Read Justina's Awakening: Where She Belongs, The Saga-Book 1 Page 3

  Karen smiled as she nodded in agreement.

  “This land has been in the Lawton family for generations and it’s very sacred to us all. There’s no place I’d rather be than right here, doing what I love.”

  Justina gazed around the large room. “This is a beautiful lobby. I can’t wait to see the rest of it. I can see why my friend Joyce likes it,” Justina pointed at the fireplace. “I could curl up on the floor there and get lost in a good novel or just enjoy watching the fire.”

  “Please allow us to set you up with one of our best riding tours tomorrow,” Jonathan turned to his wife. “This is Matthew and Jim’s weekend for the tours, right?”

  “Yes, Jonathan, that’s right.”

  “She keeps up with the scheduling and she keeps me straight.”

  They all laughed together.

  Karen commented, “Jim and Matthew both are good tour guides. They know this land inside and out.” Karen turned to her husband, “All you guys do.” Then she looked back at Justina, “These guys were all raised on this land. They’ve found secret passages and hidden caves all over the valley.”

  “Yes, that’s right. Jim, Roger, and Matthew were always the explorers, though. The rest of us boys were more interested in what was going on here with the guests,” Jonathan confessed through chuckles.

  It sounds like a wonderful place to grow up as a child, Justina thought.

  “So, I can add your name to the tour list?” Jonathan questioned.

  Justina decided she was here for a mini adventure. “Yes, that would be great, thank you.”

  “I will add you to the morning tour; that way you’ll have some time in the morning to enjoy our delicious breakfast here or at the cafe.”

  Jonathan typed up some papers and handed it to her. “Joyce and Roger are at the diner. Would you like me to buzz them for you?”

  “No, thank you; I’ll walk over. I haven’t eaten; what do you recommend?” Justina asked.

  “Everything is delicious; it’s hard to pick one thing over the other.”

  Karen suggested, “If I were you, I’d choose the sampler plate.”

  Justina approved of Karen’s suggestion. She said goodbye and left her bags with Jonathan.

  She took deep breaths, and hoped the other Lawton family members were as nice as this couple was.

  After exiting the beautiful lodge, Justina enjoyed the scenic view of the woods as she followed the small cobblestone path, which led to the diner. Upon exiting the path, Justina walked toward the wooden steps leading to the diner’s front door.

  The steps were made of a maple wood. The handrails, made from the same kind of wood, had beautiful western images carved in them.

  There were several wooden rocking chairs and porch swings sitting on the porch. There were frames made out of what Justina guessed to be oak hanging behind each rocking chair and held some exquisite homemade quilts; each quilt was amazing.

  Justina read the plaque that clung next to one of the framed quilts, and from what she understood; this particular quilt was made in 1872. All these quilts were made by members of the Lawton family. She was surprised to see these quilts in such good condition after all these years.

  She had been so entranced with reading the inscriptions below each quilt she had not noticed that someone had approached her until she felt a tug on her arm.

  Turning around, she noticed a little green-eyed girl smiling up at her. She smiled back at her and pushed her hand out. “Hello, my name is Justina. What is your name?”

  “I am Kate Kingston and my grandpa and grandma Lawton own this land.” Kate walked over and sat down in one of the rocking chairs. “You want to sit by me?”

  Justina could not refuse the request of such a beautiful little girl, so she followed Kate over and sat down in a rocking chair next to her. “Do you live here too?”

  “No, my daddy and I live in the city. We’re just visiting for the weekend. I like it here better than the city, don’t you?” Kate smiled then took a sip of her drink.

  “Well to be quite honest with you, this is the first time I’ve been out of the city in many years.”

  “Why would anyone not visit the country?” Kate wrinkled her face. “I bet you ain’t never fished, have you?”

  Justina laughed aloud at the girl’s total astonishment that someone had never fished before. She took an instant liking to Kate and began to relax some. Justina imagined all who met her had the same feeling.

  A young couple with another little girl approached her. “Who is your new friend?” the young man asked Kate.

  Kate smiled, “This is Justina.”

  Justina stood and smiled, as she held out her hand, “I am Justina Lindsey.”

