Read Justina's Awakening: Where She Belongs, The Saga-Book 1 Page 4

  Robert turned toward the dark figures and hissed, “Do it, boys.”

  Joey fell to the floor, covering his head as soon as he heard the first shots fired. He laid there for a several stressful moments before he finally dared to look around. The two men he had brought with him were lying on the floor, dead.

  Two men approached Joey from behind, lifted him to his feet, and dragged him to Robert’s desk. It was then he looked up and saw Robert’s eldest son, Marcus Cabara, had been one of the shooters. He and the other shooter, who remained in the shadows, aimed their guns at Joey.

  Robert ordered them to put their guns away as he stood and retrieved his overcoat.

  “Joey, you have to check out the guys you hire for jobs,” Robert stared into Joey’s eyes. “Those guys were F.B.I.” Robert walked past Joey and to the door. “The boys will look at the goods and finish the meeting. I want you to remember the lesson Marcus teaches you tonight. Your life will depend on it because, with me, I decide how many strikes you get before you’re out.”

  Marcus and the two men on each side of Joey put on gloves while the other shooter remained in the shadows, watching.

  Marcus picked up a bat, “This is going to be fun.”

  Chapter Six

  Matthew sat in the lobby of Lawton Lodge sipping on a cup of coffee while thoughts of the beautiful and sassy Justina Lindsey swirled through his head. He wondered just how full of sass she really was and he imagined he would enjoy finding out.

  “I’ll give you a penny for your thoughts,” Caroline whispered to Matthew as she and Jim sat near him.

  “Oh, I don’t need a penny to be able to read Matthew’s thoughts this morning,” Jim joked.

  “Okay, Buddy, what are my thoughts?” Matthew brushed his hair back with his hands.

  “Justina Lindsey and how she steam rolled over you last night,” Jim’s laughter filled the air.

  Caroline laughed as she commented, “Oh you aren’t accustomed to being brushed off. You’re accustomed to women just fainting in your presence.”

  “Laugh all you want to, but the lady’s attracted to me and she’ll warm up to me by the end of the weekend,” Matthew said with confidence as Caroline and Jim shook their heads in amusement.

  “Good morning. It certainly is a lovely morning, isn’t it?” Roger said as he approached them and stood next to Caroline.

  Caroline responded with a nod, “It certainly is, Roger. Where’s Joyce?”

  “She’s showering and getting dressed. We enjoyed a late night together. She said she would meet us at the cafe.”

  Matthew stood and pointed toward the door, “Let’s make our way over there, I’m starving.”

  As they began walking, Caroline asked Roger, “What did you do that was so much fun, Roger?”

  Jim put his arm on his wife’s shoulder, as he joked, “Now honey, some things are just not any of our business.”

  They all laughed as Roger commented, “We took a romantic walk by the lake, and afterwards I took her to the hot springs.”

  Matthew held up his hand, “We can picture the rest man, we’ve all had a woman or two there.”

  Jim closed his eyes and waved his hand vigorously behind Caroline’s back, but it was too late.

  Caroline looked at Jim, who gave her the most innocent smile he could muster.

  “How many girls did you take to Lawton Springs, Jim?” Caroline asked with raised eyebrows.

  “Oh, sugar dumpling, don’t be silly,” Jim answered slowly through nervous laughs. “So Matthew, are we golfing today?” Jim asked in an attempt to change the subject.

  “Yes, I have one trail ride today.”

  Roger spoke up, “I’ll be your second man on the ride, Matthew.”

  Matthew grinned at Roger. “Roger, I’m glad you’re with me today.” His eyes darted to Jim. “Jim, I still owe you a beating for the last game we played.”

  Jim laughed as they climbed the steps of the cafe. After they found a table and took their seats, he turned to Caroline, “What’s on the ladies agenda today?”

  “We’re going on the trail ride with Matthew and Roger this morning.”

  Matthew looked at Caroline with interest. “Did I hear you correctly? You, Joyce, and Justina are going on the trail ride with me this morning?”

  “Yes, we are.”

  Matthew scoffed, “I can’t believe Justina Lindsey can ride a horse. She doesn’t look like the type.”

