Read Justina's Awakening: Where She Belongs, The Saga-Book 1 Page 15

  “Hello, Justina.”

  “Hello, Matthew. I was beginning to think you weren’t here.”

  “I wanted to say hi.”

  “Your family is so nice,” Justina, laughed as she recalled. “I remember how nervous I was on the weekend I first came to the resort.”

  Matthew laughed with her as he thought of how he had teased her about meeting everyone. Silence fell between them as they stared at one another. “You are so beautiful.”

  “I think you’re beautiful too,” Justina blurted out. Each one fell silent and then she attempted to correct herself from the words she had meant but had not meant to say aloud. “I, I didn’t mean beautiful.”

  “Oh, so you don’t think I’m beautiful?” Matthew asked playfully winking at her.

  “No, you are handsome, I meant to say.”

  They both laughed nervously.

  Matthew leaned into her, “You need to breathe.”

  Justina could smell his cologne, “Oh that’s too close.”

  “It’s not nearly as close as I want to be,” Matthew whispered softly into her neck.

  Justina opened her eyes to see him looking intently at her. “Oh, you are such a bad boy.”

  Matthew licked his lips and smirked as confidence oozed out of his expression.

  “You like this bad boy and don’t deny it.”

  “I do not see Nick anymore. I’m ready to explore,” Justina blurted out, and then blushed.

  Matthew stared at Justina in surprise. He walked slowly over and took a seat next to her.

  “You can trust me. I’m not going to hurt you.”

  “I do trust you, Matthew,” Justina whispered as she took a sip of her wine and gazed at him with unhidden desire.

  “Let’s start by spending some time together tonight after we leave here.”

  “We can go to my place.”

  “Katie is spending the night with Sammie and Kalien so I will have all night.” Matthew gave Justina a devilish smile.

  “I make a great cup of coffee.” Justina was shocked at the bold words, which had escaped her mind, and she blushed.

  Matthew raised an eyebrow at her, “Hum that sounds like an invitation to spend the night.”

  “Hey, there you two are,” Caroline called out as she and the others approached them.

  Justina was thankful when Katie and Sammie whisked her off to a tea party so she would not have to endure any more of the strange stares from her curious friends.

  They spent the remainder of the afternoon enjoying good conversation and food. Justina and Matthew had not spoken again during the party. She looked at her watch after a few hours passed and decided to leave.

  “I’ve had a fabulous day, but I’m tired, so I’m going to exit graciously now before I rudely fall asleep on your sofa.”

  Everyone laughed as Joyce patted her shoulder. “You’ve had a long week, but I’m glad you came over. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  Justina exited the party with anxiety and excitement about the second half of her day.

  Matthew decided to exit about thirty minutes later, which caused quite a buzz among everyone. He ignored Jim and the others’ suspicious glances.

  Matthew arrived at Justina’s penthouse with a bottle of wine.

  They greeted each other with a smile and then Matthew followed her to the sofa.

  He noticed a table sitting there with cheese, crackers, various fruits, and a bottle of wine. He set his bottle next to the other bottle and turned to Justina.

  Matthew pulled her into his arms and kissed her.

  They each felt their self-control slipping away with each new sensual touch.

  “If I don’t stop right now then I won’t be…,” Matthew began to say.

  “I don’t want you to stop, not now, not later,” Justina interrupted him through their fervent kisses.

  Matthew scrunched his lips as he stared into her eyes. He wanted Justina, but he did not want this affair to be like all the others, so he pulled away from her.

  “I like you a lot. I don’t want to make a decision with you that might cause hurt for us both in the future. I want to spend quality time with you.”

  Justina looked at him with newfound respect. “I just can’t believe you’re real.”

  Matthew smiled, “I can’t believe I’m for real either.”

  They spent the evening trying to watch a movie and talking but were unable to keep their eyes off one other.

  As Matthew felt Justina’s body close to his own, he felt control slipping away with every passing moment. He slowly put his arm around her, pulled her to him, and pushed his lips to hers.

