Read Kane: I Am Alpha Page 7

  “What was that about?” Helen went to the fridge and began to take items out, setting them on the counter.

  “She was missing Ryne.”

  “Bull.” She slammed the fridge door shut. “Marla is trying to get her claws into you. She sees herself as the next Alpha female.”

  He began to clean up the spill he’d made. “Don’t be ridiculous. She was Ryne’s girlfriend.”

  Helen snorted.

  He watched the paper towel as it absorbed the coffee then cleared his throat. “I was wondering what you thought about the idea of me being mated to the girl from the Rock Valley pack. Everyone else has been giving me their opinion. You’re one of the few who hasn’t chimed in.”

  “And I’m not going to. It’s your choice.”

  “That’s not much help.”

  She shrugged. “I can give you some things to think about, but I’ll not say yes or no to the matter.”

  “So what should I be thinking about?” He put the wet paper towels in the garbage.

  “I won’t ask if you love her, but do you like her? Are you attracted to her? Can you see yourself spending the rest of your life with her? Is there anyone else who interests you? What are the positives for the pack? What are the negatives?”

  “Those are all the questions I’ve already been asking myself.”


  “I can already see that, as Alpha, I’ll have very little time for myself. There’s no one else I’m interested in and I don’t have time to go looking for a mate. The union will be good for both packs, providing a strong alliance. Northern Oil has approached the Rock Valley pack as well as ours. We need to preserve our territory at all costs.”

  “It sounds to me like you’ve already made up your mind.”

  He nodded. “I’m thinking I’m going to do it.”

  Helen raised her brows but didn’t say anything.

  That evening, after delivering the news of his decision to the Council, he sat in his office and called an old friend.

  “Hey Damien, how are you?”

  “Kane?” Damien sounded surprised to hear from him. “I thought you’d be too busy doing Alpha stuff to bother with a lowly Enforcer like me.”

  He smiled at the good-natured teasing. “Yeah, well I have to step out of my tower and mingle with the commoners occasionally. Keeps me humble.”

  Damien snorted. “So how do you like being Alpha?”

  “It’s good. Demanding, but I’d expected that.” He’d been the sole Beta for some time before Zack had added Ryne to help spread out the work. Eventually, he’d need to consider a co-Beta but was holding off in the hopes Ryne might come around, though that seemed less likely with each passing day.

  “And Ryne?”

  He felt himself stiffen. Damn, but Damien always did have the knack for cutting to the core of things. “I’ve no idea.”

  “Sorry.” There was a pause. “That challenge caused quite a stir. Rumours are flying all over the place here.”

  “Really? Damn.”

  “Hey, it was brother against brother. That shit doesn’t happen often. And the fact that it was two thirds of the Black Devils…well, we did gain some notoriety at the Academy.”

  “Yeah, I suppose.” He rubbed his neck not happy that pack business was being bandied about Lycan Link.

  “And when you let Ryne go…” Damien gave a low whistle. “I managed to see a copy of the report you sent in and your reasoning. Your interpretation of the Book of the Law, how you brought the various clauses together, it caught the attention of some of the big wigs. They’re going to keep their eye on you.”

  “Wait a minute.” One part of Damien’s statement caught his attention. “How did you manage to see a copy of the report? They aren’t for public record.”

  Damien laughed. “How do you think? There was this cute blonde working in the archives office and…” His voice trailed off suggestively.

  “Never mind. I should have known.” He shook his head. Damien liked the women a little too much. “You’ll never settle for one female, will you?”


  Something in Damien’s voice had him sitting up to listen. “What?”

  “I’ve met this girl.”


  “She’s different. Her name is Beth and she has the most beautiful dove grey eyes.”


  “She’s quiet. Not my usual type but there’s something about her. I feel connected to her, protective. It kills me to be away from her.”

  “Sounds serious.” Kane frowned as he listened, thinking Damien’s description of his feelings for Beth were similar to his own towards Elise, even though they’d yet to meet.

