Read Just Beyond the Curve Page 10


  John carried Judy down the long hallway to the bridal suite with seemingly no effort or strain at all. He opened the door and carried her across the threshold, then kicked the door closed behind them and set her on her feet. She immediately moved into his arms and kissed him soundly, passionately, taking him by surprise.

  “Let’s get busy,” she said seriously, anxiously. “I wanna know what it’s like!”

  “What what’s like?” he asked nervously.

  “Sex,” Judy stated simply, starting to get out of her wedding dress.

  “The S-word sex?” John asked, his face turning slightly pink. “I don’t know Judy. We just got married today. Don’t you think we oughta wait some, first?”

  “You’re right, John,” she said, then smiled, stepping out of her dress. “We’ll wait,” John breathed a sigh of relief. “Exactly two minutes. If you ain’t ready by then, I’m raping you! Now, get naked stud; you got a job to do!” Judy dropped her bra, then started peeling her panties off.

  John gasped, caught his breath, and slowly began to undress. He fumbled clumsily with his buttons while staring lustfully at Judy’s nakedness.

  “I’m nervous as a-a-a- dog in a cat...No, that ain’t right,” he stammered nervously. “Oh, Lord! Momma, close your eyes your boy’s fixin to sin!”

  “It ain’t no sin, John!” Judy stated, moving over to help him. “We’re legally married in the sight of God and the church! Now, get outa them duds, cowboy! You got a rodeo to attend!”

  John became even more nervous until Judy pushed him back to the bed and he fell backwards. Judy got on her knees and began removing his shoes and socks. When they were on the floor, she moved up and unbuckled his belt and slacks, grabbed the cuffs and dragged them off of him. He immediately covered his groin with his hands. “Oh, Momma!” he moaned miserably.

  “Oh, Daddy,” Judy gasped, seeing the rising erection under John’s hands. “Move your hands!” she demanded, grabbing the waistband of his jockeys and dragging them off over his feet and dropping them to the floor. She crawled up beside him making full body contact all the way. She sat up on his thighs and unbuttoned his shirt and shucked him out of it and the jacket he was wearing, then she lay fully on top of him.

  “Don’t you think it’s too hot in here for this, Judy?” he whispered.

  “Naw, it’s about right!” she panted sexily.

  “Oh, Momma!” he replied with not quite so much hesitation in his tone. He loved how Judy smelled and felt and how she made him feel as she broke down each and every one of his many defenses effortlessly.

  Ten minutes later there was a horrendous tussle taking place under the blankets and sheets of the bridal bed. Chaotic whispering, gasping, moaning, laughing, sighing and heavy, eager breathing were the only sounds in the room.

  “Oh, John!” Judy moaned lustily.

  “Oh, Judy!” John replied, all inhibitions removed, as the night continued and they lost track of time.

  They came out from under the tangle of sheets and leaned back against the heart shaped headboard. They both, in a hot tangled mess, wore an expression of wondrous disbelief.

  “Judy?” John said in amazement, unaware that his hair was a tangled mess.

  “Yes, John?” she replied, as if in shock, her hair also a ravaged mess, her makeup smeared sexily.

  “I sure do like being married!” he said seriously.

  “Me, too!” she agreed. “Wanna do it again?”

  “Shoot yeah!” he said, diving under the covers and dragging her with him.

  They fell into an immediate tangle of panting, kissing, moaning, soaring youthful passion, and again lost track of time.

  Then the phone on the nightstand was ringing, interrupting their private world of heavenly bliss. And it just kept ringing urgently and importantly.

  “Maybe you’d better answer that,” Judy sighed blissfully. “It could be important.”

  “The phone?” John said seriously. “I thought it was in my head! Like a fire alarm or something!”

  “We were gettin’ pretty hot,” Judy agreed, surprised at her own unharnessed passion. “Answer the phone, John.”

  “Yeah, at least a three alarm!” he agreed, rolling away from her and reaching for the phone. He snatched it up then leaned back against the padded headboard with the phone to his ear and mouth. “Yeah?” he asked.

  “John?” Allen asked with a hint of laughter in his voice. “Allen, here. Hard night?”

  “Just gettin started good,” John confessed.

  “I don’t know where you been, Son, but I know where you’re supposed to be in a half an hour from now!”

  “Where?” John asked suspiciously.

  “On the tour bus headed for Houston!” Allen said laughing. “So, I suggest you get your butt in gear and be on it in half an hour. You got ninety stops to make before Christmas.”

  “Half an hour?” John asked confused, wondering where the time had gone. “We’re not supposed to leave until one o’clock!”

  “That’s right,” Allen agreed. “It’s twelve thirty now. Since we hadn’t heard from you by lunch, we figured I’d better call and make sure you was still alive. Since you are I want you on that bus, John! Get moving!”

  “We’re on our way,” John said, then rolled over quickly and hung up the phone. “Come on, Judy, we gotta go! We leave in half an hour!”

  “To where?” she asked looking at him disbelievingly.

  “Houston!” he replied seriously, swinging his legs off the bed and standing up.

  “Time sure flies when you’re havin’ fun, huh?” she asked musingly.

  “Yeah!” he agreed, reaching over and taking her hand. “Come on, girl,” he laughed helping her from the bed and leading her toward the shower. “And just think, we’re only just getting started!”

  “Yeah,” Judy giggled childishly.