Read Justina's Awakening: Where She Belongs, The Saga-Book 1 Page 20

  Marcus shoved an officer walking past him and was immediately wrestled to the floor, and then handcuffed.

  Nick began walking over to aide his brother.

  “No son,” Robert instructed.

  “Don’t say anything to them until I get there,” Lionel Golden, Robert’s attorney, whispered to Robert.

  Nick wrapped his arms around his mother and whispered to her, “Don’t worry, Ma, we’ll get them out; you know the routine.” He instructed Cindy to take his mother and Molly, Marcus’s wife, home.

  As Nick walked past the family’s associates, he promised, “We’ll get this worked out soon.”

  Chapter 29

  Later in the evening, Isabella’s restaurant was buzzing with customers.

  In the back room of the restaurant, the entire Cabara family celebrated Robert’s sixty-fourth birthday. The guests consisted of all of Robert’s favorite relatives, friends, and business associates, which included Max, and several members of “family” associates who had traveled from Chicago, Memphis, Miami, Las Vegas, and New York.

  Everyone at the celebration was dancing and enjoying themselves as the band played. There was a huge table set up in the corner displaying a large birthday cake and many gifts.

  Everyone began singing “Happy Birthday” to Robert as he opened his many gifts. Robert waved as he gave a long appreciation speech.

  Nick was standing at the bar chugging down drinks as fast as he could when Cindy approached. “Nick, darling, what is wrong with you? You don’t look very happy this evening.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Cindy, it has nothing to do with you, bitch.”

  Cindy gave him a pathetic look, “Oh, you’re still licking your wounds from your latest fling; what was her name?”

  Nick watched his wife laugh at him. He grabbed her face with his hand. “Shut up, Cindy, I’m warning you.”

  Cindy pulled away from him and as she did, she slapped at him.

  Marcus shook his head and smirked, “The love haters are at it again.”

  People around them joined him in the laughter.

  Nick pushed Cindy into a separate room and against a wall. “Shut up, Cindy or you’ll regret it!” He turned to leave the room.

  She cursed him, “You stupid jerk. I’m getting tired of your cheating. You’ll be the one to regret treating me like this.” She threw a glass she was holding at him and it hit him in the back, fell to the floor, and shattered.

  Nick turned and walked over to her and slapped her in the face.

  She licked the blood from her lips and suddenly she gave him a punch in his mouth and he began bleeding. He pushed her against the wall and cursed, “I know what you want.” He pulled her skirt up and shoved his hand inside.

  She moaned with pleasure, “Is that all you’ve got, Nicky?”

  Nick pushed her head back, put his hand on her throat, and kissed her deeply. She bit his lips as he kissed her.

  He pulled back with pain, grinned and slapped her face as she tugged at his pants. Nick pushed her arms against the wall and pulled her legs onto his waist and the two had sex right there. “I will make you scream for more.”

  Nick watched Cindy as she enjoyed the things he did to her and he realized that he wanted her too. Nick had cheated on Cindy several times through the ten years they had been married, but she had stayed with him. He decided it was because she enjoyed the credit cards too much to give them up. He stayed because his parents would be angry at any other decision.

  When they shared moments like this, it was easy for him to make love to her, because he could let go of his inhibitions with her, and in fact, she liked it.

  He thought of Justina, as he held his wife in his arms and knew he had to be gentle with her. He shook his head to push her out of his mind.

  He sat down in a chair, pulled Cindy onto his lap, onto his erection. “Give me some more right now.”

  Later, Nick and Cindy stepped out of the room, walked to the dance floor, began dancing, and appeared to be a loving couple.

  Suddenly the front door opened and in came a multitude of armed police officers.

  Everyone began running around anxiously looking for exits, including Robert with his sons, but there was no exit to be found.

  They decided not to resist. Max was the only one who managed an escape.

  After everyone had begun settling down, Agent Chad Mosley approached Robert. “Mr. Robert Cabara, you are under arrest for the murder of Elizabeth Carr.”

  Robert showed surprise on his face as the others gasped. “Reynolds Johnson was arrested and convicted of that murder.”

  “We have new evidence that clears Johnson.” Chad read the Miranda Rights to Robert as two officers handcuffed him.

  Marcus shoved an officer walking past him and immediately he was wrestled to the floor and handcuffed.

  Nick began walking over to aide his brother.

  “No son,” Robert instructed.

  “Don’t say anything to them until I get there,” Lionel Golden, Robert’s attorney, whispered to Robert.

  Nick wrapped his arms around his mother and whispered to her, “Don’t worry, Ma, we’ll get them out; you know the routine.” He instructed Cindy to take his mother and Molly, Marcus’s wife, home.

