty and interpretation, by which all come to fulfill and fathom. The finalness of a full-fulcrum to a privied-understanding... The instinctive-elamina for which typefaction, takes to toll... The wide-year of venture and vantage were now the invigorated-wind of time and place. The featured-principle and perception of instance and endeavor, which like a warm burgeoning-move, was as vital as ever... The leaves here, burgeoning on the Sycamore-tree. The prevalent perception of an positive-entity advanced on-time... The many strivings of choice and character, revealed itself.

  The many chosen-charters travailed and transfixed, in the autonomy and convection-ensigned, elaborate and independent vocally, instituted. What might have seemed an arbitration of any posturing and articulate-being. In time and effort, it was a post-script of an deductive living-diffraction, dawning. The presence and proactive, devising by which terms are defined. The elongates chanced and channeled by self and as present, natural-winds blowing in any direction... The transactual-defining and contentious in which we ordinate and subordinate, the ways of reason and time. The utter instigations and inspirations, each of us and Josephine, felt the draft of ultimate-contrition. The designs of life, tend to be transfixed in-time and development. An enticing-filiament of thoughts , images and impressions. A significant-assimile, braiding and making 'heavy' the segments and stages-of a life. Being motivated and inspired, became meant to attain and imply, in what becomes the impact of caring...

  And as we forge and focus in-thought areas, sufficient implications and utilized-vision; we either prove or disprove, our commitment-to it. We are either an 'essence' in inspiration gravely, to release from intuition, as ability. In what is the purpose of life. The engaging and entertaining-energies, either to make for balast, or become emerged as a sense or sentiment. ...We all want to seek an 'ideal' in all areas amd fields to make for a meaning of significance or logically, distraught; forget-in disapproval. An implicit-suggestion of motive to, or disregard-in other-achieving. An idiomatic-ideal, taken to instinct and wisdom. A private-law and asssertiveness, by which every instance is taken to fulfill an actual and imaginary-goal, that passses ahead or is forgotten. We are sensient and sensual beings, caught on the pinwheel-of life.

  What we august and imminent, become our trek or chosen-transom... Our individual purpose, abides and supercedes dependence-in development. Thus, it becomes a weapon as well as a 'tool'. And in this deductive-prologue we subvert and surmise right, wrong and the substantial. A power of personal-pricey work, becomes our own politics of self, and surrounding. But as time passes we reach a prelude of certainty and survival imposed and imminent. And we accept and reject similar-grounds. But life is ever-transcended by order and policy. A transitive-conviction of self and terms. A child-like resign, a privileged level of learning and the possible transpose made for a diligent, wise and impacting life. The advantage, outweigh the disadvantageous. And a life-time of perception-interred and respected as a deeming of a mature-life.

  An intuitive and egressed-concision. A prelimination for which to ode-great advantages and instillings. A pronounced-digression of thought and imminent-theory by process and sought... Through the winds-of time and stride, sit proving in transduction. A private elude-converging and dividing-order, embellishment and ode. Yet each of us wholely, look from the inside-out. A private-process, availing amd envisioning. A potent-pretext bring about intention and incentive. It was ordinately, as simple as a dream, or specific as a fortunate and faithful-fate. A demarcation through the sands of time that eternal-task: 'What if?' But life is to short to analyze or interpret-fully, the still-great forces of failure and the unknown pull us along. Till our private works are pulled along as mysteries and ultimate-failure. We never-fully leave the womb, hoping upon hope for a private place-of sanctum.

  Josephine enjoyed this finale of a very-special induction-of life. A determined and devoted-part of life was still a social factional-purpose. But her-heart and spirit, were aging into a prided-situation to realize-on a more distinguished-surface. In what everyone could realize was a rescinding of a matured life. What could not be brushed-aside by incense or sophistication; but the inward understanding of time-passage and maturation. The many instances, the average-person goes through was probably generations more than the present. Josephine who'd been attaining and efforting, obsequious... Man tended to have a permanance for which one grows and learns-into. But high-intelligence and self-sophistication gave Josephine a heeding definition-to life... ...But she was nearing the age-old 'civility', each mature individual comes to be encircled. An absolute-transfixing that we can go no-further... That their required an absolescence for which there could be no turning-back or returning.

  A term, set and terminal for which preponderance can prove no further and intent no more purposeful. The indivisable-independent begin to see the shadows, on the wall. And what was once 'directive' becomes the shining-path of finality. There was still a number of great, brave and wonderful-years ahead; that she knew with accepting exception, and ultimate-understanding things of work, reward and wonder, could only be in a downward-'spiral'. A definitive-lesson subjugated by an over-powering will of understanding, and a subordinaton of a superior-insistence of potential, promise, pride and professionalism, that lack no ultimatude. She-loved her-work the night that once was, full of unknowing-excitement were simply now, familiar-dreams. That vantage and vocal, which had now replaced a vibrant-'sensibility' with an imposing-display...

  An intention-affectuated on a distant-'quail' for which ability and no time would now be limited and an in-pouring of liturgical-lament; which was coming to a-close with every new-day. What was a full and illustrious-sentiment and superstition, had now broaden with a deeper-sense of survival-sensient to perfect, profess and prevail. There had been all sorts of the factors, which had made deemings and designs; to the confessings and constituents, that could have stood-upon are a scale. A nominal-predicting, life. ...One only wished for, by others and being others, one only now fully-redeemed. It had not become a frustration or indomitability, but growing more illusive with every 'new'-day and duty. A promise she had given herself over time was fulfilled and once only, fundamental. Love and devotedness was now growing-less promising and more-subjunctive. Her girl-friends had once went through it; a mid-life crisis. But it never came to Josephine, the 'brains' and immaculate-thinker of the group...

