Read Karma Page 14

"Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?" he said. The tone of his voice was deep with admiration. "To see you like this, cuffed and spread wide, your nipples clamped, your pussy swollen, flushed and weeping for my cock. There are three burning red welts on your ass, proof of your complete surrender. Right now you are every Dom's dream."

  Jennifer responded to André's seductive voice. Marcy could almost see her heart lift.

  "To see my collar on you and to know that you have given me the gift of your submission…" André shook his head. "You are so courageous; so very desirable, ma petite. I am going to give you the last two strikes now. Put your beautiful derrière out for me. Do not flinch or pull back. Accept these strikes. Welcome this pain for it ends your punishment. It also gives your Dom great pleasure. Can you do this for me?"

  "Yes, Sir," she said and even though her voice trembled, there was confidence and pride there, too.

  André gently caressed the red welts on her buttocks. Then his jaw tightened and his dark eyes glittered as he raised his arm.





  True to her word, Jennifer pushed her bottom out and fully accepted his last two strikes. Then she thanked him for disciplining her.

  "So very beautiful," André murmured. "You are forgiven, ma petite. You have pleased your Dom." He blew cool air on her stripes, and soothed and made much of her.

  To Marcy's astonishment André actually got Jennifer to giggle as he described the thin red welts across her "most innocent untouched ass" with enthusiastic and extravagant detail and praise. The "crimson contrast" against her "white flesh" apparently added to the "magnificence and beauty" of her "oh so generously rounded buttocks."

  "For now, Jennifer," André said. "You are mine to care for, to arouse, and to punish. It is time to answer my question, ma petite," he said. "What man did you fantasize about and attempt to hide from me? For you must conceal nothing from your Dom. What sex were you having?"

  Jennifer bit her lip. André let her think about it, while he bent to remove the spreader bar from between her legs. She shifted her feet together, clearly more comfortable.

  He raised his eyebrows in query.

  "I was thinking of you, Sir. I was imagining having sex with you."

  "Very good," he said without surprise. "And what was I doing that brought you to climax?"

  Jennifer's breasts rose as she inhaled a deep gulp of air. "Anal sex...Sir."

  "Ah," he nodded. "You have enjoyed anal sex before?"

  "Never, Sir."

  André's smile grew wider. "The thought of violating your virgin ass, ma petite?" he said in a low, rough, lust-filled voice. "Such a gift would bring me quickly to climax as well. I would very much like to introduce you to that pleasure. Tell me why you were ashamed of this fantasy?"

  "I was reluctant to admit that I was attracted to you, but I think that mainly I was humiliated about the anal thing. It's so embarrassing! And so stupid. I'd probably hate it, but it's something my mind just keeps coming back to. I can't get the idea out of my head. You're right that I was afraid. I've never told Charles that it interests me... Sir."

  "Why not?"

  "I felt ashamed," she said, with a worried look on her face. "I thought he might be disgusted, Sir. Do you think he'll think I'm a pervert?"

  André's quick happy laugh surprised Jennifer. Her troubled look dropped away. "Charles will most certainly not be disgusted, ma petite. He has fantasies that he has hidden from you, too."

  André was absently fondling Jennifer's breasts and nipples while talking. What was that about? It seemed a strange activity to Marcy, perhaps like stroking the ears of a dog.

  "Consensual adult sex," André said, "that causes no harm should never be considered perverse. Human beings are curious creatures. Their curiosity is one of the most admirable things about them. These issues will all be addressed, ma petite. With honest communication all will be resolved."

  Marcy's gaze was drawn to André's hand once more. That mechanical, careless touch of his fingers to Jennifer's breasts was extraordinarily erotic. Marcy's stomach tightened, and heat pooled between her legs. André treated Jennifer's body as his possession, something there solely for his own pleasure.

  Marcy felt an odd and unexpected longing to have Mike fondle her that way.

  "And now, Jennifer," he said. "I will reward you for three things. First, for your submission. As a novice you are proving to be most courageous. Second, for your truthfulness in speaking of these secrets for which you felt such unnecessary shame. And finally for your bravery in accepting the crop. You could have called your safe word and refused it, Jennifer. There would have been no dishonor in this. Why didn’t you?"