  The man smiled and shook Justina’s hand, “I’m Noah Lawton, and this is my wife, Lauren.” He smiled at the other little girl. “This is Kalien Lawton, my other niece.”

  “Are you all alone?” Kate blurted into the conversation, looking at Justina.

  “I am right now, but I’m meeting some friends here, Joyce and Roger Lawton and their daughter, Samantha.”

  Kalian showed confusion on her face, “We don’t know no Samantha.”

  Noah and Lauren laughed, but then Noah explained to Kalian, “I think she’s talking about Sammie.”

  Kate flashed a big smile and jumped up and down, “Oh, yeah! Sammie’s my cousin.”

  “We all play together and have lots of fun,” Kalien informed Justina.

  Kate smiled as she looked at her cousin. “Let’s go find her,” Kalien and Kate said in unison as they ran away to find Sammie.

  Lauren smiled at Justina, “We’re all supposed to meet in the back room of the cafe; we can show you where it is.”

  Justina thanked her and followed the young couple into the dimly lit cafe. She noticed a huge fireplace to her right. There were small couches and chairs sitting in front of it. There were people waiting for seating, but they did not seem to mind at all. In fact, they were laughing and smiling.

  Noah opened a door at the end of the hall and allowed the two women to enter first.

  Joyce jumped up and hugged Justina, squealing with delight, “I’m so glad you made it.”

  “It’s great to see you,” Roger whispered.

  “And she didn’t think you liked her,” Joyce whispered to her husband.

  He frowned, “I like you just fine; it’s your boyfriend I don’t like.”

  “At least you’re honest and I appreciate that,” Justina replied. “I had decided not to come, but I kept hearing Joyce’s voice in my head, saying, ‘it’ll be fun.' So, I decided to go for it, and to listen to her.”

  “I hear her voice, too, during the day Justina, and it’s scary,” Roger teased.

  Justina laughed, but Joyce playfully hit her husband on the arm with her fist and looked cross. “Ha, ha, that’s so funny, baby.”

  “You know I love you, sweet heart,” Roger kissed his wife tenderly.

  Joyce then turned to face two sets of couples and introduced Justina to Donna and Ben Lawton, and Frances and George Kingston.

  The conversation naturally turned to Elizabeth and the company.

  “Elizabeth was the only one I ever trusted to handle my advertising,” Ben grinned, as he spoke of Elizabeth while George nodded in agreement.

  Donna and Frances smiled brightly as Frances chimed in, “She was our friend, and I still miss our Friday brunches in the city.”

  Donna spoke with laughter in her voice, “And the shopping afterwards.”

  George held up his glass and the others copied his action as he toasted Elizabeth respectfully. “To Elizabeth, our friend; although she’s gone, she’s not forgotten.”

  “Here, here,” Everyone said in unison.

  After the toast, Joyce introduced Justina to Jim and Caroline Lawton. Jim was six foot tall and thick with muscle. His beautiful curly hair danced wildly, but attractively around his neckline. When he removed his large cowbo
y hat, Justina saw baby blues staring back at her.

  Caroline Lawton was an attractive red head with big brown eyes and a soft smile. Justina breathed easier at the realization that all of the Lawton’s were indeed friendly.

  Justina was pleasantly surprised when she saw little Kate approach her. They laughed as Justina bent down and hugged Kate.

  Over Kate’s shoulder, she saw a man in the corner display interest in her while she hugged Kate. As she straightened up, she wondered if he might be Kate’s father.

  His dark hair lay attractively against his neckline. He had the most beautiful brown eyes she had ever seen and a magnificently sculpted body. What was she thinking? She realized she had stared at him a bit too long at the man, so she quickly looked away in the hope that no one had noticed her reaction to this complete stranger. Once she composed herself, she took a seat next to Joyce and the others.


  One minute Matthew Kingston was smiling and joking with his family and the next minute he was acting like a kid who had just seen his first piece of bubble gum. He licked his lips unconsciously and felt his chest race with excitement.