  The kiss was the spark needed to fan the flames of desire hidden just beneath the surface.

  Quickly, they found themselves lying on the sofa together with whimpers of delight escaping their lips as they explored one another’s bodies.

  As desire took hold, he slipped one hand up her blouse, found her breasts, and caressed them gently yet passionately. He affectionately traced his other hand down her side and rested it just above her feminine area. When he felt her catch her breath, it was all he needed to continue probing further.

  Justina gasped with pleasure as Matthew explored her body with his eyes, mouth, and hands.

  Justina in turn sensually unbuttoned his shirt with one hand and ran her fingers across his bare, solid chest causing groans of pleasure to escape his lips. With the other hand, she located the button to his pants and unfastened it with feverish haste until she succeeded in loosening them. Justina pushed her trembling hand down inside and found his masculinity. As she massaged him gently, his body quivered uncontrollably.

  As Matthew pleasured Justina with his hands, he in turn enjoyed the pleasure he was receiving from her.

  “I can’t,” she whispered suddenly, as she pulled away from him.

  He could see she struggled with her passion for him. However, he sensed she battled with something else. He decided to make it easier for her and stood to put distance between them. “I have to go. I’m going home to take a cold shower,” he grabbed his jacket and walked toward the door.

  Justina could not help but laugh slightly at his remark. She stood and followed him to the foyer with her clothes still in disarray.

  “Justina, I promise that I’m not going to hurt you,” Matthew began buttoning the bottom buttons of his shirt.

  “Don’t make promises, okay?” Justina stared at his sexy smooth chest.

  He quit buttoning his shirt, pulled her back into his arms, and kissed her lips. “I had fun and I want to see you tomorrow.”

  “I have no plans tomorrow.”

  “I’ll call you.” He looked admiringly at her as he backed slowly into the elevator. Just as the elevator doors closed, he placed two fingers to his lips and whispered, “Sweet dreams, Justina.”


  Justina stepped out of the shower just as the phone rang, “Hello, Justina.”

  “Good morning, Justina.”

  Justina blushed at the sound of Matthew’s voice, “Hi, good morning, Matthew.”

  “Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes, I did thank you, and you?”

  “Yes, thank you. I called to see if you would share breakfast with me this morning?”

  Justina hesitated, but then answered, “Yes, breakfast would be nice.”

  “Great. What do you have in your kitchen?”

  Justina thought that was a weird question. Certainly, he was not expecting her to cook for him. “Ah, well, let’s see, my housekeeper went shopping yesterday, so I should have a fully stocked kitchen.”

  “That is awesome. I want to come over and cook breakfast for you. That is if it is okay with you.”

  Justina laughed, “Sure, that’s just fine with me. I will brew some coffee while you are on your way.”

  “Okay, that sounds wonderful. See you soon.”

  “Bye.” Justina jumped from her bed with the excitement sim
ilar to a schoolgirl and dressed with anticipation at spending the day with Matthew.

  Justina smiled as she watched Matthew cook breakfast in her kitchen, “Are you truly real?”

  Matthew pinched his arm and then his cheek and laughed, “Yep, I’m pretty sure I’m real.”

  Justina laughed, then turned, and sat down on the tall chair in front of her bar, facing him. She still could not believe she was letting him into her world. She did not want to let him in after being hurt by Nick, but she was unable to resist him. Matthew was there when she needed him, but Nick was not. She sighed at the thought of finding herself thrust into another relationship. She was scared to death, but she was more afraid of not letting him close. She knew if she did not at least get to know him, she would regret it and always wonder about him the rest of her life.

  Matthew saw Justina’s face showing a thoughtful, reflecting stare, an almost gloomy one. He reached his hand over and touched hers, “You okay?”

  Justina took a deep breath and smiled, “I can’t believe you don’t have a meeting to rush off to or a client to see and you’ve taken the time to cook breakfast for me.”

  Matthew rubbed his hand gently through Justina’s hair, “Justina, the only person that could pull me away from you right now is a phone call from my daughter.” He leaned over and kissed her lips. He gently pulled away and looked at her sweetly. “Now, let’s get to this delicious breakfast I’ve prepared for us.”