  Caroline shrugged, “She’s not, but Jonathan promised her she was in good hands with you.”

  Matthew laughed, “This is going to be a very interesting ride.” Matthew’s expression resembled a pupil’s first crush. The others could not bridle their laughter.

  After the laughter had stopped, Matthew asked Roger a question that had been troubling him. “Tell me about Justina. Is she serious about Nick Cabara?”

  Roger frowned, “I’m not sure. They’ve been a couple for a while.”

  “Nick Cabara?” Caroline asked with obvious shock. “How did she get mixed up with a criminal?”

  “The Cabara family is one of Justina’s biggest accounts,” Roger whispered as a waitress approached the table.

  “Oh, I see,” Caroline commented.

  After the waitress had left the table, Jim whispered to Caroline, “Honey, how many cases do we have pending?”

  “We only have two. The one Matthew agreed to yesterday and the one you agreed to this morning for Mr. Bindley.”

  “We can get the information Roger has and we can compare notes with Fred.”

  Matthew and Roger nodded in agreement as Justina and Joyce approached the table.

  Joyce kissed her husband as Justina took her seat.

  Justina accidentally brushed against Matthew as she sat down and she quickly pulled away as if the touch burned her.

  Roger smiled at Justina, “Did you sleep well last night, Justina?”

  “Yes, I did, thank you, Roger. The suite is very lovely and the bed very comfortable.”

  When Matthew imagined Justina lying in a big comfortable bed, a slight smirk came across his face.

  Jim slugged his friend in the arm, “I know what you’re thinking, man.”

  Matthew and Jim laughed, and then everyone turned to look at them. Jim cleared his throat, “It’s certainly a lovely day.”

  Justina responded, “Yes, it is and the lake is so beautiful and peaceful. I took my morning run along the lake path and I really enjoyed it.”

  Caroline smiled, “I enjoy sitting by the lake and feeding the ducks and swans. They will come right up to you and eat out of your hands.”

  “I must do that before I leave tomorrow, it sounds like a peaceful experience.”

  Joyce teased, “Justina doesn’t get out into nature too often.”

  “Well, I am a city girl.” Her telephone rang, interrupting the conversation, “Hello Nick, how are you this morning?” She waited for a response and continued, “I’m fine. I’m at Lawton Farm and Ranch this weekend. Where are you?”

  Matthew noted the haughty look Justina had just shot him as she stood and walked away. He grimaced at the thought of the beautiful woman tied up with such a low life.

  When Justina returned, she addressed Joyce, “Nick is in Hawaii this weekend.” She flashed Matthew another cool stare as she took her seat.

  Matthew took this as another challenge, and commented with a smirk, “So, there really is a man out there brave enough.”

  The others fell silent as they observed the interaction between Matthew and Justina.

  Justina flashed a fake smile at him, “Yes and you’d be surprised at just what kind of man he is.”

  “Oh, I have a pretty good idea of just what kind of man you’re into.”

  “Is that right?”

  “I’d say you like the bad boy, ah, the playboy, maybe even a classy gangster. Am I right?”

  “It sounds to me like you described yourself except for the classy gangster p
art,” Justina huffed. “Your reputation as a playboy is well known.”

  Matthew shot Justina a slight smirk, realizing he had affected her as much as she had affected him.

  As the meal progressed, he chatted with Jim and Roger, but could not resist his urge to look at Justina. As he watched her carry on conversations with the ladies, he recalled the night before and how restless he had been over her. He could not get this woman out of his mind. Every time he would drift off to sleep, sensual images of her invade his dreams.

  “Lord, have mercy.”

  Jim brought Matthew back to reality with a friendly shove, “Matthew, are you ready to go?”


  Chapter Seven

  Justina observed Matthew as he assisted an elderly couple saddle their horses. After helping them, he stepped over to where Justina stood in front of a chestnut American Quarter horse. He took the saddle and placed it onto the saddle blanket already on the horse’s back. As he cinched up the saddle, he said, “This is a fine horse. Her name is Dolly and she has a gentle personality. Her breed is known to be very gentle with children even though they’re known for their speed, so we have many Quarters on this ranch for the guests.”

