Read Just Beyond the Curve Page 9


  John slept alone in his bed as if it had been made up over him. There was not a wrinkle in the blankets or sheets, as if he hadn’t moved since getting into it at six o’clock in the morning. He had come in from Ft. Worth that morning, took a shower, got in bed and died to the world. He was beyond exhausted. He had been going night after night for over two months. He had now been asleep for over eighteen hours.

  Judy, Misty and Billy entered the room one behind the other, each carrying a tray. Judy’s tray held a full blown breakfast, Misty’s held a pot of coffee and a cup, Billy’s was a tray of jellies and jams and a stack of toast.

  “Okay, Superstar,” Misty said importantly. “Up and at it. We have better things to do than wait on you hand and foot. Not that it’s a bad job mind you, but the pay is below minimum wage and there are no fringe benefits!” She laughed with Judy when John opened one eye and peered at them suspiciously.

  “What time is it?” he asked, sleepily.

  “Nearly six,” Judy replied, setting the bed tray across his lap, as he slid up and leaned back against the headboard. “Pay no attention to Mom. We have plenty of time. Relax and enjoy your breakfast. Feast, oh Great One!” she finished, bowing from the waist, her arms up over her head, swooping horizontal as she worshiped her god; like an Egyptian slave to her pharaoh.

  “They’re playing your records all over the radio,” Billy exclaimed excitedly. “Danny is so mad he could spit!”

  “He’s just jealous,” Misty said seriously.

  “Like I told ‘im, some got it and some don’t. And he don’t!” He laughed.

  “Allen called, said tell you you’re booked solid for the next year. So get your travelin britches on,” Judy said, pouring John a cup a coffee, then stirring in cream and sugar.

  “He can forget it, then,” John said seriously. “I ain’t goin without you! They can just forget it. I can make a living around here, just fine!”

  “Well, I can’t go on the road with you, John Travis,” Judy said seriously. “We’re not married.”

  “We can fix that,” John said looking up from his plate. “If you’ll have me, that is.”

  Judy caught her breath and began to cry.

  “Are you proposin’ to my only daughter, John Travis?” Misty asked seriously.

  “Long as she don’t reject me,” John said thoughtfully. “If she does, then I take it back and we’ll just be friends.”

  “Do you love her?” Misty asked.

  “More than anyone I can think of, right off,” he responded.

  “Yes John,” Judy cried, kissing him seriously. “I’ll marry you.”

  “Judy, you embarrass me in front of your Momma,” John said, his face scarlet. “Them kindsa things’ supposed to be done in private!”

  “Momma, Billy! Leave!”

  “Not ‘til you’re married proper!” Misty stated seriously, crying into her hands.

  “Now, that sounded final!” Billy declared happily.

  For the rest of the day Misty and Judy were busy making wedding plans and calling people to invite. They learned quickly that there were not that many people they could invite. Finally they decided on a small service for just family and the few music industry friends they had. They chose a local neighborhood church and by the time their blood tests came back and the license bought, they were standing in front of the alter and the preacher who in short order pronounced them husband and wife.

  By the time Judy had kissed all the available men the young single girls were out front waiting on the bouquet to be tossed; each hoping to be the lucky recipient.

  When the double front doors of the small church burst open shouts of joy rose up from all the gathered guests. John and Judy came out, John looking cherry red with embarrassment while Judy turned her back on the gaggle of excited young girls and tossed her bouquet over her shoulder to them. The catcher screamed and hopped with joyous excitement while the other girls eagerly congratulated her, excited for her.

  When this part of the ceremony was over, John and Judy ran down the steps of the church hand in hand and to the waiting baby blue stretch limousine provided by Jackson Records, the label John was now recording under and making rich beyond belief.

  Unnoticed by almost everyone, Danny stood off to one side. His expression was of demented loss and anger. He slowly shredded his invitation, program and the pink carnation he had been given at the door of the church by one of the music business people. He stared after the retreating limousine as the shreds fell to the ground and were strewn by the light breeze. His eyes held a look of intense emptiness, sadness and longing. When the limo was out of sight he turned and walked down the street, headed for home, his bottle, pills and most of all, the .45 caliber pistol that had been a gift from his father for his twenty-first birthday.

  At the wedding reception the cake was cut and shared by the bride and groom, then the guests. Champagne flowed, cigars smoked, gifts exchanged and congratulations expressed, hugs and kisses exchanged.

  John shook so many hands that his own hand ached. He stood talking to Allen, Toby and Sandra while Judy consoled her mother. Misty was overcome with happiness for her daughter. Billy stood to one side beaming proudly that he had gained an older brother who was becoming famous and rich.

  “Predictions are coming in that ENDLESS is going gold this week,” Allen told them. “Congratulations, John.”

  “Congratulate Daddy,” John said seriously. “He wrote it. I just sang it for him and Momma.”

  “But you did it, John,” Toby said. “You made it what it is.”

  “No,” John disagreed. “Daddy gave me everything I have. Judy showed me how to make it come true. I owe her my life.”

  “Son, you are love-struck!” Allen said laughing good naturedly, slapping him on the back.

  “Daddy wrote a song called LOVE STRUCK,” John said thoughtfully. “Maybe I’ll record it for Judy. I want to record them all before I stop,” he added.

  “Stick with us and you’ll get the chance,” Sandra promised.

  “Wouldn’t consider ever going anywhere else, Sandy,” John promised. “You believed in me when no one else did. Except Judy,” he amended. “I’ll not be going anywhere.”

  “You’re going on tour tomorrow,” Allen said winking. “So you’d better get your new wife home and get some rest. You’re gonna need it.”

  “He won’t be getting any rest tonight,” Sandra said with a knowing laugh and a lewd wink.

  “I wouldn’t, that’s for sure,” Toby admitted with an evil smile.

  John looked momentarily confused at first. Then his face turned a bright red when he realized they were talking about him and Judy, ‘gettin’ it on’! They all three laughed at his discomfort.