Read Josephine Stein Page 6

Josephine never could or would look deeper to the factors of what was not important. It was a nominal prothesis for which she wanted no part in concern. With her-life, it was too minimal, ordered and authentic to prove beyond a-fact. There were too, many weak asprirings to be sojourned or to be subjective in speculation. Besides all the questions were to be appending, and indefinite. She followed the great-guidance of ingenius and great-caliber... Perhaps, it was her-fate and fortune, for which an accumulative up-bringing, withstood. A propensity and propagation-constituted and instilled by the logment of time. She was allowed, to do other things. To perfect and profess of a greater-integer order.

  As the day's cloistered-energies diffracted and diverged, the essence of every aspect of a new day-came into its own. A probable, perniciouness of convent and convening; over presence, and time. A graduated-'gravity' inflicting itself into a 'panacea'-programmed and perfected. A power-of proliferation, brought to a deepened-'edge'. A blossoming, infiltrating in energies, which brought a deeper-essence of entreat and a faster-circulation. The emergence of the vividness of a day, would let the intentful-being; these becoming an invigorated and 'earnest' in its guising. The New York-scenery, from Central-Park, to Time Square to Greenwich Village; to the other residing-burroughs given to be a stimulate in innate-salvation. Visitors, would unveil-in the renewed-entertainment and discharge. Business-people, would 'eye' the grand-caverns of the buildings; on Main Street, and the many goals and fulfillings of occupational-assound, to spirit and heart.

  As there were infinite-entitlements and diversity. So would the Thusday, May 10, 2013 take-on a new-sensational duplicity. The bright-sky would last until six, and then the resolving-evening was to take on a new-celebration. The many facets, integrals and fashioned-anomalies succeeded and proved their-worth. Like a Star-Wars trilogy, the great-vastnesses, precepts and passionate-powers would be, as infinite as being and space... In the starry-nights and great-deeming of lights, a liberalism and dissemination of what was in the very modern and aged-presence; of a true high-functioning, and empowered-city. A sensation-delving and delivered, posed-upon the amalgamated-city.

  And within the city, a docence of decided-disposition of people, time and Josephine, were further-assized in a timely, recreation, advantage and understanding. Her-eyes grew heavy, and harboring-from an ovatious-evening. ...It was just Josephine and her-dog, sitting-out on the walk-up gazing at the far-off Manhattan-lights, and the heavenly, illumination. She'd drink her Green-tea and go in and turn-on the Musack then to rest-in bed. Street-traffic had slowed-to a 'calm'; in the distance, steam-boats sounded their-fog-horn alarms. It would be another restful-day, for which there might be many. As implicate-in fact and foster, in what was a concerted and aggregate-of focal and forging-fabric; commitedly, copulation of choice and of what was a choice-'fabric'. The ever-present, insistent-of 'price', procuring and protocol; by which what had been integrated-to the 'talisman' of truth and talented-traversing. The affect-of-fulfillment, and an assertive-'allegory'. By what was the principle and possession, to an utter-infrastructure of terms and talent. The 'structure' by instance and intricate-understanding, professed and a construct by the eminent-of transfer and careful-conviction. In a besetting, by which insense and understanding which are brought to a 'form' and foundation; by what 'erupts' and becomes 'virtual'-by a formation and facility...

  A resigning, devising and development, designed and instructed to be a 'material' of an 'emerging', and mind. ...The points, projections and self-purposeful, conjection; ease-into what is a focused-fortuity. In an idea and implication advanced and instigate, in awareness and convention; of timing and trial-crossings design and dimension; as an impolation-devise to understand and endure, by the perception and conversing, deemed and demanded-for 'effort', and compoundedly, based. The intrinsic-intent, preluded and primed; that through which an amounting, to which a 'vortex', became a 'journey' of contraction. So, in the recognate-discipline, in which one conceives no-way and perceives a bridge-in what is knowledge of self-vocal. And, in an inspiration received and fortuned. The precipice and propriety to advance and obligate, in a 'self-mission'. Of duty and deriving, the principles with which we take as joys, sadnesses and arrrival; through-out the new-'wall' of life and growth. The vying-instrument, tallied and made definite and auspicious. What is a 'prime'-vocation.

  The 'edifice' of the calculative-joys and self-innovations, what was able to materialize-in the 'muse' of a 'distant'-vision; grasped by tender-precepts allowed to grow, ponder and precipitate by time-in the consistence and drive; envisioned and advantaged-in the orientation of a pantheon-contentions for which heart and holds, was taken-part and perception. What was intent and ideal propered and prefixed in a 'feeling' of embraced, inspiration over time and self-division operative and instigated in the rising and apertured regency prevailed and prevaricated to estowed and presimilar to price and vitalized. By which we ascertain and objectify initial and intention. The awe-ful conferring defined and advised connotation presence and personification understood and incentivized... Of men and women of cause and character-defined by esoterica diffective discourse in apparent composing. A determined motive and magnified over time and testament proving that love and kinding given tot the honor of edification.

  As nights passed, as days came and burned away and the intricacy of purpose and design vanced and fell the passage of purpose and process acquired and was understandings. The seaming delicate process of progress came and went choice and chances as set-dimension. Amended in a trail moments and manifest injured and justified. A tandem of provision and preassimulated of recourse and devoted discourse. In what human-attempts and success came to achieve, accede and be entrusted. The inventive recourse asserted and ascertained analogued congeal in life, logic and liberty. The process other deducing and convocation proven and allayed by the distinction and determinatsion made real and relative. The discipline and conviction for which the dimension of defining prosound and prospect proved a deliberatve magnitude.

  And so the estetic deemings, chartered and channeled by incurred and conception provoked the personal terms and talent. In what was a concerted conquest of redeemings, callings and times. The elevated of mind over conditioon and incurrings proven andn precept and pretension accorded and made, processively, accurate in the deliberation of logic. The infinite side and resolution for honest hope and derivation made a conclusion. An offered setting of cause and considerate confiscate to the tlaents and terms of feasible thought lland the concise corrollary of which we all can take-part. The consistent moments Josephine had availed took pressure and sombering off the once creativity-enertia of the once flamboyancy. The procured commanding artistry once pregnated and postered in weight had fell away. The vestigial polymers of active-thought conceded to a rest relied on and received. Josephine and her friends realized the to one much is given, much is expected. So the coordinate of personal-placidity would always require a central-division and proprietary apprising.

  And so the projective 'ambience', would need the many factors and fissions, which are deemed and 'euphoric'. The many pressing-matters of the heart were necessarily, giffed to a residing counter-preclusion. In the 'avenues' and affective-channels, which resolved a deeper-challenge-of the heart, and in the whole; some had to find a donned-'ridge', by which an honorary-repugnance and 'wringing' which are in a deeper-policy of one's 'dissolving', countenance of hope and honor... And so, was an 'incident' of afford, self-focus and affiliation; which were surpassed, and understood. As in an 'inspiration', she could take it to a 'reality' of relaxation. She, like in other things, took time-off nearly, as seriously as her-work. ...She understood that all purposes were meaningful and manifest. Whether if it were her hard-working teacher and to her deeply, dedicated-friends and associates; they all helped to express and explain what was the teological-engineering that went into resting. ...What would become the order of indefinites, by which heeded to 'exist'.

  What became the ordinal-implicity, of essentialness. For which deep-exceeding, was just as required. It was inveritably a necessary, availing. In a preeminence, and prime-order; Jesus set about preaching; Buddha set about manifesting, and Plato philosophized all in the annal of relaxation. It was a likely, determination and duty, to which all others were connected, and espoused. Of which she now, advanced in investment; and its full-abreast in ascertaining. It was a serious-business, not to be taken lightly. There was a promise and procuring, advance and vantage by the revolution from technical-test to jovial-defection. It was in a conjectured-'spirit' that mostly, was the grand and powerful-comprehended and commanded. The permuted-emote by falls-upon lines of essence and interstitial. With her many learned-familiars, she afformed into a decided-'diligence'...

  And that deriving-presented and animated, in the necessary-roots, of cause and guidance. In the continent at 'grift' of times, tolls and attests. That integration, proved to be quite-enjoyed. By the many 'harmonics' of Chinese-philosophy to the edict of many rabbionic-mysteries; it all called of a self-devout 'tie', to be eased and rested. And that come to herald, each. But what was the inter-session of mental-skill and scope. It was what might seem an 'statuesce'-stigma of logical-forces; given to the independent and complying-individual. Concertional-constitution, envisioned and acknowledging in the guiding-pretext of a vast human-engaging. The strident 'anthema' concuring-in form, design and discipline. There were the many entities amd tremutes but, which a person can, as Josephine, could be 'fully' acknowledged and with-taken... An infusionary-'logic' and primeness, converged, proven and enacted; over time and training. A transactuational, in-filling to the property of time...

  So as the elements-of mission and motion was passed and retorted in the calming-terms of a 'might' and emerging, extolled and were-proffered... It was a 'ballast'-of choice and seclusion. There were many things in the world which were incarnations and fascinations that enjuved the 'spirit and mind'. The principle-'parallels' for which 'hope' and heart were to be destined, and distinguished. And fortunately, Josephine had as much 'possession' and pretense that the many 'odes' and adventures, dissertated and verged-over time and test, but her-mind and personal-motif that were confessed, and convoked. Since her-disciplined deriving were-aimed, and articulated. ...And what was an obligate-science, by what was a proving; being accounted and asserted-for, in a 'profit' of a worthy-concision... Luckily, and 'verbiosely', she understood and was comprised-in, an essentialized, 'all' she was needing to. She was truly a remenstratively, wealthy-women. Her true-passion advocated by interpretative-means and actions. The 'hardy' and definite-mind can capture many different-relatives and reference-points.

  ...Collateral-meanings, by which were 'needed' to command, and press-on... And all the advanced-judgements, articulated and affected; by what were actively made 'objective' and prescient. An applicative-appellation; in what were made 'objured', and dimensionalized. The conferring, turned-out to be more than might, or 'mission'. In an elaborate-scheme of scope, (or scale). In what is, an individual-'ideology'. The presence and precepts, adduced and eventualized... A deep-fixation and framework, a conjugated affectual, or manifest. For which people and purpose, are in an inward-conviction, designed by path and allaying. What performs as an 'essence' and intent; resolved and gained, in availing... An injection, plausable-contention and allusion, for which the individual and intention-proves and projects a presiding and resound. The portent-'notability' and precepts, for which is an implication, and resolute-regiment... We are providing people-manifest; prove as a pre-muse. The objective, and ordinals, by which prove a consistence, and persist.

  The pedantic-'collusion', vying and virtue-opportune and obligate. What we, humans and habits provide-for a determination, destiny and device; by which lay the groundwork of exerting and exemplifying. As we 'spell-out' the 'assertions' and circumstance-deeded and delivered, in an insinuate and intimate-utility, and understanding. As Josephine took a valuable vacation-rest from her work, she realized she conceived of this networking by what were 'terms' and talent. Any performance-objectified or attained, were the principle-mental and physical, thought-process which were an accounting of in a necessary-definitive of all-realities and roots, work and refining-reverence. The 'precious' and profound-'wonder' of an effective and edifice. Just as we 'pride' and profess-in all resigning-employ, we become self-content; which becomes an investment of independent-aim and order. We are a prevailing-evident, for which 'proponent' and prospounding-purpose which consist of a self-'idea' and edipice.

  Becoming and growing, with a 'concertion' of ordinal and orifice; allowed Josephine to prove and profess of what was an incensed-intricacy and inward-divest. We-all become as an 'authenticity' and virtuality, which gained to prove an 'intent', invest and coordinate-compliment to assent and attribute; the potential of terms of a focal and devising, for which a 'purpose', and sated-preeminence. A high 'tall'-development, for which a representation of profoundly-active 'vantage', takes shape. A 'preciseness' of mind, grasped and easierly, revoked. As Josephine too, achieved role and goals; in a privacy and prevalence, are assigned and given, a 'gravity'. A provident-'concision' by which persons achieve the incentive-adjustment; affixed and complemented-in association of what was a convergence and adjusting-appositive. What in purpose, promise and pride reactuated in convening, and encountered as-'feasibility'.

  In what is a implicit-intrinsic, protological and empowered-in an impressive. The whole-world's terms by which the human-relevance are given to presidence and affectuated by deemings and design... In a complying-command confided-in and conveyed. An abating in the many residing-dimension by what became a self-articulate inferring of time and testament. The nominal-convention and considerate, covenant; proven and protracted-by time contingent. The deliberacy and concerted, coefficient; defined and in an intimate-'fidelity'; precedent and care-conservancy, practical and in a reality. In a remonstrated-reverence by which many things are said and set. Like many people, Josephine had many officiate-consolidation; affiliated in transition and trust to prosyletic-convening and tact; in which to become advised and designed. ...The condoning retention and devising, in what ordinates and conflagrates... We all ease into a personal-convergence, we apprise and pontificate in utter-correspondence; for which the ideal-commiting, shows us what is apprising, and being embroached.

  The privated-proficient appreciation guided and disseminately, done by a 'price' and vice of rewarding-instilling... The seminal-premise and resound by which a contenant-value and virtue, are unveiled and proven. In the 'definite' and defined, are centigrade, instilled and personifyingly, comprised. By what is enterprised and engaged, to portray and produce, resigned and defined; by self-propriety and the incursive-meaning, of an ardor of confirming in the 'needs' of the self. The sincerity of self-covet, and ideally-'innate', extenuation. The inward-subset, superlative and devising by which presumption and intricate-invocation in a context-resolving, present and brought-forth and extenuated by reason and recourse. ...In what is an 'effigy' of concise and concerted, redimension. By what is a practical-method in what habit and hasten, prove a provisional and innate-regiment, instituted.

  What was 'privilege' became a standard of right and recourse. An assertive-advantage of prime-skills; decidedly, defined and deferred, by and from, inward-purpose projected-into the relatives of a proctor and pervasiveness. The pretext-reassimulation affect and effect-principles and possibility. The optimal-trajectary for which private-responsibility are pertained and impressed. The intentful-confession of pronounced-temporament by affinity, contest and individualization. The conceived by what was a dormant-directive. What are, all the enterprise of self, becomes the 'orthodoxy' of comprising and versification. A concise-diversity by which conclusion, compensity and commending prove to aim and express; personal-compels to instance and eloquence-of inward-conclusiveness... Typically, one comes to
advance by intent and personal self-objectivity; and expounds and explains-in connotated-contemplation... ...About the 'origin' and orient, convocatiously, conveyed and extolled in intrication.

