Read Justina's Awakening: Where She Belongs, The Saga-Book 1 Page 16

  Justina blushed as she whispered, “I am glad you enjoyed it.” She stood and began to clear the table. When he stood and picked his plate off the table, she took it from him and shook her head, “Please, let me do this. You go and relax. I’ll be out in just a moment.”

  Matthew leaned in and kissed her lips gently, “All right. I’ll be on your balcony.”

  “I will be there soon.”

  When Justina stepped out onto her balcony, she found him staring out at the city.

  He turned and waved his hand slightly at her, “You have a lovely view of the city here.”

  “I do love this view, especially at night. I just get lost in all the city lights twinkling. They almost resemble stars.” When she caught him looking at her amorously, she blushed, “That’s silly, isn’t it?”

  “Not at all. I think it is a romantic sentiment and I think you are lovely.”

  He leaned in and kissed her softly at first, and then the soft kiss turned into a passionate embrace. When they pulled away, they shared an intimate stare. Justina broke the stare and walked to a reclining lounge chair. Matthew took a seat next to her.

  After spending some time chatting about everything, but nothing special, Matthew stood and prepared to leave.

  “I haven’t had such a relaxing time in quite a while.” Matthew pulled her into his arms and kissed her cheek.

  “I had a nice time with you too, Matthew.”

  “Do you still think we should keep quiet about our dating?” Justina quizzed.

  “I think that would be the right thing for now. I am enjoying getting to know you, but…”

  “You aren’t ready for an exclusive relationship. I don’t think I am ready either. I understand.”

  Matthew searched her face for an indication of how his answer made her feel. He saw only understanding reflecting back at him. “If it starts to bother you, please let me know.”

  “As I’ve said before, we’re both adults and I am fine with the way things are. I am enjoying getting acquainted with you as well.”

  Matthew kissed her sweetly on her lips. “I really like you, Justina. I want you to know you are special, different from all of the others I have dated and I know there is substance here. You aren’t going to get rid of me.”

  He winked playfully at her, and then turned and left her with wonderment.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Matthew, Jim, and Roger met Monday morning in Jim’s office to discuss their investigation. As they drank some coffee, Jim and Roger began comically questioning Matthew.

  “While we were hard at work Saturday on this thing, what exactly were you doing?”

  “It was a personal project,” Matthew grinned at his friends.

  “Hum-um and what was her name?” Roger asked.

  “Oh, I can guess,” Jim chided.

  Matthew looked up at his friends and said nothing, but smiled.

  Roger winked at Jim, then glanced at Matthew and asked him, “How was Justina when you saw her last night?”

  Matthew gave Roger a shocked look as Jim chuckled; he shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, man.”

  Roger and Jim laughed at their friend’s noticeable embarrassment. Matthew shot them a cursed look.

  “All right, buddy, we’ll pretend we don’t know,” Jim joked.

  “I would love to know everything she knows about Nick. We might find it interesting,” Roger spoke up with a serious tone.

  “She told me the only thing she knew was that Nicky boy worked with software. She said she has been to the family mansion once and that it was a big cold, eerie place. She said the women were unfriendly and the men were acting as masters over the women.”

  “That’s pretty much the same things she’s told Joyce,” Roger finished off his coffee. “I really don’t think she knows anything that can help us.”

  Matthew agreed, “I believe you’re right.” He picked his coffee cup up and took a sip. “I’ll keep in contact with her, as her attorney; if anything changes, I’ll know about it.”

  Roger and Jim shot each other a knowing glance and laughed. “Yeah, I’d say you’ll stay ‘close’ to the situation,” Jim mocked.

  Matthew shook his head at his friends as he changed the subject. “Did you two see Mikey this weekend?”

  “He and Sara were at the cafe Saturday night but didn’t say much to any of us. They stayed about an hour and appeared to be arguing,” Jim answered.

  “I’m going to talk with my contact today. I want to see what kind of activity my brother has been involved in downtown lately. Where are you off to?”