  Justina took the saddle strap in her hands, “I love her color. It’s so beautiful. Thank you for the information on Dolly, but do you think that I could try to saddle her?”

  “Her color is Chestnut. Sure, I’ll be right here if you need my assistance.”

  Justina finished saddling Dolly as the others stood back and watched her. She noticed the impressive looks from the others and smiled proudly.

  Matthew inspected the saddle and gave his approval, “Good job!”

  “You are a fast learner. I’m impressed.”

  “It came easily to me after I watched you do it a few times.”

  Matthew walked to a brown Andalusia, mounted it, and led the eight guests out of the stables.

  As they rode down the trail, he talked about the land.

  As Justina and Joyce rode their horses side by side, Joyce commented to her, “I can’t believe you’re doing so well for a first timer. You’re a natural.”

  Justina laughed, “This is easier than I had imagined and a lot of fun.”

  “I knew you’d enjoy it if you ever tried it.”

  Justina pointed toward their tour guide, “Is he always so exasperating and so arrogant?”

  Joyce laughed at Justina’s curiosity, “No, he’s usually fun-loving, yet quiet, reserved at times especially around people he doesn’t know, but I was surprised at the way you two reacted towards each other. That certainly was unlike either of you.”

  Justina shook her head, “He just got under my skin right from the start.”

  “I think there might be chemistry there.”

  Justina gave Joyce a shocked expression, “I don’t think so.”

  They continued riding for a while until they came to a creek and stopped for lunch. Everyone dismounted and pulled their lunch bags from their horses while Matthew led the horses to the water’s edge for a drink.

  Justina dismounted and felt her legs quiver. She wondered just how sore she might be later. She saw Caroline and Joyce lay out a picnic blanket. Roger grabbed their picnic baskets and followed them to a shady spot. She watched Matthew lead the horses to the water’s edge to drink and decided the polite thing would be to offer to help him. She forced her feet to move bravely to his side by the water. “Do you need some help, Matthew?”

  “Yes, thank you,” Matthew smiled and handed some of the horse’s reigns out to her.

  Justina’s heart raced as she saw him smile. It was an incredible smile and she suddenly felt shy and blushed.

  “You’re a good rider from what I saw. It’s hard to believe you took to it so well since you’re such a city girl and all.”

  Justina laughed, “I can’t believe it either. It feels so natural to me; like it was in my blood.”

  “Did your parents ride or did you have horses when you were young?”

  “I was raised by Elizabeth and we didn’t have horses.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry.”

  “It’s all right. That’s how you get to know someone.”

  After they had finished watering the horses, Justina followed him to a shaded area under a patch of trees where Matthew tied off the horses.

  Matthew, without thinking, rested his hand on Justina’s shoulder then asked, “Are you hungry?”

  “Yes,” Justina whispered.

  “I am too, so let’s get a bite to eat, Ma’am.”

  Matthew’s hand burned where he touched her, and his pulse raced as he watched her blush and tremble from their connection. He wished he could touch more of her, but quickly pulled his hand away as they approached their friends. They rested on the blanket and Matthew could not keep his eyes off her, nor was he able to hide his attraction for her.

  As Joyce, Roger, and Caroline chatted, Matthew noticed Justina was as silent as he was. Her eyes trailed back to him; she gave him soft smiles and amorous stares. He was confident she wanted him. He was usually quick witted and confident, but for some reason in this particular situation, he did not feel either attribute. He knew Justina Lindsey was the reason for his sudden boyish shyness, but he could not control the feelings he experienced for her. He was disappointed when it was time to remount and ride on.

  As Matthew prepared to lead the group back to the ranch, Roger approached him.

  “Do you want me to lead the group back?”

  Matthew grinned at Roger and nodded, “Sure.”

  Everyone mounted their horses and Matthew saw Caroline and Joyce conversing with the other guests. He found this to be an opportunity to have another conversation with Justina, so he rode alongside her and tipped his cowboy hat to her.

  “I think it would be a disgrace if you didn’t come back out and ride again, Justina.”