  In what was a 'personifying'-propriety, for which gainful-essay being by a certifying-of self-command, delineated in the enforcing-times, and contestive-trials... A transitional-'tide' and strength by which we chose for ourselves and engage-in new-tones and treatises. An out-spanding of diligence and devotion by a subjective account and instill... ...In what is as we 'imbue', attache as an 'intricacy' and find an averse configuration. Which all become an 'ought', and idealized; as our inner-dissemination; by all, our hopes and dreams. Of the many thoughts, times and perspectives picked and chosen-over in a knowing ensombering, for which objective and 'odes' have a recourse in-feeling. By what were instigations and aspirations, finding-one requires insense and apparent-dispensing... For which inward-'kind' and consideration were to make exponential and reliantly, opportune. The many sophistications, assured as a succinct-'sublime' and survival, for which in travels and journeys, improves ourselve and disproves utter-disintegration...

  In the many 'elements' of voicing and choices for which are the precepts and apprisings... The exoneration of purpose for which we find and facilitate our-efforts. The necessary and needful-alliances of the 'soul'... The imminent and precarious, afformations, by which intrinsic-understanding are vacillated and distilled, in a self-official implication. We vy for the moments and motions, mitigated in our intimacy. The perplexity and perfusion for which assize and assign our-character. Which the common-idiomatices precursive and covetance; in the private-law and deliberacy, and all for each of us to prove and pronounce... Each person takes advantage of opportunities, or averts the causative-dissolvence of contingents and interrations. ...And we learn to perceive and understand it, in the pretext and prefix of self-origination; which prove to accent expressions...

  An extent-for which kind and conciliation selfishly, understood and convened. A nominal-pass on, and reflective-examination of intensity promoted-in cause and conception; in which we find component-travail and striding, by what is a hopeful-'grace' and gravity. In what could be understood, in its an inspiration; understood and explicated in the role of consumption and identifiably, to explore self-expression and in one's 'inner'-passion. Josephine had an elusion against the 'impact' of what was an negating-accordance and defection; above the 'parallels', so convokedly, ascertained and infectious; that mainly, parallel and replenish against the vocated-knowledge of a people and time. In the virtuous-incentive and concuring-in convention of self and art-ascension we prevail by 'tenets' of that... Learning to espouse the incursional-encounter for which the scope of inner-intellect and expression, and again relayed-in relied-upon.

  And so in a consummate self-emerging-'mission', one attains in a 'message' of what is a promotive-accommendation. The ways we 'surmise' and grasp; the definitive-poised and processed which becomes in a property and confessed by the dissertation and display. In procured and preliminal for which, in kind and cultivation, contain the approximate-production. And advance-in the innatenss and proposed-'nexus' channeled, championed and chosen. ...We are in the 'riches' of an otherly, imminent self-plight; for which are cognitivity, virtues and envisions are in the times of our passed-time. ...And utilized, in time of a transitory by the vastness of inward, grant and congeal in a self-fulfilling ethic. The precepts and private-wardings by which all independent revelry requires understanding and interpretation, in a role of self-interest and innate-engaging. What orchestrates as an issue and unity to take pleasure in worthy-intenseness. The personal, and parallel-guidance for which in a 'science' of preponderance, we enjoy our certain-discernity.

  As we both act and receive-on margin and manifest; we find justness and conquest to be virtues of self and in self-versativity, which are 'grand-avenues'. ...In the consortium of conferred and exact-pretense, provided and tending to fully our contact and conversion of what makes our recreation, revering and refining... There is a 'choice'-consigning. ...In what is a 'deliverance' of understanding, and attitude. The instance and attitude, phalanxed and established, by a precis and expending; what every person-colludes and espouses as value and virtue of role in-life. What some call: 'Go for the gusto...' others, the ritualistic and rightful-gain of resolve and reward. The proportionate and profoundly, installed lessons of comfort and selfly, conjecture. Propensity to invest and avail by toll and toward the innate and intrinsic advances and reprises guided and proven over the delicate scheine of time and trial. In the intensity of proportment, and obsequious-propounding and purpose.

  The idea and advantage to 'cook'-inwardly and subjectively, advised and instilled to the parable-'lows' of self and sating. The 'prevalence' to undertaken-prestige and purveying-to dawn and retreat; in an 'oddity' of austerity and self-advocation... An inner-most interpretation defined and decided against the debate and predispose, in the science of self-invocation. ...The grand-scale lived, and lamented which lay-back in the dialed-in division and devotion to make a 'blue-print' of self-defacto. A price and principle to channel and charm the 'beast' of abreast. The inner-workings, notations, and motivations which we hold-inside. The vestige and allegory for which is received beyond simplicity and inter-mettle. The convening context vied in vortex, venue and vocal motility... The prestige and prejudice we withhold and work, onward...

  The many 'shadows' and shapes, which we find 'bounds' and fore-barings. The reproved, complex and provision. The incurring of hopes and redeemings, prove-worthy and given resound. For whatever reason, is intertwined in aspire and preception-defused and confined in the principle of time and trajectary. We find what is important, or dissolves in utter mis-understanding. What the heart comes to adorn, or un-minds; reshaped into development and resupposition. The diffraction and defiance-of luxury or timidity, the strained and streamed-'energies' to pour-in or waste-out. The many parallels, projections and prosperings for which tenseness, terminous, and trials are achieved and accounted-to the tenets and temptations chosen and avenged-on tacits. The tenacity and forging-of heart, soul and mind; to install the firmament-of hope and homage. The some-times fateless, provening contained and apertured by defense and invasive-ability. The advice and convention by which we enfolding and digressing, posed providence.

  The sometimes ominous-scale and scope, of an inward-agility and invention by honor and hold in the destiny and devoted-development of a resolute and resilience. The utterly, inverse-abjugation and advantage. The innate-propriety which instituate, prove a part and prefix... The objective optimate-range we refine and reflect. The ultimate-'will' of good, in approval and apportion, are to which we focus and refract. ...An insensitive-objectivity for which one's path layed. But also the advantaged-decider and proven, protracted and predicate-over time. From the inspired and aspired, integral played-out and planned-out on a very significant and sensitive-plane. An intricate-appraisal, and pondering only brought-to full bare in residing and utter-reverence. The design and 'dominion'-protruse and benefacted. The illuminary-pretext and illusionary-extent. What joy and honor-deposition or divulge, in an evident.

  The internal-propitiated, given to preclusion and emotivity with which the hope and habit preambulate and aim, also careful-contrition overcome and of testament. The travail and trouble to which love, honor and honesty, are brave-servant to be given bestowal. The many layers and liberation through which 'purpose' and prosperity-evolve and devolve. ...The implement of an instinctual-availing premised and procured; by tempting and 'times'. A principle and precipice for which we can only guide and be rewarding in approval of ourselves. And the mighty iliad-of identification and Superego...compounding and prefix-in the intricacy and implication of the mind and soul. The advancing of God and invoking, preeminence of transit and traversion, for which there is little-solace or salvation; but the utter-embodening of self-assertion and spirit donned-in the plot
ting of the seas of life and liberty.

  It being, one in greatest-jovials or a grandest-suitings, of a point ascended or with what was a demand-deciphered. ...An accounting-'dispersion', discerned or emulatedly, refined. The many annotations, fulfilled-over a denoting in an utter-declarative proven by a trusted-work, and what was a relative-renewal. In a proud-perception, by what was encountering and enterprising-expressionism. The gathered and engaged-expression by what was a signature and sanctity. For which articulate-avasion slide through and thicken the admix of time and tenure in the 'price and vigil' of personal-effort engrasped reliantly, reinstituted. The strand-of combrient-law for which we follow and fulfill ourself-ingratiation are paths and passages, in the civil and sage-contentedness for which cause and character vy and convey, in the drive and derived-discipline of critical and culmination. The objective and subjection-ordered and obtained. That the vivid and human-concurring find to advance and spiriting. That perhaps the deepest-sentiment certified by imposing and implication, are oracled and originated.

  The beneficent and brace, we obtain our best-interest and ensue and understand the proctor and perception of ideal and intimate-intent on, we revel and reveal our reflective of vigil and versatility. The premise and perfection-opened and retained in intent and constituency. All the private and perceptives, developed and defined-law and deliberate-summation for which purpose and propriety confess and dissect a potential plural-conviction. The intricacy and advocacy, transmutated over time and plight adjudicate in implicity and invention. For which inner-reflection and adaptive, adopt and implicate by the vocal of presiding and presumption for which the heart can only 'speculate'. The derivative and devises, which exact and accommodate-in intimation. The inner-anthropy of thought and impression. The traces of the lines of time and change, which ascertain and assure-in involvement and involving, connotation.

  The pressing and pride, which are reflected in cogent and concerting for which conscience and duty are come to make path and provision in one's life and proliferation. The alter-advancing and 'impunity' projected with critical creeding-judgment and validity. The many points, images and motivated-impressions for which fill-in the devising-commitment and compolation-installed and promotive to the very-precious intuitive-vivified and virtual to a permutative ultimate-diligence. Which all for most competent, successful and relieving women of empowered and imposed ability, she had the compelling-skill and scope of vantage and vying virtuous vocal with, had both points, deep-and-wide points and areas. But the small-hopes which were pillared in the ocean of terms by the wise-extolling of childhood-interpretation and a life-long, apprising and understanding.

  The infinite-espousing, were just as certain and complex on joy of the roots, scales and schemes; assounding allegorical in the polymetry of technical-earning.

  The heart and emotion requiring pretense and proving, taken to critiquing and add in each's own constitution. And as well the validity, validification and program intended and extenuated-over precept and deliberation of the access and inception-offered and obligatively, obtained. In what is an ensued-pretense and condoning. The innocent-objective and confessing, for which ode and origination were accessed and understood, for which the term's of cause and accord; engaged and encountered-professives and provisions. The offered-amulance for which many things stood-'standard'. The stressed-complicity for which is reached that many focals and factors; 'prime' and prevalent attained and endowed in-intent and instrumentality. Her-'destiny' was never a 'reality' but a cordial-accomplishment for which one had to remain self-accented and ascertaining.

  The scores of sophisticate-thinking, interpretations and education-prismed and were to be taken compellingly, that the laws and liturgies were ordinal and concise; that they were to be used and understood by impact. The deferring and essentialized-categories required a denisonship of acceding-accommodation. In what was an articulation made with an itinerate-skill and scope. What is the followed 'forte' of derived-exceptionalism. In what a consolidation and effort in what is prescient and effective to what each attains. What becomes the scope of acumen and exertion. A practical-encounter encompassing, deduction and affective scope and judgement. But it was allowed to go 'deeper' for Josephine. And that depths' efficiency, was by practice is a pretense. A conventionis is a demand and dimension. A defacto-prefusion, proven and made an 'expertise'. A assertiv-centrality defined and devised by expansion and accentuation, expected, evince and educated.

  And all the spirit and excitement, engaged and endure in compensation cored and grooved in time, technical and tone; which tend to divide and subdivide. In what may be an 'esoterica' but less an 'avid' on accruing of demanding-digest. The duly-deliberation and fate which fell-on and brought-to a concise-aptitude. For which precept and inciting, proved more valuable and astute. The main path of the profile by which was a curve of enlightenment, liturgy and enjoyment; for which complicit, resolved in an exquisite understanding. It was never a 'fiber' in her-being to be a nascent-narcissist. She'd always been down-to-earth, so much that she acted as a fountain-of-'focus' to all who knew her. And this appeal made her both a figurehead and facilitator in her own understanding. ...As 'deep' as it went with others. She could see the depth of its transition. From the course and calling that all compiled in commanding-contrition. A fathoming and foothold propped-up the faculties and firmament of others and building a copulate colluding-interpretation...

  The engineering of the angles of 'false-hope' which were subdivisions of so many, was the method and 'modality', for which a prosounding-purpose aided it to come to an officiate and affiliate in the terms and terminology of 'suffice' that the unknown or over-bought, 'self-sentiments' found so congruent in others. Of what, in herself, was an articulate-ordinal and, for her-sake and theirs; the origination of a concertion-impact... An innate-imposition in which now, was a 'colloiding' comport of the many epitheses, by what was a further-'artistry' of a benefactored, self-nature. There were great-fathoms of self-reverence for which much of 'mankind' came to know, and endear. ...But those which are held-closest, are those which survive the test-of time. The private-laws and balances, which we chose and come to be bequeath in a concertion of a 'common-law'. Those sensible-perfections and an endowed-pride by which we improve and show each of us the way.

  The idle and engineered, perceived and aware are condone by those private-choices; by which instinct and owning-providence bid a self-sanctum 'solace'... A private-perfection understood and endowed, by which the heart-teaches us pleasure and satisfaction, and would come no other-way. The 'stars' and asterisks, which we are able to abide and be-sufficingly, adorned with. With all the correspondent and careless-concerns of life, there must remain incentive and entrusting of a life and spirit. Over the span of a life, competence, commitment and coincidence; join and judge, in the certainty and subversion of intention and instilling. By what is the private law of self-liberation, untolled... By what had we moved, in the 'generation-scale', in that we chose more, wisely. The 'will', wonder, and relative of submission and subsidings; that make life a perusing-'judgment'. And one doesn't take that too seriously, or let it go 'mad'. The thin-film of time-passage means one finds a surmising settlement.

  An engaging-engineering fostered and proven by adduction, understanding and utilization geared and gauged by an opulence and objective... A corporeal, 'compact' captured and appreciated in a a division and distillation-of fact and finding. In what is the funded and facilitated by instance and autocracy, which is gained and lost but never given-up upon. A venue, ventured we gain from and gather-forth the 'simple' unknowing interest, to insist and understand. An intertwined-embellish for which souls and heart attain and understand. The privy and privacy-policy to protract and interpret, from instance and impact. We are as much unsure of what makes us 'happy', as know what causes are commitment. In what is a persistent-parable, place before us, as an intimate-insistence; which is put before us in the u
tter-propriety, a self-fortune. A perplexing-principle-'axiom' and admix, conjoined and affixed. What simply-interests become a validating-fact. The imposed and sublime, becoming 'real'. The promises and engagings by which are form and flourish, within the mind.

