Read Kane: I Am Alpha Page 8

  He put the tie on the table. It was an important symbol to him and, he hoped, one day Elise would feel the same.

  Chapter 10

  Kane paced the small bedroom, listening to the sounds of Elise in the shower. His mental image of her naked, water cascading over her curves, had his body uncomfortably hard while his inner wolf pushed against the constraints he kept it under.

  Our mate is nearby. We need to claim her.

  “Soon,” he murmured. “We can’t just jump her. She’s a virgin. We need to go slowly.”

  Nothing is to be gained by waiting here though.

  Perhaps the animal was right. If he went to her, it might be easier. With a nod, he stripped and then walked naked into the steamy bathroom.

  Through the shower curtain he could see her shadow, vague and yet seductive as she stretched up an arm to wash it, then ran her hand over her breast. His cock sprang to attention and, all hesitation gone, stepped forward, pulling the shower curtain back and climbing in behind her.

  He touched her upper arms. She squealed and tried to pull away. Thinking she’d slip and fall, he tightened his grip and pulled her back against him.

  “It’s just me. I decided to join you.” He massaged her shoulders then ran his hands up and down her arms marvelling at the feel of her. She seemed so tiny and delicate compared to himself. “You’re a slight little thing, aren’t you?”

  “I...yes.” Her muscles tensed again.

  Maybe joining her hadn’t been the best idea after all, but he wasn’t going to back-pedal. There really was no easy way around the fact they had to consummate their relationship tonight.

  “Elise, I know this is...awkward...but try to relax and I’ll make it as easy on you as possible.”

  She nodded and he trailed his lips down her neck. A shiver ran through her and he smiled at her reaction. She wasn’t averse to his touch.

  He encircled her waist with his hands, then slid them up to cup her breasts. They were the perfect size, filling his palms with their weight. When he tweaked her nipples, she gasped and moved, her butt nudging his aching flesh. He barely stifled a groan as he nuzzled the tender skin of her neck.

  “Mmm, you’re so soft.” Rumbling his approval, he spun her around and kissed her, brushing lips over hers, smiling when she responded. He deepened the kiss, stroking her tongue, advancing and retreating until she joined in the gentle duel.

  The taste of her, the scent of her, it consumed him, stoking the fire that already burned within. He slid his hands down her back to cup her buttocks, drawing them closer together. She grasped his biceps, leaning into him, making soft sounds of pleasure.

  His erection was pressed to her warm stomach and he quivered in anticipation of being inside her. Unable to wait, he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, setting her on the mattress.

  For a moment he stared at her, frozen in place by his mate’s beauty. Moonlight streamed in the window and spilled over her, highlighting her curves, making the droplets of water that clung to her glisten like diamonds. He anticipated licking each one them from her skin.

  Slowly, he eased down on the bed beside her, stroking her hair from her forehead, trailing his lips down her cheek, her throat, to the hollow at the base, gathering the beads of moisture as he went. She was so sexy, so alluring, he couldn’t get enough of her.

  With his hands and mouth, he stroked and nipped every inch of her body, exploring her, claiming her as his. When she squirmed restlessly, he grinned knowing she felt the same hot need that he did.

  He moved lower, nuzzling her belly, massaging her hips, working his way down to the juncture of her thighs where her scent was the strongest. Pushing her thighs apart, he nuzzled her soft curls before tasting her sweet honeyed flavour. When her hips began to move, he tightened his grip, holding her still as he drank his fill.

  “I can smell your arousal; taste it. It calls to me.” He looked up at her, his breathing uneven, his heart pounding. Desire, naked and untamed, clawed at him, the need to mate blurring his thinking, driving out all logic. Never had he felt a need like this!

  He slid up and kissed her hot and hard. “You are my mate.” With his teeth, he grazed the tender skin of her neck biting down gently though not actually breaking the surface despite his wolf pushing him to do so.