  He was curious as to how his daughter knew this beautiful woman. She had long, brown hair and beautiful eyes. Matthew had difficulty in pulling his eyes away from her slim body and the long, luscious legs.

  He sensed the sparks as they sailed across the air between them; she could not seem to keep her eyes off him either.

  When he looked away, he noticed Jim was rubbing his chin and looking at him in a way that usually meant Matthew had done or said something ether funny or stupid.

  Jim nodded his head toward the lady, and then whispered to prevent anyone else from hearing, “She’s quite a beauty isn’t she?”

  Matthew, ignoring Jim walked over to the sofa where Justina sat. “Hi. I’m Matthew Kingston,” he extended his hand to her.

  Justina stood and smiled at him, “I’m Justina Lindsey.”

  Matthew sensed the tension between them as she shook his hand and stood close to him.

  “Do you work with Joyce?” He stared into her dark, disturbing eyes. They were the darkest green he had ever seen on anyone, and so captivating. Or, were they blue? Matthew questioned in his mind.

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Oh, you are Justina Lindsey,” his brain suddenly clicked.

  Jim slipped up to him, put his arm around him, and whispered, “Damn boy, you catch on quick, don’t ya?” Jim winked at Justina and the three laughed.

  Jim turned away, leaving them to continue their conversation alone.

  “Are you Kate’s father?”

  “Yes, I am, and how do you know her?”

  “I met her and Kalien just outside the cafe. They were with Noah and Lauren.”

  Matthew shook his head and grinned, “My daughter never meets a stranger.” He felt the tension ease and relaxed. When her food arrived, he followed her to a table where they sat together.

  “It’s the sampler plate.” She handed an extra fork and plate to him. “Care to try some?”

  “I’ve already had dinner but thank you. The sampler plate is a great way for first time visitors to figure out what they like best.”

  “That’s what the Lawton’s suggested.” She fiddled with her food, turning her eyes on him. “Jonathan and Karen.”

  “You’ve just got a few more people to meet,” Matthew teased in an attempt to make her feel more comfortable.

  “Oh, that’s just great,” Justina teased. “When Joyce said the Lawton’s wanted to meet me, I didn’t realize it meant the whole clan.”

  “Well, it’s a family business and has been for generations, dating back as far as the beginnings of Texas. I was married to Leslie, Jim’s youngest sister. Kate is our daughter. Leslie died when Kate was just one year old.” Matthew picked up his glass of wine and took a long gulp before speaking again. “Jim is married to my little sister, Caroline, and Kalien is their daughter. Jim’s younger brother, Noah and my sister, Lauren are married but have no children. You have already met Jim’s older brother, Jonathan and his wife, Karen. She is not related to us Kingston’s. They have two boys together, James and Connor. My eldest brother, Brian is married to Jim’s older sister, Tabitha. They have one son, Timothy. My youngest brother, Michael runs the local golf course, owned by the Lawton’s with his wife, Sarah, no relations to the Lawton’s. They have one son, Daniel. Finally, as you know, Roger is Ben’s nephew. He came to live with Ben and Donna after his parents and baby sister, Rebecca, were killed in a car accident in Memphis, Tennessee. And that’s the fullness of the Kingston’s and Lawton’s.”

  Justina sucked in deep breaths and shook her head, “Oh, my! Is there going to be a quiz on this later?”

  Matthew chuckled, “Might be, but don’t you worry your pretty little head about it. I’ll be around to help you remember.”

  Justina’s face warmed and her head swirled as she listened to Matthew talk. She worried this was not going to be a relaxing weekend after all.

  Now she wondered what cologne he was wearing. It teased her already heightened senses as she sat close to him. Several times, she felt him touch her on the arm, and it sent chills through her.

  A few times, she pulled away and looked at him. The last time he touched her, she felt compelled to let him know she was in a relationship. “I have a boyfriend.”

  What would Nick think? Would he be jealous? Why was she feeling guilty? She had not done anything wrong. She expected Matthew to get up and walk away, but he stayed. He sat there calmly.

  “Where is the lucky guy?”

  “He’s out of town on business.”

  “You’re all alone this weekend. That’s too bad,” Matthew smiled devilishly.