  Jim stood and put on his suit coat and chuckled, “Shopping with the wife.”

  “Will you be coming back today?” Matthew asked.

  “No. Ben and Donna are taking Kalien home with them for the afternoon, so it’s a good indication that we have lots of shopping to do for her new shop.”

  Matthew and Roger stood and laughed as someone knocked on the door.

  Jim called out, “Come in.”

  Donna and Ben walked into the office and she hugged Matthew as she walked past him. “Kate can come with us too.”

  Matthew shook his head, “No, thank you Mom; she and I need some time together, we’ve been going our separate ways lately, and I’m missing her.”

  Everyone smiled at the kids and Caroline walked into the office. They had chatted a few moments before everyone went their separate ways.

  Matthew rubbed his daughter’s shoulder as they locked up the office. “Well, kiddo, what do you say to some Sloppy Joe Burgers and ice cream?”

  Kate smiled broadly, “That sounds great, Daddy.”


  Tuesday night found Matthew alone when Kate spent the night with Sammie. He drove to a local club where he ran into Linda Jones.

  After several drinks, Matthew followed her to her place where they slept together.

  On the way home, Justina’s face flashed across his mind and he felt strangely guilty about being with Linda. He shook the thought out of his mind. I have nothing to be guilty about. We have an understanding.

  Matthew kept fighting the thought as he showered and lay in his bed. When he finally fell asleep, Justina filled his dreams throughout the night.


  The next afternoon Justina heard a knock on her office door and she shouted, “Come in.” She was delighted to see Joyce and Maggie come bouncing in and waved at them. Justina joined her friends on the sofa with a handful of pamphlets. Joyce and Maggie shot each other agonizing looks as she laid them down.

  “What is all of this?” Maggie asked as she picked up a pamphlet.

  “Carpet samples, oh no, this is beginning to sound like chaos in the works,” Joyce frowned, but she and Maggie laughed.

  “Oh now, it’s not going to be that bad, I actually think it will be fun,” Justina scolded them.

  “Where are we going to work?” Joyce asked with an eyebrow raised.

  “I’ve rented an office downstairs, but I can send your work home with you.”

  “That sounds like it just might work,” Maggie replied with a gleam in her eyes.

  Justina laughed and shook her head, “You’re my right arm. I will need you with me. Joyce is the only one who I’m allowing to work from home.”

  Maggie shrugged her shoulders as Justina and Joyce laughed, “I just thought I’d try.”

  Justina gave her a hug, “Thanks, I will give you and the others a nice bonus.”

  Maggie gave Justina a teasing grin as she asked, “Did you get Christopher’s approval on this project?”

  “Yes, I sure did. We discussed budgets for it yesterday at lunch.”

  Joyce picked up a booklet that contained color samples. “Can I please pick my office colors and carpet?”

  Justina grinned, “Yes, you both can pick your office colors, but keep that little fact quiet.”

  Joyce and Maggie promised with grea
t enthusiasm that they would keep it their secret.

  “Can you imagine what colors Bernard Spacey would choose?” Joyce joked.

  The three women looked at each other and made ugly faces as Maggie commented,

  “I’ve been in his and Martha’s home, and believe me; they go for the wildest and most bizarre themes they can find.”

  They all laughed wildly at the thought and then they heard a knock on the door.

  “Come in,” Justina called.

  The door opened and in came a deliveryman holding a vase of fresh flowers and a card. He looked at the envelope. “Justina Lindsey?”

  Justina lifted her hand, “That’s me.” The man brought the vase over to her. “Thank you, sir,” Justina looked at the card and she felt her face warm up as she read it.

  I had fun this weekend, talk to you soon. MK

  Joyce and Maggie looked curiously at the flowers, and then read the card over Justina’s shoulders. Each of the women giggled, as Justina jerked the card out of their line of sight.

  “Well, who are they from?” Maggie questioned.

  “A friend,” Justina smiled at her friends. She could see that was not enough information. “I had dinner with a very nice man this weekend.”