  “Yeah.” Silence, then Damien sighed. “So, what about you?”

  “Me? Well, that’s why I’m calling. I’m being mated next week.”

  “What? No fucking way! Who is she?”

  Kane chuckled. Damien’s response was refreshing. As old friends, there was no deferring to rank, no motive behind his words. Just a pure, honest reply. “It’s a political alliance. Her name is Elise Robinson and she’s the Alpha’s youngest daughter of the neighbouring pack.”

  “A political alliance? I didn’t think packs did that shit anymore.”

  “She comes from a very traditional pack. Her father is old school. We’ve not actually met yet. I’m sort of pissed off about that.” He frowned thinking how he’d instructed his Council of Elders to work on the other Alpha about arranging a meeting, even a short one, ahead of time.

  “If you’ve not met, how will you know if you can get along together?”

  “She’s supposedly very quiet and biddable. We’ll make it work.”

  “Better you than me.”

  He felt the need to justify himself. “It’s for the good of the pack. We’re battling increasing pressure from humans wanting to expand into our land.”

  Damien made a non-committal noise. “You always had a stronger sense of duty than the rest of us.”

  Duty. Well, that was what being an Alpha was about, wasn’t it? He cleared his throat. “Anyway, I’m calling to invite you to the ceremony.” He shared the date and time.

  “Okay, I’ll see what I can do. It all depends on whether my unit gets called out on a rescue mission though.”

  “Great. I’d really appreciate it if you could be there since Ryne...” His voice trailed off.

  “Understood. I still can’t believe Ryne did that.”

  Part of him wanted to share the problems the pack had been having and the evidence Marla had presented that implicated Ryne in Zack’s crash. But did he really want to smear Ryne’s reputation with his friend before gaining conclusive proof? A part of him still hoped there was an explanation for what was going on, an explanation that didn’t point to his brother.

  He hoped he wasn’t being too big of a fool.

  Chapter 9

  Kane and the Council of Elders arrived at Alpha Robinson’s house early in the day. There were a number of formalities to be completed, fine details to be hashed out, papers to be signed. Jake, the pack Beta, seemed a decent sort but the Alpha was still reserved and hard to get to know.

  When they finally left off negotiations for a break, Kane sought out his future father-in-law.

  “I’m curious, where is Elise?” He’d been waiting for her to join them but, two hours later, there was still no sign of his soon-to-be mate.

  “She’ll be here.” The Alpha assured him. “She’s not interested in pack politics.”

  “And yet she’s agreed to be an Alpha’s mate.” He murmured.

  “She’ll be fine. You’ve no need to worry she’ll embarrass you.”

  “That wasn’t my concern.” He tried to explain himself, wondering if the man was being purposely obtuse. “I’d like to meet her, talk to her. Ensure she’s fine with this.”

  “I’ve left a message for her to come here as soon as she gets home but don’t worry. She’s my daughter. She’ll do h
er duty.”

  ‘Do her duty.’ It sounded like at least they’d have that in common. About to ask another question, a door opened near the rear of the room and he turned to see Elise enter.

  His wolf rumbled its approval and he did the same. She looked just as he remembered. Long legs, a trim waist, nice breasts. Her lips were plump and he wondered what it would be like to kiss her.

  Their gazes locked and he was once again struck by her wide, green eyes. She flushed under his intense scrutiny and he tried to give her a reassuring smile before turning to comment to her father.

  “I see she’s arrived.”

  The Alpha turned and sighed. “And she’s been out for a run again.”

  “Is that a problem?” He cocked his head.

  “I specifically asked her to stay close to the house today.” He shook his head. “Give me a minute to speak with her before you come over, please.”

  “Of course. I need to speak to your Elders again to clarify a point.”

  A few minutes later, he turned to observe the father-daughter dynamics that were occurring across the room. Elise didn’t look happy and he suspected she was getting a scolding; the Alpha didn’t seem the kind to take kindly to having his orders ignored.