  As Nick walked past the family’s associates, he promised, “We’ll get this worked out soon.”

  Chapter 30

  Justina cried to Joyce, “He wouldn’t even give me a chance to explain what happened. He accused me of being in love with Nick.”

  “Are you?”

  Justina gave her friend a shocked look, “In love with Nick; I don’t know. I did accept Nick’s kisses and I did kiss him back. Had we been somewhere more private, I might have given into his advances, and made love with him. Oh, god, I don’t know.”

  “I think you do love Nick, more than you’re willing to admit. It’s obvious you are still incredibly attracted to him. He had you in a vulnerable moment and took advantage of the situation.”

  Justina put her face into her hands. “I’m so confused, and Matthew really hurt me tonight with his cold stare.”

  “I’m sorry that you got hurt by Matthew. He truly is a good man and I don’t know what got into him today unless it was plain old fashion jealousy.” Joyce took her friend by the hand and led her to her sofa where the two took a seat. “Do you want my honest opinion?”

  Justina took a deep breath, “That’s why I’m here.”

  “I think you and Matthew have fallen in love with each other but haven’t admitted it to yourselves yet. Neither one of you has given yourselves the time to assess the situation, when you do, you will see I’m right.”

  “Oh, Joyce, you are so wrong. I can’t be in love with two men!”

  “Am I wrong?” Joyce asked with a smile. “You two have been enchanted with each other from the beginning.”

  “Yes, that’s true, but I’m not in love with him.”

  “Are you sure?”


  “You don’t look too sure. I don’t think you’re sure at all.”

  Justina gave her friend a weary smile. “I’m not going to solve this problem tonight and that’s really not why I came over.”

  Joyce gave her friend a quizzical look, “Why did you come over here?”

  “I came to talk to you about something far more serious and complicated.” She groaned and then continued, “I hope one day you will understand why I kept these things from you.” Justina could not hold back her tears and she cried like a baby on Joyce’s shoulder.

  “You have been through enough to day. I know you had a hard time in Memphis growing up. Whatever you’re afraid to tell me, don’t be, because the past is just that.”

  “I am an orphan and I was raised in an orphanage from birth until I met Elizabeth,” Justina blurted out as she continued crying. “I can’t, I’m just not ready, but I promise I will soon.”


  The week
end was long and miserable for both Justina and Matthew.

  Matthew had ridden his bike to the cavern, spent the evening there looking at the stars, and talking to his beloved Leslie and somehow he knew she was listening.

  The sweet memories of his time with Leslie filled his dreams that night and he slept soundly. The following two days were filled with deep thoughts and remorse of how he had treated Justina while mending a fence for his father. He knew he had to mend some fences between him and Justina, but he was not sure how to do it.

  Justina spent her weekend volunteering at the orphanage and the homeless shelter to keep her mind occupied. It worked for a while. She was hoping she had done the right thing in giving the camera to Fred. She found herself looking over her shoulder all weekend and expected to see someone following her.

  There was someone there; she just did not know it.

  On Monday morning, Justina walked nervously into the Justice Center. She walked down the hallway until she found Christopher and Elaine standing there with Monty Cavanaugh, from the D.A.’s office.

  “What will be the process today?” Christopher asked Monty.

  Monty gave Justina a smile and nodded as he answered Christopher. “A Grand Jury will be selected. As D.A., I will have to convince the jury Robert should go to trial.”

  “How will you do that?” Justina asked, “Reynolds Johnson was convicted of Elizabeth’s murder, served two years, and now is dead. This is all so confusing to me. I thought this nightmare was behind me, but it’s not.”

  Christopher hugged her and softly spoke, “Don’t you want the truth about her death?”

  “Of course I do, Christopher.”

  “It will all be revealed soon, I promise,” Monty whispered and gently patted Justina on the arm. “It might help to know that as this trial progresses so will the information. I can’t share all of the details right now, but I want you two to know that justice will finally come to Elizabeth and this time it will be true and righteous justice.”

  Justina and Christopher held hands and listened to Monty. She knew Christopher loved Elizabeth as much as she did.

  His mother and Elizabeth were best friends. Irene worked as accountant and bookkeeper for Elizabeth from the beginnings of her company. His home was where Elizabeth always celebrated holidays and special occasions. They were like family.

  His family was so generous in accepting Justina in their midst when Elizabeth had introduced her to them for the first time. He had become like a brother to her throughout the years and had always been there for her. Christopher eventually went to college and after graduating, came back to Dallas, worked for Elizabeth’s company, and took over his mother’s position after she retired.

