Read Kane: I Am Alpha Page 9

  Elise huffed, folding her arms. “Kane, you—”

  “Elise, this conversation is over. You are my mate. Bryan will stay away. End of topic. Now, are we going for a run or not?”

  She pursed her lips and he wouldn’t have been surprised if she declined. When she gave a nod and shifted forms, he was pleased she wasn’t going to draw out the fight. Some things he was willing to compromise on but not this.

  He shifted to his wolf form and followed, content to let her take the lead. There were times to push and times to sit back and wait; this was one of the latter. Plus, it was interesting to see how she and her wolf worked together.

  His mate was fast, leaping over logs, skirting around trunks, quickly adjusting her path and pace to suit the terrain. At some point, she began to increase her pace and he sensed she was testing him. Seamlessly, he adjusted his pace to hers, maintaining the same distance between them regardless of how many times she changed her pace.

  Perhaps the fact she hadn’t bested him yet was what caused her to veer off the path heading for rougher terrain. She took them down a slope, over a stream and up the opposite bank. It was as she was about to leap over a pile of brush that a scent caught his attention. With a burst of speed, he slammed into her, the momentum knocking her to the ground with him landing on top of her. He pressed his teeth to her throat to end her instinctive struggles.

  When she finally stilled, he released his hold. As one they shifted back to human form and she glared at him, her breathing heavy.

  “Why did you do that?” She panted.

  “There’s a leg trap directly ahead of you. A few more yards and you would have stepped in it.”

  Elise turned and scanned the area ahead of her. He could tell the moment she spotted the trap by the shudder that passed over her.

  He was thankful he’d been at the pack house that morning when the scouts had reported in. “Poachers were seen in the area. We’re near the edge of the property so I was on the lookout. Rest here for a minute. I’m going to spring that one and then see what else I can find.”

  “I’m coming with you.” She stood and he was pleased she wasn’t the kind to cower at the first sign of problems.

  “Fine, but stay behind me.” He searched for a sturdy stick and then used it to trigger the trap. It was an older model, with sharp metal teeth designed to dig into the flesh of any creature unfortunate enough to step in it. Elise jumped as the trap sprang shut, snapping the stick in two and he gave her a meaningful look. That could have been her leg.

  For the next half hour, they scoured the edge of the property, discovering four more traps. Satisfied he’d done a complete search, he gathered the traps into a pile and marked the location so they could be collected later. There was no point in leaving them for the hunters to reset.

  “We’ll report this to your father when we return and he can send another set of scouts out to check further afield.”

  “Thank you.” Elise touched his arm.

  “For what?”

  “For stopping me. I could have snapped a bone if I’d stepped in one of those.”

  “I’m your Alpha now. It’s my job to watch out for everyone in the pack, but especially you. As my mate, you’re the most important member to me.” He stared at her intently and she flushed.

  “Yes, but I should have been watching more carefully where I was going. I know these woods. I...I wasn’t paying attention.”

  “What were you thinking about instead?”

  She hesitated before answering. “You, or to be more precise, I guess I was testing you to see if you’d keep up.”

  He grinned and drew her close for a quick kiss. “Rest assured, Elise, no matter what you dish out, I will keep up with you.”

  They shifted back into wolf form and this time he led the way to the edge of the woods. When they arrived at the cabin, Elise headed inside while he went to the main house to tell her father about the traps. By the time he returned, she was asleep no doubt tired from the events of the past twenty-four hours. They’d have to leave soon but he let her rest while he showered.

  He’d just toweled off and was getting dressed when a sound behind him drew his attention. Elise was waking up, her hair tousled, her eyes still heavy with sleep.

  “I see you’re awake.”

  “Uh-huh. What time is it?” She rubbed her eyes.

  “Almost noon. You must have been tired after our run.” He turned and grabbed a shirt only to pause when he noticed her frowning.

  “What happened to your side?”

  He shrugged, knowing she was referring to the scar from the challenge. While Lycans healed quickly, there was still a noticeable mark. “Nothing. Just a scratch from a fight.”

  “That’s more than a scratch. Who was the fight with?” She pressed for more information much to his annoyance.

  “Another werewolf named Ryne.” He gave the minimal amount of information, hoping she’d let the matter go. Luck wasn’t on his side.

  She dug deeper, obviously wanting details. “Why were you fighting?”

  “You aren’t going to leave this alone are you?” He finished dressing and then turned to face her, arms folded.

  “No. I have an inquiring mind.”

  For a moment, he considered not telling her but she’d find out sooner or later. It was better she heard the news from him rather than garnering bits and pieces from blown-out-of-proportion gossip. He walked to the window and stared outside while speaking, trying to keep the recount factual and unemotional even though the memory still cut deep. “As you know, I’m the new Alpha of my pack. Our previous leader, Zack, was killed in an accident. Ryne and I were both Betas. Some of the pack favoured me as the new Alpha and others wanted Ryne.”

  “So, it went to a pack vote?”

  “Usually that’s what would have happened, but Ryne pulled out the old rules and declared a challenge.”