  It had never been considered with her impeccable-elegation and ability for which intensity and defectio
n, were alternative-aspects. Most people's perspective-in life becomes resolved to a comprising-surmisement and mid-line, but others surround and encircle duty and forcefulness. In what becomes a transitory-depiction and trial... A trial of depiction of a rule and understanding, for which life takes on and portrays a life-long division and under-study. In what goes beyond instance and ideas. A certain set-of purposes and projections for which the individual-objectifies and becomes engaged in a sincere-subjugative, obliging-'idea'... Where once articulations, form a formative; the reliance-on purpose and resolve, grow as a stronger-determination and focus. The intricacies and interests, grow even more 'prehensile' and proven. ...Until on purposes, hopes and dreams becomes a prevalent-ideal and redeeming. Till everything becomes subordinate-to its influences.

  The private-world of working and deeper-understanding becomes a great absolute to be engaged and enterprise. In what would become an essence of toll and entitlement. A developed devotion that becomes an accurate-assertion and inner-being. It was a term and talisman, only adroit and bold-individuals, came to assume. In what was a self-sacrifice and element-survival; for which entity and imploring came to an inordinate choice and division. Each in chosen-impact rose to the calling of vantage and virtue to climb mounts and explore new worlds, in a revealing of other dimensions. As man was guided across unknown-planes, and into being evident-in and causative-presiding. In a perception-few come to perceive... The imposed and empowered-dynamic and imposed to an entailing and integral... The possessive and capacitive, which are exposed and employed.

  The defined and devoted-passing, into intention and what is an intensity... The ideal and the interested, objectified and oracled; to embrace and imply, on the brave and benevolent by the energy of expectation, and explicit. A pension-coming to conceive, ordinate and envision due-to commitment and command; by none-less than innate-essency... ...An expedition, by essentiality and a proven perfection as implicate-esoteric in a proverbial-term; and the inventive-attitude, confessed of talent and profound in inception and incentive. The expounding-exponential given agility and embased-teachings. From Moses to Socrates, to Jesus Christ to all the men and women of proving honor to teleologize and the present of apprising, and consistency. An interpretative-comprising, conferred by the encompassing and engagement-integrate knowledge and pretense validly, and with 'valor' given to encompass a frugal-world.

  A divisable-instillment and institution, given prevail and ultimate-provision. What became the draft exemption and expounding. Writing the law of life and living, pretext and protocol, advancive and advocative. A redeeming, endowing and transition-corresponding for which man-achieved. The many corrollories, objectives and overture-defect amd devising; by which time and culture offer propound-perception and power vantaged and proven-for all mankind. In what was a proven, potentialized-perfection... Josephine spent the afternoon at-home, enjoying and engaging a 'prefix' of and what was personal-propriety. The 'quiet' made for a time of self-relaxation... In her Brownstone she could be calm and rest her-mind. Josephine had a specific-regiment for taking it 'easy'. She knew the facets for which one's emotions stress and ramificatons fell-on lines. There was little-sentiment in becalming one's mind-perceptions and feelings. She read a number of books on 'rescinding'. The personal conjecture of placidity.

  That there was much energy-scale and utter-scope to being in a self-abiding... The many sage-teachers and wise-gurus, who attained a Nirvana of notability. The 'ages' and instances, and ideas transferred into stress and tension. The Karma and carefulness for which one needed to attend to... The many terms of auspicion-proven, perfected and prevailed in a mentally, precise-assertion... She, as an astute-proficient, one had to understand all the terms and enlistments for which thought and physical assigning putforth-timing and collusiveness. ...And with a defining-intent she began a routine, a decade ago-to induce a practical-presence-perfected and integrated... It was her-effort and understanding to find precept and passion, to inter, and understanding. She came to know that mere teaching with one-human practices, revolved and virtualized; in a human-term. But the houses and homages-secure and fore-vision, was the anomaly of a human-purpose and imperatives. This, was at which reconferred and confirmed, in a successive-attaining.

  A protogonic-enlightening which tended to work-on all levels. The practices and hopes that presented a vocal for a confirmatively, consistent-consortium; in what was a practice and pragmatic of contemplation. In what was an illustration-of connotation and careful-connotoriety. She drew the common-traits, to which practiced with preamble, and which came to insinuate 'better'-acuity for the process of a gained-mind... The evening fell passively and Josephine was enjoying the just-remnant of a late-thursday. She had taken the day to create balance and fore-thought easiness from a darkening day. She decided with all the prepare and pretext of the eventual events it would be a truly-private adjourning. She'd stay home till sunday then go out to the local Synagogue where some of her friends patroned. She'd never really, left her spiritual guises. As in her youth, the devout elusion of spirit and mind saw her throught ina sanctimonious case.

  The sanctual-collusion of life and assertion were calm and commanding consistencies. The score of encompassing were in the predicate of intimate-cause and calling. The contradiction and aggregate-terms of life-candidate, and condescending; of most terms in life... Yet a thick-policy, avails or averts denison-hardship, or hardens, in the decisives and decisions of heart and mind. As the night-bird calls grew and the sound of crickets chirped with a-call. Josephine climbed the stairs and her maid took to the task, attending to cleaning the kitchen. Sarah was preparing for the weekend-meals. The elaborate-scheme of Ms. Stein, was now in a relaxing-mode. What lay-ahead and counter-set was the adducive and confessive-semantics, of a disciplined and donned, life. An impliment-displaying, by which came to be asserted and suited to purpose and passion; a prime-allegory reached and adorned. The devisive and complicit-designing and disassociation for which the reign of purpose, commote-for as the same lasting-time. She would see the joys and sadness of compelling and capriciousness, subside and provide...

  The interjection-of thought and puurpose, which were mild and missioned; and as an 'eery'-thought and precipice, which would be certain and sophisticately, asserted. What could have seemed an imposition, was an instance-exclusivity by premise and proactive. As Josephine knew, there were all sorts of 'impetus' to a vying and recourse. A definitive-devotion, for which reality and reverence, were true and resolute-in precipice and pursuit.