  What was being said? He had to actively make himself not tune in to the conversation with his keen Lycan hearing. It was decidedly bad manners to eavesdrop and Lycans kept their keen senses under control in most circumstances so those around them had a modicum of privacy.

  He clasped his hands behind his back and waited.

  Elise looked his way, her expression less than pleased. Did she not know why he was here? He’d expressly said… He held back a growl. It would seem somewhere along the lines his wishes had been ignored. Perhaps Elise and her father had more in common than they realized; both following instructions only when it suited them.

  She turned away and argued some point, then her shoulders slumped. Tightening his lips, Kane decided to join them. At the last minute, he schooled his features into a more pleasant expression not wanting her to think he was finding fault with her.

  “This must be your beautiful daughter I’ve been hearing so much about.” He smiled at her but she didn’t respond, seeming lost in thought.

  “Elise!” Her father spoke sharply and she gave a start.

  “I’m pleased to meet you, Elise.” He tried again, keeping his eyes steady on hers as he held out his hand.

  “Er…hello.” She didn’t take his hand until her father gave her a nudge.

  He smiled as he enveloped her small hand in his, a tingle of sexual awareness shooting up his arm. “I think we will suit each other.” He nodded to her father and then gave her hand a squeeze. “I’ll see you later at the ceremony.” After flicking a look over the length of her again, he nodded and headed back to where the councils were meeting.

  His departure might have been abrupt but the feel of her soft skin and her intoxicating scent were swamping his senses, causing his body to harden and his wolf to pace restlessly. Better to leave than embarrass himself.

  The afternoon passed quickly with negotiations being completed but no further sign of Elise though he seemed to be the only one concerned about that point.

  “It’s not unusual,” William reassured him. “In ages past, you wouldn’t have even seen her until the ceremony. Don’t push the Alpha too much. He’s a stickler for tradition and with Northern Oil breathing down our necks, we need this alliance.”

  Kane nodded. Maybe it was his own nerves that had him questioning what was going on. After all, spending an entire day in another wolf’s pack house was enough to set any Alpha on edge. Even as a welcome guest, his inner wolf was watchful, assessing those around them. Damien had sent him a message saying he wouldn’t be able to attend; maybe if his friend had been there he would have been more at ease. It would have been nice to have a member of the Black Devils watching his back.

  Dinner was announced and they entered a large dining area with a long harvest table big enough to seat all the guests. Fall flowers and fine china decorated the table while meat, vegetables and fresh rolls sat ready to be served. It was a spread that even Helen would have approved of had she been there.

  Elise slid into the chair beside him and he gave her a nod in greeting. Speeches were given throughout the meal so there was no room for conversation. He did his best to appear interested in each speaker while casting side-long looks at her. She was picking at her food, only occasionally glancing up to scan the crowd, often focusing on the far corner. He followed the direction of her gaze and saw a young man with brown hair glaring at him. Had the boy had his hopes set on Elise?

  Kane eyed his soon-to-be mate. She was pale, her hands clasped tightly in her lap as she nodded at the server who removed her plate. The meal was over and he’d not noticed her eating even a bite. Was it just nerves or something more? Before he could decide, they were called to the front.

  He stood and offered her his arm. She took a deep breath, lifted her chin and joined him.

  All eyes were on them as they took their place before her father. As Alpha, he’d preside over the ceremony.

  “Clasp each other’s hands and extend them over the Book of the Law.”

  Kane took Elise’s hand. It felt cold and trembled slightly. He rubbed his thumb over the back, trying to offer some comfort.

  Her father began to speak. “From the moment of first transformation when a Lycan meets its inner wolf, the two become a single unit, one and yet distinct. They are joined in a way that cannot be separated; living together, sharing thoughts and feelings, each dependent on the other for survival. But such a union is not enough. Lycans were not made to be alone. They require a mate to share their life, to procreate, to build a pack.”