  “A challenge? That’s not done anymore. It’s ridiculous! We’ve evolved beyond that.” Elise shuddered and he understood her reaction.

  “I agree, but he was still within his rights.”

  “So...what happened?”

  “We fought. I won.” His fists clenched as he recalled the experience.

  “Did you...kill him?”

  He could tell she was appalled at the idea and was pleased he could ease her fears. “No. It was a long drawn out fight and both of us were pretty beaten up by the time it was over. He made an impulsive move. I pinned him down and could have crushed his windpipe, but instead let him go.”

  “And where is he now? Did he stay in the pack?”

  He shook his head. “Ryne chose to leave. I told him he could stay—we’d been packmates for years—but he said he wasn’t going to grovel in front of me. He was bitter and said some crazy things.” Why he’d omitted to mention Ryne was his half-brother, he wasn’t sure. Perhaps it was because that wound was still especially sensitive. He gave what he hoped was a negligent shrug, but knew, despite his efforts, the tone of his voice when he spoke belied his outward lack of concern. “In the long run, it’s probably best he’s gone. There would have been too much division in the pack if he’d stayed.”

  “And is the pack united behind you now? Even Ryne’s supporters?”

  “Yes. The pack mentality still runs through all of our blood. The strongest member is the leader and we instinctively accept that.” He raised his chin as he spoke. “I proved myself and the others are at peace with the results.”

  He turned to look at her, curious what her reaction would be to the story.

  She gave him a slight smile. “I’m glad you won and that you healed well from your fight.”

  “Thanks.” His heart warmed at her concern and his wolf murmured its approval.

  She already has some feeling for us.

  He gave a barely perceptible nod. Her reaction had mattered to him more than he thought it would. However, it wasn’t a topic he wanted to dwell on. “It was a while ago—all water under the bridge now.?
?? Picking up his watch, he checked the time. “You need to get up and get dressed. We’ll be leaving in about an hour.”

  “Leaving?” She sounded surprised.

  “Yes. I need to return to my pack. It’s only about an hour’s drive but I want to get back in good time so that you can see your new home before it’s dark.”

  Chapter 12

  Kane stood by his truck, the passenger door open so he could help Elise inside. The back was loaded with boxes of her things. All that was needed was for her to finish her goodbyes. He watched the interaction with interest. Every pack’s dynamics were different.

  The Beta’s wife seemed to be the equivalent of Helen, running the pack house and handing out motherly advice. She was fussing over Elise, fixing her hair as a mother might before sending a child off to school for the day, reminding her to come visit before giving her a hug and passing her off to Jake.

  Jake, the Beta, must have had a close relationship with Elise. He gave her a one-armed hug, then kept her there as Elise rested her head against his chest. She appeared to take an extra deep breath as if being near the man provided comfort.

  Kane cocked his head. Had the Beta assumed a fatherly role in Elise’s life? It would make sense given the Alpha seemed distant and withdrawn.

  “I’ll miss you, Jake.” There was an unmistakable sadness in Elise’s voice causing Kane to once again wonder if he’d made a mistake. The past couldn’t be changed though. They were mates now and he wasn’t going to let her go.

  The Beta kissed the top of Elise’s head and she turned to her father next. She stood before him, an awkwardness filling the space between them before he gave her a stiff hug and whispered something to her. She nodded and pulled away.

  With a strained smile on her face, she descended the steps and climbed into the truck. Kane closed the door and rounded the vehicle while Elise gave a final wave.

  “All set?”

  She nodded and he started the truck. Her chin was trembling and he opened his mouth to speak but there was nothing he could say that would make the parting easier. It was better to get it over with. His hands gripped the steering wheel and he sighed, put the truck in gear and drove away.

  He tried to start a conversation with comments about the weather, the scenery, a humorous billboard they passed but Elise seemed disinclined to talk. To fill the silence, he flipped on the radio letting the music make up for the lack of discussion. A sideways glance showed Elise with her head leaning against the window, staring blankly at the passing landscape.

  His lips tightened as he recalled what it was like to leave a place he’d considered home. It had happened all too often when he’d been younger. His father had been a throwback, a rogue who could never settle down or integrate into a pack. They’d been constantly on the move for one reason or another. Either they’d be kicked out because his father’s volatile temper had offended someone or the man would decide it was time for a new adventure. Whatever the case, his own young heart would ache as they drove away.

  That feeling would be what Elise was experiencing and now he was the cause. Silently, he vowed he’d make it up to her, teach her to love her new home, assure her he’d always be there for her and she’d never have to leave again. He wouldn’t be the kind of mate his father had been.

  Eventually Elise came out of her reverie and sat up straighter beside him.

  “How large is your pack?”

  He smiled, pleased she was willing to talk. The tension in his muscles eased. “About the same size as the one you grew up in. Our Alpha house has six bedrooms and four baths, office space, a living room, a large dining area and a kitchen. The basement was recently renovated and is a multi-purpose room for meetings with a media centre, pool table, and play area for the young ones.”

  “It sounds nice. Who shares the house with you?”