  "I deserved it, Sir. It was stupid to lie."

  He gave her a triumphant smile. "Just so."

  "You knew that I wouldn’t call my safe word, didn't you, Sir?" Jennifer gave a tentative smile back at him. "That I felt like I needed to be chastened?"

  "I did," he said and his voice was deep and seductive. "And I knew also that I would very much enjoy punishing you." He made no attempt to hide how aroused he had become. "Tell me, did accepting the crop excite you?"

  "Yes, Sir… it did," she said in a low, husky voice.

  "Because you enjoy pain?"

  "No, Sir, I didn't like that at all."

  "Bon." André's eyes darkened. "Do you know why you were aroused, ma petite?"

  "I think so, Sir," she whispered.

  "Tell me."

  "Because, Sir, disciplining me pleased you." She paused and licked her lips. "And pleasing you turned me on like nothing ever has before."

  André gave her an intense expression that contained equal amounts of both lust and exultation. "Vous êtes une belle femme magnifique! Such a very clever sub, ma petite. Most clever."

  He leaned over, and with one strong hand he gripped her cheek and jaw. The other hand fisted her hair. He held her in place then, taking a kiss from her, deep and commanding, in exactly the manner he wished. There was strong male arousal and excitement in the way he held her.

  Jennifer moaned and pushed toward him, pulling against her chains in a passionate response.

  Holy shit. Marcy swallowed, and found herself wondering. Would Mike kiss her in a similar manner? And what would it feel like to be on the receiving end of such an overwhelming kiss?

  That surprised her, but there was no doubt about it. Marcy was becoming sexually aroused. This unadulterated lust was a trigger for sure. But so was that connection and honesty between two people. That drew her attention like nothing else.

  In her heart of hearts she knew if she was brave enough, she could have that with Mike. It would be risky and an act of trust to jump off that cliff. Could she allow herself to fall in love again? Yet things were different now. Marcy was a grown woman, and Mike was no Trent.

  "And now I am going to reward you, ma petite," André said gruffly. "For if you continue to please me, and perhaps beg… just a little, then I will allow you to climax."

  Marcy's body grew warmer and warmer the more she watched.

  29. Climax

  "Prepare yourself, for this will hurt, ma petite," he said, as he unclipped one of the biting metal clamps. Jennifer cried out, her eyes flying wide with shock and surprise as the blood rushed back into her nipples.

  André laved and sucked, massaging with his hands. He did the same to the other nipple. André took his time, gently licking, stroking and soothing. Squeezing and caressing her breasts with his hands, his skilled fingers gently rolled and tugged her sensitive flesh.

  Jennifer's breasts and nipples were swollen and red, evidence of the effect the clamps had made on her tender flesh. One of André's hands trailed down, and two of his fingers penetrated into her depths with slow, erotic control.

  Watching, Marcy began to feel overheated in this small room. Those eight screens were amazing – they each took in a different angle of the scene. Jennifer's lust-fille
d expression, André's heavy lidded eyes, firm lips and his no-nonsense control, and the sexy detail of what André was doing.

  Holy shit, Marcy thought as a long forgotten aching sensation began between her legs. Something there was throbbing. Her body felt hot and her skin tingled. Without thinking, she put her hand down between her legs and began to touch herself. She imagined Mike doing to her exactly what André was doing to Jennifer.

  Jennifer gave a deep sigh and her hips arched. He moved then, fingering her and rubbing her clit, faster now, yet still in a highly controlled way. He brought her close to the edge, and then let her arousal recede, close to climax, rest, close to climax, rest.

  This torment went on for some time. The woman's chest rose and fell in ragged, rapid breaths. Sweating and moaning for release, Jennifer began to shamelessly beg and plead.

  André was rock hard, yet he seemed to have no thought for himself or his own sexual relief. "Your arms are cuffed over your head," he said in a dark, sexy voice. "You are bound to my will, Jennifer, no?"

  Jennifer gazed at him through heavy-lidded eyes. "Oh, God yes," she gasped. "Yes, Sir!"

  "Do you wish to come for me, ma petite?" he asked, looking into her eyes.