  A blood-bond is needed, the wolf insisted. Then she will be ours and no one can ever take her.

  He still had enough of a grip on his sanity to resist.

  No, not yet, he told the animal. When we blood-bond it will be because she loves me just as I… He didn’t finish the sentence, shying away from the word. It was too soon. He didn’t, couldn’t, love her. Not yet. It was desire talking, no more.

  Instead, he kissed her again and she melted into it, her hands gripping his shoulders then trailing down to his hips. She moved her foot up and down his leg, soft sounds of surrender coming from her throat. It was his undoing.

  Working a finger into her slick body, he tested to see if she was ready, preparing her for their union. Her hips moved against his hand, her eyes closed, a look of growing pleasure on her face.

  He growled in approval and moved over her, placing his hard, aching flesh at her entrance. Her eyes opened and he held her gaze as he began to ease himself into her. His body trembled as he fought the urge to take her hard and fast.

  She gasped and dug her nails into his arm. He didn’t mind the pain, knowing this wasn’t easy for her. He eased out and then in again, each time entering more deeply until he was fully sheathed.

  Tears trickled from her eyes and he bent forward licking at them. “It will be fine. The first time can be difficult,” he reassured. “You’re small compared to me, but in a moment, it will be better. Tell me when the pain subsides.”

  He held himself still inside her, the tight hot pleasure of her body almost more than he could bear.

  When she finally nodded for him to continue, he exhaled and began to move, setting up a rhythm that grew faster and harder until she was writhing beneath him in the throes of orgasm. Only then did he let himself go, pleasure ripping through his body in endless waves until he collapsed on top of her.

  His mind was a blank, his muscles limp. He drifted, satiated and content. Had there ever been a better feeling than this?

  Slowly, he became aware of his surroundings, the pounding of his heart, the softness of his mate crushed beneath him. He forced himself to move, rolling off her to stare at the ceiling, his mind still in a sex-filled haze.

  The room was silent except for the sound of their laboured breathing. A smile curved his lips. He turned his head, planning to say their mating had been the best sex he’d ever had only to have the words freeze on his lips.

  A tear was trickling down Elise’s cheek.

  The sight was like icy water being thrown on him, the feeling of contentment from moments ago swept away in the wake of concern for his mate.

  He reached out and caught the droplet with his finger. “I’m sorry, Elise.”

  “It doesn’t matter.” She answered quietly, still staring at the ceiling. “It couldn’t be helped.”

  He wondered what she was referring to. The pain of losing her virginity or the fact they hadn’t been given the time to get to know each other first? Both had been out of their control.

  “No, it couldn’t,” he sighed heavily. He slipped his arm around her waist and drew her closer. She let her cheek rest against his muscular chest. The feel of her nestled to his side had his wolf murmuring its approval. “I wish I could have given you more time to get to know me before we mated, but the Elders are awaiting proof of our union.”

  She didn’t answer, merely nodding.

  Should he continue the conversation? Press her to speak? Or was it better to remain silent and tackle the topic later? He pressed his lips together, deciding to follow her lead and returned to staring at the ceiling, one arm over his head, the other wrapped protectively around his new mate.

  When he woke the next morning, he sp
ent some time watching Elise sleep. She was on her side, one hand tucked under her cheek, her lips slightly parted. There were pink marks on her skin, evidence that they’d had sex twice more during the night.

  He smiled at the memory. Each time had been as good as the first, Elise responding, clinging to him as he drove both of them to exquisite release. If it wasn’t that they had to get on the road soon, he could have stayed in bed all day taking her over and over.

  Instead, he rolled out of bed, showered and dressed then wandered into the kitchenette. Thankfully someone had thought to stock it with the basics and he made himself a cup coffee.

  Their bonding rope was still sitting on the table where he’d set it the night before. He turned it over and over in his hand before tucking it away in his duffle bag. When he got home, he’d save it in the small wooden box on his dresser where he kept his cufflinks and a watch with a wolf’s head embossed on the face.

