Read Justina's Awakening: Where She Belongs, The Saga-Book 1 Page 8

  “I don’t know who your informant is, Matthew, but ninety percent of the time he’s right.” Roger took a drink of coffee and continued, “Two agents were found dead in an alley near the warehouse just as your informant told you.”

  Jim and Matthew shot each other a disturbed look as Roger stared into the fireplace, silent for a long moment, as if he were in deep thought before he spoke again. “They’d met a man at Billy Club and stayed there for two hours. About an hour later, they were seen going into the Hyatt. That was the last visual and verbal from them.” Roger pulled out some files and loosened the string on the outer binder. Jim emptied his cup as Matthew stood and walked over to the mantle.

  Jim asked Roger, “Was there a description made on this guy?”

  “Yeah, he was described as 5’9” and medium build. He has short dark-brown hair and clean-shaven with either blue or green eyes. My informant says he’s seen him around before with the Cabaras, but more as a lackey than an associate.”

  “Does your informant put a name with this guy?” Matthew questioned.

  “This guy goes by Joey, no last name mentioned.”

  “Matthew, ask your informant, Gerald, if he recognizes the name or description,” Jim suggested to Matthew. “I’m going to investigate Reynolds’s personal background and see what I can dig up.”

  Roger pulled some pictures from the file and extended them toward Matthew and Jim. They began looking them over with care as Roger pointed at the pictures. “This is Kerry Winston; he got married six months ago, just before he went underground. This is Leroy Jackson. He has been in the agency for twenty years. He put his retirement request in to begin after this assignment was finished. He knew it would be his last one, but not like this. He and his wife Helen had bought a home in Honolulu. She flew back Saturday morning to meet him. Leroy never missed a date with his wife, ever in all the forty years of marriage.”

  The three men remained silent for a moment. “I know these men personally and when an agent dies, in any agency, and I meet their families and hear their stories, I feel as though I know them and I mourn with their loved ones. But, you two know as well as I do, the risks we all take when we’re on assignment with the Bureau.”

  Jim and Matthew watched Roger wipe his face. All of them had been employed by the bureau before, and they all knew the pain of losing fellow agents. Roger packed up the pictures and mumbled through his cracking voice. “Promise me, if something happens to me, you will do your best to explain to my wife why I kept secrets from her.” He gave his friends a demure look before exiting the office, leaving two speechless men greatly admiring just how tough his job with the Bureau as Records Agent, really was.


  Joyce’s suspicion was right and she could not wait to tell Roger. She jumped to her feet with excitement when she heard the front door open.

  “Joyce, I’m home,” Roger called out after shutting the door.

  Roger’s voice was like sweet music to Joyce’s ears. She ran with excitement and jumped into his arms, bathing him in kisses.

  Roger saw a familiar glow in her eyes, one he had seen before when she had told him she was pregnant with their daughter. He felt his heart race faster as he stared into her smiling face.

  “Darling, I saw Dr. Kingston today and she confirmed what I’ve been feeling for a couple of weeks now. I’m pregnant!” Joyce announced with happiness.

  Roger’s face heated and he imagined it glowed just as Joyce’s face did. He wrapped her tightly in his arms and pulled her into a passionate kiss. “Whoo-hoo! I want to make love to you right now!” He suddenly let her go and looked at her with concern. “That is if it’s okay; are you okay? Is the baby okay?” he rubbed her tummy softly.

  Joyce nodded and with the big smile still glued to her face. “Yes, Dr. Fran says we’re okay. We can make love as long as things continue smoothly. I’m healthy and I want to make love to my sexy husband right now!”

  Roger shot her a sensual stare as he picked her up into his arms and carried her to their bed. They never broke eye contact as they slowly and lovingly made love to each other, taking their time to enjoy each other completely.

  After they had finished making love, they held each other for a long while and talked about the happy future they had to look forward to, together with their children.

