Read Justina's Awakening: Where She Belongs, The Saga-Book 1 Page 19

  “You tell Katie I would enjoy having dinner with her. What is Katie cooking?”

  Justina and Matthew both laughed together.

  After pulling out onto the road, a Mustang pulled out behind her car and began following her without notice.

  Justina parked her car as the Mustang drove by her and drove around the corner.

  The man parked the car and sat there watching Justina pull her bags from her car. He opened a suitcase he had with him and took out some gloves and a beige hat. He quietly stepped out and walked to the side of her car. He reached out his hand to grab her by the arm when the elevator door opened and several people exited.

  While the people were walking past, Justina made her way to her private elevator and stepped inside.

  The man walked back to his car and angrily shoved the gloves back into the case and drove away. “Next time, I’ll get you.”


  When Justina arrived at Matthew’s home, the three of them enjoyed a delicious spaghetti meal Matthew had thrown together.

  Katie talked throughout the entire meal. Matthew had to point to her plate as a reminder she was supposed to be eating.

  She told Justina about her schoolwork, their trip to the zoo, and about many of her exploits at the ranch and lodge.

  Justina found the stories to be amusing and sweet.

  Matthew watched Justina as she listened to his daughter ramble on and he gained new respect for her; it was obvious they liked each other and that pleased him.

  Justina helped Matthew with the dishes and afterwards, the two settled onto the sofa together.

  Katie came running into the living room with excitement. “Come see my room, Justina.”

  Justina immediately stood. Matthew protested, “Hey, whose date are you, anyway?”

  “Right now, I’m Kate’s date,” Justina answered with a slight laugh and followed the little girl to her room.

  Kate showed Justina all her dolls. “They came from my grandmothers,” Justina inspected each doll carefully. “My, they’re very nice dolls.”

  Each doll had dates on them and each had a name Kate had chosen for them. “Grandmother Donna buys me one in the winter. In the summer, Grandmother Frances buys me one.”

  Justina smiled, “That’s so thoughtful of them and a nice way to show you how much they love you.”

  Kate smiled and hugged one doll close to her. “My daddy calls me Katie and he’s the only one calls me that. He told me he says it’s a pet name.” Kate rolled her eyes playfully. “Isn’t that silly? I’m not a pet.”

  Justina laughed as Kate pulled out a drawer and took out a box and opened it. She took out one of the many letters inside and handed it to Justina. “It’s a letter from my mommy. She wrote me a letter for each of my birthdays all the way up to my eighteenth birthday.”

  Justina gazed at the letter and smiled. “That is so sweet. She loved you very much.”

  “Do you want to read one?”

  “Oh, no, that’s a very personal love letter to you from your mother and she wouldn’t want me reading it.”

  Kate gave Justina an admiring stare. “She would have liked you, I think. I know she loved me.”

  Justina watched Kate put the box away and she realized how wonderful Leslie must have been.

  Kate asked Justina to play checkers and afterwards, she showed Justina her C.D. collection. After Kate had finished showing Justina everything in her room and they had played two games of checkers, she took Justina by the hand and led her back into the living room where Matthew was sitting and watching a T.V. program.

  The three sat on the sofa talking and played a few more games of Checkers, losing track of time until Kate began yawning. She laid her head on her daddy’s lap while he hummed to her softly and stroked her hair until she fell asleep.

  Justina saw the love between father and daughter ran deep and it touched her heart.

  After taking his daughter to her bedroom, Matthew came back out and sat down next to Justina.

  Justina frowned, “I’m afraid I disrupted yours and Kate’s routine tonight.”

  Matthew patted her hand. “Oh, it was a nice interruption for us, Jus,” he yawned.

  Justina laughed softly, “I should go.” She stood and began putting on her jacket.

  Matthew stood and began protesting, “Please, don’t go.” He yawned again and became embarrassed.

  Justina gave him a smile, “I had a wonderful time tonight. Your Kate is so full of charm and wonderment.”

  Matthew gleamed with pride, “She is an amazing little girl, that’s for sure.”