  Zack had given him the watch on the night of his first transformation. Up until now, it had been his most treasured possession, marking the day he’d met his inner wolf. But now, now he’d met his mate and the bit of leather would always remind him of the life-changing moment. The only thing that could top this would be the day he and Elise blood-bonded.

  Smiling at that thought, he stepped outside and leaned on the railing. Dawn was just breaking, the best time of the day in his opinion. Birds chirping, the sun’s rays spilling across the sky, the ground damp from dew and the air still heavy and scent-laden. It wasn’t his territory though and the sight didn’t fill him with the usual feeling of peace and purpose. He’d be glad to get on the road and back to his home.

  The sound of the shower alerted him to the fact that Elise was awake and he hurried inside to strip the bed, sensing she’d be embarrassed if she was present when the blood-stained sheets were handed over to the Elders. It was a ridiculous custom and one he’d never put a member of his pack through.

  A phone call had someone quickly arriving so the matter was dealt with before she emerged. He remade the bed and prepared breakfast then went to greet her.

  “Good morning, Elise. I heard you in the shower, so I made some breakfast for us.”

  Briefly she made eye contact with him, her cheeks flushed as she glanced towards the bed. She must have noticed the fresh sheets.

  “Yes, the Council has been here to check on our union.” He kept his voice matter of fact hoping to ease her obvious discomfort. Ushering her into the kitchen, he continued. “I wasn’t sure what you liked to eat first thing, but this is what I can cook. I hope it’s suitable.”

  He’d set the table and prepared bacon and eggs, juice and toast.

  “You cooked this?”

  Her expression had him chuckling as he helped her with her chair. “Yes. I am capable of fending for myself, you know. And I can’t have my mate undernourished. We used up a lot of energy last night.” He pressed a kiss on her cheek and gave her a casual caress before sitting down across from her.

  She’d not spoken much yet so he decided to devote the meal to trying to get to know her better.

  “We’ll need to take a few days to get used to each other, to become acquainted with various likes and dislikes. Is there anything you aren’t fond of eating?”

  “Um...not really.”

  Not the most enlightening response but at least she was talking. He plowed on. “Good. I’ll eat almost anything myself. Do you like to read? Watch movies?”

  Her responses were short at first, but eventually she seemed to relax and began to expand on her answers. He felt his own inner tension begin to ease. They were finally making some progress.

  “Our territories adjoin and with our packs under an alliance, we technically have miles and miles of forest to roam in now.” He leaned back, a cup of coffee in his hand. “Personally, I love a good run over rugged terrain. How about you? When I first saw you, it was apparent that you’d just come in from exercising.”

  “Yes, I’d been out with...a friend.” Her smile faded.

  He recalled the young man and struggled to keep his voice calm. “And this...friend…would he be the young male who was shooting daggers at me yesterday? Tall with sandy hair, and about twenty years of age?”

  “Yes. That was Bryan. He had hoped to speak to my father about being my...mate.” She looked away.

  He could see a sheen of tears forming in her eyes and a cold heavy feeling filled his gut. “And you? How did you feel about that?”

  She looked down and answered softly. “I...I was hoping for the same thing.”

  “I see.” He was silent, cursing under his breath. He’d had his suspicions. Damn, why hadn’t he pressed harder for an opportunity to talk to her ahead of time? Because he’d allowed his infatuation with her to cloud his judgement, that’s why.

  And yet, his wolf asked, would you have been willing to walk away and let that pup have her?

  He knew he wouldn’t. Call it arrogance but he knew she was meant to be his and he wouldn’t give her up. Knowing that, how should he respond to her?

