Read Justina's Awakening: Where She Belongs, The Saga-Book 1 Page 9

  “Hello. We are so glad you came to be with us. The meal you will enjoy this evening is from the talents of Chef Lauren Lawton and Chef Tabitha Kingston from Lawton’s Diner.”

  Matthew was enjoying his soup with his family when he felt a tug on his shoulder. He turned to look straight into Roger’s camera lens.

  “Okay, Kingston’s and Lawton’s cuddle together for a family shot.” Roger snapped a few photos and nodded with approval. “That’s going to be a good one. I’ll make sure you all get a copy.”

  “So you’re the photographer for this evening’s events. I bet you’re having fun,” Matthew teased.

  “I wasn’t really given a choice,” Roger said dryly.

  “Oh, you’re having fun, man, just admit it,” Jim chided as Roger snapped another picture.

  “At least it saves me from having to play nice with the scum sitting at my table.” Roger pointed to the hostess table where the Cabaras were sitting. Their attention was quickly averted to the stage when they heard Justina’s voice.

  Matthew’s eyes took in every inch of the lady. She was wearing an emerald green evening gown with pearls and diamond sequins perfectly placed on the gown. Her long hair was curled into a small bun atop her head, with strands of it hanging sensually down her shoulders and around her face. Eloquent diamonds danced beautifully on her neck with the perfectly accessorized bracelet and earrings. The neckline was just low enough to tease the men’s senses and the gown was snug enough for her sexy figure to be admired.

  What a woman, Matthew thought to himself.

  “You should see your face brother. You can’t hide what you think about that woman; it’s written all over you,” Jim whispered as he and Roger chuckled together.

  Matthew could not believe the affect she had on him and he turned away, but not for long.

  “Hello everyone, I’m Justina Lindsey and I now employ one hundred wonderful people who are very valuable to me. I want all of you to know I appreciate everything you do on a daily basis.” She turned and took a plaque from the table behind her. “I want to present to Christopher Carter my financial director, this lovely plaque. Without him, the money wouldn’t make it to the bank, the bills wouldn’t get paid, and most importantly of all, none of us would get paid.” A ring of laughter was heard as Justina motioned for Christopher to step up front.

  Christopher took the plaque and hugged Justina. “Thank you, Justina; I’ll treasure this always. God, I enjoy my job. I want to thank everyone for their hard work.” He turned to Justina and whispered to her privately as the room of people clapped. “Elizabeth would be so proud of the work you’ve accomplished since her passing and I’m very proud of you too, kiddo. I have watched you learn from Elizabeth through the years and you have become quite the businesswoman. You’re smart, beautiful, and a leader worthy of trusting and following,” Justina hugged Christopher with tears in her eyes. She stepped from the stage with her hand tucked in Christopher’s arm. As she walked toward her table, she greeted people along the way. After talking briefly to Kevin Jenkins and those at his table, Justina made her way to Matthew’s table.

  “Hello, everyone, I hope you all are having a nice time.” Justina addressed the large table of Lawton and Kingston's family members sitting together. Everyone greeted her with smiles. Justina listened to Caroline as she spoke of her plans for her design business.

  Justina could feel Matthew’s eyes on her. She tried to ignore how they made her pulse quicken. When she looked at him for the first time that evening, they each spoke simultaneously. “How are you this evening?” They shared a smile and stopped speaking. She watched him scrunch his lips, as they waited for the other to speak.

  Matthew finally broke the silence. “I’m doing well. You look lovely this evening.”

  Justina’s face heated as she heard his words, “Thank you, Matthew.” She wondered if anyone noticed her trembling. From the slight smile on their faces, she supposed that they noticed.

  “The evening is going well for you, I think,” Matthew guessed.

  “Yes, it is. I hope you are enjoying yourself too.”

  “Yes, thank you for asking,” Matthew pointed to the dance floor. “Perhaps we can share a dance later.”