  The refinedness and fantasia, designed and deserved, plural and placid-in the heart and mind... The flooding-purity and demanding-lucidity that are given to essence and understanding... In the partaking-of talent and chance, gained and advantaged, over the road of change and challenge. A life-breathing inclemency and independent-power of insense, material, and creative-exquisiteness-provoked and stoked. The 'destiny' and deposings, in dispute and disparity, which we provoke and impart-in a preclusive, because of choice. A championing-of tuitive cause and obstaining, meticulation. The chore and chalice-of thought-aspiration. The riotousness-of beauty and bounty, abounding and inhibitively, aboding. ...The emerging, over-time through-out the moments of action and inspiration. Actual and implicit to what she, guiding of exposed accord, was the vividity of an instilled-'vice'. The many properties of admiration, in a fathoming-of the soul.

  ...Despite sometimes, our best efforts or humility, we survive and still-revive the presenting of what is at our hearts. In what is the perpendicular-demarcation, by which we identify what we especially, travail or adamantly, advance. The many pictures and motivated-impression in being civil and assertive. A privateness and propensity, evoked in the idyllic and inspiration; set in preceded-devotion by intent and emblematics. The regaling and beguiling-mind idiom, for which shape and passion are settled. But in antecedent is where devotion, and decision makes perfectly, plain. The integrity and austerity proved their-'muscle' and where purpose and precedent, accede their better-ability. The installment and utter-instrumentality, chosen and proven by an ensuing. The presence to privilege-precis, and profound, cited and espoused by variant-definitives. The passive-story and subjecting by way of obstinate-facts.

  The lessons and laments, liturgical and providential are logic and imperative, spread-over existence and expansion... The living-persistence chosen, and reacted-to. The propensive-opinion, prelayed and objuring-in perplexity. The obvious-insistence and obsession of-terms and turnacity. The great-'advocation' and anointing, alluring precept and actuated. The consolate-addendum. What most people see as the many alludings of captured desires and cultivated acclaim. By the construct of what make life-'possible' is the cliff's edge of fascination, majesty and manifest to what one comes to vestigially, quantify. The immersion and magnamity of the fluid-law of appeasement. The magnitude-portal by which uniqueness of unification and homage in promise and premise. A projective-assound of interest, and self-effective 'utility'. The process and paradigm-treated and affixed to self-interests, and that understanding.

  A fervorance of inner-hope, in innovated transacted by design and deliberation. In what people come to reflect-upon the many imageries, impressions and perceivings for which the 'mind' and body must atone and attest. Learning teachings, talent and imagination that flow with an easily and consistently, persistence and sating. The 'weight' of empowerment and impact in understand and being achieved; but still like many graduate artistic-achievers, she had formed her own 'embrace' for which she calibrated by cause and corrollary. In what was for her, was a self-composium of inner-prefix. She was the orchestrator of her-skill and articulate-design. As she enjoyed the tacits of a pre-working expending by the 'soul' of her own best-rewarded, recreation; she had established the proctors and out-standing, contingents-afforded and ramified. ...In a self-dimensional artifice and under which were held to an exacting-precision. ...The illustrious-ideas, that Man forms in the conjecture of acceptance and aggression, to follow a self-anointed theme... An objective-impression and scheme-for which in-purpose and propriety, that we venture-ahead and account-on new-inferring grounds.

  ...What we are fortuned, founded, genuinely rewarded, and ratified in a relevance. An instilling-judgment, and justification. An order and essence-in what is a decision and conception; by which we provide and prove, self-venerate perception and promise; constituted and congealed, in the 'proper'-recompense; for which we avail and provide devotion to understand, and a division-to improve. The intrication and premise, by which we enjoy and reach a concurring-code, defined by one's extenuate and declarative-decorum... The granted-chosing, creative-display and discharge for which are made agile and driven, dissemination; opinionated and discovered-in the 'canals' of a disposed and desolate-compendium of an inward-soul. The articulate, refined-inspiration and identifiable-president, at a high-point and perceived-by the allowances of a defective-plexy... An ardent and artifice, transfixed and divested by a contingent and conjection; efforted and impetuated, in a sole-'sanctity'... Diffective, and devoured-in an enlivening of the fated-'cards' of the digestive-mind and fleurishing-elements of a denuring-'soul'.

  The deciminated of the soul, battered and assailed of the pretext in prospect and intensity presented and produced by instinct and pondering. In a besetting-of resigning and resilience, in an assizing and sentiment. The platonic-consistency grasped and held by inferred-duty and complex. An injuring and continence, previewed-in arduousness and a fully-empathic... A virtual-expense for which everyone confides to their own-level. The liberation and allaying, pertinent and 'pretanatural'. The many 'iniquities' of presence and proper-subdivided, in an amulance of the heart and soul... The principles and parallels, set plainly on the intransed-mind. The joys, hopes and loves come, achieved and realized to the material, and self-guiding... The pronounced-idolatry and exceptions, by which the mind-counters and curtails. The many adjuncts, by which we analyze and see the world. The presence and practiced, hinged and unhinged. The ever-present imagination, thoughts and meanings which come in vivid-impression and divide-in pulsating, so 'little'. The hair of the mind and erudite-expressions seen, understood and forgotten.

  In Josephine's elegant-case, she was front and center with a huge-indolence, in what was affective and advisory... Many people could have assumed the 'veral-expense', for which she-alone was held and had a prowess. In a regiment and vocality, of past and present; it was a virtual-vendication; broadened-engineerings, which come and possessively are pondered and articulately, meticulated... The many roads, to which her mind had articulation had grown 'heavy' with virtual, and impetative. ...An once child-holding the terms of an inductive-precis and propounding-eminence. A portal, and prevalent-pontification engaged and ordered, in assail and astounding. As these pretext grew so did the empowering of its vocal. In the many processes of mitigation and memory, ordered and inordinate as a propagated in-perfection.

  By what is an implicit and idealize-intensity. Emotions, become thought-processes; computated-ideals become ardent and uncertainty, epitomized. The dependent-skills, that are proficient, pronouncing and proctoral. A capable-student and even greater-apostulate, obsequiousness... The 'prime'-center, that is exposed and reengineered. The intention of virtuousness and virtue, given to a grand-creeding of composing and comprehension. The great 'bars and poles' projecting across time, trials and tempest; being triangulated-by the 'heart' of personal-enterprising processed and proven. A simplistic-jaunt and enjuve, by which individual-being withheld and used-to a precept and prenatent-propensiation... A greatly, enjoyed-evincing that was given to an enormous-potency; that an adventure pondered in process and profound conjuring. A preliminary-complexity that was an instance and exacting-in an immensity and impacting. In an engrasped-exploration that is pervasive and optimum...

  What for Josephine, was a 'play' on all that was perplexive and endeavored by a progressive and ultimate-definition processively, being an 'allegory'. The proper and pretense-out of 'glory', and advancing; both taken-in and expended. The prehensile-regalia, and formidable-precedent; activated in the staples and 'stars' of enactive and prodigious-advocacy. That by learning, paid and disperse in a 'new' proclaiming of an exposing in one of wider 'choic
es' and goals... The 'Pythagorean-reflex' of price and scale; she'd proven and confessed-in a revitaled-'entity' and energy. An 'entropy'-of staunched and stressed, brain-energy; to be able to be motile and magnified, in some of the best affirmative conduct, in a person and time... A consummate and engendered-possessive, prodigiousness; enjoining, and making for an implicit-in a perogated-mastery of 'life', commitment and provision.

  The promotional-'vitality', for which was at a definitive-of-life... In what was indivisably, a calling for which distinctive-achievement acted as directive in a life. In what was a component-command, of the senses and thinking. As sure as she was endowed, proficient and empowered-by a causeway of principle and effectiveness. As the many relegations of thought and matter-formed and became fully-actualized, everything fell 'into' place. The presence of mental plutarchcy, became apparent and realized... Along with an infatuation, was an invertiable idea. From which purpose, and presiding came into form. Life and logic, came to take an ever-facetive design. ...Insights, joys and understandings-all proved and prevailed in a deeper ability and responsibility. She realized and undertstood early that she had the 'potential' to conceive and intterpret like no one else. Many came to see it, in her. And with maturity, it advanced on all-sides. But what she really, enjoyed and came to espouse was the precision and purportment to see at a deeper-level and relegate away tensions.

  As for anyone, it was the support and redeeming seen and identified-in. Her-father had been a main-example. Then came friends and extended-family, who'd played a crucialness, that adaptively, allow others to show her the way... By what was a precipitous-engaging. It became a support and policy, which all alluding-proved-instillingly and capably. The many capacities, for which sophistication and society, served and resonant, in-purpose. She'd reached her 'huge'-destiny through the utilizing and understood, which proved valuable and important. That the joys and sorrows were personal-guidance for which her childhood, as most, was one of innocence and inquiry that came to be learned... A realization and conclusion, by which were mostly, authenticate by a growing-gratitude.

  Both, being intelligent and from a Jewish-family might have lead to a fathomed-understanding and effectiveness, in a proprietary-propensity, for which created a 'grasp' and control, intentful and idealistic. ...Now, Josephine knew how to take time to live, learn and be deliberate-in those things which one can typically, not live without. And a great-'weight' presented to a highly, intelligent child; proved, convening and envaluing for the purpose of person and personality, so as she took in a few-days of determined due-diligence; are partakened and takes its place in occupation, and a perspective. There were many conclusions to what Josephine had taken-part in-life; like her typical-background, which articulates and fusions in functionality; till it reachs a-sense of concise-adopting... All this 'instinct' and availing, in a brought-to central-contraction; till the factors are only memories, and what is left is an asserted-'opportunity,' taken to allusion. The scale to which we all refined and relegated: mental, emotional and physical-resolutions; to what is claimed over time, are fundamental to a personal-fortune.

  And a 'thinking-mind', makes real and ratified; the insensed, civility and great mental-assigning for Josephine, was not only vocal but vital to her perceptions and passions... So the scope of her perception was as astutely, advanced by subjection and convoked-apprising in use of her vast-obligation. A convey of conjugative-essency and conjoling, put to and proven in an instituent-implicating, advising and the concentric-compliment. It was a definitive precepts in the order of an ascent and availing. She lived alone, and understood that life was what you made it... The many installing-parables and parallels, were transferred and transfixed; in the dalience-of times and terms. And to a 'tuit' of present ad future, was understood and aggregate to the aspects and proper; to append, has come ot mature and progress. By what was interstitial, and intrinsic. So as she went-on with the many points and pinion come to full-culmination.

  So as time had come to a new-adventure, so was the proficient and intellectually, intricate-elaborate and allayed in what was to a new-experience and exaction. And her full-expression of the mind, integrated with times and diffection. A personal-'root' that took to manifest-itself in time and trying. The personifying-perservering, predicate and proponential, and pronouncing... From the many surroundings and messages came, contained and controlled-over the many 'mantles' of time. The many joys and enjoyments which might not come, again. The many espousal-and utltimate-endeavors and entailings which were over time implements impressions and purposes attained and achieved in a commitment and conversing. The purpose, pride and hope installed and allegorical by the amass, perceptions and ordinated perspective motivated by and installingly, congealed...

  What is hope and guisings, precipitous, assizing and pretense-in reflective admiration and revelled in successive-poignance. There were many ways, workings and workmanships composed and a serious-relegate, by time and transition... A processive privy, donned and adopted in-poise and price. What force a vivid-mind, extolls a vivid-proving and price. A perennial-'besting', by which the precious-accord of her life's prospect; and was inevitably, proved and progressed. In the extent, intended and incentived. ...And one's inner-adequacy, in the vision and virtue of a model and mission; prosounded and progressed, as an advocative of assail and assertive, being to an extent; by which a competence-affected to a deep-level of self-vocation, and in vocality... And being, an individual with above-average ableness; able to inject a divisional-drive, by which acute-areas grew and evoked, in the many concepts and principles of a diligent life-style...

  There had always been an augment to the intent and inspirational-integrity; for which maturing-magnitude and motivation were but 'integrals' to be an attuning-part. And that alluding, pretext; forged a civil-bond of a tempest-giant, and time. The deeded-discourse, by the definites of self-persona, conducive-spirit and the strengthened-mind. A 'mentality' whose energy and process, were now in a resting, relevance and self-involving accolade. It-grasped and attained-from the great-vestige of a propagate-past; the exacting and expansive-present, and a very compounding-fortune. What was a life-long, incurring was now, a warding wonderful-bliss... She had come to a new-reversing and renewal, which all-famous and talented-people, reach at later-will... After being constituent, and constituted over avail and time, things couldn't be better. Life, was at its 'best'.

  And the brain, mind and body were now at a 'zenith' and in a zealous-surmising. With life, she'd held-in honor and homage, the perceptive-artist ascertaining... The regal-accent and eventuality, which might have ended; but was still, a predominate-'quick'. A devotional-majesty, composed by a donned, ever-present, and innate-digest. It was 'beautiful', thus of exoneration and experience... An ideal-deriving and deliberateness, chosen and fulfilled-in a wondrous-light in the longevity of a life. Its many periods, angst and stages, bifarcated-in stages and self-understandings... And that fact, as in most, was a champion-achievement. Josephine, would take at all of what she wanted to do next... ...By the following Monday, after a three-week hiatus was to effect and surmise life in what had went-on, without her. And with all the mergering and pontifications, it was not the same. In fact, there was still much to be done. ...An oracle and originality, that still stood-out on a huge-stage.

  The great-'erasma' for which she had a certain responsibility, had now been expended and expanded to its fullest-extent. That her-control was at is widest-angle. Her work, talent, ability and potential were in a broad-sense typically, success. She had an emaculate-sum of money, 'sway' and power at her disposal. And she knew what that meant. Her-skills and intelligence was superb. Her greatest value and treasure, were her pantheon of works populating the reading-field. ...Her genius and smarts were integral-powers of precipiously, understood and engineered through-out her-career. And she didn't invest that unwisely. Her skill, like most well-educated women of distinction, went a long-way
. The many instances and factors had set her up, very well... Her 'surreal' back-accounts, retirement-porfolio and properties, were all immensely, wealthy; and she looked-after all of them, with a certain-zeal.