  Josephine's story tended to be a converse-one. As everyone tended-to love, live and long for a betterment in-existence. The protocol for elan, for athema, for which virtual-callings, are withstood. The many voices and choices, which come to categorize and extol a life; are predated by 'channels' of chance and opportunity. Josephine never really, espoused in the demoting-of voice and stance... There was more to encounter, in a wide open-world. The predictional-traits of arnifice, and training; which were merely, subjugatives of an over-populized mind.

  As she saw other students, make better use of their time, and attending to other things. The best and worse, attended to their better-concerns in life and dedication; she began-to realize it could be seen as all, but a subjunctive-hope and pomp. ...Luckily, she had friends who were as devoted to both self and society. It made her accede to a prosperous-sowing to her-assize, as a very-able student. Although, may be not as 'smart', they understood the ordinant-pretext and principles, which were becoming devoid with every 'new'-wave... The friends, which could fade-in what was work, they could concert the better facts-of life. ...They understood, the practice of A,B,C-students. They became friends in a world of articulate-circumstance; but faith and fortune, was sometimes only practical... ...Precipitious conjoining-of faith and follow-through that gave a needed consummate-congeal to both-sides. The exchange-for a caring careful-management, was a concise-ability, as precision a
nd useful-articulation.

  The emotional/passionate and concise-contentions were an articulation perhaps unknowingly, bodes well for them both. So it was that Josephine, understood the bestowal-of faith, in an emaculate-fortune. It-all was her to grow as a contemplate-on the larger-scale of 'life'. She now, with determinative-convergence, realized-in the scheme of studies there was an 'impetus' to look-into people's souls and accept one's subjective-virtue and vulnerabilities. This, was where one-found the weak-link to what others saw in themselves the terminus of primordial-presence and predeliction; came into a resounding-presumption. The inner-classivism, by which order comes from chaos, and complicit evades dispair. The many vantage-points, seen and perceived as in self-vivid mindset. It was an exploratory-'junket' of center and surmisement for which incurred entitlety-injunction made for a 'purity' of inner-vocal. The present-moments for which atoning prove, purpose and pervasive.

  It would be a silent Spring-night. An evocation-instance, ideal-perception and thought... The presence and prominence deferring to protruition. The advice and advantage to compilate and paragram, the vision of perceptive personal-perfusion. A preeminent-pretense, substantial in an acceding and thought... A transcendental-officiation, articulate and conveying. It was the enlivened-abridge for which a women-of-integrity, that could find a convening. In what was the articulate, calming-energies of a fugue, mind and mentality... The diaform-diligence of the times of rest, peace and solace. As she slept, the dormant-forms of 'twilight' to dawn, rest as her-body and reassimulated a conscience... Rain would come in Sunday, and leave that night. The musack played while Josephine tended to things of simplicity. The computer would be left alone, as Josephine read one of her favortie-books. The tidings-of devotion and honor, would again be allowed context and confirmative.

  Josephine, knowing perception, had accorded a theoretic mind-set, to all... Her 'peace'-of mind, aereated on the many importances-close and distal. An infatic-obligation and established, instilling. The presence and potence, proallocated and of devan. The many spirits of choice and joy, she impathed the order of elocution, engaged and optimized... A reticular-commending, presence, process and prelimination to the feasability-charge of a challenge. It was a self-focused, contention-discerned on experience, and acceded-attitude. ...She liked, being alone. What came from idea and inspiration. ...In what had complicitly, been the implicate and adjuring mental-conjugation. The significance of all this was in the riding-duty and discipline in the terms and understanding of careful concerns and coefficients of self-design. An uncertain imperative grantedly, beyond sophistication. In all the interest and ideas expressed and proven over time and transitive. That the joys and sadness formatives and functions, focus and facilitation in order and comprising comprehension.

  The personal and impathic, which was with a 'lucid' earnign and autonomy. The many actuals and evidential-assignings which was a 'wording' and wherewithal. In a 'digest' of a preliminary posed and given living compact... A precipitous progress and prevail donned and deliberated. An effective and efficiency that one come to derive and determine the wisse and delegation in an affective and convoking for which instilling and installing. A new parallel by which one's parellelism the parameter of purpose and philosopy. The adjusted and adjoin of person, place and perpetuity than one travels the life-line. The intricate magnitude and motivation for which one reaches private-competence. An obligative-impressario by whtih the commitment to causse now, were fathomable reality long before. The achieved deep understandigns by which we encompass direction and developmental-devotion. What becomes an earning implied implication. We pull ourselves up by drive and discharge and a determinative relegative reality.

  In the indivisable assertion and assumption plied and pillared in preeminent design and judgement. Its building the certainty and satisfaction willed and relied upon. An introspection of self and surmising. The issues and understanding are coordinates of invention and articulation. The incidents and ideas of intention and objectives by which assertions employed and conjectured. A personal life-long edict, of purpose and price convened on decision, choice and vision. A redeeming contention of definitie and division Josephine comes to act and achieved. Her life was a visionary vocation from childhood on. A primal-conformity given to task and learning. A precious proven and presence chosen and defining. An attaining allegory come to be actuated and established. The decade put in, the dominant change of life-stage and style in others transformative powerful precis...

  In what is a pride and promise over the realm of reception and calling. The avenues and convenings for which a careful culture and common-place served and seeded. What in fundamental was inspiration and a self-ideal. By which the careful collective conferring complementary and considering completing... A dimension for what was an implement of idealized pressed and potential, conferred and confessing. By wich one's skill and challenging achievement are conceived and commiing and commanding. For her, it was the hopes, dreams and engaging of a life-time. The constitutional proverb of choice, chosenness and challeng. Ascension by the rule of thought and purpose obtaining and conducing to the adventure of availing exception. The many personal-conducive that preemanate chances. Josephine had a wonderful-time carrying out and carrying on in impact and imposition. An overture orchestration inductive and conductive. The freedom and poise to be a person of provision in performance and sophisticate-projection.