  “That would be enjoyable.” Justina wondered by all the curious stares at the table if she answered too quickly and blushed. She then watched Matthew’s smile fade and gazed around to see what had taken his dimpled smile away. She bit her lip nervously as she saw Nick had approached.

  “There you are. I wondered what was taking you so long,” Nick whispered in Justina’s ear as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

  “I told you I was going to be greeting guests,” she answered.

  “Yes, but our food is being served. You can play hostess after we eat.”

  Justina gave everyone an apologetic look as Nick whisked her away.

  After she was gone, Donna commented, “I don’t like that young man.”

  “Nor I, Donna, and I don’t know how on earth that sweet girl became involved with him,” Frances added as Matthew and the other men sat back down at the table. “When Elizabeth was alive, she told me Nick was trying to get close to Justina even though she asked Nick to leave Justina alone,” Frances continued.

  Donna nodded, “Yes, and she had suggested to Justina he was bad news.”

  “Oh, I bet Elizabeth isn’t happy as she’s looking down on her niece now.”

  “I know you’re right, Frances. Justina needs a nice young man who will be good to her.”

  As the two elderly women continued speaking, everyone glanced at Matthew with humorous looks.

  “It’s obvious you and the lady are attracted to each other,” Jim echoed quietly to Mathew and chuckled before he turned his attention to his wife.


  After eating, Justina excused herself and stepped to the microphone. She acknowledged the long list of employees and companies who had been loyal to her. “I’m promoting Joyce to Director of Campaigns and Maggie to Advertising Director. The loud applause from the employees demonstrated everyone’s approval. The three women hugged. Justina whispered to them, “I love you both very much. “

  “I love you too,” Joyce said through tears.

  “Thank you, Justina. I love you so dearly,” Maggie laughed with delight. They made their way back to their table.

  Robert Cabara gave Justina unpleasant looks when she sat down with Nick. “You certainly have spent a lot of money on this party tonight little lady. If you aren’t careful you’ll run out,” Robert frowned.

  Justina glanced over to see Roger rolling his eyes and biting his tongue as Joyce stuffed her mouth with food.

  “Now, don’t you worry about Justina’s business or personal accounts, Mr. Cabara because I can assure you they’re healthy and getting healthier by the day,” Christopher declared.

  Justina held her breath as she heard Roger snicker.

  “Well, it’s good to know you’re looking out for her, son. Your mother would be proud of you.”

  “God has been good to me this year and I wanted to show my employees I appreciate their hard work,” Justina spoke up. She then turned to Joyce and Maggie, “Oh, by the way, I’m sending you and your families to Disney World.” She turned and shot Robert a challenging stare.

  “You pay them, and that’s all you are required to do,” Marcus said gruffly.

  “It isn’t enough for me, Marcus, and I have to do what feels right for me.”

  “What you need is a committee of well balanced and financially stable men who can direct you in proper ways of managing a company and handling employees,” Robert stated in a commanding voice.

  “That’s exactly what she doesn’t need, and it contradicts everything Elizabeth ever wanted for the company,” Joyce said with annoyance.

  “You don’t know what you are talking about,” Marcus growled.

  “Marcus, don’t talk to my friend like that
. She’s right. Elizabeth would never want a committee running her company, and I won’t break my promise to her,” Justina replied.

  Marcus pointed at his brother, “Nick, you need to control your girl.”

  “Justina, you need to apologize to my brother,” Nick said harshly.

  Justina gave Nick a blank stare before turning to Marcus to make sure he understood her. “Marcus, no one controls me and I’m not Nick’s girl, I’m my own person.”

  Christopher turned red with anger, “I’m the closest thing to a committee Elizabeth would’ve wanted for the company. Furthermore, Justina is doing a fantastic job and I’ve never once had to tell her she’s spending too much money.” He looked straight at Marcus and said harshly, “I also don’t like the way you talk to Justina, and I’d appreciate it if you show her the respect she so deserves.”