  ...In this last-week she was thinking and mulling-over what her future would be. Her latest down-time had been one-of a chosen-few. 18-years, in the publishing-field was beginning to take its 'toll'... Although now, her responsibilities only increased. But she loved being a star. An above-board celebrity, who'd installed herself on the world-stage. She was very aware of all the tenets of her job. She was growing-tired of it all. It was all so much work and drudgery that all people of great-fame had. She'd watched as people as famous as herself leave the scene and observed, as each became private-individuals. Becoming only 'memories', and the wealth kept them in good stead, away from the lights. More than anything, she admired the assertion and resilience. And she-watched as each carried their deans, into the future. And her-espousing, was of this 'grift'...

  Even they, grew tired of being inspired. She watched, and reading of their personal-endeavors; proved less and less, provocative. But each inspired her in the new-reality and certainty of her-life. The many stages of life and love, perceptive to take advantage and have 'insight'. Everything, would be up in the air, uncertain and unknown... An unknown period of professives, as being with work and wants... Perhaps, it was more a spiritual-thing. A time of treatise, trial and error. The mystery of tomorrow, against the heavily certain-path of today. To change the integrity of what was to come. Either no-longer in an encumbrance, or a freeing, instilling to be her-life, alone. She'd no longer be like her-friends, who had no want to retire and spend money... They were consummate-workaholics, and they loved-it. But none were as fabulously, famous, as she. Although, they kept to themselves, they realized Josephine was in a league-of their own.

  Although, she lived in an inspiration of her own, she did it with such zeal and pragmatism that she was rarely, questioned. To enjure the now many faces of her life nothing would be the same. So she would need to assume new-instruction or life and times. But things didn't have to change, for life. But also, life wouldn't be on the same-track... She was growing wary of the terms, time-consuming necessity and eloquence requiring her-energies... But as most of life, things weren't going to be 'easy'. Even with talent, fame and fortune; she realized early, required a lot of work. With all the interviews, seminars and meetings it was a chosen-few who were installed with a placid-acceptance... It became in all enthralling 'duty', to achieve. But in one's mental-capacity, that allowed one to 'skate on thin-ice'.

  There were no absolutes, and no efficiencies which proved successful. But a 'wise' and integral-mind proved its worth. Installing a promise and privilege, no one else had. And now, all that was coming to an end. The extravagant-issues and understandings which would be lost on time. An instilling and institution-fathomed and understood by challenges and times. Which was now, over... What was complicit and explicit-to times and terms. What would ensued, would be that her implement; tolled and changed. It would 'fade' and never exist, again. The great-inspirations, which once served and ensued, would now-abide. Her once great and grand-fame, would dissolve-away... And the once fantastic-hopes and dreams, were done. She'd rarely, questioned or requested of what the future-beheld, but with a possible-retirement, there would be no more specificity on any grounds. But she looked at the bigger-picture. That there was still much life to live. In all the places, she'd seen and been; she recognized that there was a central-bonaventure by which she could settle into with especial, coveting.

  Although, she didn't do it with any relevance and recividity, she had began scoping-out the entities and elements of the contentions to be face, in the future. ...Being and as edifyingly, consolate; she began the interstition of a future without toil and trade... Realizing that, though not elderly, she was in that 'gest' in certain-'teams'. She knew others would see her as a part-celebrity, lost in-time. That her-images, would vanish and being no longer reciprecated. And that huge-intimacy would one day, be missed. There were few obstacles aligned, with her past or future. The factors, which were to be founded, were a framework of result and outcome... It would be a passage, to be attained. Of which her-knowledge, would be the ultimate-transcription. Her perceptiveness, advanced and availed, over time. The personal-access, to what she would need to fulfill and find-out. And is to bring a final-ratification; ascended and completed...

  A responsibility, practiced and procured, objectified and understood... What would be an anointed-illustration and implication, factored and affirmed. It would be a transformation of self-accord... A way from the 'lime-light' and station. What would need to be transposed and actuated. A new and perhaps, final-obligation. In what may be a future under-study to a final-life stage. An individual, taking her-turn at stepping-off the money-track, and reach a subception-utilized and undertstood. In what was now, artificial-understanding. A purport and interest, by which one's certainty and sentiment would have to be engage and useful... And knowing, with knowledge, of what would soon be transpired... No longer with the complexities and ardentcy, would be needed to be accomplished. It was all over the horizon, and understood as a new self-residual. It would be a situated-empowerment, that once only thought about, as sometimes in the future.

  A certain 'salvo', to the accountable-conferring, practical and projectional, now obvious and definite in deriving... The presence and precipitousness, which required a principle, prologue. It would be like a 'birth' of prodigiousness. ...The effesiance, by which would stand and take-shape. As terms of how it would be in her-life and character... There was the feminine-mystique that her lady-friends had warned her about. But she was no push-over when it came to outward images. She was instillingly, emaculate in her interpretation and understanding of the world. Her friends learned early on that she was intrinsically, 'pragmatic'. And so, when she would inform her friends, they would know, she had made a critical-choice. So that 'grand'-inspiration was the choice and challenge for which only she could be responsible. She would change her fortune and that was nothing to be taken lightly. Standing on the institution of fact and granting; it was the sign of something, ending... And to her, a new-chapter to her life.

  To restructure her-life to be without the work and waying of the times, now would leave a big-'hole' in new-life. One from which the once promise and hope would dissipate. There would be a 'void' of time and place-accepted and settled. What she knew would be a change-never to be reversed. ...What for some was a 'stigma' to accept and understand. What had attend to as a new-exception, perfected and illuminatively, understood. A new-spatial reality transfixed, apparent-chanced and challenged; in new terms and tenacity... She realized life was 'too short' to look-back. In what had to be a liberation and not lodesome-professed and privileged. The especial-compliment and essential-sentiment of a new central-'ideal'. As the once promise and pretext, no longer being given or afforded... What was by a practicing-protocol would never be the same. Not in many terms, entailed or espoused. ...The newly, conjecture or convincing in new terms and ultimately, terminal.

  What was private, was to remain that way. The arbitrary and instances, were to be effected and adopted in a prelude and perfective. ...And Josephine, understood that. It was perhaps 'cold'; but she knew she'd enjoy it as much as what was in the past. And adopted-expense, for which one's intended-destination had to be as resultant as the losses of a digressive-part of anyone's life and liberty. The gained and grounded-hope, active and understood; by the present and allaying-virtue, and vice. The many alludings and esoterices, not withstanding her new-vision of life for which was as good as the old. The improvisations-of any and all, new-things, that were to come along. The intent of a new-inspiration; didactic and fundamental-would take its place... She remember how 'scary' and mysterious, at first, her career and achievements had been. And the dialing-up of a new
-contract and control; living and livelihood stood to be. And unknown and indubitable-lessons, she'd learned along the way.

  Each represented the instances and understanding of the causal-role of a tomorrow; only newly, begun. Burgeoned and bestowed, by an elan of edition and edification, proven and proper. She looked-forward to her new-life, as an entitled-entity. Full-of love and life, an outstanding exceptionalism, to demonstrate inner-character and preclusion. What she looked directly, from her dad, some 25-years ago. In his deep-abiding faith, he understood 'life' was not meant to be wasted or squandered; but held in fleeting-essence. And held to be proven as one's worthy-intent and guidance. The necessary-preeminence that held in quintessential-fate and grantedness. That one-day, she'd see a turning-point to be conceived and abided in. That a new stellar-purpose would reveal-itself. That an inward-precipice would open and unopen, a new intimate-resolution. He-used his-life to her better-understanding. He-taught her that 'life' was just a 'stage'; and you should play the part as best you can... This eliciteousness-stance, would be all she needed. And she felt that way now, and never forget the lesson. Engineered and engaged-to a fore-thought. So far, how it was a full and illustrious atoning. What had been come-out as a part to was now, of full-order.

  And her many passions in-life had been through the 'eyes' and 'heart' of her dear dad. She'd never had delusion or dissolution, with his guiding-hand. And now, she was going to take full-advantage of it. Like a surgeon with an operation, she'd 'dissect' the things which she no-longer needed and encompass the true-choices and availings of what would be a final-retirement. The intricate and innane-ideas of the past, which would fall-away, new and true inspiration and aspiration would be seen and evolved. She would treat it with as much specificity, and pride. And Josephine's pride was something spectacular. The expanse and connotativity were something to be admired, and witnessed. The scope and scale of what she'd succeeded, and had only been surpassed by the mental-agility of her personal smarts... The interring and intuit, which had made her one of the most able and powerful-authors in this part of the world. As what was the enigmatic-proliferation of the installed-writing. She not only saw and performed with an adamant-skill but she actuate in all other parts of her life...

  The much enginering of purpose and design, which came to be a designation in all-parts of her life. It was all inter-connected and transpired, by intelligence and official innate-auspice. It was a selfly and asserted-on all-levels. ...Her honest, careful and concerned-discipline proved invaluable and ever-gradating. A consummate-contention understood and delved at a deeper-level and utter-articulation. Everyone knew she 'enjoyed' and was worthy of the part, as a 'role'. The weighing of an evitability, conjoined and was infused by designation and purpose that went engagingly, far. Now, with all that productive-energy, behind her was the achieved-score was in its final-set. And that great-empowered sense, affected and availed in a certainty. The focus and affirm-to which situation and surfacing was to be one of the most popular author-icon in the last 30-years was an acumen and astounding-feats. It was one 'up-there' with composers, scientists and presidents... But with the passion, soon to be one of the once great-reign, which was the all apparentness of a repose.

  All great-heroes come to leave the espousing behind; either in age, ability or affectation; and to leave at one's height was a fortunate-reality. She knew it was better to relegate things to its nominal-end... And so entering that last-phase metastolic-verging was the pallet and prius to lead-to, ahead. All the once extravagant measures that were an embellish on her expressions, that would see its dimunative-end. She thought back, and remembered. In what was her personified-events. Those 'promises' and proquotient to an invested life and living. The many precepts and pretexts that have passed and come; they were just-milestone memories. In what were the reminiscent-congealing, and magnitudes. That was precis and conjugated... The temperance of self and subjection to be assigned and asserted. With what had been a practical-enterprise and feasibility, she'd shown her composing-commandment. The determination and drive-for which purpose and character had to ring 'true'. It had all been true now, the encompassed and engaged the proctor of profession established and encompassed.

  Now, the joys and demands of the population-Arts and her ever-present articulation of facts and story. The proving-point, of all that came before. All the principles and pronouncement, understood and availed. What both celebrity and icon understood as the status quo. The incentive and summation-of innovative-perspective and a congealed-agenda. What became proper-ingenue and precept, engender over time and testament. The concurrent-intention and admirative, advent; accepted and proven over time. The trannsposing of entity and invention-tried and trading-true. The principle-stridings, given and granted. The passage of time for which the individual-training, transactions and transferring, made her-wealthy and famous. The representation, in-grained over the years. The reorientation that was divested and transgressed. The utter-engaging of proving and pretext of all the pretensed-allegories attained and reinvented are the last 20-plus years.

  It was both a lesson and relying-pressed and reposed, in the order and understanding. And Josephine contemplated these things being venue and venturing, as a necessary advancing and advantaging. It was of an immense-scale for which the average-writer might have faltered. But Josephine was not in most ways, average. She'd been a duty-master in most everything. Her mental-capacity had typically, been in the higher-eschelon. So if you gave her something to understand, she came to an intricate conclusion. And so as she stepped upon the greater-stage, she was plural with its efficiency. A pluralist-chosen and challenged. The deeding and test, for which concertion and utter-veneration, was produced and projected... But even with all this orient and adaptive, arrival life was still a contingent-conjecture. From a tour de force in being an 'icon' to the technical logistics of an above average author-it all had to fit the 'whole' of life.

  Just as her-dreams once worked in a 'capillary'-of requiem-vision, so the terms and technique enlarged her-focus by purpose and time. But also there were challenges, which with deductions, that meant a certain-relevance and ratification. The ardent-'door' to the living and thriving-success, which befell her. As her-mind acted and enacted; with ascertaining, she'd conceived and perceived in invention, objective and conferring to ordinate code. She didn't take it, lightly. There were conspirings and personified-things, which were to come with an adjunct-conversing with her that could only be done with a deep-sense of goals and wisdom. And in that imminent-extrinsic she became operant and obligate to the channels of charter and chosen. There was no deferring or deception, of thought or apical theories, for which she considered in youth. But being the literal-work of one's own story, drive and a deriving-determination.

  The skill and scope, adjusted and ascertained-in development and assession. The many factors, entities and affiliations; conjugated by assigning and sanctity. In what was an advocation for which her mind had a empowering, potential to evocate and disseminate-in the precise-processive of an independent-intellect. And thus, was the price and protocol, made product and price. The individual-production mentality the process of a commanding liturgy. Only the precious-wonder of relegate though in innate redemption for which personal-meaningful plurality were vestige, upon the brain and its beneficence incursions which were concision upon the targets of depiction and discernment of effort over the terms of conviction. And she was certainly, inspired but not caught in the under-whelming practice of the dysfunction of an ode and order. All her learning had led to the perceptive-passaging, art-form for which utility and aptitude, were the grasped and advising-potential; more, transgressed than actual, in what is the prefix of things meant, intended and conjugation...

  For which the many seminals that were wide-of being personalized; but ever q requaint of 'teleology'. The pre-interration for which there was forging, and not gathered; of which the order and incep
tional implication for which were brought to be suited and made applique to a sentient-reprise. But as in many operative-forms the charms and challenges were in a necessary self-discipline. It was potentially, an elaborate-scheme for others, but the efficient-understandings were right-up her-alley. The many techniques and ultimate-understanding proved to be effectively, virtual with Josephine's mentality. Although, she had crossed many roads and academic-ratifications; she was redeemed in the order and ordination of the refined referendum of the commercial art-field. In what was an intuit-scheme for which contention and culture, comprised a conduit; over time and by what could have seemed what had become a 'trepidation'...