  Suddenly Roger realized he was the only one talking and looked down to find Joyce asleep, he chuckled as he stared at her. He felt at this moment that he was the luckiest man in the world. Roger whispered a thank you prayer to God just before he surrendered to a contented rest.


  Matthew and Katie usually had dinner with Caroline and her family at least once during the week. Tonight, they enjoyed spaghetti and meatballs.

  Caroline went out of her way to help Matthew take care of Kate and him. She would buy clothes and toys for Kate every time she bought clothes and toys for Kalian. Every time they went on trips such as the zoo, circus, or other special places, Jim and Caroline always invited Matthew and Kate. They were more to each other than family; they were friends.

  Matthew wanted to show Caroline his appreciation so he bought her a dozen roses and a card.

  Caroline smiled brightly as she hugged him, “Thank you, big brother.”

  Matthew whispered, “No, Caroline, I thank you.”

  Vacations were the only times they set aside to be on their own.

  Last year Jim took Caroline and Kalien to the Grand Canyon while Matthew took Kate to Montana.

  Dinner had been tasty as usual and they all enjoyed playing board games and listening to the girls as they told their fathers about their day at the zoo.

  Later in the night, at his home, Matthew laid his daughter on her bed ever so gently, but she raised her head and put her arms around him, “I love you, Daddy.”

  Matthew’s heart warmed up every time he heard those words from his little girl. “I love you too, baby. Are you too tired for bed time prayer?”

  “Will you say it tonight?” the little girl whispered as she yawned.

  Matthew began to say the Lord’s Prayer and as he suspected, Katie was asleep before the prayer ended. He kissed her goodnight on her forehead and turned out the light, feeling as Leslie always said, refreshed.

  Matthew took a shower and before he went to bed he sipped on a glass of wine, which usually relaxed him enough to doze right off to sleep, but it was not happening tonight. He closed his eyes and his brother’s face flashed before him. Why had Mike lied about his assault? He would have to get to the truth, somehow.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Justina stepped off the airplane and made her way to her car after retrieving her luggage. Her cell phone rang. It was Joyce on the line. “Where are you?”

  “I’m at the airport and on my way to the Hyatt.”

  “Did everything go well with you this week?”

  “I got the Clifford’s to sign on with our company and I promised I’d have an idea to pitch to them when they arrive.”

  “That’s fantastic, Justina. I’ll meet you at the hotel and we can sit down for a quick chat.”

  The two women ended the call as Justina pulled into her company’s garage. As she got out of her car and headed toward her private elevator, she thought she heard someone approaching her, but when she turned to look, she saw no one behind her. Justina was thankful when the elevator doors closed behind her. She gathered up the paperwork she wanted from the desk in her office and headed for the elevator. On the way, she stopped by the security desk and made a request to David, the night-guard.

  “Will you escort me to my car, David?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He immediately walked around the desk and the two walked to the elevator. “I don’t mind at all to do this for you or any of your female employees, Ms. Lindsey. That’s what I’m here for.”

  Justina appreciated his kind gesture. “I’ll be sure to let them know, David. The garage is dark and a b
it scary sometimes, especially in the evenings.”

  When they reached Justina’s car, she quickly unlocked the car, “Thank you, David.”

  David nodded his head and smiled, “My pleasure, Ma’am. I’ll stand here until you exit the garage.”

  Justina got into her car and drove away as David watched her.

  After Justina’s car pulled out of the garage and David stepped back onto the elevator, a tall, thin man stepped out of the shadows, staring after Justina’s car as it turned the corner.


  Justina was happy with the decorations Joyce and Maggie had selected for the Valentine’s themed party. The white walls of the hall were decorated with red and white hearts. Each table had a lovely vase with red and white roses. Each vase had large red and white bows attached to its side as a centerpiece.

  “You and Maggie are supreme, thank you. Valentines is the perfect date for this party.”

  Joyce gave Justina a wide grin and said, “Now I have something to tell you.” She waited a moment while Justina fixed her eyes on her and said, “I’m having a baby in late fall.”

  “Oh, congratulations, Joyce; Roger must be ecstatic! How did Sammie react? Did...”