  As she enjoyed the weather, rest and reliance she was resolute in a projection of principle-profession and reproving, Josephine was feeling the 'closing-in' vestiges of a full-career, a grand-duty and an empowered personal-perception. There were so many people who made an empathically, moving impact and gravity-perfection. As most men and women confess and obtain, the powerful purpose and preponderance. An adventure-in 'prowess' and successful-control. Enjoining the professing and confessing, of deriving, duties-accept that their greatest-attainment; accomplishing what was the power and prowess of a liberal-'journey'. The great-accomplish and iconic, ascertaining becomes a provision for work, power and self-progression... An intimately, infection entitlety; that doesn't last-forever. In what one realizes is, only an espousal of purportment and conversing.

  As she enjoyed the 'jovial' and polite-joys of subliminal simplicity; an e-mail arrived and given congratulation; that her latest-book now, was in twelve countries... She was out-preparing her lastest-garden. An infantissimo action in comparison. But she understood, to a definite-apprising. The large-candle-light of private-hope, was not to go 'short' any-time soon. A privilege and provident, by which would deeply, reprise as most suddenly-ardent, authors. She, though talented, never wanted to join a provocateur-class. There were 'armies' of proven and professed, who would lie, cheat and steal to force their-way into this-trade. ...And thus, the emerging, emulate-pretense and protocol; for which she was not 'ready'. Fortunately, she intelligently, didn't flinch at power; or let others control her. She was renown at an evidence and interpretation. She knew to watch with eyes 'wide-open'. As she was treated by others, with both passion and emotion... There was limits, she responded to it, in return.

  There was more joy and satisfaction, in dubbing others' power and perception; in what was the 'wheels' of pretense, and provocation. The intuitive-intimacy, for what was something kept 'personal'. It all, would be started, in one's self-developmental assizing by an artist-dream. And that with her deep-intelligence and sophisticate, self-refining, and defining, she came to again find opportunity; in prescient-divests and self-centered-obligation. The conflict-tended to be in an maelstrom of conjugation. The principles and precepts, that allows for a person to reflect-upon ourselves. The platonic-evidence and understanding, by which individual-becomes motivated and commited. The many instilling-terms and temptations, for which our logic-grows. The both, intimate and incremental and agile, of assailings and objectives, for which implying and imposing counterjected-itself.

nbsp; In what were transactions of self and cause. In the self-central control, forceful and fortunate. What either began or end by instigation. The private-laws of lucidity or lament, accepted or assumed. A selfly pretension by conviction and obliging. By what are chosen and choices-of the mind. The tender-overture and idea, by which 'ply', the deeper-waters of inward-dealings. An impellation-of instance and ideas. By what are their pertinent-dissolves, with decisions. A polymetry, of inner-judgement. What may seem an infinitessimo-amount of delvings and deliberatons. In the private-crucible of that, and impression. Which in the hearsay-of the mind and perception. The quaint and quintessential-order of things. From Josephine's built atoning-appeals of life, to an injection of expression and apparent-identification, in the eye of deduction and awareness. ...She, like everyone else, were subdivided among impressionary-means. The belief and 'bright' sunlight of decision and development-entitling to try to convince, and be a conviction; availed and abated-by the coventry of mission, and milieu.

  The trial and transfixing, adamancy and attitude, premising and admixing; transitive and transformation, chosen to 'channel' through and comix... She, in her-reality and ramification, in-turn of availing-adjugated... The spirit-of, and the wonderment of sophistication-oded, ordered and evinced; in the pliary of dimension, and suspension. The translative-confession, in the dim and dark-features of an 'anthem'. By which self-conceded, self-fate. A diffidence-of one's own symmetry, plied and played-over by the drama-of time. The compress and coelesce-semantics of thought and purpose. A deriding, carried-concession by which complied-in her content; joined and deflected in a timeless-effort. An inward-energy of subjugated-theme and theory, transitioned and changed over our-resort and recumbrience; which are stored, and constructed. The essence and epitome, a vital and protract-in the lessons of 'life'.

  The integer-of a person, from the condensings of experience, and cognitives; which arbitrate; our best-intents and innovations. For Josephine, it was the beliefs and barriers of one's authenticity and fragmentated-procision... For which order and instance, preface and deflect-in incipid-precepts and preallegation. A convolution-of the tentatives, and transmissions; which were assized and developed. ...In what most-people find the life-long encompassing 'will' of mankind and the trolling-function of deliberation. By which a women, a child and a powerful-mind coagulates-situations and change. Josephine, had typically, been a person of conjugate-terms... Her-heart, had always saw a deeper-vicive, or purpose and priority. A conciliatory-claim to what was self and innate-digest. The rising-elite and the falling-'distole' of presence and time. The apprehensive-phalanx and invocation; in a certainty and sililoquy, of an 'idea' and impacting-implicity. In the self-inspired determination to follow a concertive-dream.

  An assertion-of will and purpose, propagated as what became relegation and assention for which her art, had seen the providence of choice and fate. What had been delitant, and by which the secession of a involute-past. Just as Josephine's father and mother gave leeway to her utter-skills and talent, it layed-way to q childhood of love, and long later. The innocence-of burgeoning-youth. ...And making for a foreign-irreverence, toward congealing, instilling and austerity. A provening, and pretext-independence for which opportunity-digress... The civil-will of hope, peace and loneliness... The ultimate-solitary predestiny of injuring-mystery which lay unalterably, in the past. A subjection for which there was no-outlet. She'd come to see others like herself, see psychologist-therapist persons of sophisticated 'self-doubt'. People who'd be paid large-sums of money to be pampered and convinced that they were 'sane'. But that was just as much an illusion as faux-art.

  ...She-understood, she was as much self-deriving, and in control as anyone who learned a PhD. It would always take inspiration, as anything else. She, though still seeing mystery, could tell what was feasability by what was at stake; by all the experience of a superior intellect of a strong-willed father and all-those who'd been factored in lessons of utter-endowing... But the unknown, often came flooding-back from an immature-livelihood. Of an ode, and impassion-fulfilled. ...The very-stern teachings outer-current, which by the secrets of a reclusive opining of vantage, and civility. Although, in childhood terms, was little-fear; but in a realm of a larger-universe; that which is gone without, which was the fragility of an awareness and possible-insufficiency. Although, only known-on the outside on three-sides. But her far-greater functionality; reproached and reprise, who it was fully, an adult-memory.