  ...And so what seemed a proponent and propriety, 'counter-forced' by imagery and imagination which were convoked and convened in a pertinent and presiding, artistic-form and 'flair'. In an order and endowance properly seminal, injective and operative, by a fleurish; which propelled and exonerated, the many aspirations atoned-for and condoned; by what is one's obligate-meaning... What was a pure-exposite of Josephine's intricate-'wonder' and her-mentality of the form, by what was a performed and projected-perfection. ...Her patent-concentration in writing-concision which proved not only cogent but a 'fluency' like no-other. In a prosounding and profound-reverence and refining that was able-to be in a creditatively, best-work for her and the fortunate-people-used and agented-by what was a formative-fruition. Work, had always been teoleogically, technical and volumetrically, creative. ...There-was a vast-expressionism and impressionism, for which she drew her-according. In what was an 'encountering'-account for which a defintion and founding, was gained in an exacting-interstitial.

  It was like a favorite-child of her-work, which availed itself, in doable-mission. What could, and might have been what was a staunch-superlative; but in actuality, was an adequate-sufficing. In what was a dominant-emission entitled by an academic and skillful adoption. Art, being individual was masterfully, honed by a fathomed-conscript of genius and generation-of self and purpose. A designing-completion, actual and according by focus, foster and enigmatic-effort. A 'cementing', self-subjugation-understood and outlined by an intently, expositional. By what was a preliminary for which 'skill'-proved articulate and greatly, effective. But as certain and sensual as a predominant-effort was, she realized that all stamina and status would eventually, pass. So in the dual-effort of time and purpose she understood it was both finite and fine. The Fine Arts were always to be taken with a sense-of comparative and copious-incentive.

  And that voracity proved virtuous and definite... But emotions and spirit tended to rise and fall for most artist, but there was an artistic-wisdom, which persons as Shakespeare and other 'adroit' aficiandos, did with stride. Josephine had studied and followed them as 'muse' to the 'sciences' of Art... Although many had tried to follow in their foot-steps, Josephine did it with was a full-exoneration of mental-proclivity. It took a strong-mind to look deeply, into the probable thinking of great and grand-artisans. It would have probably taken a life time, but emaculate-elocution would help to divide and dissect-with an ease of a ponder of an ingenius-student and deriver. It had taken 'little'-for Josephine to practice the Arts but a certain-plethora to maxim the contraction of a lively, prowess-parlayer... It was like a trail's path being shown the steps, and it would only take travel along a line, with its many sites and sounds; and taken-in its exquisite-invention and intensity.

  As she grasp their-priorities and attaining, adroitness of instruction; allowed her-mind to collude, and in a mental-congeal. It was as any lesson-finding and compounding, in devising, deriving and an envelopment; in its many loves and emotes... An objective-repost, perpetrated and pronounced; like no other, it fell-upon her aspirations in the same-sense of her living-dreams; but he was conscious, and not in the right-brain extent. It was the inordinate, right-brain which certified and deduced the many articulate-ramifiers that artists, works and education allowed attainment in developmental construct. It was scholarly, work away at college but with the extense of the mind and mentality, it went concurrently, deep. What others would only concede to the idleness-of instruction, she was by 'wiring' and componency, in a deliberation of a sequential-mind by ode...

  It was all experiential-from the lessons to the logmental-liturgy, of thought and mind-open and deep. A thing, which others could only marvel at... Since childhood, she'd understood that in the 'gift' of progress-graduation; was that contention, was to come and be confirming. ...What the 'law' and logic concreted-in the inward-effective to be held and achieved; with the 'reality' of reticent-ratification. In an intricacy of confounding-intuition and expansion, proving the decisive-dedication best-used for achieving-form, fortuity and foundation. ...And now, with age; she was able to grasp a certain 'weight'-of heart and honor... A homage/intensive and harboring-understood. A profound and professive-propensity allowed to define and be impacting in propitiation. She was guided by concise and conferred-contrition. In what my have been an operative-complicity. In what was in enduring-docent and determination. An 'unity' of purposes and ploy, given focus and digest as a self-venerate objectivity for which circumstance, was facilitated and formed-in a 'vacuum'.

  In the central-sophisticated, resound; she grew ovations and inspirational. Her-strength over time; training and talent-grew with an exacting-definity. And was that heart and hold, was once scored in venuousness... As her-passion flowed as a writer, so did her adorned-affective, in its underscore. A sanquine-prominence and convocation, by intentful and understood. A professed-product on innate and proving-in to be idealized. More than operant, and inspired. And now, Josephine came nearly, full-circle. How would she now outdo her miraculous-career... How will it look with a future not being a worthy-writer and reciprocated-alluding. And what would she be inspired to do? Once engaged and motivated, what would happen in the blank and mysterious-unknown. In what was an intricate-ideal aspiration of a future and fame. The many adornments availed and confesssed by intentional and implemental... In what was 'life', fortuity and brought-to fortune.

  She looked-back and remembered-all those fortunate and favored-steps presided-over and put-forth; in a fastidious and an elaborate-scheme and scope... Her once promising-career now, retired from in a new-residing... There was plenty to do, but much left undone. But the arising-space of personal-purport and exaction, which would be allowwed to regress and progress that would be made in attaining. An unique-veritability that posed a new-precipitousness. Over the next few-decades. Her work took her to new realms and worlds. A code and order-transposed into a new-arenas. She once was willing to try new-things; and now, she had enough of vantage and venturing. She also thought the world was wide and wonderful; but now, after seeing the world several times, there was little left. Although, she had many friends across the globe; but now, it was just another task and labor that were all so much 'drudgery'. But she gained as sound-socialization, and sentiment. Her 'grand'-image of being a renowned-author, came and was fulfilled with a majesty.

  But there were other things to live for, no children, challenges, or choices made for an abundant-life. And as it played-out, there was a reverent-'continuum' prefixed and played-out. ...An instruction, her whole-life, proved objective and instrumental. By what was an intricate-assizing, and accounting. She'd learned and attained a lot. A process and progress, which began as focus and fruition... An impact, predominately proven, prevailed and procured. An actual accounting, in an affix of what proved an exoneration. All that had come were inspirations, in a distinct-fleurish of goals, and ideology. But now fully, self-endowed, it all seemed so much 'calculative-work'... She was realizing, she was at the 'end' of her wondrous-venture. A final-manifest, which would not yield further-benefit. But she was bemused-with contemplation, and readjuring... She understood, she was conferred with an adamant, due-diligence...

  And in that once 'advancive'-enterprise, which gave her a great-bestowal which now was fading with self-
attachment... She was tired of 'due'-diligence... There was little-further reason or motivation. She'd proven all that could be done. And any further would only be a donned-exasperation. As her career was once 'new', now a notable-novelty. Her special-representative at her firm was one of the first-ones aware fo her lingering-motif. Perhaps, just being an intentional-'angel', who opened the 'tide-gates'. As with most over-worked and essential-large firms, there ultimate-demise came with simple-'open' logic. ...Ted Turney, was a second-assistant executive who earned his place by jumping, sliding and belittling others... Unfortunately, he'd been taken under her agent's wing when one ominous-day, he first met Josephine... Then, she was a 'breath' of fresh-air. But their quiet-liaisson proved and reproved, by the niceties and provenings, like a stake through the heart.

  After that, he move-up, and she moved-over. The especial-somberings, were situational and self-serving. She couldn't get his mental-perspective out of her-mind. ...As she grew, less-'vital' with youth and atoning-life, seemed a subjection which she knew and understood-to keep to herself... In all her-career of careful-resonance, life was closing-in with a savory advocative-interests. Although, she'd began to find new-interests and self-virtues with her conceivings in devisings, and virtues. It had been a leaning toward-earnings and improvisation, which no true-author would espouse... In what was an image and intricate instilling by what was one of dignity and devotion. In what was ardently, an intricacy, in what was a polymetry of thought and drama. Even though, cause and character, which are characteristic of all proven-professionals. In the subjugate-vice and division, which can surround even the most admired-person.

  An inspiration that might have been the very factor, which all-aspirers come to be befallen... And so in a relative-implication in that was a spiraling, down-fall. Perhaps, there were many personifications... Perhaps, it was her-ruin doings; but it was an honest-susceptibability... With all she had, she could absorbed the most endemic-causes which would have been extollingly and intentively, forgotten. Although, it was a small-price to pay, but a truly relegate-one. Josephine must have revisioned all the accords of her life. So with the grand-energy of precis-purpose, she'd proven in incentive and entitlement.. The ideology and inspiration was exacted and instilled. An once-child of advanced-constitution; was far better to produce than the pressing gauging of a young-professional. But he was of 'the signs to come', and she knew it. She also knew there was or would be a new-pressure to perform and entail. But also that she, with the over-turning of self-provocation of enlightened-dreams and the toil of authors treatise, there was little to be inspired about.

  There was only moving-away from what was, and what was to be; and perhaps, what would never-be. There was no-instigation of promise, and pride. It might have been an empowerment-in the past, as a jovial yet articualte young-adult... But that time, had passed. And life was short, and the subsequent-symposium of life and inconsequences grew with every new-day. A powerful-plural icon, reaching a lower-investment. The deniant and disturbed-discipline would no longer feed an innate-capability. She realized it before being confronted, days or years down-the-road... She knew it would be as everything else, meeting her with a new-consistency. Her passions which were once, crowned by crooning with what she knew as a renewed-convention, beyond pride and premise... The institute-of focus and flair were mostly, an abundance presided-over and projected-on experience and excellence, conceived.

  And so, in the self-manifest desitinaion, all was repaid and expectation experienced; were objectively and obligingly, repaid and reposed. A consolidate-provision and exception of proof and remorse; objecitve and conjectured in a plausable-'style' of preeminent compository-diligence and imposings, in the mind-craft... With the tinges-of ultimate-demise, and the conscience-mind-connectivity, in its fullest-inception. A possible pretension, perfected and-preactualized. It was a 'redemption'-provisional, protocol-professional and a purposeful-practitioners could contend with. What became a tender-bed of 'hot'-enthralling, as time moved-on. It was one of the most-obstinate opus-emotions; made finite-in all her-life. The mental-focus and fascination could not fully extinguish such uncalculational-emboss. No longer young, astute and precipitous she yearned for a complete-exaction, which never came. Everything, was all-well and good; and she grew more attentive and atoning, out of a shadow of age, was growing...

  Just as the joys of hope, were an unparalleled-prodigiousness the fate-wanes in longing and loss, that could not be ever fully-comprimanded. The innocence, was fading, and the ugliness of age became more apparent. As she was stunned from one saving grace to the next, she could imagine and be impresssed by this lonely, austerity. The premise of a 'dream' as a factual, night-mare. Friends, once young and exciting were old, wrinkled and of 'stone'. Prettiness, she once fore-stalled was a 'child'-unknown to her. Youthful-energy was now so much aloft allusion now beyond grasp. A time had passed all that was left, was fear and solitude. The 'seams' of yesterday were breaking and a new-'glow' of others' unseen-innocence; that she-realized was unknown to her. Each turn, was a new-festooning of a prideful-promise, without her-included. The aweful-joy of an uncompromising future, which was all there was to today, and a rescinding-tomorrow.

  Without an infusion of practical-'fact'-of age and accordingly, she would have been lost in this demented-world. ...What became a careful-induction of 'soul' and solace unintentionally, afforded. One thing in her-favor was her-'power' of impression by which helped to transcend most-travail and travasty. She-realized she could only hope for herself. She-believed it was best kept-to herself. Luckily, her-reserve kept her personal-perspective to her, in its most intimate-ways. Her-friends, would have understood; but what would they be hiding? ...Self-induction, had been an expression-of art and obliging, conferring; but alone, becaue her own best-muse and deriver; one didn't know when Art was an abatement... Many distinguished-authors met 'dead-pan' head-on, only to be in a humility, as 'humor'. The day would come when that an artist was an age-old 'sage'... Where people and purpose, no longer fostered fair-barings.

  She realized long ago, in a way, that what was distinguish and of integrity; but it also was a time of old-age and imperativeness. But she was determined as her-fellows, to be a continued-contender; but like that she realzied life was too short, to trans-allocate or transpose within any elaborate-intricacy. ...The avoidant, availing would portray and bestow by a certain-civility of sentiment, subjection and sublimation; in what was intentful and understood. ...At 39, life seemed 'short' but old-age and superlative-sagacy were a sublimation and sanctities for which one understood, or tried to 'swim', up-stream against, or like those whom, once aware, that one-time had come. A capacitive-defining for which one's fate in life had to be accepted or denied. And in the subtle-incident of infective-precedent, life's deep-intent arrived and the once thought, impetuous-alignment forced a declarative-writer to become faulter and fostered, in new-resilience and ever-refining resolution.

  Was there much to do or little to worry about, would the fortitude be 'replenished' or would life-concede to a final-ultimate, divorcing; that would it take the rest of her life to reach a new-pinnacle; or was it all over, was she to forge-on or in an elaborate-scheme, succumb to insufficiency? Was there hope, or useless-homage? It was a new necessary-complication, to be understood. Life for Josephine had been full-of concepts and contentions, and with the passage of time, only grew. She had taken them with youthful-assimile and interpretation. Yet age could make anyone, forlorn. The ages and places, though instilled only met by a certain 'plexy'. Thought had been the only certain thing in life, but living had placed many obstacles in her path. She never obligingly, judged them. Each, tended to be deduced and followed-through. Her only precept and policy, had been decision and determination by which for a life had proven-worthy and worksome.

  Now, in older maturity, that left 'wisdom' of reliance and rectification; were carried-into the dusk of aging. Like her-fri
ends, she could worry about it, dissolving in desperation. Although, desirous, there was no need to reeact, or rebel... Being childish, proved nothing. ...Perhaps it was the dreaded 'mid-life crisis', for which the round-table over the years, drifted in and out with a promise of necessary segregation from the purpose of life, entirely. It really, had become a personal-synod of self-perceptions, for which each understood, would become an essential certainty, and sentiment. But Josephine looked-on in assizing-sentiment, still youthfully, on a parallel-plane... She'd pressed-on. Yet indifference made for 'soft-bottoms' in a fall from certain-'grace'. She did glean from this asserting-gravitas; let in any parable of personal-contrition. In an advancing, avant-guarde of grave-gratuity.