  Joyce held her hand up and laughed, “We’re fine, and Roger is very happy. We’re going to tell Sammie tonight.”

  Justina waved behind Joyce’s back and grinned, “There’s the happy daddy now.”

  Roger walked over to the two women and hugged his wife. He nodded his head at Justina, “Hi, Justina, how are you doing?”

  “I’m doing well, Roger, and you.”

  “I’m doing great,” he looked at his watch. “But we’ve got to be going if we’re going to get everything done before the party.”

  Justina nodded, “I need to go too. I’ll walk out with you two.”

  The three reached their cars where Justina and Joyce hugged once more before leaving.

  Fifteen minutes later, she was at her penthouse. When Justina entered the foyer of her penthouse, she heard a noise inside her home-gym, which laid just to the right of the front room. She placed her briefcase down and walked to the gym’s door. When she glanced through the sliding glass doors, she saw Nick inside, working-out on the equipment. He obviously gave the door attendant the - I cannot find my key story to get in her home. Nick had a way of getting most everything he wanted.

  Justina shook her head, she should be mad at him, but he was just Nick, and she really did not mind him being there. They had shared a smile before he continued his workout and she made her way through her living room, up her spiral staircase, and into her bedroom.

  Justina was ordering a nice Italian dinner when he walked past her toward the shower, already half stripped.

  With her mouth watering from the view of Nick’s sweaty, muscled body, Justina hurried through her call and slipped into the bathroom to find him already inside the tub. She pulled back the shower curtain and stared at the naked, sexy man, and her mouth watered once more with desire. He was sexy, from his blond hair to his chiseled chest, to his ripped abs, all the way down to his most prized male attribute. As she watched him allowing the water to run over his ripped body, Justina licked her lips. The scene before her eyes made her pulse rise with desire, which caused her to shiver, and moisten all the way to her core. Lost in her lust for his body, she did not see him turn toward her until it was too late.

  He snaked his hands out and gently rubbed her cheek.

  “Your look tells me, you like what you see.”

  Justina blushed, “Yes, very much so.”

  Nick suddenly wrapped his arms around her and pulled her aggressively into the tub and into his arms. He pushed his mouth down to hers and kissed her thoroughly.

  They both laughed as she pulled from the tongue-entangled kiss, “Oh, Nick, now I’m all wet.”

  Nick’s eyes twinkled as he moved his gaze over her slim figure, “Hmm, not nearly as much as I want you to be, honey.”

  Justina’s face flushed as he kissed her neck, drawing his lips closer to hers. She groaned with passion as he moved his hands over her clothed body. “I, hmm. Oh, Nick, I want you; take me.”

  “Good, because I want you too,” he smothered her lips with hot, passionate kisses as he quickly undressed her. After he had thrown her last piece of clothing out of the shower tub, he pushed her against the side of the tub wall and did what she asked him to do - he took her. They made love for quite a while before they were finally brought to their satisfying climaxes.

  Just as they exited the shower, the elevator buzzer sounded. Nick hurried and threw on his pants. “That must be dinner. I’ll let him up.” He winked at her before leaving the bedroom.

  When he returned, he was already eating. “This was a good choice, baby,” Nick grinned, as he shoved another meatball into his mouth.

  Justina knew that above all food, an Italian meatball dinner was Nick’s favorite.

  “It’s your favorite dish and I wanted to do something special for you. I always enjoy the vegetables and salad they send along with it,” Justina responded as she sipped on her wine. “Are you coming to my party tomorrow night?”

  “You are always so generous and thoughtful, baby, that’s why I love being with you. Of course, I’ll be there,” he patted her on the hand. “Are you worried about the party? You’ll do fine.”

  “Thank you for your vote of confidence,” Justina leaned over and kissed his cheek.

  “Are you going to fill me in on your trip?” Nick asked as he poured himself another glass of wine.

  “I secured the contract and they’ll be here in two weeks to see what I’ve got for them.”