  Maggie began laughing as she looked at Joyce. “Ooh, she’s not going to tell.”

  Maggie got a buzz on her cell and stood. “That’s Jay Majors, our travel agent. I will take it in my office. I’ll be back soon.” She left the office and Justina alone with her lovable, but a nosey friend.

  “Oh, that’s not going to cut it with me and you know it,” Joyce shook her head and laughed.

  Justina frowned at Joyce. She knew she had to say something to satisfy her friend, so she decided to tell her half the story. “I promised I would keep our date a secret.”


  “We just want to spend time getting to know each other without outside influence.”

  Justina saw Joyce smile suspiciously and knew she had said the wrong thing. She rolled her eyes at Joyce and grumbled, “You just don’t give up, do you?”

  Joyce walked over to Justina and patted her on her hand. “I will respect your wishes and keep out of it. I won’t tell anyone you are dating Matthew.”

  Justina looked up with a shocked expression. “I never said that it was him.”

  “You didn’t have to sweetie, I know it’s him. Maggie and I both saw his initials on the card. You know I’m here if you need to talk things out.”

  “We had dinner one weekend. We went to the Renaissance and we had a lovely time. He was a gentleman throughout the entire evening.”

  “Have you gone out with him again?”

  “Yes, the weekend of your cookout. It was the most fun I’ve had in a long while.”

  “You slept with him, didn’t you?” Joyce gasped and put her hands to her face.

  “No, I did not.”

  “So what happened next?” Joyce asked as Maggie came in and sat by Joyce.

  “We spent the remainder of the weekend together.”

  Justina’s eyes met Maggie’s and she blushed.

  “It’s all right; I saw the initials on it.”

  Justina rolled her eyes, “There are other men with the initials, MK,” she paused before she continued. “Somewhere in the world, I suppose.”

  “But, in this little part of the world, we girls can only think of one man with those initials.” Maggie pointed her finger between herself and Joyce.

  “Matthew Kingston,” Joyce cackled.

  Justina bit her lips through another blush as her friends giggled with delight.

  Maggie patted Justina on her hand, “Oh, you guys make a beautiful couple.”

  Justina frowned, “We’re not a couple and this is to remain among us only, and you’re only saying that because he’s your cousin.”

  “I do love Matthew. He and I have always been close.”

  “We agreed we’re not going to date one another exclusively. I just got out of a relationship with Nick. Matthew and I are taking it slow; we are getting to know each other without demands, or expectations, so he is free to date others as I am free to do the same. We have an understanding.”

  “I think that’s a good idea, you’ve been tied down to a bad boy way too long and you need to enjoy the game for a while,” Maggie suggested.

  “I agree with Maggie, you should play the field for a while, but don’t let Matthew get too far away.” Joyce poured a cup of coffee. “It’ll do Nick some good to see you out having fun with another man.”

  Justina shot Joyce a cautioned look.

  “I do not see Nick anymore.” She waited for cheers of relief to escape her friends when they heard this bit of news.

  “Really? Wow! Are you okay?” Maggie asked with concern.

  “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “How long has it been since you two split? Why didn’t you tell us?” Joyce questioned.

  “The right time didn’t present itself. We have all been so busy with work and personal lives. I’m sorry for not telling you sooner.”

  Joyce shrugged and then smiled, I’m just glad it’s over with you and Nick, but you should have told us about your breakup.”

  Justina bit her lip nervously, “We have unfinished business, but I haven’t spoken to him in awhile. He called me once, but it was right after Reynolds was murdered. He only called to try and get information from me. I just can’t believe he’s not contacted me to try and talk about us.”

  “Have you called him?” Maggie asked.

  “No,” Justina said thoughtfully.

  “Why? The phone does work both ways, you know,” Joyce reminded Justina.

  Justina shrugged, “I don’t know, maybe I too want to leave it like this, but...” Justina hesitated, looked down at the floor, and then frowned. “We did share a year together.”