  "Please, oh please, yes Sir!"

  André smiled. "This is my body," he said, grasping her mound firmly. "I want to watch as it reaches orgasm. Do not take your eyes from mine, ma petite." The intent, commanding expression combined with those firm lips on André's implacable face was probably enough to make the woman climax on their own.

  "Yes, Sir," she panted.

  "Good girl," he said.

  André's thumb was circling and stroking her clit. He had three fingers deep inside her. The astute Frenchman was studying her, utterly attuned to his sub. Was he aware of her arousal, and the sexual tension that was building inside her? Could he feel it with his fingers? That exact point where she was just on the peak of orgasm?

  "Come, Jennifer," he demanded abruptly with an authoritative voice. "Come for me now."

  André thrust his fingers deeper, his hand slamming hard against her sensitive entrance. His thumb pressed and flicked against her clit. With the other hand he pinched one swollen aching nipple hard.

  These added sensations clearly pushed Jennifer right over the precipice.

  The woman arched up and cried out with a deep, moaning incomprehensible cry. Her face screwed up in a harsh grimace that looked something like anguished suffering. But clearly whatever she was feeling it was far removed from excruciating pain. Jennifer's hips jerked uncontrollably, wracked with violent spasms.

  Marcy stopped breathing for a moment when she saw the woman's eyes roll back in her head. Holy fuck!

  Jennifer collapsed completely, her knees giving way. André caught her before she injured her wrists. The muscles in her diaphragm rose and lowered with every breath. Her intense orgasmic reaction went on for some time.

  André held tight through her aftershocks. He soothed and stroked Jennifer's skin in a lazy, yet caring manner.

  "Oui, oui, bonne fille, belle fille," he murmured. But most of what he said was in French and Marcy couldn’t understand. The tone of his voice was gentle, praising, soft and appreciative.

  Whew! Marcy figured that if that was an orgasm, she really wanted one. She recalled André's words: Never be afraid to speak of what you crave. That really hit home.

  I've been a big chicken all my life," Marcy decided. Maybe not a chicken. When it comes to men and sex I've been more like a mouse. Well, not anymore.

  Marcy recalled Jennifer's astonishing orgasm, the pink flush of her skin, the light sheen of sweat all over the woman's body and her eyes.

  Suddenly thinking of that romantic comedy, "When Harry met Sally," Marcy giggled. While arguing in a Manhattan deli, the actress Meg Ryan asserts that a man can't recognize when a woman is faking orgasm. To prove her point, she fakes a climax as other diners watch. Then one patron says, "I'll have what she's having."

  Well, Jennifer's orgasm hadn’t been faked, but the sentiment was the same. I'll have what she's having indeed. Man oh man, the woman's eyes actually rolled back in her head! Marcy really wanted to experience a climax just like that. Could she give one to herself? That seemed incredibly doubtful. But could Mike give it to her?

  With an abrupt whirring, the mechanism lowered Jennifer's arms. André unhooked the cuffs from the chain, but left the cuffs on her wrists. He held her by the waist as she stood on shaky legs. For some time he let her recover, holding and stroking her. He didn’t seem to be in a hurry.

  "Can you stand, ma petite?" he asked kindly.

  "Um?" Jennifer said with an obvious internal glow. Her eyes were glazed and dilated with pleasure, her brain attempting to get into gear.

  "I asked if you can stand," he repeated.

  "Oh. Yes, Sir." On trembling legs, she did so.

  "Hands behind your back," he said. Jennifer complied instantly.

  "Oui, very good." André moved behind her and linked her cuffs together, trapping her arms behind her. He moved back around to the front of her. Then he wrapped his hand in her hair and pushed her lower. Jennifer went to her knees.

  "Spread your thighs further apart, Jennifer," he ordered. "I wish to see everything."

  "Yes, Sir," she said and she did so, keeping her eyes on his.

  "So beautiful," he said holding her gaze and standing close – looming dominant and dangerous above her. "The petals of your sex are pink and swollen. The perfume and sight entices a man to taste and to lick such slick female essence. You are stunning like this, flushed from an orgasm, open and available to your Dom." He looked down at her with a fond, yet intent expression.