  “I enjoyed the tour of her bedroom and the games we played. I will beat you next time at checkers,” Justina joked.

  “You are amazing, Justina Lindsey.”

  Justina playfully bowed, “Thank you, kind sir.” She picked her purse up and walked to the door.

  “I wish you didn’t have to leave. You could stay,” he winked at her.

  “I don’t think so. How would you explain that to Kate? You don’t want to confuse her; you don’t want to confuse us, either.”

  Matthew raised an eyebrow as he returned her smile, “Ah, are we feeling confused, darling?”

  Justina shook her head in a defensive manner. “Oh no, I know we agreed to see others socially and that is why I don’t think we’re ready for the next level, which could cause some confusion.”

  Matthew escorted her to her car in silence contemplating her last statement. “Yeah, I guess you’re right, sweetheart. I don’t want to enjoy one night of pleasure with you and perhaps destroy something stronger between us.”

  He kissed her as she got into her car. “Goodnight, sweet Justina; I’ll call you soon.”

  “Goodnight,” she said, and then drove away.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The morning found Justina standing in her office with Bradley Burks, the construction supervisor, watching the construction workers throw a plastic wrap over everything; even the walls covered was a bit eerie to her.

  She finished her conversation with Bradley and walked into Joyce’s office where Maggie and Joyce were crying with one another.

  Justina hugged each of the women. “Stop that. We’ll be back soon, a few months at the longest.”

  “Well, let’s get to that staff meeting that our boss called,” Joyce wiped her eyes.

  Later in the evening, when Justina walked into a restaurant with Maggie and Joyce, she saw Matthew standing at their table talking to Jim, Roger, and Bob.

  She and her friends walked over and she smiled at Matthew as they approached the table. He mumbled a quiet hello to her and looked away. She wondered why he was giving her the cool treatment. Justina got her answer when she watched an attractive woman approach the table and grasp Matthew’s hand.

  “There you are, darling. I would have thought you’d be at our table by now.”

  Matthew scrunched his lips and smiled slightly at the woman as he touched her hand. “I was just waiting for you, Linda, so you wouldn’t have difficulty locating me.”

  Justina rolled her eyes as she took her chair at the table.

  Linda spoke admiringly, “Oh, you are such a gentleman. We can sit with your friends if you’d like.”

  Matthew’s face drained and he frowned, “Ah, no, hmm, no.” He pulled Linda away with a tug on her arm as he waved a quick goodbye. He noticeably ignored Justina altogether, which caused Justina to let out a huff of annoyance.

  The others at the table said nothing as Justina dealt with an awkward situation.

  “Are you all right?” Joyce finally asked.

  Justina waved her hands nonchalantly and responded too quickly, “Of course I’m all right. We have an agreement to see other people, you know.”

  No one said anything as Justina fidgeted uneasily in her chair. “How much more interesting could this evening get?”

  “Oh, I think it could get real interesting,” Roger pointed towa
rd the door.

  Justina turned and saw Nick Cabara standing in the isle with his ex-wife Cindy, along with his family. She laughed annoyingly, “This is turning out to be just an unbelievable evening.”

  Everyone gave her a sympathetic look as their server began taking their orders.

  Justina took a deep breath and decided to enjoy her evening despite her pitiful circumstances.

  “Hello, Justina.”

  Justina turned to the sound of Isabella’s voice as the Cabaras walked past her.

  Justina managed a polite smile, “Hello, Isabella.”

  Nick walked past her as did the others without any acknowledgement and Isabella followed them to their table.

  Justina remained calm and strong as the evening progressed and she did manage to enjoy her evening with her friends.

  Every so often, she would receive a nudge or wink of encouragement from Caroline, Maggie, or Joyce, which she very much appreciated. She was relieved, however, when everyone finished their meal and was ready to leave the restaurant. Justina followed her friends out of the restaurant and to her car where they parted ways.

  The strange man stepped from a dark corner of the parking area and watched Justina’s car drove away.