  Joyce frowned as well, “I wouldn’t exactly call it together. There were too many secrets, too many questions and you spent more time alone than as an actual couple.”

  “You’re right, but I did care for him.”

  “But, were you in love with him?” Maggie asked softly.

  “No, I am not in love with Nick,” Justina answered quietly, with little strength behind the statement.

  “Then it’s better to end it and maybe this is the best way,” Joyce whispered. “I’m sorry you’re hurting over Nick.”

  “Thank you both for listening to me,” Justina slowly stood, and took deep breaths as she hugged them.

  “That’s what friends are for; now let’s get to picking colors,” Joyce playfully ordered.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Matthew ended his call, turned to his friends, and frowned. “I’ve had no luck in locating any information on the licenses I found in Michael’s office. I’ve run them through the criminal data base and have scored zero on both.”

  He cursed, “I’ve had no luck in matching those passports with anyone real, either. I feel like I’m beating my head against a brick wall.”

  “Don’t be hard on yourself. Max was with Mikey the night the two agents were slaughtered, I’d bet the ranch on it; that means Mikey didn’t pull the trigger and that’s a good thing,” Roger reminded Matthew.

  Matthew raised an eyebrow, “If he was there, then he knows exactly what happened and it means he’s involved. Mike will certainly get jail time and we simply guess that Max was there, but we’re not positively sure of that unless Michael admits it to us.”

  Roger sighed, “Well Matthew, perhaps we can get the Feds to cut a good deal with Mike.”

  The three men fell silent for a moment as they thought over the gloomy circumstances.

  Jim and Roger wished they could make their friend’s burden a little lighter.

  “I’m going to be all right. I’m a strong man, its mom and dad I’m concerned about.”

  “They’re strong people, too, Matthew. Our family will make it through this as long we stay
united.” The three men shared a burst of strength at Jim’s words.

  Roger cheerfully chimed in, “Well, I know something that will lift our spirits for at least one night; a party.”

  Jim and Matthew looked at Roger for an explanation and he smiled broadly, “A birthday party.”

  “Who’s birthday? I thought I had all of them saved on my calendar,” Jim groaned, as he wrinkled his nose and thumbed through his electronic device.

  Matthew grinned, “I did too, so tell us whose birthday we will be celebrating?”

  “Justina Lindsey. Joyce and Maggie have been working with Caroline for weeks on the plans.”

  “When is her birthday?” Jim questioned.

  “It’s the thirteenth. It’s at the lodge’s banquet hall at 7:00 pm and it’s a surprise; she does not have any idea.”

  Matthew quickly wrote something down on a notepad and cursed to himself.

  He shot his friends a quizzical look. “What are you too laughing at?”

  “What are you writing down? Did you think of something we need to look into?” Roger chided.

  Jim quipped, “Nope, it has nothing to do with our investigation, but I bet ya it has something to do with a certain lovely woman’s birthday. I wonder what she likes.”

  Matthew shot his friends a cursed look as Roger replied, “Roses, all women like roses.”

  Matthew sat back and let them enjoy themselves at his expense.

  His cell phone buzzed suddenly, breaking their laughter to softer chuckles.

  He grabbed his cell phone from his desk and answered it to find it was Justina. “Hello, Doll.” He pulled the phone from his mouth and whispered to Jim and Roger, “I’m going to my office.”

  Jim and Roger shot him humorous, knowing looks.

  Matthew could hear Jim and Roger still laughing as he walked out of Jim’s office.

  “Hi. I just called to say thank you for the roses. They’re so lovely,” Justina spoke cheerfully.

  Matthew was pleased his gift had brightened Justina’s day. “You were on my mind. I wanted you to know.”

  Justina felt her pulse rise and she replied, “I’ve been thinking about you, too.”

  “Will you have dinner with me?”

  Justina felt her heart leap with excitement. “I’d love to have dinner with you.”

  “Does tomorrow night sound good?” Matthew asked.

  Joyce and Maggie walked into Justina’s office while she was on the phone. “Yes.”