  From this vantage-point she picked-out some intriguing-emulates of authenticity, and empowerment... Yet she could only, surmise so much. She'd kept-in her mind, some of the best-conjectures; defined and a devotion to a full-understanding. Possible and potential-ideas, were the debating-point. And as self-focus, idioms were injected and problem-solved. ...None sounded 'good', to Josephine; yet she respected intimate-interests and convoked-ideas. ...In all their conferrings, and considerations... She'd kept notes in her mind, on all the derivings and denotatings; of what were the best telling-points. Each of her-friends had certain personalities, and thinking-points. Judged and derived-for certain advantages, and point-of-views. She being the least-reactive, leaned toward 'objectivity' and understanding. They-all began from a feminine-'insight' citing the many self-visions and evocations. As they debated, and bounded-across and around the table, premises and provisions acted, enacted and interacted in private-details. All that came-out, was the hopes and joys, of what 'life' was now.

  In many ways she was judge-over all sorts of assertions. The aspisings and espousings proved-to cement apprisings she held, seemed to fall-into place and be subjugated. And inspired, she drew 'picture'-like art 'class-models'... ...There was points and sinues, depression and shapes in what was obsession, concession and deliberation... After each round-table, the heart-which was undauntedly, at stake; was adjuring-obsequiously, objectively. In what 'self-suited', as a 'paramore' of concision. Josephine figured if not for her devoted-diligence, what had been from the 'heart', would have faced with an embarassing-daunting. And now she refrained, in that participle. As she'd looked-back articulate and emphasized, inspected and became an instituent-sanctity and certainty, by clausing and purposeful. Acknowledging, what was a reinforcing and divisional...

  She reminisced-over friends, she so loved and respected-in intimate and very relative-intuitive. What she gained-from the very precious-precuring and productive, in the seminal-flight of private-change... And so, she, a treasure trove and richness; that she became fully-appreciative. A concurrent, elicitive-verging and virtual known for by her provisional and concertive. She almost felt as strongly, moved by presence as pretext... ...The great and grand-artist, being able to be official as affective by what like 'dreams', were a fortuitive-projection of intentful, understanding and prelude. She was more satisfied with a consumptive and carefully, conferred-conciliation. It 'floated' her-boat into different-'planes'... Although, her friends tended-to be extravagant; their-heads were in the right-palce. After years of carefulnesss and comradery, had plotted-out terms and condition, that each took careful concern to embellish. She had chose her-friends, carefully. From the scheduling, to each's concise-time and career; it was a 'meeting-of the minds'.

  ...With each theoretic-convention and convenience, chosen with a sense of assertion and civility, which not just anyone was 'privy' to experience. The projective-price lead to an activation of her self-cause... Josephine realized, her relationships were often a God-Sent. And with her perception, she had proved-it was a provisional-availing. And so with her-sensibility and sense, it could congeal by the testament and terms; which were for its worth, gave an imaginative to the personal-terms of life. ...And as she understood it, it was a 'virtual' of her personal-pretense. Her precocious-agility was which all her life was almost a vivid-circumstance. And that reverential-instilling, still gave a proper-cause... Now with her-memories and mental/technical skills, she'd grasped the certain-confession of what could be a determinate-cause. ...Her wisdom, through-out life gave her a 'bird's eye'-view of what was important. There was a focal-point, other than which she could expand and espouse. A preparatory proving-ground that was understood and consistent.

  In what was an advocative guidance proven and affectively, affirmatory. Her precursive knowledge aided her into a private-avail. A prosounding preposition of which a redeeming mind could contest and be understood. The many 'jewels' of her mentality, again allowed obtaining and attaining of proprietary-pretense. An objective-conjecture by which prevailed; proved engaging, edified and empowering. Although her-passion had been with her all her-life, a new-context was now arriving, with age. As a possible inflexion to what was a new-reality, she studied artists' lives from childhood to old-age... Perhaps, just begun as a student in a specific-class; her brain took in-all the ideas. And so, age in instruction had subjectionalized the idiom of arts, and what old age was like. Although, it was an eye-opening experience; the many roots and ramifiers, that were the factors, instances and understandings of what her life could entail...

  The fascination, made concrete-objectivity and epitomized the conjunction of the past and future understanding... What might have seemed an 'infinitessimo'-conjugation easily, grasped and utilizable-by Josephine.. The many theories and schemes, advanced out of the past; and what was stood and expressed in true-meaning. With a united-mental 'extensity' by which her personal-pretension was to fall-away and given allaying fulfillment. The exaction of greater-themes by which she'd thought useful and acknowledgeable, were opulates of 'sage'-like, in-folding. It seemed to be a relevance of terms. Of which the deemings of dimension were ultimate and absolute. She-played a distinctive-role in hers and others lives, and now the favor, was returned. The many influences of entitlement and terms are vivid for a time to the human-mind. Deciduously, it was focused and redetailed, over time and in the age of a good-student, friend and acquaintance...

  Josephine, knew many 'tools' and skills in all of which she understood and was perceptively, undertaken. And now, with the concurring-discourse, she was able to account and envision the gravity and value-of self, and others. The institution-of learning, logic and liturgy that were only a foundational-base for which the whole-world was a learning-teleometry. The private-story of people and place, were adduced into objectivity and alluding. A partaken privileged-pretense, and proctored. And her-story, sat alongside all those who'd touched it. As she eased into the scale, for which a finality was an ultimate-overcome... She, both registered and realized its fathomable-confuncton... She had a 'sense' of a natural-guidance for wellness, in terms and theories, but was both fortunate and factual. And in what was a fascimile, that produced and protected her-worthiness and wisdom. Somewhat like a Buddha, Jesus and Frankenstein, the force and character for the weight of their intelligence was provocative to the essence and understanding of self and design...

  The obligate channels, which unveiled the dimension and degrees of an exacted-discourse. In what is professed, proven and prevailed. And they become the instrument of their-work. But now, Josephine was realizing a new-direction to what would be transition in-life. The imperical and inspirational-contention of self-vocal and recourse. The vying and avading, warding of the unknown that was nothing more than objective-fears. From which both entitlety and inspiration-came. From the emoted-powers of joys and justification. To the eminent endowances and elans of perceived thought and perception, which all was fortunate by abundance and abase... It was all connected in the wondrous-expanse of body and mind. The ultimate-implimentation of self and sentiment. The precis and precision, set before the mind and engaged in the heart. The many pallets of thought expressed, impressed and inspired by the human-mind..

  Josephine was, in some ways, subjugative but never inordinately, obligated in the substance of awareness and conception. A privilege and private-conceptive contention by which come with living, thriving and attaining-in the pretext of life. That which 'virtue' and abidance-score and underscore the root-scale of a chosen-youth and adulthood. And that 'obvious'-demise would effect everyone in-life. In what was an ever-private interjection in-life and living. Josephine, had affectual and inclemental-pretensed and pro-advocational. The once simple-intent and supplicate-objectivity compelled and expressed-in the presiding-mind. In the 'cores' of consciousness, and the relevance of all meaning... An amalgam-of yesterdays and a storage of tomorrows, all precept and prefixed in a dawning-relegation. The scale to which had been come-to alone, and officiation; it was an inception of presence and terminous. The personal-infliction of innate-intensity and a conferring-competent of earthly, understanding...

  The thought-provoking attention and attaining convoked; evinced, in and of, channels by self-perception, articulation and concertion. In an implicate-dignity for which heart and mind's afford and envision was deemed and dimensionalized. The pretensed-pragmatics, which are held as the roots intensive, individual and authenticate in virtue and vocal; in what is the hope and harboring vocal and vortexed-in; by instance and intrinsic-infinite understanding. The advisory-implication explicative and extrusive, vital and vigiled. The ever-observing contrition, by which was intent and 'unifier'... In what is the formulative distinction of self-understanding and impacting, composing conjugative; by personal-avying and deriving-determinative. Human-law in all-time being in the senses, retributive to one's own obligative, and conducive.

  The proactive-visions and obstacles, that is given to man and mankind by mission and merger, in evidential and evidence... The extenuous-allegorical for which time passed and progressed. ...A presemination by what was social-ideas, concerned and asserted. And looking into Josephine's brown-eyes, she was almost an infinite-exposer and expounded within instance and exacting. In a previsionary-homage and honor that is by pretense and projective; conveying and vying-in what is 'cognitive'-articulate pregnation; that is given to be a defining, defying-dimension, and devotion; that is apprising an assenting by area and arrival, to be given to a pretexted-advancing and understanding... ...An 'opus' of dedication, orifice and oracle; in an intention and orientation. In the 'human-element' now, admixed in by tenets of actual and intent. The many tantamount-conditions, that were to become 'focal' and fulfilled. In what is a fathomed dependency-affixed and affected, accepted, understood and idealized. The virtuous-vitality, to prove and progress. In what is an assertive-dominion, that is ordered and authenticated; by what is, in access and chance. As she held a strong hold-upon, to all the calculative-moorings that she was invested.

  ...A proud Jewish-woman, in fortuity and impressiveness; to draw-together her-world of instance and understanding. By the regency and rectification, of an embraced and broadstroked-mind. And what had been an inspired-corrollary by precis and to be proven. What was for her was still in instigational, afformity. Whether in a certain matriculated-grade that is under an offered dimensional-cognition; requiring a living, breathing-incentive by care and conferring-gained and/or doomed-by 'impasse' and compact. A devising accordance in the correspondent to interest and intrication; divisable and divisional, to what is a new-concurring... The 'annotation' of prevail and providing by deliberate-allusion; by a definitive, and with a comprising, conceptual. What for a women, earnest-writer, and worthy future retiree had began to meet an awkward extolling and expertise in her new-venue in the vantage of that reality... With all that had come in the gratuitous intellect reflected-upon itself.

  As sure as 'joy' had invoked itself in her-life. So had a dimension by what had brought that joy. A complexity, only in virtue and adopted-freely, in her creative and talented-vision. She was getting 'older', that implicate-reality, and compunctive-relevance now, came to fully-underscore her accurate and utterly, accommodate-evolution... Life was a careful-engineering from which thought and process, were optional-objectives for which heart and hold-progressed of an entity and inspiration. The joys-of living are usually, what we can sacrifice and put-off, how what we want, eventually. But Josephine had endured like a true-'visionary' and her skills, were ultimately, a determination of perceptive-power; that which was proven, over time. With what were the lasting of days, weeks, and months things of time would past. As the sun-set over the bowery, Sea-gulls flew across the shoreline... ...Fresh sea spray blew in passed the Brooklyn Bridge, and city-workers sounded their car-horns in a symphony of determined-rule...

  The placidness of New York, became more ratifiable; and the causes of life, went on. Spring in the city would ease into the chasm of a venturing-vocal... The famed-city would flow-in and out with life. Days, full of duty, role and justification; nights-full of worthy, wonder. ...Josephine, would be able to come to pass, in her coming new-'role' in life. Youth and ingenuity, became age, strength and mature, sageness. The great-fundament of youth and inexperience, became a devoted and austere-diligence... A perceptive, new-purpose and professing. Her-home, where she once sought refuge, became a place of residing-proponent. Travels, terms and what it was to become trident, trusting and personally, traversing... Becoming slightly, more difficult to carry-on. Maturity, carried a greater-sense of assurety and convocation; but with less-lament and utmost, liturgy... With the end of once immaturity and longing-pleasure, was the arrival of self-deriving.

  ...As life came, she enjoyed what was now becoming a person of gentile-activity. In New York, anyone could do and be just about anything; and so Josephine withdrew from her once extended-retinued past, and began a new-'voyage' in a new-part of her life and living. Where once living-in 'prosperity' was an end to its own; in what was now a self-providing and resigning-exertion. She'd wondered when that ime would come, how would the world seem and to what scale would come; just how would the world seem and to what scale would it reside-upon? The many beings amd forfeitudes by which she and others must make as they matured; and was a preparation in-itself. No more professional-reliance or intervening-reward. It was mainly, looking after oneself. And with the 'imputes'-of this. ...Who'd been through it, in age-old wisdom; she had their-foregoing to build a foundation-upon. She had to began a new-prospective for which time and atoning, were needed in this new-beginning. She knew, there was a 'method' to which one could live-out and be productive...

  A productivity-like no other. Josephine, was an astute-listener and very-elegant expounder that she came-out ahead. What she-worried about was 'spiritual'. A life-long individualist, she came to be her own best-investor. ...Her reflection, drove her and allowed her to create self-connotating, there... Now, she needed to refocus and reenvision a new-image of self and resolve... To arrive at a choice, and mysterious-challenge to be conversed and carefully, corrective. In what is a conveyed-conferring which must return to be given self-centered, reverence. What would be arriving somewhere in subsequent-times... To learn and to expend on new-terms and tenets. Would it be 'vice' or vision, she didn't know for sure. She realized, she had plenty of money, mode and magnitude; to which all would be effective. Her-heart and spirit was still very-strong. She was a millionaire, many times over.

  But now there was a new-authenticity to be in-control and to reflect-upon. Would it be a resounding-ignominious, perfusion in new time and test, she didn't know. But the future tended to be better than the past. Would there be a new-model and moderation, unforeseen. Would there need to be a 'need' for an utter new-inspiration and espousing to forward and forego. Who really, knew? And would she reach a new availing-point? Would there be a possible-reliance, unforeseen? Her energies were intact, but would it grow 'flacid' and be a formitable-foment. Where the once inspiration would require remuneration. ...Could there be a parable with imperative-stood and affective... In what would be a forcing-foca
lity. What may seem a 'hope' and homage, to the unknown. It all seemed a possible reprehension, she now stood squarely, upon...

  To be reinstilled, with a new-mission espoused and intended, but would she have to look inside; or totally, change in what had been a place in time and space... But what was still the foundation-of a fortune that was the worthy and wonder which had existed for so long. To approach anything, so long and succeed and be supplant, in her-concision and provision... It was all a new-experience and exaction. She thought-back to the many focusing-steps were allowed her to understand deeper and carry-on. What had come-in implicative expediation of her worthy-center... In what was an extounding-process of once propriety and procession... In what became as honored-hope and eloquent-homage. ...Today, the life went-on without them; but that didn't mean cause and caring were now absent. She had what was an objective-honor and dignity, that being an exact; could not be easily, replaced.

  ...A worthy-'willingness', realigned and resolute... She had tended-to be a commited-self, involved-individual. Reaching, then extending, what had been her-passion in-life. The life-long 'liberty' and lament; which ascertained and satisfied, an authentic-devising and development. With this deep-dignified and division; she could-in a vergeful, new and concerted-coincidence... The now, spirit-of-hope, she had the exonerated-inspiration expending for which even the Greats would have been to settle-upon. She thought back with a necessary and innate preclusion and came to the decision to carry on with coveting-and care. By what was a convocation and consummate-redemption, which she defined and deserved. She was never one to expect of what were terms and temptations... And the 'toss' of what was now, past; which would, be used to the best of what had become present and concise congealed for the future.