  Justina pushed her plate to the side and smiled, “The breakfast was delicious, Matthew. Thank you.”

  Matthew grinned, “I’m glad you enjoyed it. I enjoy cooking.”

  “It is evident you enjoy it, and you’re good at it.”

  “Thank you, Ma’am,” he winked at her playfully. “I have an idea. Let’s go downtown and spend the remainder of the morning there.”

  Justina nodded as she stood, “Okay; that sounds relaxing.” She began to clear the table.

  Matthew stood and pulled his plate from the table and followed her to the dishwasher.

  Justina laughed, “And you clean up after yourself, I am very impressed.”

  Matthew chuckled, “I don’t mind at all.”

  They stepped off the elevator and began walking toward the car when Justina began feeling uneasy, the same uneasy feeling she had when she thought someone was following her earlier.

  She stopped and looked around the garage, but she saw no one there.

  Matthew noticed the uneasy look that crossed her face. “Darlin’, are you alright?” Matthew touched her on her arm.

  Justina tried to hide her uneasiness. “Yes, I’m fine. I'm just silly.”

  Matthew slanted his head at her and gave her a confused look. “Explain, please.”

  Justina scrunched her lips as she nervously pushed herself closer to him. She worried he would think she was silly. “It’s nothing, really; let’s go,” She tugged on his arm gently.

  “Justina, we aren’t moving another step until you tell me the truth.”

  “I just have an uneasy feeling, like,” She hesitated as she looked around the garage, and then continued, “Like someone is watching me, following me even.”

  Matthew put his arm around her and escorted her to his car. He cautiously looked around the garage but saw no one. He looked over at her and smiled, “Well Doll, I didn’t see anyone, but promise me, if you feel this way again, you’ll tell me. I’ve learned that following your instincts will keep you alert and safe, so don’t ever feel silly about your uneasiness.”

  Matthew looked into the rear view mirror and noticed a silver sedan behind them. He felt relief when the car turned the opposite direction at the intersection. He turned his attention to the beautiful woman sitting next to him and decided to try to lighten her mood.

  Fifteen minutes later, Matthew pulled into a downtown parking garage. When they got out of the car, he noticed Justina looked nervously around as they walked. He gently took her by the hand and whispered, “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, I’m fine. I just don’t like dark garages, that’s all.”

  “Justina, I’m right here with you. Nothing is going to happen to you. Now, Ms. Lindsey, are you ready to enjoy the morning with me?”

  Justina nodded with a bright smile, “Yes, I am.” She pushed her hand through his arm.

  They spent the first part of their morning at West End window-shopping. Justina was amazed at how knowledgeable Matthew was about antiques. After they had finished window-shopping, they shared a light lunch and took in a few street shows.

  When they returned to her penthouse, Matthew hung back in the foyer but did not enter the penthouse. He reached over and kissed her softly on the lips. “I do need to take care of some business.”

  Justina smiled at him, “Thank you for an enjoyable day.”

  “I will call you soon, sweet Justina, I had a great time.”

  Justina’s heart raced as he pulled her into another kiss.

  They lingered in her foyer until Matthew finally pushed himself away from their intimate embrace, their lustful kiss.

  Matthew kept his word and called Justina that evening. He made plans for dinner at her penthouse, and then to watch a movie.

  When Matthew showed up that evening, he held a bouquet of roses and a bottle of champagne in his hands.

  Justina took the roses and whispered softly, “Thank you. They are lovely.”

  “You’re very welcome. I’ll take the champagne to the kitchen and start dinner.”

  “You are going to spoil me, Mr. Kingston.”

  Matthew winked at her, “That’s the idea.”

  After placing the roses into a vase, Justina walked into the kitchen to see Matthew busy preparing dinner.

  “What are you preparing?”

  “I am going to cook a meatloaf.”

  “Hmm, that sounds good. So, how about giving me some pointers while you cook it?”