  Nick stood up and took Justina by the hand as he escorted her to the dance floor. She shot her eyes back to her table and saw Roger and Joyce grinning, the Cabaras looking grim, and Elaine looking very proud of Christopher. She unconsciously maneuvered her eyes on Matthew. She felt herself giving way to the memory of what had occurred between the two of them that weekend at the resort. She blinked to make the image go away, but not before their eyes met. She felt the heat of his eyes bearing down on her. She pulled her eyes away from him and she continued dancing with Nick.

  “The party seems to be relatively successful, Justina.”

  Justina pulled her head back to look at Nick. She knew there would be a “but” in his words and she was right. “But my father is right, you are too generous to your employees and I didn’t appreciate your tone with them. You were on the borderline of disrespecting them and that won’t be tolerated.”

  Justina could not believe she was hearing him say these things to her and she became irritated. “You don’t give me orders, Nick. Furthermore, you don’t talk to me in this manner again, because the tone you’re using with me right now won’t be tolerated.” She left him standing on the dance floor.

  Marcus’ cell phone rang as Justina and Nick took their seats. He listened and whispered something to his father.

  “Justina, I would like to thank you for the delicious dinner, and the fascinating evening. I hope you will not hold my opinion against me,” Robert commented as he placed his napkin on the table.

  Justina supposed that was as close to an apology as she was going to get from him. She smiled politely and responded, “Mr. Cabara, thank you for coming, sir, and I’m not one to hold grudges.”

  She turned to Marcus and politely whispered a goodbye to him, but he simply turned and walked away without a word.

  Nick stood, and stared harshly at Justina, “I have to go. I’ll call you later.” He followed his brother and father out of the room.

  “I’m so proud of you for standing up to that man,” Joyce whispered. “I can’t believe he had the nerve to talk to you like that in front of us.”

  “I can’t believe he had the nerve to talk to me like that at all. Alone or in a crowd, no one talks to me like that,” Justina groaned, and then took a gulp of her champagne.

  Roger patted her on her shoulder, “I didn’t know you could stand up for yourself. I was under the impression he spoke to you in that manner a lot.”

  “Roger, I can’t believe you thought so little of me.” Justina appreciated his honesty. “The truth is Nick has never spoken to me in such a manner before. He’s always been so kind and affectionate to me.” She winked at Christopher and said, “And besides, I’ve been taught a few moves from Christopher so I can do a little karate if I have to,” to which everyone laughed.

  They all stood and began making their way to the dance floor, leaving Justina at the table. Roger leaned over and whispered to her, “It’s not that I thought so little of you, it’s just I believed you had lost your way and was not thinking clearly when you got involved with him.”

  “I have lost my way, but I’m going to find my way back soon.”

  Roger smiled, “I’m glad to hear that. If you need my help, all you need to do is ask.”

  After the others left her alone at the table, Justina still raged inside over the incident and decided to take a stroll out to the patio for some air.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Justina stared out at the city lights, fuming over the way Nick had talked to her.

  “A beautiful lady shouldn’t have such a grim look on her face, particularly on Valentine’s Day.”

  Matthew stepped over to her with a fresh glass of champagne along with a red rose.

  “Thank you,” Justina watched Matthew smile. It was a warm smile, soft and genuine. Her heart rate accelerated just by looking at his smile. When she tilted her head to look at him, she caught her breath as she stared into his caramel-colored eyes. They seemed to dance and they captivated Justina as they gazed at her. Her body quivered, and though he did not say it, Justina could see that Matthew knew his presence was setting her ablaze.

  Instead of saying something coy, Matthew acted in a most gentlemanly fashion. He immediately took off his suit coat and placed it around her shoulders, brushing her shoulder with his hand.

  As his skin touched hers, Justina swore she had been struck by electricity. Oh, how his touch burned her. Her body uncontrollably quaked all the way to her inner core. When he pulled his hand away, Justina wanted to pull it back to her. She did not understand why this man was affecting her in such an erotic way. No one had ever turned her on so much, not even Nick. Her body was on fire. Lord, help me if I were to really fall into bed with him.

  Instead of reaching out for his hands, she grasped the tops of the suit coat and pulled it around her.