  The Alpha looked at those gathered. “It is for this reason representatives of our pack have gathered. Tonight, under the light of the moon, a sacred symbol given to us by the gods, we assemble to witness this union. Are there any opposed?”

  Kane watched as Elise bit her lip and half turned. He did the same and noticed the same young man again. There was no doubt the fellow wasn’t happy yet he made no protest.

  Inwardly Kane’s wolf sneered. He is but a pup.

  When no one spoke, the Alpha continued. “Kane and Elise, tonight you are formally mated, before your pack, under the light of the gods. As mates, you must put the needs of the other before your own, work together in partnership for the good of the pack and raise your pups to know the ways of our people.”

  He took out a leather cord and began to tie their wrists together, wrapping it in an intricate pattern. “This cord that binds you together represents the strength of your bond, a bond that will last until death. Once it is knotted you are no longer two but one, accepting no other mate, faithful and supportive. Do you agree?”

  Kane nodded. “I do.”

  Elise wet her lips and then replied in a whisper. “I do.”

  “Then so be it.” The Alpha completed tying the knot, giving it a firm tug before stepping back. “It is done. Kane and Elise, you are mates.”

  Applause filled the room, even a few howls. Some reached out to pat Kane on the back, while others congratulated Elise. Finally, they managed to exit the pack house and he gave a sigh of relief. It was good to be outside. The room had been warm and his wolf had been restless surrounded by the scents of the other pack.

  A cabin had been set up for them so they could consummate their relationship before heading back home tomorrow. He’d tried to negotiate this out of the agreement thinking it would be better if they had more time to get to know each other, but the Elders of her pack had been adamant. Why, he wasn’t sure. It wasn’t like he’d change his mind and send her back.

  They walked along, hands tied together, the moon lighting the path. He felt he should say something but was oddly tongue-tied. Their footsteps crunched on the gravel path, crickets chirring in the background as they approached the cabin.

  It was an older build
ing made of logs and surrounded by trees on three sides. Their feet thumped on the wooden porch and he cursed to himself as he fumbled with the door latch; his dominant hand was still tied to Elise’s. When the door opened, he wondered if he should attempt to carry her over the threshold human-fashion. He dismissed the idea almost as soon as he thought of it. No, she might not appreciate the gesture. Instead, he stepped aside so she could enter first and followed her close behind.

  After turning on the light, he looked around taking in the small kitchenette, eating area and a sofa in front of a fireplace. There was a door to the left that likely led to a bedroom and bathroom.

  “Well.” His voice sounded unusually loud after the silence between them.

  Elise gave a start, her eyes seeming wider than usual.

  He gave a soft and hopefully encouraging smile. “The first order of business would be to remove this, wouldn’t you say?” He held up their joined wrists and she nodded in agreement. Pulling a pocketknife from his pocket, he followed tradition and cut the rope. Untying the knot was considered bad luck, a symbol their bond wasn’t strong enough to withstand outside influences.

  Elise pulled her arm away and rubbed her wrist as did he. The rope hadn’t been tied that tightly but his skin was still irritated from it.

  “We have a similar reaction to being imprisoned, I see.” He nodded towards the action of her hands.

  “Yes.” She didn’t elaborate and silence stretched between them again.

  Damn this was awkward. He rubbed his neck and stared around the room, not quite sure what to do or say. Hopping into the sack and having sex with someone who was obviously nervous around him wasn’t an easy thing to negotiate. “It’s getting late. Would you like to use the bathroom first?”

  “All right.”

  He watched her leave the room and sighed. Yeah, awkward to the nth degree.

  The leather tie was on the ground where it had fallen and he picked it up, fingering the soft material. Usually the female saved the tie as a memento of the occasion, but Elise hadn’t even looked at it. Had he made a mistake agreeing to this? She hadn’t said anything, hadn’t protested and yet…