  “That’s great, Justina. I knew you could do it.”

  Justina took a deep breath and changed the subject. “So, how are things going with your work, Nick?”

  Nick was vague as usual. “Work is good. It’s also a boring subject so let’s not dwell on it.” He took her hand and kissed it tenderly as he pushed himself away from the table. He gently pulled Justina out of her chair and led her into the living room. Nick stopped just in front of the sofa where he took Justina into his arms and kissed her passionately.

  As they shared their lustful kiss, they each hastily undressed the other and pushed their bodies together to close any gaps between them. Nick pushed her head back, bathed her with more kisses, and flicked his tongue down her neck to her breasts. Justina groaned with pleasure as he lingered on her breasts with his lips, flicking his tongue in and out of his mouth, tasting her skin. She ran her fingers through his hair and held onto his shoulders as he moved his mouth down to her stomach and on to her most feminine area.

  After Nick pleasured Justina, she in turn pleased him in similar fashion.

  Nick suddenly and aggressively pulled Justina into his arms, carried her to the sofa, and laid her down there. He covered her with his hard body and entered her with gentle, yet heated passion.

  Justina awoke the next morning to find a note: Justina, I had fun last night and I will see you at your party. Love Nick.

  Justina fondly thought of their love making the previous night and sighed. There were no complaints about their sex for sure, but something was missing. She pushed her thoughts away as she got out of bed and walked toward the shower.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Matthew stepped out of his car, handed the young man the keys, and walked inside the large hotel plaza, making his way to the grand ballroom. When he stepped inside the room, he saw his family standing together in one corner, chatting. He made his way over to them where everyone greeted Matthew with nods as Frances and Donna hugged him.

  “Oh, you are so handsome, Matthew,” Frances spilled out with delight. “I have such handsome boys.”

  Donna patted Matthew’s face tenderly, “Oh, Matthew you really are so handsome in a tuxedo.”

  Jim and the others rolled their eyes as the two elder women carried on over Matthew.

  Jim tease
d, “I assure you, Matthew, they told us the exact same thing.”

  The others laughed together as Matthew gave the two women his bright smile. He kissed each of them on the cheek and whispered, “I know I’m the most handsome of the clan and I know neither of you can show favoritism. It’s okay.”

  Donna patted his shoulder softly, “And humble, too.”

  Frances laughed, “Oh, my, the humble part, I’m not so sure about.”

  Jim pulled at his tie and walked over to Matthew, fussing, “You look more comfortable in that thing than I do, what’s your secret?”

  Matthew laughed at his friend as he fixed his tie for him. “There’s no secret, Jimbo. You give it some time and you’ll forget the tie is on you, trust me.” Matthew gave him a hit on the back and continued, “You look pretty good in this suit, I think you should wear one more often.”

  Jim chuckled and pointed at a table where Kevin Jenkins was sitting. “His wife isn’t with him.”

  They both stared at the man for a brief moment. Matthew joked, “She’s probably already got her claws in some other poor rich sap.”

  “Did you ever meet up with her in a private conference?” Jim raised one brow.

  “No. Did you really think I was going to touch that woman? She’s an obvious succubus looking for fresh prey. Their court date is coming up and we need to decide who’s taking it.”

  Jim shrugged his shoulders and chuckled, “I will,” he whispered as they walked to their table. “Besides, I don’t think you can resist her if you actually were alone with her.”

  Matthew nodded, “You know me too well!”

  “Excuse me, folks, your tables are ready now. If you follow me, I’ll take you to them.”

  The Kingston and Lawton clan fell into line and followed the waiter to their table. As Matthew approached the table, he thought the decorations were lovely. It was obvious that Justina had taken great care to make sure everything had been precisely organized for the evening, which was something else for which he admired her.

  There was a name card setting in front of each chair and everyone easily found their places as their drink orders were taken.

  Joyce stepped to the front of the hall, looking radiant in the ocean blue evening gown she worn, which flowed to the floor. Her hair curled down around her face.