  The transmission-of the lacking of a who or what stayed with her, she and her-friends defied the loss of lament and colluding, confiscation of an absent-'past'. It was a wonderful-thing. That as a precocious-personality, she was learned about all things perpetual and propagating. The concepts-of chosen and choice, which were tenable and constituent that could be congenitally, confessed and intimately, related. A pro-allegorical and confessive-women, put to order 'the best'. A diffusionary-tactic, put her in as good a full-compassive as the best learned and clinicalized-trained, thoughtful-doctor. The influences, which occurred over the years, were as any astute and astounding-life. Like most, she had no-idea what would come, or what would be in the past. There were gains and there were 'losses'. A indubitable-realm and recovered of what would happen over the spread of time. She was wise, but that duly came with experience; to be as superlative as she was left alot to be imagined.

  Yet fortunately, she had admissive, memory and imaginativity. From some of her first ideas and imagining, to the fully-igniting intellect; she took root, and grew with 'leaps and bounds'. But as her-father informed her, at the tender age-of eight; there would be times which 'defy' explanation. That no matter how much she tried, 'time' would be in loneliness and fear. ...But with dignity and respect, no matter how misunderstood; you could survive and find hope to progress. He understood that love and loyalty were fragile-wings of one's self-instilling. That one's resound and empower; the trials of dedication and devotion, would expand and expound... It was an illumination of seen and respect. for which helped to center her-life. Many could have been an oasis for which 'entity'-empowered and endured. She was able to twist and turn, this into command and dimension of which little could-undo. So along with her sizable-'mentality', was the ever-essence of ultra-convocation; which began from a father.

  As an 'inspiration'-of technical, that became an implement-of implication; she understood and accepted, but as she came to identify with the compassionate-others, Josephine saw another sense-of love and embrace by which she had never none, or felt. ...But that didn't mean certain-forms of love and devotion, were within her-grasp. But like 'Spock', she'd figured-it was an ill-certain, imaginative. ...Emotions, had a way-of delving themselves-out. But there was always, a critical-sense and matter; for which a 'hidden-territory' being-backed and called-upon, exasperatingly. And being utterly, espoused by a conditioned-mind. ...But she and they, realized it was a solitary-inspiration for little was due, but in spirit, was a bestowal of utter-behooving. As an 'artist', she'd given to the expressionism of the form and grew-'closer' to an adamant-enduring.

  Josephine had a late, run-in with the unknowing emotional-embrace at home ,one day when 'true' were running, smoothly... It was a Monday-morning, about eightish. She'd been sitting at her desk in the den. A typical-Spring day. Sarah was out, going to see her-cousin, who'd just arrived in the US. Nothing out of the ordinary. Pidgeons had been sitting on the stoop, Porgy was looking-out the door-paine. She-thought may be to go take him for a walk to the store... The sun, was warm and shining. Clouds, drifted-across a high-sky. The street-block had traffic every once in a while... Josephine heard a knock at the door when the e-mail propped-up on the computer-screen, it was from an old-friend in college which she corresponded with every so often. She answered the door it was a package with Orleans Morgue and Crematorium in Venetian-type. She sat back-down and read the message which read: 'Hi, old friend. Here's me. If you get this befo
re I arrive, love always, signed-BFF.'

  Josephine, was confused with a sense of astonishment and regret. But she came to realize, her-friend was now dead; and that her last-words were the final-abut of dearness and devotion. It reminded her of the many terms of depression which were renown in the artistic realm. But also perhaps, it was her 'sunset; inspiration and fairly, good incentive which caused-in an aggregation of others, and an 'objective', in herself... It was a indubitable-experience. It was one of the only times 'fate', played a desperate-hand. She threw the ashes in the ocean that weekend, and never thought of that friend again. Perhaps, it was one of the only times hope, seemed 'empty'. In an ordinal-of privacy and privilege, she didn't want.

  There were maturing and devotionary, difficulties; which went unceased. That the power of assertion and exception; 'vision' had few, attainings. That all things, were not equally, feasible. That 'threat and loss' were ungamely, superiors. That human-logic had 'limits', and where were things; meant to be seperated or subjugated. An instilling and institution by which were through-out her-life and living. In what was an in-filling of 'toll and test'. That sometimes in life, were inordinate-absolutes of self-testament. That life-private or public, was responsibilities and instigations inceptively, in-based and instituent... ...With the hopes and deriving of intention, and austerity; channeled and challenged-in time and space. A galant-trial of impact, and choice; infectional and intricate. In what she was able to realize, was a devouring of presence and purpose. In what is to the play-of-life, for which all things, were fortunate and fabricated.

  It went 'deeper' than any 'talent', trust or toll; it was the matters of manifests, formative and formitable. The especial-powers, for which loneliness, could not ever-fulfill. An interelated-aspect, for which the 'heft' of effort; were little to define or develop. And she realized-all of life, were primed and neverfully, spoken-for. But she-realized no-one, is unentitled in-duty of personality. A basic-benificence of hopes and dreams, which are only fulfilled-on 'its terms'. There are times when one's hopes, runs-out. That duty and despair are correlated. She remembered all the hopes, pomp and heraldry which were ever-present aspects, in essence and as essential. It was approached and emboldened, by the many uncertainties and expeditions; for which along a time would always be a recourse and occasionally, an adamantcy. That we chose, in what is an infinite-act and transgression.