  Matthew leaned his arms on the rail and stared out at the dancing lights of the city. “A young woman who takes over a business and keeps it thriving and growing in her first year, well I’d say that’s a pretty big accomplishment.”

  “You certainly are full of compliments, Mr. Kingston.”

  “They are genuine compliments, Justina. All of this, you have accomplished on your own, and I’m impressed by that.”

  Justina just decided she did indeed like this man. “I wish Nick saw it that way, but he thinks I should let his father buy a portion of my company and bring on a Board of Directors to direct me on how to spend my own money.” She cringed at the thought of having to answer to a board of old, stuffy men.

  Matthew attempted to make her feel better about her choices. “If you want my opinion, I think Nick’s a fool for suggesting such a thing for your business. He and his father just want a piece of it for themselves.”

  “I’m so upset over this. Nick knows what kind of hell I went through after Elizabeth died. I was terrified for months in that apartment until Roger suggested to me to let the apartment go. He and Joyce were right, the nightmares I was experiencing about Elizabeth being brutalized began to subside after moving. I still had a business to take care of and somehow with the help of Joyce, we made it to this point. Instead of being happy for me, Nick finds things to criticize me about then he lies to me, and cheats.”

  Justina stopped and realized she was blubbering over her boyfriend to another man. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be talking to you about this.”

  “It’s okay. I’m a good listener and it sounds like you need to talk to someone.” He pulled his suit coat tighter around her shoulders. “Nick doesn’t realize just what kind of woman he has; he’s going to regret losing you.”

  “Do you think he’s going to lose me?” Justina asked.

  “Yes, if you are the kind of woman I think you are.”

  “Oh, and what kind of woman do you think I am?” Justina questioned, not sure if she wanted to hear his description. She cuffed her hands together in an attempt to warm them up.

  “I think you are a woman who avoids attention if possible, but will defend yourself if you need to.”

  Justina leaned her head to the side as she
looked out toward the city lights. “Yes, you are right. Nick still doesn’t have it figured out, he’s too busy with his job and seducing women. How did you figure me out so quickly?”

  Matthew burst out with laughter, “Are you kidding me?” he shook his head. “You’ve been defensive with me from the beginning.”

  “Yeah, I guess I have. I apologize. It’s just I had gotten the impression you were a ladies’ man who wasn’t accustomed to hearing the word, ‘no.'”

  “You’re right, I’m not accustomed to hearing, ‘no,’ but I can’t help that I’m so damn irresistible.”

  She could not help but laugh at the comical way he glanced at her.

  Matthew reached to pull Justina into his arms and she resisted. “Oh, are you going to test your theory?”

  Matthew pulled back and he held his hand up. “No, it’s just you look really cold and I was trying to be a gentleman and warm you up.”

  Justina slowly stepped into his arms. “I do hear some soft music playing, so I guess one dance won’t hurt, will it?”

  Matthew folded his muscular arms around her slender body, as he whispered, “No, I don’t think it will hurt at all.”

  They began dancing slowly and he held her close, so close Justina felt his heart beating against her. She closed her eyes and boldly put her arms around his neck. Her pulse beat faster when she felt him place his hand on her lower back. Justina could not deny the passion she was experiencing for Matthew, and could feel her anger and stress dissipating as he held her in his strong arms and comforted her. How she wished, she could know what he was thinking about her at this moment.


  Matthew’s body responded with an increased heart rate when he felt Justina’s breath on his neck as they danced. Leaning his face against her forehead, he tenderly kissed her there. He heard her breath catch and release as a small gasp of delight. Slowly, he moved his lips from her forehead down to her cheek and kissed her there. Soft expressions of pleasure escaped her as he trailed his lips from her cheek down to her neck and back to her cheek where he applied yet another tender kiss.

  A kiss returned to his neck was a pleasant surprise. Matthew moved his lips to hers and he kissed them lightly. As he withdrew his lips from hers, he heard her whisper, “Don’t stop.”