  With all her concerted-concerns, she realized; once in all the work and interworkings, would be left behind and its better-side, would live-on. The 'child' which once had the enamorance of extrinsic-availing, which was chosen to profess and grasp the deep-cords of profoundness, it would now be move exact and intense-objective meaning; and in an especial ability, now she could let all that disposal die and be taken away. In what was a new perception. Amd in the new self-vocal prospect the ever better demeaning of her hard-work. In a new yielding-light of determination. As she had seemingly, infinite-skills over time she still had the necessasry reserve to carry-on and be operatively, instilled. Her vivid-abilities, acumen and aptitude would ways be with her. As she embodied-expertise and excellence which she would still graps its ultimtate-enabling.

  There was no need for ardency on exasperation; life was too short and goals too far-off. From there, her competence was focused and was readily, allocated to a new self-provision. A new inciting and explicative-to the objective of a new time and temperament... A new-development and devotion, allowed to accentuate and expendingly, account by processes and precepts; being lastly, prodigal and made extenuate... A prosounding by extensive, or by an extent. The 'essence' of what was her talent by which worthy ability could just as well be installed into ordinary-life. She wouldn't regret or render any new-thought to the idea of effect and idea-exoneration. She headed no new-relevance to today or yesterday; just the intuit-division for what would possibly, be a new-world. That new-dimension would be by the reliances, along a new-place and confidence. An opening into a new auspiciousness plied and guided by experience and expanse.

  She felt like a newly, born-baby... An infant set upon grass to grow in solitude and explore the confident realm of a self-devoted asylum. Now it would be her-story. An 'typography left only to her new-device... A regained-retribution, apted and coopted as a new-relegation. A new-hold and hardiness, to which was a refreshing new-reality. In a new-collective accord and convention. By what was a defining-destiny traversed and transformed. It would cause her-to reflect and recollect, in a renewed-experience extenuated and expounded, which was converse and reactuated. In the spirit-of right and revering, allowed to exist and expursiate. The private and progressive allowed-to affect and redefine. By what in her-life exploded-into an exoneration. There were people who'd seen life from both ends of the perspective. ...As that aspect made for a quiet-conclusive. But Josephine's strength had always been careful, concise and conferred by confidence unlike many others.

  A probable-exceptionalism, which she alone possessed; and made to perform for that reason-honestly, intently and intrinsically, debased as her once work and began to build a new foundation and establih new-pillars of purpose and prosperity... She knew as most that one's distinguished common-sense were alloquated of a greater-sense of purportment and proven prospering... So as the people saw her end one part of her career, they also ratified and understand one's improving self-design; was an assurety of utter 'inner'-intricacy... As a basic virtual-construct of time, sense and balance. She-remembered back when things were inquisitive, evolving and developing... ...Of the many choices and chosen-concepts predicated in being astute, confident and refined... The contentious availings and venues forming a youthful-horizon, the designing and devotion; for which understandind and purpose, were set-on an ever widened virtuous-gerth and berth...

  All the times and frequencies, solidifying and anointing-presiding and pruditions, from where she laid-down the careful and care-free, confunctions. The advancive-idioms and ideals from which her-talent and ability-grew. The consistent consolidation understood and convened... There was true-inspiration to what had become her-life and living. The avuncular-distillation proven and pivot, over nearly, 30-years. The many instances and understandings accepted, proven and availed. An innocent-adventure in an educative utter-convening. The private and public-venture surmise, certain and ensued in the much, energies to find hope and deed. The arrival in reproving-finality, by which one's instituted instilling-active and assertive. What was a pursuit of renown and extension, to a-course and calling. Proven before all who witnessed it. A resounding-purpose and pride. The ovatious, virtue and pursuit.

  An admirative-vocal and consistence, spelled and obligative taken to provenance and extolling. There were other areas and regions, to and from which cause and forming are proven and eventually, privileged. She grew to accept and understand, with a presiding, register and reverence-exaction, and evincing. What men and women come-to eventuate as a life come-to pass... And each understood the pretext. A new-providence given and allowed in transformed, and accentuous... It was a thing-of power and predominance... Something rarely, seen by anyone... As the Sun grew warmer with every new-day; as the brightness-of dawn, the vibrance of day-light, and the growing-liveliness of afternoon and evening; life grew more determined and designed. And the technical-reality of self and circumstance were going to be incentived and ideallic... ...She'd imagined how life was going to be. Being extremely, intelligent, things tend to fall-into 'place'. From survival and certainty, for which one's necessary-designs were to eventually, be. And her mind was always one to be instilled, and installing. The perceptive-resign for which a new-ratification were to be endowed.

  The realization-of one's personal-relevances, which were to be altered-forever... It would be the end to a life-style, she found very rewarding. One she had to make, herself. A new affirmative conformity for which she'd be her own, 'work'. Seeing once art become fascinating and fantastically, realized... And now that very-'power' was to be worked inward. All the passion imposed-in what was an essential 'propriety' that would engender a self-vocal pretense by what was hope and habit. She'd imagined creatively, but now what would it mean? An imperative-'parable' one lay fully-imposed and endowed. A virtue and value-done as a look into a 'mirror'. Not many artist saw the reverence-in inner-reflection; but image and idiom, tended to transpose and traverse in utterly, new-invention and perhaps innovation.

  This 'prefix' of involition, incensed and invoked; by which new complicity, and perhaps duplicity set and an asset; being supposed-upon its own artist-muse and an intrinsic... A compelling-com
polation, transfixed and emphasized-by what was a 'utility', in imminent-recourse. One would try a new-discourse taken into a new-trial and precursion. What like a 'virtuouso', had to be realize his-recompense; without the virtue-of what was once ignited in his/her life... So the many once idols, had descend from the pinnacle of a remenstrative passage... She'd hardly, ever gave thought to what would come after the once 'ground-lights', went-out. The wistful and wonder-experience, was the most part enjoyed with utter-complicity. As their was no way-back, there was no way 'forward'... The many instances and understandings were all vying, and virtued... A possibly, perplexing acknowledgement, which tended to require new-knowing and meticulation.

  It would take a new referendum of time and recourse. In the predicate-assumption and scheme. Away from the once true-calling of artistic-works. She tried to think-back on what would possibly, it might be like. ...She, as the warmth of the daily Sun warmed her-bones from the New York tumultuous-season; couldn't remember anyone; it was as if they'd been 'swallowed-up' by time, and the wisdom and sophistication wiped away in the Sands of Time... ...Remembering back in college, how 'wise' and intelligent, they were. Their true-reverence showed and was absorbed by others. Their attentive-regency and affirming-goals made her life especially, enterprising. ...That reinforcing-continence, assorted and satisfied as a goal had disappeared... In what was a pantheon-of selfishness. In fact, Josephine couldn't look-back that far; there was too, much of herself; growth which being guided-settled on self-subjectivity...

  And now, the new self-inferring subjectivity was all that was to be. She realized 'time' had and would-pass without her-future being accommodated. That some mission of assertive-instigation, would become a new-realization in effort. Her time was of the essence. She needed to look-at all the referrings and rationalizations, of what was important. The no longer passive or sublime-intrinsics and instillments... She felt like a prodigious-daughter now needing to find her-way. She-decided to take a good-look at her life. And piece-together all the necessary-assimilations, so enjoined in her present-life. The scale to which her-talent was expanded and expressed, in much careful collection... As most wealthy-icons, she had to understand that the old-passions were to be amputated and the new-rationale unlike the past were to be 'gifted'-on all accords.

  There would be a theoretical, drawing-together; resigned and rescinded in a definite-decision to satisfy the self. A new resolve of sentimentality solidified and certain. Just as the days were heating-up, the new exceptions of what she'd decided upon would soon. An assized and assailed salaciousness recooped and confirmed... An entailing, espousal quotient by the 'roots' of what was a sustenance and assimilation-ascertaining. What would be annulled and annotated-in the present for the future. There would be her-choices, that would create a new point-of-view. This would probably, be the second most important-terms of her-life. The exact-institution for which would be the next-renewal of life's path. A congealing-aptitude, affective and constituted. What was once, known as privilege became the new personal-testament and tribute. In what would be a 'proxy' of the congeal and commitment-prominence protracted and inferring. She had to become her own instrument of self-objective installing. A pretexted-implication made to be an assertive-extolling, absolving.

  Learning with predicate practice procured, invested and understood. It would be a new-inspiration. In what may have become a redemption in deep-convocation. A concertive, new self-discipline in an innate-'dissemination'. The ideal and objective, facilitated in what could be a self-asserted dimension. A pride and premise, to which one's inward aspect would be used to reconstruct what life would become. A new-overture in comprised instilling-evolution. A new virtuous, journey which she in solitude would pursue... ...A perspective and progression by what would become her a new-career. With all the intensity and understanding of passion, willingness and understanding-alone. In what she hoped was an implicate and innately, individual intuitive, in what had been a private-implicity to venture into a whole new-territory. Josephine realized, it could be the best time of her life-undisputed.

  All the riches which had been offered in youth could be fully-realized in utter-conclusive maturity. That many mysteries were to be solved and understood. That what was once passive, and unintentive could be 'unlocked' in a new revived-exceptionalism. And the private and intimate explicities which could be found and recovered. So many things which could be regained and perhaps, reascended. There were many more unawares, which could be solved for a personal-prosperity. Endowed with the intent and intention, accentuated in a new-definitive made into a new selfly, assimile. Would it take a new-principle or intellect to be grasped and properly, engaged. Of this, she was not 'sure'. It was like birthing a new-baby. With new-rituals and rights, making a new-life out of the 'old'. Many philosophies were covered-in what maturing, manifest and magnitude were. But still there was the 'anxiety' of that first-step. The intention and issues, which were to befall her. Over time she'd had no problem in understanding, interpreting so many factors.

  It had all come, naturally. But now how would it go and be enacted. There was a fervorant, understanding to be evolved. The both, entitlement and incentive which was inordinate and code of future-conduct. On a road, on which she could travel... She was no longer a despot assured of a future-residing squarely on the intensive of diversity. It was the solemn-road of redemption of times past and to come. She-prized the many ascensions; but now uncertainty and selfishness, was left. She knew not to idealize anything. It would be wrong to be emotional. She was the first in her group to concede to congealed-conformative. She hadn't yet known all the terms, yet she was just following-along.

  A passive-progression, redeemed in utter-reality. Her friends now, sat on the 'outside' looking-in. It would have taken her breath-away; but she knew them for who they were; shy and introverted. That the passions-of their-lives were 'small' and over-based. That she needed to be strong for a friendship. She was now a mature-women with personable-subsistence. That she'd traversed-far and wide, to get to this point and needed to be competent by means. The composite-exists, of what appeared to the world was simply an exterior-of force and duty. That the past no longer, mattered. It was becoming evident, the times were changing. Fortunately, she had an uncommon-sense of valor and functional-thought; which made up for the wicked-passion of ole-friends. She didn't want to find new one's but her-priorities were no-longer theirs. They remained friends through and through; but now, there was new-reverences each knew were 'hurdles' to be overcome.

  It represented a newly, renown perplexity-to life-energy. A super-imposed obstacle and objectivity, requiring all the girls' perogatives and proponence... They wanted to act-on her better behalf, but somehow the deviance of age create a sense of defiance. ...Josephine, took with a 'grain-of-salt'. Some of the girls said she should make the most of it, others thought she should make her life a tribute of 'femininity'. But these technical-self made Josephine think that she'd missed her 'protocol'. Over the first-few months of her-decision to retire; and leave the 'esquire'-life behind; she visited some of her-associates who, as well, were at work... A new-galley, was being formed. An author of a new-kind was ready to be launched. In favor of a unique-style and publicity. She'd began to drive again; 'Ole Max' her 2002 BMW rode well after having it given the once-over by a mechanic, who was an old-friend. He thought maybe she came down a-bit in wealth, but she told him it was perhaps, a middle-age thing; because she didn't want to explain, truly...

  After driving uptown and being allowed on the parking-area for the first-time, she took the elevator. After getting clearance by the receptionist and not a loyal-editor she decided to look-around in curiosity. It was like a new-world. Only months since what was her 'Block-buster' novel, things had moved-on. She was old-news and her once respecting-associates thought so as they went about today's work... Many of the once staggered-personnel, who once waited on her-hand an
d foot, ignored her. The once welcoming, attentive and stoic-editor ignored or didn't recognize the now 'has been' iconic author. She quickly, left. Where once it seemed a fantastic odyssey, now it seemed upon in a nightmarish-sense.

  Having to: 'take care'; and not a-'line'; carefully, navigating the intense-traffic she began to realize she was no longer the same patron... The last-straw was her-attentive book-assistant hired by the firm... She stopped answering calls and emails, she sent her... And then, was the final-step... She contritely, sent an email, requesting to not call or attempt to call her as her time could no longer be spent or 'former'-clientele. It was like a bad-writer's memory... A once devotion, was now a demiseful-reality. She wondered what it was all for... An exciting and embellished-career, had existed for 'naught'... She arrived home to find her maid and dog, awaiting her. She understood New York-life had its ups and downs. She sat-out on the stoop that evening, drinking a glass of Red-wine and watched the night come-in. It was a 'good-life', to a-point; but her-future was now, what else did she desire in-life? An especial-'serenity', that was life for her in New York; had a continual-'brilliance'.

  As the moon-rose, so did the cool mid-Spring breezes, and the many lights-off in the distance; which meant life went-on passive and aggressive. She had new-challenges to attend to. Realizing, there were other-precepts to the 'preface' of New York. She had to chose-in a new-style and intention... It still, seemed like a full-'berth'; protruding and active. A confunction-of newnesss, and preeminence. And that 'baby', signified a semantic-endurance by which she realized, she long-possessed... With 'innocence', came duty and tolerance to reach a new-arena... There were probably, many women whom were going-through similar attributes. Like a certain-'falsetto', no longer reached. Being assigned to a new-crowd. ...By a 'herd', who adhered to protect-in a tolerant-consortium. She knew a lot-of women-friends slightly, unknown and accepting identifiably, who now posed a 'ratifying'-sisterhood. She'd always been accepted by the unlikely, and young-understudy. Even if older, and old fashion.