  Monty poured Justina a cup of water and spoke softly, “You don’t have to be here, Justina. It’s going to take hours to select a jury.”

  “Monty is right. I promise I will call you as soon as the hearing is over.”

  Justina felt a tug on her shoulder and she turned to see Joyce standing by her along with the others.

  “Thank you for being here, Joyce, it means a lot to me,” Justina hugged her.

  “I wouldn’t have missed this. I will be right by your side through all of this,” Joyce promised.

  “Monty and Christopher say I don’t really have to be here today.”

  “Oh, yeah, this is going to be a long and dull process. Do you remember the last time we sat through it?” Joyce recalled.

  Justina nodded, “Yes, I do and so I think that I’m going to go to the office.”

  Joyce laughed, “Ah, it’s either court or work.

  “You know me too well,” Justina returned the smile. Her smile faded when she saw Matthew approach the group.


  Matthew’s heart pumped hard as he approached Justina and their friends who were standing in the hallway just outside the courtroom. After greeting the others, he turned to her and whispered softly, “Hello, Justina.”

  “Hello, Matthew. Thank you for coming.”

  The others moved away so they could talk privately with each other.

  “Are you doing all right? I know this must be opening old wounds for you.”

  “Oh, I’m tougher than I look.”

  “I’m sure you are,” Matthew looked away and then back to her. “Can I escort you out so we can talk?”

  Justina frowned at the idea but nodded. She waved at Joyce and Elaine and said, “I’ll call you both later.”

  After stepping off the elevator with Matthew at her side, Justina unlocked her car, threw her purse in, and turned to face him.

  He gave her a slight smile and Justina felt her heart began to beat a little faster. Matthew watched Justina shift her feet nervously and he felt the coolness in the air between them.

  “I apologize for jumping to the wrong conclusion at the police station.”

  “We have both made wrong decisions lately.” Justina looked down at the ground and crossed her arms. “I think we should just leave things as they are, Matthew. I am so busy with so many things in my life right now. I just don’t have time to concentrate on another problem.”

  “Is that what I am to you, a problem?” Matthew asked as he frowned.

  Justina took a deep breath, “Please, don’t make this any more difficult than it already is. You had been there when I needed you and for that, I thank you. We had some fun together, but it’s just not working out for me.”

  Matthew leaned his head to one side and grinned slightly. “Ah, this is a brush off.”

  Justina shook her head, “No, it’s not a brush off, it’s good bye.”

  Matthew heard the cracking in her voice as she spoke and he realized he had really hurt her deeply.

  “You were so mean to me at the police station, but maybe you were right. Maybe I do still have feelings for Nick. I’m not ready for another relationship.”

  “I thought we were past that. We’ve discussed this before.” He leaned in to her and whispered, “Can’t we try to move on?”

  “No, we can’t. I just want to be alone and be selfish for a while, I have that right.”

  “Yes, you do. If this is what you want, then I will not approach you again. I’m sorry I hurt you.”

  “I’m just tired and I want to be alone.”

  “I think you’re making a mistake by ending our relationship, Justina. I really felt like something special was happening between us.”

  “It was, but we both blew it,” Justina opened her car door when she felt him touch her arm.

  He pushed the car door shut. “I can’t let you do this. I can’t let you do something out of anger, only to regret it later.”

  Justina looked into Matthew’s eyes and saw something different in them. She felt her pulse rising and her face heating up. She tried to pull her eyes away, but they would not cooperate with her when she felt his eyes burn her with his heated stare.

  They said nothing for a moment and then she felt his hand move up her arm and to her neck. She closed her eyes and felt her body trembling with each touch from him. When he kissed her lips, she mumbled out pleasurable murmurs. However, when he parted his lips from hers, she managed to whisper, “My reaction to you being with another woman wasn’t the reaction I expected or enjoyed. It has shown me I’m just not ready to jump into another doomed affair.”

  Matthew simply nodded his head but said nothing as she quickly pulled out of his embrace and jumped into the car. He finally conceded to defeat. Matthew watched Justina drive away, feeling worse than he anticipated feeling over the demise of their very new and short-lived relationship. He wanted to go after her.

  Justina could not control the tears as they fell down her face. She looked in the rearview mirror and saw Matthew still standing there, looking after her.

  She desperately wanted to turn the car around and go back to him, but she could not. She was too confused about her and Nick. She realized she did love Nick, but she loved M
atthew too. Loving two men, was that even possible? She let out a deep breath, “It is better this way. I am right where I belong, alone.”


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  Continued in Where She Belongs 2

  A Message from the Author

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