Read Karma Page 15

  I need to fucking come, God damn it.

  30. The Pool Guy

  While Marcy found herself heated to boiling point, in spite of the security room's excellent air conditioning, across town, Trent Berger was completely unaware of the fire he had started with his wife.

  Debra Berger couldn’t stop crying.

  She had managed to keep a straight face, hiding her tears until she made her way out to the pool and cabana, hiding from her household staff.

  While she loved her servants, they would still report back to her father. Daddy always kept a close eye on her, even after she had been married for three years. Debra couldn’t face her servants or her father right now.

  Debra had been talking to Trent on the phone, simply asking him when he expected to be home. But Trent had gotten angry with her and had called her a stupid cunt. A stupid cunt! The shock of him saying such a terrible profanity to her made her head swim.

  Debra could hardly even bring herself to think that horrid word!

  An only child, Debra Berger had experienced a sheltered upbringing. Five foot eight, blonde, and blue-eyed, she had the stunning features and figure of a model. Debra had been the most popular girl at her expensive private Christian school. She had also been one of the first students to sign a virginity pledge and had worn a purity ring promising chastity until marriage.

  That pledge unfortunately slipped during her college years, when she foolishly gave herself to a young man that she thought she was in love with. He had been really mean not long after he had gotten what he wanted. He had called her a "gorgeous, gullible airhead." That had been bad enough.

  But for her husband to call her a stupid 'C'! She flinched with the memory of it.

  When Debra had met Trent she thought she had found love. Trent was a much older man, a man of the world. He didn’t seem to think she was stupid then. He had been thrilled with her views on morality, and had been devoted, and charming. Trent told her that they would wait to make love. Wait until they were married. Obviously he wasn't just after sex like the other younger men were.

  Trent also had a broken heart, and he had turned to Debra with his sorrows. His story had been so sad!

  Trent's wife had been terribly unfaithful, constantly off having sex with a number of other men! His ex-wife, Marcy, was not a Christian woman, and that was where Trent realized he had gone wrong. He never had a proper Christian wife who would be loyal and true. While as a Christian, Debra could never expect to be perfect, she would at least try her hardest to follow the path of Jesus.

  Trent had a daughter from his first marriage. He had assured Debra that although he would always love and support the poor child, he knew that little Katie was not the fruit of his own loins.

  The whole idea of it scandalized her.

  Daddy had been against her marriage with Trent. He wanted her to be with a younger man, a man without an ex-wife. But as Debra had her heart set on Trent, Daddy had given in.

  Debra wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Daddy would be wild with rage if he knew what Trent had said to her. He would be mad at her, too. When her father got angry, which wasn't often, he was a little scary. Debra loved her father, and didn’t want to let him down.

  Maybe Trent was just having a bad day? But no matter how bad a day he was having, there was no excuse for him to call her a stupid 'C.'

  Unfortunately, this incident hadn't been the only thing that had upset her.

  So many little things didn’t add up, and now they were coming to a head. She hated the porn Trent liked to watch, where the women were degraded and heavily made up like something from Sodom and Gomorrah.

  Why would a good Christian man enjoy that? Trent had sex with her whenever he wanted, even if she didn't feel well. Trent would quote from the bible: "Wives be subject to your own husbands - for the husband is the head of the wife." He would also remind her that it was her job to "honor and obey."

  Debra knew that she tended to be naive, yet it was beginning to sink in that perhaps Trent didn’t really care for her. But why then had he married her? Trent rarely went to church anymore. In fact he only seemed to be Christian when it was in his advantage to be so.

  This uncharitable thought overwhelmed her with guilt. Wasn't it her job to be behind her husband 100%? What kind of wife was she, to doubt him?

  A colorful box of Kleenex tissues was placed in her lap, and Debra raised her head.

  "Are you okay, Mrs. Berger?" said a low, kind voice.

  Without waiting for a reply, the pool boy sat down next to her. His name was Martin Quinn. He was a handsome young man, perhaps her age with dark brown hair and golden brown skin. Martin wore cut-off jeans and a t-shirt. Debra had chatted with him, but only a couple of times. She was embarrassed about weeping in front of him.