  Justina spent the next few days and late nights with paperwork and volunteering at the orphanage and shelter. Matthew called her several times, but she ignored the calls. She was more upset over seeing him with another woman than she had expected. Justina decided the best thing for her was to put an end to the relationship before she lost total control of her feelings and mind.

  She finally agreed to meet Joyce and Maggie for lunch at Maggie’s home after ignoring them for a week and decided enough time passed licking her wounds.

  She arrived a few minutes late and was greeted with hugs and kisses from her beloved friends. Justina’s heart warmed as she thought of how lucky she was to have such good friends.

  “Hi, sweetheart, I have missed seeing you so badly,” Joyce gushed as they sat down at the kitchen table.

  “I’ve missed seeing you, too, but I’ve been very busy with the deco office projects and other obligations. How are you and the baby doing?”

  “The baby’s doing well. Dr. Mel says it is a boy, but that is not confirmed yet. Caroline says she and her baby are doing fine, too.”

  “That’s great news,” Maggie stated happily.

  Maggie began talking about her family and the antics that her kids had gotten into.

  Justina was pleased to see she had made it through lunch without a mention of Matthew Kingston’s name and was sure she was safe until Joyce bravely brought it up.

  “I want to know the truth. How are you?”

  Justina took a deep breath. “I’m fine. I’ve just been really busy.” She looked out the window. “I’ve just picked up a new client, the third one in two weeks. That’s a new record for me.”

  “Justina has been burning the midnight oil at the office as well as her home,” Maggie said as she sipped her tea. “I finally convinced her to pull herself away from the work long enough for today’s lunch.”

  Joyce gave Justina a wink and a smile, “We all know what Jussie’s been doing.”

  Justina frowned slightly and Maggie smiled broadly, as Joyce continued, “She’s been hiding.”

  Justina patted her friend softly on the hand. “I wouldn’t call it hiding. I’d call it contemplating my singleness and what I need to do with it.”

  Joyce and Maggie burst out with laughter as Maggie teased, “Call it what you want, but I have to agree with Joyce, you’ve been hiding. You’ve been hiding from your fears, your feelings, and your confusion over Matthew.”

  Justina scrunched her lips and frowned. “I really don’t want to talk about Matthew Kingston. I’m not in love with him.”

  Maggie and Joyce gave each other a knowing look as Joyce spoke softly, “No one has accused you of being in love with Matthew.”

  Joyce stood and walked to the kitchen counter. She took some candy from the candy bowl. Maggie stood and joined Joyce at the counter as Justina sat at the table.

  Justina realized she sounded a bit hostile with her words. “I’m sorry. I should not have snapped. It’s just I have decided I’m just not ready to get involved with anyone so soon after busting up with Nick. I just need to embrace my singleness and enjoy it.”

  Maggie and Joyce looked at each other and burst out laughing as Joyce commented, “Oh, what kind of bull is that?”

  Justina gave her friends a hurt look as they laughed.

  Maggie teasingly put her hands on her chest and playfully cried, “Oh, I just want to embrace my singleness and find my one true place.”

  Justina looked at Maggie’s pitiful acting and had to laugh. She must have sounded just as silly as Maggie did.

  Justina wadded up a piece of notebook paper and threw it at them before joining them at the kitchen bar where they all laughed hysterically for quite a while.

  Justina somehow felt lighter in her heart and mind, but she did not dare share it with her two pals, thinking they would laugh at her again.

  Maggie hugged Justina, “You know I really love my cousin Matthew. It would be all right if you did too.”

  Joyce chimed in quickly, “I know Kate approves of you as do the rest of the family.

  Justina playfully patted their cheeks as she grabbed her purse. “I love you two and I thank you both for caring about me, but it’s over between us. Whatever Matthew and I had, it’s over now. I have made the right decision and I’m going to stick with it. Please respect my wishes on this.”

  “We promise not to push you again on this subject,” Joyce promised and Maggie agreed.