  “Thank you, Matthew. I am really enjoying myself. It’s so beautiful and peaceful here.”

  Matthew pointed toward the land, “I love this land, and I’m so thankful for being raised here. I wouldn’t have wanted to live anywhere else.” Sincerity rang in his voice as he stroked his horse gently and spoke softly to him.

  “What’s his name?” Justina asked.

  Matthew smiled with pride, “This is Cody, and he’s been mine for many years. He’s more than just a beautiful animal, he’s my buddy, aren’t you Cody?”

  “He’s so beautiful. His skin shimmers like velvet. His color looks like it’s almost on fire.”

  Matthew laughed, “Yes, I guess it does, doesn’t it? He’s a magnificent animal and comes from a most popular breed that is rich in history.”

  “I’ve got the feeling you aren’t always a playboy. You may actually have a soft side to you after all.”

  Matthew laughed, “Careful now, Ms. Lindsey, or the ice you’ve encased yourself inside, may begin to melt.”

  “Hmm, not likely, Mr. Kingston, that would take a lot of heat,” Justina said coolly.

  Matthew raised an eyebrow at her, “You are presenting me yet again with the same challenge darlin’.”

  “And you just hate it, don’t you, and you are not accustomed to women withstanding your charm. I must also reiterate I’m not one of your bimbo’s.”

  Matthew caught the haughty glare from her as she prodded her horse past him and into the stables. “No, you aren’t, Ms. Lindsey,” he whispered to himself. “But, it’s going to be fun making you melt.”

  Chapter Eight

  When the women arrived at the Kingston home after shopping, Caroline took them to the room she used for her dress shop when she was at her parent’s home. She gave Justina and Joyce the gowns she had designed for their company dinner, which would be taking place the following week.

  “They’re beautiful,” Joyce squealed with delight as she took the dress and held it up to her body, staring at it in the mirror.

stina stood behind Joyce and nodded, “Oh, yes, they’re lovely. I can’t wait to wear it, thank you, Caroline.”

  Caroline beamed with pride at the compliments, “Thanks, ladies, I worked extra hard, just for you. I’m really looking forward to starting my own design company. These are my first line of designs, what do you think?”

  Justina danced her fingers through several dresses, jeans, and other designed clothes hanging in a corner of the room. “I love them, and I so need new clothes for the season.”

  “Yes, I love them, too!” Joyce piped in. “You should have started your company a long time ago.”

  Caroline nodded with beaming pride, “I’m glad you girls approve. I have hired someone to replace me as office manager at the firm, and Kalian and Kate are enrolled in private school for the fall, so everything is in place for me to do this now. I’m very excited.”

  “I’m very excited for you,” Joyce said as she hugged Caroline.

  Justina spoke up, “And your first ad campaign will be on me.”

  Caroline’s eyes grew big as she hugged Justina, “Whoa, thanks, Justina, that’s very generous.”

  “Consider it a grand opening gift.”

  Caroline nodded, “I know my business advertising will be taken care of in your hands.” She looked at her watch, “We have to be going now. I bet the others are waiting for us to show up for lunch.”


  Justina stood just behind Joyce and Caroline as they greeted their husbands. Matthew flashed a sexy smile her way, “Hi, Justina.”

  Justina felt her face flush, “Hi, Matthew.”

  Ben Lawton stepped to the front of the group and whistled, “Listen up everyone, here’s what we’re going to do. We’re going to eat some good Texas style barbecue, and you all know me, I like to eat. I also want to say we’re all pleased to have Miss Lindsey with us this weekend. I hope you are enjoying yourself,” he said, looking in her direction.

  Justina smiled and waved her hand in the air, “I am, thank you.” She took her seat as Matthew, with his mother behind him, greeted her.

  “Hi, may I sit next to you?”

  “Sure,” Justina’s pulse jumped as she watched him take his seat.

  Frances smiled brightly at Justina as she stood next to her chair. “I’m so pleased you joined us for lunch, Justina though some of the family is missing today.”

  “You have such a lovely family. They’re all so polite and welcoming,” Justina replied.