  “Besides yourself?” He grinned over at her before returning his attention to the road. “My Beta is John and his mate’s name is Carrie. They’re expecting their first in a few months. Zack’s widow—he was the previous Alpha—she’s continued to stay there as well. Her name is Helen.”

  Elise nodded. “There are always people in and out of our house—I mean my father’s house. Is yours similar?”

  “Yeah, sometimes it’s a three-ring circus. With you arriving, it will probably be especially busy as everyone will want to stop by to meet you.” He noticed she bit her lip, waves of wariness coming off her. He reached over and clasped her knee. “It will be fine. We’re not your old pack. They’re a friendly bunch and will be happy to meet you.”

  He continued to offer explanations, mentioning various pack members and their roles. “Don’t worry, I know all this information is going over your head but at least you’ll have heard some of the names when you meet face to face.”


  “I think you’ll like the territory. It’s heavily wooded with streams that feed a small lake. We even have a waterfall due to glacier-cut ravines. It’s one of the largest on the west coast.” He couldn’t help the pride that crept into his voice as he spoke.

  “I’ve heard your pack has a lot of influence.”

  “Our pack, Elise.” He corrected. “You’re Alpha female now.”

  He noted the news had her clenching her hands in her lap.

  “You’ll do fine in the role. Your father was Alpha.”

  “Right.” She looked down at her hands. “Confession time. I never had much to do with the running of the pack or the politics involved. I was the baby of the family.” She shrugged and made a face. “It never interested me that much. Sometimes, I helped with filing but that’s about it.”

  “I didn’t agree to be mated with you because I needed a secretary. Helen and Carrie will help you learn the ropes.”

  “I suppose.”

  A dinging sound from the dashboard interrupted the conversation.

  “Looks like we need to get gas. There’s a place on the edge of town. I have to stop at the hardware store as well.”

  As quickly as possible, he completed his errands. Now that he was back on home turf, his mind was full of the long list of things he had to do. He’d been away for almost forty-eight hours and, while John was in charge during his absence, there always seemed to be things that needed the Alpha’s exclusive attention. Elise would understand that, though. Even if she hadn’t been involved in running the pack, she’d be aware of how busy her father had always been.

  He stowed his purchases in the back of the truck and climbed back into the cab.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting.”

  “That’s okay. I was people watching while you were gone.”

  “Smythston is a nice place. Not too big but large enough that it has the needed amenities. People aren’t too nosey either which is a bonus. I’ll have to bring you in to town one day and show you around.”

  “That sounds nice.”

  He nodded. “Just a few more miles and we’ll be home.”

  The news had Elise looking tense again and he gave her knee a reassuring pat once more before putting both hands back on the steering wheel. They were on the part of the road where Zack had his accident, the memory of the crash making him more cautious. It was still hard to believe Zack was gone and that it was because someone had tampered with his brakes. Trying, once again, to figure out that mystery kept him quiet until they pulled up in front of the house.

  As he brought the truck to a stop, the front door of the sprawling house opened and several people came out to greet them.

  “Welcome home, Kane.”

  “Congratulations on being mated.”

  “We missed you.”

  The friendly comments swirled around him and it took him some time to make his way around to Elise’s side of the truck. By the time he got there, she was already out and waiting for him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

  “Everyone, this is Elise, my mate.”

  His announcement drew everyone’s attention
and they took a moment to size her up, nodding in approval.

  Carrie stepped forward first, a hand on her rounded belly. “Hello, Elise. I’m Carrie. Welcome to our pack.”

  “And I’m John, her mate, and Kane’s Beta.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you.” Elise smiled and shook their hands and then greeted the others.

  Pleased with how Elise was already making friends, Kane grabbed two of her bags from the vehicle and then gestured with his chin. “Come on inside. The others will bring the rest of your things.”

  A few of the men immediately headed towards the truck, grabbing the remaining boxes. He nodded in approval at how everyone was pitching in to help Elise feel welcome.

  He led the way inside, knowing the rest would follow. The familiar scents and sounds of the house washed over him and he exhaled happily. It was good to be home.

  “Kane?” Marla appeared beside him.

  “Yes?” He hadn’t noticed her outside greeting Elise but he must have missed her in the crowd.

  “Kane, I need to talk to you.” She placed her hand on his arm.

  “Can it wait? I just got home.” He held up the bags he was still holding.

  “Oh. I…I’m sorry. I just…” She pressed her lips together and blinked back tears.

  He sighed and set down Elise’s bags. “I guess I can spare you a minute.”

  “Oh, thank you so much, Kane.” Marla placed her hand on his chest. “I…I missed you.”


  “I know you have a mate now. We can still be friends though, right? You know how it is for me.” She gave a sad smile. “With Ryne gone and no family…”

  Guilt washed over him as she mentioned not having a family. He still felt responsible for the death of her father. It had been years ago and everyone said there’d been nothing he could do but that did little to ease his sense of guilt. He and Dietrich had been out on patrols together and, being the senior Lycan, Dietrich had taken the lead. For some reason, the man had veered from the usual route into more dangerous territory and lost his footing, tumbling down a ravine and breaking his neck. To this day, Kane wondered if he could have prevented the accident.