  “No, I..I’m not…alone. Joyce and Roger are here and Sammie too, so I won’t be alone at all.” Justina heard her speech stammer, and she cursed under her breath.

  “If you need an escort this weekend, you just let me know, and I’ll be glad to oblige,” Matthew winked at her.

  He turned on his charm and Justina had trouble resisting it. She felt as if she were drowning in his soulful eyes and his sexy smile. She was relieved when the others joined them.

  As they talked, laughed, and enjoyed each other’s company, Justina could see that these people were not just family, but friends as well. After some time had passed, Justina looked at the clock - midnight. Where had the time gone?

  “We’re taking a stroll by the lake, Justina. Do you want to join us?” Joyce asked.

  “Thank you for asking, but I’m tired. I think I’ll retire to my suite.”

  A hand touched her shoulder as she turned to leave the room.

  Matthew flashed his dimpled smile, “A stroll with you would be enjoyable.”

  Justina blushed at the sound of his raspy, low tone. Ooh, he had the charm, no doubt, and that is exactly why I should decline, she thought. “No, thank you, Mr. Kingston, I’m quite tired and would prefer to go to bed if you don’t mind.”

  Matthew cleared his throat as chuckles echoed throughout the room. He just could not let this pass by without responding with some clever remark.

  “Why, no, Ms. Lindsey, I don’t mind at all, but the question is, will you still respect me in the morning?”

  Justina gasped, but realized she should have chosen her words more carefully. “I, I meant I wanted to go to my room, alone and go to sleep, alone.” Justina heard the tone of her own voice become a little more intense. Why did he say that? He must have known what I meant. Perhaps he was just testing the waters. She inhaled deeply, “You may be handsome and charming; Mr. Kingston, but I don’t melt that easily.”

  He laughed softly as they stared into one another’s eyes.

  Justina blushed when she saw others in the room staring at them.

  “Ah, but you do melt, Ms. Lindsey,” Matthew replied smartly.

  Justina shook her head as she shot back at him, ??
?Oh, Mr. Kingston, I’m not one of those bimbos that fall at your feet,” she thought that was a fine response.

  “Wow, that sounded like a challenge,” Matthew whispered to her.

  “Call it what you want, Mr. Kingston.”

  “Oh, it is definitely a challenge and I’m going to enjoy it very much.”

  “Oh, you bet you will and so will I when you’re the one falling at my feet!” Justina quipped.

  Matthew shot her a surprised look. She could not believe what she had just said to him. That really had sounded like a challenge.

  Everyone stared in amused silence at them, wondering what had just occurred between her and Matthew, including the both of them.

  Chapter Five

  Three men walked into a darkened warehouse, and then suddenly found themselves blinded by bright lights all around them.

  A deep voice called from beyond the light, “Stay where you are. Don’t move until you are told to.”

  Approached from behind, searched and their weapons taken from them; the men were led to a large office where Robert Cabara sat, leaning back in his chair.

  Robert stared at the men, took a cigar out and bit the end of it off, put it in his mouth, and lit it. He puffed on the cigar for a brief moment and then leaned forward in his chair. He puffed on the cigar twice more before he stood and walked to the man who stood in the center. “Joey, do you respect me, son?”

  “Of course I do, Mr. Cabara, I always have.” Joey glanced at Robert nervously. “Sir, what is this about? Are you doubting me or concerned about the product I’ve been bringing you?”

  Robert moved so close to Joey that there was hardly any room between them. The two men looked each other in the eye. Robert drew in deep breaths as he put his arm around Joey’s shoulder. He thumped Joey’s head with his finger and shook his head to show his disappointment. “I doubt your brain, kid.”

  Joey looked down as Robert walked back to his desk. “I have disappointed you in some manner and for that I am sorry. Tell me what to do to make up for my mistake.”

  Robert held up his hand for Joey to stop talking, “I just want to know why you brought cops in here.”

  Joey shook his head, “I don’t know who...” He looked at the two men that came with him and then gulped.

  Two shadowy figures approached from behind Robert’s desk and stood just to the side of the desk, yet still in the shadows.