  Matthew looked up from cutting the onions and grinned, “It would be my pleasure, Ma’am.”

  As he instructed her on how to prepare the meal, they bumped into one another, shared laughs, and thoroughly enjoyed being together.

  It was a relaxing time for each of them.

  “Hmm, this meatloaf is good, Matthew. Thank you for writing down the directions for me as we prepared it.”

  “You are welcome. You did quite well. I think with a bit of practice, you could become quite the accomplished chef,” Matthew replied as he pushed his plate back.

  “I have a good teacher,” Justina whispered as she took a sip of her champagne.

  Matthew smiled as he stood, “Hmm, you’re good for my ego, Justina.”

  When he walked to her chair, she swore her heart cease to beat for a brief moment. When he assisted her from the chair, his eyes burned her to her core.

  “You are so beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” Justina blushed.

  Matthew smiled softly as he took her by the hand and whispered, “You can breathe.”

  Justina nodded, but could not find her voice. She unconsciously licked her lips as she saw him move his face closer to hers. When their lips touched, she had the feeling that her body floated, and then it ended.

  “Hmm, I guess we need to get to the movie,” Matthew whispered. He took her hand and led her to the living room.

  As they watched the movie, passionate stares floated in the air between them. Matthew at one point placed his hand on hers. As they held hands, he gently stroked her hand with his finger, causing the passion to grow. Their eyes met briefly, but it was all that was needed to push their passion over the edge. Matthew pushed his body close to hers, and into a sensual embrace. When their lips connected, the heat consumed them.

  Matthew gently pushed her down onto the sofa as he pushed his body on top of hers. Their bodies moved together in sync they allowed their hands to explore the others body.

  When they ceased their passionate kiss, Justina swore her body floated.
She had not experienced such a sensual kiss. Even through their clothes, she could feel his hardness. Her body began to moisten underneath his with every caress and movement they shared.

  It scared her to have these feelings. She whimpered softly into his ear, “Please, Matthew. I…”

  “Shhh, it’s all right, sweetheart,” Matthew replied in a raspy, guttural tone.

  “I think I hear another cold shower calling me.” Justina would have laughed at his attempt to lighten the situation, but this time, she did not find it amusing. She wanted him, and there was no doubt he wanted her, but she was too afraid to give in to her passion, yet angry at herself for holding back.

  When Matthew stood, he gently lifted her to her feet and then turned and walked to the door.

  He turned and smiled softly, ”Thank you for a lovely evening.”

  “Thank you for a lovely day,” Justina whispered.

  Matthew leaned in and kissed her gently on the cheek, “I am going to pick Katie up from her grandparent’s tomorrow afternoon, but may I see you tomorrow morning?”

  “Yes, I look forward to it.”

  Matthew nodded, “Okay, I’ll come by around 10:00 am.”


  Matthew winked at her once more and then turned toward the elevator. “Good night.”

  “Good night,” Justina replied.

  When she settled into bed that night, her thoughts were active. The weekend had turned out to be the most amazing weekend she had experienced in quite a while. She had never been treated in such a manner. Matthew was different; he was kind, gentle, and compassionate. However, the exact opposite was true of Nick. As Matthew consumed her thoughts, her eyelids grew heavy and she fell into a deep and restful sleep.

  The next morning, Justina surprised Matthew. When he entered, he followed her to the kitchen. He was pleasantly surprised to sniff the aroma of food cooking. He smiled, “Something smells delicious. What is it?”

  Justina blushed through her own smiles, “I prepared breakfast for you this morning. I pulled out a cookbook and made biscuits, gravy, and sausage. On the side, I have oatmeal as well. I hope you enjoy it.”

  Matthew looked at the food warming on the stove and grinned as his stomach rumbled. “I am sure I will. It looks delicious.”

  After they had eaten the breakfast, Matthew pushed his plate away and shot Justina a pleased look. “Justina, everything was delicious. Thank you. The oatmeal was exactly as I like it, and the biscuits and gravy were perfect. Thank you for a lovely breakfast.”