  “Has he said anything about me?” She held her hand up and said, “No, don’t answer that.” Justina sighed as she waved to her friends and walked out through the door.

  “That girl is so in love with Matthew, why can’t she just admit it?” Joyce groaned.

  “She doesn’t know,” Maggie offered.

  “I hope it is not too late when she realizes it.”

  “And that’s exactly what I said to dear cousin Matthew.”

  Joyce turned to Maggie and patted her on her shoulder. “Now, take me upstairs and show me the blanket you are working on for my baby.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Later in the evening, Isabella’s restaurant was buzzing with customers.

  In the back room of the restaurant, the entire Cabara family celebrated Robert’s sixty-fourth birthday. The guests consisted of all of Robert’s favorite relatives, friends, and business associates, which included Max, and several members of “family” associates who had traveled from Chicago, Memphis, Miami, Las Vegas, and New York.

  Everyone at the celebration was dancing and enjoying themselves as the band played. There was a huge table set up in the corner displaying a large birthday cake and many gifts.

  Everyone began singing “Happy Birthday” to Robert as he opened his many gifts. Robert waved as he gave a long appreciation speech.

  Nick was standing at the bar chugging down drinks as fast as he could when Cindy approached. “Nick, darling, what is wrong with you? You don’t look very happy this evening.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Cindy, it has nothing to do with you, bitch.”

  Cindy gave him a pathetic look, “Oh, you’re still licking your wounds from your latest fling; what was her name?”

  Nick watched his wife laugh at him. He grabbed her face with his hand. “Shut up, Cindy, I’m warning you.”

  Cindy pulled away from him and as she did, she slapped at him.

  Marcus shook his head and smirked, “The love haters are at it again.”

  People around them joined him in the laughter.

  Nick pushed Cindy into a separate room and against a wall. “Shut up, Cindy or you’ll regret it!” He turned to leave the room.

  She cursed him, “You stupid jerk. I’m get
ting tired of your cheating. You’ll be the one to regret treating me like this.” She threw a glass she was holding at him and it hit him in the back, fell to the floor, and shattered.

  Nick turned and walked over to her and slapped her in the face.

  She licked the blood from her lips and suddenly she gave him a punch in his mouth and he began bleeding. He pushed her against the wall and cursed, “I know what you want.” He pulled her skirt up and shoved his hand inside.

  She moaned with pleasure, “Is that all you’ve got, Nicky?”

  Nick pushed her head back, put his hand on her throat, and kissed her deeply. She bit his lips as he kissed her.

  He pulled back with pain, grinned and slapped her face as she tugged at his pants. Nick pushed her arms against the wall and pulled her legs onto his waist and the two had sex right there. “I will make you scream for more.”

  Nick watched Cindy as she enjoyed the things he did to her and he realized that he wanted her too. Nick had cheated on Cindy several times through the ten years they had been married, but she had stayed with him. He decided it was because she enjoyed the credit cards too much to give them up. He stayed because his parents would be angry at any other decision.

  When they shared moments like this, it was easy for him to make love to her, because he could let go of his inhibitions with her, and in fact, she liked it.

  He thought of Justina, as he held his wife in his arms and knew he had to be gentle with her. He shook his head to push her out of his mind.

  He sat down in a chair, pulled Cindy onto his lap, onto his erection. “Give me some more right now.”

  Later, Nick and Cindy stepped out of the room, walked to the dance floor, began dancing, and appeared to be a loving couple.

  Suddenly the front door opened and in came a multitude of armed police officers.

  Everyone began running around anxiously looking for exits, including Robert with his sons, but there was no exit to be found.

  They decided not to resist. Max was the only one who managed an escape.

  After everyone had begun settling down, Agent Chad Mosley approached Robert. “Mr. Robert Cabara, you are under arrest for the murder of Elizabeth Carr.”

  Robert showed surprise on his face as the others gasped. “Reynolds Johnson was arrested and convicted of that murder.”

  “We have new evidence that clears Johnson.” Chad read the Miranda Rights to Robert as two officers handcuffed him.