  "I'm fine," she sniffed, mortified at being discovered crying.

  "I won't tell anyone, I swear," Martin said, somehow understanding her fear. "It's your husband isn’t it? He did something to upset you?"

  Debra couldn't believe her response. She just opened her mouth and unloaded on Martin, explaining what had happened, telling him all her doubts and fears. He was such a good listener. Martin sat through everything she said, occasionally making encouraging comments. He seemed to understand completely.

  "I just feel so stupid. I waited so long. Do you think I might have made a mistake? Do you think I married the wrong man?"

  "You're not stupid," Martin said. "I've been watching you, forever. I think you’re the most beautiful person in the world. You're kind, and caring and upbeat. I don't think Mr. Berger deserves you. I don’t think anyone deserves you!" Martin said vehemently.

  "Really?" Debra said, instantly feeling much better about everything.

  In the end Martin and Debra talked for hours. She heard about his love of animals. Debra loved animals, too. Martin had been putting himself through veterinary school, and was on his final year. She learned about how his parents had died in an accident when he was young, but he had been raised by his grandparents who would love her because "they were the best people in the whole world."

  Martin and Debra both already went to the same church, so they had a number of friends in common.

  It was a small thing, this tiny little incident of an upset wife and a kind friend luckily being right there, on hand to console her. Yet small things sometimes had great consequences. Like a bite from a tsetse fly, a match thrown in a dry forest, or a hairline crack in a dam. Who could have imagined the outcome?

  Even a tiny idea, at the right time or place, could change the world – much less the lives of a few people, all unknowingly going about their own business in Las Vegas…

  31. Kiss

  Mike picked up Marcy, Katie and her friend Sam from their condo just after four pm.

  Everything's different today, Marcy realized, when she saw the hungry determined look in Mike's eyes. Was it because he told me he loved me? Or because he can sense the change in me? Why is he looking at me like that?

  When the two girls ran into their bedroom to get into their swimsuits, Mike quickly pulled Marcy into an out of the way alcove. Stunned, Marcy froze into stillness as she was pinned against a wall by Mike's long, lean body.

  Undeterred, for a long moment he studied her face, drinking it in as if she were the most valuable thing in his world. Never had anyone looked at her the way that Mike did. His open, honest expression made the nervous ice in her veins melt. His sensuous lips mesmerized her.

  He doesn’t just want me, Marcy realized in a jolt of shock. This is something more.

  With his hands firm upon her shoulders, and without a single word, his lips met hers. Other than morning stubble, Marcy had never kissed a man with facial hair. The sensation was unique and enticing.

  Mike shifted one hand, putting it around her jaw and throat. Using his tongue he teased her lips apart. Desire rushed through her, flooding her body in a wave of heat. The heady male taste, scent and feel of him besieged her senses.
  Marcy breathed in a shaky breath, and heard a small sound from deep in her throat. Mike didn’t pull her against him, nor did he deepen the kiss. He only touched her mouth with slow, maddeningly cool control.

  Somehow that made his kiss even more overwhelming.

  Marcy's heart pounded loudly in her chest – thud, thud, thud. Her eyes drifted shut - all the better to feel. Her breath caught as sensation coursed through her. Tingling, throbbing, need. When he pulled back Marcy took a moment for her eyes to open. When they did, she simply stared at him.

  Mike's face was composed. There was nothing to show that he had been affected at all, except for the fire and triumph in his eyes.

  "Oh… wow…" she whispered.

  "Tell me about it," he growled.

  Kissing Mike Thompson had been far more erotic than the times that she had actual had sex. Marcy's whole body throbbed. She felt buzzed, invigorated and alive. She was also lightheaded. Was she going to faint? Maybe she should sit down?

  "Mom! What towel should I bring?" a small voice yelled out from upstairs.

  "I have plenty of towels, Katie," Mike yelled back while still gazing into Marcy's eyes. "Don't bother bringing any."