  Sighing heavily, he spoke. “I’m not surprised. You’re a beautiful female and it would be strange if no one in your pack had wanted to mate you.” He chose his words carefully. “You know, Elise, sometimes our lives have moments of great disappointment. It’s difficult at the time, but we have to move beyond.” He reached across the table and put a finger under her chin, forcing her to look up at him. “Our being mated was of great importance to the well-being of both our packs. It’s our duty to them to make this work, agreed?” He gazed into her eyes, willing her to agree.

  A beat passed then another. Concern rose within him. If she balked at the idea…

  She nodded.

  He gave no outward sign of his relief but his inner wolf was pleased.

  Already we are of one accord. The animal lifted its chin.

  In some areas, he cautioned. But we can’t expect everything to go smoothly.

  If we blood-bond with her…

  When the time is right, he murmured.

  The wolf slid him a look of disgust but he paid it no mind. Standing he extended his hand to Elise and pulled her to her feet.

  “Thank you.” He kissed her forehead and then tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She was so beautiful, his mate; it was all he could do to step away. He knew however, he needed to give her time and space, not push too much, let her find her own way.

  “I need to meet with the Elders but should only be half an hour. When I get back, will you go on a run with me and give me a tour of your land?”


  He couldn’t resist and gave her a passionate, branding kiss before quickly leaving. If he’d stayed, he knew he would have dragged her back to bed.

  Chapter 11

  He kept his final meeting with the Rock Valley council as short as possible. Their traditional pack didn’t suit him and he knew Elise was waiting for him. He’d rather spend time with her.

  Thinking of the kiss he’d given her before leaving, he headed to the edge of the woods anticipating more of the same. However, as he approached he found the pup, Bryan, stroking his mate’s face! If he’d been less civilized, he would have shifted and grabbed the boy by the scruff of the neck and killed him for daring to touch her.

  He paused a few feet away fighting for control. They were so intent on their conversation, they hadn’t even noticed him. It was another indication the pup was inferior. A male worthy of Elise would be aware of his surroundings, ready to protect her at a moment’s notice.

  Purposely, he stepped on a twig causing it to snap. The sound made them both give a start of surprise and the pup jumped away from Elise, a sure sign of guilt.

  “Elise, I’m glad you found a way to keep yourself occupied while I was finishing off pack business.” He didn’t try to hide the angry growl in his voice.

  “I...I was just talking to Bryan,” she stammered, stepping back.

  “So I see.” Kane shot her a brief glance, a
nd then focused his attention on the interloper. “This is spoke of this morning?”

  “Yes, this is Bryan. We’ve been friends since we were pups.”

  “I’m glad you had someone to keep you company while you were waiting. However,” he narrowed his eyes, “it would do your ‘friend’ well to remember that you are now my mate and off limits to all others.”

  Elise tried to defend her actions. “We were just talking, nothing else.”

  “I do not appreciate other males standing quite so close my mate.” The words rumbled from his throat and Bryan retreated. Kane curled his lips at the show of subservience.

  “Elise, I’d better go. I...I’ll see you around.” Bryan gave Elise another look then turned and left, his inner wolf no doubt telling him retreat was advisable.

  “Yes, I’ll see you around.” Elise responded softly. Once he was gone, she turned, brows lowered, fists clenched. “You didn’t need to chase him off like that.”

  “I didn’t chase him off. I merely let him know that you are my mate now and a proper distance needs to be maintained.”

  “He was just—”

  “I know what he was ‘just’ doing,” he interrupted. “I could sense his desire for you and I do not share my mate with anyone. We are bonded and you are mine. No other male is allowed to sniff around you.”

  “Sniff around me?” Her eyes opened wide, her mouth in a perfect outraged ‘O’.

  “Yes. Your next heat cycle is coming in about a month, isn’t it? Last night, I could already sense the growing pheromone levels in you. He might not be consciously aware of them yet, but in another few days he will. That boy needs to remember you are off limits before his instincts to mount a fertile female cause him to make a grave mistake.” He knew he was being crude but he didn’t care. The Alpha wolf in him was staking its claim.