  "Ma petite, you are on your knees before me," he said in a softly. His knuckles grazed down her face approvingly. "Tell me how it feels to be kneeling before your Dom?"

  "Remarkable," she said. "I feel sexy, feminine and desirable. I just had an amazing climax, yet I'm so turned on right now, just with the thought of pleasing you, Sir."

  "You do please me," he said, rubbing her lips with his thumb. Jennifer opened her mouth, and took his thumb inside her, licking and sucking desperately, as if it was something else. André's soft chuckle was deep with lust.

  "Your nipples are red and swollen, aching to be touched. Your beautiful buttocks are red from my crop. You are bound and helpless, on your knees, waiting to serve me in any manner I wish. Nothing could be more attractive. Your submission has made me very hard, ma petite."

  "I'm glad, Sir."

  "Jennifer, it is in your nature to please your Dom," he observed. "It is who you are. Now tell me what you want.'

  "Please, I want to suck you, Sir."

  "Ah. Just so. Women have unfilled places, sad, empty voids that ache for cock. Your mouth is such a place. Would you like to take my cock inside your mouth, filling that emptiness inside you?"

  Jennifer moaned, apparently too overwhelmed with this erotic vision to speak.

  "Would you like me to give you permission to suck my cock?"

  "Oh… God, yes please," she finally gasped and then added, "Sir."

  André stroked her face again in that fond, affectionate manner that he had. "It is very well, ma petite. Do you suck your husband?"

  "Not often, Sir."

  "Why not?"

  "It's not the same with him," she said. "He begs me to. You allow me to. I can't explain the difference."

  "Charles will be taught how to dominate you, ma petite, for I will instruct him." He laughed then, a sexy, lighthearted sound. "He will learn how to make you sob and beg for the privilege of sucking him, je vous assure. Together you and Charles have love and children and respect for each other. After what I teach you both, you will also enjoy excellent sex as well."

  He took her chin in one strong palm. "How much do you wish to have my cock inside you?"

  "Oh, God," Jennifer moaned. "My mouth is watering. I've never felt like this. I really want it, Sir. Please may I suck you? Please?"

p; His chest shook slightly with his low laugh. "These pleading words are a delightful song from your sweet lips, ma petite. Being allowed to suck a Dom's cock is a great pleasure for a submissive. Do you understand this now? When I say that it is in your nature to please your Dom?"

  "Oh, yes, Sir."

  Marcy watched as André lowered his zipper, taking the rigid length of his erection in his right hand. With a hank of her hair in his fist, he held Jennifer's head with the other. "Open your lips, ma petite, and stay very still."

  She did as she was told, and Marcy watched as he put his pulsing shaft deep in her mouth. "You may suck me now." When her cheeks pulled in and her mouth worked, André's eyes drifted shut for a moment in pleasure.

  "Merde, oui, that is good, very good," he said, petting her head. "That is right. Use your tongue, oui. I very much enjoy the feel of your warm, wet and willing mouth, ma petite."

  He tapped her on the chin as her eyes had lowered, away from his face. When she looked up, his lips curved in that enchanting, gorgeous smile of his. "Would you like me to allow you to swallow my seed?"

  The urgent affirmative nod and sounds indicated yes. André chuckled and removed his cock and Jennifer made a deep sound of protest. He put it back inside his trousers and zipped himself back up.

  "You have pleased your Dom, ma petite," he said, his voice husky and low. "You are a most willing submissive. Your husband, Charles is a lucky man." he took her by the elbow and raised her to her feet. Then he uncuffed her wrists. He walked her to the bed. "Lay on your back, face up, for you have been very good."

  André gave the woman a sensuous kiss that looked as if it made her toes curl. "For your reward, I am going to fuck you."

  Marcy paused the video. She had seen more than enough.

  In three short weeks everything in her life had changed, and she was changing, too. The array of emotions and sensations that had been swirling around her suddenly fell into acute and painful focus. Her skin was tingling, her pulse pounding, and she was short of breath. Her sex throbbed, wanting relief.

  Marcy had been here before. This was the place where her body demanded that something happen, but it never did.