  Mike took a step backward, away from her. Marcy, on unsteady legs, went to her room to pack a few of her own things – and to sit down and catch her breath.

  The plan was for them to come for a swim at his house, and have dinner there. Mike had a heated lap pool in his backyard, as that was his favorite form of exercise. It was deep enough on one end for diving, too. The other end had a slide for his nieces and nephew to play on. Mike was an extremely doting uncle.

  The two girls chatted happily in the car to each other and to Mike. The November sky was deep blue, set off with a few puffy white clouds, little breeze and with virtually no chance of rain. It had been a warm day, hitting seventy, but had cooled off considerably. With Mike's heated pool, it was never too cold to swim.

  Because of the evening traffic, it was a thirty minute drive to get to northern Las Vegas where Mike lived. Marcy couldn’t stop thinking about that look, and that kiss. Trent had told her that she was frigid, but Mike's kiss had sure defrosted her. She had to wonder, just how hot could he make her anyway?

  Marcy fully intended to tell Mike about why she was avoiding sex. She'd explain about the intimacy she had witnessed with André, and how she realized that while Trent had been living a lie in their marriage, she had been living a lie, too.

  If Jennifer Wittington had been brave enough to take a risk, she could do the same. Why not? Mike would be easy to talk to.

  At thirty-four years old, Marcy had never had an orgasm. That was her big secret. Too bad the damn subject was so embarrassing. Why was that? Was it because she felt flawed? Stupid? Shy? Or was it because she had failed so completely as a woman and a wife?

  At least I'm a good mother, she thought.

  Mike was a wonderful male role model. Katie was constantly seeking him out, holding his hand, or making him play games with her. The patient man seemed to genuinely enjoy Katie's company.

  Her poor daughter had been starved for a bit of male attention.

  When Mike parked his BMW on the driveway, they all got out and the girls raced ahead. Mike put his hand low on her back, courteously guiding her inside. That man and his touching! He intentionally made a point to touch her as often as possible. The heat from his fingers seared her, creating a heavy warmth low in her belly.

  Mike certainly got her going alright. Yet Marcy doubted that she could climax. Somehow she always tensed up, became inexplicably shy or felt stupid in bed.

  "Go on through and I'll get us some wine," he said as they walked past the family room to the glass sliding doors. "White okay with you?"

  "Sure," Marcy said.

  She and the children went straight through to the back yard, where Ziggy joyously ran in circles around the girls, barking and bringing them his Frisbee. The sound of girlish giggles could be heard as they threw the Frisbee as far as they could. Ziggy obediently ran to get it, and then ran back, dropping it at their feet. Back and forth, back and forth, throw, retrieve, throw, retrieve.

  Happy and well-trained, Ziggy was a well-loved member of the family. The dog and the girls adored the game.

  Mike came out with a couple of glasses of 'Yellow Tail' Chardonnay from Australia, and handed her one. She took a sip as she sat down; it was fresh, summery and ice cold. Perfect.

  "You girls go ahead and have your swim," Mike said. "Because I have to get inside and make dinner soon. You can play with Ziggy later."

  "Okay, Mike," they chorused.

  It was Mike's home, so of course he was in control, Marcy thought. Yet the way he spoke to the children in an adult manner, explaining rather than just ordering them around intrigued her. The girls wanted to comply because they liked him. He had already told them to call him Mike, refusing to be called Mr. Thompson.

  Mike's pool furniture was pretty ritzy, and was as comfortable as an indoor couch. They lounged beside each other on separate reclining chairs, supervising the children while they played in the pool.

  "Ziggy, come," Mike gave the quiet command. With his tail wagging, Ziggy instantly galloped over to his master and lay down, rolling over for a tummy scratch. "That's a good dog," Mike said, patting and cuddling him for a long while. "That's my big boy."

  Ziggy sat up suddenly, pricking his ears as a young man stepped through the back gate. Marcy thought he looked about twenty-four years old, with dark brown hair and golden brown skin. Trembling with excitement, Ziggy whined.

  "Hi, Mr. Thompson!" yelled the young man.