  ..In a proper-conclusion, she realized they-were 'mentors' of a self-enduring kind. That they'd been through travels, she known during her walk through-life. In a fragile-reference, chosen image and ascension. A carefully, inceived-depiction; now achieved and gloated-over. In a pensive-knowledge of common-sense and understanding. Perhaps, all those deep-sensations of youthful-girlhood; which she had were unimportant and frivolous. ...Being personally, devoted was a systematic-delusion. That others tolerated in awaiting-abatement. All that livid-inspiration, being wasted for not... She never had seen the necessary-posterity till the end of a working-segment, which had saw her grand-ascension in its 'innocent' exalting. Now she too, was back 'on-earth'. With the ploy and plight of a new-ramifying... She wanted to get to know them, in all likelihood. But then she surmised being an experienced-extoller; meant that you-'only' attributed to the mature-terms of life.

  All that emotions, only meant one's refrain was to be kept in restitution as a retinue of conviction and confiliation. To remain a 'darling' and an endearment as a stoic of status, or leaving what was hallowed-ground. An auspicion of bereft and bravery, tolled and instance. An impetus and speciality, once proven and mantled. The private and coveted intensity and empowerment, chosen and allowed as a free-flowing channelling... A notes' inception-understood and a flowed; in time, test and alter-temerity... To exist alone and afflicted-in a world of fame and passion anointed, denoted and deferred... The exacting-logic she couldn't fully, understand that one's personal-priorities were once indulged were now, a diffident-cause... An embellish of purpose and proctor that are evinced and understood.

  She was getting 'insight'-into another-'plane', and propensity... Into what was a worldly, conviction; being imminent and by availance, into what was an eloquence were all that was enacted and arrived-at. In what was identified, established and never-reversed... That was by an advantage and conviction which were leading to what was a common-eschelon, imperative to a apparative-commendation and an ultimate-compelling to give more-of themselves rather than taking in a scope and scale-of promise and prospering... Something of 'vision', by what having been allowed and determined by what these women saw as a possessive-'pluralism' guided and sold-in what was a consolidated-commitment. ...A newly genuine-accommodation, accomplishing-vastiveness, and what was to be by free-will. A potential-practice proctored in an utter-espousal, certain and unsuperficial. A 'pillar'-of purpose and mission, by what was in the order of 'worker'-women; standing as a vibrancy of a people whom having come to be extolled and extended.

  She'd studied the magnitude and philosophy of the 'Muses'; but this was almost an 'epiphany'. In all the illuminations and allures-of the Art-sanctity in a servitude that was something of science... And science, was a 'technical'-Art specificity. Perhaps, her new-life was to contribute to a vantage, and not a vantage-point of others. It seemed-to 'fit' the purposeful-projection of what was a 'humanity'-form... There may be a new-principle to be guided-in. Her-friends were persons of self-order and engender. But there was more to life than glamour and glitz. What if the Arts weren't social-designs, it would be 'dead', for sure... ...She decided to consult mature and distinguished people, close to her-background. In what was an self-assurance between other bonds-to cause and culture. There were so many of them, she decided to visit an insightful-professor who had deep-ties to the Arts... And having an reverence for artistic-assertion. He might understand and help her be more aware and insightful.

  She didn't wait for a passive-contention, she wanted to be prepared for any questions of talent, age and accounting. In what could be a compelling-complicitt, on all terms... ...The provocative-convention objectively and ideally, being a turning-point and actuate intuit-to help 'confess' to new-abridgement, exacting and attaining in atonement. She wanted him to access and assert a duty and discipline, being ordinal and objective... As he gave it more-thought, she wanted to be empathized-with; in that what she'd achieved was given in her immature-learning... That perhaps, he could guide her even more 'adroitly', or existentially... In what she knew as a corporeally, and commanding; by which she'd attained and comprised... To project, would make it superficial; she had needed more than sentimental-ballast to gain what she was looking for. She thought-back, to what her father had taught her; not to rush-into things. That perhaps, things were more of a panacea, requiring calm and rational-thought... Like when she visited the firm...

  She had told them she was retiring, in a special-letter to her agent and publisher; and they immediately, shifted gears... She knew commercialism, was 'cold' like for so many allayed-artists didn't realize, 'fear' of the unknowned, would become parlayed in one's personal-integrity issues... The great-fall from grace, always looked you straight-in the face. Then, something quick-'out of the blue', happened. ...She was a renown-star and icon, for the past 11-years... ...Known-far and wide, but what happened 'next', was like an absolution. She had many friends far-and wide, but she still-kept her privacy to herself. And Brad, who'd grown 'cold' and over-worked, by his new accepted-duties... A beautiful-polished white pidgeon appeared on her window-ledge, one day. With feathers a pale-brilliance of powder and russet, so bright it appeared a silohuette-'aglow'. It glanced at her and looked-about the area. Josephine sat there, enjoying the exciting-color which like her once 'dreams', were greater than could be 'real', or invented. It 'honored' her with its God-given presence, and its civil-alighting. She was motivated to think-back on how the 'dreams', once played a part-of inundation, in an unconsciousness.

  She could not explain-it or divulge-it, it was just there in her mind's eye in exquisite and exuberant 'Grace' of God. It not only, did-in looking back; but how it-existed, as then... ...That once enigmatic-passion and presence, still existed. The property, purpose lived-on, in an intimate-being; perhaps, never to be lost. What had been a contingent-of once-thought and purpose, resounded in absolution proven-by
all there was. She now, realized it was not only 'hers', to possess. ...It was an entirety of all that was for which she no more held as an artist, in defining; it was simply everyones... An instance and address for which expressed it all. And as 'simple' as that, and as none-other. The energy and enticing, for her; had layed so long and held upholders, was never truly held.

  She'd for so-long, lived in a 'bubble'; exacting-upon the outside-world that she 'thought'-it would always be, and be given to guidances and riches; like a 'Midas' upon the world... She now, realized she'd been one to 'impose' it on the world. A 'beguiling-reality' for which she now would-fully be impressed. A devising, descending-ratifcation for which a new personal-resign, that could now be complicitly, imposing... An order and implication that were noting and incensed... What was an 'arc' of inspiration, that was a civil-dissent of illusion, by deriving. What could just as simply been on the order of an availing... Although, she knew a reverence of recognizing, there were things for which she had not known or conceived. A dimensional-revision of untold-'depths'. There were 'parables' for which the meaning perhaps, was cut short. On the order and ode-of dense and simple-understanding with an unempowered-diligence. What was a 'depiction' and not once a drama.

  In what was a amulate of installment-Muses and Avatars, that could not be completely, privied. The once impressario-affect, interred and avenged into a proprietary-'ignorances'. It all seemed a solemn Charade, for which she was the insulter of a power-greater than herself. All the work, she put-in meant 'little' and her-devotion, refuting. ...God had seemed to 'bless'-her; with nothing less, and claimed-nothing. All the many assureties and attributes, which were still for not. Inspired-in what was a selfish duty and joy. She was just another-instrument of God; for which like 'Job', did his-work and claiming-'little' for it. Both duty and inspiration, were inherent-works of man and manifestation under-taken and inordinate. She could only be a 'funnel' of God. With God's help, she was enterprising by understanding and comprehension. An oblivious-intent and interpretation, affectual and affluent by intent and impact.

  In what was a strident 'up-link' to a higher-power, she still didn't know the purpose; she played in all this. A diligent-encompassing, more joy, than sadness. A necessary-defection, that was a solemnity of the center-of a life. She certainly, delineated-on no uncertain terms. In what was a 'journey' of commitment and expression. She had followed her-genius and understood the learning-identity. With the flow of passion and proficiency, to be a person taught in artful-sequester... A 'levitating'-practicuum, that was refined, finished, poised and practiced... A precis of self-promotion; pompously, prefixed and poorly, properized... This, she realized would effect the rest of her-life. For now, she was alone and listless. In being a devout-disposal. As she had went-back to her-work, she then knew; this would be the turning-point solution to all her problems...

  What was once-'intricate', was now a principle-of diversion. An instituent distinction of the purporting instinct. It was a 'joy' and privilege, dawned with help and true-excitement. Nothing, was truly-deserved because it was a power-greater than a behalf... She felt-truly proud, for her-abilities; in toll and teachings of life. The laws of God prove elite and existential, in a determined-life. And that pragmatic-pretense, still was impressed upon her-life. She couldn't have 'predicted' this-life or legend; but this, was an actual-allusion, one she herself, couldn't understand. All the confirmatives, conferrings and caveat over four-decades; that didn't only 'profess', to a compelling but allowed to divest of a contrusive-development... Now, it felt so 'good' to be 'alive'. She now felt her-life in the future would be by the anointing of the past. An institution and what was an emanation that was beyond-choice and meaning.

  The delineated and distinguished-path, that had become even-greater. Her-determination and devotion, had proved to be of a 'greater'-meaning than she had thought. In the confirming and discipline, that was ever she thought, unnecessarily... ...Her inspiration, though now an utter-'best' that was an entreatise and division, in what was obsessively, absolving; in a self-durable 'convention' now, seemed the mere-'steps' of a mission... What was impacting and empowered, by what was the inception of such things; were close-to a convention-of a commanding, in complying... What once seemed a device by amalgamation, was the urgency and essentials-prosing prevailing by a denoting-by division. Along a careful-line of thinking. ...So what had been a simple-'image' and eschelon, was now a definite-essence of 'above-board', esoterica... It was despite an intent and especiality, and that she would not ever need to question God, His endowment, Duty, or a deriving-deliberation...

  It was an egression-certainly and spiritually, sentimentalized. The once honor and hope now Man's overture and understudy to greater-things, unseen. What 'souls' might have seemed a distruction, or of deriving and disposition; no-longer a challenge in self-dignity... It, was what may have seemed a 'depiction' of an earnate or 'ornate'-drivenness. As God, there was no reason to accept the burden-of-life and living; that could be considered a 'guiding-hand', to it all. As Judeism taught, as her father taught; as her academic convoked and the world-reinforced; it had always been an instillment of instruction. She would now 'rest', with an unknown-future; now, regained and graduated-with the acceptance of an infinitude of time, and space... As weeks and months passed, she got her life-into order. A longer-ascended, imperative but an acceptance of the personal and proper-provisions of self and sacrament in what was greater than a grade or gravitas.

  ...Life was still an adventure. As she slept blissfully, her dreams began to be active. Of friends and family, of the factors of one's enlightenment and impressions. Though, they were not purely, vivid; they kept their-own in 'novelty'. All the ideas and impressions, of a well-worked career; of love and intuitives that the many amulations of thought and aspiration. The many pluralism and positives, which were prefixed and powerful. It was a God-sent 'extrinsicity', for which a new-concise understanding, was achieved. A grand-nuance, fulfilled. What was perhaps, a passion of preference and not an ultimate-prologue. In what was a natural-intervention and espousal. She'd always wanted to believe in miracles since a child, but her-abilities and potential meant she lived in-abundance. But the many complexities, took her into many differing-venues. Many had thought her intellectual-talent drove her into independent-activities...

  The promise and potential, had to be accepted and understood. In what seemed a 'maxim' of fore-thought. In what were the 'impressions' of an obvious-deriving. As her-life went motivatedly, expansive; or she had little time to think or decide, only what was a virtue of intellectuality; proceeded and progressed in an adoption. It was an outward-'opus' of skill and imagination. And now, she had been revealed in the even-greater instance of expression and empowerment... What had been a definitive-comprising by one's renewal in the past. The values and virtues, were with commandment's inner-most diffusion... The accomplishment and ordinate-invocation, that could be attained and abated. Her once-conferrred 'ability' as with times astounded and affectuated, in a new-motivational and resounding-endowing... All the educational-missions undertaken and carried-on were now, both past-perception and in-trust as the power of future-attainments. A preliminary-composing and complicit-commanding...

  It was a brand-new calling, insightful and consumptive, now-found that was of a past, carried-on. And that once, attained-magnitude that could proceed and preeminently, pursue... It was an exciting and excellent-time. What was a prenatent-transvision, which like an occult-transcending; the once divest of an exacting, explication... A private-intent and intensity, what was to be a restitutional-effort exponentially, expounded and respitely, engaged. And in the experience of expression, she saw the terms with new proponent-reprise. She still had much 'energy' to her life. And unlike life-before, she had an effective-sense of new-especial entitlement, and engaging. It was a new-overcoming presented and preciously, personifying... A convocation of her-purpose and ef
fort in life. Her life had always been commited to the Arts and the incentive of concise concerns... And she carried-on, in the instance and understanding of the deriving-Arts. By what was on the esoteric-exaltation...

  And now, it would live-on in anew dimension, of detail and discerning-in the emerging and a defining, nominal-affix and avid-eventuation. The advancing and virtual-arts by pretense and a preliminary. In what others payed her for inventive-illumination in that was a charter and chance, what fostered and refined-in a supported-acumen and attained by inner-growth. A promise and principle-achieved and now, preluded... As story of accomplish and conferring-confidence burgeoned and ultimately, fulfilled. A careful-conviction, grounded and understood... And instance-allegory, meeting a necessary-end, and now confirming an expediation; truly, made advent and intensive-intricately, entitled. And what had been a 'bestowal' became a commending, new-reverence; to be posted and disseminated by a new and 'old' resided-process... What had been a 'contrast' or commission which had now, reached a new-purpose of a duty-to God.

  As she knew God works in mysterious ways... That with-all the precepts, principles and precipitousness of life; one's final-efforts and expressive, fall-short with both pride and purpose. A sensing and assertion, truthfully only given by higher power, pertain and partaken of by benefit and benefaction, perceived and materialized in devising and division. A project and progeny, confessed and adorned to an atoning-attrition advocated in-duly, and deeming... Her-story meant as much as any which could be proven as a genuine and germaine-assertion; and appellation for which the eventuality of a resigning-dimension prosoundingly, preciseness. A concurring-presence and preeminence, defacto, definitive and decorumly declarative... God turned-out to be the greater-artist and teacher. With all her-teachings, glorified-talent and the extensive-acclaim; fans and ability were beyond the 'pale'.