  The air-cooled on a Wednesday, when rain from the South was to drench New York and all the coast. You could 'smell' the sea, so it had as promised a deep-downpour. ...Spring, had been warm-early. Many had enjoyed the pre-Summer's temperatures. But Summer would probably, be warm; which shore sun-seekers could travel not so far to the sea. 'Boats' were out-on the horizon. The Spring of 2013, would be another intense-one... The city, like preparing for Winter, would be ready by 'heart', heat-wave and infrastructure-problems. The air-condition, kicked-on and Sarah last-in the vestibule; cooling off from a hot-day shopping. She'd put away the groceries and decided to do the laundry as the laundry-room would be much more comfortable. The many avenues and streets, were hush with conduits. The proficient-thoroughfare-caretakers were eased with less pressure, and prevailing. The house was set in the guises of an early-filtered flow and aberration, the first floor was set in a warming-resoluteness...

  ...An atomized-position, was now ready for use of its Spring and later, Summer. The zephyrs of a turning-season offered adnd renewing, satisfaction and elaborate-fate. The 'dawns' grow ever-earlier and evenings; more adroit. The incentive to voyage and versify, were congealing into an awakening fore-thought. Josephine had been contemplating the new year's enlistments... Contentions and contingent-times was everyone's target and goal. The many infectious-motivations were to be taken advantage of. The avading and availing-sentry of a consummate and instilling, implying; posed and projected in-time and transition. The arbitration and embrace-of season, assertion and civility. An objective and orientation, by which understanding, usage and utility; that would afford and affix-traverse and transaction. The vegetation was in full-bloom. The insects were in full-return, the vibrance of dusk to dawn were in overture and full-of-life. All a reverence to new-terms and entitlements... There was much potential-to each coming new-day.

  The colluding-terms made for a new-objective and orientation. The timing-orifice for which 'impetus' and convention; would lead to a fresh-implement. The many withstanding, and origination; perfected and up for improving, were coming 'fast' and vast... A vital-rudiment to all things intentful and of an instituted-'intensity'. A reactivated 'empathis' and articulation, were implicated. By a new-absolving. A precis predicate-design and determination, which was manifest and materializing in what would be the new-style and stake-to all things. A prefix, conjured-up and conjugated by which an authenticity, could arise. What would become an inclusion of sought, and sate. The imminent-goals and roles, by which tentative and terms were able to be made 'real' and ratified. An epiphany-of allowances and accords, for which the good people of the metropolis, carries-on in activities... '1864 Lowery Lane', was the address of Ms. Josephine Stein, writer, author, doctor, icon and friend. ...As life began, a new-realm of reactivation. What lay-in store which were the many multiplicit-functions; in their very enterprising-macrcocosm.

  The 'instant' and actual-profundity of intent and idealism that are fortuned and founded. ...The powerful-'plenitude' of duty, hope and passion; in infinite-'jaunts' and chosen-'challenges' by which harbored the city, as the city... Over the sky-line and horizon the sun-rose in the Eastern-sky, and began its generating-ascent to the West... Josephine was again fostering and refining in the deservancy and devotion; by time and space. In an ascription in-division and devising. ...A quaint-'eloquence' which she was able to 'possess'... The many neighborhoods, set-in a 'portion' of a vital-metropolitan-precept; which where the blocks, proper-pervaying, and many formed-charters, layed-out and steadied-in a 'vision' and device... A 'prologue'-of preeminent-redemption, presiding and perpetual. ...A preliminary-development, and improvising; for which 'below', people carried-on their-lives. The many integrative-instillings, which made for a 'fortune' and fabric-of a place... The roofs carried-moisture from weekly rain-showers, the buildings' sides were shimmering with wet run-off, and condensation.

  The air, clouds and sun-penetrated-in the ornate-session of a season. The 'rules and frills' of New York, were great and uncompromising... A foundational-fortuity and enterprising of the better-portrayed; by instances, in-life... ...The 'human-edict', was a fulfilling of constituent-style and fortune 'sought-after', by the world. ...Josephine carried-on in a 'quiet', calm and quaint-'vestigial'... The 'exactitudes' and quantum-guises for which the many find inclusive and reverberation; in what was the forging of fortune and fortuity, insistent and honesty. The skies-bellowed over the city, and rolled-pass Josephine's house, in a vivid and calideoscope of an ascent... The home was 'cool' after the long-sunshine and now, descending-acquiesce in inward-lands. ...Flowers and plants, let-out a pungent-aroma; the cleansing, once rain aired-out the spaces and crevices. Josephine, eyed the stoop-pondering whether to venture-out, or whether anyone would 'call'.

  Her-friends were very 'busy' with the many 'coaxial'-events of the season... Just as the sun warmed-up across the city, so did the vitally, active-business of wants and needs. A definite-purporting, of provision and appraising. And Josephine's friends knew that to 'milk-it', for all it was worth... For she-winnowed a 'reality' of plight and purpose, of New Yorker-mercantile. They loved their-job, and made the eloquent-'best' of it. The tandem and official-relevance of the city, was simply, in one's personal-residence. New York, as America, took to itself in the many vast and different-protocols... A resounding and reverence, each takes to itself. The 'joys' of provisional and immaculate-conception for an average New Yorker, who was in an innate-enterprise of apprising and proto-culture. The long-sweeping 'admix', by which had been adopted and changed
, over time... And an adduced-term of conjecture and interjection; proven and profession, to an outer-impression... In what is a 'pride' and promise of endemic-potential and exaction.

  ...The full warm-seasonal air; design and fulfilling; in what was an 'opulent'-engender. A 'crescendo' in-time and relevance. A portent, by which was an invokingly, vitalized-region... The time had become anew, a time of hope and place. A fostered-adulation for which residents, workers and visitors found; were fulfilled and enjoyed, in the grand-treasure of a locale. ...Many private and public-enlistments. The revenue and generation-of effective-cause, and affective social-diligence; by which the surpass by 'vigil' in population, economy and a diverse national-comprising. ...What was and had, become an institution of vision, simulated by a 'world'. Josephine spent that night watching TV... She was not a big-television fan, but it was a 'window' on the world, during down-time. She made a 'hobby'-out of enjoying free-time, at home. Owning four homes in as many cities kept her record-keeping 'busy'... But when 'lulls' came, they tended-to give a 'fusionary'-aptitude to things...