  "Hi, Martin," Mike replied, raising a hand in greeting. "Go ahead, Zig. Go. Go visit your pal." Super excited, Ziggy charged off to greet his friend. It was a testament to his training that he didn’t jump up on the young man. Martin petted him and rubbed him with enthusiasm.

  "I just wanted to check over the pool pH balance before Thanksgiving," Martin said. "Is this a bad time?"

  "Will the girls be in the way?"

  Martin looked over at the two kids, smiling at their antics. "No, they're okay."

  "Go ahead then," Mike said.

  "Thanks." With a wave goodbye, Martin disappeared into the locked pool shed, with Ziggy trailing along behind him.

  "You have a pool guy?" she asked. "That's convenient."

  "You bet. He makes it all look easy. I pay him monthly and he takes care of everything in his own time. He's a good kid. He started up this business while putting himself through veterinary school. I think he'll be finished this year."

  The girls giggled riotously while they chased each other. Down the slide, into the water, swim across to climb out, up the stairs, down the slide, and do it all again. Just watching was exhausting. The sounds of laughter, and a subtle trace of chlorine filled the air.

  "Those two are going to sleep well tonight," Mike murmured.

  Marcy laughed and took another sip of wine. "You got that right."

  She smelled a hint of 'Pale Evening Primrose,' before she saw the delicate white flowers in a rock garden near the house. In the heat of the Nevada day, the blooms stay closed. Yet as the sun lowered they opened, release a pleasing unique fragrance.

  With the girls far away and diverted, Marcy thought that it was time to get up the courage to talk to Mike about some things. Swallowing the last of the wine, she put her glass down on the side table. She had even rehearsed exactly how to start the conversation.

  "So, I watched André work with a woman on the screens of the security room today," she began.

  Clearly stunned, Mike sat up straight and turned toward her. "You did?"

  "Yeah, I did," she said.

  He gave her a considering look. "You don't seem disturbed or upset. That's probably a good sign. Did you want to tell me about it?"

  Marcy inhaled a deep breath and leaned forward, resting her elbows on her knees. "I told André that I thought it was one of the most beautiful things I have
ever seen in my life."

  Mike's eyes widened and he gave her a slow smile of understanding. "You saw an intimate moment where two people were being completely honest with each other."

  "Yep," Marcy said, not at all surprised that Mike understood. "That's exactly what I saw."

  Katie gave a high-pitched scream and then a shriek of laughter. The other young girl, Sam, yelled, "Got cha! You're it!" and took off running back along the pool and then up the rungs of the slide.

  Mike jumped to his feet and strode toward them. "Hold on girls," he barked out in a no- nonsense command.

  The two girls stopped immediately and looked at him.

  "I love your game," he said. "It looks like a lot of fun. The problem is that with all this water, and you two running, I'm worried that one of you is going to slip and hurt yourself. So this is what I'm thinking. You girls play the exact same game but, you are only allowed to walk real fast, okay? No running."

  "Okay, Mike," they said together, and started their game up again, but this time at a rapid walk.

  The interaction astonished Marcy. Mike had snapped out that order in a fatherly, loving and concerned way. The kids hadn't been frightened by him at all. They were happy to obey him. She was shocked that Mike would feel empowered to correct her child, but she was also comforted by his protective instincts and natural authority. Mike had the kids' best interest at heart.

  Already he was a better father than Trent had ever been. That fact was a little overwhelming.

  Mike grinned at her as he walked back to her. "To you, Marcy," he said, raising his glass toward her in a toast. "A rare and amazing woman, able to see past the details and understand exactly what it is that André does." Mike drank the last of it down in a gulp. He put the glass next to hers on the table.

  A flush of pleasure raced through her at his praise. Marcy supposed that she should be getting used to it by now. Unlike Trent, who only seemed to notice what she did wrong, Mike constantly pointed out all the things she did right.

  Marcy explained how she had first seen André kissing Jennifer's scars and admiring the evidence of childbirth. She detailed the riding crop, which freaked her out, and the woman's amazing orgasm, as well as Jennifer and André's candid discussions.