  A late-Wednesday, meant netwok cable and movie-channels were abuzz with thoughtful-themes. Luckily, she was a cinematic-aficionado. From the days with her many friends, during Oscar-season; to the heavily, watch HBO; who kept viewers entertained for so long... Although, it was a passive and as well 'impassive'-conjecture there was plenty of catch-up to all TV-persistence... With her-intellect, she easily, made interest in the floating-dramas which focused and refocused on capriciousness. ..In what was a 'reprise' of prominence and projection. It was a diffusive-time,but one she relished. As the sun fell-out the near-picture-window, Josephine set about collecting dishes, putting the house right and investigating-things, which were set about in her-home... She turned-on the stoop-light, set the security-alarm and decided to call the locals who were probably, being about their businesses... Some in their-homes, others divided in work, prework and enjoyment. It would be an infectious-time and opportunity.

  Josephine knew she had to return to the world. ...It was obvious, she-needed the 'fame' as much as it desired-'her'. It was an 'innate'-embellish; one full-of fundament and fruition... She'd given-up as a reticent and ratified-'study'; under-study and officiator... It was a redeeming-hope and promise, for which like many people-of fame; were gendarmes and ethereals commited to the field and form. ...So she was as much-engineered and engaged for thought and impression... For most of her-career, it was infectious; to a ramified-adaption... ...For which purport and purpose, were a matured-reality of her-life... It was a deep-pretense by which a precis of path and predication; advantaged and availed. There was 'plenty' to be dedicated and devised; then, it was a ton of implicity, which was her personal-perpetuity; to take part-in... Although, it may have not been in-writing;or not until she returned with new ideas-of impact to further, onto a 'new-horizon'. Perhaps, in a year-off, could allow her 'creative-blood' to flow, with a new-robustness...

  In a practical-sense, she'd earned a good-compositie to which order and 'ought' would prove a valuable and virtuous prevail and proficiency; pronounced and proven with decision and divest but she still-required alloting, and allaying; for which 'propensity' and 'proponency'; contributing to a prosperity, and an immensely, proper- propitiation. The edifice and enertia, for which recourse didn't matter a whole lot. She was an underscore-writer, whose defining and elition; was advanced and ordinal, which effectively, meant that which had course and cause in a 'thought' of impression... There was 'little' interrogative or dismissing-'protocol'... She was advantaged-in what was now, a point of surmising; she-thought she had some time to be with friends, family, and established-roots were obsequiously-impulsive. There was still, much to be exerted and understood.

  Her father, had many Jewish-sayings for 'bends' in the road. And so many others to remain set-in their-ways... The many 'inflexions' and contentions, that were each in an aspect of an experience by vision and virtue, in what should be a preliminary of herself, her talent and her-duty. She was no 'limp-noodle'. There was a distinguish and integrity, which she-gained and accomplished. ...The 'very sweet'-vision and endearing-prospect for which-proved, grateful and accounting. ...A private-determination and devising, for which 'intent' and instance, in a self-central perogatory-adventure and appending. The travelogue of remuneration and conditioning, was procured and progressed. The genuition-produced and propagated, as a subsequent-consideration, care and conferring... A dear-representation in object and purely, adapted in-success, and relied upon in-'will'. She took every new-stage with vocal-allusion and competence. A confirmed-sentiment and assertive-centrality, predicate and 'true'-to assigning and a resound. By what could be considered a 'permissive' in concern and cause.

  ...In a sense, she'd reached the 'highest'-complementary-lever, for which an inimitable, went-ahead and proven; the deserving and diligent-'precis' and preeminent-conveying and invocation-inducted and conduced-to a serious and venerate-completing, conpetence. It was an entailing-'protocol' by a 'conviction' and coveted-causeway and convention... In an 'appreciation', made into a 'careful'-consolidation of achieved-accord... The evidence, was that New York glistened with local-'precedential', openness. And there-was a residential-reverence; and refining, for which the human-race were certainly, 'stars'... The 'locale'-compendium, for which a 'design' was followed and formed... The 'bricks', rocks, pavements and asphalts forged a ruminating-reprise; certain and satisfied. A conglomeration, republic and homes which were diverged and claimed-in an 'entity' of what formed a living, and breathing-coinciding.

  A precise-image and design of past, present and future that scored and underscored the terms, times and transitions. The skies grew 'dim' as the western horizon burned a last-definedly, ending-'glow'. Every one was residing-in a night; as the lights grew 'brighter'. A common-'relevance' and residence which proved availing and a convening. Josephine would fall asleep-messaging friends at 1:15 pm... The messages, kept coming-in; as she close-out on-computer and cell-phone... Her-public, would wait. But besides her, the city went on in celebration and revelry... Her sleep was gentle she had a placid-night; when stars shined, and below, the time of their-lives. She was only moments into sleep when the 6 am clock-alarm awakened-her. It was again dawn and the day was again begun and the nights apprising, had passed-away. Thursday, was to be a warmer-day... An inspiration, was awaiting a new-experience. All he-proven devotions, were now stood and requiemed-before her. It was truly, a triumph.

  ...The 'spirits' and presence, for which she now, owned was awaiting in time and terms. The many tract-havens of her-more and much more-relatives, were 'wide' and vivid. She was an 'excellent' and powerful-entity, individually and with many around the world, knew it. There was so much 'joy' and genuine-proofs for which had been installed and divective... In what were her-personal secretary, agent, city activity-planner, travel-agent and so much more. They all needed 'inspiration' that she provided. Everyone knew how cognizant and intelligent, she'd exacted to be. An especial-centrality and self-symposium taken-in her own-direction. Now, Josephine wanted to inquire and explore 'new-adventures'. She had more than enough-to retire... But she was not ready for retirement. She remembered her-father two years before he died; then, he was bored with a lonely, insignificance... He no-longer saw the 'ideals' of life... He lost his-inspiration, and no one could give-it back. ...He spent days, enjoying looking out his front-porch window in Trenton, New Jersey and watching the season's change.

  ...By time she tried to rescue him, he experienced a stroke and never recovered. Astonished, diappointed and embarassed she visited his grave site every so often and than realized he wouldn't want her to feel 'sorry'... So she understood, not to ever-feel sorry, as a self-deprecation, again. Because seeded-in fear-of-loneliness; was the doubt of a depression... With all the lessons he taught her; she realized she knew 'better'. ...But her dad had left-her with this, and a visionary-acumen; that would allow
her to practically, do anything she-wanted. She'd enjoyed the New York-Spring, the hot-Summer-Florida sun, the tempid Chicago Falls, and the awaiting-warm California... ...An individual, independent and derivative-affliction to be fully taken-in and engrossed... Perhaps, she could find justification and reward; for which her dad never knew.

  And now, entitled, she'd do exactly what she wished. In adulation and adoration-implicit and specifically, espoused... The power-of the 'spirit' which was not to be downed and daughted in what was private and pervading. Life could be assigned and asserted in worth and reliance in what was the price and privileged confessing. It was time to prove one's personal-pursuits and pronouncing self-reserve rightful resigning. In what she recognized as the reverence and resolve... That alll she worked for and what was to be prevalently, provident. What was a prestige of as proving pronouncing. There was evidence and little excuses for living otherwise. An illustrious life was one fulfilled by virtue, but also by tact. The transition and temptation to understand, and infute; in the test and testimonial that falls by which all events are measured, and all terms are portrayed and eventually, evinced. We-all are 'tandem' to the randomness, and rational-realtiy of place, and progression. In what is the contention-of 'time'.

  An 'evolution' and divulgence by which purpose and price; engaging and edifying, pretension and the precept-of 'prognostication'. The interstitial-effort, was all-in a 'trying' and tribulation... The contingent-context, to contest, and comport-invested in-trial and treatise. An investment-'chance', and tumultuous-traversing... A contact, with which a certain-objective, and objectivity. The 'price' and pretense treatingly, divided; and a divesting. The private-law of delinquishing and diffidence... What proved-to be warding, relying and worth-while. Each of us, are proven, granted and graduated to prevail. The alarm, was turned-off by fifteen-after... The proseminal-'void' and voice, we all speak over-time and which is spanding-pre-coordinates, in a process of temptation and commandment. What we prove as a 'value' and potential. The deliquent and delving-for by which practice, becomes permanent.

  As we 'pride' ourselves on-purpose and propriety, we take overtly, the ideals and inventions, and in an 'inspiration' that assizes things-up... By our-virtue and valor, we eck-out practical and compounding-sense, attained. A traversing-of time and matter, for which all precis, is provided-for and emanated. Jospehine, sat at her bedroom-window glimpsing the rising-sun's horizon. The 'creamy'-yellow, sky-high, in the upcoming dawn. The street-lights were out as the overhead clouds was sprayed with electric-blue haze. The streets were fading-grey as the last of the quiet and calm-night was elapsing into a new-morning... She was caught evidentially, in utter-precepts and privateness. An actuated-fostering was full of proto-course; prosounding and devising. A proportional, by which the many, once visions of night, had all 'stilled' into a 'placid'-instituence. Night-as day, were plied and utilized in-distinction. As sure as she slept, guising and apprising-set and stimulated-in an asserted-agreement. What came to be a confounding, intent and adjustment... ...Between 'purpose' and profound-exaction, and exception; are wondrous-things of duty and life. Of which Josephine could objectively, confessed and being-instilled. There had always been an innate-contemplation, from a guising to a necessary-'advent'; by every moment; tended-to be accepted, or asserted...

  As surely, as she'd written an 'underscore' to a thought and precept; there was taken new-steps in an adventure... Days, come and gone; to morning only imagined, and the present resound-elements of moments and surmising, which proved or avail to. The intent or instinct for which the steps are manifest and made. The tithe-merits and emerging, for which honor and hope-ascended and expounding by enlistment. The knowledgeable implicate-officiation dialed-upon, as turned-down. A civil-process of achievement and fulfilled, in essence and intent. Here purpose as so many incentives and intricacies, chosen and prevailed... A determining-discipline perverse and proctored, in the ability to attain and understand. What came to be a 'high-art'-of self and interpretation. Astute, as of an inspiration and implication. But Josephine had the welcoming-prospective of choice and purpose, by which we all come to deduce.

  ...The careful-'plane' which she had made in the doable-eloquence of the thought and purpose, became a mysterious-omnibus for all and astounding. What the high-thought of design and deliberation, prospered and evenly, exonerated; the credible-instance and actuation-promised, professed and understood over the years. She knew and recognized in a deeper-relegation and relevance. ...A prospective-effort and intuitive-efficiency attained and truthfully, emulated. She saw it all, like a 'craftsman's' delicate-form; a work forming the many objecitves of differing-kinds into a find; often of intensely, complexity. She was greatly, understood in its manufacture and form; diligently, giving-part; its careful-construct and refining. Its precious-prototype, burned-into every-forging and factor of her-mind. And each one, a granting and gravity, of what became an articular-importance.

  An investment and divestment-of entailing and provident; accomplished, proven and understood. An adroit-discipline and education, which passed-in the 'definitive' of the intentions of her-mind. It had all been indefinite, and a definition-of thought, perception and 'virtue'. One rarely, experienced or lived-through. As a people, place and time, were come and gone. She had exacted a resolute-price. A convention-of terms and abiding essenced and overtured; of apparent and prosound, that was made 'valid' and venerate; in her-own purpose, and conspiring. The deliberate concern and conferring, more intentional and derived. A divisional 'self-art', of intent and understanding; for which she saved what was 'reverential' and atoning... The warm-sun rose by 7:30 am; Josephine was going to spend the whole-day relaxing and resolving, by contentional-issues. The life-long effect of sense and assertion, planned and plotted; by intent and instance.